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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Babe do you watch the Ellen show? That's her thing. She likes to scare people. She gets a kick out of it."

Once Owen was asleep, she took the bottle and held him a bit longer before taking him upstairs to his room and letting him sleep for the night. She went back down stairs with the baby monitor and smiled at Jake.

She sat on the couch and pulled Jake into her lap. She rubbed his head and looked down at him, "I love you." She said softly. "Every one loves you. Everyone will continue to love you if this doesn't go the way we want it too. It will suck, no one can deny that but it will be okay. You'll train up again and be back in the ring. Alright?"
"But I can't scare her with your idea...that's your idea. Ooo. What I should do is have a fake belt and then have something happen to it when she tries to scare me and break it. She'd feel horrible." He chuckled. "But babe. I don't want to use your was good but then you'd brag you came up with it." He winked with a smile.

Jake gave Owen a kiss good night before she took him upstairs and told him he loved him. He smiled back at Adri when she came back down to sit with him.

He snuggled against her. "I love you too." He whispered and then closed his eyes as she started to tell him if he lost, it would be okay. It would suck, but he'd just get up and keep fighting. He gave her a nod. "Yeah I know. But thanks. It helps hearing it. Especially now." Rocky got up and barked Adri for being too close to Jake. Jake chuckled.
"Oh come one, give me more credit than that!" She said and pushed his thigh with her foot. "I mean I would but we scared Ellen. It would b epic. Your idea is good too though. If you drop it and it shatters or the U falls off on the UFC part. That would be funny."

Adri gave Rocky a look, "If you wake up Owen you are sleeping outside." She threatened but she would never make any of the dogs sleep outside. Not even Max and his fur was basically a built in blanket.

She leaned over Jake's head and scooped her up. She put her on Jake's side and Rocky settled in right there. "Such a brat." Adri said and rolled her eyes.
Jake laughed. "She would freak if she thought she broke it. Then I should go in freak out mode." Jake rubbed Adri's leg.

"No!" Jake told Rocky. "You have to tell her no babe." Jake smiled as her chest got closer to him. "Maybe she's helping daddy out a bit too." Damn he hated his no sex rule before fights.

He shook his head when she snuggled into his side. "She was just thinking you were hurting her daddy. That's all. Hmm?" He scratched behind her ears. Bam crawled over to snuggle with her sister but looked up at Adri. "She will still love me for sure if I lose. She won't even know I lost. But then she won't even know when I win either." He let out a sigh. "I just don't want everyone to be there and see me get my ass kicked. Especially Connor. That would be devastating to him. He wants to see me win not lose. Our families are the same way..."

"Are you nervous for weigh ins tomorrow?"
"Babe everyone is there to support you. That's all. Connor, my parents, Luke, Amy, my brother and I are there to support you no matter what. You don't want to lose alone and you don't want to win alone. If you lose you are surrounded by people who love you and support you." She told him and kissed his forehead.

"I don't know how I feel about anything Boo. I just want to get it over with." She wasn't going to lie and say she was excited to see this fight. She was excited for it to be over.

She ran her fingers through his hair and twirled some of his curls around her finger. She put a small piece between her fingers like a ponytail and then she braided it back in a cornrow.
Putting it that way did make him feel better. They wanted to be there no matter how he needed them and that made him feel better and loved. "You forgot Dad. Dad's going to be there. I sent a ticket, pass, and plane ticket to my mom. There is even a hotel room paid for for her. I doubt she will use it." He let out a sigh and shrugged. "But at least I have all of you going to be there and I have my boy and four legged children waiting at home for me ready to give me love."

Jake knew what that meant. She was scared and nervous for the fight. He reached up and touched her cheek. "Hey...I'll be okay. I promise." He pulled her down to him to kiss her softly. "I love you."

"What are you doing Adriana?" He chuckled as the girls moved to get comfortable, but they moved together. "How is they fight with each other during the day then cuddle together at night...oh wait was like how we used to be." He chuckle. "I'm kidding. I love you..."

