Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Lenara brought herself to her orgasm, her gasps moans and other sounds of pleasure filling her quarters before she cried out in pleasure as she came. After she came upon her fingers, she rested there upon the couch. She caught her breath and finally opened her eyes to look up at Tom, seeing that he was stroking his cock. She bit her bottom lip while watching him. Her hand upon her breast was still playing with her nipple lazily. After a bit, Tom spoke up and told her that it was very hot to watch her touch herself and cum. He then told her to turn around so he could see her ass so he could fuck her from behind. This made Lenara nod before she pushed herself up, turning over so she was kneeling upon the couch and she leaned forward so he could see her firm, round ass. With her bent over, Tom could see both her ass and her wet pussy.

She looked back at him from over her shoulder as he moved closer to her. She felt him rub the head of his cock against her pussy, making her whimper eagerly as he picked up some of her wetness. He then positioned his cock at her ass and then began pressing into her, making her groan. Once the head of his cock was inside of her, the rest of his cock slipped deep inside of her easily until his balls touched her soaked pussy lips and she arched her back a little while moaning. As his cock pulled back and then pushed into her harder, she made a soft sound of enjoyment. But Tom was just getting started. She felt him grab onto her hips and then he began thrusting into her. The woman moaned and gripped the back of the couch tightly in her hands. "Yes." she moaned. "Fuck me Tom. Please."
Tom continued fucking Lenara's ass. His thrusts were powerful. He even playfully slapped her ass several times. Letting her know, who was in charge. Tom finally came about 15 minutes later. Filling Lenara with a hot flood of his cum. Tom showed off his stamina during their time together. There was a short break, where Tom & Lenara laid together on the couch. They talked a bit more, before having one more round of sex. Tom took Lenara's pussy this time. They fucked like rabbits on her couch. Lenara's couch got more action then her bed did. Tom ended the evening by cumming and filling Lenara's pussy. Each of her holes had a health load of cum, thanks to Tom. The evening ended when Tom left Lenara's quarters. He left her very satisfied. Tom had become Lenara's newest lover, one she would always enjoy. There were others to be added. Lenara had a date set for the following evening. This was something new for Lenara. She'd done some entertaining her quarters before, but those weren't dates as one would call them. She would be attending the double feature in the mess hall with Lieutenant Doctor Shelby Jensen.

The Protector reached Starbase 133 the following day. The reports from the mysterious battle with the Romulan ship from the future, had been transmitted ahead of the ship's arrival. As expected, Kyle was ready when he was called to Admiral Coburn's office. The admiral had some questions about the reports sent in by Kyle & Lenara. The incident they wrote about was remarkable to say the least. Lenara wasn't asked to join because as Captain, it was Kyle's responsibly to speak for the actions taken. The Protector was his ship, under his command. Kyle had been in tougher positions before. He knew this meeting was just to cover all the bases. Admiral Coburn couldn't file the reports until he had a face to face meeting with Captain West. Kyle was more then ready for all the questions he was asked. Though not a politician, Kyle masterfully spun the entire incident into one hell of a story. It was a strange tale to be sure, but not completely unheard of. Admiral Coburn said Kyle and his crew were to be commended for their actions. The subject of Robin Devlin was brought up. Kyle had her write up a report on what happened to her. Thanks to Lenara's quick thinking in sickbay. Robin was led to believe she was wrong when she first beamed aboard the Protector. Instead of four Romulans, there were only three. Lenara, Tom & T'Pren were those Romulans. Robin admitted to being confused when she was beamed. So she really didn't know how many Romulans there were.

Kyle told Admiral Coburn, Robin wished to stay aboard the Protector. Since she was doing so well adapting to the 24th century. Her status in Starfleet and posting on the Protector was approved. The meeting ended when Kyle was told a new mission would be coming his way soon. Kyle spoke of his wish to go pick up his science officer on Vulcan. Admiral Coburn agreed to this, but after Kyle and the Protector visited Romulus. Kyle was stunned when he heard where he was going. Admiral Coburn said Kyle would be representing the Federation during strategic war talks with the Romulans. This wasn't the mission Kyle was expecting. Kyle would sooner take the Protector and assault Cardassia Prime, then visit Romulus. However, he had no choice in the matter. Kyle spoke of his troubled past with the Romulans. This Admiral Coburn and Starfleet knew about, but Kyle was one of the best strategic minds in the Federation. He planned an won several battles during the war with the Dominion. Kyle left the admiral's office. He knew Lenara would be just as thrilled as he was to visit Romulus. Though, Lenara would have little to do on this mission. As would the rest of the crew. Only Kyle would be busy during this mission.

Once back aboard the Protector. Kyle called for a meeting of the senior staff. Everyone gathered in the briefing room. Kyle dropped a bomb when telling the staff they were going to Romulus. Everyone sat there with their mouths hanging open. The Romulans were allies, but no one was expecting they'd be going to their home world. Kyle said the mission was pretty much his and the crew was just going alone for the ride. He spoke of being busy with meetings during this mission. Because of this, Lenara would be taking over day to day operations of the ship. She would be acting captain while he would be meeting with the Romulans. Kyle had some good news, which would be helpful to Lenara. He said Robin's posting on the ship had been approved. Kyle then made her second officer and operations officer. She would be taking on more of Lenara's older duties. Tom had been the second officer, but he never enjoyed his time in command. All he ever wanted was to be a chief engineer on a starship. Tom got that, and he was happy with his position. He was glad to become third officer. The meeting ended with Kyle telling Lieutenant Simms to set course for Romulus. The Protector left Starbase 133 shortly afterwards. It would take several days before they reached Romulus. Normally, Lenara would be swamped with duty. Taking on the captain's workload would have made it difficult for Lenara to have any free time. But, having Robin join the active duty roster, would help. Though she was still new, she was learning rather quickly. Kyle felt she could do with some on the job training. Robin would take over as operations officer from Lenara. She would also be acting as Lenara's first officer, while Kyle was busy. For the time being. Lenara would remain as chief of security and chief tactical officer. Her skills at tactical wouldn't be needed on this mission. She would be spending her time commanding the ship. This meant Tala and others would get more time at the tactical station.
The way that Tom fucked her ass felt great to Lenara as he thrust hard and fast into her, filling her tight ass over and over again. When he slapped her ass, the woman squealed loudly before groaning as he thrust again and again. Eventually he filled her ass with a load of his cum. Lenara was pretty impressed with Toms stamina. He fucked her into two orgasms just while fucking her ass. When she came the second time, he finally filled her ass with his release. After this, they took a moment to relax upon the couch in each others arms. The two talked a bit before once again fucking each other. This time he fucked her pussy. By now she was so wet that his cock slid right in without any trouble. She was dripping wet, hot and tight. He added to the wetness of her pussy by dumping another load of cum into it. The night finally ended when Tom left Lenara's quarters. She was very sated and sleepy, actually falling asleep upon the couch with a small smile on her lips. Lenara had greatly enjoyed that evening and she was looking forward to the next day.

