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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"I wasn't planning on it." She told Jake and shrugged her shoulder. "If she's over it by the fight, she's over it. If she's not then she'll get over it. She knew I meant nothing by it."

She drove them home and pulled into the garage. She shut the car off and closed the garage door before getting out of the car and going into the house. Owen was up and walking around with her dad following close behind.

That put a smile on her face and she picked him up once he walked towards her and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. "I love watching you walk boy." She told him and set him down. "Let me change into something comfortable and then you can guys can go, okay?" She went upstairs and changed into some compression pants and a loose tank top before going back downstairs.
Jake sighed. Of course she wouldn't apologize for something that was her fault. "Hopefully it doesn't effect your friendship."

He walked in with Adri and smiled at Owen. "Was he good?"

Jake thought about what Luke said about putting some weight on. He had to be smart. "Luke wants me to eat. I'm down four pounds. I need to eat something healthy, you're welcome to stay for dinner if you'd like." He figured they'd want more time with Owen now he's on the move and Adri would have them to talk to.
"Jake just stay out of it. It'll blow over."

Her father took him back and set him on the ground, "Of course he was good. We will never tell you any different." Owen walked around the dining room and Adri walked into her living which was a mess with toys and balls and cars on the floor.

"Well it looks like he had fun." She said softly and sat on the couch.

"I think I have something you might like. Healthy and filling and full of protein but it tastes good too. You go do whatever you do and I'll cook it up." She patted his chest and sent him off. She went to the fridge to see if they had what she needed. She'd have to substitute some things but for the most part she could make dinner for the five of them.
"Fine...just tryint to help." He put his hands up.

He rolled his eyes. "He could be awful and you wouldn't tell me." He shook his head and looked at Owen. "You better have been good ir daddy is going to get you." He pretended to chase him and Jake scooped him up attackin him with kisses which resulted in him squealing and smiling. He set him down.

"Mom you don't have to cook. I can cook." He knew she more than likely wouldn't allow him to. He had one ear bud in and sat next to Adri. "Why are you letting your mom cook? Isn't that your job?" He smiled and teased. He was totally kidding. They both cooked. He kissed her shoulder and grabbed her hand. "You okay?" He asked softly and looked at her in her eyes.
"I can cook and I will cook. You sit down." She waved a wooden spoon at him and got to work.

Adri raised an eyebrow at him and flipped through the channels on TV. "I'm fine. Tired and stressed, I guess." She told him and kept flipping through the channels. She found a kids channel and switched it to and then she just played on her phone with the channel playing in the background.

"I might go to the gym before dinner." She told him and checked the time. "How long is dinner going to take?" She asked her mother.

"About an hour if your oven works properly."

Adri nodded her head, "Yeah in going to go do some cardio and then take a shower."
Jake was worried about Adri but she said she was okay. He needed to mentally prepare for the fight. He couldn't be fighting with her. He let what happened with her early go so he'd let this go too. "Okay." He looked at Owen playing.

"I'll watch Owen. Enjoy okay..." He looked at her and took his music off and sat on the floor to play with Owen. They played with cars and trucks. Jake kissed Owen's head.

"Thanks for helping out right now. Well any time. I get in a zone when I'm preparing for a fight. I think this is the most I've done and said after weigh ins ever. I'm kinda nervous. I think I upset Adri, and for that I'm sorry. She really wants the lemon bars so that's okay for me. I'll like anything you'd make."
Her mother frowned, "Adri is very spoiled. I can't argue there but I don't think she's upset about lemon squares. She doesn't get upset about food. Not like that at least. Give her some space and she'll come out of it on her own."

Adri went to the gym and did a hard run for about 45 minutes and then she went to her bathroom and took a nice long shower. While she was upstairs, she checked her emails and took care of some work related things before going back downstairs.

Dinner was almost ready by the time she came down. She was starving so she was more than ready to eat. She set the table and poured some drink for everybody and then helped re mother put it all on the table.

"So this is a chicken breast stuffed with spinach and a little bit of cheese and then asparagus and red baby potatoes. It will feel you up but it's all pretty healthy." Her mother told Jake. "I think you'll like it."
"I don't help with that...I spoil her too but she spoils me right back." He smiled a bit. "I know she isn't upset about that. But I want her happy regardless." He gave her a shrug.

