Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

T'Pren was happy to know, Lenara was a lot like she was. Lenara having confessed to having lovers on the ship. Both women enjoyed being with different people. Spicing up their lives with a mixed band of lovers. T'Pren was also happy to know, Lenara liked other women. This meant something could happen between Lenara & T'Pren. This was something the pretty Vulcan was looking forward too. One thing needed to be made clear though. T'Pren wasn't sure if Lenara would share her lovers. It was possible, Lenara wouldn't want T'Pren doing those she was already with. T'Pren needed to make sure she had Lenara's permission before making any moves on anyone she was currently with. Both women were starting things on the right foot. No one wanted to step on anyone's toes.

" I wouldn't want any hard feelings between us........I won't try anything with those who are your lovers without your permission.......It's only right that I ask now......You may wish to keep your lovers to yourself. " T'Pren asked. She didn't want any trouble with Lenara. T'Pren was looking forward to spend a lot of time on board the Protector. Making an enemy out of the first officer wasn't the smartest thing to do. This was just T'Pren covering her bases. Lenara was very sharing with her lovers. She certainly didn't mind Ezri joining her with Doctor Boyd, Kyle and Lesley. This was something that T'Pren didn't know about, but would soon learn. The two women were hitting off and beginning a wonderful friendship.
In her time since she'd joined the Protector, Lenara had gone from having mostly female lovers with the occasional man tossed in to spice things up, to having a much bigger and diverse ring of lovers. She had lovers from either genders and from several races. And she was very interested in adding Vulcan to that list of races she had lovers in. After she admitted to the captain and Tala being two of her lovers, T'Pren said that she wouldn't try anything with those who were her lovers without her permission. This was actually something Lenara had never heard before because all her lovers were open about their relationships and none of them minded sharing.

"Then I suppose it's a good thing that I'm open to sharing." she told T'Pren while crossing her legs and folding her hands in front of her abdomen in a relaxed manner. "If I told others they weren't allowed to be with my lovers, I'm pretty sure a large portion of the crew wouldn't be with anyone but myself." She was grinning as she said this, completely unashamed to admit that she had fucked a good number of the crew. "You'll be pleased to know that all of us on the Protector are quite open with each other and we share with each other." She told T'Pren that she was welcome to approach whomever she wished to and she wouldn't have any hard feelings. She even went so far as to tell her that occasionally she and a couple others got together after their shifts were over to spend some time together and that perhaps T'Pren might join them sometime.
Lenara had found out, many on the Protector were open about sex long before she came aboard. Doctor Edwin Boyd, the ship's chief medical officer was the reason for this. He encouraged a free and open sexual lifestyle among the crew. Boyd believed that being sexually free led to a better life for everyone involved. As a young doctor, fresh out of Starfleet Medical School. Boyd spent sometime on the planet, Denobula. The Denobulans, like the Deltans, and some other races, were sexually free and very open. None of those races had any troubles with relationships. The Denobulans had relationships which were intertwined with dozens of others. Boyd found them to be happy with the open sexual adventures they enjoyed. He then visited Delta IV, and found them just as happy and healthy with their sexually open lifestyle. Over the years, Boyd started encouraging everyone to have such lifestyles. People were free to make their own decisions. Some followed what the doctor said, others continued doing things their own way.

On the Protector, Doctor Boyd preached to everyone about the joys of being sexually free. He did so even with couples. Believing that adding lovers, only helped to spice up their relationship. Most of the Protector crew followed the doctor's orders. Officers and enlisted personnel alike. There was the Starfleet rule which kept officers from having relationships with enlisted personnel. This was something that most followed. However, as long as it was kept under wraps and on board the ship. If such a relationship happened, no one would care. Captain West was willing to look the other way on such matters. He never had as crew so close before. The open sex made the crew more like a family. It bonded them in ways nothing else could. Lenara quickly found she fit in perfectly. Her first lovers, Tala & Lesley, told Lenara of how they enjoyed many lovers. Lenara had found a home on the Protector.

T'Pren was pleased to hear, the willingness Lenara had towards sharing. She would find out how Doctor Boyd started all this. T'Pren was scheduled for a physical exam by the ship's chief medical officer. She was in store for the most in depth exam of her life. " It's a shame Starfleet has that rule keeping officers and enlisted personnel from having sex with each other........You could have every member of the crew as lovers. " T'Pren spoke with a chuckle in her voice. That rule remained unbroken, even on the Protector. As far as everyone knew that is. " I would be very happy to take part in any and all off duty romps. " T'Pren smiled as she spoke. She then talked of having a holoprogram. She invited Lenara to join her. T'Pren said it was a Vulcan massage program. She spoke of creating it herself. T'Pren said the setting is a cave in the "Forge" on Vulcan. The forge was a vast desert on the planet. T'Pren said it was like visiting a very hot spa. She said you could build up a sweat while enjoying a massage.

T'Pren then pushed herself away from Lenara's desk. She stood tall while looking down at the commander. " Perhaps you could show me my quarters?.......You can also fill me in on what my duty shifts would be. " T'Pren said while smiling. She would like nothing more then to enjoy some alone time with Lenara. However, the ship would be leaving on it's time travel mission. There would be time for Lenara & T'Pren to become friendlier later on.
Lenara was very open to sharing her partners and she welcomed new ones. A soft laugh escaped Lenara after T'Pren spoke about it being a shame that Starfleet had rules keeping the officers and enlisted personnel from having sex with each other. If they didn't have those rules, she could have every member of the crew as a lover and she shook her head in amusement. "It's probably for the best." she said with a smile. "I already spend a large portion of my time undressed as it is." She was joking of course, but it wasn't an entire lie either. A good percentage of her off time was spend in some state of undress with one lover or another. T'Pren then told her that she would be happy to join in any and all off duty romps and she nodded slightly while saying that T'Pren would be welcome.

