Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Lenara spoke how she learned how to cook from her mother. She even talked about, becoming a cook if she didn't get into Starfleet. Tom would love to taste something Lenara whipped up. You couldn't cook in quarters. There was a working kitchen in the mess hall. Used for special occasions. Maybe, there would be a time when Lenara could use the kitchen and treat her friends and lovers to a real meal. Tom was sure Captain West would give Lenara permission, if she asked. The meal Lenara made from the replicator was fantastic. Tom enjoyed every bite. He cleaned his bowl, then say back into his chair. " That is without a doubt......The best meal I've had in a long time.......I can't remember eating so good.......Not since I left my home on Vega IX. " Tom spoke while rubbing his stomach with his right hand.

Tom helped Lenara clear off the table. Putting everything back into the replicator. The was one of the best parts of a replicator. Everything went back into the machine, so it could be used over again. Tom & Lenara then went over, sitting down on the couch. Tom cracked open the bottle of whiskey. He poured Lenara and himself a glass. Tom handed Lenara hers, then picked up his glass. He noticed the picture of Lenara's mother, sitting nearby. " I can see why you are so beautiful Lenara......Your mother was a very beautiful woman......She would be very proud of how far you've come........Despite what you've gone through......You rose about everything to become first office of one of Starfleet's most important ships. " Tom spoke before taking a drink from his glass. A posting on the Protector was something many would love to have. There were a handful of starships and captains which many people would give anything to serve on or under. Tom knew how lucky he felt for his position on the Protector.
When Lenara was in the kitchen, she always felt like she was able to relax completely. It always reminded her of when she was a young child, before she became aware of how some people saw her, not for herself, but as the daughter of a murderer. Of course, these days she ignored such people, but to a young Lenara, it had been devastating when she was told that she couldn't play with another child because of who and what she was. Her mother did her best though, to keep Lenara from experiencing such things. Together, Lenara and Tom ate their dinners. As they ate, Lenara could see that Tom was enjoying it and it made her happy that he enjoyed it. After he cleaned his bowl and sat back, rubbing his stomach while commenting about it being the best meal he'd had in a long time, she grinned at him while thanking him.

Together they gathered up everything from the table and placed them back into the replicator. This was one thing that she liked over actual cooking. There wasn't much in the way of cleaning up. With everything put away, they moved over to the couch and sat down before Tom cracked open the whiskey he had brought with him. He poured a glass for each of them and Lenara took her glass with a nod, taking a small sip of it while listening to him speak about her mother and she glanced over at one of the pictures of her mother that sat nearby. This picture was a picture of her mother when the woman was younger. Back before she'd become involved with Lenara's father. Marla McGivers had been a fine Officer and a very beautiful woman. It was of no surprise why Khan Noon Singh had become attracted to her.

Lenara looked at the picture for a little bit before she looked at Tom again and thanked him. "Thank you, Tom." she softly said. "It was because of my mother that I wanted to become a Starfleet Officer. I wanted to make her proud. I like to think she'd be very proud of how far I've come." Lenara knew that her mother had taken her and left her father when she was still a babe because Marla had wanted so much more for Lenara. Marla had wanted as close to a normal childhood and life for Lenara that she could provide. "And I know I'm very proud for how far I've come. I can't think of a ship that I'd rather be on other then the Protector. It's become my home." Lenara then shook her head and told Tom that they've spoken enough about her for the moment and she told him she wanted to know more about him.
Tom was very interested in Lenara's life. He wanted to know more about her. Things she liked to do, she things she hated doing. There was a lot he wanted to know about her. Lenara, decided to switch the conversation. She wanted to know more about him. Tom thought he'd end up boring Lenara with his life story. Most people thought their lives were nothing special. To them, it all seemed rather dull, but when it came to someone else and their lives. Everything would sound more exciting. Tom sighed and said he really didn't have much to speak of. " I was born in Ireland.......Lived there for a short time.......My family and I moved away when I was a young boy........We moved to the colony on Vega IX......My father was a diplomat for the Federation and my mother was a scientist......She was doing research with the Denobulans and Vulcans. " Tom spoke before taking another drink. He said the reason for the move, his mother needed to be closer to her work. So, his family packed up and left Earth. Tom said his parents still live on Vega IX. His mother still does research, but his father was retired.

Tom spoke of his brother and sister. His brother was older, Tom being the middle child. His brother Connor, was a miner, working on Cestus IV. Tom said his sister Alana, was a Lieutenant serving aboard the USS Dyson, a Nova Class Science Vessel. He spoke of not hearing from Connor for sometime. As Lenara knew, the Cestus system was under dispute, and had been so for many years. The Gorn had laid claim to that system, but the Federation already had colonies there. This caused friction between the two powers for well over a hundred years. Tom said Alana wrote him a short time ago. Her ship was stationed at Starbase 74. The ship was assigned to patrol duty for the starbase. Nova Class ships were being used to patrol areas of space around starbases and planets. This freed up larger, more powerful ships for combat duty. The Nova Class ships were also used as scouts for the larger fleets.
Lenara would be willing to talk more about her life if Tom wished to know more, but she also wanted to know more about the man as well. They could take turns learning about each other. They had plenty of time before their evening had to be drawn to an end. After she asked about him, Lenara adjusted her position on the couch so she was facing him more, curling her legs beneath her while she sipped on her whiskey, which was quite good. At the same time, she listened to him begin to speak. His first comment of not really having much to speak of made her smile at him. He told her about having been born in Ireland, but when he was a young boy, they had moved to the colony on Vega IX. He told her about what his parents did, as well as the reason they moved, which turned out to be because of his mothers work.