The next day, Lenara was told that Kyle had to meet with Admiral Coburn, so she was left in charge while he was off the ship. It wasn't the first time that she'd been left in charge of things and she'd proven herself more then able in the past. When he finally returned, he called a meeting for the senior staff and Lenara joined him in the briefing room. She moved to her usual seat and watched as the last of the senior staff filed in over the next couple of minutes. Once they were all in the briefing room, Kyle then dropped the bomb about them going to Romulus. This caused everything in the office to go still and most of them sat with their mouths hanging open. Lenara gazed at her captain with a slightly stern look on her face, her lips pressed firmly together as she sat there listening to him. She knew that they were currently allies with the Romulans because of the war, but she still didn't like them. They were snakes in the grass and she didn't trust them at all.

Other then that, Kyle also broke the news about Robin staying on board, becoming Lenara's first officer and Kyle's second. This would make Tom the third officer. Lenara knew that Tom hadn't wanted to be in command. They had talked briefly about it the night before while they got to know each other. He told her about how all he wanted to do was be a chief engineer. When the meeting ended, Kyle had told Lieutenant Simms to set a course for Romulus and the Protector left shortly afterwards. The changing of duties would take some getting used to for Lenara, the woman having gotten used to the fast paced and high volume workload that she had been taking care of since joining the Protector. She would help Robin learn the ship and the mornerized things about it while getting her settled into the role as second officer.
With Robin becoming second officer, this would lighten Lenara's workload. She would still have plenty to do by being first officer. Though, for the week they were at Romulus, she would be acting captain and doing Kyle's work. Robin would be doing Lenara's work. This would be good for her. It would help her catch up faster. A little the job training would be good for her. Once they were done on this mission. Things would return to normal. Having Robin on board would give Lenara more time to socialize with her friends and lovers. Giving Lenara the chance to expand her circle of lovers. There were still some people she wanted to add. Next on her list was Shelby Jensen. She was one of the doctors serving on the Protector. Her current rank was lieutenant. They'd planned on seeing the double feature movies in the mess hall. Kyle had started showing movies in the mess hall when the war began. This was something Lenara hadn't taken part in before, but she was more open and more sociable these days. It may seem odd to run movies when people could just go to one of the holodecks. However, Kyle felt the crew would enjoy sitting and watching movies together. He was promoting comradery among the crew and it worked. People enjoyed coming and watching the movies.

Lenara picked Shelby up at her quarters. The two women then headed for the mess hall. Shelby had been looking forward to this date with Lenara. Since she joined the ship, Shelby was very attracted to Lenara. But, she didn't have the courage to approach her first officer for a date. Not until Lenara became friendlier. Doctor Boyd encouraged Shelby to act on her desire and ask Lenara for a date. Part of Shelby thought Lenara would say no, but she was very happy when Lenara agreed. Shelby was holding Lenara's arm as they walked along. Her body very close to Lenara's. Shelby wanted Lenara to know how sexually open she was. And how she wanted to be with Lenara. As the women walked along, they got to know each other better. It turned out that Shelby loved kayaking. This was something Lenara got into doing when she was visited Deep Space Nine. Chief O'Brien had given Lenara a copy of his holoprogram. She'd been waiting for the chance to enjoy that program again.
With the new second officer in place, Lenara's workload would be split by half as Robin took over the extra duties that Lenara had been performing for so long. Lenara trained Robin and brought her up to date on many things, teaching her on the job. As she taught Robin, the two got to know each other a little more and they would continue to do so while Robin trained. When they were at Romulus, Lenara would be taking over in the role of Captain while Robin would be the first officer. It was already believed that Lenara would one day become a fine captain, having already proven she can handle the stress when she was placed in charge of multiple ships since joining Kyle's crew. Perhaps she would, but for now she was satisfied as his first officer.

On the night of her date with Shelby, Lenara cleaned herself up a bit before getting dressed and she head down to Shelby's quarters before they head for the mess hall where they were going to be showing the movies. With Shelby walking at her side, Lenara felt her holding onto her arm and she gently smiled at the woman as they talked and walked together. They were taking their time, but moving fast enough so that they wouldn't miss the start of the movie. Lenara quickly got the hind that Shelby was interested in her. When Shelby told her that she loved kayaking, Lenara looked at her in surprise before smiling at her. "I happen to enjoy kayaking as well." she told Shelby. "Chief O'Brien of Deep Space Nine, actually introduced me to a kayaking holoprogram of his and he sent a copy of it along with me. Perhaps you can join me for a kayaking session." she suggested.
Shelby was glad to find out, she and Lenara had something in common. Kayaking was something Shelby loved doing. She'd been doing as she was a young girl. Shelby grew up in Colorado and learned how to kayak from her grandfather. Her eyes sparkled when Lenara spoke of having a holoprogram and asked Shelby to join her. This made the pretty doctor smile brightly. " I'd love to go kayaking with you........Since we're spending a week at Romulus.......I guess we'll have the time for an adventure on one of the holodecks. " Shelby spoke before placing a kiss against Lenara's cheek. The doctor had a long time crush on Lenara. She was finally given the chance to enjoy herself and live out more of her crush. Lenara & Shelby entered the mess hall, they quickly found some seats. The place was filling up fast.

