League of Heroes........Guardians of Earth (Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster)

While many looked at Alexandria Reed and imagined what fucking her would be like, their dreams were nothing compared to reality. Her skill in bed was beyond what many would be able to dream of. She had proven that many times in the past and she was doing so yet again with Alyssa. As she first filled the young woman, Alexandria felt her lifting her hips and she was able to push her cock deeper. As she pulled out, she had heard that whimper from the girl, only to replace it with a gasp when she thrust into her, the young woman arching her back while Alexandria began fucking her. Alexandria loved watching Alyssa's breasts bounce with each thrust and the young woman was beginning to groan with pleasure as she fucked her.

However, Alexandria wasn't content with just watching the young woman lay draped across the bed for long. In an act that would surprise the young woman, Alexandria slipped her arms around her new lover, and with a show of strength, lifted her off the bed, but kept her cock buried deep inside of the girl as she drew her into a sitting position. Alexandria had her hands resting behind the girl to offer support. "Wrap your arms around my neck." she ordered her, a grin forming on her lips. "You're going to want to hold on." There was a playful yet serious tone in her voice.

Once Alyssa was holding on, Alexandria lifted her slightly before she began thrusting up into the young woman. She would thrust up into her and then she would use her strength to lift her a little while she pulled back. And when she thrust back into her, she would let gravity pull Alyssa back down. This made Alexandria moan loudly and just fuck her faster, her hips bucking up against Alyssa's.
Alyssa was very happy with the way Alexandria was fucking her. The shifter had a cock and balls other men would kill to have. Alexandria knew how to please woman, in all areas of sex. Alyssa loved how easily the older woman grew such a thick, long cock just to use on her. Alexandria did this for certain people. She fucked Tina this way. When not using her make tiger form on the older teenager. A short time ago. Alexandria's two female officer lovers, Aisha & Anna, had wished for this type of action. They could get their wish, sooner rather then later. But, that was something Alexandria had to be careful with. She couldn't just reveal her powers to those she just met. Alyssa, already knew that Alexandria had abilities. The younger woman had her own powers. Alyssa was more impressed with Alexandria's powers at the moment.

The younger woman was becoming lost in pleasure. Until she felt Alexandria reach down and slipped her hands around Alyssa. There was a shriek that came from the younger woman when she was pulled into a sitting position. She felt Alexandria's cock still in her pussy. Alyssa's eyes were open and looking at the older woman with shock. She didn't understand what Alexandria was doing? Alexandria then spoke of having Alyssa wrap her arms around Alexandria's neck. The younger woman nodded her head. She slipped her arms around Alexandria's neck. She was then told to hold on. Alyssa felt herself lifted a bit more. Alexandria's natural strength was incredible. She held Alyssa in her arms and started fucking her with ease. " OH YES!!!......Use me! " Alyssa screamed out her approval. She felt like a fuckable rag doll in Alexandria's arms. Alyssa looked deeply into the older woman's eyes. The pleasure Alyssa was getting, clearly written on her face. Yet, she wanted something more from Alexandria. She wanted to see, and be fucked by who Alexandria really was. " Show me the real you!.......Fuck me as the real Alexandria! " What Alyssa wanted, wasn't something Alexandria did for outsiders. But, few outsiders knew as much about Alexandria's past as Alyssa did. Alyssa wanted to see the cat, Alexandria hid from everyone else.
Alexandria had a cock and balls other men would kill to have and she knew how to use them. She knew exactly what to do to bring another woman pleasure of the best kind. It was a perk to being able to take so many different forms. As a woman, she knew how to bring the best pleasure to another woman and as a man, she knew what gave a man the most pleasure. It was what made her such an excellent lover. When she slipped her arms around Alyssa and pulled her up, she heard the younger womans shriek and Alexandria briefly winced at the sudden noise but she never stopped what she was doing. Instead, she told Alyssa what to do as she adjusted her grip on the young woman.

Once she had her arms around Alexandria's neck, the older woman held onto her firmly before lifting herself up onto her knees more. With herself in position, she began thrusting her hips, fucking Alyssa hard and fast. When she fucked the other woman with ease, Alyssa screamed out her approval of how Alexandria was fucking her, telling her to use her. This made her growl softly and she opened her eyes to look at Alyssa. She could see the pleasure on Alyssa's face and Alexandria's grip on her tightened a bit. The muscles along her hips and her stomach were flexing with her movements while the muscles in her arms were tensed a bit, showing that though she didn't necessarily look strong in this form, she was very fit and she was much stronger then she looked.

However, when Alyssa asked her to fuck her as the real Alexandria, the older woman gasped softly and her movements stilled while she gazed at Alyssa. She was breathing heavily, her breasts rising and falling with her quickened breathing and the look in her face was intense. What Alyssa asked of her was something she rarely did for anyone. Her family knew of this form and had seen it plenty of times in the past and she could count on a single hand the number of people outside of her family, who were still alive, who had seen her natural form. It seemed like several minutes passed as Alexandria looked at Alyssa, though it was merely seconds before she took a deep breath and nodded slightly. After that, her body began to shift bit by bit.

Her skin lightened a little more, but there could be bands seen on her skin that resembled tiger stripes and her hair which had been up in a twist fell free and it became longer, falling in pin straight pitch black silky locks which, like her skin, had faint stripes in it. Her facial features became more angular and as she breathed heavily, her full red lips parted and exposed her canines which were longer then a normal humans and looked more like a cats. Her ears, which could be seen occasionally as she moved, took on a more elfin appearance as they became slightly pointed. Along the curve of her shoulders, markings of flowers and other intricate patterns could be seen a little as she exposed her tattoos as well. Alexandria exposed all of herself to the other woman. The only thing that didn't change much were her eyes. Because of her contacts, her cat eyes remained more human looking, though they did turn to their naturally acid green appearance. "Does this please you?" she softly asked, her hands caressing Alyssa's back and she began to slowly move her hips again.
Because of her link to the spirit of vengeance. Alyssa knew that Alexandria hid her true appearance. Though, she did appear looking normal as a baby. Like all mutants. Alexandria's true form didn't reveal itself until she was in her teens. She always was stronger, faster and more agile then anyone else around her. No one thought anything about these features. It was just assumed, Alexandria was better then others in such areas. Alexandria's outward change happened at night, while what she thought was her family, was sleeping. The teenage Alexandria underwent her physical change. Taking on her more feline form. The new form shocked everyone around her. They thought she was some kind of demon. This was of course, the mid 1800's. Back then, people didn't know what a mutant was. Despite how some saw her natural form. Alexandria did find those who loved seeing her more feline side. Eric wanted to make love to Alexandria in this form. During the time when she became pregnant with his second child. Alexandria shifted into her natural, feline form. Eric showed the true love he had for Alexandria that day. A love the entire family shared for her.

Alexandria's long life and her shifting powers. Gave her insight on both sexes. She was born female, but after powers surfaced. Alexandria learned how to become a male. This helped during mission. She had several male forms, used while she worked as a spy & assassin. This made her even more like the "ghost" people called her. Alexandria could blend into any place. Becoming anyone she wanted. During the times she worked in a male form. Alexandria took pleasure with females. This gave her a unique view of pleasure from both sides of sex. Making Alexandria the greatest lover anyone could ever have. No matter who she was with. Alexandria could give them more passion and pleasure then they knew was possible. In return, her lovers gave back what they got. Pleasing her feline side.