He also told her about his brother and sister, with him as the middle child and his brother being the oldest while his sister was the youngest. Hearing about his siblings interested Lenara. She'd never had siblings, though she'd always wanted one when growing up. It was why she had taken to Worf so quickly. He had become an older brother in a way, just like Admirals Price and Akaar had become like fathers to her. Those three men had stepped in and helped mold and shape her into the fine woman she was today. Tom told her about where his sister currently was serving as a Lieutenant. She was abord the USS Dyson which was stationed at Starbase 74 while his brother was working on Cestus IV as a miner. When he said that he'd not heard from Connor for sometime, she told him that she hoped that his brother was okay. She knew that things out in the Cestus system weren't the easiest because of the ongoing dispute between the Gorn and the Federation. "Growing up with siblings must of been interesting." she commented. "Especially as a middle child. As an only child, I don't have siblings, so it was rather lonely for me. Though... Worf has become like a brother. In the academy, he took me under his wing and taught me many things from the Klingon culture."
Since the war with the Dominion started. The Federation had been in talks with the Gorn. Trying to bring them into the war against the Dominion and Cardassians. The Gorn had refused to join the Dominion when given the chance. They didn't trust the changelings, or the Vorta and they didn't fear the Jem'Hadar. The Gorn refused to join the Federation/Klingon Alliance. They had no love for humans, or Klingons. The dispute over the Cestus system was part of the reason why the Gorn wouldn't help. However, the Gorn did finally agree to help repair any Federation Starships, and Klingon War ships. They would lend aid & assistance, but that was as far as they would go. There was a power struggle within the Gorn Hegemony. Certain forces within the race were seeking to overthrow the Gorn King. This led the king to agree aiding in the Federation's current conflict.

Millions of people now lived on Cestus III. After the end of the first war between the Federation and the Cardassians. Cestus III welcomed many who were displaced from their homes by the peace treaty. Cestus IV was rich with platinum, deuterium, dilithium and duranium. It became a mining world, with several Federation operations working there. Duranium was used to make the hulls of starships. Since the war started, the mining of duranium had increased. Tom was sure his brother was fine. Despite the trouble the Gorn could be. Connor was most likely working hard. This is what Tom said to Lenara. Federation Shipyards were working round the clock to build and repair starships. The duranium was being used as fast as it could be mined. Tom was more worried about his sister. She was serving aboard a science vessel. While those ships were armed. They were no match for a squadron of Jem'Hadar attack ships. This is what worried Tom the most. Being totally honest. Tom wasn't even sure if he'd feel better if his sister was on a bigger ship. " Being an only child.......You don't have to worry about your sister like I do........There are times when I think she'd be better off working on a starbase........Then I remember what happened to Starbase 234.......How it was destroyed........I wish Alana had stayed on Vega IX or went to Earth........But she wanted to join Starfleet and become an officer. " Tom spoke while shaking his head. He admitted to how nowhere seemed safe anymore. The war continued to rage on, and there was no end in sight. Each time one side got the advantage. Something happened to shake it up, and the war dragged on.

Tom felt as if he just dumped a bucket of water into their evening. They should be enjoying their time. Instead, Tom felt like he was unloading his worries and fears of his sister onto Lenara. Such was the life of an older brother, when his sister was one her own. Working in a job which was dangerous, but then war was dangerous for everyone. " I met Commander Worf once........I was still serving aboard Enterprise when he paid a visit.......He was on leave from Deep Space Nine and wanted to see the Enterprise-E. " Tom spoke, deciding it was time change the subject. " I enjoyed the Enterprise.......It was a fine ship with a good crew.......But it was like Christmas when I got promoted and transferred to the Protector.......I knew this was my big chance......The chance I needed to prove I could be a chief engineer. " Tom spoke with a hint of pride in his voice and a gleam in his eyes. He was very grateful for being on this ship. " We all serve on different ships before finding that one ship.........That one ship which becomes home........The Protector is our home. " Tom smiled at Lenara. He finished his drink, then placed his right hand onto her thigh.
When Tom spoke about being any only child meant not having to worry about ones sister like he did and she tilted her head as he dumped his worries about his sister onto her and she listened patiently and understandingly to his worries. A small smile was on her lips as he revealed his worries to the first officer. "Worrying just means you care, Tom." she softly said. "I'm sure she worries about you too. You are currently out here on the Protector which is often on the front lines or being sent on dangerous missions." Tom might of felt as if he had just dumped a bucket of water onto their evening with the revelation of his worries, but she didn't mind. In fact, it helped show Lenara some more about the man she was getting to know. However, a change in subject came as he focused on the subject of Worf and Lenara let him change the subject.

As he spoke of the Enterpirse, she nodded slightly. "I've never been on board the Enterprise, but I have heard that it's a very fine ship. One that many would be proud to serve upon. I know that Worf was. Though I do know that he's come to like Deep Space Nine." she told Tom. As the man spoke about it being like Christmas when he had gotten promoted and transferred to the Protector, she smiled and chuckled. "And you've proved yourself in spades, Tom. Having you join the crew was a big upgrade for us over the last man who held the position." she told him, seeing the way his eyes gleamed and hearing the pride in his voice. "I'm very glad that you've joined our crew." She nodded when he said that the Protector was their home and she agreed with him. "It is indeed home. And one I wouldn't trade for any other." The woman smiled back at him before she sipped upon her whiskey. A moment later she felt his hand come to rest upon her thigh and she tilted her head, gazing curiously at Tom with a small smile tugging the corners of her mouth before she reached out and placed her hand lightly over his. She didn't push his hand away and her touch wasn't heavy enough to trap his hand there should he try to pull away. Instead, it was inviting in a way to touch more should he want.
Deep down, Tom knew Lenara was right. Alana often spoke of him being careful. The ship she was on, was weaker then the Protector and didn't go on any dangerous missions. They patrolled the space around Starbase 74. The Dyson was never on or near the front lines. Starbase 74 was well away from the fighting. Having ships like the Dyson doing patrol duty, was common during war. They had preformed that duty during the last war with the Klingons. The Protector was the type of ship Starfleet relied on for combat duty. Smaller ships were assigned to combat duty, but these ships were special. They were designed for combat missions, these were ships like the USS Defiant. Tom knew he was just over reacting, but like Lenara said, it showed that he cared.

Tom was unsure of why Lenara put her hand onto his. At first, he thought she was trying to stop his advances. But, her hand laid on his rather lightly. She didn't push it away or try to keep him from doing more. Tom wouldn't force Lenara into anything. If she did say "no' or did show any signs of stopping him, he would stop. " You're a beautiful and sexy woman Lenara......I've been admiring you since I first came aboard the Protector.......I've enjoyed looking at your great looking ass as you walk.......I love how hot your body looks in your uniform......Your eyes look so sexy and I love your dark hair and milky white skin. " Tom spoke as his hand started moving upwards. Moving further up Lenara's thigh, growing closer to her pussy. However, Tom stopped his hand before his fingers could touch her. He was giving Lenara the chance to end this. Tom didn't know that Lenara had been wanting him. She had him decided to add him to her list of lovers on the ship. His respect for her, her rank and position, kept his fingers only an inch from touching between her legs. Tom was just playing it safe. If she wanted more, he knew she would let him know.
Whenever Lenara spoke, it was usually very rational. Lenara wasn't known to be an overly talkative person, but when she did speak, others certainly listened to her. After setting her hand upon his, Lenara's fingers lightly stroked the back of his hand while she smiled at him. There was no sign that she was about to stop his advances. Especially as he began speaking of how beautiful and sexy she was, and of how he'd been admiring her since he first joined the Protector. His comments about enjoying looking at her ass and how hot she looked in her uniform made her smile wider, her light grey eyes glimmering brightly.

