League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

Scarlet Cat had heard Ghosts gasp when she changed. This was before she leapt back into the fight. Many might think that Scarlet Cat had gone and lost her mind, going mad in her fury. But there was a method to her madness at the moment. She wasn't necessarily letting her anger cloud her judgement. The woman knew all too well of the powers her daughter had, but this woman wasn't a complete copy of Stargirl, so she didn't know exactly what powers Ultragirl had come with. But even if her powers were the same as Stargirls, there was another reason for why Scarlet Cat attacked her like this. If she could keep Ultragirl distracted, she wouldn't go after the others, hopefully until backup arrived.

And backup did arrive in a group of their allies. Black Tiger arrived, leading another team to aid Scarlet Cat and Ravens team. Joining them was Phantom Girl, Psi Girl, Golem and She Beast. It was a bit of a relief to see them. There was a small bit of surprise when another person joined them. It was Whisper, the young woman that they had saved some time ago. She had been in the care of Alexandria's good friend, Doctor Simms. The young woman had woken up some time ago and had been slowly adapting to her powers with the help of Psi Girl. It was unknown if it was safe for the young woman to join them after her serious health problem where she had suffered a brain aneurism thanks to her powers, but she had insisted on coming and helping if she could.

However, Ultragirl eventually got tired of the shifter and knocked her away with a forearm blow which sent her hurling towards a building. The woman closed her eyes tight as she braced for impact with the building, but it never came. Instead, she hit something else and she grunted when her body collided with another and the other person took the impact. Opening her eyes, she looked up to see it was Protector who had caught her and after the armored woman released Scarlet Cat, the shifter took a step back, putting space between them. This would of been the perfect time for Protector to snatch her up and arrest her, but Scarlet Cat wasn't about to let that happen. However, her attention was drawn to a bird that flew down from a mail box and Scarlet Cat tensed a little from how it stared at her before it shifted into another form. That of a young woman with green tinted skin.
Most hadn't taken notice of the young woman who came along with Black Tiger. She hadn't joined in on the fighting. One did take notice of the young woman. Ghost slowly approached the other girl. Both had similar taste in hair color and styles. " Hi.........I'm called Ghost.......Because I have the powers of a ghost. " Ghost spoke softly. She didn't know this new girl. Though she came with the backup to help Scarlet Cat's team. Ghost wanted to make sure, the new girl knew who the enemy was. The enemy side no longer included Ghost. She switched sides as the fight started. Deep down, Ghost always knew she couldn't fight against Scarlet Cat or Raven. They were good people and great heroes. " Just so you know.......You and I are on the same side.......I must confess.......I don't know what you can do. " Ghost added as she looked the other girl over. The fact that they both had white hair, did make her smile.

Over on the sidewalk. Protector was in no position to grab Scarlet Cat. She quickly slumped down after the impact with the building. She hadn't planned on arresting Cat anyway. She just wanted to save her from harm. Protector's armor was damaged, but she was able to signal her base at Blair Industries for a more beefed up armor. At the moment, Scarlet Cat's attention was on the green skinned girl. She could detect Dak's scent coming from her. This girl was what the government created with his sperm. She looked more human then Dak did, but she did have many of his powers. " I hear you're a shifter?........I can shift also. " The young woman spoke. She then introduced herself as Martian Girl. It was unclear how Scarlet Cat would react to this girl. She was a child of her friend, but she was also fighting for the wrong side.
Whisper stood on the side lines, her grey eyes moving over the different fights going on around her. Black Tiger had been worried about letting her come and had even border line begged her to stay behind because she was still a little weak. But she had to join them. She insisted on helping because she owed Scarlet Cat and Raven so much. When Ghost approached her, Whisper looked over and watched from the corner of her eye as the other white haired young woman approached her and introduced herself, explaining that she was called Ghost because of her powers. Whisper tilted her head slightly as Ghost told her that they were on the same side, though she didn't know what the new comer could do. 'I am Whisper' came the soft reply, only Whispers lips never moved. Instead, she was whispering telepathically to Ghost. Her mental voice was soft, sweet and feminine. Almost child-like in a way.

'I can move things.' she softly told Ghost before Ghost would feel a firm tug on her jacket as Whisper used her telekinetic gift to tug at her. Much like Xander at the institute that the Reed Family backed, she had incredible mental powers. The kind of powers that the government would love to have control over. Whisper was there as backup. Like extra muscle. Right now, she was staying back and keeping out of the fight until she was needed. For now she didn't want to get in the way of the others.

Scarlet Cat heard Protector slump down, but she didn't take her gaze away from the woman before her. She knew what her senses were telling her. This girl smelled of Dak, but she looked more human then Dak did. This told her exactly what the government had done with his sperm that they had harvested while he was imprisoned. When the girl spoke to Scarlet Cat and told her that she could shift also, Scarlet Cat shook her head. "I can't say I'm surprised." she flatly replied to the girl before she introduced herself as Martian Girl. "Considering your heritage. You smell just like your father. Though I've not seen him in quite a number of years. Not since the early 1900's at least."

Scarlet Cat slowly began to circle Martian Girl, her gaze slowly moving over the young woman. "So, were you born of an experiment like that one over there?" she asked, motioning to where Ultragirl was. She was tense and on guard, ready to fight at a moments notice should Martian Girl attack. "And I don't think your father was a Martian."
Ghost decided to stay with Whisper. Her powers would keep Whisper safe and Ghost would be safer away from where the heavy hitters were going at it. By now, this free for all throw down, was broadcast on the news channels. Raven & Nighthawk were fighting against Superior Man, in the sky above the street. Below, members of both teams were slugging it out. More and more backup was arriving. Cyborg, Typhoon, Humongous, Twister, Quake came for the government forces. Joining Scarlet Cat & Raven were, Danger Girl, Blackbird, Blur, Wasp Woman, Jinx and Scarecrow. As both sides grew, the fighting became more intense.

Working late, as she often did, Casey watched as what had been a small showdown, turned into an all out battle between the government forces and those lead by Scarlet Cat & Raven. Casey love her bosses. They'd been so very good to her and Alexandria was her mistress. Casey wanted to help those she loved. In fact, she'd do anything to help them. Sadly, Casey was just a human, without any kind of powers. Then she remembered a memo from the main lab at Reed Enterprises to Eric & Alexandria. This memo spoke of a drug left behind by a scientist. The people working in the lab were ready for what they called extensive tests on this drug. The drug was said to be able to turn a normal person into a superhero. Casey didn't know, Eric wasn't ready for any human tests. He and Alexandria wanted more studies done before anything was done to a person. Casey had excess to every part of Reed Enterprises, including all the labs. She found the drug, then rushed to her apartment.