Jake enjoyed just sitting and laying with Adri a bit. They talked about random things and just enjoyed the time together. He didn't want her stressing too much because there wasn't a whole lot either could do until Jake was in the cage. Jake didn't want to keep bring it up and making her more stressed. Plus it was kicking in and he needed to focus, the next day would be tough because he'd be getting in the zone. After they went upstairs for the night, Jake made sure to have his bag packed for weigh ins and his Reebok uniform set out to put on for weigh ins. He'd strip down to his boxer briefs so he figured no reason to put a suit on again for just weigh ins. He'd wear one to the fights though. "Adge do you know if they will give me time from the flight to the show? Or do I need to wear the clothes I want to wear to the morning show on the flight to NY?"

They went to bed and Jake got a good nights sleep. Owen slept through the night for both of them to get some rest. In the morning his alarm went off and he was going to get a run in before weigh ins. He got up and put on a pair of shorts and cut up shirt before heading downstairs with Max. It wouldn't be a hard workout with the fight the next day.
"Yeah. I know." She lied to make him feel better and smiled at him. She pushed his head with her hand and rolled her eyes at his fight and cuddle comment. "Yeah, I love you too. Ass." She said under her breath.

"I don't know. You can take a garment bag with your suit in it and change on the plane. It's a long flight. I don't think you want to be in a suit the entire time. I'm going to pack you a few jackets but two pair of black pants and then two white shirts and a few ties. No one will know you are in the same suit. Just switch out the tie or take off the jacket and switch out the tie." She told him. "And do your hair the way I like it. Maybe you should get a trim tomorrow after weigh ins."

While he packed for weigh ins, she packed the suitcase. "Too bad my trunks aren't here yet. One more month though." She smiled happily. "So the navy jacket with the ties that have navy in them but any tie with the black jacket, okay? Everything else is packed, I even put some work out gear in there if you have some time. I put some jeans, joggers and t-shirts in there too, no need to get Chipotle in a suit."

she put his suitcase by the bedroom and got in bed. Once again she was able to fall asleep with Jake but she wasn't able to stay asleep. She got up to check on Owen and then she read a book on her iPad. Eventually she went back to sleep but she was up when she felt Jake get out of bed. She checked on Owen and let him sleep a bit longer so she could get breakfast started. Jake would want something light if he ate anything at all. She got a smoothie prepared for him and she'd make him a couple eggs to keep him from starving. When Owen woke up, she was standing by his side. She changed his diaper and then picked him up to take him downstairs.

His breakfast was made so she let him feed himself once he was in his high chair.
Jake looked at Adri as she packed his bag. "Can you throw maybe one of my black dress shirts too in there? Just to have options?" He gave her a kiss. "Thank you baby. You are the best." He chuckled. "Yeah otherwise I could just take those with me on the trip. But I am a bit skeptical on how easy they are to travel with." After making sure he had Pedialyte and water in the fridge for the following he day he went back up stairs. He gave her a kiss before getting into bed.

Max and Jake went on a easy run. Max liked running with Jake first thing in the morning when it was still cool and a bit quiet out. It was nice to not have a lot of distractions for both of them. Jake had his earbuds in as they ran. When they returned to the house, Jake let Max off the leash and he ran into the kitchen for some water. Jake went in and saw Owen. "O! Good morning big guy." He attacked his cheek with kisses and Owen laughed and tried to get away from Jake. He then gave Adri a kiss but didn't want to hug her because he was sweaty. "Morning." He grabbed some water and took a big drink. "I'm going to go shower. I'll be back down in a few."

Jake went upstairs and stripped to get in the shower. He put his clothes in the hamper and took a fast shower, putting on his uniform shorts but not his shirt. He didn't want to get food on it. When he was dressed he went downstairs and sat down at the table. "What smells good?"
"Yeah." She found a black shirt and put it in the suitcase with everything else.

"Good morning." She smiled and gave Max some water and food while Jake went to take a shower.

