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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri didn't want to apologize for shit but she wasn't going to speak up right now. Jake was going to win this fought and she wouldn't have to apologize but she didn't like the idea of being forced to do it.

"You're not getting the satisfaction of an apology coming from these lips but I cannot wait to hear one come from yours." Bisping said, taking the challenge.

Once the conference was over, Adri got up and went to intercept Jake. She put her arm around his waist, "I cannot wait to see him on the mat." She said softly. "Roundhouse kick to the face?" She asked with a small smile.

"Are you going to go work out or what?' She asked softly. "I can take Amy out for lunch and you and Luke can take his car to the gym."

She was unbothered by the conference because she knew the fight would be much worst. Trash talk she could get used to but she would never get used to Jake getting in the ring and potentially getting beat up.
Jake shook his head. "That's not how a deal works. But then again you don't really understand how a lot of things work so why would I expect you to understand an apology. You may not say it to be but you sure as hell will be saying it to your wife the next day when she is getting your sorry ass ice."

Ryan Bader and Luke liked that comment. Jake waited until he didn't have to be too close to Bisping and then went and found Adri. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a smile and nod. "Right across the temple." He smiled and kissed her.

"Yeah, the last work out. It won't be too hard of one. We won't be late. I love you." He gave her another kiss then the two guys left to work out. It was pretty light for Jake but they weren't going to risk injury.

Amy looked at Adri once they got to their table. "Spill...what are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking the camera wasn't at a good angle and wasn't hitting my good side." She said softly and looked at the table.

"Are you going to the fight? Should you be going to the fight?" She asked softly.

"We can stir at home and watch it together." She offered but she knew that wasn't an option. People would talk, it was a silly superstition that she had. She had to match Jake, she had to be at the fight, she had to give him a kiss before the fight. She couldn't sit at home and drive herself crazy.
Amy smiled. "Hun there is no bad side with you. You can't look bad on camera. It's like impossible. That man can take a picture of you the minute you wake up and it looks like your make up team just finished up." She giggled.

"Yes. I am going to the fight. I'll be fine. Plus someone needs to keep you calm." She looked at the waitress. "She needs a drink..."

She understood why Amy wanted to skip but she shouldn't miss it. "I don't think Jake would like you to miss it. Plus you don't want to throw off routines. Plus wouldn't you like a front row seat to Jake kicking ass?"
"Thank you Amy but he was shooting from a upward angle. That's not a good look for anyone. Especially me when I'm not getting any sleep."

She smiled at the waitress and agreed to a drink. She looked at Amy, "I enever been this stressed about a fight before. It's not Jake Peres but this is the hardest fight he will be a part of since we have been together. This is his dream. If he doesn't get it I don't know what to do. And that's not saying I don't think he will win. I believe he will I want him to win with all my heart but there's that voice in the back of my head saying what if he doesn't? What do I do? I can give him all of the love in the world but he'll beat himself up relentlessly and I've never had to pull him out of that hole." She said softly.

"Yeah I want to watch him kick ass. I want to watch him walk out of the ring with a belt around his waist. Even though that belt probably won't leave his waist for the next year or so" she rolled her eyes. "I'm going to have to ban the belt from my wedding." She joked.

When the waitress brought her drink she took a sip and looked at Amy, "I'm glad you're going. I'm going to red you there." She said softly.
"I'm sure you looked fine." She smiled until Adri mentioned not sleeping. "You need to sleep. You need to take care of yourself too."

Amy understood completely what Adri was saying. Jake never lost since they had been together. "Maybe you're his good luck charm." She smiled "I understand your concern. It will be a very dark day if he loses. Or when he loses. But if anyone can pull him out of that hole, it's you. Some advice if that happens, don't let him get too depressed. Give him some tough love. Give him a few days to be upset and angry then make him get his ass back in the gym and work even harder to win next time. Be supportive and loving. Remind him we all love him and are still proud of him. He may need that reminding now. I'm sure he has a lot of pressure on him now to win with Bisping being a jerk. It had to be hard to begin with then add that onto it. But Jake seems to be in the best place mentally and physically."

"Of course." Amy took a sip of her water and looked over the menu a moment before looking back at Adri. "Is this so hard because of Bisping or it being the championship fight or both?"

