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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake laughed. "Right this is about Owen. We could take the whole family. I'm sure Max would love the car ride. I'm not sure about your youngest."

He rolled his eyes shaking his head with a smile. "I'm really sorry about that babe." He kissed her shoulder. "It would be get publicity for the fight if we do go to the next one. It's here anyway. I'm just glad the championship fight is also here."

He walked for a bit and looked at her. "We will have to come take pics of the billboard when your man's face is on the main event card. I've never been the main event before." He let out a breath and got a little nervous. A lot of people depended on him to win. "I can't wait for this fight."
"Max would love it too." She agreed. The twins probably wouldn't. They liked wrestling indoors.

She shrugged about the title being here, "I can see why you like it being here. It would have been cool if it was in Australia or London. At least you get to sleep in your bed where you know it's comfortable though." She said softly.

She smiled at him, "Hey you'll be great. You'll get the championship and you'll kick Bisping's ass. I want a knock out win. Knock him the fuck out!" She laughed. "Please? At least try." She laughed again. "It would be cool with like a roundhouse kick to the face. If you can do that that'd be badass."

She was t excited for the fight but she was excited for it to be over with. "Three rounds right?" She sighed and rubbed his side. It would probably be a long fight taking up all three rounds. Her stomach was turning just thinking about it.
Jake knew Max would love it. That boy loves car rides and and if he has his best friend with him, it would be that much better.

"It's that and also the fact that my support group is here. I know not all fights will be here but at least this first one will be nice for both out families to be there. I know not all of them can travel everywhere with us all the time." He kissed her head. "You'll get to travel soon babe."

He laughed. "I'll try to make it entertaining for you but my main goal is just to win. But I will do what I can. I'll at least get a good kick in okay?" He kissed her head.

Jake looked at her. "Baby...championship fights are five rounds. Five, five minute rounds. I have better cardio. He will get tired before I will. I'll use that against him. He's really not as good as he thinks he is." Jake's hand rubbed her side. "I'll try not to put you through five rounds. I don't want a decision. A decision is almost as bad as losing unless its unanimous."
"I'm by looking for entertainment. I'm look for cold hearted revenge. A kick to the face is that revenge. A badass quick will make your rise to the championship a million more times badass." She told him.

"Please don't. I don't think I can handle five rounds. You really should t put Amy through five rounds. Three Max. But one or two would be best." She joked but she was being serious.

"What are we going to do if I get pregnant and you have a fight? That's a lot of stress on me that will be on the baby. I don't think I could handle all the excitement. I can't go if I'm super pregggers. That's calling for early delivery." She laughed.

"When you win the title what comes next?" She asked curious. "Career wise I mean. Do you retire after a year years or do you want to change weight classes? What happens next?"
Jake gave her a nod, "I know babe. He will get his revenge. Trust me. I'll knock his ass out where he sits up and has to ask where he is."

He looked at her and smiled, "Amy huh...Don't use Amy as an excuse. You don't want to go five rounds. It's not in my game plan to go that long so don't worry too much." He kissed her temple.

"I can always not take fights close to your due date so that way we don't have to worry about it. I wouldn't want you to get too stressed out. I would understand if you have to stay home. I'd miss you and it would suck, but I understand."

Jake thought about it and caressed her side. "Well...after I win, I will have to defend my title. I'll defend it as long as I can, if no one can take it from me after awhile then I could bump up or down weight classes, probably down and go after the title there. Or retire and just train. It's going to depend a lot on my health." He said the last part kind of quiet and looked down. "Do you understand what my mom kept saying to us about being punch drunk and what that means?" He looked at her.
"I mean it's true. She can't take five rounds. I don't know if she can take one but she wants to be there. I kind of need her there. She helps me through fights."

She frowned a little, "You can deny a fight? Oh, you mean you can ask Dana for a block of time off and hope he agrees. Like with the wedding. I got you." She told him. "Even if I can't be there I will be at home watching. You can blow a kiss to the camera and I will know it's for me. Or blow two for me and the baby." She smiled.

She nodded her head in understanding as he explained what could happen. "I've heard her say. I just thought it meant you got hit a lot." She said softly. They didn't about this stuff a lot. Not since Eddy died.
"She's stronger than you think." He smiled at her. "I can see that though. That you need her there. She keeps you calm? Does she stay pretty calm during the fights?"