" You know.....I have to admit......I was surprised that Captain West thought of showing older movies in the mess hall.......Most captains don't worry about how their crew is entertained during off hours.........As long as their work gets done.......Captain West obviously really cares about the crew.......I guess that's why being posted on the Protector is such a sought after position. " Shelby spoke while looking around. Being one of the doctors serving on the Protector. The well being of the crew was part of her duty. She knew how the crew respected and revered Captain West. They thought he was the best captain in Starfleet. Kyle felt the same about his crew. They were a tough bunch which faced death so many times. A lot of good people had been lost since the war started. You'd be hard pressed to find someone how hadn't lost a loved one. Captain West expected a lot from his crew and he gave them a lot in return. These old movies may seem like nothing special to others, but the crew appreciated the work their captain did in getting the movies.
Kayaking was something that Lenara was still new to, but she enjoyed it enough that she was happy to receive a copy of Chief O'Brien's hologram program about it. After Shelby told her that she loved kayaking, Lenara thought that she might enjoy spending some time in the hologram with her. After inviting her, Shelby smiled brightly at her and said that she'd love to go kayaking with Lenara. And since they would be spending a week at Romulus, they would have time for an adventure on one of the holodecks. When she placed a kiss against her cheek, Lenara smiled at her and told her that they would have to set up a time for the both of them to go to the holodecks to go kayaking together. At the mess hall, they entered and found a pair of seats together, sitting down next to each other.

After sitting down, Shelby told her that she was surprised that Captain West thought of showing older movies in the mess hall since most captains didn't worry about how their crew was entertained during off hours and Lenara nodded in agreement. "Captain West is one of the best men and one of the best Captains I've worked with." she told Shelby. Lenara's reverence and affection for Kyle West was known by most of the crew. She had been willing to sacrifice her life for him. The doctors on the protector knew this very well since her heart had actually stopped beating more then once when they were trying to repair the deadly wound that she'd received in Kyles place. "Captain West is an honorable man who cares very much for his crew and though he expects a lot out of all of us, he never fails to give in return in exchange for all of our hard work." she told Shelby. "I'm honored to be his first officer."
Like so many serving on the Protector. Shelby felt herself lucky to be apart of this crew. Doctor Boyd was one of the finest surgeon Starfleet Medical had. It was an honor working under him. Shelby was also honored to serve with Lenara. In her mind, there was no finer, or harder working first officer in the fleet. This was felt by each member of the Protector crew. There was a sense of pride in a posting on board the Protector. The crew felt they had not only the finest chief surgeon and first officer. They thought their captain and chief engineer were top of the heap as well. Shelby was were she wanted to be. She was even happier now. Having scored a date with Lenara. Since first coming aboard the Protector. Shelby had eyes on the pretty and sexy Lenara. It was a crush which Doctor Boyd fanned the flames of. Edwin was a believer in open relationships. After Lenara started exploring this area. He encouraged her to take on more lovers. Doctor Boyd helped her by urging certain people to approach the first officer. So far, Tom Quinn & Shelby Jensen had taken the doctor's advice. Both were people Lenara had her eyes on anyway.

Shelby held hands with Lenara throughout the double feature. The first movie was the 1941 classic, the Maltese Falcon. An enjoyable crime drama starring Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor. The second movie was another classic, the Bride of Frankenstein, starring Colin Clive & Boris Karloff as the mad doctor and the monster he created. Shelby thought the Bride of Frankenstein was a sad, yet romantic tale. Both movies were entertaining. Once the movies were over. Shelby & Lenara left the mess hall, holding each others arm. The two women returned to Shelby's quarters for a few drinks and a chance to become closer. Shelby opened a bottle of brandy. The two women then settled on the couch. They talked for a bit, enjoying their drinks and their conversation. Shelby confessed to her long time crush on Lenara. She spoke of always being so turned on, whenever Lenara was around. " You have such a sexy body........I've always wanted to see you naked......I've always wanted to give you your annual physical. " Shelby admitted her secret thoughts to Lenara. This was something she hadn't even told Doctor Boyd.
Lenara was proud and honored to be serving aboard the Protector and even more so as its first officer. She was working with some of the best that Starfleet had to offer and many believed that she was one of those best and brightest that had come from Starfleet Academy. If it wasn't for the fine men and women working with Doctor Boyd, Lenara might not even be there at that moment. So Lenara had much to thank not just the medical crew for, but Doctor Boyd himself as well as he urged her to live a more open and sexually free lifestyle by taking on multiple lovers, which she gladly did these days.

During the movies that they watched, Shelby held hands with Lenara, the first officer glancing down when Shelby grasped her hand before looking back up at the screen as the first movie came on. It was an old classic, a crime drama from the 1940's. It was a pretty good movie from its time, as was the next movie. It was a sad but dramatic romance, Bride of Frankenstein. Lenara agreed that it was romantic in a way. Once the movies were over, the two of them left the mess hall with their arms linked and they retired to Shelby's quarters for a drink or two and to talk, perhaps more. In her quarters, Shelby opened and poured them drinks of brandy before they settled upon the couch together. It was there that they enjoyed their drinks and some nice conversation before Shelby finally confessed to having a long time crush on Lenara. When the woman told Lenara that she'd always wanted to see Lenara naked and to give her, her annual physical. This made Lenara chuckle softly. "Well, I think Doctor Boyd has my annual physicals all booked up. But I think he might be persuaded to let you perform one of them instead." she playfully told. "Perhaps you can practice tonight." Lenara said this with a small grin on her face.
Shelby knew how amorous Doctor Boyd could be. He didn't hide his feelings for an open sexual lifestyle. The doctor encouraged his patents to take part and enjoy such activity. Not everyone followed the doctor's advice, but that was their choice to make. Everyone was free to make up there own minds. Quite a few of the crew, from officers to enlisted personnel had become sexually free. They enjoyed an open lifestyle. Shelby was one of those who followed Doctor Boyd's advice. She'd been involved with several other officers on the Protector. The one she wanted most, was Lenara. This seemed like forbidden fruit since Lenara was the ship's first officer. It always seemed that way to a junior officer. When getting sexually involved with someone higher up in rank. This was something Lenara knew well. First when she got involved with Kyle, then later when she took Admirals Price & Akaar as lovers. The two men who'd become father figures for her. They were now her lovers.