While the girls were at lunch, Jake and Luke worked on some combos and the game plan for the fight. Luke asked Jake how he was handling everything. Jake told him he was just ready to get in the cage and let that shut him up. "It took every ounce of me to not fucking kill him today. He kept calling Adri names and if we were anywhere else I would have light his ass up. You know how hard it is to have someone call the woman you love a bitch and whore and you can't do a damn thing? Then he had the nerve to try to bad mouth her saying she was coming on to guys. Seriously? Adri would never do that. I know that, you know that, but does the media? I don't want it to effect her career because he ran his mouth about something he made up to get under my skin."
"I try to sleep. We fall asleep together. I just can't stay asleep. It usually happens before fights but it's never been this bad." She said softly.

She raised her eyebrows and sighed, "Yeah but what if my luck runs out?" She knew it would be a hard day when he lost. Probably a hard week. He'd beat himself up and Adri would have to keep building him back up. She just didn't know how bad it would be.


"Whatever you do don't punch at the weigh in tomorrow, alright?" Luke told him. "He'll talk even more shit when he's in your face. He can tell Adri is your weak point. He will most likely say something about her again. Don't give in to him."
"I'm sorry. He probably isn't sleeping well either. I'm sure tomorrow night is going to be awful. Maybe you two can do something nice to relax you both to make it easier to sleep. Is the sitter watching Owen just the day of the fight?" She found a salad that sounded good to order.

Amy sighed and shrugged. "You get back up and keep going. You gotta work through it together. Don't let him shut you out. Fight back. That's what Jake needs sometimes. Someone to go head to head with, showing him she can handle his baggage and his hell." She patted her hand. "You'll be fine. Both of you."


Jake gave Luke a nod. "If he punches me, you bet your ass I'm punching back. Dana will be right there. He won't let much happen." He knew Luke was right. That guy would totally use Adri against him. It will be hard to show good sportsmanship with him calling her names but he will do his best. "I need to portray myself how I'd want my son to see me. I need to be someone he'd be proud of."
About halfway through lunch, Adri got a phone call from an unknown number. They asked for Jake but she offered to take a message for him. She felt like an assistant again. It was a lot to take in but once she got the message she had to take it to Jake right away. She dug in her wallet and put the money on the table; enough to cover the tab and a tip. "Come on. It's really important." She told Amy and Amy shoveled some food into her mouth before getting up.

Adri took her to the gym so they could get Jake. She knew it wasn't smart to stop him in the middle of his training session but this was important and she was sure he would understand.

"There is a little boy who is dying of some rare form of cancer. He made a wish tot he Make A Wish foundation and they called me. He wants to see a championship fight. More importantly, he wants to see you in a championship fight. His parents know about the wish, they signed all of the papers. They want you to tell him. So you need to shower, put your suit back on and we need to go. It's in two hours so if you tell me what you want to do, I can go get whatever you need while you get ready."
Amy looked at Adri as she talked and hoped everything was okay. Then when she said she had to go she looked at the food then. "But..." She was pregnant and wanted food. She did the same shoveling food in. "You owe me food."

On the ride Amy looked at Adri. Is everything okay? Is Owen okay?" She asked worried.

Jake didn't hear a everything she said. He heard 'dying of rare cancer, you in a championship fight, shower.' He just looked at her. "He's dying? Like there is nothing they can do for him?" Jake sat down to think a second. He was a father and he couldn't imagine losing Owen. They almost did and he knew how scared he was.

" Affliction. Get him and his family shirts, hats, pants, go all out. I want my name on it. Um...see...if they van make a special Affliction shirt with his name on it. Call Dana. I want his family to have passes to the locker rooms, good seats, package of food drinks whatever." This was kind of like she was his assistant again. "Is he in the hospital? If so get food gift cards, healthy food, gas cards for his parents. If he is home, grocery gift cards. See what Dana wants to donate with UFC on it, if it's not a lot we will buy it. Get info on him. Things the kids like maybe we can get more personal stuff he likes. Grab my walk out shirt from one of my fights with my name on it. I'll sign it. Ask Dana for a poster. Maybe a few different ones to sign. And anything you think." Jake hopped up to shower. He stopped to kiss Adri. "Thanks for telling me babe. Let's go give this kid his wish." He gave her but a pat before heading to the shower.
"I'll get you food." She promised.