At the same time, she could feel his hand beginning to creep upwards towards her pussy and she ran her hand lightly up his arm. As his hand moved up her leg, she could feel a spark of excitement and her heart began to beat a little faster. His hand stopped just short of her pussy and she tilted her head before her hand slid back down his arm and she gently grasped his hand and guided it that last inch. "I'll admit I've been watching you as well, Tom." she told him while pressing his hand lightly between her legs. "I've wanted to get to know you much more for some time now, so I was very happy when you asked about having dinner with me." She turned her body towards him some more and her free hand moved up to his jaw, her fingers lightly grazing his skin before she stroked his cheek. "I would like you to become one of my lovers, Tom." she said. It was known by now that Lenara had a good number of lovers on board the Protector, so it wouldn't be surprising for Tom to hear that she had others who visited her bed.
Tom stared into Lenara's eyes. He never saw her hand move. Lenara was quick when she took his hand, moving it that last inch. Tom soon found his fingers were against her pussy. At least in part. Lenara was wearing pants which covered her most private parts. Tom didn't have a chance to be surprised. He'd been so caught up in the gaze from Lenara's seductive grey eyes. Any doubts Tom may have had about what Lenara wanted, were gone. He could from the warmth coming from her core. His fingers rubbing between her legs, while Lenara was speaking. She spoke of having watched him. Spoke of how she wanted to get to know him, and how happy she was that he asked about them having dinner. Lenara then talked of adding Tom as one of her lovers. Her words made the smile on his face, grow even wider. Tom's fingers slowly massaged the sweet spot between her legs. The heat continued to grow.

Tom knew how sexually open Lenara was. It was no secret that Lenara wasn't tied down to one person. Everyone on the ship knew of how free Lenara had become in the past few months. How she had lovers from both sexes in her bed. Lenara wasn't doing anything, others hadn't done before. There were quite a few races within the Federation which practiced sexual openness as apart of their everyday lives. Plus, how Lenara lived her life was no one concern. As long as she did her duty as a Starfleet Officer. No one cared how many lovers Lenara had. Sure, there would always be crew members who flashed Lenara a lustful look from time to time. But, many of these crew members were ones who wouldn't be able to have her. Starfleet did have their rule which kept officers from getting involved with enlisted personnel. There was no rule which kept officers from getting closer. Though, some felt a ship's captain shouldn't get involved with anyone on their ship. Relationships between captains and the officers under their command wasn't restricted, but it was encouraged either. Most captains had their own personal rules for how their ships would run. Under another captain, Lenara may not have the freedom to enjoy so many different lovers. Kyle was pretty relaxed in this area. he didn't care what his officers did while off duty. As long as it didn't effect how the ship ran.

Lenara had already proven herself to be a hard worker. She'd earned the right to enjoy her downtime. Part of that downtime, was spent with her male and female lovers. Tom would be the newest lover and he was very proud. " I'm honored you want me as a lover Lenara.......I've heard some interesting stories from Doctor Boyd.......Tala and Lesley also speak of how hot you are in bed and in other places. " Tom spoke as his fingers caressed over the fabric of Lenara's pants. The smile on his face turned sly. " I'll bet your pussy is getting very wet.......I can feel how hot you are becoming. " Tom continued. " I've heard what a great cocksucker you are........I've heard how tight and hot your ass and pussy are.......I've heard how much you love going down on other women.......Eating their pussies until they cum in your mouth.......Now it's my turn to have you......And I'm gonna fuck you like a Risan whore......Because that how you like being treated. " Tom's words were spoken with the lust he was feeling for Lenara. He was looking forward to becoming her newest lover.
After gently guiding his hand that last little distance between her legs, she felt Toms fingers beginning to softly massage her between her thighs and she began to get wetter as she got hotter. The woman softly sighed while a gentle smile remained on her face, enjoying the feeling of his touch. After she admitted to wanting him as a new member of her circle of lovers, she saw his smile grow and she knew that he liked that idea. Lenara had a pretty wide range of intimate partners from both sexes and from a number of different races. She didn't carry prejudices, though she wasn't very fond of Romulans, but she was pretty open to her partners. Much like how Jadzia had been, she didn't let a persons race keep her from enjoying someone. That's why she had been willing to have sex with Quark and she was pretty glad that she had too.

Everyone knew that she was open sexually and though she had plenty of partners and others were willing to have sex wither, Lenara knew the right time for such things. She may have relaxed a lot over the last couple of months, but Lenara still put her duty to her Captain, her ship and the Federation first before her sex life. In the past she'd worked with people who had believed the rumors about her and wanted to have sex with her, but she rebuffed their advances. This caused some in turn, call her a fridged bitch or a prude. But she usually brushed off such comments. Most times, others mistook her dedication to her post and her job as being prudish. Everyone on the Protector could now tell them that was as far from the truth as one could get. Lenara was one of the feistiest, most passionate lovers on the ship and those who got to have sex with her were proud and honored to of been selected.