Shelby smiled when Lenara spoke of Doctor Boyd and how he might let her do one of Lenara's physicals. Doctor Boyd had done all of Lenara's physicals. Since she first joined the crew and he made her cum in sickbay. She knew Edwin would be happy to let Shelby do the next physical Lenara was scheduled for. This was something Shelby would ask about. However, Lenara spoke of Shelby getting in some practice. This made the smile grow wider on the lieutenant's face. People often said, Shelby had the type of smile which lit up a room. She was beaming at the suggestion made by Lenara. Shelby moved closer to where Lenara sat. She leaned in and began softly kissing Lenara on her lips. " I would need to properly check over your body........Your breasts......Your pussy and your ass. " Shelby spoke in a soft tone, in between the soft kisses she shared with Lenara. Her left hand began moving over Lenara's body. Brushing over her breasts, then moving up and slipping behind Lenara's neck. The two kiss shared by the two women, became much deeper and spoke of the hunger each had for the other.
Lenara was pretty confidant that many people on board the Protector knew of how amorous Doctor Boyd could be and she appreciated him for it too. It was thanks to him that she'd become so open to having different lovers. And becoming open to the same way of thinking that Doctor Boyd had, she's made many new friends and lovers, all of whom cared and respected Lenara in many different ways. Boyd had gotten a good number of the crew to become more sexually free and they were all much happier thanks to it. She certainly was much happier since becoming much more open to others. The nervousness that one might feel when approaching someone of a higher rank was not unknown to Leanra as she'd been a bit nervous about approaching Admiral Price and Akaar, but she didn't regret approaching them and offering her body to them in thanks for all they've done for her in the past.

After she spoke of Doctor Boyd having all her physicals booked up and that he might be persuaded to let Shelby do one, Lenara grinned at the other woman. Since she had joined the Protector, Doctor Boyd was the only person who has done her physicals. But she wouldn't mind letting Shelby perform one of them. She saw the smile upon Shelby's face grow wider and she returned the smile as Shelby moved closer to her, leaning in and she softly kissed Lenara on the lips and Lenara returned it while listening to Shelby talk about how she would need to properly check over her body. The two women kissed each other while Shelby began touching Lenara. In return, Lenara raised her hands and rested them upon Shelby's hips. She felt Shelby's hand move over her body, touching her breasts before slipping behind Lenara's neck. "And would you like me to undress for you doctor?" she playfully asked while her hands slipped further back and grasped Shelby's ass firmly in her hands, pulling her closer to her.
Shelby loved how Lenara's hands felt on her ass. She let out a deep moan into the kiss. Feeling Lenara's strong hand squeeze her fine looking ass. This is just how she imagined being with Lenara would be. Shelby knew of the genetic enhancements Lenara was born with. She was eager to feel how strong the sexy first officer was. Lenara was strong enough to force Shelby down and just take her. Hell, Lenara was strong enough to do that against most males. She was perhaps the strongest person on the Protector. Shelby enjoyed the kiss she shared with Lenara. It was something she dreamed of doing. Just kissing the sexy first officer for a few moments. The kiss then broke. Shelby looked at Lenara with lustful eyes. The last words spoken by Lenara playing through her mind. Seeing Lenara naked was something Shelby had wanted to see for a very long time. She never had the chance to see her with clothing on. Most of the time, she saw Lenara in her uniform. However, there were a few times when she did see Lenara wearing something else, but that wasn't the same as seeing her naked.

Shelby let the hand holding the back of Lenara's neck, to sip around front. Her fingers slowly caressing along her jawline. " You should get naked for me.......I can't do a proper exam with your clothing on. " Shelby spoke with a seductive tone in her voice. She gazed upon Lenara while wearing a sly smile. " Strip for me Lenara......Then sit on the couch with your legs spread open........I want to see your pussy.......I want to test your body's reaction to pleasure. " Shelby spoke in a similar manner, as Doctor Boyd did when he first made Lenara cum in sickbay. Lenara would remember how Doctor Boyd used his skillful fingers to make her cum. He'd done the same things to other willing women on the ship. Shelby had been one of those women. Now she planned on using the same tactic on Lenara. Shelby rose and stripped off her own dress. She quickly removed her panties, then sat down and waited for Lenara to join her on the couch.
Lenara heard the deep moan that her touch drew from Shelby and she smiled into their kiss, her hands gripping and squeezing her ass firmly in her hands. Everyone was aware of how strong the woman was. Several others had seen how she easily manhandled those Romulans some months back and she had easily gone head to head with Vox during his Pon Farr. If she had less morals, she could easily use her strength and abilities like her fathers people had for bad things. She was fortunately more like her mother mentally and emotionally, so she didn't dare to act like that unless it was in a playful manner with her lovers in private. Occasionally she did do this, more often with her female lovers then with her male lovers, though it did happen once in a while.

