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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake hugged Owen and gave him kisses when he finally made it to him. "I'm so proud of you buddy. Now go walk to mommy." He had never been more proud than he was at that moment, watching his son walk.

They let him walk back and forth a bit. A couple times he fell on his butt never cried. Instead he got up and kept going. After awhile the dogs started following him.

Jake looked at Adri. "Told you he'd have it down in time..." He moved over to Adri and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "I loved his face. He was so determined to do it." Jake wondered if Connor's parents acted the same way when he started walking. His he leaned against Adri's.
She rubbed Jake's cheek and watched Owen walk around. She grabbed her camera so she could watch that first step again. "Oh my god, he's so cute." She smiled happily. "I love him so much." She laughed.

She took some pictures of Owen and the dogs following him around. She smiled at Jake and kissed his jaw. "We can take him to the park later and let him walk around the park...because he can walk now. He needs to practice walking to you because for the wedding he needs to make his way to you with the rings. Maybe we can bring a pillow so he can practice holding something too." She thought out loud.

She shrugged her shoulder and just settled with watching Owen walk around until he came to Adri and crawled into her arms. She smiled and looked at Jake, "What are you thinking about?"
Jake chuckled. "We can go to the park. Babe...let him learn for a few weeks on his own before we throw a pillow at him." He thought a moment. "Throwing a pillow at him may be fun." He teased before giving his shoulder a kiss.

"Are you make dinner? I'm kind of hungry." The girls had lunch but all Jake had was ice cream but luckily he didn't train too hard. "Or we can order something healthy in."

He was quiet a moment as they thought about how to answer. "Everything. The fight. Connor. Owen. You." He smiled at her, looking in her eyes a minute. "I just...I want to do more for Connor and his parents. But I don't know what." He spoke softly. "It makes me think of how sick our boy was..." He let out a sigh and held onto Adri a bit tighter. "I couldn't imagine how his parents feel. Baby...after the fight. Let's give them a day away. We can go sit with Connor. He'd actually love it. And let them have a date day. Hell I'll even stay over night at the hospital and let them sleep together in a comfortable bed." Both Jake and Adri have slept in uncomfortable hospital beds. "We can do massages, a nice dinner. And just let them sleep. If he's well enough maybe we could bring him here and the gym. But I don't want him to get sick."
"We are not throwing pillows at our son." She laughed and shook her head. "What if he's a climber? We need to bolt the dresser to the wall. We need to bolt everything to the walls." She said softly and looked at all of the things he could climb on and that could fall on him. "I'm calling the guy tomorrow. Everything is getting bolted down." She said softly and kissed the top of Owen's head.

"Babe, he only cares about you." She laughed. "The only time he looked at me is when he wanted ice cream." She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek again. "Babe, right now I want you to think about the fight. Everyone wants to see you succeed and I don't want you to feel like the world is on your shoulders. Your main focus should be getting this title and I can focus on everything else. You want to send his parents off for a night, we can do that. I'll ask them if they want it and if they do I will set something up and send you to the hospital."

"I love you and how thoughtful you are. Focus on the fight and then we can focus on Connor. Your only job with Make a Wish was to visit him and get him to the title fight. You did that. Everything else you can worry about after the fight."
Jake gave Adri a look. "Oh I would throw a pillow at him." He looked around. "The dresser yes, bolting that down is good but babe, I don't want holes in all my walls. See if they can do it so if or when we move it won't hurt us trying to sell the place. But his safety is first priority."

He smiled. "Does that make you a bit jealous? Normally everyone wants you." He chuckled and gave her a nod. "Okay. I'll focus on the fight. I just want to help. His parents have to be exhausted. I feel like maybe I take things for granted. We live a good life and his family is living in a hospital." He gave her a shrug.

Jake shook his head. " job? My job was to show up at a hospital and make it look good? No my job with Make A Wish is not just over after that. I can't just do that. And you know that about me or you wouldn't have rushed to the gym like you did. I'll try to keep my mind on the fight and worry about everything else after. But I want to do more." He looked at Owen and the girls playing.
"I don't care about selling the house. I care about safety and everything is getting bolted down. We can fix the walls later."

She shook her head, "Not really. It was really cute seeing you and him together. Especially when he grabbed your finger to keep you from leaving. That was us Boo. That could still be us, we don't know. We have a good life, yes, but we know the reality of the situation too."