Alexandria was an impressive woman in so many areas. She had become the public face of a multi billion dollar company. She was loved by the public for all the hard work she did to help the poor, homeless, mothers & children, the sick & needy. Since she took over as the head of the Reed Family Foundations. Alexandria had begun many new projects helping those who need it. She also took great care of herself. The gym at the manor, gave Alexandria the chance to workout everyday. Alexandria strength was natural for her. Being part feline, made her stronger then a normal human. It wasn't something she often showed off. However, this was no ordinary sexual encounter. Alexandria showed Alyssa how strong she really was. She lifted the younger woman with out much effort. Clearly, Alexandria enjoyed having control at certain times. She was clearly in charge and that was something Alyssa loved. The younger woman didn't often engage in sex with others. Not since she became joined with the spirit of vengeance. It was very hard finding a lover who wouldn't bring out the demon in the young woman. She knew the rider inside of her, didn't want Alexandria. The older woman was making up for her past by working for good these days.

Alyssa watched in wonder as Alexandria changed. The transformation was an amazing sight. Seeing Alexandria become more feline looking. Alyssa found the more natural side of Alexandria, very sexy. She greeted this feline form with a sly smile. Alexandria then asked if seeing this pleased the younger woman. " Very much so.......You are truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. " Alyssa spoke as her eyes soaked up every inch of Alexandria's form. This was something Alyssa would never forget. This is just how she wanted to remember being with Alexandria. " Now.......Unleash the beast......Fuck me......Make me your bitch to be used. " Alyssa spoke in a voice ready for the fucking she wanted. This was something Alexandria could do, and something she rarely had the chance to do. Few of her lovers could really handle being fucked in the manner which Alyssa asked. Tina could, and as it turned out, so could Alyssa. The link she had with the spirit of vengeance. Kept the younger woman from any harm, even in her human form.
When she had been a child, there had been small hints of Alexandria's feline nature. She has always been quick, light on her feet and a little stronger then was normal for a child, but her parents had seen that as a good thing because she was able to do proper chores around the home. Some had remarked on her slightly more exotic looks, such as her beautiful upturned, almond shaped eyes. When she was young, her eyes had been a more subtle acid green, but on the night of her 13th birthday, her looks had shifted overnight and her eyes became a bright acid, almost neon green color and they seemed to glow. When her parents had seen the changes in her daughter, her mother had screamed and fainted, this had brought Alexandria's father, or the man she'd thought was her father, running and that same day they chased her out, easily turning the village against the young woman. For a couple years after that, she spent time on the streets. A waif living on the streets, stealing and picking pockets to survive. It was only after she reached her mid-teens that she had mastered her human mimicking skills and after that, she began selling herself for money.

Upon changing forms, Alexandria saw the sly smile on Alyssa's face as she asked if this pleased the younger woman. In her true form, all markings that she gained in her life could be seen, from the tattoos that decorated her shoulders and back to the very, faint scars that she had gotten when she was a child. They could barely be seen, however, so most didn't notice them unless she pointed them out. Her body was also a bit more curvy with slightly larger breasts and wider hips. But one thing that was quite noticeable, was the baby bump forming on Alexandria. While in her Reed form, it looked like just a slight bump that could easily be mistaken for her having eaten a large meal, but in her natural form, it was obvious what it was.

When Alyssa spoke and asked her to unleash the beast and fuck her, Alexandria's eyes widened slightly, that captivating green color of her eyes intensifying as she looked at the young woman. A moment later, Alexandria was moving. With Alyssa held firmly in her hands, Alexandria fell forward onto the bed with her and she pulled the young womans arms from around her neck. She had a firm hold of both her wrists in one hand and she pinned them above Alyssa's head as she began fucking her. With the position she had Alyssa in, it made the girl arch her back a little and Alexandria growled loudly as she dipped her head and captured Alyssa's hardened nipple in her mouth, beginning to suck and lick at her breast while she thrust hard and fast into her. Alyssa would be able to feel the sharp fangs in Alexandria's mouth scraping against her soft flesh. If Alexandria wished, she could use those fangs to deal serious damage to a person, but with her age, came experience on how to be careful not to harm others with those sharp teeth.
Alyssa loved the natural side of Alexandria. This was who the older woman really was. Alyssa knew why Alexandria hide her true form. She didn't want to bring unwanted attention on herself or her loved ones. It was a shame she couldn't show this side more often. The feline form Alexandria was born with, was very beautiful. The scars and tattoos, showed the healing factor Alexandria had, didn't kick in until later in her life. Obviously, sometime after her late teens or early 20's. Alyssa also noticed the baby bump showing more. She knew Alexandria was pregnant while they were in the ballroom. Alyssa could sense the innocent life growing inside Alexandria's body. The baby wasn't part of the reason why Alyssa came. She saw no reason to point out what Alexandria would already know. Plus, Alexandria understood Alyssa's connection and how her powers worked. Alexandria would be aware that Alyssa would sense the child. There was no reason for her to hide the baby and she didn't.

Alyssa's smile grew when Alexandria forced her onto the bed. Her hands were then placed above her head. Alexandria grabbed both of Alyssa's hands with one of her own. Alyssa was under the control of the older woman and she loved it. This is just what the younger woman wanted. To feel the beast Alexandria normally kept hidden from others. As Alexandria stared fucking the younger woman. Alyssa arched her back and loosely wrapped her legs around the older woman's waist. " Yes......Yes. " Alyssa panted out. She loved the feel of Alexandria's huge cock, taking her. Alexandria then lowered her head, capturing Alyssa's nipple in her mouth. This made the younger woman archer her back a bit more. Alyssa breathed in through her teeth. Feeling a bit of pain from those fangs. If not for her feline looks. Alexandria could be mistaken for a vampire with her sharp fangs. Alyssa trembled as she felt the fangs scrape over her nipples. The pain felt so damn good. Alyssa could feel her orgasm growing quickly.
During her early years, Alexandria had deeply hated her natural form because it had lost her the family that she'd known when she was a child. She had seen it as ugly and so she had spent years finding forms that she saw as beautiful. She always made herself look like the perfect picture of beauty for every era. It had only been after meeting Thomas that she began to come to accept her natural for and Eric and her current family made her love it. They had shown her that others could truly love and lust after that feline form. When she had been in her young adulthood, she had visited Japan and for one of her missions for Anton, she had to go undercover as a mistress of a Yakuza boss and that man had wanted her to be marked as his. So she had reluctantly allowed them to mark her with the tattoos. He had made her wear outfits that showed off her back and the tattoos that now marked her. That had been many, many years ago. The man, though possessive of the woman, had worshiped the sexy woman and she knew how much it had upset the man when she suddenly went missing once she had the information that Anton had wanted. Especially since she'd made it look like she'd been taken.

After forcing Alyssa to the bed, Alexandria had begun to really fuck her. Her hips were bucking hard against the younger womans while her breasts brushed against Alyssa's. As the young woman began to pant, Alexandria began to faintly growl while her lips attacked her breasts. When her teeth brushed against Alyssa's, she felt the girl tremble and she nipped at her nipple before she let her lips, teeth and tongue travel over her breasts more. Her lips grazed the soft underside of her breast before switching which breast she was lavishing attention to.

While fucking her, she could feel her cock beginning to throb as her own orgasm began to build. As it did begin to build, she fucked Alyssa harder and faster. Her eyes flashed and one of her hands moved to Alyssa's hip and gripped it firmly, almost tight enough to bruise if Alyssa had been a normal human, the claws that she had in this form scraping at her skin. The beast in her was getting stronger and it was taking control of the shifter more as she fucked Alyssa, a feral sound coming from the woman. The way she rolled her hips caused her cock to thrust hard and deep inside of Alyssa and when her orgasm hit, Alexandria gave a loud snarl as her cock began to release her hot, thick cum deep inside of Alyssa, the woman thrusting several more times before holding her cock deep inside of her new lover as she filled her completely with her cum.
Alexandria had made several trips to Japan during her life time. She made a connection with the Ichida family during one trip. A power family clan of Ninjas. They were the first family who showed Alexandria respect, kindness and love. Over time, she grew to trust the Ichidas. Just as she trusted the Reeds. Alexandria revealed her secret to them. They were among the few who truly knew Alexandria and her life. During her last trip to Japan. She struck a deal between the Ichidas and Reed Enterprises. Both companies benefited from this deal. Alexandria also let her dear friends know of her child Richard. It pleased the family to know that Alexandria got what she always wanted. A child of her own. For many years, Alexandria never gave any thoughts to having children. However, over time, her feline side made such thoughts more and more apart of Alexandria's mind. She couldn't fight against her urges forever. Alexandria wanted children, though she wanted them with certain people. She had no choice with Tristan, but he turned out to be a fine young man. Alexandria may not have wanted Anton for a mate. He did give her a great son. Alexandria was now focused on having babies with the other men in her family. Her pride would give her the cubs her feline side longed for.

