Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Lenara brought a smile to Doctor Boyd's face. She was sweet, trying to make things better with her words. Lenara maybe turned on by how Edwin looked in his dress uniform. However, he knew for a fact, the only ones who truly looked good in their uniforms, were the women. Lenara and the other women all looked very sexy. But, Lenara would sexy even if she was wearing an outfit made from brown paper. Still, Edwin was grateful for Lenara's words. Though the Federation & Romulans were allies against the Dominion. It wasn't easy for anyone to put away distrust and hatred for the other side. Doctor Boyd's family had suffered several loss at the hands of the Romulans over the years. Patrolling the neutral zone between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire had become hazardous duty since the zone was formed. Over the years, hundreds of starships and many outposts suffered attacks by Romulan warships. It became a way for the Romulans to test the Federation without going to war with them. So many families lost loved ones during these hit and run raids. Family history was hard to forget and almost impossible to forgive.

Attending the reception wouldn't be all bad. After all, everyone knew how the Romulans felt about Kyle West. Using an outgunned, over matched starship. Kyle was able to fight off several warbirds, while protecting a Klingon colony. A feat few captains in Starfleet could have done. Kyle's victory had become a huge thorn in the side of the Romulan Fleet. It was a bitter pill the Romulans never got over. Kyle West became a hero to the Klingons and legend in Starfleet. His presence, here on Romulus, was sure to stir up some painful feelings. But, as everyone on both sides had been told. Such feelings needed to locked away. They no longer had a place with everyone having a common enemy in the Dominion.

The group from the Protector was greeted at the beam down point. They were shown to the building holding the reception. Romulus was a beautiful planet. Lots of water and plenty of green plant life. Not that different from Earth in someways. The group from the Protector was taken into the hall where the reception as taking place. The party was already underway. Many Romulans were mingling with Starfleet Officers. It all seemed quite nice, then certain eyes spotted Kyle. You could feel the mood change that quickly. It was like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water over the heads of each Romulan Officer in the room. The once joyous atmosphere, had become like a funeral. " You know.....I think I'm gonna enjoy this party after all. " Edwin spoke with a smile on his face. He patted Kyle on the shoulder, then moved into the room. Edwin took a glass of Romulan Ale from a tray and took a sip. So many eyes were staring at Kyle. No, that wasn't right. They were glaring at him. " You know half the officers in this room would give anything to test me in battle.........I'm gonna have to put up with this for a week. " Kyle spoke to Lenara as they stood at the entrance way of the room. The others had moved into the room and joined Doctor Boyd. Kyle wasn't looking forward to spending a week, surrounded by officers looking down their noses at him. The Romulans were well known as highly arrogant race. Kyle would need very thick skin to survive a week long series of meetings with people who hated him with a passion.
As she spoke, Lenara saw the smile forming on Doctor Boyds face as she told him that he looked sexy in his dress uniform. In her opinion, the men did look sexy in their own way. They looked authoritative and commanding in their uniforms, something that she liked with her lovers. After she spoke and moved away, the group energized away from the Protector. Down at the beam down point, they were greeted and shown to the building holding the reception. Romulus was an undeniably beautiful planet with plenty of water and plant life. Much like Earth in a way. Entering the hall where the reception was happening, they found that the party was already under way. However, the moment that the crew from the Protector entered and Kyle was spotted, the mood shifted noticeably.

When Edwin spoke about how he thought he might enjoy this party after all and he patted their captain on the shoulder before walking off, Lenara shook her head while watching him move off. The rest of their group moved off and began mingling, but Lenara stayed by her Captain. When he spoke, she turned her head and looked at him, tilting her head slightly while gazing at him. "Indeed." she murmured. "Just remember, Captain. In my opinion and that of the whole crew, you're worth much more then the whole lot of them." She offered him a gentle, slightly hidden smile before she carefully schooled her features into a mask that Kyle would recognize as the very same one that she usually wore when she was working. It was the same one that she used to wear at all times both on and off duty. In a room full of Romulans, she had to be careful to control herself. "Besides, should anything happen, you just have to call."
Lenara's words were comforting to hear, but unnecessary. Kyle would suffer many dirty looks and perhaps even some unkind words, but he was in no danger. The Federation and the Romulans needed each other. Neither could defeat the Dominion on their own. The Romulans knew this. Some of their officers may very well wish to test Kyle in battle, but that wasn't their way. They weren't savages like the Klingons. The Romulans were cold and calculating. If they wanted to kill someone. They did so in more subtle ways. Romulans would never be so heavy handed as to do anything to Kyle while he was here. Kyle assured Lenara that he would be fine. Though he thanked her for the concern she had for him. It was nice to know, Lenara had his back. Not all Romulans looked on Kyle West with disdain. There was one who did admire him for his bold action. It took a brave man to do what Kyle West had done.

A Romulan woman approached where Kyle & Lenara stood. " Captain Kyle West.......I'm honored to meet you......I'm Commander Donatra. " Donatra introduced herself while holding out her hand. Kyle took her hand, shaking it. " Commander.......This is my first officer........Commander Lenara Singh. " Kyle spoke while releasing Donatra's hand. She turned slightly, looking at Lenara. " Commander Singh.......Let me be the first to welcome you both to Romulus.......I look forward to working with you during our meetings Captain West. " Donatra spoke. She was very pleasant and kind for a Romulan. She waved for a waiter who brought over a tray of glasses holding Romulan Ale. Donatra took a glass, then Kyle & Lenara followed. " Let us drink a toast.......To the swift defeat of the Dominion and Cardassians.......And to a future where the Federation and the Romulan Empire are close friends. " Donatra's words were very surprising. Kyle certainly didn't expect to hear a Romulan speak of peace between their governments. There was something in her voice which told her words were true, and not just something nice to say.
Lenara's soft words were both comforting and true as she spoke them. While she was aware that the Dominion couldn't be defeated with the Federation and the Romulans at each others throats, she also knew that Romulans couldn't be well trusted. Because of their arrogance, she wouldn't put it past one of the Romulans to try something at some point. That was just something that Romulans had done in the past. Lenara stood calmly at Kyles side, slowly sweeping her gaze over the room at the different people. The quiet was passing as people returned to talking with each other, though Kyle was still receiving a couple of dirty looks. After a bit, a Romulan woman approached the two of them and greeted Kyle.