"Eggs and bacon if you're feeling up to it." She put the plate in front of him and sat down next to him. She had a couple stirps of bacon and scrambled eggs. "Ah and this." She went to the fridge and pulled out a smoothie for him. "I wasn't sure if you were feeling real food so I made you that too. How are you on weight?" She asked.

"I'll get dressed after breakfast. Do you want to go to the park and let O run around or do you want to stay here?'
Jake smiled at the food. He was hungry but probably should be careful of his weight, just to be sure. The eggs and bacon shouldn't hurt too much. His smile widened when she pulled a smoothie out. "Thank you baby." He kissed her softly. "I'll have a bit of it all. Smells amazing." He watched Owen feed himself and also play with his food. "I'm down five but...should still be careful. I'm not going to pig out this morning. The run helped I'm sure. I'll keep an eye on it today. I'll check it after I eat."

He kissed Owen's head. "We can go to the park. Take the whole family or just O man?" He started to eat his food. "Max may be a little tired because of the run." He took a bite of bacon and drink of his smoothie. "It is nice I'm not super close to weight and have to starve today." He chuckled. "That sucks."

He kept an eye on Adri. "What are you wearing to weigh ins? Is anyone else coming? Is Amy going to be there? I do feel bad about her being pregnant and dealing with the Bisping drama. At least you aren't pregnant." He let out a sigh.
"Yeah. We are glad you don't have to starve yourself too. You're cranky when you're hungry and a pain to deal with too." She told him half joking.

"I think we should just take O. We can take the girls when Owen is better at walking. I'll take them for a walk later to make up for leaving them here."

"Luke and Amy are going. My parents are watching O again. So it's just us, I guess." She shrugged her shoulder, "She's getting through it pretty well. Better than I am. I don't know how." She leaned back in the stool and looked at Jake. "Are you upset that she got married before you did? That your little sister is doing everything before you?" She asked softly.
Jake gave her a look. "Yeah well you get cranky too. We just take after our son. He gets cranky when he's tired and hungry. At least I slept good and I can eat." He smiled and kissed her cheek. He knew he could be an ass when he was starving. He didn't mean to be. He was really lucky to have a girl like him that put up with his shit. He just smiled at her.

It sounded like a good idea to him to leave the dogs at home. "It will be nice to just let him run and we can just focus on him."

"Well Luke has to go. He's my corner man and trainer. Everyone who trains me is going to be there. But he is there to hold my clothes and my water. I need to stay hydrated." He smiled a little. "He's like my little b...for the next two days." He chuckled. Then Adri started talking about Amy. Amy was normally good at keeping her cool about things. It was just how she was. Jake really thought about her question as he kept eating. "I think at first I was a bit upset. But then...I realized it doesn't matter. She's happy. Really happy. I can tell." He smiled and leaned back. "Babe...I've never seen her this happy. Luke treats her well. I couldn't ask for anything different or better. And with getting married...they didn't want to wait. That's okay. We needed to work things out. And we did. Everyone is different. It doesn't mean their love is stronger than ours. As long as we're all happy that's what matters right?" He took a drink of smoothie.

Owen smacked his hand on his tray. Jake gave him another few small pieces of egg and bacon. "See we get it from him."
"Oh duh, Connor and his family will be there too." She told him and rubbed his back. "Yeah. You need to stay hydrated. I'd hate for the fight to be cancelled or the title to be removed because of weight or because one of you cut too much." She said softly. "I want a clean and healthy you to enter this fight."

She nodded to his explanation of how he felt. "That's exactly right. The most important thing is everyone is happy. I'm glad she met Luke. I'm happy for them both. I'm excited to meet our niece. She can have the baby first and I'll see how you handle it from a distance before we have one together." She teased.

"Don't give into his demands." Adri teased. "Little dictator." She smiled at him and made a face. She got up and kissed his forehead and put her plate in the sink.

