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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake knew she'd mention Fifty Shades. "We could always do a double feature...if you want." He shrugged. They do glamorous a lot so he was excited for casual.

He let out a sigh. "We could always go buy you some jeans." He told her with a smile. That meant shopping though, but he could do that for her so they could do casual.

"But that doesn't mean that I'm rude to them or support how they treat gays." He kissed her back. "I love you too babe." Jake chuckled. "Baby that's not casual. Come on...let's go shopping. You need casual." He got up and looked at her. "You probably didn't pack much for casual for me either did you? it is. Oh man...this would be perfect for our matching Jordans."
"That is casual." She argued but she wasn't going to say no to a shopping trip. "And we are near the good mall. Lucky us." She smiled. She shook her head to packing him something casual. "I didn't think we would do casual. We are surrounded by five start restaurants." She argued.

She put on her outfit for their shopping trip and let her hair do it's naturally curly thing. She smiled at Jake and slipped her feet into a pair of high heels. "Okay so it's not super casual but I know one store we can hit and be casual." She smiled.

"Express. We might even see my face in the store. Wouldn't that be weird and cool? We can go to foot locker afterwards and find some matching Jordan's. We just have to get O his matching pair later. Okay?" She grabbed her purse and did a turn and when she did her skirt rose and showed off her boyshort style panties. She pushed it down and laughed, "No spinning." She laughed. "Remind me not to spin."
He shook his head. "No it's not." He chuckled. "Lucky us." He wrapped his arms around Adri. "Babe...sorry I chose casual. We've never done a casual dinner and a movie. We've always dressed up for date night. This will be nice."

He rolled his eyes. "Really? Express? I'm surprised you didn't say Victoria Secret." Jake chuckled. "I'm going casual and comfortable. So be ready otherwise you will look overdressed. Plus we're going to a movie babe. Not Paris." He winked at her.

Jake smiled and grabbed his wallet. "Spin? You want me to tell you to spin? Spin for me in the elevator?" He kissed her cheek and called for their car to be up front. He waited until she was ready and then walked with her to the elevator holding her hand.
"It's not my fault I like to be dressed up. I am a queen after all." She said with her nose up in the air.

"Come on." She rolled her eyes and laced her fingers with his as they walked to the elevator. The car was waiting for them when they got down there and she let Jake drive her baby to the nearest mall. They were able to walk normally for a little bit and then people started coming up to take pictures with them. Security noticed a mass of people and went to check it out and then they started pushing people away. From there they stayed with Jake and Adri like glue so they didn't get swarmed again.

They were able to shop in some peace. Adri didn't want the store shut down completely. That wasn't fair to other people. She just wanted to walk aorund and shop like a normal person. Jake could go to the men's section and she could walk through the rest of the store and do her shopping. She was probably just supposed to get an outfit for tonight but she found a few jeans she liked and then shirts and accessories and sweaters.She liked to have options and Jake knew that.

"Hey, since I might be travelling alone for the fashion weeks and other jobs, I was thinking of hiring my bodyguard again and keeping him this time. And the guy I was training with, Colin, he has a pretty damn good work out. I might hire him to be my personal trainer. What do you think?"
She had him about being a queen. "Speaking of royalty...I never did start my tattoo...gotta wait till after I'm champion now."

Jake would have taken care of the people but didn't want to be rude or cause a scene. He was grateful for security and ended up giving them money for their trouble and thanking them.

He looked around and grabbed a pair of jeans. He then found graphic ts and a few plaid button up shirts. Then he found the clearance and grabbed a few thing. "Baby do you get a discount?" He teased.

"I think we're gonna switch out cars too." He looked at her.
She shrugged her shoulder, "You'll get it done eventually. I can't wait to see the finished product." She smiled.

