Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Lenara stood back and watched her team work. When Tom smiled and announced he was done, she nodded slightly as he told her that the shields and weapons would build with power until they fried and they whole system would have to be replaced. It would all go down in about a minute. Not to be outdone, T'Pren announced that she'd changed the command codes so that no one would have control over the Warbird. "Good job the both of you." Lenara said with a nod. This was before the ship was rocked and all four of them were sent to the ground. Lenara landed with a soft grunt before she slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position. "That means we need to hurry and get off the ship." she said while getting to her feet. Moving over to T'Pol, she helped her up before all four of them slipped back into the shaft and they began to move, crawling quickly through the shafts while the Warbird rocked over and over again. Eventually they came upon a storage room where they exited the shaft.

Once in the storage room, Lenara sent the signal to the Protector and then waited. It wasn't long before the team was beamed away from Jamran's ship and back to the Protector. However, when they arrived, they weren't alone. A strange woman was transported with them and almost right away, after she saw Tom, she began attacking him, sending the man to his knees. Lenara was momentarily surprised by this, but she quickly moved up behind the woman, grabbing her firmly by the arms and pulling her back away from Tom, restraining the unknown woman so she wouldn't be able to continue attacking Tom. She was able to hold her away from Tom so he could get to his feet. "That's enough." she said firmly before looking at Tom. "Are you alright?" she asked him.
Tom wasn't expect someone to attack him, not on his own ship. But, he also wasn't expect to see an unknown women appear in the transporter chamber. Tom forgot what he looked like. He offered the unknown woman a smile, but was greeted with punches and kicks. The woman knew how to fight and showed it. From he voice, when she was hurling swear words at Tom. The woman was clearly Irish. She let out a scream when grabbed from behind by Lenara. All she could see, were four Romulans, just like the ones who captured her. She was determent to escape from these people. Not wishing to become a slave. " Let me go you Romulan bastards!......I'll not be a prize for your leader! " She screamed out while struggling to break free from Lenara. Tom rose to his feet, shaking his head. He would be okay. Tom let Lenara know with a wave of his hand. The unknown woman really knew how to throw a punch.

T'Pren approached the other woman. She then delivered a Vulcan nerve pinch and put her out. " She's quite a fighter........Any idea where she came from? " T'Pren asked, though she knew Lenara wouldn't have any real answers. The woman's uniform, spoke of her being from the late 23rd century. She was a Starfleet Officer, a Lieutenant Commander. It was decided, they should all go to sickbay. Get their old faces back, and get this visitor some place safe. Once the woman was out, Tom felt safe to approach her. He helped Lenara carry the woman to sickbay. Doctor Boyd was expecting Lenara's team, but he wasn't expect them to bring someone with them. The young woman was laid out on one of the bio-beds. Doctor Boyd then had Doctor Marks attend to her while he worked on Lenara and her team. A short time later, Captain West entered sickbay. Lenara was already done with her surgery and was back to her normal look. She was standing near the bed, where the young woman laid. " Jamran's ship has been destroyed......Hopefully he won't be bothering anyone again. " Kyle spoke as he moved to stand with Lenara. He then spoke of the young woman. Kyle said Getal picked up her bio-sign on Jamran's ship. He then spoke of having her transported at the same time as they were bring Lenara's away team back. Doctor Marks said the young woman would be out for a while. She gave the young woman something to keep her asleep, until they were ready to wake her. " Lenara......Run a check on her........See what you can find out about her from the computer. " Kyle asked, he then said he's been in his ready room when Lenara was done with her research.
Lenara could hear the different emotions in the young womans voice as she struggled against Lenara's grip, the woman screaming after the older woman grabbed her. Even as the girl struggled and screamed at them, Lenara calmly held her firmly in a steady grip. She nodded after Tom waved his hand and she pulled the girl back a little further from the man before T'Pren approached. In seconds, the young woman was unconscious and Lenara had to hold her up while she listened to T'Pren ask about where the girl had come from. "Well, judging from the uniform she is wearing, I'd say.... late 23rd century perhaps." she said.

Once Tom approached the two women, he helped Lenara carry the woman out of the transporter room and to the sickbay. Entering the sickbay, Lenara greeted Doctor Boyd as they entered. They got the woman laid down on one of the bio-beds while she told Boyd that the woman had come through the transport with her and the others. Doctor Boyd then brought Lenara and her team back to work on them while he had his fellow doctor working on the young woman. By the time Captain West joined them, Lenara was already done and standing next to the bed that the young woman was laying in. Lenara was already back to normal and she was absently running her fingers over her brow which had been augmented so she looked like a Romulan, but was now back to normal.

When her captain entered, she lowered her hand and looked over at him as he spoke of Jamran's ship having been destroyed and she nodded. "We can only hope that this is the last we will see of him." she told Kyle before glancing at the young woman as he mentioned her. It turned out that Getal had picked up on the young womans bio-sign and he had her transported at the same time as Lenara's away team had been brought back. She was then asked to run a check on her and she nodded. "Of course captain." she told him. "I'll find out as much as I can and have the information ready for you soon."

Lenara excused herself and left the sickbay to begin her research on the young woman. As she did her research, she found some interesting information about the young woman. When she believed she found as much as she could, Lenara head to Captain West's ready room with her research. Entering the ready room, Lenara greeted her captain before taking a seat and she began to tell him about what she found on the young woman. "It turned out that our unknown woman is Lieutenant Commander Robin Devlin. She was lasted posted onboard of the USS Renown as Operations Officer. The USS Renown is a Miranda Class Starship, NCC-1870. However, it was reported to of been lost while on patrol near the Romulan neutral zone in 2286. What happened to the Renown is unknown at this time." Lenara told Kyle. "Robin has an excellent record with Starfleet. She had been an excellent student back in the academy, her records state and she seemed to of been well liked by her piers. Her last captain had made a note of the young woman having a fiery temper. Though I believe we've already figured that one out for ourselves." she commented, thinking back to when she had lashed out at Tom. She thought about what the young woman had said and she mentioned it to Tom. "I think that the Romulans had taken her captive to keep as a slave upon their ship, Captain." she told him.
After leaving sickbay, Captain West returned to the bridge. He had Lieutenant Simms set a course to meet up with the Enterprise and return Commander T'Pol to her ship. Kyle had enjoyed meeting with Captain Archer, Commander T'Pol and the crew of the first Starship Enterprise. Both Kyle & Lenara felt honored to have met such historic figures form the Federation's past. Captain Archer would one day become President of the Untied Federation of Planets. After having served as an admiral for several years. T'Pol would become the first Vulcan Captain of a Federation Starship. She wouldn't be the last. There were many Vulcans, both male & females, who served as captains of starships during the 24th century. T'Pol said goodbye to Kyle, Lenara, T'Pren and Commander Quinn before she left. She stopped by Lenara's office for a more intimate goodbye. Once she beamed back to the Enterprise. The starship left to join the massing Earth Alliance fleet. Captain West ordered Mr. Simms to take the Protector to a neighboring system. He wanted to watch the Battle of Cheron unfold.