"I'm going to go find something to wear to weigh ins. Or at least to the pro. Might keep it casual glam today though."
Jake gave her a nod. "Don't worry babe. I'm staying hydrated. I have pedialyte in the fridge and even water. I'll be fine. I promise. We have bananas on the counter for me to munch on too." He smiled at her and gave her a kiss. "I feel in the best shape of my life right now babe. I feel good." He smiled at her.

He smiled at her. "Niece huh? How do you know it's a girl. It could be a boy. Why do you need to watch from a distance? We have a son. You see me with him everyday goof."

Jake looked at Owen. "Mommy is silly." He gave her a look. "I'm not. I'm not going to eat it all anyway. May as well let him eat it if he's willing to."

"Okay." He smiled at Adri. "I'll get him cleaned up." When Owen was finished, Jake put his own plate in the sink then cleaned Owen up from his breakfast and then let him out of the high chair. he helped him up the stairs and then down to his room to get him dressed for the park.
Dark scoured her closet for something to wear and decided on black jeans and a red top. For the weigh ins shed throw on one of her black velvet blazers and some heels to dress it up for now she went with her Nike's that matched Owen and Jake's.

She poked her head into the nursery, "It's a Nike day." She smiled and then went back to her room. She grabbed her phone and a pair of sunglasses and she went downstairs. She got the stroller ready with everything they would need. She even packed a Pedialyte and a banana for Jake.

They would have to change out of their Nike's for the weigh in since Jake couldn't wear anything that wasn't Reebok. While she was downstairs she put her hair up in a messy bun and put on a little lipstick. She let the girls out to pee before putting them in their caged area. They hated it but they needed it until they could be trusted in the house. She gave Max a kiss on the forehead and told him what a good boy he was.
Jake got Owen dressed in a red onsie that said, "My dad can make your dad tap." Jake chuckled to himself as he dressed him in it after making sure he had a clean diaper on. He then put jeans over top and his matching Nikes. Once Owen was dressed they both walked to Jake's room so he could get a shirt on and his shoes.

He put on his Nikes and an Affliction shirt with athletic pants over his shorts. Jake grabbed his watch, wallet, and sunglasses. He quickly stepped on the scale in the bathroom and he was still under his weight limit, so he was still good. Then he scooped up Owen, giving him kisses and tickling him as he took him downstairs. "We're ready Mommy." Jake put Owen down so he could run around until they got him in the stroller.

"Baby will you keep an eye on him while I get the stroller?" Once he knew Adri had Owen, he got the stroller set up and ready. "Babe, I am going to get a hat for him. Hold on." He ran upstairs and to Owen's grabbed him a hat before going downstairs. "Okay let's roll."
When they were ready to go, she out the diaper bag on the back of the stroller and let Jake push Owen to the park. She locked up the house when they left and walked beside him.

"Oooh, you're mixing brands in your weigh in outfit. You're gonna get in trouble." She teased and bumped his hip. She put her arm around his waist as they walked.

When they got to the park it was empty so Owen was king of the playground. She got him out of the stroller and gave him a kiss before setting him down. "Alright buddy, go have some fun." She told him but he stood there and stared at her. She gave him her finger and walked with him around the playground. She pointed him towards the stairs and he used his hands to climb up the three stairs.

She guided him to the little slide, "Boo come to the bottom of the slide."
Jake chuckled. "I'm going to be in huge trouble. I have Nike shoes, Reebok shorts, and Affliction shirt. That's a big no no." He smiled.

He laughed at Owen just looking at her like she was crazy. "You really think he wants to go play by himself?" He chuckled and watched the two of them walk around. Jake took a few pictures of Owen walking around with Adri. He moved to the bottom of the slide. "Come here O." He held his arms out at the bottom of the slide.

"Are you coming with him or you sending him down on his own?" He looked up at Adri. "Too bad there isn't any young girls for him to flirt with. Sorry big guy." He teased Adri.
"oh hush. I thought he'd want to explore by himself." She said and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Ill come down with him and then we will see what he wants next." She went down the little slide with him and he laughed so loud. He got up and started to speaking his baby gibberish. Now that the place wasn't as foreign to him he was all for it.