The woman introduced herself as Commander Donatra, holding her hand out to Kyle to shake and he grasped her hand, shaking it before introducing Lenara to Donatra. Lenara nodded her head in greeting to Donatra. As the woman spoke to them and told Captain West that she looked forward to working with him during their meetings, Lenara was a little surprised at how pleasant and kind she was for a Romulan. She waved a waiter over who was carrying a tray of glasses and she took one. Lenara waited for Kyle to take a glass before she took one as well. After all three of them had glasses of Romulan Ale, Donatra spoke of drinking a toast to the swift defeat of the Dominion and Cardassians, and to the future where the Federation and Romulan Empire were close friends. This caused Lenara to glance at Kyle briefly, the surprise showing in her eyes for a moment before she nodded slightly in agreement to the toast.
The Protector wasn't the only Federation Starship in orbit around Romulus. There were several other starships here, though not all for the same reason. A few other captains from Starfleet would be joining Kyle in these war talks with the Romulans. There was also a medical conference happening at the same time. One of the Doctor's attending this conference was a good friend of Lenara's. Her eyes would soon find Doctor Julian Bashir, from Deep Space Nine among those gathered. Julian was here to talk about Dominion biogenic weapons and chairing a seminar on ketracel-white. He didn't expect to see Lenara here on Romulus. However, when he did lay eyes on her, a smile came over his face. Julian waved at Lenara, then waved for her to join him. He was alone at the moment. Julian didn't have any of his friends with him.

Ezri & Kira had kept Lenara update with what was happening in their lives. Lenara received a letter from her friends and lovers each week. Lenara had been told of the wormhole reopening. How Captain Sisko returned to the station and how Ezri was currently posted there. This was Lenara's chance to catch up with Doctor Bashir and find out if Miles had ever reached the end of his kayak program without hurting himself. During her last trip to Deep Space Nine. Lenara had to help Chief O'Brien to the infirmary several times during her last visit to the station. Miles often threw out his shoulder while kayaking. Despite this, Miles never gave up trying to complete his holoprogram. He gave Lenara a copy so she would use it on the Protector. Lenara & Shelby would be riding the rapids in a few days. " I'm so glad to see a familiar face. " Julian spoke as Lenara approached. He was relieved to see a friend among the people here.
After making the toast, Lenara slowly looked around the room at the different people currently here. She could see a couple captains in the room, but as she looked around, she spotted a good friend of hers standing on his own. He spotted her about the same time that she spotted him and she saw a smile spread across his face when he did see her and he waved at her, waving for her to join him. Turning to Captain West and Commander Donatra, softly excusing herself before she walked away and moved across the room towards where Julian stood. As she approached him, a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Doctor Bashir. It's wonderful to see you." she told him as she approached him.

Her small smile widened a bit when he said that he was glad to see a familiar face. "How have things been on DS9?" she asked him as she moved to stand near him. She told him that she'd heard about the wormhole reopening and Captain Sisko's return, along with the posting of Ezri on the station. She tilted her head before chuckling and asking about Miles. "Has he reached the end of that kayak program of his yet?" she asked him. "Without hurting himself that is." She remembered how she'd been asked to aid him to the infirmary a number of times during her last visit to the station. Lenara was quite fond of Julian Bashir. Because he was augmented by his parents, she felt that they connected on a deeper level then she did with some others. Not only that, but Julian was easy to get along with and he was a good doctor.
Julian was very happy to see Lenara at this party. He'd spoken with several people since arriving, but he didn't know them. It was nice to see someone he knew and called friend. Julian shook his head while saying Miles was still trying his best. He said Miles had that never die attitude when it came to that holoprogram. Julian was often called upon to fix the injured shoulder Miles suffered from. He then spoke of everything being fine on the station. Though he did speak of Worf having trouble with Ezri. He said because Worf had been married to Jadzia and he was there when she died. It was hard for him to accept the fact that part of Jadzia lived on in Ezri. Worf had just learned to accept his wife's death, then Ezri arrived and suddenly part of Jadzia was there. Julian knew how close Lenara & Jadzia were. He asked if she could write Worf and maybe help him accept Ezri being posted on the station.

Julian then dropped a bomb on Lenara. During her last visit to Deep Space Nine. Lenara & Julian shared some secrets. He told her of being an augment, like she was. Though he was altered after his birth and born as one like she was. They also found out each had run ins with Section 31. The organization was after them for different reasons. They seemed bent on making Lenara an enemy of the Federation, while also trying to recruit Julian as an agent. " Lenara......You must be careful.......Section 31 has an operative here on Romulus........A man called Sloan......I'm not sure what he's up too.......But I'm sure it's no good. " Julian spoke his warning. He then spoke of how this man, Sloan, wanted him to see if a Romulan named Koval was suffering from Tuvan Syndrome. Koval was the chairman of the Tal Shiar. Julian said he suspected Section 31 might try and assassinate Koval. Koval was publicly against the alliance between the Federation and the Romulan Empire.
When Julian shook his head and said that Miles was still trying his best, Lenara's soft laughter could be heard between the two of them and she nodded in agreement when he said Mile had that never die attitude. "Indeed he does." she agreed. "That's what makes me so fond of Miles. He never gives up. He's a good man and Keiko is a lucky woman to have a man like him for a husband." Lenara had met Keiko briefly during her one visit to the station. Keiko was a wonderful woman and she complimented Miles perfectly. When he told her that Worf was having trouble with Ezri, Lenara raised an eyebrow and asked how so. She was then told that it was because Worf had been married to Jadzia and had been there when Jadzia had died. So it was difficult for him to accept that part of Jadzia still lived on in Ezri and Lenara sighed while nodding in understanding. "I'll write to him." she told Julian. "I understand why he is having such trouble."