Alexandria had unleashed her inner beast and Alyssa was loving every minute of it. She loved how Alexandria's fangs scrapped over her breasts and nipples. Alexandria gave each one attention. She also continued pounding the younger woman. Acting more and more like an animal. Any normal woman would have reason to worry. Alexandria could easily lose control and hurt someone, even during sex. Lucky for Alyssa, she wasn't a normal woman. The spirit she was connected with, kept her safe from harm. Alexandria couldn't hurt her even if she tried. A few times, Alexandria did draw blood with her fangs. The wounds healed quickly. Though, Alexandria's feline side was treated with the taste of blood. This seemed to spur Alexandria to fuck Alyssa even harder. The young woman was like a rag doll getting fucked by this wild version of Alexandria. Alyssa was whimpering with delight. Her pussy had never been used like this before. This is just what Alyssa had wanted. Alyssa could barely catch her breath. The fucking she was getting was so intense. This was a close to getting fucked by a real animal for Alyssa. Each savage thrust brought deep cries of pleasure from the younger woman. Her body was trembling. Her orgasm was almost to the breaking point. Alyssa then felt Alexandria releasing deep inside of her pussy. Pumping thick, hot streams of cum into her. This feeling caused Alyssa's orgasm to explode. Her young body was shaking as Alexandria pushed her seed deeper into Alyssa. The younger woman thought she'd pass out, but that didn't happen. Alyssa fell limp on the bed. The warmth of Alexandria's cum felt so good inside of her. " That was incredible. " Alyssa moaned out as she looked at Alexandria through heavy eyelids.
There were very few outside of her family that Alexandria trusted enough to let them know about what she was and what her abilities were. The Ichida family was a family that she met during one of her many trips to Japan and she had become very close with them and they had earned her respect and trust. She had struck a deal between the Reed Enterprises and the Ichidas, both of them benefitting greatly from the deal. Alexandria was respected greatly by the Ichida family as well. So much so, that she had been asked to be the god-mother to the youngest child of the family, a daughter who was three at this time. She remained close to them, often talking to the family at lest once a week and she visited them in person everytime she visited Japan and she usually made a trip out there every couple of months. She had even told them about Richard. They had known for a long time about her longing for a child of her own and now they were happy to see the shifter creating a family with those she cared about.

As her inner beast became more and more unleashed, Alexandria got rougher and more wild as she fucked Alyssa. When she tasted that unmistakable metallic tang that could only be blood, Alexandria growled louder and her pupils dilated as she fucked Alyssa harder while lapping at the cut her fang had made until it healed over. The taste of the blood made her even more wild and Alexandria would occasionally nip sharply at Alyssa just enough to cause a thin cut, blood welled up to the surface only to be licked away shortly before the cut healed. Few could handle Alexandria in this state. It could be dangerous as the shifter had little control of herself when in such a heightened state of arousal with her feral side unleashed. It was much like her bloodlust when fighting, except she wasn't out to kill anyone right now. Just fuck someone.

When her release hit, shortly followed by Alyssa's, Alexandria's back arched and she released Alyssa's hands to grab the sheets of the bed tightly in her hands before she bit the young woman beneath her as she snarled in her pleasure. Luckily, enough of Alexandria remained in control that she kept herself from sinking her fangs deep into the young womans flesh on her shoulder. It was an action much like when wild, big cats mated and the dominant one would sink its fangs into the neck of the submissive one. Her teeth did sink into the soft skin of Alyssa's shoulder, causing shallow bite marks, but they were no where as bad as they could of been. Alexandria kept Alyssa's shoulder held firmly as she held her cock deep inside of the young woman and it was only after Alyssa fell limp to the bed that Alexandria slowly released her shoulder while Alyssa moaned about what they had just done being incredible.

While the young woman spoke and gazed at Alexandria, the shifter gazed back at her, a little bit of the younger womans blood upon her lips and her gaze was still wild. However, after a moment, Alexandria began softly licking at the mark on the young womans shoulder to sooth the bite while it healed, a faint sound much like a purr escaping her. Eric and the rest of the family were familiar with this kind of treatment as she 'groomed' and cared for her lovers, as she always did this after she got a bit too wild with her loved ones. It was the mindset of an alpha cat taking care of her pride. "You were incredible." Alexandria finally said after she licked the wound clean.
Alyssa didn't mind when Alexandria sank her teeth into her shoulder. The older woman planned it perfectly. It happened when Alyssa's orgasm, was flowing through her body. The extra, and sudden rush of pain, only added to the pleasure the younger woman was feeling at the moment. Alyssa gasped, when she felt those fangs sink into her skin. Her body shook even harder during the orgasm. Alyssa loved every minute of being with Alexandria. It was, without a doubt, the best sexual encounter, the younger woman ever had. Alexandria was the perfect lover, for men or women. She even licked all the blood up and cared for the wounds she made. Alexandria's saliva, had a natural healing agent in it. This helped to heal wounds she made during sex, and also prevented infection. Alexandria didn't have to worry about Alyssa. She would have healed and been okay. But, it was nice of her to show Alyssa this much care. Plus, during her current pregnancy. Alexandria was craving more raw meat then usual. Since she conceived the baby in her feline form. Alexandria had more feline cravings. The blood she drew from Alyssa was like candy. Something she could really enjoy.

Alyssa smiled when Alexandria said she was incredible. The younger woman spoke of never having a lover like Alexandria before. Alyssa then moved, bringing her lips closer to Alexandria's. The two women then kissed, deeply. Alyssa placed her right hand against the back of Alexandria's ear. She was still in her feline form. Alyssa gently stroked her fingers over the back of Alexandria's ear. " It's a shame you can't go back out there looking like this......You are truly a beautiful looking woman. " Alyssa spoke after the kiss was broken. " Thank you for letting me see the real Alexandria........I'm forever grateful you shared this with me. " Alyssa added. The younger woman continued smiling as she looked at Alexandria. It was a shame Alexandria had to hide her true appearance. But, there were people in this world who would try and use Alexandria because of her looks. Some would try and use her as a reason why mutants should be feared. Others would want to study her and find out how her powers worked. Alexandria was no lad rat, to be poked at and used like the government had done to Dak. She and her family needed to be kept safe from people who would harm them.