He walked around and pointed at things and spoke to them. He always wanted someone by his side though. The best time was when he wanted Jake to do the slide with him.

"Are you going to fit in that?" Adri asked. "You might be too bulked up."
Jake laughed and stuck his tongue out at her as well.

He smiled and went around with Owen. He pretended to race him but Owen of course won every single time and Jake was all dramatic about losing.

"Hey..." He smacked Adri's butt before climbing up with Owen. He did look at the slide and wonder if he could fit. He sat at the edge of the slide and then Owen climbed on Jake's lap. "You ready?" Jake pushed off and went down the slide with Owen who laughed. "Should we teach him to climb up the slide?"
"And possibly bust his bottom lip with one of his tiny teeth? I don't think so. He can do the stairs. Tire himself out. It's fine the old fashion way." Adri took some pictures of Owen and Jake playing.

Paparazzi came and took pictures of them but for the most part he was respectful and stood back. "Do you want to take him to a swing? He might really like that." She pointed to the baby swings and looked at Jake.

Owen ran around a bit longer and then ran to Adri. She picked him up and took him to a swing. She bucked him in and gave him a gentle push. He looked terrified at first and then he smiled and laughed and enjoyed himself.

"Did you get a picture of that face? I know it's messed up but that terrified face was adorable."
"Babe...we have a son. He's going to do daring things and get hurt. You have to get used to it." He teased but was also serious.

Jake noticed the guy taking pictures but he was respectful so he didn't really care. Jake tried go get Owen to a swing but had his own plans so Jake just went where Owen wanted to go.

When Adri put him in the swing he took a video. "No pictures, just video. I love his laugh." Jake pretended to get him as he swung and Owen was loving it. "To be that young with no cares in the world..." Jake got into a swing next to Owen and started swinging too but Owen hated it ehen he couldn't see Jake so he'd turn to see his dad. Jake chuckled a bit.

He couldn't help but wonder if he was no better than he was at that moment in his career if both of them would still see him the same way. She told him if he lost it would be okay. But what if he was never champion? He soon pushed those thoughts aside as he was just having fun with his family.
"Well he can do daring things when he's not two days into walking. He doesn't need to climb a slide. But he does love the park so you might come home to a project for the backyard." She smiled.

She was happy to keep pushing him in the swing until he didn't want to be there anymore. He loved the swing but when nap time came around he started to rub his face. He tried to hold a little bit longer but pushed the swing a title softer and in no time he was down.

She smiled at Jake and picked Owen up out of the swing. "He's down a little early but I'm not complaining." She rubbed his back. "Let's head back and get this uh out of the sun and get you ready for weigh ins."
"If he's like his dad, nothing will keep him down." He smiled. "I'm down with a project. Let's pick out something together. I want a rock wall or net to climb up."

Jake smiled at him getting tired. "We have a swing at the house but never use it." He shrugged and got up to head back. With Owen in the stroller, Jake put the hood over him to keep the sun off of him.

He headed back to the house. "When are your parents coming? And when are we leaving?" Jake was getting anxious and was ready now.
"Owen and I will go and look but we will wait to take you before buying anything." She told him.

"I know. Maybe now he will want to swing more often. We tried it once and freaked out remember? He seems to be cool about it now though. If he doesn't want to go to sleep on his own, we can start using the swing. Maybe we should get one indoors." They did have the [rl=]bouncer[/url] that rocked him to sleep but he outgrew that. A swing would come in handy for his restless nights. He'd think it's fun but he'd get rocked to sleep in no time.

"Maybe parents are coming at 11 and we are leaving around 12. Mom wanted to make lunch but I told her you were weird about eating before weigh ins sos he changed her mind. She did want to make you something for after the fight though. So look through the binder. You diet will be lifted. You can have a cheat day. She only does that for birthday's by the way so pick the mac and cheese and the lemon squares."
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