Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Tom & Lenara would talk over where they would have their get together. The details didn't need hashed out at the moment. Tom just wanted to know if Lenara would like to join him for dinner and maybe more. Lenara was very eager to do so. Tom didn't know, but Lenara had her eye on him. She'd picked him as one of the men she wanted to add, to her list of lovers. Tom was pleased at how playful Lenara answered his question. He was happy with the change in her. Lenara was a beautiful and sexy woman, but she had always been so distance when it came to socializing with others. That was until her last visit to Deep Space Nine. Lenara was a new woman after she returned to the ship. Much to the delight of those who had been her lovers, and those who would become her lovers. Tom was ready for his turn to join Lenara's growing circle. She still had Jamal Simms & Alexander on her list. Though, she would likely have to make the first move on Alexander. He wasn't comfortable around women. The young man never even had sex before. Lenara would be his first. No doubt, she looking forward to take his virginity.

It became clear, another plan for disabling the shield generators on Jamran's ship would be needed. Jamran had his men from the future, searching all the Romulans from the 22nd century. Obviously, Jamran had thought that someone might try and slip aboard his ship. However, if Lenara and her team played their cards right. They could still get aboard and carry out their mission. After Lenara asked where they should dump the explosives. Tom got an idea. If they couldn't use them on Jamran's ship. Maybe they could use them against his base. This would help when the Protector attacked. The attack would be coming soon. In another hour or so. Lenara's team didn't have long to get off the base. Tom gathered up the explosives. He then disappeared as the searching continued. Jamran's men called for the next group. This was Lenara's group. Lenara was the first to be searched. One man began searching her for any hidden weapons, explosives or other devices. Since his subjects were women. The man took his time. Touching and groping Lenara's magnificent body. Running his fingers over her pussy. Squeezing her fine looking breasts and groping her great looking ass. While Lenara was being molested. Another men was using a scanner to make sure she was Romulan. Lucky for Lenara and her team. Doctor Boyd gave them a shot which masked their original body signs. The drug would give off a false Romulan bio-signature. Doctor Boyd's trick worked. Lenara was passed. Tom then reappeared, joining the others. T'Pren was next. She got the same treatment as Lenara. The man loved groping and grabbing at the women. T'Pren was passed, T'Pol also got passed once she was molested. Tom was passed without much of a search. Obviously, the man didn't want to feel up another man. Lenara and her team were shown to a large room. This room was full of Romulans, all from the 22nd century. They were here waiting to board Jamran's ship and learn how to use the future weapons their ships would seen be armed with.
Lenara spoke with Tom about where they would have their date, though all the details didn't need to be decided yet. They had plenty of time yet. Lenara was plenty willing to join him for dinner and more. She's had her eye on him for a while as a potential partner to add to her circle of lovers and it was one that she was looking forward to adding. Tom was an attractive man and one that she certainly was looking forward to being with. Another she was interested in adding to her circle of lovers was Alexander, Worfs son. However, she's noticed that he wasn't exactly comfortable around women and she had a feeling that he's never been with a woman before. Another was Jamal Simms.

After she asked about where they should dump the explosives, Tom got an idea and he suggested that they use them on the base since they wouldn't be able to get them onto Jamran's ship and Lenara agreed, the two of them speaking in low, hushed voices. Once they agreed on what to do, Tom gathered up the explosives and disappeared while the searching continued. When the next group, which was Lenara's group, was called, she moved forward first. When the man began searching Lenara for hidden weapons, he did more then just search her. This man obviously enjoyed the power that he had as he searched women. He ran his hands over every part of Lenara's body, his fingers touching and caressing, squeezing and groping where he could. Even disguised as a Romulan and in their uniform, Lenara was extremely sexy and she could attract others to her.

While the one man was molesting her, another was scanning her to make sure that she was actually a Romulan. And thanks to a shot that they whole group of them had gotten from Doctor Boyd which masked their original body signs. It would cause them to give a false Romulan bio-signature. And it worked too. Once she was passed, she gave the man who had molested her, a long glance before stepping past. Then it was T'Pren's turn who got the same treatment as Lenara and then T'Pol after her. Eventually Tom reappeared, joining them while Lenara was being searched. The man searching them was lucky that she was on a serious mission because if she hadn't been, she probably would of hit him for taking such liberties with not just her body, but with the bodies of her team-members as well. When it came time for Toms turn, he didn't get much of a search, making it obvious that the man didn't want to feel up another man. Afterwards, they were shown into a large room full of 22nd century Romulans who were all waiting to board Jamran's ship. Once inside, Lenara looked at Tom. "Well?" she softly murmured, keeping her voice low as she stood close to him.
After they were away from Jamran's men. Lenara was wondering what Ton did with the explosives. Tom smiled as he spoke of placing them into one of the primary power junctions supply the base. The explosives were set to go off in just over an hour. They had that long to get off the base. Once the primary power was lost, the base would lose it's main power. Their back up supply would kick in, but they couldn't use any shields and their weapons would be weaker. This would make the job easier or the Protector when the ship started it's attack. The Protector would now make short work of Jamran's base. Tom was sure Lenara would be pleased. They just had to hope Jamran would arrive first, so they could get aboard his ship before the Protector attacked and the explosives went off.

