Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Thanks for checking baby. Or maybe they know who we can hire. Or maybe they know at Biltmore too." They had to have had famous people get married there before. "Or the wedding planner. Do you know who you're hiring as the planner?"

She had a point. If he was away from home, he'd miss them and tap into them too. "You know I miss you a lot too when you're gone. The bed is pretty empty without you. So you know sometimes Owen has taken over your spot or a night or two..." He said a bit guilty. "No other woman needs in our house."

Jake plugged in her phone. "You know I took your phone for your protection right? Not to plug it in?" He asked with a smile and snuggled into Adri more. "What are we watching? And do we have to go home tomorrow?"
She shook her head, "I have no idea. I guess that's something else we should look up." She said softly. "It's a wedding planner though, how hard can it be to find one?"

She nodded her head, "Yes I know and I don't like it but there was this wine time where he was horizontal over your stomach and it was just too cute so I let it be. But you will create a monster if you continue to let him sleep with us. I'm just warning you. It won't be so cute when he's three years old throwing a fit because he wants to sleep with us." She told him and shrugged her shoulder.

"Shut up. I can't get two fat lips." She bumped him with her butt and put his arm back around her waist. "We can watch...I don't know anything. Let's watch Cops on Spike." She smiled, "Yes we have too. Mom had to work and Dad has a chair to sit on all day. We can't take them away from their busy schedules."
Jake wondered who would know about a good wedding planner. "Call Rich Franklin's wife. Maybe she knows of one or who would know a good planner."

"I don't let him sleep with us. I let him sleep with me. It's only when you aren't home and it's when he falls asleep I just don't move him to his bed." He shrugged. "I won't let him become a monster. I promise. He goes to bed just fine most nights. He may cry a bit but then goes asleep." Jake wasn't too worried about him wanting to always sleep with them.

"You do have two lips Q." He looked at her and caressed her side. "Fine...we will go home." He sad pouting and grumpy being playful.

"You said you're having five girls? So I need five guys..." He sighed and thought about it. "I want to give them a cool present to ask them. Like a cigar and flask or something in a cool box. Then the wedding day do the watches." He looked.
She nodded her head, "hat would be cool for you to get them a gift to ask the. I was going to get the girls a spa basket. Kick you and the dogs and Owen out, or rent a hotel room, and have a sleepover and each basket will have a word and they have to figure out the question which is 'will you be my bridesmaids?'" She smiled. "It's perfect." She did a little happy dance.

"You better not steal my idea though." She teased.

"You think Bam and Rocky will be our flower girls?" She asked. "Or if we have a niece she can be our flower girl. Hopefully it's a girl or you and Luke will have the boy fighting each other. I can see it now." She shook her head and smiled. It wouldn't be so bad if it was anoher boy but it would be nice to have a girl to spoil endlessly.
Jake raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry babe. I won't steal your spa day idea." He teased. "I'll be more straightforward. 'Hey shithead, be my groomsman.'" He chuckled. "I think 'bridesmaid or bride' will give it away babe..." He shrugged.

He shrugged. "Are we taking the entire family?" Jake smilrd. "You know if they have a girl or boy we will teach them to fight. More so a girl to hold her ground. She may need to kick some boy's butt. And you know we will do it whether they have a girl or when we do. Our baby girl will walk a runway in the morning then go beat some boy up that night." He chuckled.

Jake kissed Adri. "You're getting excited for the wedding aren't you?"
"True." She thought about it, "Can't say I do with out you?" She mulled it over and nodded her head, "That works. But that's six so I would have to take one of the words. Unless I made it a crossword for them to figure out and then they could piece it together themselves. Now that would be fun."

She laughed, "The last time I beat up a boy I was told it wasn't model behavior by the media even though I was defending myself. Bisping deserved to get hit." She said confidently.

"I am getting very excited about the wedding. I can't wait for the day to come so we can party and have a good time. I can go through the name changing process now. So by the time we are married it official and I can sign Adrianna Marie Daniels." She smiled.

"And yes. We are taking the whole family." She thought it over, "Maybe not. It depends. We will see." She said softly.
"Now that sounds cool. It rhymes even. Guys don't find word games fun. They just want to drink, smoke cigars, or whatever." He shrugged. "We could do a weekend thing. You get a spa day, the guys can work out or go gamble. Then the next day we can party together. What you think?"