She sighed, "That's not how I meant it and you know it." She said softly. "Just focus on the fight Jake." The last thing she wanted was for him to have his mind on a million different things and get distracted while he was in the cage.
"I know...that's why I said his safety is most important. Give them a call babe but we will be busy till Monday. We will have to just make sure we put him in a play pen or we keep an eye on him at all times until then. Make sure the sitter knows too." He didn't want something happening with the sitter there and they didn't have a chance to proof the house.

He gave her a nod and sighed as he watched Owen. "Buddy come here..." He held his hand out to Owen and when he walked to him he wrapped his arm around him and kissed his head. "Daddy loves you very much buddy." He puckered his lips to get a kiss from Owen.

"I head will be in it. I have to win." He looked at Adri as Owen snuggled against Jake a minute.
She nodded to giving him a call and making sure everyone knew that Owen was walking so they would keep an extra careful eye on him.

She didn't want to stress Jake out even more so she had to believe that his head would be in it when he was in the ring. It was starting to get real. Weigh in were tomorrow and then the fight was the day after that. She just wanted it all to get over with.

"My head hurts Boo. I'm going to go lay down for a little bit. Get whatever you want for dinner. I'm not that hungry." She said softly. She gave him a kiss and gave Owen a kiss before getting off the floor to go lay down. She looked at the tub and thought of how nice it would be to take a super hot bath so she let the water get hot and when it was hot enough she plugged the drain and let it fill up. She threw a lavender bath bomb in and she got in the tub. She needed to get her mind off of the fight but that was all she cold think about.
Jake gave her a kiss and watched her get up. He knew she was probably stressing out a bit but let her go. "Want to take a dog with you? Or a baby?" He teased with a smile before getting up. Jake then sat down on the couch and let the puppies climb up with him.

He watched fight tape as Owen played on the floor. Jake kept a good eye on him though to make sure he didn't get up and walk off anywhere and hurt himself. After watching a few fights, Jake got up to get some dinner started for Owen and himself. He put Owen in a play pen so he didn't go too far when he was busy with his back turned to him. Jake was under for weight so he knew that he could eat dinner. He wouldn't go too over board though and didn't want to drink too much and add on the water weight.

After the boys ate, Jake grabbed a suit for himself and then also one for Owen and they went out to swim a bit. The puppies were barking at the boys in the pool as Max sat on the edge in the sun. The girls wanted to get to Owen and Jake but didn't know how and Owen thought it was so funny.
After her bath, Adri got in bed and took a nap. When she woke up, she checked her emails and social media accounts. She got up and went downstairs in time to see Owen and Jake in the pool and the girls barking at the edge. She walked out and rubbed the back of her head.

"Are you having fun O?" She smiled and he smiled back.

She looked at Jake, "How long have you been in the pool?" She asked softly. "And before you ask, I'm not getting in I just took a bath before my nap." She explained and picked up Bam and gave her a kiss. "I'm going to watch TV. Let me know if you want me to give him a bath."
Jake lifted Owen up out of the water to give Adri a kiss. "Uh...about a half hour. We will probably be heading in soon. Don't want this guy to burn. How's your head?" He looked at the dogs. "Want to take the little ones with you?"

Owen floated around in a little raft before Jake let him kick like he was swimming and he made big slashes everywhere as Jake laughed.

When Owen was ready to get out he got fussy. Jake got out and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Owen and he set him in a chair while he wrapped one around himself. He let himself dry just a few minutes before they both came inside. "I'm gonna just jump in the shower with him."

Jake had the two of them in and out of the shower in no time but then wrapped Owen up in his new dry towel and took him downstairs with his pajamas, diaper and lotion. Jake had on a pair of shorts. Once he got to the edge of the kitchen Jake whispered to go to mommy and took the towel from him and let him walk naked to the living room saying Adri's name the whole walk there. He had his naked butt waddling the whole way.
"Ive felt better." She said softly. She scooped up Rocky and took her inside with Bam. Rocky wanted to lay down and Bam took some coaxing but she finally laid on the couch and chewed on one of her toys.

She laid on the couch and Rocky curled up by her stomach. "Sounds good." She said sot him getting in the shower with Owen. That was the best way to wash him and Adri didn't want to listen to him cry tonight, so she was more than fine with that.

Adri looked up when she heard Owen calling her. She said his name a few times so he knew where she was. She laughed when she saw him and shook her head. "You're a good boy for not peeing on my floor." She gave him a kiss and he held onto the couch and grabbed her hair. She stopped him from pulling it but let him play with it.