The pretty Vulcan then spoke of having a holoprogram that she invited Lenara to join in on with her. She explained it was a Vulcan massage program which she'd created herself. She told Lenara more about the program which took place in a cave in the "Forge" on Vulcan. She explained that the forge was a vast desert and it was like visiting a very hot spa and it was a place where one could build up a sweat while enjoying a massage. "I think I just might take you up on that invite." she told T'Pren.

Finally T'Pren pushed away from the desk and suggested Lenara show her to her quarters and she could fill her in on what her duty shifts would be. Lenara nodded at this and she slowly stood up. Once she was on her feet, Lenara tugged at the hem of her top, smoothing it down before she moved out from behind her desk. "Let us go then." she said, motioning for T'Pren to walk ahead of her out of the office. "After you settle into your quarters, it would be best to get your physical exam with Doctor Boyd out of the way. That way you don't have to worry about it later. Besides, I think you'll like Doctor Boyd." she told T'Pren with a grin.

Together, the two women left Lenara's office and began to make their way down to where T'Pren would be staying. While they traveled together, Lenara began to explain about what her duty shifts would be.
T'Pren was glad, she and Lenara were getting along so well. The two women were become fast friends. Enjoying their time together. T'Pren walked ahead of Lenara, the two women heading for deck 3. Lenara knew there was open quarters on that deck. She placed T'Pren there, which was only a few doors down from Tala & Lesley. Lenara was sure the three women would build a quick friendship. While they walked along. Lenara suggested that T'Pren get her visit to sickbay and Doctor Boyd out of the way. Lenara hinted that T'Pren would enjoy her physical from the doctor. This made T'Pren raise her eyebrow, she then laughed and spoke if seeing the doctor right away. From how Lenara looked at her. T'Pren assumed the man was another lover of the pretty commander. Lenara was giving their new Vulcan crew member some great advice.

Lenara spoke of how T'Pren's duty shifts would work. Currently, Lieutenant Getal was serving as head of the science department, until Mr. Vox returned. T'Pren would start working on the "B" shift. She would relieve Getal on the bridge at 1500 hours. After reaching T'Pren's quarters. Lenara gave her a tour. T'Pren spoke of how much larger the quarters were on a Legacy Class Starship. She had small quarters on the Pulsar, and slightly larger ones on the Aurora. T'Pren loved the extra room. " You must have some wonderful parties in quarters this size. " T'Pren joked as she put her bag down on the table. She thanked Lenara for being so kind and accepting of her. T'Pren then moved closer to where Lenara stood. She leaned in and kissed Lenara softly on her lips. The tender moment was broken when Lesley made a ship wide announcement. " Attention all hands!......Attention all hands!......The ship will be getting underway in 5 minutes......Commander Singh report to the bridge. " The ship wide channel was then closed. Being called to the bridge told Lenara, they would be making the jump backwards in time once the ship was far enough away from the starbase. They couldn't let anyone detect their use of a time device.
It hasn't always been easy for Lenara to get along with others right off the bat. In the past because she was so wary of others, she didn't make friends well, but lately she's become more welcoming to others. Thanks to the trials and difficulties she'd come through, she was able to change her approach to others. As she walked with T'Pren and suggested she visit the sickbay and the doctor for her physical exam, she watched T'Pren from the corner of her eye and when she saw the other womans eyebrow raise, Lenara grinned at her before they both laughed together before T'Pren said that she would see the doctor right away to which Lenara nodded.

After this, Lenara explained that Lieutenant Getal was serving as head of the science department until Mr. Vox returned. T'Pren would be starting her work on "B" shift and she would relieve Getal on the bridge at 1500 hours. Once reaching T'Pren's quarters, she gave the other woman a tour. While she did, T'Pren spoke of the size of the quarters. Her comment about having some wonderful parties in these kinds of quarters made Lenara chuckle. "The parties are pretty good." she said, watching as the Vulcan placed her bag down on the table before she accepted Lenara of being so accepting of her. "I try not to judge others." she softly told T'Pren. "I have personally experienced being judged by others and I do not like to do the same to others."

When T'Pren moved closer and then kissed her, Lenara was both surprised, yet not at the same time. In return, she kissed her back, stepping a little closer until their bodies brushed against each other. However, their moment was cut short when Lesley made a ship wide announcement of the ship getting underway in 5 minutes before calling Lenara herself to the bridge. Hearing this, Lenara broke the kiss and stepped back. "Well, looks like we'll have to continue this another time." she told T'Pren before grinning at her and she stepped away from the other woman. With that, she turned and left T'Pren's quarters and head to the turbo lift which she took up to the bridge.

Once it arrived at the bridge, she stepped off the turbo lift and she moved over to her station, ready to take over. She was a little nervous. The whole Protector would be traveling back in time shortly and then they would be going up against a beast of a warbird all on their own.
T'Pren loved how Lenara kissed. She loved how Lenara's body felt against hers. Though, they were fully clothed. T'Pren still managed to get a rush from Lenara's sexy body pressing against hers. The two women would get time to spend together. They would have to wait for a while. T'Pren wished Lenara luck as she was leaving for the bridge. The pretty Vulcan took a seat at her table. She was the type of person who would love to be on the bridge during the action. The ship would be traveling through time soon. Heading into the past to fight an enemy from the future. Only a ship like the Protector would get such missions. It's one of the reasons why T'Pren wanted to join this crew. She knew few crews in Starfleet were tested quite as often as the Protector crew. They passed each test with flying colors. T'Pren wanted to be tested, she wanted to enjoy the glory which came with being on board a ship like the Protector. Glory is something most Vulcans do seek, but T'Pren was unlike most Vulcans. T'Pren opened her bag and started unpacking. She would get settled, then go see Doctor Boyd. T'Pren planned on giving him a big surprise.

