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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri found herself hiding behind her hand for most of the fight. She wanted to watch but Amy was telling her everything that was going on sos he was happy to just listen and imagine what was going on. It felt like the bell was taking forever to ring. She wanted it to be over but she didn't want to see another round. She wanted to Jake to get it over with.

Her brothers were exceptionally rowdy. Yelling for Jake to kick Bisping's ass or punch him or put him in a headlock depending on what position the fighters were. Andre' made fun of Adri not actually watching the fight but she blew him off and focused on what Amy was saying.

Bisping was keeping his chin down and trying to flip Jake over his back but with the broken ribs it was rather difficult. He knew time was running out so he kept his chin and waited for time to expire and every so often he would buck his hips up to try and get Jake off of his back.
The bell finally rang and Jake got up after letting go of Bisping. He walked over to his corner as the guys came in. He sat down and one of them put ice on his shoulder blades. Luke started giving orders and praises. "Good first round brother but you gotta step it up. Make him tired. You have better cardio than he does." Jake took a few sips of water. "He's leaving his left side of his head unprotected when give a right jab. That glove comes down. Use that window." Luke was quiet so just Jake could hear him. He gave him a nod and then stood back up to for the next round.

Bisping was already out of breath from fighting off his head lock. He stood up and had his hands on his hips. Jake didn't come this far to lose or even take it to decision. He was going to win the fight. When the bell rang he tried to touch gloves again but Bisping still didn't want any of it.

They danced around a bit, exchanging jabs. Jake got in a few good combinations. Bisping got pinned against the fence but moved away just as Jake went for a left hook. They clenched against the fence and Bisping got a good elbow against Jakes eye, instantly cutting his eyebrow. Her brother made an "Ooo." Rogan mentioned how bad it was bleeding and that Jake probably couldn't see out of it. Jake gave him a few jabs against the ribs and Bisping let go.

They danced towards center of the cage and Luke started yelling "Window! Use the window!" Jake gave his ribs a jab. Then another, which Bisping blocked but then Jake spun around touching the mat then spinning a kick Bisping across the temple. Bisping's eyes shut and he went down and was out. He was out to the point his body went stiff. Out of reaction Jake jumped on him to punch him more and make sure he was down but the ref jumped in and pushed Jake off waving the fight was over.

Jake jumped up and ran around the cage in celebration with his elbows close to his side and his fist facing up. He hooted and hollered before jumping on the top of the cage, straddling it and pointing to the crowd where Adri, their families and Connor was. He had a huge smile on his face.
When the bell rang it wasn't over, Adri groaned and waved her face. "Okay, I'll watch this time." She told Amy and paced their little section. She knew he could do this it was just a lot to take in. She was nervous for him. She had to keep telling herself he would win and that he would be fine.

She jumped up and down when the fight started again. She had her hands laced in front of her mouth and watched the fight anxiously. She said prayers under her voice and urged Jake on softly.

Bisping's trainer told him to block his left side and he was trying to remember too and calculate his next move and his ribs were killing him so one thing had to get dropped and that was his block. He wanted to keep his belt and he wanted to knock Jake's lights out. Jake came in with punches and her tried to block but it was too late. He tried to throw a punch but he fell to the floor and he was down.

Adri and her entire section cheered the loudest. She was glad she was watching and witnessed it. She needed that video on her phone to post everywhere. Everyone in their section hugged and laughed and was happy for Jake. Connor was standing on a chair with his hands up. When they let them get in the ring Adri gave Jake's sweaty, bloody, nasty lips a kiss.

"I am so proud of you!" She told him and gave him a hug. She let him go so they could officially announce him as the winner and give him his belt. Joe Rogan went to him with the microphone and camera, "There was a lot of smack talk before this fight. Tell me, what does winning mean to you?" He asked.
Jake stood back to make sure Bisping was okay. He came to, Jake went over to give him a high five or fist bump but Bisping wanted nothing to do with him. At least he tried. Then his family came in the ring.

He smiled at Adri and wrapped his arms around her picking her up a bit, kissing her softly. "Thanks babe." He gave her a peck and let her down. He was surprised she kissed him and hugged him all sweaty and gross.

Jake moved over to the center of the ring and the ref took his wrist. He was nothing but smiles. When they announced Jake as champion it was one of the best feelings in the world. "The winner by knockout, aaanndd nooowww Champion. Jake the Drifter Daniels." Jake's hand was raised and the belt was put around his waist.