Tom told her that he was honored that she wanted him as a lover and that he'd heard some interesting stories from Doctor Boyd. This made her grin and she raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I could tell you some interesting things about our dear doctor." she playfully said with a chuckle before he mentioned Tala and Lesley telling him about how hot she was in bed and in other places. At the same time, he continued caressing his fingers over the crotch of her pants, making her moan faintly before nodding as he commented on her getting wet and she bit her lip. "I'm getting very wet." she breathed. The woman listened as he told her about having heard about what a great cocksucker she was and how tight her holes were. As he spoke of fucking her like a Risan whore, she nodded slightly while parting her legs some more. "I would like that. Very much." she softly told him, letting her hand fall from his cheek to his lap. Her hand began to caress his thigh, moving higher towards his the waist of his pants. The woman was getting eager for him to have her.
Tom knew of Lenara's past. He'd heard all the stories told about her. How she'd become a plaything for Admiral Price & Admiral Akaar. Some people couldn't expect the fact that Lenara was just a good person, who worked hard. Tom didn't believe anything he was told. He knew how stories got started. Mostly because of some hatred certain people had. That's how such tales get created. Tom also didn't think badly of Lenara because of her father. He never had anyone in his life effected by Khan's actions. Tom understood, Lenara shouldn't be judged by the actions of anyone in her family. He thought she should be judged by her own actions. When Tom came aboard the Protector. Lenara was still pretty much a closed off person. She only had a few lovers at that time. Tala, Lesley were the first ones. Lenara added Captain West and Doctor Boyd later. Over time, as Lenara opened up more. She took on new lovers, not all were on the Protector. Lenara didn't judge people based on looks. She knew it was more important, what type of person they were., This is why she and Quark became lovers. Some, looked at Quark and thought he was ugly. Colonel Kira once called him a toad. Lenara wasn't that way. She saw what kind of person he really was. He was a Ferengi who loved making profit. Yet, Quark also had a good heart beating in his chest. Lenara had seen this when he found and brought the necklace back to her. Plus, Lenara loved the big & thick head of his cock, and how he fucked her with it. It was very much like the head on his shoulders.

The heat coming from Lenara's pussy was easy to feel. The more Tom rubbed her pussy. The hotter she was getting. The pants kept him from feeling how wet she was, but he would soon see for himself. The lust between them had grown, and it was hanging heavy in the room. You could feel the passion they had for each other. Both staring into the other's eyes. Tom moved closer. Keeping his hand between her legs. He leaned in and began kissing Lenara's lips. She already had her hand moving towards his package. Lenara had seen Tom naked while on their last mission. He stripped for her and T'Pren, though he didn't know they'd been watching him and enjoying the sight. Lenara knew, Tom had a fine looking body. She'd seen his ass and cock on display for her. Now, she just needed to see it fully hard and ready to fuck her. Lenara enjoyed when her male lovers treated her like a whore. Treating her roughly and using her body. The kiss she & Tom shared, began soft and gentle. It quickly became a kiss which spoke of their growing hungry for each other. Tom's hand never left Lenara's pussy. He continued rubbing it through her pants.
It had been a long time since such malicious rumors had been spread about Lenara. Some were started by others in training with her while some were even spread by some of the higher ups who didn't like her because of who and what she was. However, Lenara had come a long way since then. She had taken all of the doubts and negative beliefs of others around her and forced them to swallow their words. She hadn't exactly been the most welcoming person in the academy, but she was always an excellent student and it showed in her marks. Since leaving the academy and even more since joining the Protector, she'd come to accept that there were people out there who's opinions of her could be swayed. Such as those of Kyle West. In the beginning, he'd wanted nothing to do with her, but now they were extremely close. But there would also be others who would always hate her no matter what and she'd learnt to accept this. Instead, she chose to ignore those negative peoples comments and focus on those who truly mattered.

As Tom rubbed her pussy, Lenara softly moaned while gazing at him. Her passion and lust was rising, the evidence of this showing in how her face was beginning to flush and how her gaze darkened with her arousal. The want of the two on the couch hung thick in the air around them. Soon Tom slipped closer to her and she turned her body slightly as he leaned in and then pressed a kiss to her lips, beginning to kiss the woman. As he did, she softly moaned into the kiss while kissing him back. At the same time, her hand continued to move. Lenara had enjoyed seeing Tom naked during that brief moment during their mission, having seen all of him as he changed. But now she wanted to see him completely erect for her.

The kiss between the two started off soft and gentle. This was something that Lenara didn't mind. She did enjoy the softer sex that she occasionally shared with her lovers. But the rougher side of it really showed her the passion that her lovers could have and she did enjoy a bit of pain, something that had been taught to her by Dr. Boyd. It wasn't long before the kiss between her and Tom became deep and hungry, showing how much they wanted each other. All the while he continued rubbing her pussy, though it was only through her pants. The hand that had been moving along Toms front caressed over his cock through his pants, her fingers gentle but firm in their touch before she moved up a little further and she began to open his pants. The more that he touched her, the wetter she was getting. Already the wetness was beginning to soak her panties and the black pants she currently wore.

After a bit, Lenara finally broke the kiss and gazed at Tom. Her gaze was hooded while her cheeks had become flushed and her lips a little swollen from their deep kissing. "I think we're a little over dressed." she softly said playfully, a smile upon her lips.
Lenara hadn't always been so sexually open. She'd never had sex of any kind until she met Tony Pearce at Starfleet Academy. She fallen in love with Tony very quickly. He seemed like a great guy. However, Lenara soon discovered why he wanted to be with her. Tony had heard the stories of Lenara being a slut. He believed she was fucking Admiral Price and Admiral Akaar. Tony wanted some of her slutty pussy for himself. He didn't know Lenara was a virgin. He never believed her when she spoke of this. Tony just saw her as Khan's daughter and how he could brag to his friends of nailing the cheap whore. He never really cared about her. The treatment she got from Tony, ended up pushing Lenara into the arms of her roommate, Jadzia. It was with Jadzia where Lenara discovered the joys of female on female sex. During her days at the academy. Lenara learned a lot of open sexuality from Jadzia. The two had gone to many parties while at the academy. Lenara wouldn't let any man get inside her pants, but she began to give out hand jobs and blowjobs. Over the years, after she left the academy and after she and Jadzia went their separate ways. Lenara continued to enjoy other women while only giving men her hands or mouth. She would take off her shirt, and let the men she was giving a hand job to, cum on her breasts. This would let the men playing with Lenara's nipples while she jerked them off.

Jadzia had always told Lenara, she shouldn't let what Tony did keep her from enjoying a hard cock. However, her past, those rumors and Tony all combined to make Lenara very closed off where men were concerned. Lenara didn't open up until she joined the Protector crew. She gave Kyle West her virginity and never looked back. Lenara became more open and more sexually active over the past year. Her circle of lovers continued to grow. Lenara was adding a new one today. Though, several more would be added over time. Lenara had seen what Tom offered, when she saw him naked. His cock was soft then, but she knew he would make a great lover. His cock had already grown and was rock hard inside his pants. It was ready showing through his tight pants. The action between Lenara & Tom, was growing hotter as the minutes passed. Tom had been looking forward to this moment. He wanted to join Lenara's group of lovers since first laying eyes on her. Lenara then brought up the fact, they were both over dressed. Tom had been so caught up in the passion building between them. He also loved feeling her pussy growing hotter while he rubbed between her legs. This was enough to keep his mind busy.

