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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Oh you ass!" She laughed. "I didn't even bring up getting married. You just surprise bombed me with a ring in London." She told him. "You can't even say I forced you to propose. That was all you. I didn't even hint at it." She said and smacked him on the butt.

She kissed him back, "It was a little rocky but New York did its job." She smiled. "I don't know what I would do without you Jake. You are my sunshine."

She looked at her ring. She had the pink stone in the middle and then white ones around it, "I guess I could get the white diamonds in a band. That way the pink one pops more." She looked at Jake for his input. "It's going to be silver, for sure, to match the band. Yours will be silver. I don't know how I feel about diamonds though." She sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, new watch." She said dissmissively, as a joke. It wasn't her intent to go in buying anything though unless it was their bands. "What if I got two band of white diamond to frame the engagement ring? One on top and one on the bottom?" She asked.

She saw some Qalo ring and grabbed one in Jake's size, "Now you never have to take your ring off. It's silicone so you can wear it while you work out. Even when you fight!" She smiled. She looked at the rings for a long time trying to desire what she would like. She tried some on for an idea but nothing called out to her.

"Do I need a band? I like the ring on its own. I don't want anything to take away from it."
Jake chuckled. "I never said anything about you forcing me. I know it was all me. I even asked your old man's permission. Like a man should." He smiled proudly.

New did do its job. "I'd be lost without you too. Owen as well. You complete our family." He smiled and kissed her softly.

Jake looked around. "I think I just want a plain band without diamonds. You want mine silver or black or both?" He rubbed her back as they looked. "See aren't you glad for casual?" He kissed her cheek.

"You read my mind. I was thinking of silicone. But I want both. A silicone ring for when I work out and at home but a good nice ring for when we go out or you are doing fashion week. And I want the pastor to bless both." He smiled at her.

"Baby you deserve a band but I say only one for now. The second could be a potential anniversary gift." He smiled at her. "We just have to find the right one. Maybe all white diamonds is the answer. Or maybe something thin with small diamonds? Like a lot of small diamonds?" It was an idea. One he wasn't sure if she liked.
"I'm very glad for casual." She smiled.

"I dot think you should have diamonds. You aren't that flashy of a person, honestly. I think I us look good with a black ring but I want them to match so silver or platinum." She laughed and nodded her head, "The pastor is going to bless your silicone ring?" She teased but held her hands up, "Hey, its your wedding too if that's what you want then so be it."

She shrugged, "I want a band but what if I don't find one that looks good?" She sighed. She tried on the ring that was just a row of white diamonds on a thin silver band. She looked at it and tilted her head. "I don't know. The ring is so unique, it need a unique band to match it. Maybe yellow diamond. Or emeralds. Or pearls. I've never seen that before." She made a face, "Pealrs are finicky but maybe yellow diamonds or emeralds will look good around it. Emeralds might be too much if they aren't the right shade of green though so maybe yellow diamonds." She groaned, "This is hard. Let's look at the watches."
"Good idea by me. Add it to the list." He teased.

"What if it's mainly silver but has black on it? If not I'm getting a black silicone one. And yes...the pastor is blessing both. I'm not having a ginxed ring. You're crazy." He told her. "Don't forget that. It's my wedding too."

Jake looked at rings a bit. "Babe...I think yellow may be nice. But...what if...we go where I bought it. Have them design something special to go with it. What would yellow diamonds look like then an anniversary ring of the same style but black diamonds."

His face lit up like a kid in a toy store. "Ooo watches." He walked over to look at them. "I think I may get the guys watches for the wedding. Matching ones with their names on the inside. What do you think? Maybe even get Owen one for when he's older." He smiled.
"You can get sliver with black diamonds." She smiled. "It won't be a jinxed ring. You aren't wearing that silicon one all the time. Only when you're training and fighting."

She sighed and agreed, "I think that is our best bet. They probably do have some band ideas for you already set up." She walked with him to the watches.

"That would be nice. I want to get him something for the wedding. So that he knows he will always be in my heart. I just don't know what yet. Stepdads get their step daughters necklaces and stuff when they get married to their wife. I want to get O something but it's hard shopping for boys."
Jake was confused. "Silver with black diamonds for me? I don't know. I'd be afraid I'd lose a diamond. I'm not exactly gentle with things." He shook his head. "Not taking any chances. Sorry." He smiled and kissed her head.

"Don't worry babe. We'll find the best ring. It will be perfect. Trust me." He smiled at her.