Captain West greeted Lenara as she came onto the bridge. He asked how their new crew member was getting along? Kyle was pleased to have another science officer on board. They were already short one with Vox still away. The war also made that area short with manpower. Everyone was put into other departments by Starfleet or by their own choice. Lenara was pleased with the new addition. There was some information about T'Pren she didn't speak of openly on the bridge. Lenara would tell Kyle more when they had a chance to be alone. " Mr. Simms........Set course 210 mark 188......Engage impulse engines at 2/3rds power until we reach the outer marker........Then take us warp 6. " Lieutenant Simms confirmed the captains orders. He worked the helm, the ship started moving through space. Kyle contacted Commander Quinn in engineering. Tom said everything was ready down there. The time device was hooked into the warp core and the clocking device was connected into the main power of the ship. Both devices were ready to be used whenever the captain was ready to use them. Having a clocking device on board the Protector would be strange. The only Federation Starship which was allowed to have a clocking device, was the USS Defiant. The Federation & the Romulans reached an agreement allowing the Defiant to use a clocking device. No other Starships were given permission to use such devices. The Treaty of Algeron forbid the Federation from having or using such devices on their starships.

The Protector jumped to warp once it was passed the outer marker. Lieutenant Getal & Lenara watched their scanners closely. each looking for signs of other ships nearby. They didn't want to be detected by a friendly ship, or jumped by the enemy. Once the ship was far enough away from Starbase 133. Kyle ordered the ship to be stopped. Simms took the Protector out of warp speed, before bring the ship to a stop. Kyle asked if there was anything on scanners? Neither Lenara or Getal was detecting any kind of ship. Kyle called engineering. He told them to bring the time device online and transfer control to the bridge. This was done. Getal's science station had been set up to handle the ship's travel through time. Daniels had preset the device to bring the Protector into the future and return it home. All they needed to do was activate the machine and press a button. Getal said the device was working normally. Kyle then asked her to press the button. Getal did as asked. The ship lurched forwards. As if it was grabbed by some huge, unseen hand. Everyone on the ship was tossed around. The bridge crew found themselves on the deck. Lights flickering. Stations losing power then regaining it. The warp drive was whining out. Like it was being over worked. " Bridge!.......What the hell is happening!? " Commander Quinn called out, but no answer came.

The sudden rise in G-Forces made it hard for most to move. Kyle & Lenara were both struggling to regain their standing positions. Despite her enhanced strength. Lenara was just as helpless against the unseen force which took them all down. Just as suddenly as it all started. The ship was calm. The force was gone and everyone could move again. The warp drive was quiet, and the bridge was dark. The lights and stations came alive with power. " Bridge to engineering report! " Kyle called out. Tom's voice was heard saying they had reports of ship wide power loses, but everything was returning to normal. " Captain!.......We've moved!.........Our current position is the Altair system. " Getal spoke as she looked away from her scanners, towards Kyle & Lenara. The ship was nowhere near the Altair system when they started. Altair put them within 16 light years of Earth. Kyle asked Getal to scan for a Federation time beacon. " I'm assuming this worked.......But you'd think Daniels could have warned us about the rough ride. " Kyle spoke to Lenara. Getal soon spoke of not detecting any time beacons in the area. Kyle then asked Lesley to contact Starbase 1 or 2. Both would be nearby if they in their proper time. Lesley worked the controls at her station. She then started shaking her head. " Sorry captain.......I'm not getting anything on normal Starfleet channels.........All channels are dead. " Lesley's words made Kyle nod hsi head. Kyle asked Lesley to monitor any and all signals she might get. He told Getal to keep scanning for signs of ships.
After stepping onto the bridge, Lenara was greeted by Captain West and she greeted him in return as she moved over to her station. He asked her how the new crew member was getting along and she answered. "She seems like she's going to be a good addition to the crew, sir." she told him as she came to stand at her station. "I think she'll get on pretty well with the others." She sent him a brief, sly smile before her attention was turned to her station completely. Soon Captain West began to give orders to Lieutenant Simms before he contacted Quinn. With the confirmation that things were ready, it was just about time for them to go. Lenara knew that they were breaking rules by having a cloaking device on board the Protector as the only ship in the Federation who were supposed to even have one was the Defiant. There was an agreement between the Federation and the Romulans that the Defiant would have one. No others had permission to have one as the Treaty of Algeron forbade it.

As the Protector departed, Lenara settled into her spot and when they reached the outer marker, they jumped to warp. Once they did, she began watching her scanners closely, looking for any sign of other ships, whether they were friendly or enemy. The moment they were far enough away from Starbase 133, Kyle had them stop and the ship was brought out of warp speed and then brought to a stop. With them at a stop, Lenara once again looked over her scanners before she was asked about if there was anything on them. She shook her head slightly before telling him that her scanners were all clear. Getals were clear as well. With the all clear, West told Getal to press the button. This button would send them into the past. When she pressed the button, the ship lurched forward and Lenara gasped when she was tossed to the deck.

The lights of the Bridge began to flicker and all the stations began loosing power before regaining it. From where she was on the ground, Lenara kept trying to get up off the ground, her eyes wide as she glanced towards her captain. She didn't like that she was so helpless all of a sudden, the woman struggling to get to her feet. When the ship suddenly calmed, Lenara lurched forward before tripping and falling again. Her cheeks turned a little pink before she rose to her feet, a little embarrassed. The crew on the bridge gradually got to their feet and Kyle requested a report from engineering.