However, Julian then shifted their conversation and mentioned Section 31. This made her look at him sharply. She knew that for some reason, Section 31 seemed to have it out for her and Julian had told her that they were trying to recruit him. Julian told her that she had to be careful because there was an operative from Section 31 there on Romulus. A man that was called Sloan and she frowned to herself. She listened to everything that Julian said and she nodded again while thanking him for letting her know. "Hopefully such things won't come to pass." she said when he mentioned that he suspected Section 31 might try to assassinate Koval. As much as she disliked Romulans, she didn't approve of killing those who stood on the opposite side of you just to get your way.
Worf's troubles came from his cultures beliefs. As Worf's wife, when Jadzia died, her spirit would travel to stovokor. A ceremony was done in her name. Worf even won a great battle in her name. These things were done so Jadzia could enter stovokor and take her place among the honored warriors. Worf never gave any thought to the fact that the Dax symbiont survived. He never expected to see another Dax in his life. Worf knew of the rule Trills had, which kept current hosts from interacting with the family or loved ones from a past host. This rule was waved in Ezri's case, because of how she came to be joined with the Dax symbiont. Ezri was drawn to Deep Space Nine, just as she'd been drawn to Lenara. However, Lenara was far more accepting and understanding then Worf was. Since she was so close to Worf. Julian thought she could help. Worf was being pigheaded about Ezri, and only Lenara could set him straight.

Julian also felt the need to tell Lenara about Section 31 lurking around. Sloan wasn't here for her, but Julian didn't want Lenara to take any chances. It was better if Lenara remained on guard with Sloan around. Julian even pointed Sloan out to Lenara. He was standing several feet away, chitting chatting with some Starfleet officers. Lenara now had a face to go with the name, and Lenara never forgot a face. She was now one up on Section 31. She knew who one of their most important operatives was. Julian then spoke of how he arrived on the USS Bellerophon, an Intrepid class Starship, three days ago. Since then, Sloan had met with Julian several times. Julian was able to piece together what he believed was Sloan's real plot. Killing Koval. The Protector had been two late in arriving at Romulus. Because of this, the Romulans held two receptions. This second one was specially for Captain West and his command staff.

Julian felt better after alerting Lenara to the possibility of trouble. They did have a connection since both were augments. Julian didn't have Lenara's great strength, only his brain and motor skills had been enhanced. Standing there with Lenara, Julian saw a sight he never expected to see. He drew Lenara's attention back to where Kyle stood. Besides Commander Donatra, a man had joined them. And not just any man, it was the head of the Romulan Empire. Praetor Neral was shaking Kyle's hand. " Seeing Captain West and Praetor Neral shaking hands almost makes one believe a lasting peace could be had between our governments. " Julian spoke. One could say he was being naive in his thoughts of a lasting peace between the Federation and the Romulans. And maybe he was, but Julian was a bit of an optimist about such things. Suddenly their attention was drawn towards two Romulan Officers. They were standing only a few feet away from Lenara & Julian and talking about Kyle. " So that is the famous Captain West........I thought he'd be taller. " The one officer said to the other.
That Worf was having some trouble with Ezri did concern Lenara a bit, but she understood where his troubles originated from. He had taught her about the Klingon culture and their beliefs, so she knew that as his wife, it was believed that her spirit would travel to Stovokor with a ceremony done in her name and he had won a great ballet in her name because she had never been able to eat the heart of an enemy. This was something that Lenara had spoken with Worf about in the past. However, Lenara had also been taught extensively about the symbiont by Jadzia a long time ago. She would take some time to send a couple letters to Worf and make a call to the station to speak with him in the near future.

When Julian pointed out Sloan, Lenara turned her head and looked at the man where he was standing several feet away with a couple of Starfleet officers talking. She studied the man just long enough to commit his face to memory before she returned her attention to Julian with a nod. She knew that Section 31 had been watching her for years and following her. She just couldn't figure out why, though she had some ideas. She just wished that the organization would leave her alone. "Just be careful of them Julian." she softly told him. "You're a dear friend and I would hate it anything happened to you." Her words were sincere and she reached out, lightly touching his arm for a brief moment. Lenara knew that though he was an augment, he wasn't like her. He had the brain and reflexes of an augment, but not the physical strength nor the aggressive mentality that an actual augment had. Lenara had all of it, though her aggressive nature was watered down due to her mothers human blood.