He gave her a nod as she figured it out on her own. "Right if they know you're having a baby, I'm not going to want to be in London. If it's here in Vegas it won't be a big deal. But I don't really want to be out of the country because if something happens and I need to get to you I don't want it to be hard to do. But I could blow kisses for you guys. You and my little fighter at home. Maybe by then O can come to a fight.... Or I'll have to give three kisses." He corrected.

Jake gave her a nod. "That is what it means to a point. Punch drunk means having a lot of blows to the head and being kind of messed up from it. Or it can have effects later in life. Kind of like football players that have had a lot of concussions. It has happened with boxers who have gotten knocked out a lot." He let out a sigh. "My mom seems to think that's what is going to happen to me. That I'm going to get hit too much and end up totally screwed up." Jake shrugged. "I haven't gotten knocked out. We've talked about getting checked out to make sure everything is good. If it starts to really effect me I'll know it's time to retire. I want to be around to see out babies grow up and know what I'm seeing. She doesn't understand that I'm in complete control. I can retire at anytime. I could win and retire the next day if I wanted, if I felt my health was at risk. I could understand if I've gotten knocked out a lot, but I haven't. I haven't gotten knocked out once." Jake shook his head. "Funny she cares about that now but when I was getting beaten as a kid she could careless."
"She's a rock during fights. Like sometimes she will squeeze my hand but for the most part she keeps calm and watches and when I can't look she tells me when it is okay to look." She said softly. She was just now understanding it was because she was used to it. She was completely desensitized to it.

She smiled, "Yeah, three kisses. I'm sure he would like to go and see daddy work but I don't think it's a good idea for him to watch you beat someone up. Not until he is like maybe thirteen. Maybe." She laughed.

Adri sighed, "It was probably hard for her to see a future for any of you back then. Now you are out, you are successful and she doesn't want it to get messed up. Maybe in some weird way she is showing how much she cares for you. I think she does care for you. She's just spent so much time having to look the other way that she doesn't know how to show it. I know it's hard but you both have to take baby steps to the better relationship. It's not easy mending that damages of a relationship."
Jake smiled when she talked about how Amy was during fights. "She knows me. She knows when I'm holding something back to give my opponent at the right time. But I'm glad she's there to keep you calm." He gave her a small kiss with a smile.

"I can't believe you forgot about O." He pretended to be offended. "I'm telling him. Mommy forgot about him. I think he could be able to handle it a little earlier than thirteen, but that's a discussion for later. We have a few years. Maybe you'd have Amy and Luke's little one too?" He shrugged. "Or you both will be pregnant together."

Jake sighed and shook his head. He wasn't sure why she was defending his mother. "She doesn't care about what I do. She never has. She thinks what I do is stupid. She doesn't understand why I'd get in a cage to fight someone when I complain about my step father all the time. She thinks I'm going to ruin my life doing this. I'm going to be young and out of it mentally. It's not that she really wants what's best for me. If she wanted what was best for me she would have left him when she found out what he was doing. If she wanted what was best for me she wouldn't have kept my father from me. I understand you're trying to see some good from her and baby I love you for it...but it's not the case. I've tried to make baby steps. I'm tired of trying. I really am." He shook his head and let out a sigh.
"I didn't forget about our son." She said and pushed his hip with hers. "I don't know. Do you really think he should be going to fights when he's younger? Do they even allow kids at fights?" She laughed, "Could you imagine? Amy and I pregnant together. That would be funny. Hell for you and Luke most likely but funny."

She shrugged her shoulder, "No one can force you to have a relationship with her." She said softly. "It's up you. If you want to close that chapter then fine. Maybe when you stop trying, she will try to be more involved."

She wanted the whole family together for thanksgiving and Owens birthday and maybe Christmas but she could understand if Jake didn't want to invite her. She wouldn't push the subject anymore.

"I'm inviting Layla to the birthday party." She said softly. "But maybe this should be the last chance. If she can't make it to his first birthday, a birthday we didn't know he would make it to when he was born, then she shouldn't be in his life. We should keep her from him if she does try to form a relationship but I'm not going to get his hopes up for her to not show up."
He chuckled. "Kids go. A lot of fighters have kids go. Bispings kids were at his championship fight. His youngest was like eight maybe." Jake was guessing on the age so he shrugged. "Oh my, it would be hell. We'd be at the casino or watching fight tape a lot. Can we get a contract written up that you two can't be pregnant at the same time?"