Kyle went into his ready room, ordered a raktajino from the replicator, then sat down at his desk. He picked up a damage report from Commander Quinn. Highlighting the damage done during the battle with Jamran's ship. The Protector had fared pretty well against the Warbird. Though, some systems would be out until they reached Starbase 133. It was long before Lenara arrived, after doing the research asked of her by Kyle. She came into the ready room, sat down, then began to speak of what she found. It wasn't hard for Lenara to find information on the young woman. She had a excellent Starfleet file. Lenara spoke of who the young woman was. What her rank had been and what ship she last served on. Lenara then spoke of how Robin was well liked by those she served with. Adding in a bit written by her last captain. This spoke of the young woman having a fiery temper. Kyle laughed when Lenara spoke of what happened in the transporter room. " Yes......I'm certain Commander Quinn won't soon forget his first run in with Commander Devlin. " Kyle was smiling as he spoke. He then listened as Lenara spoke of her belief. That the Romulans had taken Robin to be some kind of slave. This wasn't such a far fetched idea. The Romulans made slaves out of a neighboring race, in their own system, known as the Remans. Reman soldiers were being used like cannon fodder during ground offensives by the Romulans. They would need to get some answers from Robin, but she had spoken of not being a slave while in the transporter room.

It wasn't long after Lenara finished with her report, that she and Captain West were called to the bridge. They entered the neighboring system to Cheron. Getal said she was already picking up the battle. She switched her sensor information over to the viewing screen. Lenara & Kyle stood side by side as they watched the two fleets hammering away at each other. Though, Jamran had been stopped, his Warbird and base destroyed. Kyle wanted to witness the battle, just to make sure Jamran hadn't already supplied the 22nd century Romulans with weapons from the future. Kyle & Lenara watched as the historical battle played out before their eyes. Everything unfolded as it should. The Romulan fleet was crushed, the Earth Alliance was victorious. History would continue to play out as it should. Kyle & Leanra returned to his ready room. They returned to speaking about Robin. It was decided, she should remain sleeping until they returned to the 24th century. Which would happen soon since their mission was now over. Kyle & Lenara then returned to the bridge for the trip home. Once there, Kyle ordered Tom to activate the time device and take them home. The device was turned on and the ship jumped into the time stream. They arrived back at the same moment they left. There was only some minor damage this time. Tom had learned what to protect since their first time jump. Once the Protector returned to the 24th century. The time device and cloaking device both vanished. Just as Daniels had said, Only Kyle & Lenara remembered what happened.

Kyle & Lenara cooked up a story to tell their crew and to tell Starfleet. They explained the damage as being from an attack by a future Romulan Warbird. They never spoke of going through time themselves. All evidence of Commander T'Pol having been on board the Protector was also taken care of. Lenara wiped the transporter logs, showing only four people being beamed over from the Warbird. The away mission was explained as being the only way to stop this Romulan threat from the future. Kyle wrote in his report, how the away team discovered Robin Devlin on the Warbird and brought her back with them. Neither Kyle nor Lenara could explain the total amnesia suffered by the crew. They also couldn't explain why they weren't effected. Though, Kyle did lay the blame on the Warbird and it's use of time travel.

The next piece of business, was to wake Robin and bring her up to speed on what happened. Kyle, Lenara & Doctor Boyd were at her bedside when she was woke by the doctor. She was jumpy and on edge after waking up. Doctor Boyd assured her, she was fine. He then introduced himself, Captain West and Commander Singh. Robin looked around the room. She was confused by everything. This was unlike any sickbay she'd ever seen before and she'd never seen such uniforms before. " I've never seen a sickbay like this.......Not even on a starbase......Your uniforms are unfamiliar as well........Where am I? " Robin asked, she was in need of answers. " You're aboard the USS Protector.....A Federation Starship......Legacy Class.......We rescued you from a Romulan Warbird.......One from the future.......This is the 24th century.......I'm afraid there is no way to return you back to 2286. " Kyle spoke as Robin went silent. Her mind was taking in everything Captain West said. She closed her eyes while shaking her head. Kyle then asked if Robin could tell them how she ended up on that Warbird. Robin sighed before speaking. " I was on my ship.......The USS Renown.......We were patrolling the Romulan neutral zone.......I was off duty when the attack happened.......This Warbird appeared and attacked without warning.......Our shields and weapons were useless against it.......Captain Henderson ordered everyone to abandon ship......I was in an escape pod with three others.......All males......We found ourselves captured by the Romulans.......They beamed us onto their ship.......Their leader.......Jamran decided he wanted me for his save......He had my shipmates executed and had me tossed into a holding cell......They were going to starve me into submission.......I was their prisoner for days I'm not sure.......Then I remember being beamed and found himself standing with four Romulans......I was beating one of them when another one grabbed me and a third used the Vulcan nerve pinch to knock me out.......I didn't know the Romulans used the nerve pinch? " Robin ended her tale.
While Lenara wished she could spend more time with T'Pol and Captain Archer, just talking with them, she understood that the longer they were in the past interacting with those in the past, the more they stood a chance at causing problems with the future. So she bid T'Pol goodbye and told the woman that it had been a true pleasure and honor serving with her. After the Vulcan beamed back to the Enterprise, Lenara finished her research and then head to Kyle's ready room where she found him going over a report while enjoying a raktajino from the replicator.