Jake laughed. "But our baby girl will do it in a cage. That's the difference. Yes baby...he deserved it."

He smiled big. "Daniels huh? You're taking my name?" He knew he asked and at the time she was unsure of what she was doing. "Is it a legal name change only?"

Jake laughed. "You want the whole family don't you?"
"Now that would be a fun way to introduce the girls to the guys." She smiled. "That's another good idea Boo. Stop while you're ahead." She teased.

"Maybe. I do like the ring of Adriana Daniels. It sounds better than Adrianna Jones. For the most part I'm just Adri publicly anyways. So it doesn't matter what my last name is to them. It will be nice to take Future away from all of my handles. FutureMrsDrifter will be no more on 9/4/17."

She smiled st Jake, "Kind of but I don't want the dos running around while we are trying to say our vows. And we both know it will happen." She sighed.
He smiled and pushed her playfully. "Jerk. But you know I may fall asleep now. I mean I've had a lot of good ideas today." He smiled proudly.

Jake smiled even more proudly. "I'd love and be honored for you to become a Daniels. Plus, it will be nice that all of us have the same last name. Which reminds me." Jake kissed her softly before jumping up. He went to his gym bag and grabbed a big white envelope and handed it to Adri with a smile. "I need you to sign these." The name on the return address was for a lawyer. Inside were papers to file for guardianship for Owen. "I didn't want to wait until we got married. We've put it off..mostly me, and we needed this in New York. You should be able to do anything you need and want to regarding Owen. If something were to happen to me I don't want anyone takig him from you either." He kissed her softly. "And baby boo approves."

"We pay people to take care of them babe. It will be okay. Or they can have a pen to play in." He chuckled, "A play oen for our kids."
"I know you must be exhausted from all those good ideas." She laughed.

"I'm not marrying you in a hotel room." She teased and opened up the envelope. She looked over the papers with a happy smile and few happy tears that she wiped away so she didn't ruin the paperwork. "Thank you." She said softly. "Did Layla approve?" She asked and shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I'll have my baby boo."

She scoffed, "Yeah they'll really love being put in a pen. They might just have to stay home." She said softly and shrugged her shoulder. "It sucks but it is what might have to happen." She pouted. She grabbed a pen and started to sign the papers. They were all marked with stickies so that made it easy. She could have her lawyer look them over but she wanted to adopted Owen so that was out of the window. She put it back in the envelope and put it on the bedside table.
"I am a bit tired. But I love just laying in bed with you talking." He kissed her cheek.

Jake just watched her with a smile. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around her. One hand moved to show her Layla's signature. "Yes. She agreed to it. Mostly because of New York. Frankly, I'm just glad she agreed. If she doesn't step up, I'm all for you going to adopt him if it's something you want. But this gives you permission to take him on trips, to the doctor, or make any big decisions in his life." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "I didn't want to wait anymore. I wanted to surprise you but once you're good with them we can have the lawyer present them, we'd have a day in court and we're good."

He rubbed her leg. "'re thinking too much on this dog thing. We will have trainers be with them. And hold them. They will be fine." He smiled and kissed her slowly. "I love you Adriana."
She was ready for bed too. They would have to go back to their regular schedule when they got back home. She turned the light off and smiled at Jake. "There. Now we can get some sleep." She said softly and got comfortable in his arms.

She shrugged her shoulder, "I'm not trying to over think it. I'm just saying I want them to be behaved. I don't want them being cute and taking attention away from me. It's my day...our day." She smiled.

"I love you too." She gave him a kiss and turned to put her head on his chest. She fell sleep and didn't wake up until the morning. She packed up all of her clothes and got ready to check out. She made sure she had her paperwork of guardianship because she wasn't putting that anywhere except the mail box. She ordered them both fruit salads and egg white omelets for breakfast so they weren't going hungry before their workouts.
They got home and Owen and the dogs were super excited to see them. Jake liked their time away but he missed them a lot. For the next month and a half Luke had Jake training close to eight hours a day. They were intense work outs with a run in the morning. Jake was on his strict diet. He was in the best shape of his life and he felt great and confident.