Tom soon got back to them and said that they had power loss all over the ship but things were back to normal. This was before Getal told them that they had moved and their current position was the Altair system. Lenara returned to her station and began to look over her own scanners, her gaze studying them before she glanced at Kyle as he spoke to her about the rough ride. "I really wish that he had." she told Kyle. "I for one, don't appreciate being thrown around like that." Lenara sighed and listened while the others went back and forth, with Kyle asking Lesley about contacting Starbase 1 or 2, both of which they couldn't contact. All the normal Starfleet channels were dead.
Clearly, the Protector was no longer in it's proper time period. The question was, how far into the past were they? Had they reached the time Daniels set for them? Both Lenara & Getal watched their scanners closely. Kyle asked Commander Quinn if the ship was in shape for regular space travel. They ship had been through a rough ride. It felt like the ship would rip into two pieces, but it held together. Tom said other then some minor damage. He couldn't find anything wrong with the ship. The damage that was done, crews were already working on repairing. Kyle thanked the commander. " Mr. Simms........Lets see what's out there.......Taking us out of the system........Ahead half impulse. " Kyle ordered while he took his seat. Jamal confirmed the order, then began taking the ship out of the Altair system.

The large starship moved slowly out of the Altair system. It's long range scanners began picking up multiple signals. The scanners on the Protector were far better then old ships. The Protector's long range scanners were capable of picking up ships from a greater distance. The ships Lenara & Getal could see, were no where near being able to detect them. The targets on their scanners were all much small then the Protector. Getal was able to gather some information from her scanners. She was sure they were in the right time. " Captain.......I've got a Tellarite freighter on my scanner.......It's baring is 231 mark 132.......The computer says it's a design was used in 2160. " Getal spoke while she watched the freighter moving along. That year was when the Battle of Cheron took place. Kyle sat back into his chair. He then contacted Commander Quinn again. He asked the chief engineer if the cloak was still working. Tom said it was. The controls for the cloak were set up at Lenara's station. " Mr. Singh......Activate the cloaking device. " The captain spoke. As the device was turned on. The bridge lights dimmed and the ship vanished. The dimming of the lights was a normal part of using a cloak. Lenara proudly announced that the cloak was working properly. Suddenly her scanners picked up a large object half a light year from their current position. It was a ship twice as large as the Protector. It could only be Jamran's Warbird. The ship was baring 318 mark 119.
At her station, Lenara was adjusting her scanners, keeping a close eye on them for any ships to appear on them. She listened as Kyle spoke to Commander Quinn about how the ship looked and Quinn replied that other then some minor damage, they were fine and any damage that they had acquired, the crew was already repairing. With that, Kyle gave the orders for them to head out of the system on half impulse. Jamal confirmed the order and soon the ship was head out of the Altair system.

As they slowly moved out of the Altair system, Lenara soon began to pick up on multiple signals and she reported them. Thankfully, with their advanced scanners, they were able to pick up on other ships before those ships would be able to pick up on them. The targets that she was getting on her scanner were much smaller then the protector was and soon Getal confirmed that they were in the right time as one of the targets on her scanner was a 2160 Tellarite freighter. Lenara was studying the different signals on her scanner when she was asked to activate the cloaking device. "Yes sir." she said before she activated it. As she did, the lights on the bridge dimmed and then the ship vanished. "The cloaking device is working properly Captain." she announced with a small smile before she noticed a large object appear on her scanners. "Captain, my scanners are picking up on a ship half a light year from our current position." she told him. "I believe it may be Jamran's Warbird. The ship is baring 318 mark 119, sir."
The object Lenara had on her scanners, was at the extreme range of the ships sensors. There was no way of knowing for sure this was Jamran's ship. But, if the Protector was in 2160, no one should have a ship that large. None of the major powers were building such large ships. That wouldn't happen until the 23rd century. Building larger ships became like an arms race. Each power having to build, bigger, faster and stronger ships. Just to keep the balance of power, or they risk falling behind. With the information Lieutenant Getal had gathered. The captain & Lenara had to assume they were in the right time period. Thus, they had to assume the ship on Lenara's scanners was Jamran's Warbird. The captain pushed himself from his chair. He moved around, joining Lenara at the tactical station. The signal they were getting was large. It wasn't moving towards the Protector. The signal showed the vessel was moving parallel to the Protector, at extreme range.

Kyle studied the signal, along with Lenara. Both were convinced that this had to be Jamran. " Lesley.........Are you picking up any kind of signals? " Kyle asked as he stood beside Lenara. Lesley sat at her station, she was listening while scanning over several channels. An earpiece in her left ear allowed her to hear what was going on without everyone on the bridge having to listen as well. " I"m picking up Vulcan transmissions......Tellarite transmissions........Andorian.......Even a Klingon ship........But nothing is coming from Lenara's target.......It's not sending out any types of signals. " Lesley spoke while keep an ear on what she was hearing. Officers working communications had to be able to do several things at the same time. Mainly, listening to communications traffic while also listening to what was happening on the bridge. Kyle & Lenara spoke among themselves. Their words were hushed while they talked. Each agreeing they needed a better looking at the large signal they were getting. " Mr. Simms.......Plot an intercept course.......Engage at warp 8.......I want a better look at what that is. " Kyle spoke as he moved back around, returning to his chair. Jamal took the ship to warp speed. Kyle asked Lenara to keep her eyes on that signal. As they grew closer, the signal would get stronger. Lenara would then be able to tell what ship it was. It wasn't long before Lenara could see they were right. Jamran's Warbird was 25 million kilometers ahead, continuing on their original course. 318, mark 119.
Lenara turned her head and glanced at the captain as he moved over to the tactical station, gazing up at him for a moment before her gaze returned to her scanner while Kyle came to stand at her side to look at what her scanners were showing. The signal that she was getting was large, but it was luckily not moving towards them. Instead, it was moving parallel to them, but at extreme range. Together, the captain and his first officer studied the signal that she was gitting. Like her, he was convinced that what they were seeing was Jamran and he asked Lesley if she was picking up on any kind of signals.