She thought about and shrugged her shoulder, "Maybe if I asked and they sent stuff but it's not like I have an employee card or anything." She laughed

She frowned and looked at him, "What? Boo, body guard and personal trainer. What do you think? I'd only use Liam when I am traveling alone. And you aren't a personal trainer. We can workout together but I need someone focused on me and my body healthy. He's a nutritionist and certified trainer and there was something else but I can't remember it. Liam isn't working and I don't like being swarmed like that. He kept that at a super minimum."
"It will look pretty cool." He smiled at her.

Jake laughed. "You should get an employee card. You only walk for them...geez." He teased and joked. "I didn't realize they have such cool guy clothes. I'm impressed." He kept looking around at different things.

He stopped and looked at her. "Well...I have mixed feelings about it." He knew that wouldn't be what she wanted to hear but he was being honest. "I have to watch what I do when we are in public. If I push someone out of the way and they get hurt the media is going to be on me like glue and I could have Dana all over me and potentially lose fights. My hands are deadly weapons Adri. But imagine how a UFC fighter feels having to have some guy follow him and his fiance around. When it's just you...I am fine with Liam around. I'd prefer Liam around. I would know you are being protected and I would be at ease." He looked at things as he talked to her.

"Now the personal trainer..." He stopped and looked at her. "I understand you need to look into someone who is focused on you. I'm okay with that too." He let out a sigh. "But babe...I do like working out with you. I want to be able to still do that sometimes okay? And this guy was a bit flirty. He better keep it in check or I'm going to have to put him into his place." He smiled at her and gave her a wink.

Jake was trying really hard to give her more freedom and not be so jealous about things. He trusted Adri, it sometimes was the guys he didn't trust. But he trusted that she'd not allow herself to be in a bad situation. "How do you feel about me hiring someone to be a regular massage therapist? I think it would help with my muscles after workouts and fights."
"I don't walk for them. I pose for them. God, do you even pay attention to what I do?!" She joked and gave him a kiss.

"The good news is he is my bodyguard. No yours and I said I would only use him when I am out and about on my own." She smiled. "So no worries about that. My hands aren't deadly weapons know. And even if he was around when we are together it would probably be best for him to push people out of the way so you don't lose your job, you know? He's a security measure." She shrugged her shoulder.

"There's some guy in New York right now that is grabbing models from behind and hugging them as a prank for his YouTube channel. If it happens to me, he's getting knocked out by me but I'd rather not let it happen to me and have Liam there to stop it before it happens." She gave him a look, "We were being friendly. That is all. Yes he flirted and I flirted back a tiny bit but it was all playful. I promise. Nothing will happen."

She frowned and shook her head, "Absolutely not. This," she waved her hand over his body, "Is mine to rub down." She teased. "If you feel like it's something that will improve you as a fighter then I think you should. Just don't get upset if I borrow the service every now and then." She smiled.
He looked at her and kissed her back. "Babe...half time I'm not paying attention to anything but how freaking sexy you look in whatever you have on. And how damn lucky I am, in all honesty." He shrugged.

"Like I said baby, I'm fine with him being there to keep my girl safe." He smiled at her. "I'll think about whether or not I want him around when we are together. It's something we can think and discuss. I see your point. So I'll consider it. But that's only in New York. What about here? Or LA?"

Jake narrowed his eyes at her. "You flirted back? A tiny bit? would you feel if I flirted with a girl? Just a tiny bit?" He asked her.

He shrugged. "I don't know if it will help me with fighting...I think it will help me feel better so maybe it will. My muscles get tight sometimes. I give myself a beating in training and in the cage. If this is yours to rub down, I'll take another rub down tonight." He teased and went to the check outs. "Are we done here?"
She rolled her eyes, "Gee thanks Boo. That means a lot." She laughed and shook her head.

"He is open to traveling. It's not just New York and LA where I need him. It's Milan and Tokyo and London and Paris. He signed on for that when I first hired him and he is willing to move here and travel with me where ever I go."

She smiled, "A tiny bit is only human Boo. I trust you. And I trust you to push whoever the girl is off if she puts her hands on you. As long as it's friendly and purely friendly I don't mind. I'm serious." She gave him a kiss.