Bisping bolted out of the cage as Jake talked to Joe. Jake gave Joe a nod about the smack talk. "I knew it would be bad going after the belt, but you know the minute you bring my family into it, it gets real. I told him for the comments he made about my fiance I was going to knock him out to the point he didn't know who he was. I think I came pretty close today." He smiled. "This is what every fighter trains and prepares for. Being Champion. This is one of the best things that's happened to me besides my future wife and son. It is an amazing feeling to finally have all the hard pay off."

"Let's look at that kick that knocked him out. It was pretty brutal. Talk us through what you were thinking." Joe pointed to the screen.

"I could hear my trainer telling me about how he put his hand down, so I used that to my advantage. I was going for surprise and power. I haven't used that capoeira kick before so I figured...let's give it a go. And it worked perfectly."

"It was an excellent execution of the capoeria kick. Is that going to be a new signature kick?" Joe asked.

"Maybe..." Jake shrugged.

"Go Celebrate man. Congratulations." Jake gave him a nod and since he was the last fight, he could get a lot of pictures in the cage. He got some with all the family and Adri. He even got pictures with Connor. He then made his way back to the locker room. The doctor on staff that night wanted to stitch up Jake's eyebrow, especially with him going on his trip to New York and LA. Jake wanted to shower first. After a few photos, Jake went to shower. He put on his suit and sat down for his stitches, his belt on his should before he smiled at Adri. "Hey you..."
While Jake got patched up, Adri and the support gng took pictures together to post on various social media pages celebrating Jake's success. Adri posted a heartfelt emotional post on Instagram and a picture she took of Jake and the ef when they were putting the belt on him. She was very proud of him and couldn't wait to see what happened next.

His phone was blowing up with texts and she st there holding it and every so often it would ring. Everyone was so happy for him. She looke dup when he walked over to her. She smiled at him, "Hey Champ." She held her hands out for the belt so she could look at it, "I'll give it back don't worry." She laughed and marvelled at how heavy it was.

She gave it back and gave him a kiss, "How does it feel?" She stood behind and rubbed his shoulders. "I have something for you." she told him and revealed a Chipotle bag with his championship burrito. "Like hell I would let you get a burrito by yourself in LA or New York." She told him and gave him another kiss. "Eat up, Connor wants to say goodbye, we have the after party and you have a flight to catch." She kissed the back of his head and went to let Amy and Luke in. Adri stepped out of the room to make a phone call and then she came back and sat with Jake.
Jake wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. "That kiss a bit better than the one earlier?" He asked and chuckled. He was actually clean and not bloody. He reluctantly handed it over. "Don't break it." He teased. Jake helped her hold it up cause it was pretty heavy. "It's actual gold. My plan is keep this for awhile." Jake wanted to keep the belt then maybe move to a different weight class so he never technically lost the title and could win a belt at that class too. He took a picture of Adri holding the belt and smiled.

He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Pretty damn good. I'm flying high right now. I feel like I can do anything." He looked at her confused. "What do you have?" Jake smiled and chuckled. "Yes! You are the best. Thank you baby." He gave her a kiss and started eating the burrito. "I can eat later...I can see him." He put the food aside to see Connor.

Jake gave him a hug and they got a few more pics. "Thank for coming man." He gave him a high five. "I'll come by later to see you okay?" He gave him another hug and Connor said bye to everyone else before they left. Jake looked at Adri. "I can eat on the way to the party." He grabbed his food and bag. "Let's do this." His shoulder was on his shoulder. " sure you can't come with me?" Jake really wanted Adri to share this with him. It was exciting and he could't help but want his future wife by his side.
Connor came in and he rushed to give Jake a hug. He touched the belt and spoke about how cool it looked and what not. He was just happy he got to see his favorite fighter win a championship belt. His dad congratulated Jake as well and they took a picture together. They had to get Connor back to the hospital and in bed.

"When did I say I wasn't going with you?" She laughed and traded her snkears for her heels. She walked out of the room with him and laced her fingers with his. The paparazzi were waiting to take pictures of him and the belt. When they got to the car she drove them to the after party, taking her time so he could enjoy his meal.

"Oh we're you talking about your two day adventure?" She asked and shrugged her shoulder, "I could but you're going to be super busy babe. Do you really want me there? I'm supposed to be getting one on one time with O." She teased. "Proving to you that I can sleep in a bed alone with two dogs."
"The other day..." He held her hand as they walked out to the car. Jake sat and ate his Chipotle. "We need to just have Chipotle in our house." Jake teased and chuckled. "This is sooo good. Especially after I couldn't eat anything bad."