The communications officer, Lesley, began to report what she was picking up over the different channels. She was getting a number of different things, from Vulcans to Klingons, but there was nothing coming from Lenara's target. While Lesley let them know what she was picking up, Lenara and Kyle softly talked among themselves, their conversation hushed as they agreed that they needed a closer look at whatever the large signal was.

As Kyle moved away from her station and over towards his chair he gave Simms orders to plot an intercept course, engaging at warp 8. With his orders, Jamal did this and took the ship to warp speed and Kyle asked her to keep her eyes on that signal. "Yes sir." she said. As they began to get closer and closer, the signal that Lenara was getting grew stronger. It wasn't too long before Lenara was able to indeed confirm that what she and Kyle believed to be Jamran's Warbird was exactly that. "We were correct, Captain." she told him. She told him that what she was picking up was the Warbird and it was currently 25 million kilometers ahead.
Kyle sat in his chair, watching the stars pass on the viewing screen. Out there, was their possible target. The ship they needed to destroy and the man they needed to stop. This would be no easy mission for the Protector, or it's valiant crew. Just as they were 200 years more advanced then ships from this time period. Jamran's Warbird was 200 years ahead of the Protector. They knew what weapons he had, but there was no telling what else he had on his ship. Things that even Daniels didn't know about. Kyle was never one to back down from a fight. No matter how badly the odds were stacked against him. He became famous for taking on three Romulan Warbirds while defending a Klingon Colony with a much smaller and out gunned starship. Kyle became a legend and a hero that day. He showed himself to be a man of action. A captain who could fight what seemed to be an impossible battle and still win. This is why Starfleet came to him whenever difficult mission came up. Why they put him in command of fleets to fight and win battles. Kyle was one of those captains, who through sheer will or luck, could win battles others would lose.

Kyle turned his head towards Lenara when she spoke. They had found Jamran's Warbird. Lenara spoke of the distance and that the ship was still on it's original course. " Mr. Simms.......Match their course and speed. " Kyle's orders were quickly followed by the handsome Lieutenant. He brought the Protector to a new course and slowed the ship down. Kyle rose from his seat, he turned and was about to speak with Lenara. However, he was stopped when Lesley spoke up. " Captain!?.......We're being hailed.....By name from that ship. " Lesley's words carried the worry and fear she suddenly felt. The Protector was under cloak. Yet, somehow that Warbird knew they were here. The advantage Kyle had hoped for was gone. Kyle & Lenara exchanged looks. Each knowing their cloak had failed against Jamran. " On screen Lieutenant. " Kyle spoke with a confident tone in his voice. He turned to face the viewing screen. The image of a Romulan came on. " Ah......Captain Kyle West of the USS Protector.......Your picture in the history records doesn't do you justice......My name is...." Jamran was cut off when Kyle raised his right hand. " I'm aware of who you are Jamran Harnoth.......I'm also aware of what your plan is. " Kyle spoke. " And you are here to stop me with your gallant crew.......So very noble of you captain......But also very foolish. " As Jamran spoke his ship came to a stop. Kyle was told this by Lenara. " All stop. " Kyle ordered, as Jamal brought the Protector to a stop.

" There is no need for you and your crew to die today Captain West......You don't stand a chance against my ship......Besides.....I've studied you and how you fight captain......You have faced many challenges before but you've never been so over powered....Turn around and leave while you can. " Jamran added. Kyle chuckled while shaking his head. " You may know my history.......But you clearly don't know the man Jamran........I won't turn tail and run.......And I won't surrender......I'm the type of captain who'd rather go down with my ship......I'd rather go down fighting. " Kyle's words were stirring. Alexander, who had been placed on the bridge by Lenara, was standing guard near the turbo lift doors. He felt such pride in his heart. Alexander was Klingon, but he'd spent so much time around humans. The young Klingon didn't know what it truly meant to be Klingon. He came to serve aboard the Protector because Lenara was a closer friend of his father, Worf. His father knew how hard it had been for Alexander to learn how to be Klingon among his own kind. Worf believed Alexander would have an easier time with humans who understood Klingons. Lenara & Kyle both understood Klingons better then any other humans. Alexander was getting a lesson while watching Kyle deal with Jamran.

" Think of your crew Captain West.......You can save their lives. " Jamran tried to appeal for Kyle to think of those under his command. Kyle smiled as he looked around the bridge. Looking at each member of his bridge crew. " As Starfleet Officers......We all took an oath to defend the Federation with our lives if need be.......My crew will die if the cause is justified......We will fight for the Federation......Past present or future.......Against any enemy no matter how power they are. " Kyle spoke before turning towards Lesley and giving her a signal to cut off the transmission. The viewing screen went black. " Lesley......Scrambler code West One. " Kyle spoke while returning to his seat. It was time he showed Jamran a few new tricks. " West One......Aye Sir. " Lesley confirmed the order while scrambling the channels. " Call battle stations Lieutenant. " Kyle said while taking his seat. Lesley called the crew to battle stations as the red alert signal was going off. " Mr. Simms.......Attack pattern.....West Beta One. " Kyle spoke while leaning forwards in his chair. He and Lenara had worked very hard on some new battle tactics. This first move was designed to confess their enemy. The Protector turned, as if it was going to move off. This would bring it's aft weapons on their target. While not a move that would do any real damage. It would let Jamran know, he didn't know West or his crew like he thought he did. Lenara already had her orders to fire. She didn't have to wait for the captain. Her targeting scanners locked when the aft weapons were pointed at Jamran's ship.
When Lesley alerted them that they were being halied by name from Jamran's ship, Lenara's tensed and she looked up sharply to look at Kyle, the two exchanging looks with each other. Hearing this, they both knew that their cloak had failed against Jamran. He turned to face the viewing screen and a moment later a Romulan appeared on the screen. He spoke, making it clear that he knew who Kyle was and was about to introduce himself when Kyle interrupted him, telling him that he already knew who Jamran was and what his plans were. While the two males spoke, Lenara watched her scanners before speaking up. "His ship is coming to a stop, Captain." she said, her voice gentle, but firm and confident.

