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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"No I think Owen should come with us. The puppies will be old enou for boarding by then. We can have a little family trip. Take a day or two to view some places." She smiled. "I mean it will be fun Boo. At least if Drew doesn't come it will be fun." She laughed and shrugged her shoulder. "Having the entire family under one roof again will be nice. Mom can make us all her French toast."

She ordered the same honing as Jake but with her strawberry shake. "You're a horrible influence." She said softly and shook her head.

"Double feature. You're convincing me to eat junk so it's going to be a double feature. Fast Fight and Shades Darker." She stuck her tongue out at him and rubbed his hand.
"So we have to find a place who is baby proof for three big babies." He chuckled. "What about Max?" He smiled a little. "Well if he does, we will make it work. We can put him on the other side of the house." Jake winked at her. "I want your mom's french toast."

Jake moved his arm around her from the one that was on her leg. "Does that mean I get a kiss good night since I'm such a bad influence? Maybe get to third base?" He asked with a smile.

He could do a double feature. "Sounds fun to me. Can we watches Shades Darker last so if you get any fun ideas we can try them out when we get back?" He chuckled.

Jake's phone went off and he checked it, again just to make sure it wasn't Owen. "Ummm...Bisping posted another video..." He looked at her but didn't play it.
"Max will go to the same boarding as the twins. I want a place that I can check in on them too. Like a live webcam so I can make sure the other dogs are being nice to them. And make sure Max is protecting his sisters."

She laughed, "Bad influences don't get to third base." She rolled her eyes at him. "I'm not getting any ideas." She laughed. "You aren't tying me to anything either."

She looked at his phone and then at him. She could feel her phone going off with the Twitter alerts. "Let's watch it. Or it will bug us all night. Watch it, get it over with and enjoy our date." She said softly and kissed his neck.
Jake rolled his eyes. "I'm sure our girls will be just fine babe. And we don't need our oldest getting into any fights."

He frowned. "Why don't they get to third? You don't want to try anything? Come on..." He teased.

He was unsure about watching it but hit the play button. It started off with insults to Jake for not being man enough to reply to his first video. He asked if he asked to get permission or what to say from his girlfriend. Then he started to insult Adri because of her job and her race. Jake saw enough was beyond pissed off. Before Bisping was done he even insulted Owen and his mother not being around. "I'm going to kill him." He said through gritted teeth.
"Bad boys don't get good things." She teased and kissed his cheek. "We will see after the movie. Maybe we can have some fun in the elevator on the way back to their room." She smiled.

She was expecting the insults to Jake but she wasn't expecting him to go as low as he did. She thought she had a thick skin but she didn't realize how thick it had to be to take insults like that to herself and to her kid and fiance'.

"I don't know how to feel. I don't know what to say." She said softly. "I'm upset, I'm sad, I'm pissed off. I know people don't like me but they don't say it to my face. You know? I hate this part of your job. I need a second." She said softly and slide out of the booth she walked to the bathroom to get herself together and take a few deep breaths by herself. She went back to the booth and their shakes were waiting for them. She dipped her straw in and pulled it out a few times and looked at Jake.

"I'm sorry I left." She said softly.
Jake looked at her confused but with a smile. "Really cause I thought chicks liked bad boys? Or am I wrong?" He smiled at her. "I could totally go for that." He kissed her softly.

He moved out of the way to let her out and sat down not sure what to do or to say. She hated this part of his job. He didn't blame her. When their shakes arrived he took a drink of one but wished it had some alcohol in it.

Jake wrapped his arm around her and kissed her temple. "Don't be. I understand." His other hand touched her cheek and caressed her cheek. "I'm the one who is sorry. Sorry you had to hear that. Sorry you have to put up with that part of my job." His eyes looked into hers. "He took this to a whole different level and it's not okay. I'll make him regret it. That I promise. He never should have pissed me off. Now I want to knock his head off even more. He can say what he wants about me but when he pulls you and Owen into it, that's when I have a problem."
"I think I'm done watching taunting videos." She said softly. "I told you to watch it. I should have known better." She sighed and looked into his eyes, "Let's just focus on our date and afterwards you can do what you want. Okay?"

She rubbed his thigh and had a sip of shake but it was too thick to drink with the straw so she used a spoon to scoop some into her mouth. She took another scoop and offered it to Jake.

"Can we get a drink? A real drink? Please?" She asked the waitress when she came to check on them. "Doesn't matter what it is just make it big and strong. Thank you."
Jake gave her a nod. "I'm done too. It's okay...I'll do most of my talking in the cage." He kissed her head. "Are you up to staying out or do you want to call it a night after dinner and just go back to the hotel?"

He took a bite. "That's good."

Jake held his two first fingers up. "Two drinks please." He looked at Adri. "You read my mind." He took her face in his hands. "You know I love you right? I've thought you were amazing from the minute I laid eyes on you. Why do you think I was such an ass to you?" He smiled a little.