It didn't take long to make things right after Lenara pointed out how over dressed they were. Both quickly stripped off their clothing. Revealing their naked bodies to each other. This was the first time Tom got to see Lenara's sexy body without anything covering her. It was Lenara's chance to finally see Tom's erect cock. Tom didn't disappoint Lenara with his cock. He was every bit the lover she was expecting. " Doctor Boyd said you like rough sex........He said you love it when a man takes control and orders you around. " Tom spoke. His eyes looking deeply into Lenara's. Tom then rose up from the couch. He positioned himself in front of where Lenara was sitting. " I want you to suck my cock........Make me cum in your mouth let the dirty slut you are. " Tom spoke out his order. A look of dominance was clearly on his face. He would pull her hair, he would torment her breasts, he would slap her fine looking ass. Tom would show Lenara he could be just like Doctor Boyd.
Lenara was beginning to get antsy as her arousal grew. While she enjoyed Tom's touch, she was beginning to want more as she worked on opening his pants. After she mentioned them being over dressed, Lenara slowly pulled back from her soon to be lover and he would be able to see how aroused she was getting. Her gaze had darkened a bit and her cheeks had flushed a sexy shade of pink with her heightened arousal while her hardened nipples could easily be seen through her shirt. It wasn't long afterwards that the two of them began stripping off their clothing, Lenara watched as Tom undressed while she peeled off her shirt. Her pants and underclothes were quick to follow until they were both completely naked.

With them naked, they could both see how aroused the other was. Lenara looked at Tom's hardened cock and she knew that he was going to be a good lover. Soon he spoke of how Doctor Boyd had mentioned she liked rough sex. About how she loved it when a man took control and ordered her around. While he said this, he gazed deeply into her grey eyes and she nodded slightly, her lips parted as her breathing quickened just a little. She really enjoyed it when a man took control because of how tight she normally held onto control over things around her. Outside of the bedroom, she hated not being able to control things, so in the bedroom, she got a lot of enjoyment out of giving all control over to her lover.

She watched as Tom stood up and moved to stand in front of where she was standing and he ordered her to suck his cock until he came in her mouth. His words were firm, a clear order, and she could see the look of dominance on his face. This made the woman shudder a little and she slipped forward on the couch a bit and she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock, her fingers gentle and soft as she touched him before she leaned in and ran her tongue along the swollen head of his cock, the tip of her tongue flicking over the slit at the tip of his cock before she took him into her mouth. The woman began sucking on his hard shaft while taking him deeper into her mouth, slowly bobbing her head and taking him deeper and deeper into her mouth with each bob. The woman continued to do this until her lips were wrapped around the base of his cock and the tip was buried in her throat.

Lenara moaned around him. This was just the beginning of her oral treatment to the man and the beginning of their evening together, and it would be one that she would be enjoying a lot. After deep throating him, she pulled back and began stroking his cock with her hand while she suckled upon the tip, followed by her dipping her head and running her tongue along the underside of his cock and teasing his balls with her tongue. She would then take him deep into her throat again. While she sucked on him, her breasts would sway with her movements and she glanced up through her eyelashes at him. Lenara was sexy no matter what, but there was an undeniable erotic sexiness to her when she had a mans cock buried in her mouth.
Doctor Boyd enjoyed talking about Lenara. He also enjoyed nudging her into sexual actions. Planting an idea into her mind, hoping that she would take advantage and have sex with someone new. Like Lenara had done with Commander T'Pol. She could have taken action with T'Pol, without urging from the doctor. However, there was also the chance Lenara wouldn't have taken her fellow commander and had sex with her. Doctor Boyd thought that would have been a shame. Both women were very sexy and such sexy women should fuck each other. It was a learning experience for Lenara. She found out what turns Vulcans on. They enjoyed having their ears stroked. This really stoked their fires. Lenara would use this knowledge later on, when Mr. Vox rejoined the ship. Though he tried to rape her, she knew it was only his Pon Farr which caused his actions. Lenara held no grudge against him. In fact, she was eager for him to return, so he could become one of her lovers.

Over the next few days. Lenara would be adding on to her growing circle of lovers. She was currently with Tom Quinn, the ship's chief engineer. They got each other worked up with some heavy petting and passionate kissing. It wasn't long before their clothing was coming off. Tom had heard Doctor Boyd speak of Lenara. The good doctor told how he treated their sexy first officer. He spoke of how much Lenara loved being controlled. This was a change for her, she was the ship's first officer. Second only to the captain in rank on board the ship. While on duty, it was Lenara's job to tell others what to do. She took great pleasure in having the tables turned when she was off duty. Many of her lovers would control her actions during sex. Treating Lenara like a their personal slut. Tom showed, he would be treating Lenara that way. He stood in front of her. His hard cock sticking out from his body. He just ordered her to suck his cock and like some dirty whore, Lenara moved in. She wasted no time, showing Tom just what a slut she could be. Tom moaned out loud, when Lenara began working on his cock. Using her hands, her lips, her tongue, to bring him pleasure. Tom loved how Lenara moaned around his cock. The vibrations went right into his body. This brought a longer and deeper moan from him. Lenara looked so damn hot with a cock in her mouth.

Tom could only imagine what it was like to see her getting gang fucked. The once frigid officer where men were concerned, had become a cock loving slut. Much to the delight of those who became her lovers. Lenara was showing off her much touted oral skills. Doctor Boyd loved talking of what a great cocksucker Lenara was. He said, she really knew how to use her mouth, her lips, her tongue and hands. He spoke of how she loved to lick a man's balls. Lenara knew how to get men off by using her mouth. Tom quickly found out, the doctor wasn't telling tall tales. Lenara was better then most whores at giving head. " That's it.........Suck my cock........You know you've wanted it........Work on my cock like the cum hungry slut you are. " Tom spoke while he grabbed a handful of Lenara's hair. He pulled her hair into a ponytail, then he started fucking her face. His balls slapping hard against her chin.
Lenara didn't mind Doctor Boyd talking about her to others. She knew that he talked about her plenty. The woman didn't mind because she knew he would never say anything terrible about her. He also nudged her into sexual actions, often planting ideas into her head. The two had a very playful intimate relationship with each other, often playfully suggesting someone to take as a lover. Lenara regarded Doctor Boyd as an excellent lover and a dear friend. One person that Boyd had suggested she get to know was actually Tom and she took him up on his suggestion, though she had been eyeing Tom as a potential lover for some time even before it was suggested to her. Now Tom was standing before her, his cock rock hard and ready to be sucked on as the man gave her orders to suck him off until he came in her mouth.