Martian Girl watched Scarlet Cat. She heard her speak of having not seen Dak since the 1900's. Martian Girl didn't by this load of bull. Scarlet Cat's mind was closed off, but she could tell the shifter was lying. " It's none of your business......But I do have a mother.......I wasn't born in a lab like Ultragirl........They used the sperm of my martian father to impregnate my mother. " Martian Girl spoke. Both women ready in case the other made a move. Suddenly, from behind Scarlet Cat, Changeling appeared. She grew a tentacle from her left arm. The tentacle then lashed out and wrapped around Scarlet Cat's neck. Changeling pulled backwards and began choking Cat. " I'll see you dead this time bitch! " Changeling snarled out in hatred.
Whisper looked like a fragile, tiny young woman. As if the slightest gust of wind might blow her over. This caused many to worry about her. But her fragility was made up for in her strength of mind. And her powers made up for it in spades. However, she didn't mind Ghost staying nearby as the two young women watched the fighting. Things were evolving and escalating quickly, going from a simple fight to an all out war in the streets of New York City. Luckily, because of how late it was, there weren't too many civilians out, but all the commotion was beginning to draw some on lookers.

After Scarlet Cat commented on Martian Girl being created in a lab, the shifter could see that Martian Girl wasn't happy with the other womans comment and she shrugged slightly. "Yeah, sperm I'm sure he donated willingly." she commented, her tone a little sarcastic. She was refrained from commenting further when a tentacle shot out and wrapped around Scarlet Cat's neck, pulling back and choking the woman while Changling snarled out a threat at Cat. The woman made a choking sound as the tentacle wrapped around her neck and she bared her teeth. However, the shifter didn't start struggling.

Instead, her eyes flashed with annoyance and she reached up, her claws extending before she grabbed the tentacle tightly, sinking her claws into the tentacle deeply before dragging her claws upwards, creating long cuts along the tentacle. A moment later, Scarlet Cat shifted into air for but a moment and retook a solid form a moment later and turned to face Changeling. Scarlet Cat had a different kind of deep dislike for Changeling, the two females deeply disliking each other and they had for sometime now. Once in her solid form again, Scarlet Cat leapt at Changeling, seeming to of forgotten about Martian Girl completely for the moment as her old enemy had reappeared.

While she was watching the fighting, Whisper was beginning to act to protect those whom were allies to Scarlet Cat. She would watch out for those who could possibly be hurt from a fall or from being thrown by an enemy and she would catch them, using her powers to catch them and keep them from becoming harmed. This way, they would be able to keep fighting without suffering major injuries and it helped. However, it caused the enemy to notice what was going on also.
The war, everyone had spoken of, seemed to have arrived. Earlier then most expected. The police had setup barricade around the area where the fight was going on. This kept people from wandering in and getting hurt. The only people who were allowed to get close, were the television news crews. The fighting was carried on every network. Soon, other countries were picking it up as well. The fighting looked like a wrestling battle royal. Two sides, going at it, but only one side would win. Changeling had revealed herself with a sneak attack on Scarlet Cat. This didn't stop Cat from striking back. Changeling felt Cat's claws digging into her. She pulled her tentacle away and it shifted back into an arm. By this time, the damage done by Scarlet Cat, was healed. The two shifters then charged each other. Both making leaps and colliding in the middle of the street. These two women, really hated each other. Their disdain ran deep. Caused by hatred which went back tens of thousands of years The shifters & Changelings were old enemies. It was breed into both women to hate the other. Changeling had the same powers as Scarlet Cat. They matched each others moves. Whatever form one took, the other matched it.

Despite being told to wait at the manor, Tina couldn't sit and watch what was going on in the city. She told James & Angel to take Richard down the cave. They would be safer down there. Tina also told James, if things went badly for the the family. He and Angel should take one of the Raven Jets and escape. Alexandria & Eric had set up several safe houses in different parts of the country and around the world. Just in case the government ever found out about the family's night work. James knew where all the safe houses were. He and Angel would make sure Richard was taken care of. Tina then had Dak, Tabitha & Tristan meet down in the cave. Each of them felt as Tina did. If this was to be the end. They wanted to be there, fighting with their friends & family. Dak shifted into a winged white horse. He would carry Tabitha to the city. Tina changed into Stargirl, then the group set off to join the others. By this time, more support for Scarlet Cat & Raven arrived. Mr. Outrageous, one of the older heroes, his daughter Elastic Girl along with Photon and Giganta arrived. Many miles away. A figure sat in the darkness, watching the fighting on tv. On either side of the figure, stood Nightmare & Zorg the Black Wizard. " The final battle had begun!.........Raven and Scarlet Cat must die!........I will see their broken bodies at my feet!........And this world will then by mine! " The unknown figure spoke.
Changling and Scarlet Cat were pretty evenly matched as they fought each other, their deep, intense hatred for each other making them fight even more fiercely a they leapt and collided in the middle of the street. No matter what form either one took, the other shifted and matched it. They were fighting each other with everything that they had. The deeper, darker side of Scarlet Cat wanted to tear Changeling apart, to rip into her until there was nothing left. This was how deep her dislike for this other being went.

Back at the manor, Angel stood by watching the scene on the television screen, her eyes wide as they watched their loved ones and their friends fighting. When Tina told her and James to take Richard to the cave, Angel wanted to argue and insist on going with her, but she knew that she was needed to take care of the Reed heir and she nodded sadly as they were told that should things go badly for the family, Angel and James should take one of the jets and escape to one of the safe houses that had been set up by Eric and Alexandria. Angel begged everyone to be careful and keep each other safe. After everyone left, Angel turned to James with tears in her big, blue eyes. "I'm scared James." she softly said. Normally, the angelic woman kept most of her emotions cut off and locked away because of how intense they could become and she sometimes had trouble telling hers from others since she was an empath, but in that moment, her fear for the others had become strong enough that she could tell it was her own emotion. She feared loosing those that she'd come to see as family.

Back in the city, Scarlet Cat threw Changeling away from her and growled while panting heavily, her teeth bared as she wiped away a small bit of blood that was upon her cheek, left behind from cut that had just finished healing. She saw more backup for her and Raven arriving and she knew that they had the numbers on their side, but something told her that the government was going to be sending something stronger at them. She turned just in time to see Changeling coming at her again, however, a dome of power encircled Scarlet Cat and Changeling collided with it, causing the other female to bounce off several feet. Whisper let the dome fall once Scarlet Cats attention was back on her enemy and she focused some of her powers on some of those closer to her from the enemy team. She began to use her telekinetic powers to fight against those beginning to gain an upper hand on Scarlet Cats team. She would do anything she could to undermine what they were doing, whether it was throwing pieces of debris at them to actually throwing them away from their opponent.
Superior Man continued to chase Raven & Nighthawk, around the skies above the city. He was super fast, but his speed was useless near the large buildings. Raven & Nighthawk, kept their flying near the rooftops. Each time Superior Man seemed to have one of the heroes trapped. The other would distract him in someway. Raven was running out of tricks. It would only be a matter of time before Superior Man got either Raven or Nighthawk. That moment seemed to have arrived. Nighthawk found himself blocked, but he wasn't that way very long. Stargirl flew like a missile, passed her brother, nailing Superior Man. The impact sent the government lackey, streaking over the city, like a comet. Stargirl now ruled the skies above New York. Her victory was short lived. Below, the government forces were pushing back against those following Scarlet Cat & Raven.