He gave her a nod. "Yeah to NY and LA." He would be pretty busy and it wouldn't really be fair to Adri. But technically he was around when she had a hectic schedule. Truth was though, he didn't want to take time away from her and Owen. "Yeah, I mean I'd love for you to be with me. But I don't want to take your quality time away from Owen. He doesn't get a lot of time alone with you. And no, you can't do it." He teased and offered her a bite of his food.

Jake finished his food right on time that they arrived at the party. He didn't want to carry his belt around, because other champs never did that, but deep down, he kind of wish they did. Instead it was in his bag that he would have with him on the plain to New York. They walked into the party and Jake held Adri's hand. "If Bisping is here, behave Adriana." He gave her a look and smiled before giving her a kiss.
She laughed and nodded her head, "Yeah I bet. Do you want to taste cake and food now that you are off of your diet?" She asked. "We have places to pick and styles to try. I kind of want fancy but good food. I don't know what kind of cake though. I love chocolate and lemon though. I just don't know." She said softly.

"I'd love to be there. You know that. We will talk everyday and I will watch and record all of the shows you are on. And we can watch them together when you get home." She smiled and rubbed his thigh. "You'll get your massage that night too." She promised.

"I always behave." She smiled. Before they walked in he was introduced by the MC of the night. The club stopped to watch him walk in and they cheered for his victory as they walked to the box. A few people shook hands with him or touched him. When they got to the VIP section, Uriah walked over to congratulate him. Luke and Amy stayed for a fifteen minutes before they went home because Amy was getting tired.

Bisping was no where in sight but he did just lose hide belt and he wasn't a fan of Jake or Adri's so why would he show up?
She had a good idea to do the caste tasting now. "Yeah we can do that when I get home. We know we probably should have strawberry for Baby Boo." He smiled at her. "I like chocolate too. Maybe we can do like a marble. That would be cool. We will have to figure out what we like. I do like the fancy good food idea. Should we pick a place there though?"

He smiled at her. "You won't watch them? That's gotta be torture. You sure you can handle three dogs going in different directions and then a baby running around?" He gave her a kiss. "You're gonna want a break when you have me get home. When we get home, day in bed?" Jake asked with a smile.

He laughed when she said she was always good. "I don't believe you at all. Not for a minute." He squeezed her hand. Jake liked the attention he was getting, he was used to it for Adri but not for himself. Jake congratulated Uriah on his win as well and wished that Luke and Amy could stay longer, but he couldn't stay super long himself. Rich Franklin and his wife was there to help celebrate, as well as a few of his corner guys.

Jake was handed a drink and since he would be on a plane, he figured it would be okay. He took a sip and started talking to other fighters, trainers, and gym owners. Other fighters wanted him to come to their gyms. His curiosity wondered what type of sponsorship he'd get now. There had to be some good ones. Dana was there to also congratulate him. He gave him a hug, "Way to shut that conceited ass up." Jake chuckled, it was nice to have his boss back him up.
"Max is trained and trustworthy in the house. The girls and Owen are the ones that will take all of my time." She sighed. "But I will do it. Even if it means napping right along with them." She laughed. "We will be fine. I already have a date planned out with O so that's one day down and then we have something to do the following day and that's two days down. So we are fine."

They spent an hour at the club greeting people and having a good time. Then she had to drop Jake off for his late night flight. She got him to the drop off area and got out of the car. "I want you to know that I love you and I am very proud of you. Have a safe flight and good interviews and O and I will see you soon." She gave him a kiss and another hug. She gave his butt a pat as he walked off and got in her car. She watched him walk in the building and couldn't wait for that happy text when he saw the present she snuck into his suitcase before they left the house.

She relieved the nanny and gave O a kiss goodnight. She took a shower and let the dogs out before taking them up to bed. She wished Jake a goodnight via Snapchat and she posted a picture to Instagram of a sleeping Owen with the caption 'He has no idea what happened tonight but he will always see his father as a champion.'

The next day she did the same old morning routine and she recorded all of the shows Jake was starring in. She took to Snapchat during lunch and filmed some adventures of her and Owen going to look at playgrounds, going to the playground, Owen taking a nap, they did some shopping for clothes and toys and then they took the dogs for a walk. It was an exhausting day for Adri but she was more than happy to do it. At dinner she face timed Jake with Owen in her lap. She knew his schedule was crazy so she didn't know what he was doing. She hoped he wasn't in an interview though.
"I secretly told the girls to be a royal pain in your ass." He smiled at her because he was only teasing. "You know I didn't have to tell them that they'd be bad on their own, just like their mother." He gave her a kiss. "You are taking another boy on a date?" He acted all offended. "Where you going?"