"I'm not putting you on my couch little boy. You need a diaper for that." She pretended to eat his hand and looked at Jake. "Put a diaper on this cute butt so I can hold him."
Jake followed close behind Owen until he got to Adri. He chuckled. "Is he not freaking cute?" He sat on the floor and let Adri play with him a second before trying to get him in a diaper.

"Owen come here buddy." He held his arms out. Owen looked at him and debated a second before walking towards Jake. He fell on his butt though and he didn't have his normal cushion on so it started him and he frowned and looked like he was going to cry bit didn't. "Come here baby." He popped up a little wobbly but then gave up and crawled to Jake. " cheated." He gave him a kiss before moving him to his back and getting his diaper on him. Jake then put him in a pair of pajamas with construction equipment on them.

After he was all dressed and had his baby lotion on he stood him up. "Go get mommy." He kissed his head. "He's getting tired. Are you hungry? I have food left over." Jake got up and sat on the couch looking at Rock on her stomach. "Traitor." He whispered to her. Jake rubbed Adri's leg.
"It couldn't have hurt that bad. He gets his butt from you. That thing is big." She smiled and watched him crawl. When he Jake was done with him. He crawled back to Adri and she picked him up and laid him on her chest. She hugged him and kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. "You smell so good baby boo."

She shook her head to being hungry, "Not really." She said and sat up a little so of Owen fell asleep it would be easier to slip off of the couch and get him in his crib.

"You're the one that left her outside the pool. It's your fault." She rubbed Rocky's head and smiled, "This is how it's supposed to be. The girls and the baby and Max with me and you will get your active dog soon. Three of them started out as mine and somewhere along the way I lost two of them but I gained a cutiepie." She kissed the top of Owens head and rubbed his cheek.
Jake rubbed her leg. "That's unfair. I have one dog now. Then you will take her from me. That's rude."

He put up the footstool on his side of the couch. Max looked at the family on the couch and whined. "No." He scooted over so Max could sit on the couch by the arm of the chair. He snuggled to Jake who pet him.

"I was hoping you were feeling better. I was gonna ask for a nice rub down." He looked at Adri with a small smile. "But I can give you one."
She laughed, "You get massages after the fight. Not before. Just like I don't get sex before the fight. Just after. If I suffer, you suffer too." She smiled.

"Will you make a bottle though? Just in case he doesn't want to go to sleep with out it?" She rubbed Owen's back and kissed the top of his head. "I should have asked before you sat down. Sorry." She said softly and moved Owen around and rocked him to see if he'd sleep but he kept rolling around to lay a different way instead.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him. "About verything?"
Jake gave her a look. "The no sex thing, is so I do better in the fight. The massage would do the same...but fine." He gave her leg a pat.

"But babe...Max and I both just got comfortable." He didn't care he had to get up. He got up and went to the kitchen for a bottle. "He knows if he gets comfortable he will be asleep..." When it was ready, he took it into the living room and gave it to Owen before kissing his head and sitting back down.

Jake smiled at Adri. "I feel good babe. Really good. I'm just anxious and ready to get in the cage. I'm ready to kick his butt." He said butt because he was in front of Owen. "I'm ready to light him up like a Christmas tree."
She nodded her head to him being ready to kick ass. She thought it would make her feel better but it didn't. He could probably say it a million times and she wouldn't feel better until the fit was over.

"Dana said if you win you are going to be whisked away to New York for press and then LA for press and then dropped back home. As long as you don't have to go to the hospital. So you can celebrate in the locker room but you have to take your suit and suit up and do champion things. I'll pack your suitcase after weigh ins. Alright? Just me Owen and three dogs for two days." She smiled.

"And then when you come back I imagine you'll want to do something with Connor so just let me know what that is and then I can set it up or something. And then if you want to sleep I can't really blame you. Which means we will pushing our trips back either a week or a few days depending on how you feel."
Jake looked at her with a smile. "We will get time together at the after party. Maybe not a place off the bucket list." He grinned and gave her a wink. "It will be weird leaving you with O and the dogs. Too bad you can't xome." He leaned over to kiss her.

"Thanks for helping with this. I know you aren't my assistant anymore but you're taking charge with Connor and packing for me. I mean that's more of a fiancé thing. But still thank you." He rubbed her leg.