Luck was with Lenara and her team. Jamran arrived after only a 15 minutes wait. The groups of 22nd century Romulans, along with Lenara and her team. Were taken to a shuttlebay. From there, they were all beamed up to Jamran's ship. They were greeted by another one of Jamran's men. He spoke of how they would learn to use the new weapons and how they would win the upcoming battle against the Earth Alliance. Now that Lenara and her team were aboard Jamran's ship. They would take out some of Jamran's men, and take their uniforms. This would allow them to move freely around the ship. T'Pren & T'Pol had come up with another plan. They would try causing a failure in the ship's main power system. Not unlike what Tom did down on the base. It wouldn't be easy, but it was possible. As long as no one figured out what they were doing. The groups of Romulans were being broken up, so they could go to different parts of the ship and learn how to held and even repair these new weapons systems. Lenara and her team saw their chance to slip away. Once away from the others, it was decided The ladies could draw some unsuspecting men into an ambush just to get their uniforms.
As Tom spoke of what he'd done with the explosives, Lenara was careful to keep her face schooled in a calm expression as he told her about having placed them into one of the primary power junctions and she nodded slightly after being informed that they were to go off in just over an hour. "Good work." she softly told him. Not only would this help the Protector when it attacked in an hour, but it would also create something of a diversion. With primary power gone, the base would be vulnerable to attacks because they wouldn't be able to use any shields and their weapons would be weakened. Now they just had to wait for Jamran to arrive so they could leave. Hopefully before the protector arrived.

Their luck seemed to be holding out as Jamran arrived only 15 minutes after they got to the room. Once he arrived, the groups of 22nd century Romulans, as well as Lenara and her team, began to board Jamran's ship. They were taken to a shuttlebay and then they were all beamed onto Jamran's ship where they were all greeted by one of Jamran's men who began to speak of how they would learn to use the new weapons and how they would win the upcoming battle against the Earth Alliance. With her team now on board Jamran's ship, they could take out some of his men and take their uniforms, thus allowing them free movement on the ship. Lenara was also told that T'Pren and T'Pol had come up with a new plan. It was similar to what Tom had just done down on the base. It wouldn't be easy, but it would be possible. So once the groups of Romulans were broken up and being sent to different parts of the ship, they slipped away from the others and it was decided that the women would draw some men into an ambush just to get their uniforms. With this in mind, they set off to follow through with their plans.
Jamran's Warbird left orbit of the base. It moved away, heading into the system. Jamran's ship would be taking it's time to reach the Romulan base on Cheron. That's were the Romulan fleet was gathering for the upcoming battle with the Earth Alliance. Traveling slowing, would allow the hand picked Romulans from the 22nd century to learn about the new weapons. Once the training was complete, the upgrading of the Romulan ships could begin. Jamran wasn't going to share his technology, even with another Romulan until certain agreements were made. Like his being named Emperor for life. Jamran wanted to rule the empire himself. And since he could travel through time. He could jump around, ruling at different points over his empire. There was a problem with his plan. Lenara and her team was on board his ship. They had a plan to disable Jamran's ship. They just needed some new uniforms. It was decided the three women would draw some unsuspecting men into a trap.

They found a room where Tom would hide. Lenara, T'Pol & T'Pren then set out to find some men. They had to make this look real. The three women had to make the Romulan men, want them. It be more difficult for T'Pol. While her emotions were closer to the surface. She never acted sexy or acted like she wanted sex. She needed to reply on Lenara & T'Pren for help. T'Pol would copy what her new friends would do. Lenara & T'Pren needed to show her how to be sexy. Finding men wasn't hard. They ran into a group of four men. Just what they needed. One man approached Lenara, asking what she was doing here? He said this area was restricted and they shouldn't be here. It was time for Lenara to turn on the charm and get this man worked up and wanting some hot sex. T'Pol stood back with T'Pren. They watched as Lenara approached the four men. " Watch as Lenara works her magic.....She'll have all four of those men hungry for sex. " T'Pren whispered to T'Pol.
As Jamran's Warbird moved away from the base, Lenara didn't show it and she certainly didn't say it to the others, but she was a little nervous. They were in the heart of their enemies territory and they were by themselves. However, she, along with the others, knew that this mission and the fate of the future, relied upon their success. So she pushed her nerves aside and focused on what needed to be done. Speaking with her team, they decided on a plan of action. They needed some new uniforms and the women would draw a couple of men into a trap in order to acquire those uniforms.

After finding a room where Tom would hide for a bit, the three women set off together to find a couple men. This was actually something that didn't take too long. As the three women walked along together, they ran into a group of four men and the men stopped them, asked what they needed. One of them approached Lenara and asked what she was doing there. When he said the area was restricted and they shouldn't be there, Lenara tilted her head slightly. Right away her body language shifted in a subtle way. It changed from how dominant she normally was to a slightly more submissive manner as she gazed at the man standing before her. He was a little taller then her.

Lenara lightly bit her bottom lip before softly apologizing. "I-I'm afraid we've gotten separated from our group." she softly told him. "We took a wrong turn and quickly became lost. It's all rather.... overwhelming. All this new stuff, you know? We're supposed to be heading towards engineering, but it seems we've become really lost. Do you think you four men could help us ladies out?" she asked him. "We'd be very, very grateful. For all your help." The tone of her voice was gentle and soft with what could easily be thought of as a little bit of embarrassment and her words could easily be taken very suggestively. Especially with how she stood in front of the man that approached her.