When Jamran said that Kyle and his crew didn't have to die that day, Lenara glanced at her captain to see how he would react. The man chuckled and shook his head while informing Jamran that he might know his history, but he clearly didn't know the man behind that history. Lenara listened with pride as Kyle told Jamran that he wouldn't turn tail and run. Nor would he surrender because he was the kind of captain to go down with his ship. Lenara smiled to herself while listening to this before her gaze returned to the viewing screen as Jamran attempted to appeal to Kyle, asking him to think of the crew. As Kyle looked around at them with a smile, the rest of the crew on the bridge looked back at him, some might of been a little nervous about the odds, but they all had faith in their captain. Lenara looked back at him when his gaze turned to her and she nodded slightly with a slight smile. He knew that she would follow him into death. There was a reason he called her the best First Officer one could wish for and it was because of her unwavering loyalty to her Captain.

After looking around, he told Jamran that as Starfleet officers, they all took an oath to defend the Federation with their lives if need be and they would die if the cause was justified. After he spoke to Jamran, he looked to Lesley after the viewing screen went black and he ordered Scrambler code West One while moving to his seat. It wasn't long before the red alert signal was going off and the call for the crew to battle stations was going out. Hearing Kyle's order for the attack pattern, West Beta One, Lenara knew what they were to do since she helped him come up with these new attack patterns. They had worked very hard on these, hoping that they would give them an advantage. This first move was to confuse their enemy. As the Protector turned, Lenara began getting the aft weapons ready.

She concentrated hard on her scanners, her gaze hard as she watched them. The moment the Protector was turned, she fired without waiting for the Captain. The moment the aft weapons were pointed at Jamran's ship, her targeting scanners were locked on and she fired at him. Lenara knew what to do without needing orders, her hands moving over the controls of her station.
Captain West had Commander Quinn add a kill switch the cloaking device. Whenever Lenara activated the weapons, power to the cloak was cut off. This power was returned to the weapons. Cloaking device require great amounts of power. No ship with such a device could fire while under cloak. The cloak wouldn't help them against Jamran at the moment. He was able to detect them. This shouldn't surprise either Kyle or Lenara. The Romulans developed the cloaking device long before the Klingons had one. Photon torpedoes launched from the aft tubes. Phasers fired from the aft arrays. As the weapons began striking their target, Jamran was taken by surprise. He was unsure of what Captain West was doing, when the Protector turned away. Jamran now understood perfectly. That move was like a slap to his face. Jamran ordered his disruptors to fire on the Protector. Before that could happen, Kyle ordered West Alpha Two. Jamal turned the ship hard to port. Bringing it around sharply. This brought the forward weapons to bare on Jamran's ship. Including the quantum torpedo launchers.

Lenara had a free hand to fire whenever she had a target. This was another change they made. Lenara knew each of the new patterns. She knew which way the ship would be going and which weapons she could use. She was already a step ahead of Jamran's weapons officer. Lenara knew where her ship would be, she knew the moves when Kyle spoke them. Giving Lenara time to target the right weapons for the best angle of attack. Kyle then ordered West Alpha 4. Jamal cut sharply in front of Jamran's Warbird. This caused his disruptors to totally miss the Protector when they were fired. However, Lenara was ready and fired all starboard weapons as the ship cut acrossed Jamran's ship. Kyle then ordered West Gamma One. Jamal again turned the ship hard. Swinging it around to attack the warbird from behind. This area was the weakest part of Jamran's ship. The warbird was larger, and that was being used against them. The Protector was able to maneuver quickly around the larger ship. Jamran's ship was now trying to out turn the Protector. An almost impossible act for a ship twice the size of Kyle's starship. Jamran was confused by West's tactics. He wasn't fighting as he had in the past. The warbird's speed started picking up. Kyle had Jamal keep pace with their large target.

Kyle knew they had Jamran by the balls. Now that they were behind him. Most of his weapons were useless against them. Kyle & Lenara planned out several different attack patterns. All of them ended with the Protector getting in behind the larger warbird. The one area they could beat the larger ship from. Lesley suddenly became aware of a signal she was picking up. It was a signal coming from an Earth ship. It was a distress signal coming from the Enterprise. " Captain!......I'm picking up a distress signal coming from the Enterprise.......They're under attack by three Romulan Birds of Prey! " Lesley's urgent tone made Kyle shoot out of his chair. If the Enterprise was destroyed. Captain Jonathan Archer couldn't be there when the Federation was founded. Plus, both the Enterprise and Archer were at the Battle of Cheron. Kyle knew he couldn't let Archer or his ship get destroyed, or history would be changed. " Mr. Simms.......Plot a new course.......Engage at Warp 8. " Kyle spoke with a little disgust in his voice. Lesley sent Jamal the location where the Enterprise signal was coming from. Jamal turned the Protector around and the ship jumped into warp. Kyle turned and looked at Lenara. Neither was happy about losing Jamran, when they had he where they wanted him. But, both knew history was at stake here. They needed to break off the fight and save the Enterprise.