Whisper & Ghost found themselves under attack, by an enemy who couldn't be fooled by mind tricks. Cyborg was using a sonic attack on the two women. The sound was so intense. Neither of the women could use their powers. There was just this loud, almost screaming noise in their ears. That was until more backup arrived. Dak flew down towards the ground. Tabitha created one of her plasma orbs. She then jumped to the ground, tossing the orb at Cyborg. The half woman, half machine was struck with an explosive power. Tabitha & Dak then rushed over to help Whisper & Ghost to their feet. Tristan & Image jumped into the fight. Taking on anyone who came their way. Thanks to Whisper, Changeling was down. The shield the young woman had put up, was like a brick wall. Changeling slammed right into it, knocking her backwards. The air suddenly came alive with sound. It sounded as if several jet liners was about to land on the street. Three large Robots landed near Scarlet Cat. She would remember seeing the designs for these robots. They were created by Shaw Industries and sold to the government. These robots were made to capture superhumans and mutants. " Surrender mutant! " One of the robots demanded as it raised it's arm towards Scarlet Cat.
Things were going fine for Whisper for a little while until Cyborg attacked her and Ghost. The attack that Cyborg used took Whisper by surprise. It was a sonic attack that quickly brought the two white haired women to their knees. Whisper gave a brief scream as she fell to her knees, her hands covering her ears while her eyes closed tightly. The noise was like a loud, intense scream in her ear and she was unable to focus enough to use her powers. It was only after Dak flew down towards the ground and Tabitha took out Cyborg with one of her orbs. When Tabitha and Dak rushed up, Whisper lifted her head and her hand began to raise, poised to put up a shield when she saw that the two approaching her and Ghost were there to help and she nodded slightly while accepting the help to her feet, mentally thanking them before she looked at the fight. However, her attention was drawn to the sky as three large robots landed near to where Scarlet Cat was.

Hearing what sounded like jet liners, Scarlet Cat turned and looked towards the sound to see three large Robots landing upon the street not too far from where she was and she frowned when she saw them. She remembered seeing the designs in the past and she frowned to herself while looking at the robot as one of them spoke to her, demanding her to surrender while it raised it's arm towards her and she hissed at it. "Never." she said, glaring at the robot. The woman suddenly began to move. She knew better then to remain stationary when going against and unknown foe and these robots were certainly unknown opponents. She didn't know what to expect in the way of attacks from them, so she had to keep moving until she could get a feel for what they could do.
Scarlet Cat was being targeted by the robots. They were created to capture people like her. People with powers. Oliver Shaw designed these robots, back when the government first tried to register mutants. Shaw had been one of the voices in favor of rounding mutants up and locking them away. He was a supporter of President Gates, before, during and after the election. Clearly, he managed to build and sell his Sentry Bots to the government. " Stop mutant! " The robot demanded as Scarlet Cat was on the move. However, she wasn't allow for long. A female figure dashed passed Scarlet Cat. Charging straight at the three robots. Cat didn't get a good look at her, but she knew who this woman was. She could smell her familiar sent, and she new the costume from last years Halloween party at Reed Manor. The female landed a punch on one of the robot's legs. The large metal creation started wobbling from the impact. Another punch sent one robot crashing into the second one. Both falling to the ground.

" You can call me Miss Marvel! " The young woman spoke with pride in her voice. She placed her hands onto her hips, striking a heroic pose. Scarlet Cat knew her as Casey. Her secretary, her pet. Casey, who was only human and never showed signs of powers, was suddenly able to knock these giant robots around with her fists. Stargirl landed near to where Scarlet Cat stopped when Casey dashed by. " Isn't that.....Casey? " Stargirl asked, confuse was written all over her face. How the hell did Casey manage to get superpowers? That was a question everyone wanted to know. Raven & Nighthawk stood looking down at the scene. They were moving to help Scarlet Cat, but stopped when the unknown woman arrived. She didn't remain unknown for long. Eric knew who she was. He was the one who hired Casey, long before Alexandria returned to New York. " Casey? " Raven's words made Nighthawk do a double take. " That's Casey? " Nighthawk was just as stunned as everyone else.
As Scarlet Cat began to move, one of the robots ordered her to stop, but the shifter ignored it. Scarlet Cat, both as a hero and as a normal woman when she was Alexandria Reed, deeply disliked Oliver Shaw and President Gates even more so. The two men didn't like either woman either, though they weren't aware that Scarlet Cat and Alexandria Reed were one and the same. That Shaw had managed to build his Sentry Bots told Scarlet Cat just how far Gates was willing to go to capture anyone with powers and it just strengthened her dislike for Gates and those working for him. Scarlet Cat wasn't alone against the Sentry Bots for long as a female dashed past her and attacked one of the robots, punching it in the leg and causing it to wobble before delivering another punch which caused it to topple over. It crashed into another robot and both were brought down to the ground with a loud crash.

Scarlet Cat, though she didn't get a good look at the young woman, had caught her scent and it caused her heart to skip a couple beats when she recognized the scent. The young woman then struck a heroic pose with her hands upon her hips and Scarlet Cat stared at the woman whom had just introduced herself as Miss Marvel. She recognized the costume from last years Halloween party. Stargirl soon landed near Scarlet Cat and spoke, asking about it being Casey and the redhead nodded slightly. It wasn't often that Scarlet Cat let shock and surprise show, but this certainly was one of those times. She knew that Casey had been only human, having asked the woman to donate a little blood so that Scarlet Cat could compare a humans blood to that of someone with a mutation. Casey had definitely not had any genes in her that a mutant had. So Scarlet Cat wanted to know what happened. Or more along the lines of, what did Casey do? However, now was not the time for such questions. "As much as I want to question her, we currently have a fight on our hands." she told Stargirl.