Her upper body leaned towards the man a little and with the way she held her arms, it caused her top to tighten across her breasts just enough for the fabric to strain against her bust in a sexy way. At the same time, her pants hugged the curve of her hips and her ass just right, while she had a suggestive look in her gaze by the time she finished speaking. Lenara was sexy, there was no doubt about that, and looking like a Romulan hadn't changed that one bit.
The Romulan officer listened as Lenara spoke of her problem. She spoke of becoming lost. Her and her friends. The three women were new on the ship. The Romulan officer nodded his head as Lenara continued. His eyes were checking over her body. The man made no attempt to hide his wandering eyes. His three friends also didn't hide their looks of lust. T'Pren smiled while telling T'Pol to turn on the sexuality. This confused T'Pol. She didn't know how to be sexy. She knew that people thought of her as being sexy. That was just how she looked. T'Pol wasn't trying to look sexy for anyone. Though, thanks to Lenara, she planned on being more sexy with Hoshi on the Enterprise. T'Pol just followed what T'Pren was doing. The two women smiling brightly at the group of Romulans. Giggling and showing off their asses. Romulans were a more lustful people then the Vulcans. It became clear that the three women were willing to pay any price for some help. This was a good thing. There weren't any women on Jamran's ship. Besides the ones who arrived with the 22nd century Romulans. Jamran also kept a slave for himself, but he didn't allow his men the comforts of female company. This slave was known by all, but only seen by a few. She was kept under guard.

These four men were hungry for some sex. It was clearly written on their faces. " I think engineering can wait.......Why don't you and your friends join us.......Let us give you three a proper welcome.......You can start your training later.......After we have some fun. " The Romulan officer spoke. He placed his hand onto Lenara's fine looking ass. T'Pren knew that Lenara had snagged the four men. She softly told T'Pol to go with whatever happened. It was important they get the uniforms, but it was also important that they keep their cover. If they were found out, they couldn't help the Protector when it came to attack the ship. T'Pren was hoping to get someone's security codes. It would make breaking into the ship's systems, much easier. These men were security officers. The codes from anyone of these men would help carry out their plan for disabling the shields of Jamran's ship. They just needed to get them alone and distracted before they could be taken out.
As she spoke, Lenara saw the way the Romulan Officer was checking her out and a quick glance to his friends told her plenty that they were interested as well. As she spoke of being willing to do anything to pay for the help of the men, Lenara saw that they were interested and hungry for sex and Lenara knew that she had them hooked while she gazed into the eyes of the Romulan Officer before her. When he spoke of engineering waiting and asking if the women would join them so they could give them a proper welcome, Lenara bit her lip and turned her head slightly as he mentioned them having some fun while placing his hand on her ass.

"A proper welcome would be nice." she softly told him while turning her body towards his some more, her soft breasts pressing against the mans side. "As long as we won't get in trouble that is." she let a hand move to rest against the mans chest, her eyes glittering brightly as she smiled at him, the corners of her mouth turning up slightly. The hand that was resting on his chest slowly slid lower and came to rest on the waist band of his uniform pants. "Why don't you lead the way?" she suggested.
The Romulan Officer just grinned when Lenara spoke of her hope, they wouldn't get into trouble. He assured her, there would be no trouble. He said no one needed to know what would be happening between them. All was going as planned. Lenara had the four men very interested in sex. Her seductive powers were on full display. The Romulan Officer enjoyed how Lenara pressed herself against his side. He could feel her breasts against his side. The man held her tightly. His hand slowly squeezing Lenara's hot ass. Lenara then asked if he could lead the way. The man smiled. His free hand slipped between Lenara's legs. He began rubbing his fingers against her pussy. Lenara still had her pants on, but she would be growing aroused by his touch. Hearing Lenara suggest that the Romulan Officer lead the way. Almost made T'Pol pass out. She was stunned that Lenara wasn't leading them herself.

Just as T'Pol feared. The Romulans led the girls away from where they were found. They travel down a corridor, then made a turn right. The man with Lenara spoke of having a place where they could enjoy their fun, without being disturbed. T'Pren softly told T'Pol just to go with Lenara's plan. She was sure Lenara had something in mind. Perhaps Lenara wanted to have sex with them, then take the Romulans out? It would be an effective move. The men wouldn't know what hit them if they were engaged in sexual activity. It would be easier to steal a command code if the men were distracted by sex. T'Pren could get the job done with a Vulcan mind meld. After traveling up one deck, the group reached the room. The door slid open. The Romulan Officer with Lenara had taken the group of women to his quarters. He entered and began pouring them all drinks. He suggested the women make themselves comfortable. There were two couches and several chairs. The drinks, Romulan Ale, started being passed around. Several of the men were eying up Lenara & T'Pol. Like wild animals watching their next meal. One of the men said it would be nice to see their new friends get naked. This was an idea all the other men liked.
Lenara felt how the man held her tightly, his hand squeezing at her firm, round ass while he assured her that there would be no trouble and that no one needed to know about what would be happening between them. This made Lenara smile a little wider and nod her head. No one could say that Lenara was a terrible actor as the way she acted and spoke had quickly lured and ensnared the men into doing what she wanted. She would later tell others that plenty of men of past, present and future were lead around by their cocks. Once a woman was able to get them thinking with their lower head, it was quite easy to lead them around. After she asked about him leading the way, he smiled at her and she felt his hand slip between her legs and she parted her thighs just enough for him to slip a hand between them, his fingers rubbing against her pussy.

As the man began to lead the way, Lenara looked back at T'Pol and T'Pren, the look in her eyes asking them to trust her. While they might of been able to over power the men in the room that Tom was hiding in, it would be easier to over power them while their pants were down. Besides, acting as if she knew the way around the ship would be a little suspicious. Not only that, but it would be easier to get the uniforms if the men removed them themselves instead of them having to strip the men later. Looking forward, Lenara let the men lead her up one deck to a room which slid open and revealed quarters. Clearly these were the quarters of one of the officers as he began pouring them all drinks and he suggested the women make themselves comfortable.