When Shelby released the back of Lenara's neck and brought it forward to caress her jawline, Lenara smiled up at her as the woman suggested Lenara to get naked for her as she couldn't do a proper exam with her dressed and she chuckled as Shelby suggested she strip for her. She told Lenara that she wanted to test her bodies reaction to pleasure. This was similar to what Doctor Boyd did the first time he did an exam on her. When she thought about that first exam with him, she could still remember how he had made her feel that first time. He had been one of the few men she allowed to touch her so intimately before she'd lost her virginity to Kyle. After Shelby moved, Lenara stood up and began to undress. She had been dressed in a pair of simple pants and a casual but nice top. Lenara peeled off her top and slipped out of her pants after toeing off her shoes, leaving her in her matching white lace bra and panties. These both also came off quickly, leaving Lenara standing there naked. Her nipples were already hardening and she was beginning to get wet. With all of her clothes off, she returned to the couch and sat down, leaning back and she spread her long legs for Shelby, exposing her pussy to the other woman.
Shelby sat back, relaxing into the couch as Lenara started taking off her clothes. Lenara was a great looking and sexy woman. Whether she was dressed or not. Lenara did dress to show off her body these days. Even with something as simple as pants and a top. Lenara made sure her clothing was sexy and fit her perfectly. Shelby watched as Lenara removed her top, took off her shoes, then slipped out of her panties. Lenara was left in her white bra and panties. God, what a beautiful sight she was. Though, with her pale skin, Lenara should have gone with something darker. Black, red or blue would have looked even better on her. Still, Lenara looked so sexy no matter what she was wearing. Shelby smiled as Lenara stripped for her. She could feel her pussy become very wet, and Shelby was just looking at Lenara. This was all like a dream, but it was oh so real. Shelby would finally take her place as one of Lenara's lovers. It was like getting picked to be apart of a special team, and made those who were chosen, very proud.

Shelby bit her lower lip when Lenara removed her bra and panties. Because of her genetics, Lenara was truly the perfect woman. There were no flaws on her body. No marks, no blemishes. Nothing expect her prefect milky white skin. Shelby was ready for things to begin. Lenara moved over to the couch, sat down and spread her legs open. Shelby was struck with how pretty Lenara's pussy looked. So pink, and so full of life. Shelby moved closer, to get a better look and to touch what she dreamed of. " You have such a pretty pussy Lenara.......I can see how open you are......Your pussy is like a flower ready to be filled with something hard. " Shelby spoke in a seductive tone in her voice. She reached out with her left hand and started caressing her fingers over Lenara's tender folds of skin. " As a doctor I can tell you enjoy sex.......I'll bet you really enjoy when Doctor Boyd sticks his cock into your hot pussy and fucks you like a slut. " Shelby continued. Her fingers moving over Lenara's pussy lips. She then found her clit and started teasing it. Letting her thumb glide over the nub. " Your pussy is becoming hotter and wetter as I play with you........That's a great sign......You're very healthy and very sexy. " Shelby added as her smile grew wider.
Lenara had slowly stripped out of her clothing for Shelby after the woman sat back, relaxing and watching Lenara expose her fit, curvy body. Before joining the Protector, Lenara didn't purposely dress to show off her sexy body unless she had been with Jadzia or one of her other female lovers. But after joining and becoming intimate with Kyle and then shortly after several others, she began to dress in a way that purposely showed off her body. Her uniforms had become just a little more form fitting, hugging all of her curves. As she removed her clothes, she did it slowly in order to tease Shelby as the doctor looked on. Lenara normally wore darker colored underclothes, something her other lovers knew perfectly well, but tonight she had worn a light colored top and her darker colored bra would of easily been seen through it. Next time she would wear something dark for Shelby.

After sitting down and she spread her legs, her long fit legs parting and giving Shelby access to her tight pussy. She had a small patch of pubic hair above her pussy, the black hairs carefully trimmed and groomed. Her pussy was smooth and slightly swollen from her arousal, the lips of her pussy a pretty pink color. Lenara watched Shelby move closer to her and she smiled gently at her as Shelby complimented her on what her pussy looked like, chuckling when Shelby mentioned how it looked like a flower ready to be filled by something hard. Shelby was rather correct about her pussy being ready to be filled. Lenara was always ready for a hot, hard cock to fill any and all her holes. As Shelby's fingers began to caress her folds, a soft gasp and moan spilt past her parted lips, her tongue darting out and licking her bottom lip. She slowly nodded after Shelby mentioned her enjoying when Doctor Boyd stuck his cock inside of her and fucked her like a slut. "Yes." she breathed. "And the harder, the better. I love it when he dominates me and fucks me like I belonged to him." Her words trailed off as she mewled with pleasure as Shelby found her clit and began to stroke her thumb over it.

Lenara's cheeks began to redden as her arousal grew, soft moans filling the air between the two women as Shelby began Lenara's 'exam'. Her nipples were hard and her body becoming more relaxed, causing her legs to fall further open and her head fell back against the pillows of the couch as her body responded wonderfully to Shelby's touch.
Shelby looked up at Lenara as she spoke of Doctor Boyd. Lenara spoke of how she loved the way Edwin dominated her and fucked her like she belonged to him. This was something Shelby understood. Doctor Boyd loved dominating the women he fucked. It was something he was damn good at. Lenara was just one of those who enjoyed time with the good doctor. Tala, Shelby, Erica, T'Pren and Lesley all loved being dominated by Edwin. He knew how to control his subjects. It was clear just how much Lenara loved what he did with her. How Edwin made her feel like a cheap whore when he fucked her. The signs were all there. In Lenara's voice when she spoke of him. Her pussy was getting wetter by the second. Shelby's touch only added to her pussy becoming wet.