Lenara's attention was then directed to another sight by Julian and she turned slightly to see her Captain shaking hands with Praetor Neral and she tilted her head while watching this, listening to Julian speak. She looked at her friend again and smiled slightly. "Ever the optimist, Doctor Bashir. That's why I like having you as a friend." she said. However, both of their attention was drawn towards two Romulan Officers who were talking about Kyle. When one spoke of how they thought Kyle would be taller, Lenara narrowed her eyes slightly before taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling while looking at Julian. "I promised the Captain I would behave myself while here on Romulus." she softly told him, a slightly playful tone in her voice. "And luckily I care too much about my career for a repeat performance of my little scuffle with that group of Romulans." She downed the rest of the Ale that was in the glass she'd been holding.
Had Lenara been more like her father. She could easily wipe the floor with every Romulan in the room. Long before they could get anyone here with a disruptor to take her down. Lucky for all the Romulans, Lenara was more like her mother where her self control was concerned. Lenara was the perfect mix between normal human and augment. She was in fact, the type of being those scientists wanted to create centuries ago. Back when they started messing around with human genes. Lenara could certainly lose control and let her augmented, aggressive nature take over. That had been seen during the fight between members of the Protector crew and a group of Romulan officers. But, Lenara wasn't herself during that time. She was overworked and suffering from the loss of Jadzia. Lenara learned a hard lesson on why you shouldn't bury feelings of grief. During her visit to Deep Space Nine. Lenara spoke with Julian about her troubles. Telling him about the fight with the Romulans. Julian nodded when Lenara spoke. He understood why she would behave herself. Julian didn't expect Lenara to thrash those Romulan officers. They hadn't spoken badly of her captain. They were just being normal Romulans.

After Lenara finished her drink, Julian grabbed two more for them. " Now that we are allies with the Romulans......The trade embargo has been lifted.....That means Romulan Ale is now legal in the Federation......I'm sure Quark will be stocking up for his bar. " Julian joked, wanting to lighten the mood a little. It seemed to help. There was doubt that Quark would take full advantage of the newly relaxed regulations. Romulan Ale had been illegal for centuries. However, some bottles did end up in the hands of Starfleet Officers. It had become a forbidden pleasure among certain members of Starfleet. Captain West was among them. Despite his rocky past with them. Kyle did enjoy the ale made by the Romulans. It was one of his favorite drinks. Lenara decided to introduce Julian to Doctor Boyd. Edwin had been invited to take part in the medial conference on Romulus. However, he'd blown off the invite. It was possible, Edwin's mind could be changed. Julian was pleased when Lenara said she wanted to introduce him to one of her dearest friends. Before long, Julian & Edwin were engaged in a conversation about medical matters. This left Lenara alone, but she didn't stay that way. She was approached by an attractive Romulan male. " Are you enjoying yourself? " The man asked in a very polite voice. He then excused himself for bothering her, but spoke of finding her very attractive. " My name is Rotel.......Sub Commander Rotel........I'm Commander Donatra's first officer. " Rotel spoke while holding out his hand.
Luckily Lenara was nothing like her father nor her fathers people. If she had been more like them, she wouldn't of hesitated to of wiped the floor of the room with every Romulan there without an ounce of regret. Luckily for them though, she was born of a mother who was pure human and her mother had taught her better. Lenara was the perfect officer with what sometimes seemed to be an endless amount of energy and she performed her duties with perfect efficiency. She was what the scientists had wanted so many years ago, but had failed to achieve. When she mentioned the fight at the officers club, Lenara knew that Julian would understand. When she had last been on Deep Space Nine, Lenara had shared drinks with Julian and she had told him about what had happened. They had discussed why she had lost control in such a way that she had.

When Julian mentioned the trade embargo being lifted, she nodded before smiling to herself. "Oh, I've no doubt that Quark will take advantage of this." she told Julian, thanking him when he grabbed two more drinks for them. "If there is some way to profit and make some latinum, Quark will do so." If it was anyone else speaking this, it might of sounded bad, but the affection that filled her voice made it obvious that she didn't mean anything bad about the Ferengi in question. Julian knew that she'd become friendly with Quark, though he didn't know exactly how close. After a bit, while she was looking around, Lenara spotted Edwin and she suggested to Julian that she introduce him to a dear friend of hers before she introduced the two men to each other. It wasn't long before they were talking about medical things, so this left Lenara alone.

However, she wasn't alone for long as a male Romulan approached her and asked if she were enjoying herself. She was mid-sip when he approached and as he mentioned finding her attractive, she raised an eyebrow at him while lowering her glass. After he introduced himself and extended his hand, she glanced down at his hand for a moment before she placed her hand into his. "Commander Lenara Singh." she told him. "I'm Captain West's first officer. And I suppose I'm enjoying myself well enough. Though I'm not one for gatherings like this."
Ranks within the Romulan Fleet, were like those used by the Vulcans before the founding of the Federation. Commanders were equal in rank to a captain in Starfleet. Sub Commanders were the same as commanders and lieutenant commanders. It was the same for lieutenants. Admirals was the only ranks which was the same for both sides. Rotel & Lenara had some common ground between them. It was something they could build upon. If Lenara wanted to become friendly with Rotel. " I certainly understand......I'm not very comfortable with such gatherings.......But we all have our duty to do........Sometimes that duty calls for us to do the uncomfortable. " Rotel spoked before finishing off his drink. He looked around the room. Everyone was involved with conversations. Some of them were mixed, like the one he was having with Lenara.

Rotel smiled when Lenara spoke of being Captain West's first officer. " It's a pleasure to meet you Commander Singh........I've heard a lot about your captain and your ship.......I hear the Legacy Class is most impressive. " Rotel replied. He then asked if Lenara would like to take a walk with him? He offered to show her around. A tour of the capital city was what he offered her. It would be a chance to get away from the reception for a little while. Take a walk and stretch their legs. Lenara could refuse, but Rotel hoped she would accept his offer. They were allies and it might be good for everyone to get along and maybe get to know each other better. This is the type of behavior which led to the peace Doctor Bashir spoke of. It remained to be seen if Lenara would put aside her distrust of the Romulans as a race and get to know Rotel.
One of the lessons that Lenara had received in the past was one on the ranks of other cultures. She was familiar with Klingon ranks as well as those within the Romulans and Vulcans, and because of these lessons, she was aware that she and Rotel were of the same rank within their respective fleets. After she commented about disliking such large gatherings, she took another sip of her drink while glancing around the room at the different groups mingling. Some were of either Starfleet or Romulans while others were mixed, though so far everyone seemed to be getting along well enough for the moment. "Indeed it does." she softly agreed after he said about duty calling for them to do the uncomfortable. Over the years she'd been placed in some highly uncomfortable situations due to duty, but she always did as was expected of her. Such as now. She knew that it was expected as Captain Wests first officer to attend this social gathering, so she did.