Lenara took the Romulan Ale that she was handed and she thanked him before taking a sip. She could feel the gazes of the men on her as she sipped her drink and she glanced at one of the men as he spoke of it being nice to see their new friends get naked. "We will if you do." she playfully said, setting her drink aside. "After all. It wouldn't be any fun if just us women were naked." She stood up and began to slowly shed the Romulan uniform she was currently wearing, slipping out of it piece by piece. As she slipped her pants down over her hips and let them fall down around her feet, her hips shimmied a little in a sexy way. She wanted to keep all the men distracted.
Jamran didn't have any women among the members of his crew. No one asked for a reason why. Jamran was their leader, and they did what he wanted. Perhaps, Jamran thought women would be a distraction to his crew? Maybe, it was just an oversight? Something that hadn't crossed Jamran's mind. This careless move would cost Jamran, when it counted the most. His men were under the spell of a very sexy woman. Lenara learned quickly. Men were easily turned on. Once that happened, they began thinking with the little head. All four men were very excited for some sex. Their eyes watched as she began stripping for them. T'Pren & T'Pol soon followed. The other women joined Lenara. Standing at either side, stripping off their uniforms. All three women were now naked, and looking so sexy. Physically, there were only small differences between human females and Romulan females. The only differences were already taken care of by surgery. Lenara appeared to be, just what these men thought she was.

The women were ready for more. The men now began removing their uniforms. This was step one of Lenara's plan. Getting the men to willingly take off their clothes. Step two, would require the girls to keep the men busy. Until T'Pren was ready to mind meld. The Romulan Ale would help in this area. The combination of sex and ale, would make it easier for T'Pren to enter the mind of one of these men and get what she wanted. Once the men were naked, they joined the women. Lenara ended up with two men. T'Pren & T'Pol each had one. They lead their men to the second couch, leaving one couch for Lenara to use. The two men with Lenara, started groping her breasts, squeezing her ass and pushing fingers into her pussy. One man started kissing Lenara at this time. They then began leading her towards the couch. The man kissing Lenara, slipped his tongue into her mouth. The kiss broke once they reached the couch. Lenara was then told to get on the couch and get ready to be taken from both ends.
Thanks to Jamrans decisions about women being on his crew, it had been easy for Lenara and her team to enchant the men. They were able to turn the group of men on and now they were pretty much willing to do what Lenara asked. They were ready for some hot pussy and Lenara and her girls looked ready to give it to them. As Lenara began stripping for them, their attention was locked on the sexy woman before them. Especially after T'Pren and T'Pol began to strip with her. All three women looked just like Romulan females to them thanks to the surgery that they had gotten before embarking on this mission.

Once they were out of their uniforms, the three men got out of their own and Lenara picked up one of the cups of Romulan Ale and she took another 'sip' of it while two of the men approached her and she softly moaned as they began groping her breasts, her ass and touching her pussy before one of them began to kiss her. Together, the group moved over to the couch where she was told to get on the couch and get ready to be taken from both ends. This made her grin and she handed him her cup before getting onto the couch on her hands and knees. Her ass sticking up in the air for them.
T'Pren led one man towards the other couch. She was followed by T'Pol and the fourth man. The remaining two stayed with Lenara, at the other couch. T'Pren had an idea on how she would get what they wanted. She'd already guessed. The one man with Lenara, the man who'd been leading this group of Romulans, would have what they wanted. Command codes to use when they found a computer. Without the command codes, they could set off warning alarms when they started messing with the ship's systems. All they needed to do was, disable the ship's shields in someway. Neither T'Pren or T'Pol knew who they would do that. They were making this up as they went along. The group needed to think on their feet, since their original plan had to be scrapped. T'Pren had her man sit on the couch. T'Pol did the same. Both women straddled the hips of their men. They then slowly slipped the hard cocks into their pussies. T'Pren & T'Pol began fucking their men. They knew Lenara would keep her's just as busy.

Once Lenara was on the couch. The man behind her, moved into position. He slipped his cock into her wet pussy. Groaning as each inch passed into her body. The man in front, the leader of this groups of men, the man T'Pren need to be kept busy. Offered his cock to Lenara. He looked down on her pretty face. Lenara was a striking women, even with pointed ears, angled eyebrows and short cut hair. She made a great looking Vulcan or Romulan women. The man behind Lenara began fucking her pussy. Pulling his cock out, then sliding it back into her. He was moaning from how tight her pussy felt around him. Over on the other couch. T'Pren & T'Pol had their men groaning in pleasure. Nothing like sex could keep men so busy. T'Pren would let her man cum, then she'd strike. So quick, he'd never know what happened. T'Pren looked back over her shoulder. She looked at Lenara and her men on the other couch. Lenara was by now sucking on the leader and getting fucked by the other man.
Lenara was quickly thinking things through even as she acted, her tactical mind going over the different variables of what could happen. She had changed things because if they knocked the men out someplace more out in the open, there was a higher chance of their unconscious forms being found sooner rather then later while there was a lesser chance for them to be found in a more private area, such as the officers own quarters. Here, the women could snatch the mens clothes and change with a slim chance of being discovered and they even had a good chance of getting the codes that they wanted.

Once on the couch, Lenara was joined by the two men who moved into position, both in front of her and behind her. The one behind her pushed into her pussy and she gasped softly as he filled her, feeling every inch of him entering her tight, wet pussy. Moments later, the man infront of her offered his cock to her and she wrapped her hand around the base of him before taking him into her mouth. It wasn't long before both men were fucking her, the one behind her fucking her pussy while she took the other into her throat. The one behind her was moaning about how tight her pussy felt around his cock and she squeezed her muscled tighter around him while moaning around the cock in her mouth. One of her other lovers had once joked about how she might cause a man to fall in love with her because of how good her pussy was and Quark had joked about the fortune he could make if she worked for him. So she knew that she was good. Really good. Especially if Quark spoke of making money off her, even if it was a joke.