He stopped and looked at her. "Really? It's hard for boys? Get either a tie tack and engraved a message to him or simply to him from you. Or, get cuff links. But maybe getting 'Baby Boo' on anything would be a bad idea, that would be interesting trying to tell his future wife why something says Baby Boo." He laughed. Jake looked at the watches and found a few he liked but nothing he had to have. "You could always do a necklace for Owen too. Boys wear necklaces too after they get a bit older. Like a cross or a dog tag type." He shrugged. "You have options...Ooo or get a cool wooden box. That way he can keep his watch or other small keep sakes in it. You can get a really cool carved one with Daniels on it."
"It better be perfect. I won't settle for less Mister."

She listened to his ideas but nothing called out to him until he said wooden box. "You get the watch and then I'll get the box to put it in. Or maybe little letter to put it in and when he turns 18 we give it to him. Maybe just the watch box. And burned into the box I can put 'Marriage made you family but love made you mine', or however that saying goes, on the inside of the box and then Daniels on the outside. I think that would be nice." She smiled.

"And a little cross for him to wear would t be so bad. It will keep all of the demo outs girls away from my baby boo."
"As you shouldn't. I didn't disappoint with your engagement ring, why would I with this one?" He asked with a smile.

Jake smiled and kissed hr shoulder. "See you figured it out. Maybe write him a letter every year for his birthday. Then give them all to him when he graduates." He shrugged. "But I love the box idea."

"Demon girls?" He laughed. "Mommy getting protective?" He chuckled.

"Did we decide on colors for our wedding? I want to maybe do black and red watches of course but if it doesn't go with our colors I'll have to change it up." He looked at her.

"Hey...we can tell your mom we set our date. She will be thrilled." He rubbed her back.
She couldn't remember about wedding colors. She wasn't sure if she wanted black and red but she understood that they were his colors. "Black and red is very dark for a wedding Boo." She thought about it.

"Your groomscajse can be black and red or in the shape of an octagon or whatever you want. I like silver. I want silver in it somewhere. We can do red roses and black ribbons around the white vases. Everything is white except for those pops of color and then maybe black table runners. We can add black and red to the wedding but I think it's too dark for those two colors to be our entire wedding colors." She explained.

"And this was the girls can be in silver and the guys can be in red ties or bow ties or whatever. I don't know. But mom will be excited that we set a date and she will start a count down and pester us endlessly." She laughed. "Are you ready for that?"
Jake gave her a nod to black and red being too dark. "I kinda figured. Silver is a good color. Silver and red? We don't have to use my favorite colors. I only thought of thay for the watches because they are my favorite colors. But if we do silver dresses and black tuxes. Black still goes. I want you to have colors you want too." He smiled at her.

"What do you want Adri?"

He chuckled. "She will be nagging us but yes, I'm ready babe. I can handle it." He looked at her. "We need to also ask everyone who will be in it too. We should discuss thay..."
"Silver and red that could work." She smiled. "And yes, I don't want the guys in red or silver tuxes do black gets incorporated by the suits. I just want silver. Classic silver and white."

"I think I want white silver and red. If we want our wedding to be this year we need to buckle down and get these save the dates out and RSVP's and all of that." She told him. "I can find a planner to help us out with the little stuff but we need to actually sit down and plan."

She nodded her head to their wedding party. "I have like five girls that I want in my party. So you need five guys. You don't have to include my brothers. They can be ushers. Drew can hide under a table the whole wedding. If he even comes." She said softly.

"We need to tell Dana. Maybe tell him first. When we get to the hotel I'm calling Dana. No fights. No black eyes or fat lips on this beautiful face." She said and squeeze Jakes cheeks together to give him fishy lips and then gave him a kiss.
"I can handle those colors. I'm thinking of black tuxes then. Black shirts. White tie for myself. Red for the guys. What do you think of that?" He looked at her and raised his eyebrow. "I don't really want a white shirt..."

He agreed to buckling down and planning. "I actually wamt to be part of the planning. I want to pick out the food and and decor is my baby's thing not mine..." He smiled at her as they walked out of the jewelry store and he held her hand.

"Okay...let's use our camera and do it. I say we wait until we have the facility though. What if they are booked that day?" He shrugged. "So we book the castle then we do the save the dates."

Jake raised his eyebrows when his cheeks got pinched and tried to get out an, 'okay.' He kissed her back. "No fights. Unless I fight you..." He smacked her butt with a laugh before moving away.
"All black, now that's sexy. I like that. Red ties for them black for you. That's two good ideas in one night. Boo, you are on a roll." She teased.

"You can help pick out food and cake. We can do that on a cheat day, I guess. I don't want to subject our guests to healthy crazy diet food." She laughed. "I will take over decor though. Or everything will be UFC and sponsored and I'd kill you."