Jake shrugged. "Maybe. I can only do so much. The rest is on her."

"I think that's a good idea. I couldn't have made a better decision. If she can't come for his birthday that's it. But she shouldn't show up just at the big moments. That's not fair to him." He kissed her head. "Babe I don't think he knows her enough to get his hopes up. You're his mother. When he calls for mom, he wants you. She's just a stranger to him..."
She laughed, "To the best of my ability I will not get pregnant the same time as Amy." She promised. "I would love to have kids around the same age but pregnant at the same time is a no. Maybe piggy back though. After she has a baby I'll get pregnant." She shrugged her shoulder, "Deoends on the time."

She smiled a little, "I know but in the future when he starts to understand that I'm not his mother, he might want to get to know her and I don't want him getting his hopes up then."

They walked past a donut place and she looked at Jake when the smell hit her, "It's still cheat day right?" She asked with a smiled and turned them so they walked into the donut shop. "I need a glazed donut in my life." She smiled.

Jake got a message for his pr that they posted the video and already their mentions were going crazy. ESPN was impressed by Jake taking the high road. Even the people bashing UFC for being anti lgbt were impressed.

Dana released an obligatory statement saying the UFC has nothing against the lgbt community and they even had pride shirts available for sale and that he did not approve of Bisping's words but h also couldn't stop his fighters from saying whatever they wanted to get into each other's head. But clearly any press was good press because it meant more attention, a boost in ticket sales and betting and that increased everyone's paycheck.
Jake laughed and was a hit relieved but knew it didn't matter and still could easily happen. "Thanks but we all know anything can happen. And if it does, be prepared for Luke and I to spend a lot of time together." He agreed though it would be nice for both of them to have kids close in age. "So are you saying that Owen is going to be close enough to their baby or do we need to get busy?"

He gave her a nod and rubbed her back. "I agree. I don't want him or you disappointed." He kissed her shoulder. "We will just have to make sure he comes first. And he knows that. I don't want him thinking work is more important. He's going to need us and know we're there."

Jake smelled the doughnuts too. "Yep. Cheat day. Plus we didn't eat all of our dinner so we're good." He wrapped his arms around her from behind. "I want the jelly filled with sprinkles." He checked his phone. "Hey...I have one more video for you." He handed his phone to Adri.
"No, prepare to spend a lot of time with me. Your pregnant wife, going through her first pregnancy with her fir--" She stopped herself and shook her head, "You're spending time with me. Not Luke." She laughed, "Owen will be close enough to their baby. We can practice but we are not having kids until we are married and you know that. Slide a second ring on my finger and we are safe to precreate."

She frowned, "Bleh. Jelly filled, really? Who am I marrying? I can stand behind sprinkles but jelly filled?" She made a face and ordered original glazed with sprinkles. The donuts were giant so she only needed one.

She took his phone and watched his video with a smile. "That, I think is the best video ever." She smiled and gave him a kiss. "No, I think the music video one is pretty damn good. Damn, I can't choose." She smiled. "I love you." She said and gave him a kiss.
Jake missed out on Owen so he didn't want to miss out on their pregnancy. "I'll spend so much time with you that you will get sick of me." He kissed her temple. "'s okay.. it will be your first child in a way. It's okay." He offered a smile.

"Hey.. what's wrong with jelly? Okay. How about creme filled? That better?" He smiled at her and nudged her.

He shrugged and kissed her back. "I sent it to my PR and he released it. I like the music video best." He smiled and kissed her back. "I mean all of it too. I'm not posting another video. Dana had to do damage control because of Bisping."

Jake found a seat to eat their doughnuts. " But the press conference is gonna be brutal. And it's gonna be face to face. Maybe you should stay home?"
"Ew that's even worst. Now I really question who I am marrying." She made another face and shook her head.

"I mean his defense wasn't very good but he did damage control. A shirt with a rainbow on the website isn't much of anything, really." She said softly and shrugged her shoulder.