The two women remained on the bed, enjoying their tender moment. Both had other things to do. Alexandria had been busy with private matters. That's what people who were looking for her were told. Alexandria still had to mingle a bit before the evening was over. The two woman got up, showered together, then dressed and returned to the party. They walked in together. Not an odd sight since both women were from wealthy families. For all anyone knew. The two women were talking over a business deal in private. Wealthy people didn't conduct business out in the open. Everyone knew that. Alyssa & Alexandria shook hands before parting. This added to the thought of them talking business. Alexandria went about her mingling. She spoke with the mayor, the police commissioner, the police chief and several others. Soon, a familiar voice called out to Alexandria. The woman was someone Alexandria knew and called friend. Someone Alexandria had backed and helped get elected to the city council. Her name, Rena Tate. Rena greeted Alexandria with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. " Alexandria Reed.......I've been looking for you all evening.......Your brother said you were involved with business.....You really should enjoy yourself when you come to these events......You can't work 24/7 girl. " Rena spoke with a smile on her face. She had no idea what business, Alexandria was really doing all evening.
Alexandria finished taking care of the wounds that she had caused before she spoke to Alyssa, smiling gently at the young woman while she spoke of having never had a lover like Alexandria before. "Well, I am one of a kind." she softly told the young woman. She felt Alyssa moving beneath her before their lips became pressed together as Alyssa kissed her. As they kissed each other, Alexandria softly purred into the kiss before she felt Alyssa's hand against the back of her ear and she shivered a little at the feeling while she kissed Alyssa back. After a bit, Alyssa broke the kiss and told her that it was a shame that she couldn't return to the party looking as she did and Alexandria chuckled. "I think many of them would loose their mind if they found out that Alexandria Reed wasn't a 'normal' human." she told Alyssa. Alexandria wasn't wrong either. Many would go nuts over the idea of her not being human and many would fear her. After all, she was a mutant holding immense power thanks to the Reed family name. At the same time, many others would want to study her as if she were some kind of lab rat to be experimented on. There was no way the woman would ever allow that. It took a lot of patience as it was to let her own family run tests on her. There was no way she'd be able to keep from attacking others even suggesting such a thing.

For a time, the two women relaxed on the bed for a while before they finally had to get up. Alexandria still had to mingle with others before the party was over. Most of her evening had been mingling all right, just with those that she preferred spending time with. They parted and left the bed before taking a quick shower together and then they dressed and returned to the party. Neither woman looked as if they had just fucked. Everything about Alexandria was just as perfect as when she had arrived earlier that evening. Not a single hair was out of place. Luckily with her looks, she never looked as if she needed to ever wear makeup.

Together, Alexandria and Alyssa returned to the party, the two walking together as they talked softly. There was a pleasant look on Alexandria's face opposed to the normally stern one when talking business, so one could only guess that their business talk had gone well. The two women stopped not too far inside the doors and shook hands. Alexandria could be heard telling Alyssa that perhaps they could do lunch together sometime. Afterwards, they parted ways and Alexandria began going around the ballroom, mingling as a proper socialite should. She spoke with the mayor, the police commissioner and the police chief, getting pictures with each of them, as well as speaking with several others.

Suddenly, Alexandria heard her name being called out and she turned to see Rena Tate approaching her and she smiled gently at the woman before they hugged and she felt Rena kiss her on the cheek. When Rena spoke of how Alexandria couldn't work 24/7, the woman chuckled. "I'm an opportunist, Rena. You should know this by now." she told the other woman, a smile upon her full lips. "If there's an opportunity at a great business deal, I'm going to take it."
Being a politician, Rena understood all about an opportunist, and why Alexandria was this way. In business, like in politics, one had to be ready to jump whenever something good came along. The old saying was. "Strike while the iron was hot". This was a belief all business people understood and followed. Alexandria certainly wanted to strike first, when she could. She did temper her actions with a touch of caution. Alexandria was a good judge of character. She read people very well. This kept her from getting into bad business deals with people who would have ripped her off. Not everyone was perfect and even someone with Alexandria's senses could be fooled by the right person. A person with a gift for stringing people along. Rena laughed as Alexandria spoke. " I assume you and Ms. Brimstone had a good business meeting?........It's not often a member of their family comes to public events anymore.....Is there a business deal happening between Brimstone Oil and Reed Oil? " Rena asked, though she knew Alexandria couldn't admit to much, if anything at all. Powerful business deals didn't go public, until whatever they were working on was ready to move forwards.

Rena had her own mind set on a certain business deal. One that Alexandria had currently gotten in the away of. Alexandria was backing Lincoln Rhodes, with his plan to build a youth center in Harlem. It was to be the first of many such centers around the city. Places for children of all ages, and races to go and have fun without fear. Rena was concerned because Alexandria was backing an ex con with her money. A man who currently took the law into his own hands. Rena also wanted the same building Mr. Rhodes was trying to buy, with Alexandria's help. " Business is one of the reasons why I was looking for you.......We have something important to talk about. " Rena said while pulling Alexandria to one side. " I know what a good heart you have.......How you love to help people......But you need to pull your backing of Lincoln Rhodes......The man is a menace......Kicking down doors and threatening people. " The people Rena spoke of were criminals, like Rico Jones. Linc was doing his best to put such people out of business. " He's one of those super powered freaks.......The government is currently hunting him and his girlfriend with the glowing hand and dragon tattoo.......Take some friendly advice Alexandria.......You and your family don't need to be connected with a man like Rhodes......Pull the funding you gave him.....You and I can open youth centers in the city. " Rena always seemed honest, yet there was something sinister with the way she now smiled at Alexandria now.
Over the years, Alexandria became great when it came to seeing a prime opportunity. In the past, she would take advantage of that opportunity in any manner she could, but now that she was a figure head for Reed Enterprises, she had to be a bit more cautious about what she did when it came to those opportunities. Very rarely did anyone manage to pull one over on the shifter and when it did happen, they eventually came to regret it. As she spoke with Rena, Alexandria smiled gently and when Rena asked about her having a good business meeting with Alyssa, the woman nodded slightly. "It was a satisfying meeting." she replied before Rena asked about a business deal happening between Brimstone Oil and Reed Oil. In response to this, Alexandria made a soft, non-committal noise. This gave no positive nor negative answer to the question.

Rena then revealed that the reason she was looking for Alexandria was business and Alexandria raised an eyebrow while looking at the woman she considered a friend. Rena told Alexandria that she needed to pull her backing of Lincoln Rhodes. The mention of the man being a menace and kicking down doors and threatening people made Alexandria sigh softly. However, the moment Rena said he was one of those 'super powered freaks', the corners of her eyes tightened and her smile faded as she turned her head slightly. Everyone knew that Alexandria was a huge supporter and advocate of mutant rights and of those with powers who did good for the public. That Rena would speak of super powered people being freaks to her set off an alarm in Alexandria's mind. "I'm aware of Mr. Rhodes background. I had a very long meeting with him about his past." she slowly told Rena. "We at Reed Foundations, don't judge others on their past nor on who or even what they are, as long as their heart is in the right place when they come to us requesting aid."

Looking at the woman standing with her once again, Alexandria looked at her, no longer smiling back as she studied the woman and the way she was smiling at Alexandria. There was something... sinister about the way she smiled at Alexandria and the shifter narrowed her gaze slightly while looking at her. "If your reason for telling me to pull my funding is because Mr. Rhodes has powers, you'll have to try again Rena." she told the woman. "You know perfectly well what my stance is on those with abilities and you know my current stance when it comes to these ridiculous decisions the current members of government are making. That you call those with super powers, freaks, certainly tells me enough though." She smiled at Rena again, but this time, it was a tense one while her gaze watched Rena like a predator watching its prey. Her instincts have been alerted that something wasn't right. "Besides Rena, to suddenly pull my backing on something so wonderful as a youth center would look bad on me. I'm already looking at a number of other locations should this youth center work out as well as I'm hoping. I've already put in the bid for the building that the first center is to be going into."
Rena had a feeling Alexandria wouldn't drop her backing of Lincoln Rhodes. She knew how tough minded Alexandria could be. Once her mind was set on something. She never backed down or changed her position to suit what others thought. Rena had hoped, she could reason with her friend. Make her see how dangerous this could be for her and her family. There were forces at play here, which Alexandria didn't want to cross. Forces even more powerful then the government, Alexandria had so much disdain for. That building Alexandria spoke of. The one she put the bid down on. It was the same building Linc thought would make a great place for their first youth center. However, someone else wanted that same building. But, their reasons for wanting that building were much darker. They would stop at nothing to get their hands on it. And anyone getting in their way, was in for a world of trouble.