"Yeah. My stuff is already at the cash wrap." She said pointing to a tall pile that was waiting for them. "I think you may need a professional but I do like giving you massages. I mainly like any reason to touch your body. So there's that."
He chuckled. "I'm kidding. But...babe...your first walk was for Express so I wasn't entirely wrong." He gave her a matter of fact look.

"Well I know you need him in those places too babe but I will be there hopefully for Milan, Tokyo, London, and Paris. Especially Milan and London." London was special to them as that was where they got engaged. "If he's willing to move to Vegas..." He shrugged. "I want my girl safe."

He kissed her back softly. "Alright. As long as it stays tiny bit. Or again, I will have to put him in his place." He gave her a look. "And you know I will. Deadly weapons." He held his hands up to her and winked.

Jake saw her pile. "Babe....seriously?" He added his clothes to her pile and let them ring it up. He lifted up his shirt to show off his abs, "Why cause of this?" Jake like showing off his abs. It was something he was proud of and he planned to be in the best shape for this fight.

As they waited for the workers to ring up the clothes his phone went off from a few texts. Jake checked his phone to make sure it wasn't important with Owen. "It's Luke, he says I should reply to Bisping..." He sighed and shook his head.
"He is." She said softly. "I'll let him know when we get home. Actually." She sent him the confirmation email and put her phone away. "I had a feeling you would say yes." She said softly. "And I do want you in all of those places. But I will understand if you can make it. Especially if you're training."

She shrugged her shoulder, "I like my options." She said softly. She smiled when he lifted his shirt and pushed his shoulder. "Such a whore for attention." She teased and rubbed his abs.

She looked at his phone and then up at him, "That's up to you. My PR says I should stay away from it. But I did post that tweet that said I'd do it again. I couldn't resist." She smiled.

The sales girls finished taking tags off of the clothes and ringing them up. It was almost a grand and it was mostly Adri's fault.
He smiled at her. "You had a feeling huh? Why did you have a feeling?" Jake nodded at her. "I know babe. And if I can, I'm there. It will be fun. Maybe Luke could travel and we just train wherever we go." He smiled at her.

"Your options? How can you decide with all of this?" He smiled at her. "What? I'm just giving my girl what she likes." He kissed her. "I like my girl touching me." He gave her a wink.

Jake went back and forth on the idea. "I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll do a video, send it to my PR and let him decide if it's posted." To him that sounded like a great idea to him. He could do a video and if it wasn't good the PR could scratch it. If it would be good then it would be posted. "I'll do it tomorrow though. Tonight is about us."

He gave Adri a look. "Seriously Q? Damn." He teased her and gave the lady his card. "Are we going anywhere else or should we go switch out cars?"
"What kind of question is that? I always get what I want." She told him like it was obvious. ""Yeah but Amy will be heavily pregnant and unable to travel at that point. He's not going to want to leave his wife." She reminded him. "Hopefully you wouldn't want to leave me when I'm that pregnant." She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Easily." She said to choosing an outfit. She took her hand away from him and tugged his shirt down. "Be good."

She shook her head, "Not done. Foot locker and then we are done." She told him. They went to Foot locker and she found some black and red Jordan's. They were Jakes colors so they seemed fitting to her at first. She also didn't know what she was going to wear so she needed a plain color as well so she asked for all black and all white. She looked at Jake, "What do you think? Should we get the pink ones too?" She teased.
He couldn't really argue that. She did get what she wanted an awful lot. "I'll leave your ass behind if you are being a royal pain in mine." He teased but kissed her. "No I wouldn't leave you."

Jake didn't believe at all that it would be an easy selection of what to wear. To him it would be hard. "I am being good." He grinned at her.

When they got to Foot locker her looked around. He looked at the different shoes. When she found the black and white ones he looked them over. "Well of course I love the red and black ones...but I do like the white for something different. I don't really own white shoes. Let's do white." Jake then looked at the Jordan sweats and hoodies. He grabbed the sweats and then found a pull over hoodie to buy and then also a zip up. "The zip up is for tonight in case it gets cool out." He smiled at her. Jake could shop too and spend money. Most of his money though went to sports attire, shoes, and watches.