She frowned at him, "Hell no." She said firmly. "I'm not waiting at home and watching it on TV. I'll be right there front row and if he has anything to say to me then he can say it to my face and I will try not to punch him but if I do I will do it with these knuckles." She said and pointed at her first knuckles. "And I'll aim for a black eye this time."
"You're marrying a man who has great taste in doughnuts that's who...duh." He chuckled. "And by the way you said no kids until I put a second ring on your finger...babe...just tell me when." He smiled and kissed her shoulder. He had to have a little bit of milk with his doughnut and offered some to Adri.

Jake sighed. "I didn't mean that necessarily, but he said that's not how the UFC sees things. That's Bisping's words not the UFC. What can we do? What should we do? Do we invite some designers or something to the fight?" He shrugged. Jake wanted to make this right but he didn't know how. That's why Adri and Jake were a good team, she'd come up with a good idea.

He gave her a nod to being there. He was only offering and telling her if she wanted to stay home she could. She told him she wanted to be there so he'd let her be there. Front row like she said. He chucked. "That's right. My girl knows how to punch." He kissed her. "Who is THIS woman I'm going to marry? She's kick ass and kicks ass." He laughed.

Jake wiped his mouth and looked at Adri. "So...about laying in bed...naked..." He whispered the naked part since they were in the doughnut shop. "That still gonna happen?"
"No I don't want to taste your nasty donut." She laughed.

She bit her donut and shrugged her shoulder, "It's not just Bisping though. It's every other fighter out there. You are doing something by not bringing them into it but I don't know how the UFC can fix it. It's too big of a problem for just us to fix. And it's Dana job to fix it but he sweeps it under a rug and if you speak out he can fire you. He's done it with other fighters. They do something he doesn't like and he fires them."

She laughed, "Damn straight. Kick ass and kicks ass." She smiled. She nodded her head, "Yeah we can still have some naked bed time."

She rubbed his hand and looked into his eyes, "I think therapy has been going really good for me." She said softly. "A lot of demons that I buried deep have finally been exposed and released and I think I am ready to start planning. Right now isn't the ideal time but maybe after the fight. We can take it little by little, you know? We have our date, so we can do save the dates. We can do the video of us meeting in the ring like we are about to fight and making the public save the date. If we start soon maybe we can shoot for 9/4/17." She smiled. "Does that sound nice?"
He held the doughnut up to her. "You sure?" He smiled.

Jake knew she was right but he still wanted to do something. "What if I wear a rainbow tie for the press conference and weigh ins? I know it's not a lot but at least they will know where I stand. Where we stand." He shrugged. "If I could, I'd wear something on my shorts, but I can't that would get me fired for sure."

He nipped at her neck. "Yes! Naked time!" He said a bit loudly and then realized it and made a face like he was sorry.

Jake looked in Adri's eyes with a smile, not having any idea where she was going with what she was going to tell him. "Well good. I'm glad therapy is working baby." He smiled and kissed her. Then he was surprised what she was saying. "Really? You're ready to do that?" He smiled bigger. "That sounds great babe. We still need to go for our trip and decide where we are doing it. I know we have a good idea..." He kissed her lips slow and deeply. "I love you. You're sure about this? I don't want to pressure you babe. I'm happy how things are. Things have been good. Really good." His free hand rubbed her leg.
She nodded her head, "I like that. We can wear something rainbow. You can wear a bow tie. You look goddamn sexy in a bowtie and I will find something ainbow to wear too." She smiled.

She laughed and put her finger against his lips. "Jeez, can you keep anything a secret? The world doesn't need to know we are having naked time." She whispered and gave him a kiss.

"I am very sure." She smiled. "I want to go and see the castles and find a dress and get married." She smiled even bigger, I really can't wait to find a dress or get mom's dress altered into something I love. I do have an idea of what I want but I can't tell you. You have to wait. I do know I want to take our pictures before the ceremony. That's when my make up will be fresh and we can do a first look of the bride pictures. My brothers, then my dad and then you. You just can't make me cry, okay? Then the pictures will be ruined and so will the wedding and I will hate you forever." She teased.
Jake smiled. "You like it when I have a bow tie on huh? I think that's a cool idea. Or we can both be part of of a rainbow then when we are together we are a full rainbow." He chuckled at how cheesy that would be but yet maybe cool.

He bit at her finger. "Nope. Sure the world does need to know. We are engaged and living together. I do believe that they already know we have naked time." He whispered to her and kissed her back with a smile.