When they got to the airport Jake got out and grabbed his bags. He then wrapped his arms around Adri. He smiled at her and hugged and kissed her back. "Thanks baby. I love you too. I'll miss you guys. Give Owen and the dogs all kisses for me?" He gave her one last kiss before walking into the airport, when she pat his butt he turned and looked at her rolling his eyes and shaking his head with a smile. It was definitely different leaving than Adri leaving.

It was late and he would be losing hours once they got in New York so he would need to get some sleep on the plane. He found a place to change out of his suit and hung it up in his suit case. He found the gift Adri left him before heading back out to the waiting area. While he waited he went through some of the messages on social media. There were a lot of celebrities that had congratulated him on his win and the awesome kick. He tried to comment back on as many as he could. He then saw the post Adri posted right before boarding the plane. It made Jake tear up a bit. It didn't matter how many belts he won, as long as that boy looked up to him. Jake shared the posted on his Instagram with the caption, 'And ladies and gentlemen, this is why I fell in love. With both of them. I'm one blessed man.'

On the plane he slept the best he could and then got checked into his hotel pretty early for just a few hours of sleep. Once they landed, Jake texted Adri to let her know her man was safe. Then he went and did the Today Show in the morning. Later he then was on Jimmy Fallon where he showed Jimmy how to do his kick. Jake was afraid of ripping his dress pants but kicked his shoes off so he didn't slip and totally showed Jimmy how to do it.

After taping the show he was going to a late dinner with some gym owners and fighters in New York. He was in the car on the way when Adri called. Jake answered and smiled when he saw both of his loves. "Hey babe. Hi O! How's the man of the house? You taking care of mommy? How's things going baby?"
"Hi Boo." She smiled and Owen started calling for dada and trying o grab the phone.

"We had a very good day. We did a little shopping." She flipped the camera so he could see the mess of toys in the front room. She flipped the camera back over. "We also looked at junglegyms for the backyard. There are a few I really like but we will wait for you." She smiled.

"So how were the shows? I didn't watch them yet. I want too though. What game did you play with Jimmy? He said he wanted to do the slapjack game or whatever it was but he was afraid you'd knock him out." She laughed. "Are you having fun on your own?"
"Hey buddy." Jake laughed at Owen trying to get the phone. "Buddy you can't get daddy."

Jake saw everything on the floor. "Oh yeah, a little shopping." He chuckled. "Did you take him with you? Did he seem happy about any of them? I want something he can climb and then slide too. We will go looking when I get home. That's definitely something daddy will buy with his winnings."

"Oh babe. They were so fun. I had a wonderful time. I'm glad you didn't watch them. Jimmy was so cool. We played the Whisper Game instead. But next time he said he wants to do the football toss though." He smiled at her and chuckled a bit. "I am having a good time. We're heading to dinner right now with some gym owners and other fighters from here. My flight leaves early in the morning so I'm going to maybe need a day to catch up on sleep. How would you feel if you got another day with Owen so daddy can sleep." Jake made a face at Owen. It was nice for him to have a few days worry free.

"How are the girls and Max? Taking over my bed yet?"
"Of course he came with me. We spent all day together. All we did was shop. He loved it." She smiled. "Hopefully he'll keep loving it when he's older." She laughed. "Yeah, they had a huge one with a rock wall and a pole you can slide down and a net you climb up and a slide and surprisingly it is for a home lot. Expensive but he'll use it for years so it's fine."

She smiled, "My winnings too. Someone placed a pretty hefty bet on you last night and let's just say she's very rich now." She laughed. "You earned yourself a fashion trip and a little birdie told me that the crystal convention is here so maybe we can walk around that and see what catches our eye. Diamonds, gemstones, any type of crystal. I'm going with or without you, I might take Owen." She smiled.

She looked at Owen and then at Jake, "I think we can handle that. There's a place in LA that I go to. I can get you an appointment for the spa and a real deep tissue massage. Does that sound good?"

She smiled, "They took over your spot the second you left. Max has been sleeping in the hallway actually. I leave our door and Owen's door open if he wants to sleep in a room but he just stays in the hallway."
"That sounds cool. We will check that out for sure. Plus our other children can use it too." He would love to be able to put a play set area together for Owen and his other future kids. Maybe his father would help him. The thought actually made him happy.