Rena sighed while shaking her head. " I had hoped you would listen to reason Alexandria.......You can have that building......Someone else wants it.......And you shouldn't be so vocal of your support for people like Mister Rhodes.......There are forces at work here.....On two different sides......Two forces are gathering and only one will remain standing when the dust settles......The President is planning on tagging the remaining people with super powers as terrorists......Anyone who openly supports them may find they've been painted that way as well. " Rena was very straight forward while she spoke. The news she was sharing, had been unknown to Alexandria. It wasn't generally know that President Gates planned on calling the remaining heroes, terrorists. " You are a smart woman Alexandria........Drop this youth center bull shit......That building will soon be owned by Madame Wu.......She has a greater need for it........You can find another building for the youth center........But it would go easy for you if you dropped your connection with Mister Rhodes.......I would hate to see any harm come to you or your family. " Rena looked at Alexandria with cold eyes. What she just admitted too, was eye opening for Alexandria. Both Alexandria & Madame Wu wanted the same building. Clearly, it was very important to Wu's plan. A battle line had been drawn. Would Alexandria give up, or would she keep fighting for what she wanted?
Alexandria was a very stubborn woman and very passionate. She didn't take others telling her what to do very well unless it was a family member, and even then she could be hard headed. When Rena spoke of her not being so vocal on her support for people like Mister Rhodes, Alexandria scoffed. "In case you've forgotten Rena, I've stood before congress itself and spoke of my support for super powered beings and mutants alike." she said, making sure to keep her voice low until Rena spoke of how the President was planning on tagging the remaining people with super powers as terrorists and anyone who openly supports them possibly being painted that way as well. "Just because the President is in a twist about people who are different and he wants to label them as terrorists, doesn't mean I'm going to change my mind about who I support. I've said it before he became president and I'll say it until he's out of office. Gates is a bully and a bigot. And I won't be pushed around by him. Neither will my family." Her voice had raised a bit when she spoke about Gates, causing some nearby to pause and listen to the woman.

But Alexandria's eyes widened a bit when Rena spoke of that building soon being owned by Madame Wu. "I see." she said softly. "I'm very familiar with this Madame Wu. Her name is not unknown to me. I know a lot more about a lot of people, then I let on." Alexandria took a step back from Rena, this action being a physical representation of what the shifter was about to say. "I'll pull my backing alright. But it's not going to be from Mr. Rhodes." she said, her voice flat yet filled with plenty of anger. "Anyone associated with someone like Madame Wu, is someone that it would be best that I not associate myself with. Especially when it sounds like they just threatened my family. Have a good evening, Ms. Tate."

With that, Alexandria turned and began to walk away from the woman without a backwards glance. The entirety of their conversation hadn't been overheard by others around them, but they had been seen and the interaction between the two women said plenty. Rena Tate just made a powerful enemy out of what had once been a powerful ally. If Alexandria wanted, she could easily destroy the womans career and now that she knew that Madame Wu wanted the same building that she was looking at for the youth center, Alexandria was going to do everything she could to keep it out of that womans hands.
Rena didn't like how this turned out. She was hoping Alexandria would be more open minded and not so damn stubborn. Rena watched as Alexandria walked away. She silently cursed her one time friend for being so stupid. Rena then pulled her cell phone out. She moved further away from others who might overhear her. " It's me.......I tried to make Alexandria understand and see the light.......But as I feared......She was unwilling to back off........I don't believe she would be willing to join us. " Rena spoke, then listened to the person on the other end. " No......Clearly she'll try even harder to gain control of that building.......Alexandria Reed isn't one who gives up and walks away without a fight. " Rena once again listened to the person speaking. " I was hoping we could avoid bloodshed.......But I don't see any other way.......Alexandria Reed and her family will have to be dealt with.......She does have a link to Scarlet Cat......This means she also has a connection to Raven, Stargirl and Nighthawk.......They also have allies......Like Mister Rhodes, Iron Dragon, Street Devil and Dark Justice. " Rena thought no one could hear her. She was wrong. Tina Reed was lurking nearby while Rena & Alexandria had their falling out. Using her super hearing. The teenager was able to hear not only Rena, but also the person on the other end of the phone.

Eric had spotted Alexandria & Rena talking from the other side of the room. At first, he wasn't concerned about it. Rena had been looking for Alexandria all evening. However, he noticed how Alexandria had changed while talking with someone who used to be a friend. Eric excused himself and made his way through the crowd. He moved into a position where Alexandria would run right into him. " Trouble in paradise?........I noticed you and Rena seemed to exchange some heated words......Now you look like someone just pissed you off. " Eric spoke while placing an arm over Alexandria's shoulder. It wasn't long till Adam joined his parents. He also saw the look his mother now wore. Something she heard was troubling for her. The family would soon have even more information once Tina was done listening to Rena's private conversation.
At one point in time, Alexandria had been the type who might of worked for Madame Wu and done as Rena asked for the right price. But she'd changed since becoming a part of an ever growing family. She no longer took blood money and kept it. If she ever received money like that, she always put it to use towards the betterment of the public and the lives of the needy as they needed the money more then she ever would. Making an enemy out of Alexandria Reed was a mistake that others knew better then to make. Most knew better at least. Rena was allied with one of Alexandria's oldest enemies. An enemy who had been out to kill her for many years. This was something that she wasn't going to just accept and she was already changing her plans concerning the building that Madame Wu wanted. Now, not only was she going to buy the building, but she was planning on purchasing the land it sat on, as well as the land around it. First she would speak with Eric about it.

When Eric appeared in front of her as she moved through the crowd, he placed an arm over her shoulder and spoke of there being trouble in paradise. "We are to no longer associate ourselves with Ms. Tate, Eric." she told him as Adam approached them. "I found out that she's been keeping some... unsavory company. I will explain more when we return home." She looked at Adam as he approached and she softly asked him if he'd seen his sister anywhere. She knew that Tina had been out to get laid that night and she hated to ruin any of the young womans plans. But Alexandria was ready to leave once they were able to without seeming rude, and she softly told Eric so.
Eric accepted Alexandria's answer. He knew she would explain everything that happen. Eric knew what his sister had to say would be interesting. Something had her hair standing up. Alexandria normally didn't get this way, not unless she found out something very troubling. Eric listened as Alexandria asked about Tina. Adam pointed out that Tina was standing over where Alexandria had been. The older teen looked as if she was waiting for someone. She was in fact, listening to Rena finish her conversation. Tina heard the person on the other end of the phone. Speaking of having Alexandria Reed and her family taken care of. The person on the other end, was a woman, with a clear Asian accent. Tina wouldn't be able to tell who this woman was, but she could guess. Rena ended the call, put her phone away. She then moved off. Unaware that Tina heard every word that was said.