The boys picked up the living room. Jake had Owen help. He wanted to teach him young to pick up his toys and put things where they go. the girls tried to get a few toys out after they put it back and he gave their noses a tap and told them no.

Jake told Owen to race him to the table. He pretended to be running fast but let Owen win but scooped him up and kissed his cheek before putting him in his high chair. "How was your work out?" He gave Adri a kiss.

He looked at the food. "Can you hear my stomach growling. Oh my. I can not pig out. Do not let me pig out. It smells amazing. That Mom." He gave her mother a hug. He really did miss his mother being around and cooking for him or doing other things a mother does for her children, even though they are grown up. He sat down and just looked at the food a moment, being quiet. Why couldn't his mother give a damn?
"It was good. I had a good sweat and took my shower for the night so I can hop into bed later. Maybe actually get some sleep tonight but I dou that will happen." She tickled under Owens chin and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you for cooking mom." She told her mother before taking a sip of wine. If she drank the bottle then she would sleep all night but she'd also be drunk and probably have a hangover tomorrow which wasn't ideal.

When everyone sat down her father said a quick grace and then everyone could dig in.
Jake tried to teach Owen how to pray. "Pawpaw is going to say grace. We gotta pray. Fold your hands." He tried showing him and bowed his head. He held his hands but didn't put his head down. Jake was happy with that. Once grace was said Jake got some food on the tray for Owen. "Dig in big guy." Owen took a bite of food and said 'Mmmm.' Jake chuckled, "You got O's seal of approve Mom."

Her father looked at Jake, "Are you ready for tomorrow?" Jake gave him a nod. "I am. I'm excited for it. I'm pumped up for it. The nervousness hasn't kicked in yet. I'm just anxious. Tomorrow I may have an upset stomach and be struggling a bit. This is my shot. I may not get a lot of them." He took a drink.

"I appreciate you being here tonight. No"rmally I'm pretty quiet and probably boring to Adri." He looked at her. "Thanks for putting up with me all the time. I know it's not easy babe." He rubbed her leg.

"Are you excited to see the fight live and in person?" He asked her parents.
Adri smiled at Jake and rubbed his hand.

Her father nodded her his and chewed his food. "I've never been to a fight before. I'm very excited to cheer you on. And on such a big night. We can't wait to see you kick this guys ass. Especially after what's he's been saying about my little girl."

Her agreed, "Yes. We are proud of you for make it this far and we will be so happy for you if you get this belt. But we are proud of you for making it this far." She assured him. "But yes and no. I'm not excited to see you in the ring but I am excited to go and support you."
Jake looked down a moment. "I apologize for that. That's my fault. If I didn't do this she wouldn't be subject to the verbal insults. I can reassure you though, even if I lose I will make him pay for what he had said. No one speaks about her like that and gets away with it." He let out a sigh. The whole thing frustrated him and pissed him off. "He's lucky to still have his head attached. It's taking a lot to keep my cool around him."

He took a few bites of food and looked at her mother with a small smile. "Now I understand where Adri gets it from. She gets worried." It was nice that her mother was worried about him in the cage. He would be okay with his mom being worried but that would mean she had to care. "It really means a lot that you guys are going. Especially you." He looked at her mother. "With it being hard to see me in the cage. I appreciate the support." He smiled and looked around. How could he lose when he had this to come home to at the end of the night.

"It will be pretty hectic tomorrow so you probably won't see much of me. Sorry for that. Don't take it personal. Normally I'm getting mentally and physically prepared." He gave them a run down of how things went. "Baby...if things get too hectic have dad or Amy help. Especially with Connor."

He looked at her. "You should have waited to shower. I'm thinking we should soak in the hot tub tonight. Yes we." He smiled at her.
"No it's not your fault. There are boundaries and lines that you don't cross with any job and he crossed them all. That's nothing but bad parenting right there. I'd hate to see how kids treat people." Her father grumbled and her mother rubbed his hand.

"I have tomorrow covered. Don't worry about it. Focus on the fight." She told him and tried to hold back a big yawn. "If Amy's talking to me I will. If not I'll figure it out. Dana has almost everything covered though." He was more publicity focused and she knew Connor and his family would be in good hands. Dana wanted them all to leave happy and she was sure they would all leave very happy.