Lenara was easily keeping her men distracted in the way she was letting them fuck her, her body responding to them in the way they wanted her to as she was rocked back and forth between them, both of their cocks sliding in and out of her holes.
Quark had been joking with Lenara when he spoke of her earning latinum. He was also telling the truth. Quark knew that men of all types would pay to fuck a woman like Lenara. She was very sexy, enjoyed sex of all types and was a hot fuck. Quark could certainly use a woman like Lenara working for him. He was a businessman after all, and he knew how to turn a profit. With a woman like Lenara, they could both be rich in a short time. Quark had spoke of setting up a gangbang for Lenara if she wanted one. She didn't take him up on his offer. But, that didn't mean she wouldn't on her next visit to Deep Space Nine. Lenara was a woman who loved sex these days. Gangbangs were something that she really enjoyed taking part in. There were always so many cocks for her to use and give pleasure too. Lenara's love for cocks, was the reason why she was with two men now. T'Pren & Doctor Boyd had a long talk about sex, and Lenara Singh. The good doctor shared some juicy stories about Lenara's sexual appetites with the Vulcan woman. T'Pren was sure Lenara wouldn't mind enjoying two cocks, until she could make her move.

While being fucked herself. T'Pren looked back over her shoulder. Watching as Lenara was fucked from behind, while she worked on the man's cock in her mouth. Few were as good at oral sex as Lenara. She truly understood how to use her mouth to deliver pleasure. T'Pren grinned while she grabbed her own breasts, and pulled her own nipples. The man's cock was thrusting deeply into her pussy. T'Pol was also enjoying the pleasure she was getting. There was more to sex then just an action to have children. The sounds of pleasure filled the room. Lenara was getting hammered from behind. The man used his big cock to draw such wonderful noises from Lenara. Even with a cock in her mouth. T'Pren softly encouraged her man to cum inside. She kissed him and helped to bring on his climax. T'Pren closed her eyes when she felt him shooting thick ropes of cum into her pussy. She then quietly thanked the man before giving him the Vulcan nerve pinch. She placed her fingers on his neck and applied pressure until the man was out. One down, three to go. T'Pren then climbed off her man. T'Pol then did the same to her man. Two down, two to go. T'Pren then directed T'Pol to take out the man fucking Lenara. The man Lenara was giving head too, had something T'Pren wanted.

Lenara kept her men's attention on her. The man fucking her pussy, just loved how tight she was. Lenara made herself even tighter for his enjoyment. The man fucking her was quickly approaching his climax. He groaned out, his hot cum started to fill Lenara's pussy. T'Pol slipped up from behind him. She pressed her magnificent naked figure against his. This made the enjoyment even better for the man. T'Pol then took him out with the Vulcan nerve pinch. She grabbed onto the man, then eased him down to the floor. The man who was getting pleasure from Lenara's mouth. Had no idea what was going on around him. His eyes were closed, as he enjoyed how great Lenara's mouth and hands were. He suddenly became aware of another naked body pressing against his. This was T'Pren coming up from behind. She softly told him to enjoy what was happening. This was something he could do. He then groaned out that he was cumming. T'Pren saw this as her chance. She placed her fingers at certain points on the man's face. " Our minds are merging......Growing closer.......Our minds are one........I feel what you feel........I know what you know. " T'Pren spoke as her mind searched for what she wanted. A man's mind was very open during sex. It was difficult for any man to keep secrets while he was cumming. His cum was shooting into Lenara's mouth. She continued working his cock over, until the last drop of cum was down her throat. T'Pren then took the man out with the nerve pinch. " I have his command codes........We should be able to bypass their security now. " T'Pren said with a sly smile on her face. The girls needed to tie up the men, grab their uniforms and get back to where Tom waited, without getting caught.
While she had been joking around with Quark, she knew that he had been kidding. But at the same time, he was being very truthful. Just like everything else she set her mind to perfecting, she had become one of the best when it came to sex. She was amazing at giving blowjobs and those that she was intimate with, loved fucking her. Quark and she could be rich in no time if she worked for him selling sex. But that was illegal and she'd never willingly leave her post in Starfleet. She loved working for them too much. However, Quark had offered to set up a gangbang for her anytime she wanted. She had turned him down during her last visit to Deep Space 9, but she might take him up on his offer the next time she visited. After all, she had come to really like being taken in every way by multiple men at once. She admitted to being extremely greedy when it came to sex.

Lenara was being fucked hard from behind while she deep throated the cock of the man in front of her. The woman was moaning around the hard, thick cock moving in and out of her mouth. She hollowed her cheeks, causing the suction around his cock to intensify a little more while wrapping her lips tighter around his cock. He was getting the full treatment of all her little tricks when it came to oral sex. At the same time, she was tightening her pussy muscles around the cock fucking her from behind. It wasn't long before she heard the man behind her groan, followed by the feeling of his hot cum filling her pussy. This was followed by T'Pol knocking him out with the use of the Vulcan nerve pinch before easing the man to the ground. This left the man that Lenara was giving head to, as the last man standing since T'Pren and T'Pol had taken out the men that they had been with.