The woman never hesitated nor wasted time in pleasuring him as she slid forward and took him into her mouth. It wasn't long before she had him moaning loudly as she worked on his cock, her lips and tongue moving over him while her hands also helped. She even moaned around him, sending gentle vibrations along the length of his cock. This made him give a deeper moan. She was demonstrated just how good of a cock sucker she was and showing that Doctor Boyd certainly wasn't exaggerating her skills and eagerness in pleasing others sexually. When Tom spoke up and told her to work his cock like the cum hungry slit she was, she moaned around him again while suckling upon him. She felt him gathering her long, thick black hair into his fist and then he began fucking her face. This surprised the woman a little but she relaxed her throat and moved her hands to rest them upon his hips, her fingers stroking and caressing his warm skin.

Occasionally her hands would move and caress over his ass before moving along his lower back, urging him on in his actions with her touch. She was moaning around his thrusting cock and she could feel his balls slapping against her chin each time he thrust into her mouth, his cock sliding easily into the depths of her throat.
Tom wasn't disappointed about Lenara. She was every bit the hungry slut Doctor Boyd said she would be. Very eager to make Tom one of her lovers. Doctor Boyd always used the term "slut" in a playful way when speaking of Lenara. Her open, sexual lifestyle was no secret on the Protector. There was no need to keep it secret. People were more accepting of such lifestyles in the 24th century. Besides, sex was a great workout. Having good, hard sex could really work up a good sweat. Few worked up a good sweat like Lenara. She put all of herself into her sexual encounters. Sex was part of a healthy lifestyle. Doctor Boyd wished more of his patents were as sexually active as Lenara. She loved cumming and loved making those with her cum. Lenara loved the feeling of having men cumming inside of her body. She loved how they filled her pussy and ass. She also loved drinking down their cum. Once, the men in her M.A.C.O. team, all jerked off into an empty glass. After being filled, the glass was then handed to Lenara. She drink down every drop, not wasting any part of the thick goo. The men & women of her team howled as they watched her down the glass. This happened during her last party with her M.A.C.O. team.

Tom could feel his climax was growing quickly. His cock was pushing deep into Lenara's throat with each thrust. He could cum this way, but he wanted Lenara to finish him off. Tom slow down his thrusts, then released her hair. " I want you to stroke my balls.......While jerking your other hand over my cock........Make me shot into your hungry mouth.......Milk my cock for every drop. " Tom spoke while looking down on Lenara. He could see her grey eyes looking back up at him. Tom could also see how wet Lenara's pussy was. She was dripping with juice. " I see how wet you are.......Your cunt must be on fire........Wanting my cock to fuck you like the slut you are. " Tom added, a sly smile slowly slipping over his face. Like many men, Tom enjoyed dirty talk during sex. It made the encounter even better for everyone involved. Lenara understood this, and she often talked dirty during sex. Even if her partner didn't start it first.
Because she always strived to do her best, even when she was being intimate with someone, Lenara always made sure to please her lovers and to meet their expectations, or to even surpass them any way she could. Like now, she was proving to Tom that she was everything that Doctor Boyd said she was and more as she let Tom fuck her mouth. The woman had become very sexually active and open since joining the Protector. Thanks to Captain West and certain members of his crew, his first officer had gone from a cold, closed off woman, to a very passionate and hot blooded sexual woman who welcomed many men and women into her bed. She loved a round of some good, hard sex. Lenara had discovered that sex could be just as good as a hard workout or sparring session, if not better.

As Tom slowed his thrusts and then released her hair, Lenara pulled back a bit until the tip of his cock remained in her mouth and she softly suckled upon him like one would a lollipop. Her tongue swirled around the tip. While she did this, she listened to him tell her to stroke his balls while she jerked him off with her other hand to make him cum into her mouth. This made her softly moan before releasing his cock from her mouth with a soft pop. Her hands moved away from his hips and moved towards his groin again. One of her hands slipped down and cupped his balls, beginning to fondle and stroke them while her other hand began to jerk him off. While she did this, she never paused in lavishing attention onto his hard flesh with her mouth. She would kiss, lick and suck upon the head of his cock or along his shaft and even his balls. But even as she did this, she was waiting for those telling signs that he was about to cum.

When he mentioned how wet she was, Lenara nodded while looking up at him. "My pussy is aching for your hard, thick cock." she breathed. "Only you can put out this fire between my thighs. I just might cum the moment you thrust this hard cock deep inside of me, I'm so turned on." She continued jerking him off until he was just about to cum. When she spotted the signs of him impending release, she tipped her head back slightly and opened her mouth. Her hand tightened around his cock a little and she stroked him faster, aiming his cock at her mouth to catch his cum as he reached his release.
Tom was the type of guy who loved having his balls played with. The touch of a women's hand, stroking his balls, really turned him on. Lenara knew how to use her hands for sexual pleasure. She'd giving out enough hand jobs over the years. It was one area where she didn't refuse a man during her past. Lenara jerked off quite a few men in those early days. She let them cum on her bare breasts, or cum in her open mouth. Either place was fine with Lenara. Her current position was a reminder of those days gone by. Lenara was jerking Tom's cock off, while playing with his heavy sack. The only difference, Lenara cared deeply for Tom. Most of the men from her past, were just guys she'd met during parties. Lenara wouldn't let them fuck her, but she did please them in other ways. Those other men were pretty much nameless faces, while Tom was taking his place as one of her lovers.