Right now, things were beginning to tip in their favor in both number and power with so many people having come to back the red-headed shifter. If they wanted to win this fight, they needed to keep it up.
Scarlet Cat wanted to keep the focus on the fight at hand. Finding out what Casey had done to herself would have to wait. Stargirl was a little surprised by Scarlet Cat's decision, but she wouldn't question her. Instead, she turned her focus back to the fight. Stargirl launched herself into the air. Shooting like a rocket towards the third Sentry Bot. Stargirl slammed into the giant robot, taking it's head off. The body wobbled back and fourth, then tipped over and crashed to the ground. Several more enhanced people joined the fight. They came to aid the government forces. They were Killer Bee, Man Shark, Turbo, Toxin and Dreadnought. The sides were becoming more even. At least for the moment. Almost all the players were on the field and in play. Only a few remained on the sidelines.

Once the newly arrived government forces were engaged. A bright white light appeared, a block down from where Scarlet Cat stood. It was something she'd seen before. A portal had opened. It remained unknown who was coming through. Then as the light faded. Four figures were left behind. They were She Demon, Talon Zorg the Black Wizard, Nightmare and the ring leader, the one pulling all the strings Apocalypse. Seeing Apocalypse made everything all to clear. He'd been the one who was behind trashing the names and images of Scarlet Cat, Raven and their family of heroes. He was the master behind President Gates. " Bow to me and I'll spare the lives of your loved ones.......Defy me and everyone in this city will die........The streets will run red with their blood........Their screams and cries will fill the air. " Apocalypse spoke as he stared at Scarlet Cat. She stood alone, but only for a moment. Raven & Nighthawk landed on either side of her. Stargirl & Tristan joined them. Image, Dak, Tabitha, Captain Liberty and Black Tiger also moved into the line. Scarlet Cat had family & friends on both sides of her.
Scarlet Cat would be demanding answers as to what Casey did when all this was over, if they survived this fight. The sudden development of such powers in the woman worried the shifter, but she couldn't afford to be distracted at the moment. Instead, she had to focus on the fight at hand. So she told Stargirl as such. Instead, she watched as Stargirl took down one of the giant robots which fell to the ground with a loud crash. It was shortly after this that even more people joined the fight, their arrival evening out the playing field at the moment. Nearly everyone was soon involved in a fight. It had truly become a violent battle in the middle of the neighborhood. One way or another one of the sides would win.

Just before Scarlet Cat was about to yet again launch herself into the fray, a bright white light caught her attention and she turned to look what it was. It was a portal and she tensed as she stared at it. She had no clue who would be coming through that portal. When the light faded, it left behind four figures and she growled softly to herself when she saw who was left behind and it all became clear as to who had been dragging her and her families names through the mud. "You." she growled while glaring at Apocalypse and his companions. After Apocalypse appeared, he then focused on the shifter and began to speak, telling her to bow to him and he would spare the lives of her loved ones. And if she defied him, the whole city would die with the streets running red with their blood while their screams and cries filled the air. She scoffed and shook her head while looking at him. She knew that she couldn't believe anything that he said because it was most likely a bunch of lies.

She was currently standing alone, but it wasn't long before her friends and family moved to her sides and she stood confidently amongst them, staring down her foe. "I don't bow for people like you." she told him before glancing on those on either side of her. "What do you lot think?" she asked them.
After joining the line of heroes who stood with Scarlet Cat. Black Tiger looked over his shoulder. He wanted to see where Whisper was at the moment. When he wasn't wearing his costume. The man known as Black Tiger was really Doctor Alvin Simms. One of the top doctors in America and personal physician to the Reed Family. The history Doctor Simms shared with Alexandria, goes way back to when she first encountered Thomas Reed, the original Raven & Black Tiger. This was during the 80's, when Alexandria was mostly working as a spy. She'd stopped working for the really bad people by this time. Her work for the Nazis had woken her up to her greed. There was a time when Alexandria only cared for money. She didn't care what those who paid her did. All she cared about was building her own wealth. That changed when she saw the horrors done by Hilter & Baron Blood. She could no longer keep her eyes closed to such evil. Alexandria turned against the Nazis and help to defeat those she once worked for. Over the years, Alexandria continued to work for whoever would pay her. But, she was pickier about who that person was. She continued to work for bad people until her meeting with the original Raven & Black Tiger. The two men helped to turn Alexandria towards the side of good. Her turn would have happened back in the 40's. However, both Captain Liberty & Chip disappeared before the war's end. This caused Alexandria to not join the fight for good until she met Thomas Reed.

After Whisper was rescued by Scarlet Cat & Raven. She was taken to Doctor Simms' home, outside the city. She'd fallen into a coma and needed care. She also needed to be kept safe and away from anyone who could use her powers. Since gaining her powers, it seemed everyone used Whisper for their own reasons. The young woman was cared for by Doctor Simms. He even cured her drug addiction. Alexander Wentworth had Whisper addicted to a drug which helped to keep her under control. She escaped from his grip, with a limited supply of this drug. Her supply was gone when she was caught by the heroes. Doctor Simms flushed the drug from hr body as Whisper was in the coma. When she woke, she was free and her own woman again. Doctor Simms continued to care for Whisper after she was up and walking around. She stayed at his home, outside the city. Spending so much time together. The two became very close. So close, Whisper shared Alvin's bed. They became lovers. Something Whisper had lack most of her life.

After seeing Whisper standing off to the side, with Ghost. Black Tiger returned his attention to what was happening in front. Scarlet Cat had just spoken. Instead of speaking, Raven stepped forwards. Moving out in front of the group of heroes. " You're the one who started all this........You're the power behind the throne......The man who helped Gates become president. " Raven spoke while pointing a finger straight at Apocalypse. " Gates has served me well.......He has aided in the creation of a new breed of superbeings........As was Doctor Simon Lynch.......They have aided me in taking control over your government........I possess the launch codes for every nuclear missile your government has. " Apocalypse spoke while he looked at Raven. He then pointed at Scarlet Cat. " You scoffed when I told you to bow.........I have the power to wipe out everything you care about.......Your family.......Your friends will all be wiped from this planet........And you will live to watch them burn before your eyes. " Apocalypse was making no minor threat. He could destroy everything Alexandria had in her life. Zorg then raised his right hand. Portals began opening all around the heroes and all around the world. A new breed of Paragoblin appeared from these portals. They were stronger, better armed and wearing armor.