Tina turned, watching the other woman walk away. She then started working her way through the crowd. She wore a smile while approaching her family. " We've got trouble.....I over heard Rena Tate speaking with an Asian woman.......We've all been marked for death. " Tina's words were delivered while she kept smiling. She didn't want anyone thinking something was off. Just in case, someone was already watching the family. " The Asian woman spoke of sending the best assassins money could buy........We better put the manor on lock down once we get home......Richard, James and Dak are all in danger. " Tina added before Eric said they should leave. He pulled his cell phone out, contacting James quickly. Eric asked for James to bring the car around. He spoke of needing to return home. Saying Alexandria wasn't feeling well. This was a code, telling James something major had come up. Eric returned his phone to his coat pocket. He and his family started leaving. Speaking with people as they went. They couldn't just rush out. It would seem odd and if someone was watching them. It could alert them that the family was aware of being watched. After speaking with several people on their way out the door. The Reed's exited the ballroom, walking through the hotel lobby. James pulled the limo up out front as the family exited the hotel. Once everyone was inside the car, James pulled away. Eric contacted Image from the car. He asked Image to put the manor's security on the highest level. Eric said all would be explained once they got home.
After Adam pointed out where Tina was, Alexandria turned slightly and saw the teen standing not far from where Alexandria had been and Alexandria smiled slightly with a nod before facing Eric again. She suddenly said that she was beginning to feel unwell, raising her voice a little so a couple others a couple feet away from the family could hear. "I think it was a little too much to drink." she said, a faint smile on her face and a soft chuckle causing some of those listening to laugh softly to themselves. This would help later should others ask where the Reed family were and others would be able to tell them that Alexandria wasn't feeling good.

It wasn't long before Tina approached them, making her way through the crowd and she smiled while approaching the family. Upon reaching them, she told them that the family had been marked for death by an Asian woman that Rena Tate had been speaking to. Alexandria shook her head. "Wu." she murmured, though the other three would be able to hear her before she glanced at Tina again as she said that the Asian woman spoke of sending the best assassins money could buy. However, the moment she mentioned their loved ones being in danger made the woman tense. Her family knew how over protective she was of those that her feline side saw as its own and they all knew that she did not take threats to her family well. "As well as Angel and our new guest." she softly reminded Tina. Any assassin hired by Wu wouldn't be told to just take out a couple people. Wu would want everyone in the house wiped out.

Eric soon suggested they should leave and he pulled out his cell phone and asked for James to bring the car around, telling him that Alexandria wasn't feeling well. With the call made, the four began to gradually head towards the doors. They spoke with a couple people on their way out and once they reached the doors, they head out of the hotel, heading through the hotel lobby and leaving via the front of the hotel just as James pulled up. As soon as the family were in the car and James had them on their way home, Eric was contacting Image, telling him to put the manor's security on the highest level and that all would be explained once they were home.

After he finished speaking with Image, Alexandria began to tell the others about her conversation with Rena Tate and how she'd been told to drop her backing of Rhodes. Of how Rena had threatened the family with the subtlety of a hot pink elephant in the middle of Time Square. "Ms. Tate, it turns out, is nothing as she had first appeared. She sides with the government on issues about those with powers and she told me that those with powers and not under the governments control would be labeled as terrorists, and those who supported them would be painted in a similar light. When I made it clear I wasn't going to back down for that reason, she threatened me with Madame Wu's name. Apparently, she is working for that old hag. Because of this, I made it clear that I was withdrawing my backing of Tate and not of Rhodes."
Everyone was silent as Alexandria spoke of what happened between her and Rena Tate. She spoke of what the President Gates was planning on doing. How they could all be tagged with the label of terrorists, because they supported people with powers. People who weren't working for the government that is. None of this sounded good for the family. It seemed like they would be getting into this mess even deeper. Alexandria also brought up Madame Wu. She was clearly working against the current government, but for her own reasons. Madame Wu wasn't looking to help anyone expect herself. The Reeds could find themselves between the two dark forces they'd been hearing about. It was clear, Madame Wu was targeting them now. She would be sending people to try and kill them. The family could find themselves in the cross hairs of the government as well. Things were certainly looking grim for the Reed Family.

James pulled the limo up in front of the house and stopped. The family exited from their car and went inside. James parked the limo inside the garage then followed them inside. Eric felt they needed to explain what was going on to Angel and Tabitha. He also suggested the young woman be brought on board faster. Alexandria wanted to bring Tabitha along slowly. But, things had turned badly for the family. Tabitha's powers would be helpful in defending the manor and everyone inside. Eric told Alexandria, he didn't think it was right to ask her to fight for them and not let her know who she was really fighting for. The family would have a meeting with everyone in the living room. Once they changed their clothing. Tina was asked to bring Tabitha to the meeting. Alexandria was asked to bring Angel. Adam was told to break his brother away from his television for the meeting. Despite the dark forces which seemed to be gathering to destroy the Reed Family. Every once in a while, a bright spot appeared. They got such a bright spot when Dak appeared at the top of the stairs. He'd woken from his healing sleep. Dak greeted the family. They were very happy to see him up and around. His strength and powers would come in handy. Eric said there was a meeting he wanted Dak to attend down in the living room. Dak nodded his head. He then thanked the brother & sister for keeping him safe while his body healed. He spoke of owing them a debt for their kindness. The family members went off to their bedrooms. They needed to change and pick up the others. Dak went downstairs, then straight into the living room. James was already there waiting on the other members of the family.
Alexandria's voice was gentle and level, but firm. It was how others knew that she was being serious about things. The only time the woman raised her voice was when she was extremely angry about something, such as what had happened earlier at the ball. She explained about how Madame Wu was fighting against the current government, but for the betterment of her own aims and not others. And because Alexandria refused to back down, Madame Wu would now target their family and at the same time, they could also find themselves targeted by the government as well. Their family was now in a precarious position.

Once they reached the manor and James pulled up in front of the house, the family exited and head inside while James parked the car before joining them inside. Eric spoke of them needing to explain what was going on to Angel and Tabitha. As well as bringing the young woman onboard faster. Alexandria had hoped for a bit more time before revealing all this to Tabitha, but what happened with Rena had forced their hand. Eric explained why he wanted to tell Tabitha what was going on and she nodded while telling him she agreed completely. "We also won't force her to fight unless she wants to." she softly said. They asked Tina to bring Tabitha to the meeting and Alexandria was to bring Angel and she nodded before Adam was sent after his brother.

Things were looking bleak for their family, something that happened every so often, but there always was a bright spot. Right now, it turned out to be Dak. When he appeared at the top of the stairs, Alexandria turned and looked up at him and smiled when he greeted them. "Dak, darling." she said with a happy look on her face. "It's wonderful to see you awake and well." Eric told him that there was a meeting that he wanted Dak to attend and the alien agreed before thanking them for keeping him safe while he healed and that he owed them a debt. He then came downstairs while the family filed upstairs to change and get ready for the meeting. Alexandria went to her room and changed out of her expensive outfit and changed into a pair of fitted black pants much like yoga pants and a loose top. They allowed for free movement just in case and she slipped her feet into a pair of flats before she went after Angel.

The winged woman was already aware that something wasn't right as she could feel the emotions running high since the moment the family got home. She was sitting in the nursery with Richard in her lap when Alexandria came for her. The shifter didn't have to say anything to the woman. Angel just stood up with Richard on her hip and she followed Alexandria downstairs, the two women entering the living room where Dak and James were already waiting.
Eric went to his room, changed and headed for the living room. He found Dak, James Alexandria, Angel and Richard already there. He approached Angel, taking his son from her for a short while. Richard was growing so fast and Eric was very proud to have him as his son. He was proud of all the children living at the manor. Tina & Adam were both great in their own right. And though Tristan wasn't Eric's son. He treated the young man like he was. Eric welcomed Alexandria's first born with open arms. Upstairs, Adam changed his clothes. He then went straight for Tristan's bedroom. Adam knocked before entering. The two young men spoke for a moment. Tristan was explaining the show she was watching. Adam then said Eric & Alexandria wanted a family meeting down in the living room. Tristan sighed while climbing off his bed. He commented that it must be something big. Adam said Tristan had no idea. The two young men then went downstairs joining the others. Tina also changed, then went to the other end of the house. She knocked on Tabitha's door, then entered. Tina found Tabitha sitting at her dressing table, just staring into the mirror. It was almost like she was in a trance. Tina approached Tabitha, asking if she was alright? Tabitha shook her head, then said she was fine. She spoke of being lost in her thoughts. Tabitha confessed to feeling out of place, surrounded by luxury. She spoke of feeling she didn't belong here. Tina nodded her head. She then spoke of Eric & Alexandria wanting to speak with everyone downstairs. Tabitha looked at the pretty girl. She slowly stood and walked with Tina out of the room.