As Rotel spoke of it being a pleasure to meet her, Lenara dipped her head and softly told him likewise. Though the mention of her captain and their ship made her smile slightly. "There are few better." she softly told him. "In my opinion of course." To Lenara Captain West was one of the best, if not The Best, Captain around and the ship he commanded was the same. Of course, there would be others who could claim that other captains and ships were better, but that was common in officers who were loyal to their captain. When Rotel offered a tour of the capital city, she hesitated for a moment and glanced in the direction of the others from her ship before glancing at Rotel again. Finally she nodded. "I believe I would like to get away from the large crowd." she told Rotel. "And it would be nice to see more of your beautiful planet."
Every officer in Starfleet held a certain amount of pride for their ship, captain and the crew they served with. A chosen few got the honor of serving aboard one of the finer ships within the fleet. One of the handful or so Starships which was known to all as among the best. Lenara's pride was justified. She served under a great captain, and served on one of best ships with a top crew. Lenara had a lot to be proud of. There were other officers in Starfleet who'd give their right arms to be where she is now. Lenara held a job which others could only dream of having. Rotel had heard a lot about Lenara's ship. Top ships like the Protector were always studied by the Romulans. Others races also made learning about certain Federation Starships a priority. Such actions were nothing new. As tactical officer, Lenara studied the capabilities of most ships the Protector could encounter. Whether friend or foe. The Federation was involved in a very bloody war. She was just following the first rule in war. "Known your enemy".

Rotel smiled when Lenara accepted his offer for a tour. He took their now empty glasses and placed them on a nearby table. He then showed Lenara out of the room. Rotel was taken with Lenara's beauty. He took every chance to look her fine body over. Her great looking ass was one area which his eyes couldn't help but look at. They left the receptions hall. Moving around the building. Rotel then took Lenara into the heart of the capital. He showed her many sights. The Hall of State where the Romulan Senate meets. The Boulevard of Heroes. The Plaza of the Endless Sky. The Imperial Palace where the Praetor lives. Most of these places were off limits to Lenara. However, she would enjoy the plaza. Another fine place was the Maritime Museum. Rotel was enjoying his time with Lenara. He certainly would love to know her even better. Outside the museum, Rotel bought Lenara an Osol Twist from a street vendor. He also got one for himself. As they walked along, enjoying the tart treat, Rotel confessed that he didn't know a lot about human customs. How humans interacted with each other. Rotel didn't wish to be forward with Lenara, but he did want to know her better. " You're a beautiful and sexy woman Lenara......I would very much love to have sex with you. " Rotel certainly was direct with his words. And it was obvious his knowledge of human interacting was lacking.
Lenara knew that she was on one of the best ships serving under a great captain with an excellent crew. However, she wasn't a naturally prideful woman. She did have a good bit of modesty and she rarely boasted about herself. She was an excellent officer of exceptional skill and ability who strived to make her captain proud of her, which she did constantly. The Protector was one of the best ships and it was crewed by some of the best, so it was understandable that the Romulans studied the ships like it. She studied the capabilities of other ships as well, so she wasn't surprised that other races did the same. It was the smart and logical thing to do.

After accepting the offer for a tour, Lenara handed her empty glass to Rotel and watched him place them upon a nearby table before the two of them left the room. Lenara left the reception hall with Rotel and together they moved around the building and headed into the heart of the capital. As he showed her around, Rotel showed her the Hall of State where the Romulan Senate meets and the Boulevard of Heroes, as well as several other places. Many of them were off limits, but Lenara did enjoy looking at the buildings and admiring the architecture that the Romulans used. One place that they went to was the Maritime Museum. As they walked and toured the area, the two of them talked. After seeing the Maritime Museum, Rotel bought an Osol Twist for Lenara outside of the Museum and she thanked him as they walked together while enjoying the treat.

As they walked, Rotel confessed that he didn't know much about human customs nor much about how humans interacted with each other. When he spoke of her being a beautiful and sexy woman, Lenara wasn't phased. But when he stated that he would very much like to have sex with her, Lenara made a soft sound in the back of her throat which sounded like a muffled laugh before she glanced at Rotel. "You're very forward." she told him. "And very blunt about what you want." After she said this, Lenara took another bite of her treat with a thoughtful look on her face. "Luckily I don't take offense easily, as there are some human women who would be offended by such a forward statement. Though, a little over a year ago, before I joined the Protector, I would of probably been one of those women." She offered Rotel a small smile to show that she wasn't upset nor insulted by his comment. "But that was a year ago, so these days I'm usually flattered by such comments." In fact, Lenara was slightly amused by how blunt he was about wanting to have sex with her. Lenara walked with Rotel for a little while longer before she glanced at him and casually asked if she accepted, where exactly he would take her, to have sex. She asked this as if it were something that she asked someone everyday and she watched him for his reaction.
Rotel was unfamiliar with human ways. How they interacted with each other. He knew the propaganda handed down from his government. Most humans were seen as weak, spineless beings who feared combat. The Federation had always been an origination dedicated to peace. Using talk in place of force to settle problems. This made them and their citizens subject to scorn by races more willing to use combat to settle their matters. Before the start of the Four Years War with the Klingons. The Chancellor of the Klingon High Council once said. "If words were water......The humans would drown us all". The Klingons, Romulans and other races saw the Federation as weak willed for many years. Despite the alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Gowron, the current chancellor, still calls the uniforms worn by Starfleet personnel, a "Child's Uniform". His disrespect isn't shared by all Klingons. Many Klingons have learned over the years. If pushed to far, the Federation will fight and their personnel fight with bravery and honor. This was a lesson learned in three conflicts between the Federation and the Klingons.