" I'm sure he make you scream with pleasure......Ramming that big cock into your tight pussy. " Shelby continued using a seductive tone while speaking. Using dirty words to heighten Lenara's building pleasure. Her fingers kept gently caressing over Lenara's pussy lips. The thumb of her hand began rubbing at the swollen clit. Shelby loved watching how Lenara reacted to the pleasure she was getting. Her pussy was almost dripping with juice. Shelby then lowered her head. Moving between Lenara's wide open legs. While still stroking Lenara's tender folds, Shelby replaced her thumb with her tongue. She started licking at the swollen clit which begged to be teased. Shelby then slipped two fingers into the waiting hole. Though they weren't as large as a cock, they would help Lenara along to her release.
Lenara did love the way Doctor Boyd dominated her. There were the occasions when he would hold her arms down and fuck her. Sure, they body were well aware of the fact that Lenara could easily over power the doctor, but she loved the feeling of him pinning her down and fucking her hard. One time he did this when she had just stopped into the sickbay to speak with him about something. What it was, she couldn't even remember anymore. But he had initiated things and they moved to one of the private rooms where he quickly had her on the bed. Luckily they had both just gotten off their shift, so they weren't expected anywhere at the time.

As Shelby spoke about Edwin making her scream with pleasure by ramming his cock into her tight pussy, Lenara moaned throatily with a nod. "Yes." she moaned. Her pussy was getting wetter by the second as Shelby spoke and touched Lenara's pussy, her fingers caressing her folds while her thumb began rubbing her sensitive clit. However, Shelby soon began to lower herself, moving down between Lenara's wide open legs and when she replaced her finger with her tongue, Lenara jerked slightly with a gasp and a moan as Shelby began licking at her swollen clit. Next Lenara felt her slipping two of her fingers into her hot, tight hole. Right away, her pussy tightened around them like it would a cock and she moaned again.

Lenara gripped the edge of the couch in her hands while she began to breath heavier, her moans coming more frequently with her growing arousal. She was so sexy like this, wrapped up in her arousal and sitting there with her body exposed so wantonly. There was rarely a time when Lenara looked so exposed and open to others then when she was in the middle of sex. When she was having sex, all of her was relaxed and her walls were completely down. It was one reason why her lovers enjoyed being with her. It was one of the few times that they got to see her completely off her guard. This was because she was with someone she trusted enough to not be on her guard. She shuddered as her first orgasm began to approach and she bit her lip while her back began to arch a little and her hips started to rock into Shelby's ministrations. When it finally washed over her, Lenara's body shook harder and she gave a soft cry of pleasure as she came around Shelby's fingers. This wasn't a strong orgasm, but more of a taste of what was to come as the night progressed.
Because of her genetics. Lenara was capable of over powering everyone on the Protector. She was five times stronger then a normal human. Lenara's strength was equal to that of Vulcans, Klingons and Romulans. This was a fact certain Romulans found out when they picked a fight with Lenara in a bar sometime ago. The fight started out with Lenara tossing the Romulans around. She didn't need any help until they all jumped on her. This brought in Tala, Lesley and the rest who were with Lenara at the time. It broke down into an all out brawl between the crew members of the Protector and several Romulan officers. The fight did end badly for the Romulans. The Protector crew was a determent bunch. And despite most of them being out powered by the Romulans. The fight was won by the Starfleet Officers. Each of those involved with the fight were punished, but they served their time with pride.

Shelby was aware of the strength Lenara had. She heard how Lenara was involved with several tests of strength while she and the captain were on that mission with the Klingon crew. Lenara showed herself to be a match for every male Klingon on that ship. Much to the delight of the Klingon women. Lenara opened herself to her lovers. She didn't need to be the first officer with them. She didn't need to be anything but a woman who enjoyed sex with those close to her. Lenara was capable of over powering anyone and having her way with them. That wasn't really Lenara's style. Not the Lenara from this universe anyway. Another, more darker version of Lenara would do such things. This version of Lenara, did enjoy having control over certain people, but also loved being under control by someone else. Despite her strength, it was a turn for her to be dominated and seemingly powerless in someone else's hands.

Shelby kept working as Lenara's orgasm was building. The young doctor showed her skills as a lover. Proving that Lenara was right to want her. Shelby's fingers moved quickly in and out of Lenara's dripping hole. Her tongue dancing over the swollen clit. Shelby then began sucking it, like it was a tiny cock. Still working her tongue along the nub. Shelby continued the action, as Lenara's body started enjoying the first orgasm. She never stopped, allowing the climax to run a little longer. Shelby then pulled back, just enough for Lenara to see the shine around her mouth. This was the sweet juice which came from Lenara's pussy. Shelby wore it with pride. There was a surprise waiting for Lenara, since their night was just getting started. They were in Shelby's quarters and she stashed a little surprise under the couch. Shelby leaned over and reached her hand under the couch. What she pulled out was hardly little by any means of the word. It was a huge black rubber strap on cock. " I replicated this just for you. " Shelby spoke while showing off the giant toy. It was 12 inches long and 2 inches thick. " I'm going to fuck you like a dirty slut........But you get to decide which hole gets the abuse from this magnificent toy. " Shelby spoke with a sinister smile playing over her face. She slowly worked her right hand over the huge tool. In a teasing manner.
Lenara was a powerhouse of strength when compared to the others on the Protector. Her strength could only be matched by other non-humans such as Vulcans, Klingons and Romulans. This was known to both people on the Protector and a couple of Romulans themselves when they picked a fight with the Protectors First Officer at a very bad time. She had been able to throw them around like a dog did a chew toy and even when they ganged up on her, she still beat them down. In fact, it had taken a team of Starfleet officers to merely restrain her. If they hadn't, she probably would of beaten the one Romulan to death with her own bare hands. This was something she was glad she'd been kept from doing. Lenara didn't boast about her strength like some did. She preferred that others focused on other things about her. Such as her academic achievements and her achievements as an officer.

However, she did enjoy performing the tests of strength with the Klingon crew that she and Captain West had been with during a mission. She had fought a number of male Klingons and bested them. During that mission, she'd earned the respect of a good number of fine Klingon Warriors. Not just with the tests of strength, but also in being able to celebrate with them as they did, as well as from how she hadn't run from a battle. Instead, she said that they would stand and fight despite things not looking to be in their favor. She had been told that she had the heart of a Klingon beating behind her breasts. This was something she appreciated being told.