"You can get pink if you want. I'm not wearing pink. But we don't always have to match. I could get the red and black ones and you the pink ones."
"Yeah that's what I thought." She told him and frowned at him. "There will be no traveling when I am close to my due date and I will kill you if you even try it." She threatened playfully.

"Now we don't have to match. Earlier it was 'aw we didn't bring our matching Jordan's' now it's we don't have to match?" She shook her head. "We are matching." She looked at the sales attendant, "We will take the black and red in his size the pink in my size and two all white in both of our sizes." She told him and he went to get their shoes. When jakes was done looking at clothes they went to the cash wrap and it was her turn to pay for it all.

When they were finished, she carried the Nike bags because there were onto two and he carried the express bags because their were too many for Adri's weak arms to carry.

They put them in the drunk and smiled at Jake. "Let's trade cars and then go back to the hotel. I have to pick and outfit and shoes and get ready for our casual date."
He wiggled his eye brows at her. "Promise? You know I like it rough." He teased and chuckled a bit.

"No! Babe...That's not what I meant. Today we have to match. But in the future we don't have to match every day. Like next week if you want to wear the pink ones go for it. And I'll wear the black and red." He sighed. "Gosh you're such a pain in my butt." Jake placed a small kiss on her lips as they waited for the shoes.

Jake looked at how many bags he had and how many she had. "I already had my work out in today Adriana..." He teased. Jake drove to the gym and they left whatever they didn't need in her car and then put what they may wear that night in his car. As they drove back to the hotel, Jake held Adri's hand and thought about things to do with Owen when they got home.

"What do you think about taking Owen to the aquarium one day after we get home? And maybe the Shark Exhibit? I think it would be fun to do something with him since we were away. I thought about the water park, but I thought maybe he'd be too little." He glanced at her at a light.
"You don't even know what a pain in the butt is. You want a spoiled princess pain in the ass I can give it to you but I don't think you can handle it." She warned and kissed him back.

"Stop being such a baby." She said to him. When it came time to transfer bags from one car to the other she made sure all of her expres sbags were in his trunk before they left.

When they got back to the hotel shell laid all of her clothes out on the bed and neatly put the clothes she didn't want back into the bag. She was down to a pair of black distressed jeans a sparkly rose gold tank top and a black button up shirt she could wear over it. She tried to wear the Jordan's but it didn't feel right so she put in a pair of ankle boots and walked into the bathroom. She kept her make up simple and her hair stayed down like it was.

"I'm going to have to straighten my hair for this meeting next week." She said softly. "Might be nice to be straight again."
He let out a sigh. "Please don't. Save me that torture please. And if our daughter acts like help me."

Jake playfully kicked her in the butt and smiled at her. "Love you."

He decided on a pair of bootcut jeans with a few spots where they were shredded. He then put on a tshirt and a plaid button up shirt and his Jordans. Jake looked at her and saw she didn't have the Jordans on and shook his head playfully.

"How do you like your hair better? I like both. When it's straight I can actually run my fingers through it. When it's curly they get lost but I can straighten a strand and then it bounces back." He chuckled. "Maybe I should straighten mine."

"You never commented about taking our son out."
"I like both. It's easier to deal with straight but I look good either way." She smiled cockily. "Don't straighteno Yes. I like your messy golden locks. It's cute. If you let it grow one more inch I can braid it back for you or put it in ponytails." She smiled.

"I was distracted. But yes, I think he would like the aquarium. I'm hesitant to take him to a water park. I don't want him to get sick or anything. But the aquarium will be fun."

She switched out purses so a cross body LV bag. "I am going to sit down and really start planning his birthday party so I need that list of people. Think we should have a cake he can tear into and a cake for us to actually eat. I think he will like getting frosting in his hair and all over his body. And we know he likes strawberry since you ruined his first cake experience." She said dramatically and hit his arm.