Down in the living room. The family continued to gather. Image came up from the cave. Phasing through the floor. Much to the delight of young Richard, who clapped his hands. To the child, it was like watching a magic trick. Adam & Tristan soon arrived. On their way downstairs, Tina warned Tabitha that Dak was up and around. She didn't want her seeing an alien to take her by surprise. Tabitha shook her head while saying the Reed Family seemed more like a circus. Tina then said she grew up in a circus. Tabitha shook her head while saying she wasn't surprised. The two young women then entered the living room. Tabitha quickly spotted Dak standing near James. " Aliens and robots?......Rich people are so weird. " Tabitha murmured as she moved into the room. Now that everyone had joined them. Eric passed Richard over to Alexandria. He then moved to where everyone could see and hear him. " Alexandria learned some troubling information tonight while we were out.......An old enemy of hers named Madame Wu has targeted everyone in this house with death......Madame Wu did this because Alexandria wouldn't back down or give up her support of a man named Lincoln Rhodes. " Eric started. He then explained who Lincoln Rhodes was for those who didn't know. Eric also explained why Alexandria refused to stop backing this man.

" We've learned that assassins will be sent after us.......I assume they will try a strike on the manor.......This place is more secure then any place in the world.....But we are dealing with assassins......And we don't know who they will be or if they will have powers......it's possible one or more could get inside the manor......Everybody needs to be more alert for the time being. " Eric added, he then turned the meeting over to Image for information on Madame Wu. " I have discovered that Madame Wu is centuries old......Older then even Alexandria is........I wasn't able to find out how old she is or how she's lived so long......Though I suspect magic is involved.......Madame Wu is a skilled fighter and possesses 8 rings which give her great powers.......She is never without her rings and must be considered extremely dangerous. " Image then returned the meeting back over to hsi father. " From what we know.......Madame Wu is planning on releasing what she thinks is an ancient God.......We believe this God is really Alexandria's father who was banished from Earth by Sorceress many years ago......Madame Wu is trying to stop whoever is behind this cabal which is controlling the current government......She thinks by unleashing this so called God........She'll be saving the world for that God to conquer........We still don't know who is leading the cabal.......But we do know who is part of it.......One member.......Baron Blood is playing both sides.......He's also working with Madame Wu and must be supplying her with inside information. " Eric then continued on by telling everyone about President Gate's plan for the heroes who didn't sign up with the government. He also said there was a danger the family would be tagged with being terrorists for supporting people with powers and abilities. " If we are labeled with supporting terrorists......The government will be sending agents to arrest us. " There was no sound in the room once Eric stopped talking. Everyone looked somber. There was certainly a lot of bad news. Eric then looked at Tabitha. He said she didn't have to stay. Eric said they could send her somewhere safe, give her money to live on and start a new life. Eric added that they could use her help. She was a powerful young woman. He said that if she stayed, she needed to know who she'd be fighting for and with. Eric then asked Alexandria to explain everything to Tabitha. He said they could no longer hold back any secrets from her.
When Eric entered the room, Angel turned and smiled gently at him when he approached him before gently passing the toddler over to the man. Richard was flourishing wonderfully underneath the love, care and affection of his large family. He was growing quickly and both his parents were very proud to call him their son. Just as they were proud of all their children. Adam was Eric and Alexandria's son from another universe while Tristan was Alexandria's son from another man, yet Eric treated him as well as his own, something that Alexandria appreciated greatly. As Eric held Richard close, Alexandria and Angel watched with fond smiles upon their faces while they watched. When Image came up from the cave, Richard clapped his hands. He always enjoyed watching Image appear since it was like a magic trick to the toddler. His delight made his mother laugh softly as it helped lighten the air for a brief time.

Soon enough, the rest of the household began to gather and when Tina finally brought down Tabitha, Alexandria could hear the two young women speaking while they came down the steps, listening as Tabitha said that the Reed Family seemed more like a circus. This was followed by Tina commenting on how she had grown up in the circus. The two young women entered the living room and Tabitha quickly spotted Dak and commented on rich people being weird. "My dear. You have no idea." Alexandria told her.

With the family finally gathered together, Eric passed Richard off to Alexandria and she took her son, holding him close to her while she watched Eric begin to speak to everyone about everything that had happened that night. She was quiet while Eric spoke, her hand softly stroking Richards back. It was an action more to comfort herself then to comfort the toddler as Richard was nestled close to his mother with his head resting on her upper chest and his thumb in his mouth. Alexandria was quiet as Eric explained many things to those around them, her gaze moving over to Angel. The angelic woman looked concerned when Eric spoke of the government sending agents to arrest the family. These people had become her family and she didn't want to see anything happen to them. No one had to ask her about helping as it was something that she would do no matter what. Especially if it was to protect the young and innocent like Richard and Alexandria's unborn child.

Finally, after Eric spoke to Tabitha about how they could use her help, he turned things over to Alexandria. The woman sighed before pressing a soft kiss against Richards forehead and she passed him over Eric again and she began speaking. "Tabitha. There is indeed much I haven't told you." she began. "I kept these secrets to protect my family, but it seems I know have to tell you, in order to continue protecting them. My real name is not Alexandria Reed. In fact, I'm not even a Reed by any way shape or form, besides how those around us have made me one. To the public I am Erics sister, but in private, I'm his lover and the mother to all his children. Whether they are his by blood or any other means." As she said this, she looked around at her family, a fond smile on her face. "However, before that, I was so much more, yet so much less at the same time." Alexandria began to explain to Tabitha about how she was over 100 years old and had spent most of her young life in Russia before she met Anton, Tristans father, who took her in and trained her as his best spy and assassin. She told her briefly about how she had worked for Baron Blood during WW2 and worked with Cap to bring him down before she took on missionary work against truly bad people.

"A number of years ago, I met Erics uncle and I finally began to follow the right path with his help." she said gently. "Until his death that is. When he died, I fled New York and avoided the city as much as I could until I was called back by an old friend to help during the invasion some time ago. When I returned, I joined up with a well known hero, named Raven. And I became his partner, Scarlet Cat." she told Tabitha. "See, I have special abilities as well. I have extraordinary healing abilities and I am when is known in the mutant community as a feral mutant. I have a more animal side to me. And I have the ability to change what I look like with a mere thought." Alexandria told Tabitha that she fought hard for mutants because it wasn't right for them to be vilified the way so many of them were just because of the actions of the few who hated normal humans, and she stood behind those with super powers because, despite what the news and the government said, the heroes were trying their best to protect mankind from those who wish to do harm to others. "Our teams were broken up, Tabitha, forced apart by the government and now, anyone who doesn't join, is being labeled a terrorist. They want to enslave those of us who just want to help others and retain our freedom." she told the young woman. "This is what you would be fighting for and against, should you help us."
Tabitha felt uncomfortable when she was singled out. First by Eric, then when Alexandria started talking to her. Tabitha was a very pretty young woman, but she didn't like being in the spotlight. It took a few moments for her uncomfortable feeling to pass. What Alexandria started speak of, was interesting. Alexandria was revealing more about herself and her family. She spoke of not being a real Reed, despite what everyone else believed. Alexandria admitted to being the mother of all the children in the house. Not all were by blood. Everyone knew that Tina Reed was adopted by Eric after her family was murdered. Alexandria spoke of being a mutant. This was something Tabitha understood. She was a mutant. One born with a double mutation. Giving her extra abilities. Alexandria was a feral mutant, but also could shift her forms. Tabitha understood why Alexandria was such a huge supporter for mutants and people with powers. Alexandria was more then just a person who cared. More then just someone who wanted far treatment for everyone.