Lenara showed, she was everything Doctor Boyd had said she was. Her oral skills were fabulous. Quark pointed out, how Lenara could use her body to make a lot of latinum for herself. That is, if she ever wanted to give up her dangerous career in Starfleet and move into the field of pleasure. Lenara could find plenty of work on Risa, if she decided to retire early. There was also Wrigley's pleasure planet, which could use a women like Lenara. It was unlikely that Lenara would give up her commission as a Starfleet Officer and become a woman selling pleasure. She was well suited for such a career, but she was getting all the pleasure she wanted with her current crop of lovers. Tom, who had just become her newest lover, didn't doubt that Lenara could cum just from having his cock slip inside of her. Her pussy was very wet. Tom could see how it glistened under the light of her quarters.

Lenara had Tom on the edge of cumming. Her touch was amazing. The way she stoked his balls, sent chills up his spine. Lenara also used her mouth, working her way down his shaft, licking at his sack while her hand massaged it. She then worked her way back to the tip. Letting her tongue swirl around the head. Lenara could clearly see the signs of Tom's approaching climax. She had plenty of experience in spotting when a man was getting ready to explode. Lenara began working her hand along Tom's shaft. Stroking his cock with a firm hand. She continued to massage his balls. His breathing was getting heavier. Lenara then opened her mouth. Her tongue jutting out to help catch Tom's release. Tom would be treated to a wonderful sight. Instead of keep his cock in her mouth, and drinking down his cum. Lenara would hold her mouth open, allowing him to see his load going inside before she swallowed it. " Oh!......Here it comes Lenara! " Tom groaned out. He watched as thick ropes of his cum started landing on her tongue. Lenara had the tip of her tongue, just under the head of his cock. Tom groaned out as more cum flowed. He watched as her tongue became coated with a layer, before it started oozing into the back of her mouth. Lenara looked so fucking hot with cum in her mouth. She looked every bit like the cum hungry slut Doctor Boyd said she was.
When she touched his balls, Lenara could tell that he really enjoyed it and she put extra effort into pleasuring him this way. Over the years of pleasing men with just her hands and mouth, Lenara had learned a good number of tricks that guys enjoyed and she often used them on her lovers on the Protector. She had been told that she could make a fortune if she ever wanted to get into the pleasure business. The woman excelled at sex and some of her lovers had claimed that her oral skills were second to none, though she was sure there were probably women out there somewhere who were just as good if not better, but she appreciated the praise.

As she continued working over Tom's cock, the air was filled with his moans. She watched him, her grey, lustful eyes sparkling in the light of her quarters. When he was getting close to that point where he would be cumming, she pulled back just a bit while listening to his heavy breathing and she opened her mouth, her tongue flicking over the tip of his cock before she placed it just under the head of his cock. This would allow him to watch as his cum landed in her mouth and soon enough he was groaning out, announcing that he was cumming and moments later his thick, hot cum began filling her mouth. It landed upon her tongue and coated it before it began running into the back of her mouth. When it was done cumming, she gently caressed the tip of his cock with her tongue before swallowing his load and licking her lips. Once she was done, she slowly sat back upon the couch, running her hand along her thigh, though she didn't touch herself yet.
There very well maybe women who could match Lenara in her oral skills. There may even be some who surpass her skills. You wouldn't find any believers among the men who'd been with Lenara. Admirals Price & Akkar, Captain West, Doctor Boyd, Lieutenants March & Coleman, the men on her M.A.C.O. team and even Quark would always sing her praises. None would believe any women could out do the sexy commander. Tom was certainly a believer now. He just a great blow job from her. Lenara did everything to please him and her reward was a mouthful of Tom's seed. Tom saw Lenara hold all his cum, she then licked the head of his cock, before swallowing the load. The image that remained in Tom's head, was so erotic. Seeing Lenara catch every drop of cum. Nothing was wasted. Tom was left, just standing there. Looking down at Lenara.

She was a vision of lust & passion. Sitting on the couch, her look was like that of a wanton woman. Tom watched as she started running her hand along her thigh. He wondered how far would she go? Would she start touching herself? Was she waiting for him to ordered her to do so? Tom's cock was still fully erect. It didn't soften, even after just dumping a load in Lenara's mouth. Tom's breathing had eased, but his heart was still beating fast. It was easy to see why so many men & women desired Lenara. She looked so sexy, just sitting there. It was ease to forget she was higher in rank, but that's the way Lenara liked it. In her quarters, or in someone else's quarters. She didn't want to be treated as the first officer. She wanted to be treated like a woman, or better yet. She wanted her lovers to treat her as they wished. In most cases, like they owned her.
Anyone who was with Lenara would tell anyone who asked, that she was a very good, thorough and giving lover to those she was with. She always made sure that those who joined her sexually were sated and pleased. There have been times when she saw to their pleasure but didn't reach her own climax because of having to return to duty. She never complained about it because it didn't bother her much, but her lovers always made sure that the pleasure was repaid. After Tom was done cumming and she'd licked the tip of his cock, Lenara slowly sat back upon the couch while swallowing his load. She slowly licked her lips, the woman making such a simple act seem sensual as her tongue swiped across her full bottom lip.

She saw how Tom stood there and stared at her as she sat before him. The hand upon her thigh slowly stroked her firm skin, but she never went all the way up to her dripping pussy as she rested her head back against the couch. Adjusting her position on the couch slightly, she spread her long legs and exposed her pussy to him completely. Her pussy was wet and pink from her heightened arousal, a view that was so erotic and sexy. "Please Tom." she breathed while her hand continued stroking along her inner thigh, occasionally drifting high enough to touch the wet skin of her upper-inner thigh. "Tell me to touch myself." Her voice was a little shaky, something that was very rarely if ever heard from the woman. "I need it so bad." Her other hand moved up to rest near her breasts. Her nipples were achingly hard and the skin of her upper chest and her face was flushed with need.
This night was getting even better. Tom enjoyed a great dinner and they had some drinks while getting to know each other a little more. Lenara then gave Tom the greatest blowjob of his life. No women had ever sucked Tom's cock with the skill that Lenara showed. She learned this skill by giving out head during her academy. Lenara wouldn't let men touch her pussy or ass. Not after she found out about her ex, and how he only wanted her as a sex trophy. From there, only women were allowed inside Lenara's pants. It would remain that way until she joined the Protector. The lucky men at the academy, were treated by hand jobs and blowjobs from Lenara. This is where she became such a fine cocksucker. She wouldn't let men touch her any other way. So, she would allow them to treat of having her mouth or hand. Lenara let them finish off in her mouth or on her bare breasts. She found some men were kinky and wanted to see their cum on a girl's skin.