After entering the ready room, she ordered one as well before she began to go over what she had found. After she mentioned what had happened in the transporter room, Lenara smiled slightly as Kyle laughed and she shook her head. "No, I don't image Commander Quinn will be forgetting their first encounter for some time." she said with a chuckle.

Not long after she finished her report, she and the Captain were called to the bridge, so she head out to the bridge with him and she stood by his side after the sensor information was switched over to the viewing screen and she watched as the two fleets attacked each other. Kyle didn't have to tell her why he wanted to watch the battle of Cheron. Like him, she wanted to make sure that the Romulans hadn't ended up with some weapons from the future. Lenara was silent as she watched, her hands clasped behind her. The two sides attacked each other before the Romulan fleet was crushed by the Earth Alliance and she smiled slightly while nodding and she returned to the ready room with Kyle. They spoke for a little while longer about their guest, Robin and they decided she should remain asleep until after they returned home. With this decided, the captain and his first officer returned once more to the bridge for the return trip to their own time.

When they returned to their own time, this time there was minimal damage and the time device and cloaking device were both gone while only Kyle and Lenara had any memories of what had happened. They made up a story for both the crew and for Starfleet about an attack by a future Romulan Warbird, though they never mentioned going through time themselves. Together, Lenara and Kyle made sure all their bases were covered and Kyle made sure to blame the Warbird and its use of time travel for a number of things. While he took care of his report, Lenara made sure to wipe the transporter logs so that they showed just four people beaming over from the Warbird. With this taken care of, they could finally take care of the next piece of business which was Robin.

They head down to the Sickbay where they would be waking Robin. As the young woman woke up, she was jumpy and on edge, which was understandable after what she'd gone through. Doctor Boyd spoke with her and assured the woman she was fine and then introduced himself, the Captain and Lenara to Robin. Lenara stood there quietly as the woman looked around, taking in the sight of the sickbay before the woman spoke of having never seen a sickbay like this before and that their uniforms were unfamiliar. To this, Kyle spoke up and explained that Robin was in the 24th century and where she was. As well as there being no way to return her to her time. They gave Robin a moment to take everything in before she was asked about how she ended up on the Warbird. While Robin spoke of her tale, Lenara glanced at her Captain as Robin spoke of there being four Romulans before Lenara looked at the woman again. After the woman finished speaking, Lenara finally spoke up. "The group that you found yourself standing with was my team." she explained to Robin. "My team had been surgically altered to appear as Romulans in order to infiltrate the Warbird and your biosign had been discovered shortly before we beamed back to the Protector. However, I think you must of been a little disoriented when returning because there were only three of us with you."
Robin was one point in the trip which Kyle had forgotten about. She had seen four people who looked like Romulans. Though, after Lenara spoke of that being her team and only three Romulans seemed to be there. Robin shook her head. " It could have been three......I'm not sure.......Everything happened so quickly........I was in my cell......Then I was suddenly transported away and ended up in a transporter room I never saw before.....Then I lashed out at that man.....I hope he wasn't injured. " Robin spoke. She seemed to buy Lenara's story of only three members on her away team. Robin also showed some concern for Tom. The man she dropped with a wicked right cross. " Only Commander Quinn's pride was hurt.......But I'm sure he'll make a full recovery. " Doctor Boyd joked. His words brought some laughter from everyone around the bed. " Robin......We're heading back to Starbase 133......Our command base in this sector.......Commander Singh will give you a tour of the ship.......Show you your quarters.......Then I'd like to see you both in my ready room......You have a lot to think about.......What you plan on doing?.......Whether you plan on staying in Starfleet or doing something else. " Captain West spoke before he turned and whispered into Lenara's ear. He asked Lenara to bring Robin up to speed on the war with the Dominion. He also asked her to try and convince Robin to stay in Starfleet. Starfleet needed all the trained officer it could get. Robin may have ended up 89 years into the future, but she was still a trained officer. She was still young and could be brought up to speed on technological advancements which took place while she was trapped on Jamran's ship.

Captain West excused himself before leaving. He headed straight for the bridge and his ready room. Once there, Kyle picked up the pad with Robin's Starfleet file, which Lenara left there. He read the part where she was missing and presumed dead. Along with the rest of the crew of the Renown. She was Second Officer and Operations Officer about the Renown. The Protector had been short on manpower since the war started. Lenara had been doing so much work since she came aboard. Serving as First Officer, Operations Officer, Tactical Officer and head of security. Lenara had proven herself to capable of doing all that work and more. However, Kyle decided, if Robin stayed in Starfleet and wanted to stay on board the Protector. He would offer her the position of Second Officer, which included the job of Operations Officer. It would lighten Lenara's work load.

Robin was eager to get out of sickbay. She hadn't been out on a real walk in, well she couldn't remember. Since the last time she was on her former ship and she had no idea how long ago that was. " You've been checked over to hair to feet Commander Devlin......There is nothing medically wrong with you.....So you're free to leave with Commander Singh. " The doctor said, he then leaned closer to Lenara. Edwin whispered into her ear, that if she planned on bedding their visitor, he wanted all the dirty details later. Doctor Boyd then walked away, leaving the women alone. Robin sat up, swung her legs off the side of the bed and jumped down. " The captain spoke of a tour and you showing me quarters.......Which shall it be first? " Robin spoke with a strong Irish accent.
Lenara slowly nodded understandingly as Robin spoke of not being sure because of everything happening so fast. "It's understandable. Things were happening quickly at that point." she told Robin before the young woman spoke of hoping that the man she'd lashed out on was okay and Lenara finally smiled gently at her and she chuckled when Doctor Boyd joked about only Commander Quinn's pride being hurt but being sure he'd make a full recovery. The First Officer laughed softly and nodded. "I believe he'll be fine. You had certainly given all of us a surprise." she told Robin. West then took over the conversation again, explaining to Robin that they were returning to Starbase 133, their command base in the sector, and that Lenara would give her a tour of the ship and show Robin her quarters before wanting to see both women in his ready room. He then turned and whispered in Lenara's ear and she nodded. "Yes sir." she softly said after she was asked to get Robin up to speed on the war and to try and convince Robin to stay with Starfleet.