A portal opened behind Apocalypse, appearing was a familiar face. She was without a doubt, one of the most dangerous creatures the heroes had ever faced. They called her Abyss. She could kill with just a touch of her hand. Sucking a person's life force from their bodies. Protector joined the line of heroes standing against the new threats. She'd gotten her new armor and was ready to rejoin the fight. However, Protector could now see, she had been fighting for the wrong side. She planned on making things right with Scarlet Cat and the others. The same had happened with other heroes who supported the government. After seeing and hearing what Apocalypse said, they would no longer fight for President Gates.
Black Tiger, or Doctor Alvin Simms, as he was known when not in his costume, was a dear friend of Alexandria's. He was an amazing man and the only doctor that she trusted to take care of her and her family. Sure, there were probably other doctors that she might be able to trust, but for now, she only went to Simms. She had met him after she had encountered Thomas Reed, the original Rave, back in the 80's. She had been mostly doing spy work at the time, but she peppered her spy work with other things. At the time that she had met Raven back then, she had actually been working as a cat burglar. In the 80's, there had been a string of robberies from high end, jewelry stores. No one knew how they were being done as the security guards never saw anyone enter or exit. All they knew was by the morning, some of the most expensive and most beautiful pieces in the jewelry stores were gone. Even ones kept in the vaults. It was after hitting one of the shops that she'd run into Raven and the woman had surprised him. What was even more surprising was that she managed to give Thomas Reed the slip after he realized that the woman was the one behind the thefts. It actually didn't take her long to figure out who Raven was and she tracked him back to his home, once again surprising him by being in his home when he arrived home. It was after this that she revealed why she was stealing all that jewelry. They were blood diamonds that she was tracking down for an employer and she was stealing them so that the people who sold them, wouldn't make money off of the blood of the innocent who were forced to mine them. After that, the two of them began to slowly get to know each other. The rest, as one would say, was history.

At the side of the fight, Whisper stood with Ghost, the young woman lending aid to those fighting. But when the heroes began to move to Scarlet Cats side, Whisper didn't have to work as hard. As if she knew he had looked at her, Whisper turned her head and looked at Black Tiger, a small smile upon her lips as she looked at the man. Some time ago, Whisper had been rescued by Scarlet Cat and Raven. She had been in dire need of their aid at the time because she had been suffering extreme headaches and it was with the help of the only other telepath that worked with Scarlet Cat, that they learned the woman was in danger of dying because of an unruptured brain aneurysm. Whisper had been placed into a coma and was placed under the care of Doctor Simms. Under his care, the brain aneurysm was taken care of and the drugs that had been in her system thanks to Alexander Wentworth, was flushed from her system. Since she had been a young girl, she had been controlled with the use of drugs and other items, being used and abused, shown no amount of love or care since her parents sold her to Wentworth. However, after she woke up, Whisper came to find that Doctor Simms cared about her. First as a patient, and then as a young woman. He took care of her and taught her that she wasn't just a weapon to be used.

In fact, he taught her about what it was truly like to be a woman. Sure, while in captivity, the superpowered men who worked for Wentworth always threatened to make her into a true woman, but they knew that even with her being physically weak and not very vocal, she could easily take them down with her mental powers. But Doctor Simms became her lover. He didn't seem to mind that she didn't speak much as she preferred to communicate in other ways. Looking at him standing there with the other heroes, she tilted her head slightly and he'd be able to feel her mind brush against his in a now familiar touch. It was a light, gentle brush of her consciousness to his and he would be able to hear her whispered voice telling him to be careful before the touch was gone.

As Raven stepped forward to the front of the group of heroes, Scarlet Cat listened as her lover spoke to Apocalypse about how he was the power behind the throne and the one who helped Gates become president. This wasn't denied by Apocalypse. In fact, he spoke of how Gates had aided him in creating a new breed of Superbeings, as had Doctor Simon Lynch. Both aiding him in taking control over the government. He now possessed the launch codes for every nuclear missile the government had. He then pointed at Scarlet Cat and once again threatened her. Then Zorg raised his right hand and began opening portals all around them and around the world, a new breed of Paragoblins appearing.

One more portal also opened and this one was behind Apocalypse and a familiar face appeared as a woman came through the portal. It was Abyss. Seeing her made Scarlet Cat tense. She knew who and what this creature was, having gone up against her in the past. She'd seen what Abyss could do. In fact, Scarlet Cat would of died going up against Abyss if it hadn't been for Image.
Power had certain swung back to the side of Apocalypse, with the arrival of Abyss. She was a creature without a soul. She could suck the life force out of a living being. Feeding her own life. No one was safe from her touch. Expect those of artificial life, like Image. He was created with syntactic body parts. Image had no life force to feed from. He was the perfect defense against this creature. However, Apocalypse had something even worse then Abyss. Something far more dangerous and destructive. Apocalypse was saving that for later. His plan had several layers. Though he hadn't planned on confronting the heroes of Earth so soon. The battle for Earth had begun, and there was no stopping it now. Raven was concerned that Apocalypse had the launch codes of every nuclear warhead America had. The villain wanted to lay waste to this planet. He wanted to see it burn for how he was defeated during his last invasion.

Apocalypse may have the codes, but he had no way of launching the missiles. He would need a computer and an up link to deliver the codes. Then it hit Raven. Apocalypse didn't need to launch the missiles. President Gates could launch the missiles from the White House. Gates had with him, something all presidents had. A case with a computer and direct line to launch all the missiles. " Cat......This could turn south on us quickly........Apocalypse doesn't need to launch the missiles himself.........Gates will do that if Apocalypse is losing this fight. " Raven whispered to Scarlet Cat as he turned slightly towards her. " If Gates launches those missiles.......Every country in the world with nukes will also launch........The world will die.......That's the endgame........Apocalypse will win even if we defeat him. " Raven added. Nighthawk then asked what they should do? He asked if they should surrender? This question was shot down quickly by Scarlet Cat. There would be no surrender. That wouldn't make thing any better. People would still die. Apocalypse would make everyone on Earth suffer before killing the world.

" We need to out think them.......We keep fighting until no one is left to fight.....It's a gamble.......A dangerous one.......But we have an ace in the hole. " Raven spoke while looking over at Whisper. The petite young woman would play a major role in Raven's plan to keep Gates from launching any missiles. It wouldn't be hard for Scarlet Cat to figure out what Raven was planning and why Whisper was so important. Not with her power to warp reality. Raven didn't get the chance to speak anymore. Apocalypse knew they were planning something. He would draw their attention elsewhere. Apocalypse looked up, into the sky above the city. A jet airliner was flying overhead. A wicked grin stretched over his face. Beams of energy shot from his eyes. The beams streaked into the sky and struck the jet, blowing the tail section off. Over a hundred people were now falling to their deaths. " Bastard!. " Raven growled out. " Stargirl! " Raven yelled out. The teenage hero nodded her head, then jetted into the air. Stargirl rose quickly above the city. However, she was struck by Ultragirl. The clone taking out the original. Sending them both crashing into the ground, several blocks away. Apocalypse just laughed.