Tom was pretty kinky in his own right. Lenara found out how much he loved having his balls played with. That was something she would remember for the future. Tom also loved dirty talk, which was something Lenara did very well. Something else Lenara did very well, was show off how seductive she really was. Tom watched as she leaned backwards, opening her legs wider on the couch. Lenara was asking his permission to touch herself. She looked so erotic and sounded so hot. This was more then Tom expected, but he was very happy to be part of it. He watched as she started touching her breasts. Playing with her hard nipples. Lenara looked so needy. Her voice spoke of the want she had within her perfect body. " Yes. " Tom breathed out. His eyes fixed on where Lenara laid. " Play with your pussy.......I wanna see you make yourself cum. " Tom's voice was husky as he spoke. He clearly loved the scene Lenara was doing for him. Most men loved to watch woman play with their pussies. Getting themselves off for the enjoyment of their lover. Tom's cock was still very hard. He wan't done using Lenara.
Lenara was continuously learning new things about her new lover. While sucking on his cock, she'd learnt that he enjoyed having his balls fondled and she already got the hint that he loved dirty talk, but many men enjoyed that. As she leaned back and spread her legs, she watched him as he enjoyed the view of her displayed before him. When she softly pleaded for him to tell her to touch herself, she bit her lip while gazing pleadingly up at him through her eyelashes. She was giving all control over to the man during their first sexual encounter. Just like she was learning more about him, he was learning more about her. Already he would of caught on that she liked others to be in control. It was a way for her to relax completely because she was then able to let someone else have control.

When he breathed out his reply, she smiled slightly while he told her to play with her pussy and he told her that he wanted to see her bring herself to an orgasm. With his reply, Lenara let that hand that was slowly stroking her thigh move up the rest of the way and a gasp split the air the moment her long fingers came into contact with her pussy and she shuddered as her fingers caressed over her slick, swollen lower pussy lips. The woman bit her lip again as her fingers slid over her pussy and she let one of them slip between her folds. Her fingers quickly became wet with her arousal, her fair skin glistening with her wetness as she touched herself. Lenara's gasp changed into a moan and a whimper as she slid another finger into herself and buried them deep into her tight pussy.

The heel of her hand was beginning to rub against her clit as she began to finger herself, her body shuddering as she whimpered and began breathing heavier. Her other hand moved to cup her breast, her fingers groping her breast and beginning to tease her nipple. Lenara's head fell back against the couch cushion as she moaned, the hand between her legs beginning to move faster, her hips rocking ever so slightly. She looked so erotic and wanton as she pleasured herself upon the couch, putting on a show for Tom. The sounds she was making told of the pleasure and need that filled the sexy first officer, the woman already getting closer to her first orgasm. She hadn't been exaggerating when she said that she could of probably cum just from him filling her with his cock. It didn't take long for her first orgasm of the evening to approach and she whimpered while opening her eyes to look up at him, her pupils dilated and her eyes dark with her lust. She was able to look at him for a short while before her orgasm hit. When it did, her eyes closed tightly as her face was filled with a look of pure, raw pleasure and her cry of pleasure filled the air. He would be able to see how she came around her fingers, making her fingers and hand wetter and her back arched while her hips bucked against her hand and her head tipped back. In the moment, he was seeing her completely undone by pleasure as she came for his enjoyment.
Tom was eager to watch Lenara play with herself. He'd never seen a woman touch herself and make herself cum before. He knew how the action would be done. How she would bring on her orgasm, but knowing and seeing it happen were different things. Tom remained where he stood, just off to the side of the couch, where Lenara laid. Once he spoke of wanting to watch her. Lenara wasted no time, she started. Her hands moving to the right places on her body. Tom already saw how wet her pussy had been. Lenara was very turned on and looking for a release. However, being a good sub, she waited until she was given permission. Tom began slowly stroking his cock, while he watched Lenara working. He loved how she stroked her fingers over her pussy lips. Touching herself before slipping the fingers inside. His eyes watched how she squeezed her breast, before playing with her hard nipple. In her current state, Lenara was an erotic vision of sexuality. She was the type of woman, so many dreamed of having.

Tom kept slowly pumping his cock, his eyes never leave Lenara. He did move to see her fingers working her pussy. Tom wanted a better view of this. He imagined this is how Lenara always got herself off, when she was alone. Not that Lenara was every alone. She had a long list of lovers to share her bed, or she could share theirs. Lenara was always happy to play with herself for the enjoyment of others. She knew how some liked seeing her do this. Clearly Tom was enjoying it. He was in control of her this evening. So whatever he liked, she would do. Most of Lenara's lovers controlled her actions. The only one whom she controlled was Ezri. Though, when Lenara took Alexander, she would clearly have to control the young Klingon. He was a rather timid young man. But he did grow up living among humans and not around other Klingons. Lenara didn't have to worry about Tom. He enjoyed the power he had over the ship's first officer. Tom looked on as Lenara continued playing with herself. He could see her orgasm was building. The signs were in the way her body moved and the sounds she made. Tom watched as the orgasm then broke over Lenara's body. She arched her back, and cried out in pleasure. Tom saw how wet her hand became. When Lenara came, she came very hard. Her cum was dripping from her pussy. Tom loved every minute of what he saw. It was a very personal thing to let someone else watch you masturbate and cum. Lenara loved having her lovers watch her in action.

" That was very hot Lenara........Watching you touch yourself and cum. " Tom spoke while he still stroked his cock. The evening was far from over. Both had a chance to cum, but now they would cum together. " Turn around so I can see your ass.......I'm gonna fuck you from behind. " Tom ordered Lenara. He was going to use her tight ass. Doctor Boyd had spoken of how tight Lenara's holes were. He said her sweet ass was the tightest hole of them all. Tom moved closer, once Lenara was in position. He rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy. Picking up some of her dripping cum on the head. Tom then positioned his cock head at her ass. He began pressing the head against the hole. Using his hips to push forwards. The head soon popped inside. Tom then slipped his cock in deep. Moving until his balls touched her soaked pussy lips. Tom enjoyed the tightness of Lenara's ass for a moment. He then drew back slightly, then pushed in harder. Tom grabbed onto Lenara's hips. His own hips started moving back and fourth. Thrusting his cock into her each time.
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