The Captain then excused himself and left the Sickbay, leaving Lenara behind. Lenara stood back while Doctor Boyd spoke with Robin, telling her that she was free to leave with Commander Singh. His next comment which was whispered to Lenara was met with a nudge of her elbow and a playful roll of her eyes before the man left the two women alone. Lenara then looked at Robin as the woman jumped down from the bed and asked which they would do first, a tour or showing Robin to her quarters. "I believe I shall show you to your quarters first." Lenara told her. "Then I'll give you the tour of the Protector before we head up to the Captains ready room." With that, Lenara turned and led the way out of the sickbay, making sure that she kept at a pace that Robin could easily keep up with.

As Lenara led Robin away from the sickbay, she spoke of how it would take some adjustment to get used to the new time period, but if she needed any help or just someone to talk to, Robin could come to the Captain, Doctor Boyd or herself. "If we can make your adjustment any smoother or easier, we will do our best to aid you." she gently told Robin. It was a short trip to where Robin would be staying and Lenara soon stopped in front of the doors to an empty quarters that Robin would be allowed to stay in. "These will be your quarters while you are with us." Lenara told Robin while stepping inside. "For as long as you wish to be with us."
Doctor Boyd smiled when Lenara elbowed him, then rolled her eyes. He assumed Lenara would be getting naked with Robin soon. Lenara was a lot bolder and more willing to take on sexual partners. Doctor Boyd was just planting a seed into Lenara's mind. Just like he did when she was with Commander T'Pol. Robin followed Lenara out of sickbay. The two women walking along the corridor, heading for the turbo lift. Robin drew some looks as crew members passed by her. Not only because she was pretty, but also because of the uniform she wore. The last time the crew members had seen the late 23rd century uniform, was in the fleet museum at Starfleet Headquarters. Robin noticed the looks she was getting. She tried to not let it bother her. Robin was a woman out of time. Part of her didn't know what she should do.

It didn't take the women long to reach the quarters Robin would be using. " Thank you Lenara.....You're very kind. " Robin spoke as he looked at the doors leading into the quarters she would use. A sad look came over her face. " I'm not sure I belong here or in Starfleet anymore......89 years is a lot of time to lose. " Robin spoke while wiping a tear from her eye. " That man.......He ripped me away from my friends and crew mates......He took my life from me.......A life I worked so hard for. " Robin added while hanging her head. She was speaking of Jamran and what he'd done to her. She felt out of place on board the Protector. Robin was feeling like an antique, on display for everyone to look at. The door was then unlocked, so Robin could see the inside. She walked in, amazed by the size. the quarters she had on board the Renown, was no where near as large. But, the Protector was a much larger starship. " This is amazing. " Robin said while looking around. She then noticed the replicator on the far wall. She was puzzled by what this thing did. In her time, replicator technology wasn't available on starships.
While the two women walked together, Lenara noticed the looks that Robin was getting as well. The red head was very pretty, but Lenara believed it was also because of the uniform she was currently wearing. It was a uniform that none of them were used to seeing unless in the museum at Starfleet Headquarters. Lenara remembered how she had briefly stared at T'Pol and Captain Archer when she had first met them and seen their uniforms. It was definitely something strange to see on a living person.

At the quarters that Robin would be allowed to use, Robin told Lenara that she was very kind and the First Officer stood at Robins side, watching as a sad look formed on the red heads face and she spoke of not being sure she belonged there or in Starfleet anymore. Lenara was quiet as she listened and watched Robin, taking in everything that the woman said. She didn't say anything for a bit as she led Robin into the quarters that she would be using. Even though she had become much more open, Lenara was still a private person, and this kind of conversation she believed was for just the two of them and not to be overheard by any possible passing crew members.

So after they entered the quarters, Lenara closed the doors behind her and she turned to speak to Robin. "Robin, you are an excellent Starfleet officer. What Jamran has done, is horrendous and unforgivable." she gently but firmly told the young woman. "Yes, he has torn you away from everyone and everything you know, but if you give up the career you worked so hard for, you'll be letting him win." She moved over to Robin and placed a gentle hand upon Robins shoulder. "It will take time, but I believe that you would be an excellent addition to any crew in this time and I think that, should you decide to continue as a Starfleet officer, whatever crew you choose, would be lucky to have you. After reading your file, I know Captain West and myself would be lucky to have you."

She became quiet once again and watched as Robin looked around the quarters. Compared to Lenara's they were a bit small, but when compared to the quarters from the past, they were pretty impressive. She slowly nodded in agreement when Robin spoke of it being amazing. "Yes, it is." she softly said. "I sometimes forget how impressive the Protector is because of being on it all the time, but it is nice to see others reactions when they are first on it." The young woman then noticed the replicator upon the far wall and she saw the puzzled look on her face and Lenara smiled slightly while gently taking Robin's hand and leading her over to it. "This is a replicator." she explained. "Just about anything you may want, it can create. You can even program specific things into it." Lenara stood off to the side of the replicator and ordered a raktajino. Seconds later, a hot cup of that very drink appeared and Lenara took it out and took a sip. "Go ahead, try." she invited Robin.
Lenara's words were both comforting and a reminder for Robin. If she gave up, she let Jamran win. She let what he did, rule her life, well after what happened. Deep down, Robin knew Lenara was right, but she was still 89 years behind the times. A lot had happened in those years. Robin would have a lot of work to do, if she decided to stay in Starfleet. She had a lot of history to catch up on. Most importantly, was the current war the Federation was in. Robin had noticed everyone walking around with hands phasers on their hips. It wasn't common for crew members to walk around armed, but she was in the future, and no longer in her time. Robin didn't question Lenara on this. She would when the chance came up. At the moment, Robin was fascinated by the replicator. She watched as Lenara asked for a drink called raktajino. Starfleet Officer hadn't discovered the Klingon coffee during Robin's time. The Federation & Klingons were still involved with their cold war. The Khitomer Accords, which made them allies, wouldn't be signed until 2293. Several years after Robin disappeared from her time.