Raven turned his attention to Protector. " Protector!.......GO! " Raven's words were met with a nod. Protector lifted off the ground, shooting into the sky. They may have started this fight on opposite sides, but they were now fighting on the same side. Protector was closing in on the falling jet. Her scanners then picked up an object closing on her. She then spotted Superior Man flying at her. Protector needed to defend herself. She started firing energy blasts at him. Protector could no longer save the jet from crashing into the city. Raven cursed how frustrating this was. It seemed Apocalypse was ready for whatever they did. Raven remembered what he just told Scarlet Cat & Nighthawk. They needed to out think their enemy. " Cat!.......Air! " Raven spoke. He was sure Cat would understand, even though the command was simple. She could become elements as well as animals. One element she used with ease, was air.
With the arrival of Abyss, it seemed that the power of the fight had swung heavily in Apocalypse's favor. Abyss was someone that no one wanted to get within arms length of because she could easily kill others with a single touch. The only way someone could survive her powers was if they were of artificial life. Scarlet Cat might be able to survive a brief brush with the woman because of her healing powers, but that was something even the shifter wasn't willing to test. Especially right now with her carrying her next child. Like Raven, Scarlet Cat was concerned with Apocalypse's access to the launch codes. Because Gates was being controlled by Apocalypse, if he lost, Gates would launch the missiles without a second thought.

As Raven whispered to her, Scarlet Cat nodded, looking at him seriously. Nighthawk then asked what they should do. If they should surrender. Scarlet Cat shot her son a glance and shook her head with a firm 'no'. "He may not be from earth, but he's still a terrorist and we don't bend to terrorists demands and threats." she told him. When Raven spoke of them having an ace in the hole, Scarlet Cat raised an eyebrow before following his gaze over to the slender, non-threatening looking young woman standing off to the side, out of the way of the fight. The young woman didn't look like she could harm a fly. But Raven and Scarlet Cat knew better. Whisper could be extremely dangerous depending on how she used her powers. Scarlet Cat nodded, but their little conversation was ended when Apocalypse shot down a jet, sending it falling out of the sky.

In response to this, Raven sent Stargirl to save the plane, but she was taken down by her clone and Scarlet Cat growled softly before glaring at their opponent when he laughed. Protector was then sent out to save the jet, but she was also side tracked by someone as Superior Man flew at her. Raven then looked at Scarlet Cat and said 'air'. For a brief moment she was surprised before she nodded firmly. A second later she disappeared without a trace. With her having become part of the air itself, it was impossible to track the woman as she moved. While she couldn't stop the jet like Stargirl and Protector, she could maneuver it and cushion its landing. Raven would be able to tell that Scarlet Cat had reached the jet when it's decent began to slow as Scarlet Cat wrapped currents of air around it to slow it down.
Raven knew it would be damn near impossible for anyone to track Scarlet Cat in her air form. It would be equally as hard for anyone to stop her. While Cat couldn't stop the jet like Stargirl or Protector could. She could save those people by other means. Everyone knew the power wind had during hurricanes. The wind could force a straw into a tree. Scarlet Cat had control of this power. She could create a swirling wind under the falling jet. Slowing it's fall towards the ground. That wind would keep the jet from crashing, it would also put out the fire on it's tail. Apocalypse stopped laughing. His distraction was at an end. Scarlet Cat would save the jet and everyone on it. There was nothing he could do to stop her. Apocalypse then ordered his Paragoblins to attack the heroes. The creatures charged at the line of heroes. Some firing their new energy weapons. Others preferring to show off their new strength. These weren't the same Paragoblins the heroes had faced before. They were stronger and better, but still mindless monsters. They were bred to serve only Apocalypse.

In other dimension. The Sorceress stood as she watched the battle playing out. She knew the moment of her death would be coming soon. The moment she warned Scarlet Cat of many months ago. Sorceress saved Raven from death, but she spoke of price she would pay. Since that day. Sorceress had become weaker. Her magical power had faded to a shadow of it's former self. This allowed for the return of Alexandria's father and Zorg, the Black Wizard. Both had been banished from the Earth, but both were back. Sorceress had enough to teleport herself one more time. She was just waiting for the moment when her death would have meaning. It was only a matter of time before that moment came. Sorceress didn't know when it would happen. She never could see her own fate. Sorceress knew that Alexandria would be involved in someway. She'd been doing her best to guide Alexandria to this point in her life. Though, Alexandria wasn't always accepting of Sorceress or her guidance. Still, the shifter manage to find the right track. Raven and the other heroes battled with Paragoblins. This was a fight for life. Raven told the others, not to hold back, he spoke of killing the Paragoblins, they were mindless monsters after all. He expected Scarlet Cat to return soon. The jet was down, beyond the buildings which surrounded the heroes and the battle. Raven was sure, she'd found a safe place to land the plane.
Scarlet Cat took advantage of the fact that it was nearly impossible for anyone to track her when she was in her air form. When she was in this form, her body became a part of the very air that everyone breathed. She had very impressive power in all of her elemental forms. As the jet fell fast towards the ground, the people on board screamed in panic and everyday citizens watched on in horror. However, the large jet suddenly began to slow in its decent as Scarlet Cat began to work on slowing it. She wrapped the jet in strong currents of wind, pushing up on the jet and guiding it away from buildings. Soon the jet was out of view of those fighting and as there was no loud sound of it crashing in the city, it was safe to say she'd stopped its decent enough to save the passengers. Raven would be right that she had found a safe place to land the plane. In the middle of central park, as a matter of fact.

For a time there was no sign of Scarlet Cat before several of the Paragoblins were tossed aside by a strong gust of wind and Scarlet Cat reappeared. When she reappeared, she did so mostly in her human form, though she was controlling the element of fire with one of her hands. With the reappearance of the shifter, she threw herself into the fight, using her powers over fire to form a whip which she used to begin taking down Paragoblins. Back when she first joined Raven and the others, she usually carried an actual whip on her hip, but upon unlocking and discovering her powers over the elements, she stopped carrying the whip and instead used her elements as her weapons. With the shifter back in the fight, things began to pick up a bit. Suddenly, Scarlet Cat heard a sound behind her and turned sharply to see a paragoblin poised to attack her. However, it was frozen in place. She was a little surprised but a quick glance off towards Whisper told her that the young woman was still acting as back up to the heroes.

The white haired young woman glanced at Scarlet Cat and nodded slightly before she released the paragoblin. When she did, it collapsed, dead by the time it hit the ground. There was no sign of strain upon the young womans peaceful face as she mentally told Scarlet Cat to go. She picked up a paragoblin that had gotten too close to where she and Ghost stood and threw it away from them with enough force that when it collided with another goblin, both were thrown against the side of a brick building, hitting with a loud thud.
Scarlet Cat's ability to control her element powers grew when Tristan came. Like his mother, he was a shifter, but he only had her powers of elements. Tristan couldn't take animal forms, other then human. From a young age, Tristan learned how to master his power of the elements. He passed on this knowledge to his mother. Helping her gain better control over her powers. This made Scarlet Cat a more dangerous women. Before, she only had control over her animals forms. Now she was a master of awesome powers. Scarlet cat could use her element powers to create whips. She could make such weapons from fire, water or air. Each was unique, and an effective weapon. Scarlet Cat was using a fire whip to take down paragoblins. One she only stunned before her attention was drawn by another paragoblin. This one was taken out by Whisper. However, the one which Cat stunned was still able to fight. The creature drew a bladed weapon and planned on ramming the blade through the hero's body. The paragoblin thrusted the blade, but another figure appeared. Sorceress had teleported herself between the paragoblin and Scarlet Cat. The blade thrust right through Sorercess's heart.