"We have tonight left without our son. Our let's not let this ruin the rest of our time together. Whether we go back to the hotel or go out. Let's not let him get to us too much okay?" He kissed her softly.
"I want to see the movies but I don't think I'd be able to focus on them right now." She said softly. "Maybe we can do a rain check on our casual date."

She pulled her face out of his hands only to get his dirty hands off of her face. "I love you too Boo. I thought it was just your personality." She teased and kissed him on the lips.

I know this is our last night just the two of us. We will enjoy it by being boring and laying in bed in our underwear and maybe staying up all night." When their drinks came, Adri stirred hers a little and then took a few big gulps before setting it down. She made a sour face and shook her head, "That's exactly what I asked for. Oh my god it burns." She stuck her tongue out and smiled at him.
"Maybe we can convince Luke and Amy to come sit for us in a couple weeks so we can come see them." He gave her a smile.

His hands weren't dirty so he was a bit taken back by her pulling away but let her go. "That didn't help. But I saw you and knew you'd be trouble." He grinned at her.

"I'm fine with us staying in our underwear. Or not having anything on." Jake took a drink of his own. "Well you're not supposed to chug it babe...geez." He chuckled. Jake was a bit bummed their date was cancelled but more upset that his love was hurting. He had no idea what to do to make it better.

Jake looked at her. "Is it okay if we don't go straight back?"
"Sensitive skin, Boo. No touchy." She smiled at him, "You were the one that was trouble in the end."

She nodded her head, "Probably nothing at all." She smiled. "We can play on SnapChat and be the cute couple Bisping is obviously jealous that we are." She hiccuped and took a smaller of her drink and then focused on her milkshake.

Their food came and she squirted some ketchup by her fries to dip them in and took a bite of her burger. "Oh god it's so good and fatty." She told him. She dipped a fry in her strawberry shake and ate it.

"Where do you want to go after this? We saw Bellagio last night. Did you want to go see Thunder Down Under? Or Chippindale's?" She smiled.
His face dropped. "Sorry. I'll keep my hands to myself." He moved his hands away.

"Whatever you want to do is fine by me. We can always watch a movie in the bedroom." He shrugged.

Jake thanked the waitress and took a few bites of fries. "Is it weird I've never been a huge fan of dipping my fries in ketchup. But my shake...thats a different story." He dipped his fry in his shake and took a bite. He then chuckled with a mouth full of burger. "You're welcome for getting you to cheat."

"No! You know what...never mind now we're just going back." He shook his head.
"You can touch my butt if you want. I know you like my butt." She smiled.

"Don't be so proud of yourself. Cheat days are not a good excuse to go all out." She gestured to the table and them going all out. She smiled at him, "But it is nice. Tastes amazing and I will try not to get addicted to junk. Especially this damn shake." She said softly and took a sip, "That's too good."

She laughed and rubbed his leg, "If you want to go for a walk, we can. I was only teasing. I'll go see a show with Amy." She teased. "Unless you wanted to put on a show for me." She raised her eyebrows up and down. "Are you wearing the elephant?" She whispered.
"No no. Don't want to break you out. I'll never hear the end of it." He said softly.

Jake looked at Adri. "We NEVER cheat. I never eat like this. The worst is normally just Chipotle. I won't crap again till after I'm champion. So don't get used to it."

He looked at her. "She is a married woman now and expecting. She shouldn't be going to either of those shows and you shouldn't be a bad influence." He narrowed his eyes at her. "No. No elephant and no show. You get nothing. Remember bad influences get nothing. Your words not mine."
"You can touch my butt Jake." She argued.

She tilted her head at Jake, "Well I learned it from you." She smirked. "And Amy doesn't care. She loves Australian dancers. What do you think we did for her bachelorette party?" She giggled.

She burst out laughing, "You have been the bad influence all night! If roles were reversed I would put on the elephant for you." She shook her head, "Fine, no elephant but maybe a show?" She smiled and rubbed his shoulder against his.
"Nope. Not doing it. We probably shouldn't sleep naked either. My body may be too oily and dirty."

Jake shook his head. "I know what you two did but I try to forget about it and I sure as hell don't want to keep hearing about what my sister likes. Plus she is happily married where she shouldnt be thinking of Australians." Jake kept eating and took a drink of her shake. He couldn't eat all of his fries.

"No show. I told you we can't be naked together in bed. So looks like you're on the couch." He teased.

After a bit he ran his hand through his hair and looked away. He was trying to not let Bisping grt to him, but truth eas it was too late for that.
She laughed and rubbed her lips together. As much as she wanted too, she couldn't finish her burger or her fries. She had half of the strawberry shake only a few sips of the Oreo shake. She was already feeling groggy.

She sighed, "Fine I guess. I will just have to sleep naked on the couch. Eat whipped cream off of my own body." She said softly and looked up at him. "Even though I hate whipped cream. I wish I knew someone who enjoyed it..."

She put her head on his shoulder, "For real though, did you want to do something or go somewhere after dinner?"
He took a few more drinks of both shakes. "Should we get to go containers." He chuckled.

