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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Deal. And I'll look for ideas online, while I'm on the flight or something." He smiled at her.

Jake didn't see a problem with getting a swing for inside. "That's fine. If it helps him sleep, I'm for it. They have those ones you put in from the ceiling that swing or he can bounce himself. With him walking now, it may not be a bad idea. That way he gets to exercise his legs and can swing. They have different settings I think." He shrugged. "You can get something if you want while I'm gone. If you need help installing it, call Luke."

He smiled. "That's so nice of your mom. I do kind of want pasta to have more energy for the fight. But if it's my choice shouldn't I be allowed to pick what I want instead of what you want?" He teased with a smile before hip bumping her. Owen moved a bit in the stroller and fussed a little before being quiet again. "What was that about?" He looked at Owen.
She laughed, "Yeah, we should get that playground before Amy has him running ragged to get everything put together for their baby room. Poor guy won't want to build anything for a while after they get the baby room put together. I'll try to be good for you so you don't have to worry about that. You can build the crib and we can hire out the rest of the building and what not." She told him.

"Oh hush. It was just an idea and you haven't had her lemon squares so you don't know how much you are missing out on. Once you taste them you'll be like 'Wow Adri this was a great idea. Thank you so much!'" She smiled.

She shrugged her shoulder about O and checked him out. "Maye a bad dream?" She said softly and put the hood back down. "Or he doesn't like it when you are mean to me." She teased.
Jake could use help to put that together for sure. "Good idea. I'll help him put together anything he needs it. That's the thing about being brothers. We help each other out. But thanks for looking out for me." He kissed her cheek. "But I don't mind putting things together. Finding time with training is the key. Especially for Luke. He is a busy guy."

He chuckled. "Maybe I want something else of hers. I'll discuss it with your mom. Don't take my meal from me. I'll decided what I want." He teased her back.

Jake was a little worried when their son just makes a noise for no reason. "Maybe a dream. I wasn't mean to you. Don't turn this around on me woman." He bumped her again. Before long they were home and Jake let Adri take Owen up to his room and he put the stroller away in the garage for next time.

He went inside and grabbed some Pedialyte and relaxed on the couch a bit.
"True. I guess you're going to have to train all the time when you're champ. You can't just wait for a fight. I know you train a lot right now, even when you don't have a fight but I can see you doing even more training and learning new methods and stuff. Our lives are going to be even more hectic."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine. I'll just wait until my birthday but you can't ask for anything when it's my turn." She told him and stuck her tongue out at him again. "You're such a butt sometimes."

Adri scooped Owen out of the stroller and was going to take him to his room but he made the noise again and she held him until Jake came back inside, "Will you get me the sling?" She asked him. He hatd the body carrier but he was sleeping and he would know he was in it until he woke up.

She wrapped him up against her chest and then sat on the couch next to Jake. "He doesn't want to be alone. He told me that." She smiled. She got up to let the girls out of the cage and then went back to the couch. The girls wrestled each other. Max sniffed Owen and then laid down, "I think he judges sometimes." She said about Max. "I think he thinks we are bad parents. He's so judgy."
"Baby this my work. A lot of people work eight to twelve hour days. My day shouldn't be different. I have to work hard to stay on top. You know that. It won't be that bad though. I promise." He kissed her cheek.

He chuckled. "I'm not guaranteeing anything about these lemon squares. Maybe I'll pick them. Maybe I won't I will choose whatever I decide is best for me and my win. You want me to win right? What if I choose the wrong food...and I lose." He teased. "I know, but you love my butt." He winked at her.