Robin smiled when Lenara said she should try the replicator. The young woman chuckled, then asked for Bolian tonic water. A glass with the sparkling water appeared. Robin's eyes lit up and she laughed. " We had food synthesizers on the Renown.......You had to have the right card for what you wanted. " Robin spoke while reaching in and picking up her glass of water. It was said, Bolian tonic water calmed the nerves. Robin smelled the water first, she then took a drink. A surprised look came over her face. " This tastes just like the real thing. " Robin's words carried the surprise she feel and showed on her face. She then looked at Lenara. " What is raktajino?.....I've never heard of that. " Robin asked while looking at the mug Lenara was holding.
Some said that Lenara was wise beyond her years sometimes, but Lenara just claimed that it was logical thinking that made her sound that way. She knew from experience that if one let anothers words or actions rule their lives, that person would be winning in the end. It was sort of what happened with her and her personal life. Because of her ex, she had shunned most intimate interactions with others until Jadzia became her lover, but even then, she only became intimate with women. It actually wasn't until she joined the Protector that she changed and accepted men into her life again. While it wasn't the same as what had happened to Robin, it the situation was sort of similar. Jamran had ruined Robin's life by pulling her out of her time. But Robin couldn't let him continue to rule her life even after he was gone or he would win.

Lenara leaned against the wall next to the replicator, sipping on her Klingon coffee after she suggested that Robin try the replicator and she smiled at the red head as she chuckled and then asked for a Bolian tonic water. "These are similar to food synthesizers, I suppose. Just a bit more advanced. Replicators though, can do more then just food. It can make all sorts of things." she told Robin while watching her take a drink of the tonic water she had ordered and she chuckled softly at the surprised look on the girls face. Robin then asked about what Lenara was drinking and Lenara looked down at her mug. "Raktajino, is sort of like coffee, but much stronger. It is a drink that is favored among many Klingons." she explained. "In 2293, several years after you had been removed from your time, the Klingons had become allies with the Federation with the singing of the Khitomer Accords. Back in the Accadamy, a Klingon took me under his wing, so to speak and he tutored me in the ways of the Klingon people. Thanks to him, I have come to enjoy a lot of things that came from the Klingon people. Would you like to try it?" she asked. "It is very strong though. I usually drink mine without anything added to it."
It became even clearer to Robin, how much time she missed. Lenara spoke of the Khitomer Accords. The name given the treaty which end the cold war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The treaty was broken during the Klingon/Cardassian War, which during in the Federation. This started a third, but limited war with the Klingons. The treaty was reinstated when the Dominion became allies of the Cardassians and kicked the Klingon forces out of Cardassian space. Robin still needed to learn about the Dominion and the war. However, she was caught up in what Lenara said about the Klingons. She was surprised to hear that there were Klingons serving in Starfleet. One was friends with Lenara. So much time had passed, and Robin seemed so far behind everyone else. " Are there any Klingons on the Protector? " Robin asked as she moved over to the table and sat down.

Robin was told about Alexander and his connection to Lenara's friend. She never imagined Klingons would ever serve in Starfleet. Robin shook her head again. She spoke of having missed so much. 89 years was a long time. " I'm glad we finally have peace with the Klingons. " Robin admitted, she then took a drink of her water. " What is the 24th century like?..........What is happening with the Federation?........Why is everyone armed? " Robin asked, pointing out that she noticed everyone walking around with phasers. She said this wasn't common during her time. Only security officers walked around with phasers and then only when on duty. Robin again took another drink, waiting for the news Lenara had for her.
After being asked about any Klingons being on the Protector, Lenara nodded while following her over to the table and she sat down with her and she told her about Alexander. "He is the son of Worf, the Klingon I became friends with back in the Academy. He wanted his son around others he trusted." she told Robin. "Because I was taught so much about the Klingons and because the Captain himself had been adopted into a Klingon family himself, Worf thought the Protector would be the best place for his son to be stationed at." While she spoke, Lenara continued to sip at her coffee. She nodded in agreement when Robin said that she was glad that they finally had peace with the Klingons. "Indeed. They are an interesting and remarkable race, when one starts to know and understand them better."

Robin then asked about what the 24th century was like and what was happening with the Federations. Along with why everyone was armed. This made Lenara sigh and she set down her drink before she began to explain. "We are currently at war with a group called the Dominion." she explained. "The Dominion consist of a race called Changlings and another called Jem'Hadar. There is also the Vorta, who control the Jem'Hadar for the Changlings." She explained who and what these races were and why the war was started, as well as how long the war had been going on so far and who were currently their allies and who weren't. "It's been a hard war so far with a lot of casualties."
Alexander had an interesting backstory. One Robin would enjoy hearing when they had time to just chit-chat. She was also amazed to find out, Captain West was adopted by a Klingon Family. That was something which never would have happened during her time. No Klingon Family would have accepted a Starfleet Officer into their house. Time certainly had changed and at least partly, for the better. Robin was sad to hear about the war. A bitter fight between the Federation, the Klingons and the Romulans, against the forces of the Dominion. Robin listened closely as Lenara spoke of who the Dominion was, how they came here and how the war started. Lenara also spoke of the loses suffered by Starfleet. Thousands of starship lost since the beginning of the war at the end of 2373. Many millions dead. Both Starfleet personnel and civilians. Like the countless dead on Betazed, which had recently been freed from Dominion control.

Robin stared at her water. The water was now calm. The sparkles were gone, like so many lives in this war. Robin wasn't sure what she could do. She was so far behind everyone else. She seemed out of place on this ship. Yet, she was a Starfleet Officer. Her loyalty had always been to Starfleet and the Federation. Her duty was clear, even if she was from another time. Lenara hadn't held anything back. She spoke bluntly about the manpower troubles Starfleet was having. Every ship, even the Protector was undermanned. " I'm not sure I can fit in around here.......I'm so far behind the times......But it's my duty as a Starfleet Officer to help protect the Federation against it's enemies.......I don't know what I can Do around here......But I would like to help......I'll accept a demote in rank if need be......I'll work as a crewman......I'll do anything you need. " Robin spoke her heartfelt words as she raised her eyes from the glass of water, to look Lenara in her eyes. " We should get that tour out of the way......I'd like to speak with Captain West about staying on board the Protector and staying in Starfleet. " Robin added, pushing her chair out and standing up. " Afterwards......Maybe I could get a new uniform? " Robin added with a chuckle in her voice.
Some might of wanted to sugar-coat some of the information about the war when telling Robin, but not Lenara. She felt that Robin deserved the entire truth, no matter how ugly it was or how sad. It would be easier to accept in the long run. After she had finished speaking, Lenara picked up her drink once more and took another sip of it. It was already beginning to cool, so it wasn't as good as when it was fresh. However, she drank it non-the less. The two women were quiet for a bit before Robin then spoke up, saying that she wasn't sure she could fit in and that she was so far behind the times, but it was her duty as a Starfleet Officer to help protect the Federation against it's enemies. Hearing that Robin wanted to help made Lenara smile at her and she nodded. "I'm sure that the Captain will be pleased to hear that you want to stay on.