"Alright. We go check out the castles and all of that. As soon as I win let's do it." He smiled at her. "I can't wait to see you in your dress. I probably will make you cry. You can have people there to redo your making up like ten times throughout the day if you want. I'm not sure if I want to see you before the wedding. I kinda want the first time to be when you're walking down the aisle to me." He smiled at her and looked in her eyes. "You won't hate me forever. You'll get over it in like ten minutes when you see your ring." He chuckle. "Which...are we picking that out together?" He checked his watch. "We could stop by the jewelry No we can't." He let his head fall. "What did I just say?"
"Yeah, no I'm not doing that." She laughed. "We can each wear rainbow. I will find something to wear and find you a bowtie." She laughed. "But we aren't being half of a rainbow."

She shook her head, "If they ask our house is like they were in the forties and fifties. We have separate beds in the same room." She smiled back at him. "How do you like that?"

"After you win we are going to Denver. Do you want to go to Denver, New York and then North Carolina? We totally can but if we do that then maybe we should take three days for each state and leave O with Amy and Luke." She said softly. "I'm up for it Boo but are you?"

She nodded her head in agreement. She probably would cry when he first saw him which was why she wanted to do it in private. "Babe it's going to be the same when I walk down the aisle." She said softly. "And I want that amazing picture of when you turn around and see me for the first time and you try to hold back tears but end up blubbering like a baby." She smiled.

"Of course we are picking them out together. I need a band that matches my ring. Why can't we go to the jewelry store?" She asked and pushed his leg back and forth.
He let out a sigh. "It was just an idea okay...Why can't I pick my own tie out? Do you not have faith in me?"

Jake laughed and shook his head. "Right...and you'd be begging me to push the beds together. You would hate sleeping without me." He told her with a smile.

"Well, in my head I want to say yes. Mentally yes I will be up for it. But let's wait to get tickets because I don't know how I'm going to feel. I may be kinda sore for a few days or weeks after the fight. Once I feel good yes, let's do it." He smiled at her and kissed Adri's lips softly.

She had a point. Maybe it should be private and the reaction would be the same. "Well you know...they can have a camera on me as you walk down the aisle. But I'm okay with before." He let out a sigh. She got her way already and they weren't even married, they would do just fine together.

"Because, I don't want to spend all night there and go in with money in my pocket and leave without any." He teased with a smile. "Alright sexy...let's go." He let out a big sigh.
"I do have faith in you but do you even know where to pick up a rainbow tie?" Did she? She rolled her eyes, "I would survive." She said softly. "I'd get used to it. I'd get to keep all of my covers." She nodded her head, "Okay. When you feel better we will go do our three day three state trip." She smiled.

She smiled when he agreed to doing it her way, "I love you Boo. I promise it will be the same. The first time you see me it will be because I want you to see how pretty I look. When you see me walk down the aisle it will be because we are about to pledge ourselves to each other for the rest of our lives. You'll still cry." She smiled. "Just for a different reason."

She frowned, "Ye of little face. We have to pick our bands. We might as well go and look. I just don't think we will find a pink diamond band to match my ring anywhere. You designed this yourself so this is probably going to be a special order or something." She walked with him to the Bulgari store because it was on the way to their hotel.
He acted offended. "Of course I do. Any suit or tie store. Geez. If they don't have it, they could order it in for me." He smiled proudly. "'d miss me. You'd want me to join you the minute you were away from me. Don't even lie." He gave her a nod to them taking the trip after he feels good after the fight.

"Right. I'll be crying because I'm stuck with you forever. I mean because I get you forever." He teased with a smile and kissed her softly. "I can't wait..." His hand rubbed her side.

Jake knew that was going to be a big possibility. "That's my worry. What would you want then? Maybe we can get an idea of the style you want and then could just get the diamonds put in." Jake couldn't stop smiling. "Adge?" He stopped and pulled her to him. "Earlier you said you were happy. Like really happy. I hope you know I am too. Not because you are ready to get married, but because you have my back. You have my best interest always at heart. I'm sorry it took so long for us to get on the same page with everything...but things have been really good since New York I think. I think New York did it's purpose." He kissed her softly.

"Alright...let's go to the store." He started walking with her. "If you want something to come home with you...I get a new watch, remember that."
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