Despite their loss to Earth, and it's allies. The Romulans never gave Starfleet due respect. Many Romulans believed it was only a matter of time before they were once again fighting the Federation. Over the years, there had been fights between Starships and Romulan warships, but the peace held, no war ever happened. The Romulans may have no respect for Starfleet, or the Federation, but they also weren't stupid. They knew defeating the Federation wouldn't be easy. The Romulans had watched how the Federation fought against the Klingons. They saw any war would be long and bloody. The Romulans weren't ready to pay the price it would take to defeat the Federation. By this time, the Federation had over 150 member worlds. Making it the largest government in the Alpha Quadrant. Even the Dominion knew it wouldn't be easy to conquer the Federation, but they were willing to pay the heavy price.

Rotel apologized for being so forward and blunt with Lenara. He told her, it seemed better to be that way up front. To just let her know what he wanted. Given the reputation the Romulans had, Rotel thought letting Lenara know what he wanted was the best approach. Her reaction did surprise him. Rotel expected anger if she was offended by the offer. Lenara showed him kindness. She'd been rather cold since they started talking. Though, she did seem to warm up as he showed her around. Lenara hadn't accepted the offer, which Rotel took as her way of saying no. She'd spoke of how a year ago, she could have been offended, but that was then. She now seemed flattered over his words. They continued on, moving back towards the reception hall. Lenara then asked if she did say yes, where would Rotel take her? Rotel turned his head slightly. There was a touch of surprise on his face, mixed with a glimmer of hope. " I have a place here in the city......I was planning on taking you there.....It's comfortable though a little small. " Rotel spoke, he added that his place was only a short walk away. If Lenara accepted his offer of sex, they could go there, if not they could return to the reception.
The way other races thought of humans and the federation was not unknown to Lenara. Having met many different people from different races, she'd spoken with them and learned of the differing opinions that others had for humans. Some weren't very flattering. Such as how some Klingons viewed the human race. The human race were seen as weak and unwilling to fight. However, they have proven that like a cornered animal, if pushed too far, they weren't afraid to fight. And they fought hard with both bravery and honor, something that the Klingons could understand. Though the humans did prefer the peaceful method of attempting to talk things out first.

It was also known that the Romulans didn't respect the Federation. It was believed that there would be a time when they were once more fighting against each other. But despite there being some fights between the two, the Romulans and the Federations remained at peace with each other. The Romulans could go up against the Federation, but they had seen how things had ended up between the Klingons and they didn't want a war like that, so they didn't attempt to defeat the Federation. The Dominion however, was different. They didn't care what they had to give up in order to win in order to conquer the Federation.

After Lenara spoke of him being forward and blunt with her, Rotel apologized to her before telling her that it had seemed better to just be upfront and direct with her. She could understand his reasoning and she told him so, before suggesting that if he approached a female human, next time perhaps not quite so blunt. The woman told him this gently and kindly. "Humans aren't overly well known to be the most logical and level headed at times. Their emotions can control their actions and judgment at time." she told him. "There have been battles and even wars started over a simple misunderstanding that became escalated." Lenara knew that she had become rather closed off since he had approached her, and this was because she became naturally guarded and tended to slip back behind her cool façade when dealing with new people. It was the very same façade that made others claim she was half Vulcan. After they spoke a bit, they continued towards the reception hall before she suddenly asked where he would take her if she had said yes.

She saw him turn his head and look at her from the corner of her eye and she caught the look of surprise and hope on his face though she didn't turn her head as they walked. The woman listened as he told her about having a place there in the city which was where he had been planning on taking her. He then added that it wasn't far away. Finally she turned her head and glanced at him, a small smile upon her lips, her light grey eyes glimmering while some of her long dark hair fell over her shoulder to frame her face. "Lead the way then." she told him.
Rotel was aware that humans could be emotional, and even illogical at times. This was something the Vulcans never failed to point out. Whenever they got the chance. Rotel didn't take this into his thinking when deciding how to deal with Lenara. It seemed quite logical to just be up front about what he wanted. Plus, when he first said she was a sexy woman. Lenara didn't react as if she were offended. Rotel then assumed his approach was the correct one. Leading to his proposal of sex. Lenara then pointed out the flaw in his thinking. And she did so in a nice way. Others wouldn't have been so nice, but Lenara wasn't a rude person. It was a lesson which Rotel wouldn't forget. He was grateful to Lenara for correcting his mistake in dealing with human females. But, he'd always been focused on Lenara. She caught his eye during the reception. The shape of her body and how perfectly her uniform fit. Just seeing her made Rotel wanted her. This was nothing new for Lenara. Many men wanted her, after seeing the way she looked. Back at the academy, Lenara never gave in to those men. She saw them as being like her ex.