"I'm tired Jake. I don't want to go in the hot tub. I just want to rock O to sleep and then go to sleep myself." She looked tired without all of the make up the nights of a few hours of sleep were catching up to her. She needed to put a mask on her face to rehydrate and refresh. Maybe she'd do that before bed.

"If you guys want to jump in go ahead. Owen shouldn't be in the hot tub so we will sit inside with the dogs while you guys soak."
"I refuse to attack his family. I will make him pay in the cage. He told Adri he was going to end my career, I feel bad for wanting to do that very thing to him. I'm not going to fight dirty, but inflict as much pain as possible. I want him to wake up for days or weeks regretting the things he said." Jake looked at Adri. "No one talks about my girl like that."

He gave her a nod to focusing on the fight. "Thanks babe. I'm glad I have you to keep my head on straight and keep things in order." He kissed her cheek.

Owen finished food and reached at Adri and Jake saying, "Mo mo"

"You want more? " Owen reached and opened and closed hid hand saying, "Mo." Before nodding. Jake gave him more food.

"Babe if you're too tired it's okay. I just thought it would be relaxing for both of us. But it's okay." He took a drink.
Adri smiled at Jake and kept eating. She ate about half of her food and then focused on the glass of wine in front of her. "Maybe we can hot tub another day."

After dinner, Adri too the dishes and rinsed them off before putting them in the dishwasher. She took the tray off of the high chair and washed that off before she cleaned Owen's face and hands up. She said good bye to her parents and set Owen in the living to play.

She was glad her living room was cleaned but she had a feeling Owen was going to destroy it again. As long as he wasn't crying she was fine with that. She laid across the couch and watched him play. Bam laid with her and Rocky played with O.
Jake helped Adri clean up the table. When her parents left he gave her mother a hug, thanking her for the food. He told them he'd see them the next day.

He went in and sat on his chair with his music, closing his eyes relaxing, or trying to. He got up. "I'm going to go soak. Holler if need me." He walked over and gave Adri a kiss. He went outside and stripped down getting in the hot tub. With no one staying in the guest house he didn't have to worry about anyone seeing him naked.

He got comfortable with his shoulders down under water. The nerves were starting to kick in. It was nice everyone would be there to support him. It was also nice they all said they wanted him to win, but it would be okay if he didn't. This was his shot. He came so far, it was his turn to end up on top.

With his phone on a chair with a towel, he missed the fact Eminem reached out to him on social media since he used his song as his entrance song. He wished him luck and had a video collage of Jake training and fighting. It started out with Eminem's entire intro to 'Lose Yourself.' ("If you had one seize everything you ever wanted...") It then had his "Kings Never Die" as well as other lyrical quotes on the screen. Eminem had it professionally made and wanted to meet Jake sometime.
Owen played on the floor with his toys and Rocky and when he got tired of them he walked over to Adri and played with her. When he got sleepy, she picked him up and let him lay with her. They watched some TV and he fell asleep on her arm. she was happy that he was asleep and she fell asleep soon after with her other arm wrapped around him so he wouldn't fall off the couch.

Her phone went off because once again Jake was blowing up on Twitter but she was asleep ad she didn't feel the vibrations of her phone.

Rocky woke her up with her barking since she was still too small to jump on the couch. Adri picked her up and then covered herself and Owen in a blanket. If she was going to stay on the couch, she would trade positions with him so he was in the inner corner of the couch and she was on the outside so he really wouldn't fall off of the couch.
After awhile of soaking, Jake got out and wrapped a towel around himself after drying off a bit. He grabbed his clothes and walked inside. He saw his family passed out on the couch and he smiled. He went upstairs to jump in the shower. He washed the chlorine off and put on a pair of boxer briefs and shorts.

Jake then went downstairs and picked Owen up to take him to bed. "Baby, go lay down in bed." He whispered to Adri. "I'll take care of the dogs when I get him in bed." He took Owen to his room and just took his jeans off of him and let him sleep in his onsie. He didn't want to wake the little guy. He gave him a kiss on the head and told him he loved him.