At warp 8, it didn't take long for the Protector to reach the location. Getal & Lenara were both picking up the three Romulan Birds of Prey attacking the Enterprise. Captain West ordered Lieutenant Simms to drop out of warp. He then ordered Lenara to fire on the Romulan ships. 22nd century Birds of Prey were no match for the Protector. Hell, even 24th century Birds of Prey couldn't match the firepower of a Legacy Class Starship. The Protector entered the fight, firing her weapons.
Lenara fired without hesitation at Jamran's ship. They were proving to the Romulan that not everything you read was the complete truth. Because they knew that Jamran was from the future, Lenara and West had changed things and developed a different way for them to fight before teaching it to the others who worked the bridge. Their new method of fighting was unexpected and unknown to this enemy. As the ship turned hard to port, Lenara was already adjusting her targets and the moment the change was made, she changed which weapons to use. Each time, her attacks hit Jamran's ship, but when he tried to fire back. Because of the Protectors smaller size, they were able to outmaneuver him easily, proving that size didn't always matter.

When they came around to the back of Jamran's ship, Lenara was about to fire when Lesley spoke of picking up a signal from an Earth ship. It was a distress signal coming from the Enterprise which was under attack by three Romulan Birds of Prey. This made Lenara look over as Kyle shot out of his chair. Before he even spoke up, she knew that he was going to go to their aid and she understood why. Captain Jonathan Archer needed to live as he was one of the founders of the Federation and they were at the Battle of Cheron. She heard the disgust in his voice when he gave the orders for a new course and she met his gaze. She wasn't pleased with loosing Jamran, but they would get him. One way or another.

At Warp 8, they reached the location of the Enterprise rather quickly and both Lenara and Getal were picking up the three Romulan Birds of Prey. Lieutenant Simms was given orders to drop out of warp before Lenara was ordered to fire on the Romulan ships. "Yes sir." she said, already targeting the Birds of Prey. The Protector's weapons overpowered the 22nd century Birds of Prey rather easily as Lenara targeted them and began firing as they entered the fight. It was a fight that wouldn't take long as she expertly targeted and fired upon the Birds of Prey. Lenara was merciless in her attack on the enemy ships, already taking out one of the ships and swiftly working on the next.
Moments before......On board the Enterprise. Captain Jonathan Archer sat in his seat. His ship rocking around him from the attack. They'd been jumped by three Romulan Birds of Prey. The Enterprise was on patrol during this time. The Earth Starfleet wasn't huge during this time period. They had several different designs of ships. Their workhorse had become the NX Class, the same class the Enterprise was. Earth Starfleet had 14 of the NX Class. Most were built after the war with the Romulans started. The newest ship being built was the Daedalus Class, a much larger and better armed starship. The war had been dragging on since 2155. Earth had formed an alliance with the Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites to help fight against the much larger Romulan Star Empire. Earth even asked the Klingon for help. But, the Klingons refused to help or even to give aid to the Earth Alliance.

Archer knew his ship wouldn't take much more before it was destroyed. His first officer, who was also his science officer, T'Pol, sat at her station. Her scanners were searching for anything which might be good news. And good news was something the Enterprise needed at the moment. Lieutenant Hoshi Sato sent out the distress signal. Unsure if anyone was around who could hear it. She knew their battle group was a little far away. Suddenly, something caught T'Pol's eyes. It wss a ship, but unlike any ship she'd ever seen before. " Captain!......I'm detecting a ship approaching at high warp! " The pretty Vulcan woman clear had some emotion in her voice as she spoke. Archer turned towards her. " It appears to be a Starfleet design........But it's unlike anything I've ever seen before. " T'Pol spoke before saying it was dropping out of warp. Archer rose from his chair. All eyes were on the viewing screen. They watched as this huge ship sailed passed them. Firing at the Romulan ships. Port & Starboard phasers were firing. Hitting multiple targets. One Bird of Prey was destroyed, and soon a second one was gone. The third jumped to warp as the large ship came around and stopped facing the Enterprise.

On board the Protector. Captain West ordered all stop. He then ordered Commander Quinn to have an emergency repair team standing to board the Enterprise. Kyle then had Lesley contact the Enterprise. The image of Captain Archer came on the view screen. " It would only be right if I thank you for saving my ship and crew......We would have died if not for your ship. " Captain Archer spoke. " You're welcome Captain.......I'm Captain Kyle West of the USS Protector.......I think we should meet and discus what has happened......I'll beam over to your ship with members of my senior staff. " Kyle's words made Archer nod his head. Once the image of Archer was gone. Kyle asked Lesley to have Doctor Boyd report to transporter room one for an away mission. " Mr. Simms.......You have the bridge........Commander Singh......Lieutenant Getal.....Let's go. " Kyle gave his orders while moving towards the turbo lift doors. The doors opened. The small group entered. Doctor Boyd was already in the transporter room when the captain, Lenara & Getal appeared. " Kyle?......How far do you plan on taking this?......I understand the need to give aid but we have to be careful or we risk messing with the timeline. " Doctor Boyd spoke as everyone made their way onto the transporter pads. " Don't worry doctor.......We won't be giving them any updated technology.......But we can't let them out here to die.......Jonathan Archer and the Enterprise are important to how our timeline plays out.......We'll help them make repairs and get them back to their battle group......Then we'll deal with Jamran.....His ship and his base. " Kyle spoke. Still, Doctor Boyd was worried about people from their time interacting with people from the past. Captain West then ordered the transporter to energize. Their bodies were turned to energy, then transported over to the transporter room on the Enterprise.