Two weeks before the fights and Bisping started running his mouth. Jake didn't respond back but most of it was insults to get into his head and honestly Jake wasn't letting it happen. It was just a few days now before the fights and they had the press conference. Jake wanted to look nice for the press conference for his chance to be champion so he wore a suit with a rainbow colored tie. He was in the bathroom tying his tie in the mirror. He was nervous. What if he couldn't think of insults on the spots or an answer for Bisping's trash talking. What if he embarrassed himself and more importantly Adri. His jacket was laying on the bed and the puppies were running around their bedroom and bathroom with Owen. Jake had music on softly as he got ready, it pumped him up and got him ready mentally.

"Baby? When is your parents going to be here?"
The week after their mini vacation, Adri went to LA for her meeting and found out that Chanel wanted her to be one of the main parts in a film by Karl Lagerfeld and she would be an absolute idiot to say no to something like that. She would get to work with Pharrel and obviously Karl Lagerfeld. Filming would be in Paris around the time she would be out there for the VS Fashion Show so the timing was perfect. She went to her apartment and told Jake and signed the papers the next morning.

The closer the fight got the more nervous Adri got. She tried her best to hide it. She didn't listen to any of Bisping's new taunts. she When it was just her and Owen at home, she would watch Bisping's fights just to get prepared for how he would fight.

She couldn't find a rainbow outfit that didn't look tacky so she chose to wear all black with a pair of rainbow heels. She kept her hair simple, sweeping it up into a ponytail and she did a bold red lipstick with a natural makeup to finish it off.

"Babe, they're on their way. Calm down." She told him and rubbed his back. She picked up Owen and gave him a kiss. "Daddy need to calm down, huh, Baby Boo." She said to Owen and held him up to Jake to give Jake a kiss.

The doorbell rang and Adri went downstairs to let her parents in. Owen went straight to grandpa and Adri told Jake her parents were here and it was time to go.
Jake was happy for Adri and super proud of her. He supported her wanting to do the film and agreed she'd be an idiot to turn it down. The time was good as well so he really couldn't and wouldn't complain. He was a bit selfish though and was glad she was only in LA for a short time because closer to the fight it got the more he needed her support.

She tried to hide how nervous she was but Jake knew. He wanted it to be a fast fight for her because he never saw her this worried about a fight before. He loved her so much though for just being so concerned for him. "I'm not worried babe, I was just curious." He did his hair how Adri liked it and sprayed his cologne on.

Jake went to Owen. "Hi big guy." He gave him a kiss. "How can a guy be stressed out with a stud like you giving out kisses? Hmmm? Fist bump?" Jake made a fist and did a fist bump with him and smiled proudly. "Well the boy may not be able to walk at the wedding Adge but at least he can fist bump our guests." He teased and kissed her cheek. "You like beautiful baby."

He grabbed his watch and wallet putting it into his pocket. When Adri yelled up to him that her parents were there he went downstairs and told the pups to follow. "Come on girls." He let out a long breath. They got downstairs and Jake hugged her parents. "Thanks for watching the children guys." He looked at Adri. "We ready for this?"
"He's walking. His holding our wedding bands and walking." She looked at Owen, "You are walking little boy. No crawling. You got that?" She asked and he started to giggle at her. Adri shook her head and looked at Jake, "Your son is lucky he's adorable."

She gave her parents a kiss and smiled at Jake, "As ready as we will ever be." She said softly.

After saying goodbye to everybody, they got in her car and she drove to the press conference. She looked at him before they got out of the car. "Hey I love you and you can do this." She smiled at him and leaned over to give him a kiss. She rubbed his lips and cheek.

"And let's hope Dana doesn't lose his shit when he's sees we are both in rainbows." She joked and got out of the car with him.
Jake smiled at her telling their son that he is walking and it was like the little guy laughed in her face, literally. "Don't worry. He will be walking. Give it time." He smiled at her and chuckled at her making the comment about him being adorable. "He is pretty darn cute. He takes after his old man." He smiles proudly.

He appreciated that Adri had his back, literally. "Thanks baby." He kissed her back. "I just worry I won't know what to say and look like an idiot." He shrugged.

He chuckled. "He doesn't care babe. As long as we represent them in a good way, that's all he cares about." Jake got out of the car and grabbed her hand to walk in with her. He put his sunglasses on as they walked in as many cameras went off taking pictures of both of them. Amy and Luke would be inside waiting for them or join them soon. "I'm glad you have Amy and Luke to keep you calm. We don't need either one of us losing our shit today." He chuckled.