There was a scream, but it wasn't clear where the sound came from. Sorceress felt the rush of her blood exiting between her breasts. The paragoblin yanked the blade from her body. This caused a painful grunt to come from Sorceress. The creature was going to attack Scarlet Cat, but his chance was gone. There was a moment when it had the element of surprise. When Scarlet Cat could have been taken off guard. That moment had quickly disappeared. Sorceress fell to the ground at Scarlet Cat's feet. Blood was pumping from the large wound in her chest. There was also some blood leaking from the corner of her mouth. Her breathing was becoming heavier and not in a good way. The paragoblin let out a growl as it took a swipe at Scarlet Cat with it's blade. The large creature had already been injured by her fire whip. Yet, even hurt, the creature was still able to fight.
Scarlet Cat had been granted multiple forms of powers thanks to her parentage. She was both a feline shifter and a shape shifter, able to change into different humans as well as different elemental forms. On top of that, she had her strong healing abilities. Scarlet Cat was one of the most dangerous women working with Raven. Not just because of her powers, but because she was trained to kill as an assassin by Tristans father. She spent years perfecting her skills. When her attention was drawn from her attack on a Paragoblin, it had been left stunned and it was on its feet soon enough. It moved up behind Scarlet Cat and was about to thrust its blade into the hero when another figure appeared between them. Scarlet Cat heard the scream and then a grunt, causing the woman to turn sharply. When she saw Sorceress standing there, she gasped softly.

It was as if things suddenly slowed down as the woman fell at Scarlet Cat's feet. The woman watched with wide eyes, shocked at what she was seeing as the once powerful magic user began to bleed out at her feet. Her attention was drawn back to the paragoblin as it growled and took a swipe at her. She easily dodged the attack before lunging at him. She attacked ferociously and she growled back at the beast. She flicked her wrist, changing the whip into a blade of her own and she hit the goblin hard, her weapon beginning to create deep, burning cuts before she plunged it deep into the creatures chest. With it deep in the paragoblins chest, she pushed some of her powers into her opponenant, filling its chest with flames which would kill it quickly but painfully. With a snarl, she kicked it away from her before turning and looking at where Sorceress lay and she rushed to her side. She remembered the womans words when Scarlet Cat had asked for her help in saving Raven. She shook her head while looking at the wound in the womans chest. "Not now." she softly said, knowing that the woman was dying. "It can't be now."
The paragoblin died a very painful death. Scarlet Cat cooked it's insides, but this creature didn't understand death. Not as humans know it. So, despite a painful cry, there was no sign of fear as the creature died. It was made to die if needed. Sorceress could feel her body growing cold. Had she encountered this creature when she still had her powers. It never would have hurt her. A shield created from magic energy would have saved her life. Sadly, she gave up her power to save Raven. Doing so, meant her life was now forfeit. Death needed it's pound of flesh, and it was time to pay that long due bill. Sorceress swallowed hard when Scarlet Cat came to her side. She heard the words spoken by the hero. " We both knew this day would come........It had to be now........You would have been badly hurt and perhaps lost your child........I couldn't let that happen. " Sorceress spoke as her breathing became labored. " I've spent so many years chasing after you.......Trying to put you on the right path.......A path which would put you here.......During those years you hated me......Cursed me for meddling in your life........But you made it.......You are where you should be.......This is your life now Alexandria Reed.......You are a hero despite how others wish to paint you.....You still have many challenges ahead.......But I have faith you'll do the right things. " Sorceress was growing weaker as the time ticked by.

Sorceress reached up and touched Scarlet Cat's cheek. " Have your babies with your family........They will be your support in the future........You will lead the next generation of heroes to protect this world........But beware of the machine Thomas designed and Eric brought to life.........It has created an abomination which will seek to control you......." Sorceress added before her words trailed off. She took her last gasp of air before dying. Her eyes now stared into nothingness. Like the stare of a doll's eyes. With Sorceress dead, there was now no sorcerer supreme to protector the Earth. There were several good magic users, but only one could become the most powerful user of white magic. Sorceress believed that to be Zandora, but was she ready to become so powerful? Black magic users would be thrilled by the news that Sorceress was gone. This would allow them to cause havoc around the world. This meant big trouble for the heroes in the coming future.
Scarlet Cat had turned and hurried away before the paragoblin was even dead, not caring about it. Instead her attention was on Sorceress who was laying upon the ground. She fell to her knees next to the woman and grabbed onto her hand. When Sorceress spoke of what would of happened if she hadn't intervened now, Scarlet Cat shook her head slowly. She listened as the dying woman spoke of how she'd spent so long chasing after the shifter, trying to put her on the right path which would put here where she now was and in those years, Scarlet Cat had hated her. Scarlet Cat had hated many people back then. She had a strong hate for anyone in authority after what her 'parents' had done to her and because of how so many others had treated her because of being different. So when Sorceress suddenly appeared in her life and tried to guide her, she resented it. She squeezed Sorceress's hand in her own. "Things might of been different if I had accepted your guidance years ago." She didn't just mean about what had happened with Thomas and the death of their unborn child. But Sorceress's death as well might not of happened like this. "It's thanks to you that I even have my family." she softly told the woman. "You've guided me upon the path to having an actual family and I thank you for it."

She closed her eyes for a moment when the woman touched her cheek and she sighed before looking at Sorceress again as she told Scarlet Cat to have her babies with her family and they would be the shifters support in the future. That she would lead the next generation of heroes to protect the world. She also issued Scarlet Cat a warning about the machine that Thomas had designed but Eric had brought to life. Scarlet Cat could hear the womans words slurring before trailing off. A moment later she heard her take her last gasp of air before the once immensely powerful woman became still, her life slipping away and the life fading from her eyes. Scarlet Cat felt her breath catch in her throat and for a moment she couldn't breath. She was completely still until a hand grabbed her shoulder and she jerked in surprise before looking up.