"The one thing I wanted for our son and you took it away." She laughed.
Jake smiled at her when she said she liked her golden locks. "Um...I'm not letting you bread it. I may cut it though. It's getting too long."

"Maybe we need to take him out to build his immune system. But the aquarium sounds fun. They have an area to pet sharks and sting rays." Jake said excitedly. "I think O would like that."

They headed down to the car that was waiting for them. "Adri...he had one bite. One. He will still enjoy it cause he never gets that much sugar. He will be so hyper. And it's your fault. I didn't ruin anything." He gave her but a smack. "Your ass looks amazing in those pants damn." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Jake drove to the diner. "There was a place back home close to this I'll have to take you." They arrived at Roxy's Diner and Jake parked and got out to open Adri's door. They walked in and Jake picked a booth for them.
"I'll just wait until you're asleep then." She smiled and rubbed his hair. "I like your hair like this though. It's sexy pushed back."

She nodded her head, "Its possible but I'd rather have a healthy baby." She smiled. "He'll get sick when he goes to school. No need for him to be sick now." She said softly.

She laughed, "You ruined the experience!" She laughed hand he spanked her and she hit his butt back. "And thank you."

"We can go to your diner for Christmas. Since we will be out there." She said softly. She looked over the menu and raised her eyebrows at everything, "When you cheat a meal you go all out, don't you?" She teased. "Strawberry shake. Or Oreo." She smiled. "Or both and we can share them both so we will technically have one." She offered and smiled. "Sound good?"
Jake smiled at her. "That's what you like about it, it slicked back. That's what's in now."

He shrugged. "I'd rather him be exposed to it and he be sick now than when he does go to school and then he has to miss school cause he's sick. I'd rather him be home now with us sick."

His lips pressed against hers. "I didn't ruin anything..." He chuckled and gave her a look when he smacked her butt. "You getting handsy already on our date?"

Jake moved to sit next to her in the booth. "We should head to Denver though before Christmas to look at a few places our financial adviser picked out for us. One is kind of cool it's a rent to own. So if we can't afford to buy it we can rent it and that money will go towards owning it." He smiled and kissed her shoulder. "Yes ma'am. I go all out. This..." He looked at her. "I don't remember a lot about my dad growing up. But this is one thing I remember. Going to the diner in Denver and getting burgers and milkshakes." He smiled at her. "We can can get Oreo and strawberry." His eyes went back to the menu. "I think I have to get a burger and fries. Maybe bacon cheese burger. Yeah. It's cheat day why not." He winked at her but when the waitress came he asked for a water at first. Jake's hand rested on Adri's leg. "What sounds good to you?"
"Me? You started it!" She laughed.

She could agree to that, "We would have to go right after your fight. We can take a day to go and see all of the properties and pick which one we like best. They all have what I wanted. That grand foyer where we can put a massive tree. I think the one you are talking about, had a view of some mountains right outside of the living room windows. We could put another tree in that room and put all of the presents under that tree." She smiled.

"I should order the caesar salad but I think I want a burger and fries. I just don't like the sluggish feeling I get after eating something that greasy." She said softly. "I don't know. I guess I'll cheat with you."
Jake liked that idea of going right after his fight. "A nice get away for you and me? Leave O man behind?" Jake smiled at her as she lit up talking about Christmas. "I think you're going to enjoy this having everyone together for Christmas more than I am." He kissed her temple.

"We can feel like crap after together." He chuckled and then let out a 'Yes!' "I convinced you to eat like garbage too. I'm such a bad influence. That's good for a date. Especially one one like a high school date." He wiggled his eyebrows.

When the waitress came back with his water, Jake ordered his bacon cheeseburger with all the fixings and fries. He ordered an Oreo Milkshake and let her order the strawberry one. He took a drift after she left and looked at Adri, "We going to a double feature then or just the one movie?"
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