"Good thing we don't have any whipped cream. I wanted some the other night and told me no. That I didn't need it. So nice try but it didn't work." He smiled a small smile.

Jake kissed her head. "No we can go straight back..." When the waitress brought the check he got his money out and paid and left tip. "Shall we?" He asked softly.
She nodded her head to Togo containers and asked their waitress for two when she got back.

She grumbled when he caught her in her lie. "You were t supposed to remember that. Fine then. I'll order something from room service and you'll be jealous then." She smiled.

She bagged up their meals and walked with him out of the diner. "Are you good to drive?" She asked. He could probably hold his alcohol better than she could but she felt the need to ask.
Jake watched her and shrugged. "I won't be jealous. Maybe I will put the elephant on and make you sleep on the couch. So I don't ruin your skin." He teased with a smile. "I may just do that."

He gave her a smile and nod. "Yeah babe. I'm okay." He opened her door for her before getting in on his side. Jake started back towards the hotel but took a long way back.

He stopped at a light and with his hand holding hers he squeezed it and elbowed her. "Look..." He pointed out his window at Victoria Secret that had a picture of her outside and there were people taking pics with it. He smiled proudly. "Should we stop? You could photobomb them."
She pushed his arm, "You ass, you probably would. I'll just wait until you are snoring and I will play with the elephant then. How about that?' She teased and kissed his cheek.

She looked at where he was pointing and smiled, "I mean we can't just drive by right?" She laughed and kissed the back of his hand.

When he pulled over they made the short walk to the VS store. She looked for a good picture to bomb and she went in and struck a pose that commanded attention. When the person taking the picture looked up, she laughed and pointed behind the two girls Adri was standing behind and they screamed and hugged her and Adri hugged her back.
"I don't snore...and be nice to the elephant." He smiled at her.

Jake shook his head no while he smiled. She probably had no idea that VS was their stop he was talking about. He knew he had to do something to make her feel better.

He walked over and took video of her photobombing. He chuckled a bit and even took pictures for the girls and gave them their phone back. They then wanted a picture of just Adri and Jake. He wrapped his arm around her for the picture. He then let her do the same thing to a few other people so they were there for a little while, he saw the smile on her face so he felt like accomplished his mission.

He was so in love with that woman and it just made him angrier that someone would attack her. She was amazing at her job, an amazing mother, an amazing fiance. There was so much more to her then her outer appearance. Hell the woman put up with him that alone made her wonderful. He just sat back smiling watching her.

He got the idea while watching her for his response to Bisping. He ended up recording her again with some fans. "Bisping...look at that gorgeous woman making her fans happy. This woman was destined for greatness and she's making her way to the top. Just like I am." He turned the camera around to himself. "I'm going to take that title from you. And you better believe your ass that I'm going to take pleasure in beating the shit out of you. I don't take the insults to my fiance, my son, or the LGBT community lightly. I will make you pay for them in the cage. That's where I do my talking. I'm not going to pull your children or your wife into this. I'm sure as hell not going to bring in a community that has nothing to do with our fight. A community that my fiance works very closely with. I know you're just butthurt because my fiance punched you. Now you know what happens when you threaten our family. We stand up for each other. She was defending herself and for that I stand by her and will continue to do so. You may want to watch what you say about her because you already know she has a good jab." He chuckled a bit. "You're a worthless piece of shit pulling my family into this. I can't wait to knock yourself out. This is the one and only video response you will get from me. Maybe you spend more time in the gym than making videos cause you're gonna need all the help you can get." He sent it to PR to decide if it gets posted or not.

Jake got up and walked over to Adri. "You done having fun?" His arms wrapped around her.
Adri continued taking pictures with her fans in front of her billboard. She was oblivious to what Jake was doing. She just enjoyed putting smiles on people's faces and having fun. When Jake walked over to her she smiled at him, "No. I'm not actually." She laughed.

She pulled out her phone and took a few pictures with him then she went to snapchat and took a few pictures with the cute and funny filters. "Thank you for pulling over." She smiled and gave him another kiss. "I love you."

She laced her fingers with his and walked with him to the car again. "Do you want to walk up and down the strip? Drop off the car and just go for a walk?"
Jake laughed. "Okay we can stay." He didn't realize that she said no cause she wanted pics with him. He posed with her.

He held her hand and gave her a nod. "Of course. It was my plan to all along." He gave her a wink and opened her door and got in on his side.

"Yeah I would like that actually." He nodded with a smile and kissed her hand. "You have good ideas. You know that?" It wasn't long before they got back to the hotel and left the car. He started to walk with her, holding her hand. "I'm so in love with you, you know that?"
She nodded her head, "I know." She teased and enjoyed the ride back to the hotel.

"We should get a convertible. When O is older, we can drive around with the top down and he can look at all of the lights. He would enjoy that. And so would I but this is about O."

She smiled as they started to walk, "You better be. I better not be taking vocal abuse for no reason." She teased and put her arm around his waist. "We are we going to a women's fight? Doesn't Holmes have a fight coming up? I want to go. I want to see someone other than you get beat up."
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