Whisper was standing at her side. "You must fight." the young woman softly said, finally speaking out loud. Her voice was a little husky from not using it very often. "I will watch over her. Fight. Do not let her death be in vain." She stroked Scarlets cheek, wiping away a tear that the shifter hadn't realized had fallen. "Go." The shifter nodded and looked at the body of the woman who had given her family so much and she leaned over her, brushing a kiss against the womans forehead and closing her eyes. A moment later she stood up and softly thanked Whisper before turning to return to the fight. With this, Whisper waved a hand over Sorceress's body and it rose off the ground and she guided Sorceress away from the fight to keep her body safe so it could be taken care of respectfully later.
Things would have been different if Scarlet Cat had accepted the guidance of Sorceress, long ago. Scarlet Cat would have always ended up, a member of the Reed Family. Whether as Thomas' wife and Eric's aunt, or as she was now. Eric Reed's older sister and lover. The situation changed, only because of the paths Alexandria chose to follow. In her younger days, she was harder to guide. Alexandria didn't like anyone butting into her life. She didn't want to hear of her destiny and didn't buy Sorceress telling of how Alexandria would one day be a great hero of the people. In those days, she was looking out for herself and didn't care about her destiny or being a hero to anyone. Such thoughts were nonsense. After Alexandria met Cap & Chip, and opened her eyes to what the Nazis were doing. It became clear to Alexandria, she could no longer turn a blind eye to the world around her. She let greed run her life for so long. That greed made her join forces with the Nazis, LEGION and Baron Blood. All because they were paying her in gold. This wasn't a part of Alexandria's life that she was proud of, but it was an important lesson for her.

The battle raged on as Scarlet Cat rejoined the fight. The heroes who once fought for the government, because they felt it was their duty, even if they didn't agree with President Gates. Had switched sides after it was revealed that Apocalypse was the power behind the throne. Gates, sitting in Washington, watching the battle play out on tv, wasn't very happy. Apocalypse had outed him as a puppet and thanks to James, back in the cave. The confession was heard all over the world. James recorded it and played back the words spoken by Apocalypse on every television and radio channel. It was even broadcast over the internet. James knew what to do when he noticed Raven was sending signal back to the cave. Once the top dog was revealed. Raven planned on getting a confession. They could then use the information to arrest Gates and remove him from office.

Gates could see this was slipping away. He knew they had to win this fight, or everything would be lost. He reached down, grabbed the briefcase which he could use to launch all the nuclear missiles America had. Gates opened the case and started getting the device ready to use. He could destroy New York and most of those superheroes with one missile. Back in New York, Apocalypse looked on as his paragoblins started falling. They were stronger and tougher then the original bunch, but they were still only flesh & blood. As Scarlet Cat was fighting her way back towards Raven. Apocalypse ordered Abyss to kill her. The soulless creature locked her eyes on Scarlet Cat. She nodded before taking off in a dead run right at Cat. Abyss closed the gap quickly on the unaware hero. It seemed like she would reach her target, but Image appeared in between the two women. He phased through the street, blocking the path Abyss was taking. " I can't not allow you or anyone to hurt my mother. " Image spoke as he pulled back his right fist, then busted Abyss crossed her jaw. Though she wasn't human, she still had some type of bones in her body. Image struck her so hard, you could hear the jaw bone break. Abyss made no sounds of pain. She just laid on the ground. Blood or what passed for blood was coming from her mouth. Image was suddenly knocked down when Changeling struck him from the side. She had used her shifting powers to become solid metal. " So?........Your mother is that worthless cunt?.......Then I'll hurt her by hurting you! " Changeling growled with a perverse pleasure in her voice. She changed her right hand and arm into a long bladed weapon. Changeling then raised her weapon to strike and cut Image's head off.
Alexandria's early years when she had at first started stealing, it had merely been in order to survive as she had stolen food or a little money here and there. Then when she was older she would sell herself to the occasional man who didn't mind that she didn't look exactly normal. After she had better control over her shifter powers, she had been able to make herself into a highly desirable woman which drew in more men. Then Tristan's father discovered her, having heard rumors of the sexy young woman who could change her appearance. He then took her in and trained her. From there she began killing, spying and stealing for profit. All she cared about for a long time was a paycheck because she had reached a point in her life where she wanted lots of money because it had been something that she never had when younger. After her time with Cap and Chip, she still let her greed run her life, but not like it had. After World War 2, she refused to work for people who did such terrible things and she cut as many ties with her past as she could. She had blown off Sorceress's attempts at helping her, but her greed had still guided her into the arms of the Reed men.

After Whisper took custody of Sorceress's body, Scarlet Cat threw herself back into the fight, fiercely fighting any enemy who got in her way. She had let her natural form take over completely as she fought. She looked so much like a cat as she fought. She no longer looked like the Scarlet Cat that people were used to. Gone was the crimson red hair and fair skin. Instead, her elfin like pointed ears could be seen poking through her long dark hair and her fangs and claws flashed as she tore through the paragoblins that got too close to her. The tiger stripes which told of what kind of feline she naturally was could be seen faintly decorating her skin. There was a sense of freedom that she was currently feeling as she fought in this form that she'd not felt in a long time. The sexy feline was working her way closer to Raven, wanting to be close at his side where she belonged in a fight. As she was fighting her way closer to him, she didn't notice that she'd become targeted by Abyss until she heard Image's voice.

Upon hearing him, she turned just in time to see him hit Abyss. She felt a surge of pride fill her until she saw Changeling appear and attack him. She could only hear a little of what Changeling was saying, but seeing her she could see what was about to happen and she began to worry. Scarlet Cat knew that he was an android and he could be repaired, but she had some strong maternal instincts towards him. Seeing Changeling raise her weapon to strike Image, Scarlet Cat tried to fight towards him but there were too many in her way to get to him. However, clearly someone was watching over the battle as a piece of rubble suddenly came flying out of no-where and struck Changeling in the side of the head. It might not be enough to really hurt the being currently in a metal form and it might not move her much, but it was enough to distract her. Especially when a second one hit her in the side. Seeing this, Scarlet Cat glanced over her shoulder at the only being she knew that was using such powers and nodded at Whisper and the young woman nodded back.

Whisper had placed a strong barrier around Sorceress' body, leaving it with Ghost before she began to get more into the fight. She knew she had to be careful, but she couldn't just remain on the sidelines any longer. So the white haired young woman left Ghosts side. Whisper was sure that she would probably hear about it from Doctor Simms later as she wasn't very good at physically protecting herself, but she was extremely powerful mentally. So she began to use her powers to fight after leaving the sidelines. She was using her telepathic and telekinetic powers to fight those close to her. The young woman was using her abilities to throw enemies through the air and to hit others with rubble caused by different heroes and their enemies colliding with nearby buildings. However, when she saw Changeling attack Image, Whisper targeted the metal creature and began pelting her with stones to distract Changeling. Hopefully long enough to give Image a chance to get away from Scarlet Cats enemy. Whisper was using two of her powers but there was one more that she hadn't tapped into yet during this fight. It was the one that caused the most strain on the young woman. She was still training to use it properly without hurting herself, but she would use it if and when she had to.
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