While she continued sucking on the mans cock, she watched from the corner of her eye as T'Pren moved close and moved up behind the man, pressing herself against him and told him to enjoy what was happening. When he groaned out that he was cumming, it wasn't long and Lenara knew when T'Pren began to mind meld with him as the womans hands moved onto either side of the mans face. She did this as the man began cumming, his release filling Lenara's mouth while she continued suckling on him. Once he was done, she released his cock while T'Pren knocked him out and announced that she had the command codes and they should be able to bypass security. With a nod, Lenara stood up and stretched before she looked at the four men. "Lets take care of these three and get back down to Tom." she told them before she began to arrange the four men so the women could tie them up.
The four Romulans were taken into the bedroom, after being tied up. They were placed inside the closet, to keep the quiet and out of the way. The girls all dressed in three for the four uniforms. While dressing, the fact that they were women and Jamran had no women serving on his ship was brought up. This was one of those details which couldn't be helped. The girls would have to make sure they didn't linger in the halls for very long. Plus, they were armed now, with Romulan hand disruptors. Everyone knew, they may have to fight their way out of this mission. A fight seemed more likely at the moment. Once they were dressed, Lenara led the T'Pren & T'Pol out of the quarters. One thing was in their favor. Most of Jamran's men were busy training the 22nd century Romulans. The small group made their way to the turbo lift and down to the deck where they left Tom. He was hiding in a storage room, expecting the girls to return with four men. He was surprised when they walked in, already dressed and carrying a uniform for him. It was explained, they decided to let the men take them to a location where they could be alone. T'Pren said it was better if the men weren't found. Since they had no idea how long they would be on Jamran's ship. Tom began stripping off his older Romulan uniform, to put on the newer one. T'Pren stood beside Lenara, both women watching as Commander Quinn stripped for them.

" Hummmm......Commander Quinn is very nice. " T'Pren spoke while admiring his toned body. " I'm sure you two will have fun on your date. " T'Pren added, giving Lenara a sly smile. While Tom was getting his new uniform on. The Protector was starting it's attack run on Jamran's base. The explosives Tom planted, did their job. The base's shields were gone in a flash. Their weapons were half power as the Protector started pounding the asteroid with phasers and torpedoes. Captain West knew Jamran was on his way to Cheron. He also knew, Jamran wouldn't be heading that way for long. Jamran would turn and attack the Protector. Doing whatever he could to save his base. Lenara and her team needed to find a computer and hopeful be able to disable the shields and weapons on Jamran's ship. From here on in. Lenara and her team couldn't take any prisoners.
Together, the women worked together to move the men into the bedroom after they had been tied up and they placed them into the closet. This would keep them quiet and out of the way. Once they were in the closet, Lenara and the others began to dress in the uniforms that the men had stripped out of. While they dressed, the fact of them being women on the ship and Jamran not having women serving on his ship was brought up and Lenara shook her head. "We'll just have to make sure we don't linger long in the halls." she told them while pulling on the uniform top. Once she was dressed, Lenara folded and tucked the last uniform beneath her arm before leading the other two women out of the bedroom to the turbo lift which they took down to the deck where Tom was waiting.

Entering the storage room that he was waiting in, Lenara waited until the T'Pren and T'Pol had entered and closed the door before looking at Tom again and she held out the uniform to him while it was explained that they had decided to let the men take them to a location where they could be alone before T'Pren chimed in that it was better if the men weren't found. "So they're locked up in a closet, naked and tied up." Lenara said simply, as if it were a normal, everyday thing to do to someone. Once Tom had the uniform, he began changing and Lenara tilted her head slightly while watching, T'Pren soon moving to her side while they watched him strip.

When T'Pren commented about Commander Quinn, Lenara nodded slightly before smiling when she commented about them having fun on their date. "Oh, I've no doubt." she replied before returning T'Pren's sly smile, her eyes glittering brightly. Once he was dressed, they discussed what to do next. "T'Pren has command codes from one of our Romulan friends, so I would say we find a computer as soon as possible and see about getting the shields and weapons disabled." Lenara said before she looked at T'Pren and asked if it was just command codes that she had been able to get from the Romulan.
Tom had given both Lenara & T'Pren a nice view of his goods. He'd stripped down, completely naked for their eyes. Though he wasn't aware, they were just standing there, watching him. His finely toned body was on display for them. Lenara could see what she'd be getting, once the mission was over. Tom had a nice looking cock. Lenara knew, it would look even better, hard and thrusting into her body. The thought of sex was a nice one to have. However, the group had a mission to do. They needed to cripple Jamran's ship, before he could attack the Protector. Jamran would be ready for the tricks Captain West used against him during their first encounter. The mission Lenara and her team were on, needed to succeed. The Protector had already started attacking the base. Captain West had Lesley jam all communications coming from the base. They couldn't signal for help. The Protector pounded the base. Finally destroying the asteroid. Blowing into pieces. Jamran's ship was halfway between the base and the planet Cheron. His sensors picked up on the explosion. Jamran had a feel of what happened. He ordered his ship to turn around. He would destroy the Protector and Captain West before helping the 22nd century Romulans win the Battle of Cheron.