He then went downstairs to let the dogs out and he checked his phone while we waited for them to come back in. Jake saw the post and then smiled at the video. He thought it was pretty damn cool.
"Okay." Adri said in her sleep and let go of Owen so Jake could take him. She did tell herself to get up and go to be bed but the couch was so comfortable and she was so warm and she fell back asleep on the couch.

After a few days of not get to a full nights rest and chasing after a new walker, she was tired. She was more tired than when she worked back to back days with a time change. At least then she never teased herself with sleep. It felt like every night was a tease but she was finally getting so,e rest on the couch.

She turned around so she was facing the back of the couch and pulled Rocky up so she could cuddle her like she did with Owen but mainly to get her out of the way so she could curl her legs up.
Jake wanted to share with Adri what Eminem did but instead didn't want to wake her up just to share that. He looked at Adri on the couch and had a feeling she would be uncomfortable in the morning but he knew she was tired so he let her stay on the couch.

Max came in and went up to Owen's room and the puppies were with Adri so Jake shrugged and went up to bed. He at least could get a good night's sleep hopefully.

Once comfortable in bed he thanked Eminem for the video and his support. He also told him to meet up sometime that he was in LA. Jake then got comfortable and fell asleep.
The next morning Adri woke up and stretched peacefully. It wasn't the most comfortable couch in the world but she slept in it all night which was something that hadn't happened in a while so she was happy.

She got up and folded the blanket she used and draped it over the back of the couch. She took the puppies out to pee and gave them food. She put food in Max's bowl but he wouldn't leave Owen's side until Owen was awake.

She checked her phone and saw the video Eminem made for Jake and she reposted with hearts and the hashtag BigDay and KnockHimOut. Instead of food for breakfast, she made a smoothie for him to sip on when he woke up.
Jake woke up and felt good too for the good night's sleep. He did hope Adri slept well. He was comfortable so he just laid in bed a bit before finally getting up.

He checked on Owen who was still asleep. Max raised his head when Jake peeked in but put it back down when he realized it was just Jake. He then went downstairs.

Jake wrapped his arms around Adri from behind. He kissed her neck and shoulder. "Morning babe. How did you sleep?" He kept kissing her neck. He saw the smoothie. "Thanks baby. Will you make me just some eggs? Doesn't have to be right now. O is still out, so I'm letting him sleep." He let go of Adri and picked up the puppies. "How was sharing the couch with these two?"
"I slept very well. They were easy to sleep with. They cuddled me for a few hours and then they cuddled each other by my feet."

She nodded her head to making eggs. "Yeah. I'll make some for Owen too and he can have some honey nut cherrios." She went to the fridge to at least pull out the eggs and then she went to the pantry and grabbed the cereal.

"I saw the video Em made. That was pretty cool. Did you see Ed Sheeren's Shape Of You music video? It looks kind of like us. If I were a boxer." She laughed.
That sounded just like the girls. They would fight during the day and then cuddle later at night. "At least they let you sleep. I almost carried you up to bed but I didn't want to disturb you. I was hoping you wouldn't be sore today. It was nice having the bed to myself though." He teased. "Hell I'll have a bed to myself for a few days. Sweet." He smiled and gave her butt a pat. He held the girls who gave him kisses and he chuckled.

"Thanks babe." He grabbed his smoothie and took a few drinks. "I'm starting to get nervous. Really nervous." He let out a sigh.

He smiled. "Wasn't that awesome? I think it's cool he reached out. Other fighters have used other songs of his but he's never done this that I know of...." Jake thought about it. "No I haven't. I'll have to check it out." He kissed her cheek.
"Thank you for leaving me on the couch. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately so I needed last night. Which is why I have been moody and now I feel bad about Amy. I didn't mean to snap at her but she shouldn't have called me a bitch. That's for damn sure."

She nodded her head about Eminem. "Yeah that was really cool. Aw you're special. Maybe he feels some sort of connection took u because of the mama drama. And the baby mama drama." She rolled her eyes.

She looked at Jake and smiled at him, "I love you." She said softly. "And I'm sorry about yesterday. I do want you to focus on the fight and I didn't make it easy yesterday but I'm fine today and I feel better today. I'll take care of everything today. I just want you to know I'm proud of you and I love you and I can't wait to see where you go from here."
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