Jake looked at her confused. "You bet on me? How much did you win?" He chuckled. "I feel like I should get some of the money too. I'm the one that worked hard for that win." He teased her. "Fashion trip huh and crystal convention. How awesome!?" He sounded a bit sarcastic. "You think Owen wants to hang out at the crystal convention? I don't even know what one of those are!" He laughed a bit.

"I'm not sure how much time I have. Do you care if I stay at the apartment though? I do want a bed I am used to sleeping in. Plus I want my massage coming from you." He smiled at her. Plus he thought of going for a run on the route she took him a few times when they've went to LA. "Thank you though baby."

He laughed. "I knew they would. Little stinkers. Max is protecting the family. If he's in the hallway he can keep everyone safe. He helps me sleep well at night being away. I know he will bite someone's face off if they tried to get either of you. I kind of actually want to call Luke and have him sneak in and see what Max would do. With him, probably nothing but maybe a guy from the gym that he doesn't know. But I don't want to be responsible for him biting someone."

"I miss you both." He looked around a moment. "We're just getting to the restaurant. I have to go. O keep up the good work being the man of the house. Give him a big hug and kiss for me babe. Oh and thanks for the gift. I loved it. I love you both."
She smiled, "I bet 1 and I got around 7 back. So I did pretty well. I wasn't going too, not because I didn't believe in you or anything but because it doesn't feel right betting on you, but I'm glad I did." She shrugged her shoulder. "He likes sparkely things. He will love it. He was watch my ring shine on the roof of the car. It was cute."

She smiled, "Yeah go ahead. You should have a key. If you don't I can call the front desk and get them to give you a key." She told him. "I know but Boo it will feel good and you deserve a day to relax and pamper yourself with a massages and a mask. Maybe a mud bath." She shrugged her shoulder. "It's up to you though."

She frowned, "That's not a good idea. At all. Don't do that." She smiled, "We miss you too. We love you and we are glad you liked your gift." She blew him a kiss and gave him one last shot of Owen before hanging up.

The gift was a classic Rolex watch made of silver with a black pearl face and red Roman numerals around it. Engraved on the back was 'Pur champion no matter what' since she didn't know if he would win and didn't want him opening a present that had congratulations inscribed on it if he didn't win. Now that he did win though, she had something very special planned for when he got home. The extra day was needed so she wasn't too upset about him using a day to rest.
"Damn. I didn't know I could get you that much. I get at least half." He teased and chuckled. "Of course he's like his mother and likes sparkely things. Hell you could take Max and the puppies too. They follow a lazer around the house." He chuckled.

She had a good point. It would probably feel pretty good. "Alright. Go ahead and give them a call to schedule a massage. It does sound pretty good. If anything I'll sleep during a massage." He smiled. "Yeah baby I have a key. Wait.." He thought about it a second. "No I don't I don't have any of my keys because you drove and dropped me off at the airport so I didn't think I needed them. Let me know if for some reason they can't have a key at the desk and I'll just stay at the hotel."

"I love it." He showed her he had it on. "I felt torn cause I felt like being in New York I needed the other watch." He chuckled. "I love it though. Thank you baby." Jake waved at Owen and told him bye again. "I'll see you two in a two days." He hung up and then went in to have dinner with the guys. It was nice he could still eat healthy but wasn't on the strict diet. He could also have some alcoholic beverages and not have to worry too much. He was champion now and could cheat on this trip. Once he got home though he'd get back to cutting the drinks out. After dinner the guys went to a club for more drinks and then Jake went back to his hotel to sleep.

Once he got back to the hotel, he was a bit drunk but still signed into the family security system to see if he could catch Owen in his bed.
It had been a very long day for Owen and Adri so after hanging up with Jake, they watched TV. Owen went down first and she put him in the downstairs playpen. She draped a blanket over him to keep him warm and then she got back on the couch. She fought her sleep for a bit and then she fell asleep. She worked up around midnight and she picked Owen up and get him in his bed. She took a quick shower and then she got in bed and fell asleep again.

The next morning, she called the spa that she always went too and set up an appointment for Jake in the later afternoon. That gave him time on his third day away to sleep in before going and he could always sleep in the room. She called her apartment in LA and got the key ready for Jake when he arrived.