"Jake..." she said when he sat down and she touched his shoulder even though it was sweaty and gross. He finally snapped into shape and she nodded to everything he said. It was all pretty doable. Exactly what she thought he want to give him.

When he left she called Dana. She smiled at Jake and gave him a kiss before sending him off. They had their tickets taken care of now she had to do the rest. Dana would have something made to give him during the fight. Adri had to run home with Amy to get a bunch of stuff with Jakes name on it. She was glad she had some stuff to put together. She could have signed it herself but she knew Jake would want to do it instead.

She didn't have time Togo back to the gym so they'd have to meet at the hospital. She sent the info to Luke who would take Jake. The last stop was party city to get a UFC basket to put everything in. She was sure she had everything and while Amy drove, Adri got the basket put together. She met with Jake outside of the hospital so he could sign the shirts before they gave them away.
Jake made sure he looked good after his shower. This kid deserved that. He deserved everything. Jake's heart seriously was breaking for this kid and his family. Especially his parents. Parents shouldn't have to witness their kid suffering like that. He had to keep it together though, because that kid deserved that the most.

The car ride to the hospital was quiet. He wanted to talk to the hospital staff, if there was something else he could do, he wanted to. He saw Adri and got out. Make A Wish had staff there to help carry up all the merchandise they brought. He held his hand out. "Ready?"

They went up to his room and Jake knocked before walking in. "Hey...heard you want me to kick Bisping's butt?" He chuckled with a big smile on his face.
"His name is Connor." Adri told him and rubbed his back before giving him a kiss and walking with him to his room.

The kid's smile got really big when he saw Jake. It was clear he was a UFC fan by the way the room was decorated. Every inch of it had a poster, there was a bedspread and pillows. They tried to make it look like a normal kid's room because it was clear Connor wouldn't be leaving to go home any time soon. Adri stood back in the corner and watched Jake with a smile.

Connor couldn't do anything but smile. "My dad has to watch it first and then he lets me watch it." Connor said proudly. "When I grow up I'm going to be a fighter, just like you." He looked at his mom, who nodded her head and smiled really big. He pointed at a few posters that had Jake's signature on it but it was part of the actual poster, it wasn't hand done. He was just a happy little kid who was even happier being in a room with Jake.

"Do you think I can come work out with you one day?"
He gave her a nod to the kids name and gave Adri a kiss back.

Jake looked around the room a bit and did nothing but smile at him. "You have a nice little set up going in here. I like what you did with the place. I'd decorate my room like this too if my girlfriend would let me." He chuckled and smiled bigger when he said he was going to be a fighter when he grew up. "Well you have to train hard. Be on a diet. Sometimes kinda tough but it seems like you're a pretty tough guy so I'm sure you can do it.

He gave him a nod. "I'd like that. You can definitely come work out. I may have trouble keeping up with you though. Instead of just coming to work out...why don't you and your family come see the fight Saturday? You can sit right behind my corner. How does that sound?" He smiled at Connor. "Buddy we also brought some things for you too." He motioned to Adri to let the staff bring the stuff in. "We have some shirts and posters." He smiled at Adri, "That's my fiance Adri, she helped get this around for me. Now you will have more things to decorate the room with. These are signed too. I hope you enjoy them."

"Connor what else do you like besides the UFC?"
"I'm already on a strict diet. Hospital food sucks. The best part of it is the pudding." Conner told him. "I get to go to a fight? Does mom have to go? Sometimes she covers my eyes so I can't see anything." His mother rolled her eyes and looked at Jake

"Thank you. It means a lot to us. We are just happy you are here." She said softly and looked at Connor. "And yes, I'm going. Someone needs to cover your eyes." She joked. .

Connor light up when he saw all of the stuff and gave Jake a hug, "Thank you. I can wear these to the fight!" He was t too excited to see Adri. Why would he be when his idol was in the room with him.

"I like Connor McGregor because he has my name.i can't watch too many fights. They're too graphic but I get to watch yours all the time. Except the last one. My dad had to tell me about it."
Jake chuckled a bit. "Yes it does suck. If you can eat something else, I'd be happy to get it for you. But I'm not breaking any rules." He gave him a wink. "Umm. Yeah, your mother probably should be there. It will be fun for all of you."

He gave his mother a nod. "Of course. It's my pleasure."