She frowndd, "We but them out. We relocate that wedding and we have ours." She smiled. "Too much? You think they'd go for it?" She rolled her eyes, "Okay. We can call tomorrow morning just to see if they are booked that day and then ask them to reserve the day for us if they aren't. We go see the castles and we decide which one we want. That way we can send our save the dates."

They walked back to the hotel and when they got to the room, she set her stuff down and then hooked herself around both of his legs. "You can't get out of that, now can you?" She teased.
"You don't want me to have a white tie?" He asked. "Normally the groom wears some sort of white." He shrugged. "I would think I'd want some sort of color to off set the black." Jake smiled proudly. "Thanks baby."

After thinking about the food option and what she said about crazy diet food. "What if we do a dual menu. One of healthy stuff for all of our model and MMA friends and one of more every day food for whoever else? Or is that too much? I have no idea." He shrugged before shaking his head. "Not true. It wouldn't be everything UFC. I may surprise you...but it would be more of my Denver roots shining through."

"Someone may be up for it. Unless the bride is like mine...and then no money would be good enough. Would it?" He gave her a nod before giving her a kiss with a smile. He was excited to get the planning started.

Jake chuckled and started tickling her sides. "Yeah I can." He kept laughing.
She thought about it, "I guess you could wear white. Yeah. If you want to wear white then that's fine. I just like the all black suit and shirt idea. You and the guys can figure out the tie situation. Maybe the groomsmen in all black with red roses. The best man in a red tie and white rose and you in a white tie and white rose. Unless we can get black roses then hot damn we are doing that." Those were very rare and super expensive though but that's also what she saved for. The wedding of her dreams.

She shrugged and the. Shook her head, "No but they would be getting a free wedding. I'd pay to have the entire thing pushed back a day. Including the money that they already paid. I know we are getting married at the Biltmore and nothing is stopping that. If they say no then we push the date back a year."

She giggled and and tried to squirm away with out letti go but he had the reach. "I'm not ticklish so just stop." She said while laughing. Evnetually she let him go and crawled to the bedroom before getting up and getting undressed. She poked at her stomach, "Jake I have to tell you something." She told him with a smile. "I'm pregnant." She laughed and poked at her stomach, "Look at this fricken food baby. We aren't doing that again until month maybe." She sighed and fell back on the bed.
Jake liked her ideas. "I like both ideas. We will have to see what flowers we can get babe." He shrugged. "And maybe go from there. We have good ideas. We should get a notebook and write it down. Unless you already have one that I know nothing about." He raised an eyebrow at her with a grin. "You probably do. I kind of wonder if the flower and tie matching wouldn't be bad."

"You know for a fact huh? So why go anywhere else?" He shrugged. "Whatever my girl wants, she gets."

He laughed and kept tickling her, "Oh yeah? You're not ticklish huh? Why you laughing? Huh?" He kept tickling her. Then she when she got undressed and poked her stomach he stopped and raised an eyebrow. "What? What do you have to tell me?" He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "One day. I'll make sure your new dude kicks your butt tomorrow." Jake got undressed and looked in the mirror. "Nah...I still look good." He teased and flexed a few times. "Right?"

Jake crawled in bed and got comfortable. "What are we doing now?" He wiggled his eye brows with a grin."
"I don't have a notebook. We can get a notebook." She said softly. "Because it's nice to have options. But from the pictures the Biltmore calls to me. It says my name very gently and I can feel that that will be the one. Just like my dress is out there doi the same thing, I just can't hear her yet. Buts she's out there. Probably trapped in my mother's gown."

She rolled her eyes, "He probably will do whatever you say. Erroneous is under your command at that gym. I. Pretty sure the only reason why he wants to be my trainer is because he wants to get close to you. But he has a damn good workout plan so I need him."

She looked him over, "I don't know. Turn around and flex." She smiled when she saw that butt and hummed in approval, "Yes. You look so good." She laughed and laid back on the bed.

She grabbed her phone and opened up snapchat so they could play with some filters and be a cute loving couple for all of her followers to be jealous of. She dropped her phone once and it fell on her bottom lip and smashed it against her bottom tooth. "Screenshot this next post if you think Jake should teach me more jui jitsu." She said for one video, "And screenshot this one if you think we should do each others make up!" She posted it before Jake could stop her and she rolled on top of him.

"You make a very cute bunny Boo." She said talking about one of the filters. "Is my lip getting fat? It feels like it's getting fat. Big phones are dangerous." She said and poked at her bottom lip. "Oh yeah, that's a fat lip."
"Or we can do a pintrest if you wanted to or get a notebook is fine." He shrugged. "Pintrest may be cool for us both to add to and at anytime." He smiled as she talked about Biltmore and the dress talking to her. "You're weird if have things talking to you. Maybe you should see someone about that." He teased before kissing her.