Rotel waited as they continued to walk. The decision was Lenara's to make. Rotel certainly didn't want to force her into anything. He wanted to enjoy his time with Lenara, and he wanted her to enjoy it as well. It was a chance for them both to learn something new. Rotel was learning how to approach human women, and Lenara was learning that not all Romulans were untrustworthy. Rotel smiled when Lenara asked him to lead the way. He took her by the hand, then lead the way. Rotel & Lenara took a right instead of left, back to the reception hall. They walked for several blocks before reaching the building where Rotel lived. They entered the building, then went up to the third floor. Rotel had his apartment here. He took Lenara down the hall, then stopped at a door with his name on it. He placed his hand on a sensor pad. The door then unlocked and opened. As Rotel had said, it wasn't very big. There was a bed, a few chairs, a table, desk and replicator. " I only use this place when I'm here on Romulus. " Rotel spoke as the door closed behind them. " My home is aboard the Warbird Valdore. " Rotel was speaking of a new class of Warbird. One to replace the older D'deridex class. Rotel moved closer to Lenara. Placing his hands onto her hips, easing her body against his. " You are so sexy.......I never thought a human woman would ever turn me on.......Then I saw you at the reception.........I was struck with your beauty and how amazing your body looked.......I soon found myself wanting you......Wanting to know you in a sexual way. " Rotel spoke, his hands moved from Lenara's hips, around to her ass. He held her cheeks in his hands. Enjoying the firmness as he squeezed.
Another woman who didn't think logically like Lenara did might of slapped Rotel for such a comment or she might of said something rude to him. But that wasn't who Lenara was. She corrected him politely and kindly, pointing out how others might take offense to his comment. She had trained herself from a fairly young age to try and control herself strictly when it came to her emotions, thus why she was able to handle his forward mannerism so well. If anything, she was somewhat amused. Lenara walked with her hands folded in front of her, her shoulders back in a relaxed but proper position while they walked side by side back towards the reception hall. Upon asking him to lead the way, she saw how he smiled at her and she held out a hand to him, allowing him to take it and she followed him as he led the way away from the reception hall.

There was a slightly bigger smile upon Lenara's face as they walked together for several blocks before reaching where Rotel lived and they entered the building together, heading up to the third floor. Entering his apartment down the hall, Lenara glanced around before glancing at him when he explained that he only used this pace when he was on Romulus and she nodded in understanding when he said that his home is aboard the Warbird Valdore. "I'm much the same." she told him. "I still own the small home that my mother had bought many years ago when we moved to Earth and when I'm there I'll stay there, but currently my home is upon the Protector." she explained.

As Rotel approached her, Lenara turned to face him more and she soon felt his hands upon her hips, gently bringing her body closer to his while he told her about how he never thought a human woman would ever turn him on, but then he'd spotted her at the reception. She chuckled and tilted her head while placing her hands upon Rotel's chest. "And soon you shall know me very well in a sexual way." she told him softly as one of her hands slowly moved up his chest, her fingertips running along the center of his chest. She could feel his hands moving away from her hips and down towards her ass where he gripped and squeezed her ass cheeks in his palms. As he did this, she let her body press closer to his and he would be able to feel her soft breasts pressing against his chest through their uniforms as she gazed into his eyes. Her gaze shifted to the side slightly and she made a soft sound as she gazed at his pointed ears. "I wonder." she softly murmured before reaching up and she traced a fingertip along the edge of his ear in a feather light touch.
Rotel thought it was great, he and Lenara had more then a few things in common. Besides both being first officers on their ships. They both had a special place on their home worlds. Yet, both thought of their ships as home. And each was proud of the ships they served on. The Protector had been in service for over two years. The fourth ship built in the new Legacy class Starship. The Valdore was the newest class of warbird. The D'deridex, known to Starfleet as the B-Type Warbird, was the Romulans main front line warship. It was suffering from heavy losses as the war with the Dominion dragged on. Like the Federation, the Romulans weren't going to wait before finding a better ship to replace their losses. The new Valdore class would replace the lost ships. It was a more powerful and faster ship then the older B-Type warbird. The Federation was working on several new classes, while still building the newer Sovereign and Legacy class starships.

Lenara's body felt great, pressed against Rotel's. He was surprised by how easily, Lenara turned him on. Rotel never thought a human woman could be so sexy. Humans and the Federation had always been the enemy. Now, Rotel was holding a former enemy in his arms. Her breasts pressing against his chest. And even through his uniform, and hers. Rotel could feel Lenara's perfect breasts. His cock was growing hard by the second. Just as his want was growing for Lenara. They gazed into each others eyes. Rotel could only think of the building want he had for her. He didn't notice her gaze had shifted. Suddenly, he felt her soft touch on his ear. This made his body shudder with pleasure. " Ohhhhhhhh. " Rotel moaned out. His eyes closed as a rush of pleasure surged through his body. Clearly, Lenara understood something about Romulans. Her experience was based on having been with a Vulcan. Since they were cousin races. It was reasonable to assume such stimulation would work on both races. " You've either........Been with........A Romulan or........A Vulcan. " Rotel breathed out between long moans. His hands squeezed Lenara's ass, each time she stroked her fingers along his ear.
There was no where else that Lenara considered home. To her, home was where her heart laid. And after her mothers passing, that little place on earth just wasn't home anymore. Instead, she had gone a while without having a place to truly call home as she was moved from ship to ship. But finally she was placed upon the Protector and after making a number of friends and taking on a couple lovers, she'd found that those on the Protector held her heart and she came to see it as home. It was why she had such pride for the ship she served on.

As she stood in Rotel's arms, she could feel his firm body pressed to hers and she could feel his cock hardening through his pants. This just served to excite her. Lenara always enjoyed knowing what kind of reaction her body and touch had on a person. It was a turn on to know that someone was so attracted to her. As her fingertips lightly touched his ear, she felt him shudder against her and she heard his moan while watching his eyes close, the pleasure he was feeling clear on his face. Her fingers continued to stroke his ear as she touched him, smiling to herself as he spoke between moans about her having been with either a Romulan or a Vulcan. And each time her fingers stroked his ear, she felt his hands squeeze her ass. "A Vulcan female, actually." she told him. "I taught her the pleasures of being with another woman."