The day was pretty relaxed since they did everything they could do yesterday. She took Owen to the park and walked the dogs but for the most part they stayed home. She was on the phone a lot to get ready for Jake's suprise before he came home.
Early the next morning he was on his flight to LA. It was so early, he didn't have time to get a nap in before his next set of shows. He taped the Talk and Ellen. He got Ellen good with the belt "breaking" and he couldn't wait for Adri to see it. The women on both shows talked about how good looking he was and even asked questions about the upcoming wedding as well as obvious questions of being a fighter. The talk had more questions about dieting and working out where Ellen was more fun.

Jake the got back to the apartment and got some sleep before he had dinner plans with more gym guys an fighters as well as companies that wanted to endorse Jake. Then Dana had a surprise for him, Tapout wanted to endorse him. Jake was shocked and couldn't wait to talk to Adri about it. He was flying high. The guys went to a club for drinks before Jake went back to the apartment.

On the way to the apartment, being the same time zone, Jake texted Adri to see if she was awake. He had big news to share.
Adri responded by giving him a call. She smiled at him, "Hey handsome." She said with a raspy, soft voice. "I don't know what happened I lost my voice." She made a face and shrugged her shoulder.

"What's up though? How was your day?" She asked and sat on the bed. Owen was down for the night. She was fresh out of the shower and about to get in bed but she always had time for Jake.

"I know you've been busy but have you seen the news? Bisping has a concussion from that kick. Not the kick, they don't think but when he fell he hit his head pretty hard. Not that I'm upset but you know. I thought you should know."
Jake smiled at Adri. "Hey baby." He made a face along with hers. "Yelling too much at the dogs or Owen?" He then smiled again. "You should take something for that before it gets worse."

He chuckled a bit. "Sooo...guess who wants me to endorse them?" He couldn't hold his smile in and knew she had to be able to tell and guess. It was only his second thing he said he wanted with his career. He always said he'd know he made it when Tapout wanted to sponsor him.

"No babe I haven't really had time to check the tv out. I'm heading to the apartment to crash and trust me I'm sleeping in tomorrow. Thanks for setting up the massage too by the way. But that is hilarious. I told his stupid ass I was going to knock him out. He can't get a fight for a few months now because of the concussion." He was a bit proud, he wasn't going to lie to her. "How's our boy?" Jake missed everyone but he was so tired he wouldn't have trouble sleeping without Adri or the dogs.
She shook her head, "Maybe it's an after effect of he fight and then it doesn't help that I was talking all day yesterday. I did some talking today and now my voice is like screw you for the next day or two." She sighed. "I've been drinking warm tea." She said softly.

She raised her eyebrows, "I'm going to guess TapOut because..." She got out of bed and went downstairs. She showed him the four big boxes by the front door addressed from TapOut. "And you will probably have more wheno I get here." She laughed and grabbed a Powerade before going back to bed.

"He's fine. He was in our room today and he walked to your side of the bed and called for you. I thought he was going to have a melt down but I tossed him on the bed he got distracted." She looked at Jake. "You look exhausted. I'm glad you're taking a day to rest. When you come home O will be all over you. And probably the girls too. We miss you Boo."
"Were you even yelling? Did you even see me kick his ass?" He chuckled. "Try to rest it. Call Aim if you need help with Owen."

He gave her a big exaggerated nod. "Yeah TapOut. I'm witnessing all my dreams coming true and it's awesome. I feel like I'm on cloud 9." He was all smiles. "Please don't open them till I get home and can go through it. I do have some merchandise that they gave me." He put a TapOut hat on. "They want me to come up with designs for my own line for shirts and stuff. Dana said I should expect Affliction to offer more benefits to try to stay as the top sponsor. People will fight over me baby."

He couldn't help but smile that O was looking for him. "What about you? Are you going to be all over me? I sure hope so. I have a lot of tension built up." He grinned at Adri. "I am so tired. I'm going on only a few hours of sleep. I'm glad to go sleep in a bed that's technically mine, ours. I'm ready to be home though."
"At the end I was. When you won. I did see the round house kick. I did not watch the first round." She laughed. "Amy told me what was happening."

She laughed, "Aw really? I was going to open them all and make a fort for Owen." She pouted and joked. "I wasn't planning on opening anything. But we should keep the boxes. A fort would be fun." She laughed. "Yeah. Companies are going to fight for you. You're the best right now." She smiled. "That means magazines too. Everyone is dying for an exclusive. I see a lot of covers in your future."

She nodded her head, "I might be. O and I will pick you up at the airport. Okay? Mom is making the dinner you picked so we will go to their place for dinner." She smiled. There was a little more than dinner planned and she was excited for him to see it.

"Your flight back is the Tuesday afternoon. So you have two days to catch up on sleep."
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