Lenara drained the last of her drink before she nodded in agreement. "Indeed we should. Wouldn't want to make the Captain wait." she said before she stood up. She paused when Robin mentioned a new uniform and she chuckled as well. "I'm sure a new uniform can be easily taken care of. I'll see to it personally for you." she told the woman before they left Robins new quarters. After leaving, Lenara began the tour of the ship. She took Robin to each level, explaining what was on each one before they head up to the bridge where Lenara guided her to Captain West's ready room.
Robin was impressed with the size of the Protector. She marveled at everything Lenara showed her. They started at the bottom and worked their way up. Robin was so amazed by the sights. She even spotted noticing how people looked at her. Mostly because of her uniform, but because she was very attractive. Robin drew some lustful stares as well. Much the same as Lenara did, but she was used to such stares these day. Everyone enjoyed eying up the sexy first officer. The two women ended up on the bridge. Robin was introduced to Lesley, Jamal, Getal and Tala, all were working on the bridge at that time. Lenara then led Robin into the captain's ready room. Captain West was sitting behind his desk, doing paperwork when the women arrived. Kyle invited both women to sit. He then asked how Robin was getting along?

Robin spoke of how impressed she was by the ship. She also spoke of how nice Lenara has been. Saying, Lenara went over quite a few things. Catching her up on many important details of the 24th century. Captain West was glad to hear this. Robin then spoke of how she wanted to stay in Starfleet and on the Protector if they could use her. She spoke of taking a demotion in rank if needed. She just wanted to help. This pleased Kyle. He was hoping Robin would feel that way. He knew she felt out of place. But, she was a very bright young woman, and learning all the new things wouldn't be hard, it would just take time. " I think you can keep your rank as Lieutenant Commander.......I'm sure Lenara would agree there is no need for you to drop in rank........Lenara will find crew members willingly to help bring you up to speed on this century. " Captain West spoke to Robin, He then asked Lenara to get Lesley, Tala and T'Pren to help Robin. Kyle then asked Lenara to issue Robin a communicator and see that she got a hand phaser. Lenara would also get her a new uniform. Once that was done, Lenara would help Robin adjust to her new life. She could then join the crew on active duty. Captain West officially marked Robin's Starfleet file, as active once again. He then dismissed the women so they could get their work started.
As she gave Robin a tour of the Protector, Lenara enjoyed seeing the marvel that Robin had for the impressive ship. The Protector was an impressive ship in many ways and it had an impressive crew manning it as well. As they walked together, Robin also noticed how some of the people looked at her. Not just because of her uniform, but also because of how attractive the woman was. Lenara wouldn't deny that the crew on the Protector was a lustful one. In fact, she rather enjoyed how lustful the crew could be, having enjoyed being with a number of people on board already. They eventually ended up on the bridge where Lenara introduced Robin to those currently working the bridge before they head into the Captains ready room where West was sitting behind his desk doing paperwork. Lenara greeted him as she entered and the two women took a seat.

Lenara sat back while Robin spoke with Kyle about how impressed she was with the ship and how nice Lenara had been so far as well as how Lenara had gone over some things with her, such as catching her up on some important details about the 24th century. This was exactly what Captain West had asked Lenara to do and she had also managed to get Robin to want to stay both in Starfleet and upon the Protector. West knew that Lenara would follow through with any order that she was given and once again, she'd come through. As Kyle spoke of Lenara agreeing that there would be no need for her to drop in rank, Lenara nodded, showing that she did agree and that she agreed to find members of the crew whom would willingly bring her up to speed on the current century. She was then asked to get Lesley, Tala and T'Pren to help Robin. "Of course Captain." she said with a nod after she was told to get Robin a communicator and a hand phaser. Lenara knew that there would be some questions from some higher ups about Robin, a woman long believed to be dead, becoming active once again. But it would be something easily explained.

Once dismissed, Lenara stood and led the way out of the ready room. There was a lot for Robin to get caught up on, but with the help of Lenara, Lesley, Tala and T'Pren, Robin would be caught up in no time. "I think we will focus on the most important things first when getting you caught up. And then work on the smaller things as we go." she suggested to Robin as they left the ready room.
Robin liked the way Lenara thought. The more important things should come first. That would help Robin get back to work. She could catch up on smaller things later. Lucky for Lenara, Tala & Lesley were at their stations on the bridge. Lenara could ask for their help, on her way to get Robin some new uniforms and the other items she would need. She needed to help get Robin taken care of. There was also the matter of two dates Lenara had. One was this evening. She & Tom planned on having dinner after they got back from their mission. Lenara also had a date with Shelby on the following evening. They were going to the Thursday Night movie in the mess hall. Then maybe to the holodeck or back to Lenara's quarters for a drink or two.

Lenara had several busy evenings ahead of her. But, she enjoyed being with her lovers, Both Tom & Shelby were on Lenara's list of those she planned on adding to her circle of lovers. She had others to add, and she would when she got the time. Robin was given codes so she could use the computer in her quarters. She could use the computer to catch up on certain things. The rest, she would learn from Lenara, Tala, T'Pren & Lesley. Each was happy to help the new girl adjust to life on board the Protector. Lenara took Robin down to deck 5. There they went to armory 1. Lenara issued Robin a communicator and hand phaser. The two women then went to deck 3, where Robin's quarters were. She would be living on the same deck as the rest of the senior officers. Once back in Robin's quarters. Lenara showed her, the replicator could do more then just make food and drinks. Using a tricorder. Lenara scanned Robin's body. She then transferred that information from the tricorder, into the computer of the replicator. It then made a new uniform for Robin.