Lenara continued touching his ear like this for a little while longer before she stopped and stroked her fingers along the line of his jaw. "It's nice to know what brings you pleasure the most." she told him softly. "I like knowing what brings my lovers the most pleasure."
Rotel was pleasantly surprised when Lenara confessed to having been with a Vulcan female. This is where she learned how sensitive the ears of Vulcans and Romulans were. While not the extent of the Ferengi. The Vulcans and Romulans got quite a bit of pleasure from their ears. It was something the Vulcans kept to themselves and didn't share with outsiders. Well, most Vulcans anyway. Lenara was lucky enough to find a Vulcan who did share such intimate details. Though, Rotel would have gladly let Lenara know about this. But, since she knew, they could continue on without delay. Lenara's confession about the Vulcan female was only one surprise she had for him. She also spoke of how nice it was to know what brought him pleasure. It was clear, Lenara would be holding nothing back. Rotel had expected Lenara to be a little uneasy about being with a Romulan. After all, the Romulans and the Federation hadn't always gotten long. Their treaty may have held up longer then anyone expected, but there was a lot of distrust between the two powers. Lenara also surprised Rotel by saying he was one of her lovers. This was far more then Rotel had expected. He thought she maybe using that word loosely where he was concerned. Rotel didn't think she really meant what she was saying.

" Touching you brings me pleasure........Having you touch me also brings on pleasure. " Rotel spoke softly, still enjoying the feel of Lenara's ass in his hands. " I must admit......I love knowing you enjoy sex with other females.........I find it very exciting. " Rotel added, his eyes looking deeply into those sexy eyes of Lenara's. " I must also admit......I never expected to hear you call me a lover........Perhaps you misspoke?......Getting caught up in the heat of the moment? " Rotel asked. He couldn't help but wonder if Lenara was just playing around. Caught up in what they were doing, or whether she really wanted him as a lover. Rotel would gladly become a lover to Lenara, if that's what she wanted? If Lenara could look passed the mistrust she felt for the Romulans, and take Rotel as a lover. Then maybe it was possible for a lasting peace to bring the Federation and Romulans into a era of friendship.
Lenara was finding that her time spent with Rotel was quite enjoyable. The Romulan was quite amusing at times and he was nice. She was aware that like many others, she had grouped all Romulans into one group due to the actions of a few and she shouldn't do such a thing because it was judgmental and bias, something that she hated others doing to her because of what she was. This was part of the reason why she accepted Rotels request. She was taking the chance to get to know someone from a race whom she had been carrying negative feelings about and to create a new opinion of them. Rotel was certainly changing her opinion of Romulans.

After she spoke, he told her that touching her and having her touch him in return brought pleasure before he admitted that he loved knowing she enjoyed sex with other females and that he found it exciting. This made her smile gently while gazing up at him. However, he also spoke of thinking she had misspoke and perhaps gotten caught up in the heat of the moment. This made her look curiously at Rotel. "I rarely misspeak, Rotel." she told him. "I am very selective of those I offer my body to and those that I do, I consider to be my lovers." She slowly pulled back from him a bit but didn't removed herself from his arms. "I will admit that I do not have the best history with Romulans, but I would like to think that you are one of those who are the turning point in that. Those that I consider a lover, I have hopes to spend more time with. But if you wish this to be a one time thing, I shall retract my statement and that is all this shall be." She was giving Rotel the choice to make this a one night stand, as humans called it, or to have more possible intimate moments with her in the future.
Rotel respected honesty between those who could end up in a relationship. He wasn't sure what type of relationship he could have with Lenara, but he would take whatever she was willing to give. Lenara spoke of not having the best history with Romulans. This didn't surprise Rotel. He was well aware of the tactics his government used against the Federation over the years. Warbirds slipping over the neutral zone and attacking Starships without warning or cause. Just to test the might of Starfleet. Back when Lenara was serving on the USS Farragut, before the recent conflict between the Federation and the Klingons. The Farragut had been on patrol of the neutral zone. They were jumped by a Romulan B-Type Warbird. There was a short battle between the two ships. The Farragut suffered some damage, but did fight off the larger warship. The victory was mostly due to Lenara's skills at the tactical station. She studied the designs of the B-Type Warbird. She knew it was a huge ship, when compared to most starships. However, like many Romulan ships, there was one area where even this massive ship was weak. Lenara knew it could be attacked from behind, with ease. It was a similar tactic as the one she and Kyle used against Jamran. The warbird had few offensive weapons in it's aft section. The Farragut was able to do major damage once she swung around and attacked from the rear. This forced the Romulans to cloak and run for home.

Lenara made herself very clear by the time she was finished. Rotel understood the reasons why she called him, one of her lovers. He respected how straight forward she was being with him. " This may sound funny coming from a Romulan.......Given the reputation we have......And that reputation is well deserved in many cases........But I do respect your honesty........And I would like to be your lover........I'll gladly take whatever relationship we could have........My ship will be moving out once this conference is over........Our fleet is to be fighting along side the Federation 4th fleet......Which is why your Captain West was asked to attend this conference......Our fleets will be fighting side by side from now on. " Rotel not only spoke of what he wanted with Lenara. He also shared with her some news she didn't know. The Romulans had been fighting along side certain only Federation fleets, but so far, the 4th fleet had fought alone. That would change once the conference was over. This also meant, Lenara would see more of Rotel.
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