Tabitha knew that Tristan had powers. She seen him in action at Central Park. She began looking around the room. Her eyes moving from one person to another. There was no way of knowing who had powers and who didn't. Not all mutants could be identified by how they looked. Tabitha's eyes stopped at Adam. She asked what he could do. Adam shrugged his shoulders, saying he was just a human. " This is a mixed family. " Tina spoke up. " Adam and Eric have no special powers......Alexandria and Tristan are mutants.......Richard may have powers as well.......We just have to wait and see what types of powers he develops. " Tina's words drew Tabitha's eyes towards her. The two young women looked at each other for a moment. Tabitha then asked about her? " I may be from the streets......But I know all about how you were adopted. " Tabitha spoke before asking if Tina was a mutant. Tina shook her head while saying she wasn't a mutant. " I'm superhuman......My powers came from an alien box which I touched......That box changed my DNA making me into Stargirl. " Tina added. Tabitha was beginning to piece everything together. " You're Scarlet Cat. " Tabitha said while pointing at Alexandria. " And you're Stargirl. " Tabitha said while pointing at Tina. " That means Raven and Nightbird should be in this as well. " Tabitha spoke while again looking around the room. " The name is Nighthawk. " Adam grumbled out. Tristan started giggling while Adam complained that no one ever remembered his name. Tabitha listened to the brothers for a moment. She then turned and look at Eric. " It's you.......You are the Dark Avenger.......The man known as Raven. " Tabitha spoke as she stood looking at the man holding his youngest child.

" Yes Tabitha......I am Raven. " Eric spoke as Richard repeated the name "Raven" while looking at his father. The young child drew some much needed laughter from those around the room. " Things have become far more dangerous then I had expected.......Everyone in this house is in great danger.......We don't know when or where our enemies will strike........If you stay here you'll be targeted......No one will ask if you're a member of this family......They'll just do what they came for. " Eric was honest, and to the point when he spoke. Tabitha sighed, then she looked at the green man. The alien Alexandria & Tina spoke of. " You're not a member of this family........Are you going to leave? " Tabitha asked. Dak shook his head. " I will not run......I will defend this family with my life.......I've fought beside them before.....They saved me from being a prisoner.......I owe them a debt......They took me in and gave me a safe place to live. " Dak's words made Tabitha nod her head. " Yeah......They gave me a safe place too. " Tabitha spoke. Part of her thought running was a good idea. Yet, another part of her felt it would be wrong. If she did run, how long would it be before someone comes after her? " I don't know why I was born with these powers? " Tabitha spoke while she looked at her hands. " I never wanted to destroy anything or hurt anyone.....I just wanted to live my life in peace.....I can't let myself be taken again or used by someone else.......And I can't let anything bad happen to good people. " Tabitha spoke while lowering her hands. She turned her gaze on Alexandria. " You could have let me go once I was free.......You took me into your home......Gave me food and a room......Put up with my attitude and bad manners....I couldn't live with myself if I ran and something bad happened to anyone in this house.....I'll stay and help you......I'll do whatever you ask. " Tabitha spoke while looking into Alexandria's eyes.

There was a few moments of peace and relief after Tabitha agreed to stay. Suddenly, certain members of the house felt a change. Something was wrong. Alexandria's feline picked up on it. Angel would feel a change in area around her. Tina's super hearing picked up what seemed like a low rumble. Image was detecting a change in the Earth. What they were feeling was the beginnings of an Earthquake. There was a sound, like distant thunder. It grew louder as the manor started to shake. The old, yet well built house groaned out, as if in great pain. Stuff was starting to fall from shelves. Glass was breaking as things were hitting the floors. Tristan extended his hands towards the floor. He began to ease the tension on the house by absorbing the vibrations. It was a strain on the young man until Alexandria joined her son. Both using their elemental powers to stabilize the house. The rumbling stopped, the manor was no longer shaking. Eric told Image to check the cave. He phased through the floor. Everyone was wondering what happen. Was this an attack? The government had someone with such powers working for them. For the moment, there were no answers, just questions.
Tabitha's discomfort was felt by Angel who smiled gently at the young woman, an understanding look in her light blue eyes while she stood amongst those she cared deeply about. She understood why Tabitha felt so uncomfortable with being singled out since Angel was often singled out as well. Unlike Alexandria and even Tabitha who could hide their powers, Angel couldn't hide that she was different and it had caused her to be hunted in the past. Now she has found a new safe haven among those who treated her with love, affection and respect.

When Tabitha looked at Adam and asked about what he could do, Adam let her know that he was just a human before Tina explained about their mixed family. "None of us judge nor discriminate against others for their differences, no matter what they are." Angel softly said, looking around at the different people in the living room. As Tabitha questioned Tina about having abilities, the teen said that she was superhuman, not a mutant. It wasn't long before the young woman began to piece things together. When she pointed at Alexandria and called her Scarlet Cat, the dark haired woman bowed her head with a smile. "Yes." Alexandria said before Tabitha moved on to Tina and identified her as Stargirl before she spoke about Raven and Nightbird being in this as well. This drew grumblings from Adam and giggles from Tristan, the sounds making Alexandria chuckle affectionately before moving to her son and she affectionately ruffled his hair with a soft purr. "They'll remember it eventually, love. It's only a matter of time." she told him befoe looking over as Tabitha turned to Eric and identified him as Raven and Alexandria looked at her lover and the father of her two youngest children.

Eric confirmed what he said before Richard began to repeat Erics alter-ego name, drawing laughter from the family and Alexandria looked on proudly as her son spoke clearly. With pretty much everyone identified, Eric moved on and spoke about how dangerous things have become and that if Tabitha stayed, she would be targeted. It was made clear that she wouldn't be asked if she were a member of the family when they were attacked. The people coming for the Reed family would just kill as they were hired to do. Tabitha then asked Dak about if he was leaving and he said that he would be staying as he owed them a debt. Tabitha finally said that she just wanted to live her life in peace. She couldn't let someone take her and use her again and she couldn't let anything bad happen to good people.

When Tabitha looked at her, Alexandria tilted her head slightly as the young woman spoke of how they could of let her go once she was free but instead they gave her a place to stay. Gave her a room to stay in and food to eat while putting up with her attitude and bad manners. Alexandria smiled gently while moving closer to the young woman after she agreed to stay. "Tabitha, I once was much like you. Bad manners and attitude, included. While I was trained in manners for when I was on a job, I can't say that I used them in my everyday life until I met the Reed family." she said. "James can attest to that." She had indeed been a lot like Tabitha back when she had first met Eric's uncle and James. But there was something about the Reed men who caused her to change herself for the better.

The group had a couple moments before suddenly something changed and Alexandria suddenly stiffened and she growled softly as her feline senses went on alert. Suddenly there was a low rumble which began to grow and soon, the manor began to shake. Alexandria could hear the house groaning as the earth shook and she began to worry as she heard things beginning to fall from shelves. When Tristan extended his hands towards the floor, the rumbling began to ease, but it didn't stop. Moving over to him, Alexandria began to aid him in what he was doing. It took a little bit but after a while, the shaking stopped and the rumbling ceased. Once it did, Eric gave Image orders to check the cave and he phased through the floor.

From where she stood, Angel looked around. "Everyone okay?" she softly asked, moving over to Eric side and softly stroking Richard's head, her fingers moving through his hair while the little bot whimpered. The earthquake had upset the toddler but Angel was calming him while she made sure everyone was okay. Alexandria sighed and looked at those around her. She knew that the government had someone with powers which could cause an earthquake working for them. While she worried about all of her family members, it was Richard that she worried for the most. He was the most vulnerable out of everyone in the house.
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