Robin was amazed at how well the device worked. But those who created it, put a lot of time into making it work properly. Robin pulled her new uniform from the replicator. She held it up and smiled. Robin asked Lenara to stay long enough for her to see how she looked. Robin then entered the bedroom. There were no doors on the bedrooms. So Lenara would see Robin stripping. Taking off her old uniform jacket, then the white shirt underneath. Robin then removed her boots and pants. She was left wearing a half white under shirt and a pair of white thong panties. Robin had perky little breasts, her nipples were hard and showing through her top. Without knowing it, Robin bent over, flashing Lenara a view of her pussy. The thong strap was pretty thin and did nothing to hide Robin's womanhood. Robin then slipped on her new uniform pants, her red department under shirt and her uniform top. Robin then turned and walked out. Presenting herself to Lenara in the new uniform.
After leaving the ready room, Lenara stopped long enough to talk with Tala and Lesley about them helping with bringing Robin up to speed on things. She explained that Robin needed some tutoring. They were more then happy to help and Lenara told them that she would figure out a schedule that worked for all of them. They would take turns in teaching Robin about different things that she needed to know. After speaking with them, Lenara took Robin down to deck 5 where she showed her to armory 1. There, Lenara issued her a communicator and a hand phaser before they then went to deck 3 where Robins quarters were.

In Robin's quarters, Lenara showed her that the replicators could do more then just food and drinks. She scanned the red head with a tricorder before transferring the information to the computer of the replicator and she had it make a new uniform for Robin. The uniform would fit Robin perfectly. Once the new uniform was finished, Robin took it from the replicator and held it up with a smile. Lenara was a little surprised to be asked to stay long enough to see how Robin looked and she nodded before Robin head into her bedroom. As Robin began to strip, Lenara could see her undressing and she remembered Doctor Boyds words from earlier before she shook her head with a slight smile to herself. When the young woman bent over, Lenara got a pretty good view of her pussy and she raised an eyebrow while checking out the other woman. Then Robin began to redress. By this time, Lenara turned her attention away, only looking back when Robin came out and presented herself to Lenara. Lenara smiled gently at Robin and she nodded slowly. "It looks quite fetching on you." she told her. She gently told Robin that she was glad that she had decided to stay on and she believed that in time, Robin would come to like it on the Protector and she'd make a wonderful addition to their crew. With that, Lenara told Robin that she would leave her to get settled in and to become more acquainted with her new surroundings. She also told her, if she needed anything, the crew of the Protector would be there to help.

Excusing herself, Lenara left Robins quarters and head to her own. She was having Tom to her quarters for dinner that evening and she wanted to get ready. In her quarters, she cleaned things up a little before she took a quick sonic shower and got dressed again. Tom was due to arrive at any minute and she was actually a little excited. While she'd had others to her quarters before for dinner, they had never been considered actual dates. She'd not been on what someone would consider a date since back in the academy.
It would take time for Robin to settle in and become an active member of the crew. She was a bright young woman. Though she was from the past, she would catch on, with a little help of those around her. Lenara, Tala, T'Pren & Lesley were those who'd be there for Robin. Tala & Lesley were among Lenara dearest friends on the Protector. They were the first to welcome her and quickly became close with their first officer. Lenara knew they were prefect to help teach Robin what she needed to know. The addition of T'Pren, would only make teaching Robin even easier. Once Lenara left, Robin turned her attention to her computer. She sat down, and started reading about her new ship. Robin brought up the files on the Dominion War. Looking over the battles fought by her new ship. From the first battle at the Torros III, to the most recent battle of the Violet Nebula. Robin discovered Captain West was quite a man. He planned and led the first battle of the war for the Federation. Destroying the Dominion shipyards at Torros III. Since then, Captain West had planned and led many battles, including the last one at the Violet Nebula. Robin noticed, Lenara's name figured prominently, along side Captain West's name in the last few battles. Lenara's name was missing during the first few months of the war. This was because she was stuck behind a desk at Starbase 234, when the war started. Lenara got into the war when she was assigned to the Protector as it's first officer.

Tom was eager for his date with Lenara. Since he came on board, he'd had eyes for her. Lenara was a very sexy woman. Everyone knew it, but not everyone had the guts to approach her. When she first came on board the Protector. Lenara wasn't the most sociable person. She was cold, closed off and guarded around most everyone. It wasn't until recently that Lenara became more relaxed, easier to talk with and more approachable. It took the loss of a dear friend and lover, for Lenara to changed. To let people really see the woman she was. Lenara had her home on the Protector. She had friends and lovers here. People who truly cared about her. Tom had been wanting a chance to become closer to Lenara. He finally got the nerve to ask her, when they were on their last mission. Tom figured, if they got out of that mission alive, they should celebrate. He didn't really care what Lenara made for their dinner. Anything would be fine with him. He was bringing a bottle for them to enjoy. Tom arrived at Lenara's quarters. He pressed the door buzzer, then waited with his bottle of Aldebaran whiskey in hand. He hoped Lenara would like it, it was very strong.
When Tom had joined the Protector some months back, Lenara had taken notice of him. He was a huge improvement over the man that had held the position before him. Not only was Tom much nicer and easier to get along with, but he was certainly attractive. Back when she had first joined the crew of the Protector, she probably wouldn't of given him a second glance and wouldn't of considered him as anything other then just another crew mate. But since becoming more social and more open, she welcomed more people into her inner circle and into the circle of people that she was intimate with. That circle was gradually expanding to include others.

On their last mission, Tom had asked Lenara about having dinner with him and though his question had been a tad surprising at the time, it hadn't been unwelcome. In fact, she was quite happy to say yes to the man. Now she found herself contemplating what they would have for dinner while she brushed her long hair and pulled it partially up with a hairclip before getting dressed in a pair of loose black pants and a flattering light green top. By the time she finished dressing, she had figured out what to have and she had just finished setting it in the replicator when the door buzzer sounded.