Once inside Amy saw them and gave them both hugs. She raved about Adri's shoes and Jake's tie. Luke looked at them. "He's not here yet...You ready for this?" Jake gave him a nod. "I'm ready to get in the cage and knock him out." He smiled. Just then Bisping came walking up with his wife and kids.

"There's pussy right now. Dressed all in his colors." He chuckled and walked by saying more insults as he walks by.

Amy shook her head, "He's lucky I'm pregnant." Jake laughed, "Easy..." Jake kissed Adri. "I love you. See you after." He let go of her hand and went to take his seat up front where they had his name. They kept Bisping and Jake apart which was probably a good idea.
"Well I'm not." She said softly, "You can kiss my ass you British bastard and keep my sons name out of your mouth or I'll punch it again." She threatened and he shook his head laughing as he walked away. His wife said something and they giggled together but they were too far away for her to hear them.

"God I hate him." She sighed and looked at Jake. "Can you just fight him now?"

She gave him another kiss and gave his butt a soft pat as he walked away. She took her seat and her leg bounced as she waited for Jake to take the stage and start this conference.
Jake looked at Adri. "Babe." He said softly and touched her arm. It was a tad cute she was getting upset and defensive. Especially about Owen.

"I wish. I'll knock his ass out."

Jake sat down and looked at Adri, giving her a small smile to let her know it was going to be okay. Amy touched Adri's leg. "He hasn't even gotten in the cage yet and you can't sit still." She teased.

Right off the bat a magazine company went to Jake and Bisping, "So this is the biggest rival in a long time for this title. Do you guys have your own reasons to win or do you just want to beat each other?"

Bisping went for the first answer, "I'm already champion so it just will prove that I am the best when I beat the shit out of him in front of all of his family and friends. That will be the best revenge for his bitch of a future wife punching me."

Jake looked at Adri and it showed on his face he was doing everything he could to not lose his shit on him. "Clearly he's upset cause he got sucker punched by my fiance. He's pretty butt hurt about it. But I hope you know Bisping that for calling my fiance names you will regret that in the cage." He looked at Bisping then turned back to the guy who asked the question. "I've been waiting for this fight since I started fighting. It has been my goal to become champion as I think that everyone's goal in this industry but this man has attacked not just me but my family and a lifestyle my fiance works for. It's now personal. It became personal when he attacked my fiance at the after party. But as you all could see, she can hold her own. It shows the class this man has when he attacks someones future wife and their son. I refuse to attack his family."

"He refuses because he has no insults. He likes taking a beating. That's why you've had two major injuries." Bisping said. "You had broken ribs from Souza. So we know you like taking a beating in the cage and also a verbal beating. He's too stupid to have any come backs."

"Bisping you do nothing but run your mouth. You are all talk but have nothing to back it up with. All you are doing is pissing me off more where I'm going to want to knock your head off the minute the bell rings. Once that bell rings you unleashed the beast. The beast that you insulted his family. He won't take that lying down."
A camera came and was pointed directly at Adri during the interview. She was horrible at keeping a straight face though and her emotions just shined through. She wasn't exactly excited to be broadcast to the nation whenever the producer wanted.

She rolled her eyes when he called her a bitch and nodded her head when Jake started to talk. She made a face when he said Jake liked to take a beating.

"Oh shut up." She groaned and crossed her legs and her foot kept bouncing. "What low life makes fun of a baby?"

Amy touched her thigh and Adri sighed and rubbed her lips together. She sank into her seat and rubbed her lips together.

Bisping made his open and close like a mouth as Jake spoke. "Hey, just keep your bitch on a tight leash at the after party. If you are even out of the hospital in time to make it to the after party."
Jake glanced at Adri and wish he could touch her to help her stay calm but that's what Amy was there for.

He smiled when Bisping told him to keep her on a tight leash. "Why? You afraid of getting hit again? Did it hurt? Are you seriously afraid of my fiance? But yet I'm the pussy?" Jake chuckled. "Well that's at least the smartest thing you would say all day."

They turned to a few other fighters and their fights. Jake took a sip of water shaking his head a bit. Then someone asked Jake how he prepared for the biggest fight of his career. "Well I've had some hard workouts and training sessions. I'm not going to give out my game plan." He chuckled, "But I also had a pretty tight diet which I can't wait to be off of after the fight."