As Lenara's orgasm washed over her, she moaned and shivered upon the couch, feeling Shelby's fingers moving in and out of her tight, convulsing pussy. She felt her new lover sucking upon her clit as if it were a tiny cock. Shelby continued what she was doing even as Lenara came, drawing out her release a little longer before it began to subside. When it began to, Shelby pulled back and Lenara opened her eyes to look down at the other woman, smiling to herself when she saw the shine around her mouth, evidence of Lenara's release glistening on her skin. Lenara was recovering and her heart beginning to slow back down when Shelby leaned over and reached beneath the couch. Seeing her doing this, Lenara raised an eyebrow, before the other joined it when the other woman held up a huge strap on cock. She told Lenara that she'd replicated it just for the first officer and that she was going to fuck her like a dirty slut, but Lenara got to decide which hole got abused by the toy. "This time. I want it in my pussy." Lenara said, watching as Shelby stroked her hand over the huge tool teasingly while a sinister smiled played over the pretty womans face. Seeing this made Lenara's body shiver with excitement and she shifted on the couch a little. "You can fuck my ass with it the next time." she told Shelby with her own smile.
Shelby listened as Lenara spoke of wanting her pussy fucked. She said Shelby could use the toy on her ass next time. Right now, Lenara wanted that huge black monster cock, using her pussy. This was something Shelby was happy to do. She gave Lenara a nod of her head, keeping that sinister smile on her pretty face. Shelby slowly slipped off the couch. Rising to her feet. Shelby bent over and stepped into the straps. Pulling the fake cock up like a pair of shorts. Shelby then fixed the straps around her body by snapping the ends together. Once the rubber cock was firmly secure on her body. She modeled it by showing Lenara how it looked. It was a perfect replica of a black man's hard cock. Shelby said it was modeled after a member of the Protector crew. Someone Lenara knew and wanted, but hadn't got around to him just yet. As one of the doctors on the ship. Shelby had seen many of the crew naked. One of the men she'd given a physical too, was Lieutenant Jamal Simms.

Shelby had used a tricorder to scan Jamal's cock. She made herself a copy to use on Lenara. It was perfect in almost every way. Sadly, there was no real cum to fill Lenara's pussy. For that, she would need to fuck the real thing. Which Lenara planned on doing. " I know how much you love being taken by big cocks.......So I made this just for you......I will use this on you each time we're together. " Shelby spoke as she slowly worked her hand over the cock. Stroking it as if it were real. She moved back over and climbed on the couch. Shelby moved between Lenara's legs. Pressing the large black head against her opening. Shelby then moved her hips forward. Pushing the large head into Lenara's core. The huge black rubber cock continued to sink into Lenara. Shelby didn't stop until her fake rubber balls touched the cheeks of Lenara's ass. She let Lenara enjoy how full her pussy was. Shelby then drew her cock back a few inches, then she slammed it deep. She began to fuck Lenara hard from the start. Slamming her cock Lenara, abusing her pussy like she was a dirty slut.
Lenara wanted Shelby to stretch and stuff her wet pussy with the toy. She felt her arousal quickly building as she watched quietly as Shelby slipped off the couch and slipped on the toy, pulling the straps up over her hips and securing them around her body by snapping them together. Once it was firmly secure, the women modeled it for Lenara. Seeing her like this made Lenara's eyes light up before she looked up into Shelby's eyes when she said it had been modeled after a member of the Protector crew. This was a little surprising to Lenara but at the same time, she really wanted to know who on the crew had a cock that big that she's not fucked yet. She would have to track him down and add him to her circle of lovers sooner then later.

She was told by Shelby that she knew how much the first officer loved being taken by big cocks, so she had made the toy just for Lenara and she was going to use it on her each time they were together. This made Lenara grin. "I look forward to it." she told Shelby before leaning back on the couch again as Shelby moved back over and onto the couch. Lenara spread her legs for her and Shelby slipped between her legs, pressing the large black head against Lenara's pussy. As she pushed forward, pushing the large head of the cock into Lenara, the woman groaned as her pussy stretched around the huge black cock, the toy sinking deeper and stretching her more as Shelby pushed deeper and deeper until she was buried balls deep into Lenara.

By this time, Lenara was shivering and her pussy was gripping the toy tightly as the woman breathed heavier. She felt so full and her pussy was stretched tight around the toy. A groan of disappointment left Lenara's lips after Shelby began to pull back only to be cut off when she slammed it deeper. When Shelby did this, Lenara threw her head back with a cry of pleasure and her back arched as Shelby began pounding into her pussy, slamming into her like she was a cheap, dirty slut and Lenara gripped the edge of the couch, moaning wantonly for Shelby.
Shelby enjoyed seeing the pleasure written on Lenara's face. She could hear that same pleasure coming from the sounds Lenara made. Those moans, groans, sighs and screams coming from the first officer were impossible to misunderstand. Lenara loved having a huge cock pounding her like some nasty slut. Shelby was using a toy and not a real cock, but the pleasure was the same for Lenara. " This is what Jamal's cock will feel like.......When he fucks you like a dirty whore! " Shelby boldly spoke as her hips slammed that giant took into Lenara's body. She was sure Lenara would be longing for their helm officer after this encounter was over. Jamal was a fine looking young black man. Lenara did have her eyes on him. For sometime as it turned out. He first caught her eye when she came on board. Jamal had been serving on the Protector since the ship launched.