Jake grabbed the sling and gave it to her. "Is he dreaming again?" He rubbed his templed and kissed his head. "My poor buddy." Jake looked at her when she sat down with him. "Mmhmm Doesn't want to be alone huh? Yeah he will be in our bed when I'm gone. I can see it now." He smiled at Max. "Why is he judging us? He's fine. He gets food, clothes and house over his head. He's fine." He looked at Max, "He's fine." Jake put his earbuds in to focus a bit but enjoyed just sitting with his family. He was starting to get quiet like he always did before a fight.
"This meal is for after your fight. It has nothing to do with if you win or lose. I am just saying, if you want sex that night, if we aren't too full, you would pick the lemon squares for dessert." She shrugged her shoulder. "But it's up to you."

She shrugged her shoulder, "Maybe because O is his boy." She shook her head, "I just know Max will blame us if anything ever happens to Owen. That's why we don't tell him about New York." She explained. She pushed Owen's hair back and turned the TV on to watch something to make the time pass.

Her father rang the doorbell when they came by. O was usually in his room for nap time and didn't hear the doorbell but since he was down stairs is startled him awake. Adri rocked Owen and answered the doorbell. She unlatched the sling so Owen had more movement and kept rocking him to calm him down.
"I thought she was cooking tonight. My bad. And trust'll want me." He smiled at her and gave his eyebrows a wiggle.

Jake looked at her. "Baby...Max was in New York...maybe after the fact but still." He scratched Max's head before the girls wanted up on the couch so he let them up.

When her parents arrived he just smiled and waved. He didn't want to be rude so he took one of his earbuds out. "Hey there. How are you guys?" Jake took a drink of Pedialyte. It honestly wasn't too bad. He grew to like it. He got up and kissed Adri's cheek. "I'm gonna go check my bag and change so I'm ready to go."
"He was there after. We were talking by the time he was in New York." It was a sad way of knowing when Max was there but it was a way of knowing.

She nodded her head and watched him walk off. "He likes to be alone at this time. He'll be totally quiet tomorrow." She explained because they weren't really around Jake during this time.

She closed the door and walked them to the front room. "How are the guys?" She asked about her brothers. "Owen and I will come over to dinner on Sunday. If Jake wins he has to do interviews as champ. I want to do something when he comes back. He's bummed he won't get to party right after so maybe we can throw something for him." She shrugged her shoulder.

She sat in the chair and handed Owen off to her mom. They spoke about how they were doing and her brothers and Drew and Thanksgiving plans. Adri had the dates for the Christmas trip but she didn't know anything else. That was on the list of things that she and Jake needed to do.
Jake didn't mind that they could tell things from when they were talking or not. The reason was, now they were talking and better than ever. "We were doing more than just talking in New York." He smiled a bit.

He was glad she explained to her parents that he liked to stay to himself. It wasn't them, it was just his tradition of how he got ready for the fight. He needed to be focused and mentally prepared. He had to have himself be ready for anything to come up. He checked his bag to make sure he had everything he needed for weigh ins. After that stuff was ready he grabbed his fight clothes and put them in the bag. He grabbed his fight gloves and put them in. Luke would have tape and pads to warm up. He knew Luke would have the warm up gear and corner supplies so he didn't have to worry about that. He would just need his water and maybe stuff to eat or drink before the fight and he could grab that tomorrow.

Once he was all set he grabbed his bag and came downstairs in his Reebok shirt, shorts, and pants as well as a pair of Reebok shoes. "Can I voice how much I hate Reebok...let me wear what I want...ugh." He smiled and looked at Owen who was still out with her mom. "I heard you were cooking for me after I win?"
"I just wish the pants were grey." Adri said softly and shrugged her shoulder. "Dana will come around eventually his fighters are upset by the Reebok deal. He will figure out a way to make Reebok and other advertisers to work together." She shrugged her shoulders. "At least I get to pick your shorts." She smiled happily. "I won't be happy if he takes that privelage away."

She patted the spot on the couch next to her for him to come and sit down. Her mother nodded her head, "I am. Whatever you want. Breakfast, lunch or dinner." She smiled.

"Well he wants the lemon squares for dessert. He hasn't picked dinner yet." Adri told her and rubbed Jake's knee.