Jake gave Connor a hug. "Yeah you better wear it for the fight. You gotta represent." He gave him a nod about McGregor. "Yeah he's pretty talented. That's cool your parents let you at least watch my fights. My fiance and I get in an argument about when we will let our son watch the fights. He's pretty young right now. Yeah the last one was pretty bad, but I still won." Jake gave him a smile.

"If it helps, I'm wearing black and red Saturday. I should win because of that alone then I have you there rooting me on." He lifted a fist up for a fist bump. "I'm glad you like all your stuff. Should we get a picture?"
"Some ice cream would be nice." He whispered but the whole room could hear him.

Adri laughed and looked at Jake and Connor, "What kind of ice cream?" She asked.

"Cookies and cream!" Connor said and looked at his begging her with out saying a word. She nodded her head and Adri stood up straight, "Ill go get the ice cream. You guys have fun." She kissed jakes temple and went to Dairy Queen to get everyone a small ice cream.

"Well I'm not a baby. I'm ten years old." He said proudly.

Amy stepped up to get the picture of Jake and Connor. She sent it to Adri. Connor had a million questions about the UFC and he had Jake so he asked all the questions he could. He was in the middle of asking a question when Adri walked in with ice cream for everyone. She dropped off the two huge buckets of ice cream to the staff room and then she took the smaller cups of cookies and cream, mint Oreo and Jake's favorite to Connor's room. She even got food for Amy to make up for taking her away from lunch.
"Ice cream? No wonder I knew we'd be good friends. I love ice cream."

Ice cream really wasn't on his diet but it wouldn't hurt him much. "Thank you." He told her softly and kissed her cheek.

"I know you're not. The fights can get pretty brutal and bloody." He gave his leg a pat. Jake put his fist up like he was going to fight with a smile. He answered all his questions. He explained the press conference earlier in the day, then the weigh ins the following day. Jake also explained his training and work outs. When Adri came back, Jake thanked her and took the ice cream. Jake had chocolate peanut butter and sat and ate while they talked. "Good choice on the ice cream." He gave Connor a fist bump.

Amy looked at Adri with the food and excused herself to go eat it. She grabbed the bag, "I have the best sister ever. I love you." She wanted a burger more than the salad earlier anyways.

Jake stayed awhile answering questions and just hanging out. Connor then had a nurse come in and give him medicine which would make him tired. Jake felt helpless and it was getting harder the more he got to know the boy.
Connor was not allowed to watch the press conferences because they were too explicit. He was allowed to watch the weigh ins so he knew how that worked out. He was really excited to hear how he trained though. He was surprised by how much time Jake spent at the gym.

When Jake tried to leave, Connor grabbed his finger. "I'll stay awake. Don't go." Adri snapped a picture of that because it was adorable. The fight was futile between Connor and the drugs though. He tried to fight his sleep but in the end the drugs won and he fell asleep.

"Thank you for letting us come." Adri told the mother, Janet.

"No thank you for coming. It's a shame my husband couldn't be here. He loves you. He follows boy of your careers very closely. That's why Connor's such a fan. He doesn't know about girls yet though so thankfully he's only Jake's fan." She laughed. "What happens next?" She asked.

"A limo will pick you up for the fight. The passes and tickets will all be in the limo. I can try to contact McGregor but I think he's in Ireland. If the floor is too much for him, there is a box set up just for you guys. But you guys will be sitting with me and rest of my family and we will all watch the fight together." Adri smiled. "If you want a tour of everything come early though. I'm sure Dana wouldn't mind. I can give you the tour myself." She offered. "Is there anything you guys need at all?" Adri asked.

Janet shook her head. "Nothing. All we needed was Jake and we got that and more. So thank you again."

Once Jake said his piece they left and wrapped her arm around his waist. "Alright Boo. Do you go back to the gym or do you come home with me?"
When Jake tried to leave and Connor stopped him, Jake sat back down and rubbed his head. "I'll stay a bit longer." He said softly. Jake kept telling him how it all worked out and some of the training he enjoyed then the ones he hated.

"I'll meet him Saturday. Or if he wants I can have passes for him at the weigh ins. He can come take pictures for Connor. Is he working?" He gave Janet a hug. "It was a pleasure meeting you."