"Do you think I can get Chipotle? Maybe I can get that for the plane ride and then when I get back for Connor." He smiled. "I'm gonna miss him..." He pointed to O. "Facetime is gonna happen."
"Babe if you do go to the after party, you'll be there an hour to an hour and a half. They went you on a plane to New York for the morning show. You have to add in the time change and traffic. Post fight interviews. You won't really be able to celebrate until you get back." She said softly and looked at him to see if it sank in yet. If he won he wouldn't celebrate until two days after he won the belt.

"You're welcome. Don't expect it very often though." She teased.

"I'll order chipotle and see if I can get someone to pick it up. If not it will be waiting for you when you get home. Alright?" She smiled and nodddd her head, "It's hit first time being away by yourself. He's going to think it's weird. I'm the one that's always gone."

She looked down at O and he looked at her. "You and me Baby Boo. We can practice for the wedding, huh?" She smiled and kissed his forehead.
"Well that's crappy. That's crappy for anyone. We would want to celebrate with friends and family." It kinda frustrated him. He let out a sigh. "So I'm going to win and accomplish my dream and then celebrate alone and sleep alone for two days and be away from my family...that sounds like a great time." He let out another sigh.

He gave her a nod. "If not it's not a big deal. I'll get it in New York and eat it alone..." He scratched Max's head.

"It will be nice for you two to have some mother and son time. He better not sleep in bed." He teased and raised and eyebrow before tickling him and Owen squirmed and laughed. Jake loved that laugh.

"Did they say who all is interviewing me?"
"Babe you'd be champion. Champions make sacrifices. We will go to dinner with the family when you get back. Okay? We will do something. I promise." She smiled at him and rubbed his thigh. "You'll probably be gone a lot. You have to make appearances at places and photo shoots out the wahzoo. Boo you are going to be a hot commodity for a long time."

She shrugged her shoulder, "Ill try to get it around the same time as you so we can eat it together." She said softly.

She laughed, "I'm probably the only person to follow that rule. So no need to worry about that."

She shook her head, "Not exactly. A few sports shows, good morning America, a night show Jimmy I think and then a few more shows in LA. You'll be busy so you won't have time to kiss us." She smiled. "Or you will forget that we aren't there." She shrugged her shoulder. "Either one."
Jake gave her a nod. "I'm not use to being center of attention like you are." He smiled and winked. "Make the plans for dinner. Maybe we can just have people here. Ooo have Chipotle cater it!" Jake got excited. "Endless Chipotle! We can invite Connor's family." Jake was proud of his idea.

He watched them. "All five of you will be in my bed. I'm calling it now. And you better believe I'm gonna check in on you." He smiled and scratched Rocky's back by her tail. "Why do dogs love thid part of their body to be scratched?"

"I am happy about Jimmy. Ooo maybe I'll be on Ellen. I'm excited." Jake smiled and felt like they were talking about it like it was going to happen. "Maybe we shouldn't jinx it." He looked Adri over. "Put him to sleep so I can have that spot." He grinned.
"I will have something planned before you get home. Okay?" She smiled.

She shook her head, "The girls will be in your spot and Max and Owen will be in their room. Watch. That's exactly how it's going to play out."

She smiled, "If you are on Ellen, don't punch anybody if she tries to scare you, Okay? Actually that would be a good way of scaring her back. She scares you and then you get up and punch the guy, he acts like he is knocked out and then she would freak out and you ahve successfully scared Ellen." She shrugged her shoulder. "Just a thought."

She looked at Owen and he was close to sleeping but he was fighting. He was looking aorund while he was drinking his bottle. "Ten minutes, tops." She said and started to pat his back to get him down.
"Thanks baby." He rubbed her legs.

Jake laughed. "Okay. Until you are so tired you don't want to get up and get him in his room so you put him in bed with you. Or you fall asleep with him with you."

"Why would Ellen scare me? And why do I want to scare her? I think it will be fun to talk to her though. Maybe she will want me to dance with her." He stuck his tongue out at her.

He was starting to get anxious for the fight. He just wanted to get in the fight and be that closer to being champion. It was so close. It was just at his reach and he felt like he could taste. He just had to stay focused and not jump too far ahead of himself.

Jake reached over and rubbed Owen's temple. That always helps him relax. Before long Owen's eyes were closed and he was almost dropping his bottle. No wonder Adri missed them when she was gone, Jake knew he'd miss Owen and her even if it was just for two days. He was quiet and thinking about the fight.
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