"Adrianna..." Her mother raised an eyebrow.

"Well he's getting for his fight. I didn't get anything for my billboard. In Times Square, mind you. And all over the world." She added.

"Adrianna!" Her mother looked at Jake and signed, "Jake do you mind if Adrianna buts in with her lemon squares. This is your day after all."

Her father laughed, "She always had a way of getting what she wanted on day that weren't hers."

Adri shrugged. "He doesn't mind." She smiled and looked at Jake, "Do you Boo?"
"Let me guess, the tight short shorts?" He asked with a smile.

Jake sat down next to Adri and rested his hand on her leg. "OOooo Anything I want. Hmm. I'll really have to think about it. You know what really sounds good? Meatloaf and mashed potatoes." He smiled and gave her mom a nod. "Yeah meatloaf."

He gave Adri a look. "Really babe!?" He rolled his eyes. "Someone is jealous. How many times have you had your lemon bars? Maybe I want something else." He wasn't at all surprised she got her way a lot, even when it wasn't her day. "She is the girl of the family, doesn't surprise me. She uses her tricks to get her way here too. But she's not the only girl anymore." Jake picked up Rocky, "Huh?" Rocky gave Jake kisses.

"I actually do mind." He looked at Adri before looking at her mother. "What other choices do I have?"
"And Mac and cheese?" Adri asked and smiled at Jake. "I mean might as well that goes perfectly with meat loaf." She said and shrugged her shoulder. "I'm just saying." She added.

She rolled her eyes and picked up Bam. "Yes, yes. We have two girls to think of. Blah, blah , blah. I'm not jealous." She scoffed and rolled her eyes when he said he minded. "He's such a pain sometimes." She laughed.

Her mother laughed, "You can have whatever you want Jake and I mean it. If I don't have the recipe then I will find it but whatever ynot I want will be yours." She smiled. "Adri you can wait."

Adri sighed and rolled her eyes but she'd get her bars while Jake was gone and she wasn't going to share with him.
Jake looked at Adri. "I'll compromise with the mac and cheese. Mac and cheese and meat loaf could go together. I'll give you that." He smiled at her and patted her leg.

"You are jealous I'm getting food. And you're not." He stuck his tongue out at her. "Don't make me put you in a head lock. Cause I will." He smiled at her. "You're a pain always." He teased and moved so he didn't get hit.

Jake thought about it for a moment. "Anything? And no judgement from Adri?" He gave Adri a look. "It's a thing my mom made. It's called Twinkie Delight. You use Twinkies on the bottom cut in half, then a layer of vanilla pudding, then cool whip and then sprinkle Heath candy bar bits on top or strawberries. Or heck both." He smiled. It was a nice memory of something his mother did. "It's so bad for you but sooo delicious. She used to make it on holidays." He smiled and looked at Adri.
"My dad is right there and he will kick your ass." She threatened. She didn't have to hit him. She'd get him back for that later.

Adri shook her head to no judgement, "It's my job to judge."

She looked away from him as he said what was in the Twinkie a Delight. She made a face but he couldn't see it. She smiled at him and patted his thigh. "That's a lot Boo. But it's whatever you want." She laughed. "And I'll probably only eat the strawberries." She laughed.

"You're lucky I love you." She told him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "But I do want my Lemon squares." She told her mother who shook her head and laughed.
Jake shook his head, he knew her dad wouldn't do anything. "I'm not scared."

When she made a face he looked at her and then back to her mother, not sure what she did. Then she laughed at him. His smile faded. "You're right. Just stick with the lemon squares. They are probably healthier anyway." He gave her a nod before looking at her mother. "The lemon squares are fine." He offered her a smile. "Thanks for offering. You don't have to do that."

He let Rocky down and then got up. "I think I forgot something I need today. I'm sorry. I'll be right back." He got up and went upstairs into the bathroom of their bedroom and shut the door behind him and locked it. He looked at himself in the mirror for a minute and didn't understand why all that bothered him, but it did.
"You hear that dad? He's not scared of you." She told him and looked at Jake like he messed up.