"My girl is great for getting all this together so if you have any questions call Adri." Jake exchanged numbers with Janet before saying good bye and giving Connor a kiss on the head.

Jake stopped. "I need a minute before we can leave..." He walked to the nurses desk. "I know you can't give me a lot of information. But I was here to see Connor. Is there anything to help him? Is he...going to die? If...let's say someone paid for home care would he be okay there? Is that possible?" Jake spoke softly fighting to hide tears swelling.

"Adge...take me home..."
Janet smiled, "I saw the press conference, I don't think Connor should be there for weigh ins." She smiled. "Too much animosity. And someone can't hold his tongue." She said about Bisping.

Adri nodded her head and watched him walk to the nurses desk. She went to Luke and Amy and told them the game plan for the fight and Connor.

"He has stage 2B Neuroblastoma. He had it when he was younger. He went into remission but it came back. He had surgery six months ago and found out that the tumor is spreading and is no longer in a place where the doctor can get it all out. I can't tell you if he will die or not. It depends on if the medication works and how much Connor's body can take. He's in a lot of pain, which is why he is here. We have the good stuff and he can't feel it." She said softly and looked at Jake and then at Adri who was standing a ways away.

"He will be fine. He beat it once, he can beat it again. Don't worry. Connor is our favorite patient. He always has a smile on his face. He will beat this again and he won't ever come back."

Adri walked over to Jake and rubbed his back as they walked to the car. She let him get in the passenger seat and she drove them home. The car ride was silent on her part. She knew it was affecting Jake and she knew he needed to process it all. When they got home, she got Owen and gave him a kiss before handing him over to Jake because maybe that might make him feel better. She took her parents into the front room and told them about Connor.
Jake wrote his number down and handed it to the nurse. "I will do whatever I can to help. If something needs paid, I have it covered. If they want to take him home, I'll pay for home care. Call me if anything happens? Thank you." He gave the woman a smile before walking out with Adri.

The car ride was also silent on his part. He liked that little kid. He wanted him to be okay. Jake looked up the boys illness to he familiar with it and prepare himself for what may happen.

When he got home Jake went to change so the dogs didn't get his suit hairy or slobber on it. He put on shorts and a cut up shirt. He smiled at Owen when Adri handed it off. "Hi big boy!" Jake cuddled his son and gave him a lot of love and kisses. "I missed you today..." Jake sat on the floor and played with Owen.

Owen stood up on his own by the couch and let go. "Adri! Get your butt in here now...hurry's O."
After letting her parents know what was going on, Adri walked them out and thanked them for watching Owen for them. Then she went to change out of her clothes and into something comfortable. She let the dog out and she heard Jake calling her. She rushed to him, thinking something was wrong, but her boy was standing on his own and was about to take a step when he fell on his butt.

"Okay this is good. He's ready. He wants it." She smiled and grabbed her camera. She set it up to record and sat on the floor across from Jake. She stood Owen up and smiled at Jake. "Call him over." She wiggled her fingers free from Owen's grasp so he was standing on his own again.

Then one of the puppies knocked him down. She moved the girls out of the way and gave them kisses and focused on Owen again. "Okay big guys. You're going to walk." She told Owen and gave his cheek a kiss before sending him off to Jake.
Jake chuckled when Owen fell down. "Come on got this." He watched Adri and then the dogs. "The dogs are getting excited and knocking him down. Bad girls."

He moved to his knees and held his hands out. "Come to daddy O. Come on. You can do it." It wad obviously the boy was trying hard to walk and he'd try to step lose balance. "Come on Owen."

After Adri stood him up again he looked at Jake and laughed and took a few steps by himself. "Good job buddy. Keep coming coming." He held his arms out for him. "Let's go big guy." Jake had a huge smile on his face.
Adri smiled when Owen took first few steps. She smiled at Jake and watched Owen slowly make his way to Jake. She clapped when he finally made it and wanted to scoop him up and give him a kiss but she made him walk to get those muscles nice and strong. When he made it back to her, she picked him up and fell back with him. She tossed him in the air and attacked his cheeks with kisses.

"My baby is walking. Good boy, O. You're walking in time for the wedding and your birthday." She kissed him and had him walk to Jake.

"Okay that is easily the cutest thing I have seen. I love his little waddle. I can watch this all day." She smiled. She looked at the cabinets to make sure they were all Owen proof.
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