T'Pren had the command codes, and she did have an idea on where to use them. During her mind meld with the Romulan Officer. T'Pren was able to locate where the Romulans had their auxiliary control room. From there, they could access all the functions of the ship. The group was startled when the "Red Alert" warning went off. " The captain must have attacked and destroyed the base. " Tom said while looking around. The sounds of running feet could be heard. T'Pol suggested they all crawl into the maintenance shafts and use them to reach auxiliary control. The idea was a good one, and those running feet were growing closer. Once Lenara gave the okay. The hatch was pulled off. Everyone climbed into the tunnel and the hatch was closed. Only a few seconds passed, then several groups of men ran passed the hatch. T'Pren took the lead, with Tom right behind her. Between the two of them. They should be able to find the auxiliary control room. The group began crawling, single file through the shafts.
While Tom stripped down, becoming completely naked for the women, Lenara openly looked on unabashed and unashamed. The interest was clear in the womans face as she smiled slightly to herself. He had a nice body and a very nice looking cock. One she definitely wouldn't mind enjoying once this mission was over. But for now, she needed to focus on the mission at hand. So with a brief mental shake, she pushed away her lustful thoughts of her crewmate as he finished dressing and she focused on T'Pren as she asked the other woman about where to use the command codes. However, they were startled when a "Red Alert" went off, letting them know that the captain must of attacked and destroyed the base already and Lenara nodded at Tom's comment. "That means we don't have time to lose." she told him. "We need to move."

Her comment was backed by the sound of running feet nearing and T'Pol suggested they crawl into the maintenance shaft and use them to get to auxiliary control. "Sounds like a plan. Lets go." Lenara said and they worked together to get the hatch pulled off and they all climbed into the tunnel, closing the hatch behind them. And just in time too because seconds later, a number of groups of men ran past. With the small group hidden in the shaft, T'Pren took lead. She and Tom were at the front of the group with Lenara right behind them and then T'Pol was at the rear. They traveled quickly through the shafts in a single file and with Tom and T'Pren at the lead, they found their way to the auxiliary control.
After a bit of searching, the group led by Lenara, found the auxiliary control room. They found the room was guarded by two men. Lenara and her team wanted to avoid using the disruptors they took off those four men. The ship's internal sensors would detect weapons fire and alert the Romulans. The ship was already at battle stations. Mostly the reason why the auxiliary control room had two guards, on the inside of the room. Tom said there could be two more standing outside the door. Whatever they did, needed to happen quickly and quietly. It didn't take long for Lenara to come up with an idea. She was a great tactician back at Starfleet Academy. Battle strategy was one of the areas Lenara excelled in. Lenara became even better after joining the Protector. She learned a lot in a short time, after becoming first officer to Kyle West. The two worked on every battle the Protector took part in. They would go over every detail, no matter how small that detail may seem. Kyle didn't believe any detail should be over looked. This was an more lesson Lenara learned from her captain.

Lenara quickly came up with a plan. There were two hatches, leading from the shafts, into the auxiliary control room. She & T'Pol would move around to the second hatch. Tom would draw the guards towards the first hatch with a noise. Once the guards were on the move. Lenara & T'Pol would slip out and take the guards from behind. Tom waited until Lenara was ready. He then tapped on the bulkhead. This sound drew the attention of the two guards. They began moving towards the first hatch. This gave Lenara & T'Pol a chance to make their move. The two guards drawing their weapons as they slowly moved closer and closer to the hatch. Tom & T'Pren waited just inside the small door. The next few seconds would tell whether victory or defeat was in the cards.
Upon finding the auxiliary control room, the four found that the room was being guarded by two men. It was understandable. However, they wanted to avoid open fire with the disruptors because it would alert others in the ship, something they currently didn't want since the ship was already at battle stations. After they discovered two inside of the room, Tom spoke of the possibility of there being two more standing outside of the door. This made Lenara nod slightly. As the head of security for the Protector, she spoke of it being something that she would of done. At the same time, because she was a brilliant tactician, she quickly came up with an idea and she spoke of it. Before joining the Protector, Lenara was often praised for her tactile skills. One of the best to leave the halls of Starfleet Academy was what one of her teachers had said. But since joining Kyle's ship, she'd learned a lot from him. She had become even more open minded and she had learned to look at every single detail, no matter how small. No detail should be over looked.

She came up with a plan quickly. Explaining, she pointed out the other hatch that also led into the auxiliary control room. She told them that she and T'Pol would move to the second one and after Tom drew the attention of the guards to the first hatch, she and T'Pol would slip out and take down the guards in the room. With the plan explained, she and T'Pol moved around to the other hatch and once they were ready, the waited as Tom began to tap on the bulkhead. Lenara waited until the guards were moving towards the first hatch before she carefully and silently opened the hatch that she and T'Pol were waiting near and she slipped out with T'Pol following close behind.

Once they were out, the two women quickly moved up behind the two men and within seconds took them down. T'Pol used the Vulcan neck pinch on the one man while Lenara delivered a quick blow to the back of the head to knock out the other. Lenara was aware of how the Vulcan neck pinch was done and had even been shown how, but it was something that she wasn't comfortable attempting. Especially right now during such an important mission. With the two men rendered unconscious, Lenara opened the hatch that Tom and T'Pren were waiting behind.
There was a moment when Tom was a little worried. The other hatch could be locked. If that was the case, Lenara & T'Pol would have to break out. The two women would have to use their disruptors and cut their way out. It would be the only way, but it would set off the warning alarms. Tom & T'Pren waited for the hatch to open. There would either be Romulan guards standing there, or Lenara & T'Pol. As the hatched started to slowly open. Tom peeked his head around the corner of the bulkhead. He could see Lenara, standing there, looking so very sexy. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment? Maybe it was just because Lenara was damn tough and could over power most any man and take him? Tom felt a sudden thrill pass through his body. He'd love nothing more, then to have sex with Lenara right now. That wouldn't be happening and Tom knew it. They were on an important mission at the moment. The mission was key to the Earth victory over the Romulans at the Battle of Cheron.