Her father laughed and shook his head, "You're not pulling me into this one. You and Jake can figure it out yourselves."

Adri frowned and groaned, "So much for having my back."

Adri smiled and her mother gave her a sharp look. "Jake you want a Twinkie Delight then you'll get it. Adrianna for that you can make your own lemon squares. You have the recipe. This is Jake's day. You are a brat sometimes. Marriage about give and take. Give this to him and don't try to take it."

Adri sighed, "Twinkie Delight it is." She said softly. She frowned when he went upstairs. She was just kidding with him. She didn't think he'd take it personally. Her mother snapped at her when he left and she got up to make it right. She went to their bathroom and tried to open the door but found it locked.

"Boo, come on. I was just kidding." She told him. "It's not like lemon squares are any healthier. They're nothing but sugar and a dash of lemon juice."
"That's not what I said. I'm just not afraid of him coming after me about that is all." He gave her a look when her dad said he was saying out of it. "Oo look who didn't get her way now."

Jake didn't really hear much of her mother telling her about give or take. He had other things going through his head and if it was about something else he probably would have agreed and chimed in about it.

It wasn't about her comment about it being unhealthy, but just the fact she made fun of it all together when really asked her not to. They were poor growing up so it was a big deal when his mom would make that for him. He hadn't had it in years and really he didn't remember the last time he had it. It was a memory of his childhood. A memory that was good of his mother. "It's okay. No sweat. I'm fine." After flushing the toilet he turned the water on and splash it on his face but wanted it to seem like he was just washing his hands. He walked out of the bathroom. "We probably should be heading to weigh ins."
"Boo, come on." She tried to grab his arm but he slipped away from her and asked to head to weigh ins.

She sighed and followed him downstairs. She went to her parents, "Thank you for watching O again. We will be back in a couple of hours." She gave her dad a kiss and then whispered something in her moms ear before kissing her temple. She rubbed Owen's cheek since he went back to sleep.

She grabbed her purse and she was ready to head to weigh ins. She got in the car with him and drove them to the space. "Boo, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. If you want mom will make it."
Jake thanked her parents after getting downstairs. He didn't want to look like an ass so he felt he should definitely say thank you. He gave Owen a kiss on the head before grabbing his bag and heading out to the garage to get in the car. He put his sunglasses on and took a drink of Pedialyte waiting for Adri.

"It's fine. I really shouldn't eat it. Especially a whole lot of it since you won't eat any. May as well make something everyone will eat and enjoy." He just looked out the window and stayed quiet, putting his earbuds in.

When they got there he walked in with her and knew he needed to get prepared mentally for what Bisping had up his sleeve. He pulled an earbud out and looked around for Luke and Adri. Jake pointed to them. "They are over there."
She left him alone for the rest of the car ride and while she parked and while they walked into the place. He would get his pie thing and she'd make it up to him. It would be nice if she could get her mom out to make it for him but she doubted she would come.

"I'll send Luke over." She told him Anne went to Luke and Amy. She pointed to where Jake was and Luke left.

She said hi to Amy and then she was on her phone to get something done. She was getting annoyed but at least she was getting somewhere with her plan. Then she made another call as weigh ins started. It wasn't Jakes turn so she went into the hallway to finish the call and she was back by the time Jake and Bisping were being introduced.
Jake gave Adri a nod to her getting Luke. He gave Amy a nod to say hello and she smiled at him. He went over with the other fighters to get ready for weigh ins. A few of the other guys said hello to him and he said hello back.

Amy smiled at Adri and was curious what was going on. "Everything okay? You almost missed Jake." She smiled at her and turned to watch the stage.