Shelby mustered all the power she could for her thrusts. She wanted to give Lenara a great orgasm. One worthy of the cock she had pounding between her open legs. Shelby continued to speak while ramming her toy home. She spoke of how Jamal had big balls to go with his big cock. She spoke of how he always pumped a massive load of cum into the girls he fucked. All those lucky girls who enjoyed his huge rod. Shelby grunted between moments when she was talking. Her thrusts picked up more speed as time went on. Sweat was forming all over her beautiful body. Running down her chest and back. Shelby was getting a great workout by fucking Lenara. As more and more pleasure filled sounds came from Lenara. Shelby continued to pound her, as one would pound a sex slave.
Lenara loved the pleasure that she was receiving from Shelby as the other woman fucked her with the replicated toy, penetrating Lenara's pussy with the huge cock over and over again, ravaging her willing, wet pussy. She was moaning like some cheap whore while her hips began rocking up and meeting Shelby's, her hands gripping the edge of the couch tightly. Her breasts rose and fell quicker as she moaned, Shelby's hard thrusts making them bounce each time their hips met. When Shelby told her that this was what it would feel like when Jamal fucked her like a dirty whore, Lenara's body shuddered and she bit her bottom lip as her toes began to curl. There was a mix of pleasure and slight discomfort coming from the huge tool ramming into her that just caused the pleasure that she was feeling to get even more intense.

The entire time that Shelby fucked her, she continued speaking of how Jamal had big balls to go with his big cock and how he always delivered a huge load of cum into the girls that he fucked with that big cock. This had Lenara bucking against her. There was a shine of perspiration across Lenara's forehead as she began to sweat as well, her body responding eagerly to the fucking that Shelby was giving her. Finally it was too much for Lenara to take and her body arched off the couch with a loud cry as she came. Her pussy clamped down upon the toy deep inside of her while she writhed upon the couch. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment before she came and it made her head swim a little. The orgasm that washed over her was intense and it made the first officer's body shake with the strength of her release.
Once Lenara had time to enjoy her orgasm, she and Shelby spent the evening continuing to pleasure each other. Making each other cum with their fingers, mouths and that beautiful black toy created by Shelby. She used it just as Lenara had asked. Taking the first officer in her tight ass. Pounding her even harder into another mind blowing orgasm. It wasn't the real thing, but it did a great job bringing Lenara so much enjoyment. Both women were very happy by the end of their evening. Lenara returned to her quarters, feeling very relaxed and ready for what the following days would bring. By the next day. The Protector reached the Romulan border. There they were met by an escort of two Romulan Warbirds. With the captain busy working on what he would be talking about during the meetings. Lenara was in command. She had Mr. Simms following along with the Romulan ships.

Several days later the Protector reached Romulus. Lenara ordered standard orbit, she then had Lieutenant M'Ress inform the captain of their arrival. Besides filling in for Captain West, Lenara had plenty of free time on this mission. So far, Robin Devlin was doing a fine job filling in for Lenara, as her first officer. There was a formal reception being held on Romulus. This was on function Lenara couldn't get out of. She along with Doctor Boyd were expected to attended. Certain other members of the Protector crew were also on the guest list. Others would be working, keeping the ship running. One who was excluded for obvious reasons was Robin Devlin. Kyle didn't want to bring up anymore painful memories for her. She'd already had a rough time because of Jamran and his people. After getting his dress uniform on. Captain West met Lenara outside her quarters. They then went into the turbo lift and headed for transporter room one. Kyle & Lenara reached the transporter room and waited for the others to join them. Tom soon arrived, as did Tala, Jamal, T'Pren and Lesley. For obvious reasons, Lieutenant Getal wasn't on the guest list. The Romulans didn't want a Cardassian on their soil. In the spirit of friendship. Getal happily remained on the Protector. T'Pren would be representing the science department during the affair. Last to arrive in the transporter room was Doctor Boyd. His complaints about the fit of his uniform were heard long before he was seen. This brought laughter and rolling eyes from the others. " The damn person who designed these dress uniforms must have taken part in the Spanish Inquisition. " Doctor Boyd bitched while tugging on the collar of his uniform top. " I'm sure you'll survive Edwin......It's only for a few hours. " Kyle spoke before he and the others all stepped into the transporter pads. Lenara then gave the order to energize. The group was transformed into energy, then transported down to Romulus.
Lenara trembled upon the couch, her body gripping that black toy tightly while her body was in the throws of her release. Finally after it ended, she and Shelby spent the rest of the night pleasuring each other with their hands, mouths and that toy that Shelby had created. Eventually Shelby used it just as Lenara had asked her to. When she took Lenara's ass with it, the room became filled with screams and cries of pleasure as her ass was penetrated by that huge cock. The orgasm that she got from Shelby pounding her ass with it brought Lenara to a mind-blowing orgasm that almost made her faint. By the end of their evening, both women were thoroughly satiated and Lenara left Shelby's quarters with a smile on her face and she returned to her own.

The next day, the Protector reached the Romulan border where they were met by two Romulan Warbirds acting as escort for them the rest of the way to Romulus. Lenara was in command by now since Kyle was busy working on what he would be talking about. Once they reached Romulus, she ordered standard orbit before having West informed of their arrival. Lenara knew that she had plenty of free time on her hands now that Robin was her first officer. There was a function happening on Romulus that Lenara was required to go to. The woman didn't normally complain or make her displeasure known, but this was one of the rare times she did. There were obvious hard feelings within her against the Romulans. Feelings that normally didn't effect her professionally, but after what had happened several months back, she tended to steer clear of Romulans unless she had not other choice. Unfortunately this was one of those times she didn't have a choice.

So after getting dressed into her dress uniform and pulling her hair back from her face and securing it with a hair clasp, she met Captain West outside of her quarters before they both head down to the transporter room one where they waited for the others. They were soon joined by the rest of the group attending the formal reception and of course, before any of them saw Doctor Boyd, they heard him as he complained about the fit of his uniform. This caused them to laugh and Lenara shook her head with a smile as Doctor Boyed entered, complaining and tugging at the collar of his uniform top. Lenara moved close to Edwin and softly murmured in his ear that seeing him in his dress uniform was quite a turn on and she liked how he looked in his uniform. She smiled at him and shifted away from him as they all stepped onto the transporter pads and she gave the order to energize and a moment later, they were transformed into energy and sent down to Romulus.
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