Tom crawled out of the shaft, thanking Lenara as he did. T'Pren was the next to crawl from the shaft. She flashed her commander a sly smile. The type of smile which spoke of how much the sexy Vulcan wanted Lenara. The two women would enjoy time together. After they returned to the ship. Lenara would be a busy women over the next few days. She had a date with Doctor Shelby Jensen and one with Tom. Lenara was looking forward to both days. T'Pren quickly moved over to the main control panel. Tom joined her, both were studying the controls and thinking of the best way to bring down Jamran's ship. T'Pren sued the command codes she took from the Romulan Officer's mind. Her smile grew as she gained control over key systems of the Warbird. " I think the best way.......Would be to set up an overload of shields and weapons........Cause a cascade effect which they wouldn't detect until it was too late. " Tom spoke openly. Letting Lenara & T'Pol understand what he and T'Pren would be doing. T'Pren agreed. The two officers then began their work. They caused an error in both the shields and weapons which would grow and grow until both systems would crash. Leaving Jamran's ship defenseless
After opening the hatch, Lenara stood back and watched Toms head peek around the corner and she grinned down at him, one of her hands resting on her hip while she waited for him to exit the shaft. She was standing near the unconscious bodies of the Romulans, looking like some kind of warrior standing victorious over their quarry. As Tom crawled out and thanked her, she nodded slightly with a small smile before T'Pren slipped out, flashing the first officer a sly smile and she quirked an eyebrow at the Vulcan, a faint chuckle escaping her throat before the commander turned and followed T'Pren and Tom over to the controls.

She watched as T'Pren used the command codes that she'd gotten from the Romulan Officer's mind and soon had control over key systems of the Warbird. Lenara was quiet as Tom told her what he thought was the best way to thwart the Warbird, was to set up an overload of shields and weapons. He explained what he and T'Pren would be doing and Lenara told them to do it. Hopefully this would work and they could get out of the room before anyone came. While they worked, Lenara grabbed the two unconscious men and moved them away from the door so that they would be seen right away if the guards on the other side came in. She and T'Pol would stand guard over Tom and T'Pren while they worked. Once they were done setting up the overload, Lenara wanted to get them out as quickly as possible.
Jamran's Warbird approached the location of the base. Nothing remained of the base. Just bits of rock floating in space. Jamran pounded the arm of his chair. He spit curses out at Captain West. Jamran knew he should have hunted West and his ship down. Now, his base, his extra men, all his supplies and weapons were gone. Jamran would now have to return to his time, just to get more of what he needed. Before that happened, Jamran would see West and his ship destroyed. The sensors of his Warbird, weren't picking up any signs of the Protector. The starship wasn't gone, just out of sight for the moment. Captain West had his ship move behind one of the larger asteroids. The crew of the Protector was already at battle stations. The starship was moving around the asteroid, and would soon be in position to attack.

" Steady as she goes Mr. Simms. " Captain West spoke, his eyes watching the view screen carefully. " I'm picking up the Warbird's sensor beams........It's searching the area for us. " Lieutenant Getal spoke while she watched her own sensors. " 30 seconds before we're within firing range captain. " Getal added. Captain West rose from his chair. He hoped, Lenara and her team was able to complete her mission. West did have a plan "C", just in case Lenara had failed. He would order Jamal Simms to set course and ram the larger Warbird. The impact would destroy both ships, but at least Jamran would be stopped and his plan would end here. As the Protector came around the asteroid. Jamran's Warbird picked up the starship. " THERE IT IS! " Jamran yelled out as the Protector came onto his viewing screen. He then ordered his ship to moved in and attack. At that same moment, Captain West ordered Lieutenant Tala to fire all forward weapons.

Tom smiled when he and T'Pren finished there work. " It's set......The shields and weapons will build and build with power until they fry themselves........The entire system would have to be replaced.......It couldn't be fixed. " Tom spoke with a hint of pride in his voice. He said it will happen in about a minute. The Warbird would soon be defenseless. Not to be out done by the wile engineer. T'Pren then announced, she changed the command codes. Once the overload happened, no one would have control over the Warbird. None of their systems would work. Suddenly, the ship was rocked and everyone was tossed to the floor. " The Protector must be attacking. " Tom groaned after he sat up. " We better get out of here and contact the ship to beam us out. " Tom added while pushing himself to his feet. He then helped T'Pren up from the floor. The group climbed back into the shaft. The Warbird was rocked again and again. They crawled along until they found a storage room. The group exited the shaft, then Lenara sent the signal. The signal was a tone, not a message. Lieutenant Lesley Wong sat at her communications station on the Protector, listening to the channel where the tone signal would be sent. She smiled brightly when she heard the tone. Lesley told Captain West, she got the signal from Lenara.

Getal watched the Warbird on her scanners. " Their shields just went down..........Weapons are offline. " Getal spoke with a sly smile on her face. Captain West was ready to order the away team beamed aboard. He was stopped when Getal spoke of detecting a human life sign on the Warbird. She said it was a human female bio-sign. This was odd, but they could worry about that later. West ordered Getal to send the location of the single bio-sign to transporter room one. The captain then ordered the transporter room to beam the away team and the other human on board. " Tala.......Fire at will. " Captain West said as he turned towards the pretty Andorian female. Lenara and her team were beamed away from the Warbird. They appeared in transporter room one, along with a surprising guest. A Young woman in a late 23rd century Starfleet uniform. The unknown woman was surprised to be beamed and found herself in strange surroundings. She then turned and saw Tom standing next to her. She began lashing out at Tom. Punching and kicking him. Cursing like a sailor on a Saturday night. Tom was taken by surprise. The blows from the woman, dropped him to his knees.
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