He grinned proudly. "Remember that. He is only using you to get to me." He chuckled. "I'll make him do a big work out for you."

Jake loved that she found him attractive. It made him feel good. "Thanks baby." He kissed her softly. "You're damn sexy yourself."

"Ooo babe!" He tried not to laugh until he was sure she was okay. "You okay?" He kissed her cheek. When she say on top of him, he rolled his eyes about being a cute bunny. "It is pretty fat." He grinned. "Want a kiss and some ice?" He kissed her jaw. "Be careful baby."
"A Pinterest would be cool. Maybe I'll make one." She said softly and shrugged her shoulder.

"Yeah. I didn't think my phone would turn on me. This sucks." She rubbed her lips together and frowned. "And hurts." She got off of him after the kiss so he could get her some ice.

"You think it'll go down by tomorrow? I can't be walking around with a fat lip. That's not cool."
"Maybe make it private? We don't need everyone know what's going on for our wedding." Adri would probably be levid if someone stole their ideas or it got out what they were having.

Jake got up to grab ice. "Who has intense workouts but gets hurt in the hotel? My girl, that's who." He teased and looked for something to put the ice in. He got the bag for the ice bucket and put it in there. "Here babe." He handed it to her.

"Probably. It wasn't that hard. I'm sure it will. Just keep the ice on it." He climbed next to her in bed and snuggled against her after kissing her shoulder. "Want to turn a show or movie on?"
"Definitely making it private. That's the last thing we need." She said softly.

She frowned at him, "Shut up. My phone is a traitor. Like you are for laughing and making fun of me." She put the ice to her lips and leaned against the pillows.

"Let's watch something on TV." She said softly and curled back into him. "It's too bad everyone at our house is sleeping right now. I'd love to see O. Unless you want to tap into the security system and watch him sleep like a creeper." She smiled.

"Let's do it." She grabbed her phone and logged into their security system so she could she her boy. I was laying on his back asleep and Max was on the floor by the crib. "Oh so cute. I can't wait to kiss those cheeks tomorrow."
"You gotta give it a sweet name though." He smiled at her and nudged her. "Do we want this as private as possible?" Some celebrities let it out when they were getting married others didn't until after. He wasn't sure what Adri wanted to do.

Jake shook his head. "I'm not making fun...okay maybe a little but you'd do the same to me."

He wrapped his arm around her. As much as Adri traveled he was surprised they were gone for two nights and she missed Owen so much. "If you miss him this much now what do you do when you're in LA or NY?" He asked softly.

He chuckled at the two of them sleeping. "He is pretty cute. Where are your girls?"
"Yes. I mean they will know the date if we do the video announcement on instagram but other than that I want it super secret. I want security keeping everyone away. Like we can show them pictures when it's over type of thing." She told him. "I don't want crashes of paparazzi at this wedding."

She laughed, "I watch you guys sleep. All of you guys." She told him. "I have access to all the cameras in the house. Do you really think I'm not going to peak in and look at you guys? That's how I know if it's nap time or play time. I know when to call."

She flipped through the cameras and found the twins in their beds. Adri smiled and showed Jake. "Should we look for my parents?" She asked and shook her head. "I they're sleeping. That's all I need to know." She laughed.
Jake agreed about the paparazzi staying out. "We can include though that our guests details should be kept secret." He thought about security deposit for it. "We need the best security too. Maybe the company your body guard works for could help us out. Let's look into that."

He looked at her. "Um, you creep? You check the cameras? Creeper." Jake stopped. "So you see how lazy I can be..." Which was a lie. Jake worked hard and spent time with Max and Owen when she wasn't home. "At least you know I've never brought a girl home. He smiled.

Jake smiled. "They look so cute. I can't wait to squeeze their cheeks." He teased about the girls. "They aren't sleeping in our bed. That's all I care about." He shook his head. His hand rubbed her side before holding his hand up to take her phone.
She nodded her head, "I can ask Liam next week." She said softly. "I'm sure they can figure all of that out once we have the venue decided and everything."

She laughed, "I miss you guys. What else am I supposed to do when you are sleeping?" She shrugged. "Yeah that's the plus. The only women looked in my house when I'm not around are you sister and my mother."

She smiled, "You wouldn't do anything if they were." She teased back and closed out of the cameras. She handed her phone. "Charge it for me." She yawned and stretched her legs out. "It's a good thinim not doing anything important tomorrow. This is embarrassing." She said about her lip.

"You're the one that's supposed to get best up."
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