They called Jake's name and he went out on the stage. Luke was right behind him and Jake kicked off his shoes, took his shirt off, and then his Reebok pants. "I really don't care to see my brother in his underwear. Please tell me he is good on weight and will still have them on." She teased Adri, "Not that you mind. Is his underwear Reebok too or do they get to wear whatever kind they want on those?" She knew Jake's frustration with Reebok but understood why they did it too.

Jake was down to his underwear and walked onto the scale. Luke had all his clothes in his hands as well as his Pedialyte. "181." Jake put his arms up and flexed before stepping off and getting his pants back on and waiting for Bisping to do the same. Luke looked at Jake, "Well we will take that extra pound. He's going to be close, you may need to eat tonight. Eat good though." Jake gave him a nod and Dana told him he was excited to see this fight as Bisping stripped down and got on the scale. "184" Their weight class was 185 lbs so he just made it. Luke handed him his drink a second as Bisping got his pants on. "Keep cool Jake." Jake gave him a nod and handed him the Pedialyte back.
"I'm fine. Just trying to fix something but the other person is bullheaded and pissing me off." Adri huffed and watched the stage.

She shrugged her shoulder, "I don't keep track of his underwear." She snapped and crossed her arms.

Amy took it over the top, "Well you're the one always talki about what he wears and grey sweatpants. Do you think I gave a damn? I'm trying to help you out here but if I u want to keep your head up your ass then so be it. We'll just stand and watch in silence." Amy crossed her arms. Her hormones were making her fume. "I'm not whoever you were talking to on the phone. You're not treating me like that without me saying anything." She added.

Adri closed her eyes and sighed. She didn't mean to snap but it seemed fitting that everyone in Jake's family was mad at her. Adri watched the weigh ins and pinched the bridge of her nose. She was more than ready to go and be ignored by Jake and Amy somewhere else.
Jake walked up to the middle of stage to strike his fight pose for the weigh in photo. Bisping already had a shitty grin on his face. "Where's the wife? She in the crowd?" He put his hands up. Dana was close just in case. "Is she fun in bed? I bet she is. I'm sure there are plenty of guys I could ask. How does it feel having your future wife have naked photos all over the internet? Damn what a whore." He made a racist comment again and chuckled as Jake just stared him down.

Jake finally grinned. "You only wish your wife looked that good. I can't even say anything about your wife cause well no one cares how ugly she is." No one but Dana and Bisping heard Jake and Bisping took off after Jake and Dana stopped him. Jake just walked over to Luke to get the rest of his stuff before heading back to his bag.

Once every one was done he was free to go. Security made sure Bisping steered clear of Jake and vice versa. Jake could careless where Bisping was. The guys went out to find the girls once it was over. Clearly there was some tension. Jake looked back and forth between the two of them. "What's going on?"
"Nothing. Are you ready?" Adri asked and fished her keys out of her purse.

"Your fiancé is acting like a total bitch that's what going on." Amy uncharacteristicly snapped and grabbed her own purse. "Call me when your attitude changes." Amy walked away, leaving Luke to follow after if he wanted to ride home with her.

Adri let them walk off for before following. "I'm not talking about it here." She told Jake and walked out of the area too. She got to the car and let it run for a second.

"I was on the phone, I was upset I accidentally snapped at her and she took it the wrong way. It's her hormones. She'll be over it tomorrow after a good cry. It's fine." She explained and put her purse in the back seat.

"Do you need to go anywhere or can we go home?"
"Yeah. I'm ready."

Jake looked at Amy. "Woah....Aim..." He looked at Adri. "The fuck?" He let out a sigh but followed Adri to the car.

He put his bag in the backseat before getting in. He let her explain it at her pace. "Well let's hope that's all it is. Are you going to call her later tonight to talk it out? Otherwise it's going to be a long fight tomorrow. And I really don't want to have to worry about you two fighting when I'm preparing for my fight." He needed the support from his two favorite ladies.

"We can go home." He stayed quiet a moment. "What phone call did you have to deal with during weigh ins?"
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