They turned to Bisping to see how he trained. "I trained to destroy him. He is predictable. Jake wants it to end quick so he doesn't get hurt. I hope you know how to guard your ribs there buddy. But you can't exactly guard your entire body. I trained to send him to the hospital. It depends how stupid he fights if it ends his career. Jake forgets I've beaten everyone who he has beaten. He's just another fly on the wall to squash."

Jake rolled his eyes. "I didn't work my ass off to get this far to be taken out of that cage with anything but that belt around my waist. And I'm very proud of the UFC being for many countries to compete and find the best of the best. But Bisping it's been long enough that belt has been in the UK. I'm bringing it back to the United States. I would appreciate it if you polished it up for me and made it look nice." Jake wasn't saying the US was better than the UK or that any country was better than the other, just simply stating he would win.

"I'll spit on it for you."

Jake turned around. "So you'd spit on the title? That states nothing but class and respect, but who am I kidding you've showed the entire building nothing but your lack of class and respect. Well done." Luke put his fist up to his mouth, "Damn brother." He chuckled a bit.
Adri smiled at Jakes come back to Bisping spitting on the title. That was what she liked to see and hear. That was her boo. Beat him in the conference and then beat him in the cage. She was just ready for it all to be over.

The questions went on and there was an announcement that one of the fights was cancelled because a fighter failed his drug test. He kicked a chair and threw a fit but other than that most of the focus was on Jake and Bisping and making them hate each other more.

"Rumors states this will be the most watched fight in UFC history, do think it's because of the talent you and Bisping possess or all the hype around you both hating each other?" A reporter asked.
Jake understood the fighter being mad that his fight got canceled but it was his own fault for failing the drug test. Jake was so careful to not even have over the counter meds in his system and got every vitamin supplement okayed before taking it. He wasn't taking any chances.

The reporter's question was good and Jake wasn't sure how to answer. "Well...if I'm being honest I really don't know. I think it's a bit of both. People like the drama of it. But we are the two best fighters competing for a title. A title we both want for different reasons. We could sit here and bad mouth each other all day but the real talking will be done in the cage. That's where I back up my words. I do hope we have more viewers that just want to see who is the most talented or who had trained the hardest. But if they just want to see me win that's okay too." He chuckled. Jake wasn't being cocky but more joking. He was trying to have fun of it.

One of the other fighters, Ryan Bader, spoke up, "It's sad when more people want the drama and not to see who really is the best fighter. My money's on Jake though. Not literally but you know what I mean."

Jake chuckled. "Thanks brother."
"Oh how cute. Are you two going to meet up and suck each other's dicks after this?" Bisping taunted.

"The people are watching because they want to see the best take home the title. If drama is added into it then fine by them it means a more realistic fight and for them. I made your bitch a promise in the club and I intend on keeping it. The more shit you talk the longer it's going to take for you to recover." He shrugged his shoulder and looked at Adri, "You remember what I said don't you? Isn't that the whole reason you were drinks that night? And coming on to every man around. I hope you know you're marrying a whore." He told Jake.

Adri rolled her eyes and shook her head. She didn't remember much about that night but she knew she didn't come on to anyone.

"Maybe that's why you aren't married yet and going to counciling. She fucking some other bloke in the background."
Jake rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You can't shut your mouth for ten seconds can you?" He shook his head and then the more he talked about Adri the angrier Jake was getting and he turned to look at Bisping.

"You are right about one thing. The more you run your mouth the worse it will be for you. Do not think I haven't making keeping track of the shit you've said about my girl and my son." He took a deep breathe. "I'm going back on what I said about attacking your wife. The only reason I'm going to say this is because she spouted insults me and my fiance. I'm sorry that you two have the issues you have and have to attack another couple. I'm not here to defend or discuss my relationship with my fiance. That's not what this is about. What this is about is the cleaning crew having trouble cleaning up the blood off the mat when I knock your ass out. I'm not going for a submission. I'm knocking your ass out that when you wake you can't even recognize your wife." He turned to the audience to Bisping's wife. "Ma'am you want to wear a name tag so he knows who you are or you want to learn to tell him to keep his mouth shut about other guys wives and girls."

Bader picked up his mic, "Bisping you're just a piece of shit that's actually afraid that this guy is going to come take your title and you're desperate to get into his head and it's not working."

Jake looked back at Bisping. "I want to challenge you. When I take that championship from you in two days. I want a public apology to my fiance and our son. And if you win...we will apologize."
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