With a smile to herself, she moved over to the door and opened it to see Tom standing there with a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey in his hands and she smiled at him. "You're just in time." she told him with a smile, her eyes glittering brightly as she welcomed the man into her quarters, standing back so he could enter. "I hope you're okay with teriyaki duck donburi." she told him as he entered. After he entered, she moved over to the replicator and she was soon carrying two bowls of food over to the table and she set them down. It was a dish which consisted of shredded teriyaki duck meat and some vegetables over a bed of seasoned rice. It wasn't spicy like the dish that she'd served when she had Kyle over, but it was a little sweet, tangy and savory.
Tom had been born in Ireland, but unlike Robin, he hadn't grown up there. Both of Tom's parents had worked for the Federation. His father was a diplomat and his mother was a scientist. The family moved from Ireland, to the Vega colony when Tom was a young boy. Vega IV had been Tom's home until he left to join Starfleet Academy. Since his younger days, all Tom ever wanted was to be chief engineer of a starship. His first posting was on the USS Gettysburg, an Excelsior Class Starship. From there, Tom was transferred over to the Enterprise-E. Tom spent several years on the Enterprise. He was then transferred to the Protector when Captain West requested a new chief engineer. Because Lieutenant Commander Dixon Webb couldn't work with Lenara. He was removed from his position by Captain West. Lieutenant Commander Tom Quinn arrived and didn't look back. He relished the chance given to him and he proved himself to be an upgrade in engineering. The ship was running smoother and the repair work was done quicker. Lenara's job was much easier with Tom on board. She didn't have to argue during the staff meetings, as she did with Commander Webb.

Tom was smiling when the doors slid open. His smile grew even wider after seeing Lenara. She invited him inside. She spoke of what was for dinner. " I never had that before......But it sounds great. " Tom spoke, he then handed Lenara the bottle of aldebaran whiskey. " I hope you enjoy this.......Being Irish......I have a taste for whiskey. " Tom joked as he moved into Lenara's quarters. The place had taken on more life. When Lenara first moved in. She had few pictures and nothing else. Now, her quarters looked lived in. She had several pictures of important people in her life and several items on the walls. Including the Kar'takin, which almost took her life on Quintar IV. It was a gift from Captain West, who picked the weapon up after the battle was over. He wanted Lenara to have it. A prize for battling the Jem'Hadar. Tom looked around, he then moved over to the table and sat down. " That smells amazing Lenara. " Tom spoke after sniffing the air. The food gave off such a wonderful smell. Tom then admitted to be all thumbs with the replicator. " I normally eat whatever is programed into it. " Tom added. He was looking forward to this evening and getting to know Lenara much better.
When he held out the bottle of Aldebaran whiskey, she smiled brightly at him while taking it from his hands and she thanked him. "I'm sure I will enjoy it." she told him, "It'll be a good after dinner drink" After setting the two bowls down upon the table, she served them both a light drink, deciding to save the whiskey for after dinner when they relaxed. While she was doing this, Tom had a moment to look around her quarters. Unlike when she had first joined the Protector, her quarters looked more lived in and it showed a good deal more of her personality then it had back then. Back then, she had maybe four pictures in total out on display and not much else. Now there was plenty of pictures of Lenara and those closest to her decorating the walls and some of the shelves. There was a picture of her with Worf and Jadzia from their wedding on one shelf and even a picture of Lenara with Quark from her last visit. That one had been taken in his bar. Amongst the people in the pictures were a couple people from on the Protector as well as two pictures of her with Admirals Price and Akaar, one from back when she was in the Academy and one from a couple months ago when they had visited the Protector. It was clear that Lenara was close with a wide range of races and ranking officers.

She grinned at Tom when he moved to the table and sat while telling her that the food smelled amazing and she thanked him while taking a seat across from him. A soft chuckle escaped her when he said that he was all thumbs with the replicator. "If you'd like, I can pay you a visit and program a couple of different recipes into your replicator." she offered while sitting down. Lenara had proven with a couple others that she was pretty skillful with the replicator, though that wasn't surprising with how well she took to just about everything she did. But even she would admit that she was human and wasn't great at everything.
Tom had seen the pictures Lenara had. Some of the people he knew, or heard of. He been on the Enterprise-E, when Commander Worf visited the ship. Tom had met Admiral Price & Admiral Akaar, when they visited a short time ago. Quark was one person Tom didn't know. He also didn't know Jadzia, but he met Ezri Dax when she was on the Protector. Lenara had many friends, more so these days then in the past. Some of her friends were very important and powerful people. Others, had a some what shadier background. Like Quark, though Lenara knew he had a good heart. Lenara was no longer the wall flower she'd once been. She'd became a new person. Not afraid of her past, nor was she ashamed of it. She couldn't change what her father had done. She could only be her own person. Those on board the Protector, excepted Lenara for who she was, and many of them loved her, despite her history.

Tom loved the smell of the duck dish. He admitted to never having eaten duck before, but it looked wonderful. Lenara volunteered to visit his quarters and program his replicator. Tom was a great engineer, but he lacked even basic cooking skills with the replicator. " I'd like that Lenara.......You can come by my place anytime. " Tom flashed Lenara a playful smile as he spoke. He was looking for more then just talk after dinner was over. The whiskey he brought should help make their evening even better. Tom then took a taste of his food. " You certainly know your way around a replicator.......Much better then the Mac & Cheese I tried to make last week. " Tom joked with Lenara. He really liked what she made. It was better most of the things he ate.
Lenara had a wide range of friends these days, as well as lovers. Most of the people in the pictures in her living quarters had become her lovers. She was quite happy with how far she'd come since she had joined Captain Wests crew as his first officer. She'd made many friends and lovers since then and though some might not be as straight laces as others, she wasn't ashamed of any of them. She had come to terms with who her father was and that she couldn't change who he was nor what he had done, but she could change her own destiny and she was rarely bothered by what others thought or said about her, either behind her back or to her face. Instead, she knew that the only people that mattered, were those that truly cared about her.

Toms playful smile was returned by the woman and she chuckled before they began to eat. Toms compliment about her knowing her way around a replicator made her smile brightly at him. Lenara was a beautiful woman, but when she smiled, she looked even more beautiful and she looked younger then she was. "To be honest, cooking was a favorite thing for me to do when growing up." she told him. "For as long as I can remember, when growing up I was always at my mothers side when she cooked at home. While it isn't the same as cooking at home, it is as close as I'll get for now." She told him about how her mother had taught her all sorts of different recipes while growing up. "If I hadn't of been able to get into the Academy, I probably would of gone into cooking." she told him with a chuckle and a grin.
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