Archer & T'Pol stood waiting as the figures appeared inside their transporter chamber. The figures soon took form. Archer wasn't surprised when he saw Lenara again. He remember she spoke of a ship called the Protector. Archer was sure that huge ship must be the same one she spoke of. Kyle and his team stepped down from the chamber. The two captains greeting each other with hand shakes. " This is my Chief Medical Officer.......Doctor Edwin Boyd.......My First Officer Commander Lenara Singh......And my Science Officer Lieutenant Getal. " Kyle made the proper introductions. Captain Archer spoke of having met Commander Singh about 5 years ago. Their first meet had been a little rocky. However, Captain Archer greeted Lenara with a smile and a hand shake. He said it was good to see her again. Kyle then offered Archer help with repairing his ship. This was an offer Archer couldn't turn down. Kyle then contacted the Protector. He asked Lesley to have the repair team transported over to the Enterprise.

Archer introduced T'Pol before asking if Kyle and his officer would care to dine with them? That was an offer Kyle couldn't refuse. The group left the transporter room. Once outside, they could see damage done during the attack. Only having 7 decks. The Enterprise was a much smaller ship then the Protector with it's 22 decks. The Enterprise repair crews were already working. With a repair team coming from the Protector. It wouldn't take long before the Enterprise was able to get underway. Archer led the others to the mess hall and into the Captain's mess. A separate room just off from the main mess hall. The large table had been set. The steward began serving drinks. They had whatever anyone wanted. Archer & T'Pol favored Iced Tea with their meals. Kyle said iced tea would be fine. Doctor Boyd & Getal also went with iced tea. Once the drinks were served, the steward began taking food orders. Archer explained his ship traveled with a chef. This made Doctor Boyd smile. He would enjoy and non replicated meal for a change. Archer said his chef could make almost anything. Kyle & Boyd ordered steaks with a baked potato and a salad. Getal order some pan fried sea bass with asparagus and a salad.
Lenara took down one Bird of Prey, quickly followed by a second. She had only managed to land two hits before the ship took off and she made a soft sound in the back of her throat as she ceased fire, watching the Bird of Prey disappear from her scanners and she looked over at Kyle as he ordered Quinn to have an emergency repair team ready to board the Enterprise and then he had Lesley contact the Enterprise. Soon Captain Archer appeared on their screen, the man thanking Kyle for saving him and his ship. The two men spoke and Kyle let Archer know that he would beam over with members of his senior staff before the visual of Archer was gone. Once she was told to join him, Lenara was on her feet and moving towards the turbo lift with him, the small group stepping onto the lift once the doors opened.

When they reached the transporter room, Doctor Boyd was already waiting on them and he voiced his worry about them interacting with people from the past. Lenara understood his worry and she partially agreed with some of his concerns, but she also agreed with Kyle. If they left Archer and the Enterprise to their fate at the hands of the Romulans, the future as they knew it would be altered in unimaginable ways. "The crew knows to watch what they say." she softly told Boyd. "They know that they can't give away important information." They stepped onto the transporter pads and with Captain Wests orders, they energized and were transported over to the Enterprises transporter room.

When they appeared, Archer and T'Pol were waiting for them. Kyle led them down from the transporter chamber and Lenara stood at his side as he greeted Archer with handshakes. As he introduced his team, Archer spoke of how they had met 5 years ago. This let her know that for Archer, it had been several years since they'd met while for her, it had been just a couple days. She smiled gently at the man and shook his hand. "It is good to see you again as well, Captain Archer." she said gently before help to repair his ship was made by Kyle. It was an offer that Archer took up and Kyle had the repair team transported over to the Enterprise.

They were then introduced to Archers first officer, T'Pol before Kyle and his officers were invited to dine with them. That Kyle accepted the invitation made Lenara nod slightly. With that decision, the group left the transporter room together and as they traveled together, they could see the damage done during the attack. The Enterprise repair crews were already hard at work fixing the damage and once the team from the Protector joined them, the repairs wouldn't take too long. The group was led to the mess hall where Lenara had first appeared on the Enterprise several years ago and they moved through to the Captain's mess, which was a separate room just off the main mess hall where a large table had been set. The group took their seats and the steward began serving drinks. Lenara listened to the others order their drinks before she asked for a cup of hot oolong tea with just a dash of milk and sugar. This was slightly surprising since she always drank raktajino with her meals, whether it was her breakfast or dinner, that was what she always drank. She never even made any hint that she enjoyed tea of any kind.

Afterwards, while the steward began taking food orders, Archer explained that his ship traveled with a chef. This was certainly different from what they ate on board the Protector. They normally had replicated meals. They were told that his chef could make almost anything. Lenara ordered some roast chicken with roasted carrots and a salad.
Lenara was right. The crew was trained well enough to know what they could and couldn't say if traveling through time. No one wanted to mess up the timeline. Kyle had faith in his people. He was sure they could do their jobs without talking about future events. Certain things were okay to speak about, general history mostly. But, things dealing with how history played out, how Jonathan Archer would one day become President of the Federation, and other details must be left out. Once the orders were taken, the conversation started. Captain Archer spoke of never having seen anyone who looked like Lieutenant Getal before. She smiled while saying humans and her race, known as Cardassians, wouldn't meet until the late 23rd century. Humanity had a lot of space to explore before that time. Archer then apologized to Lenara for his reaction 5 years ago. He was talking of when Doctor Phlox found out that Lenara was an augment. Archer spoke of how he and his crew had a run in with a group of augments the year before they met Lenara. Archer said that mission almost ended in a war between Earth and the Klingon Empire. " Anyone who wears a starfleet uniform deserves respect.....No matter who or what they are. " Archer spoke before taking a drink of his tea.

The steward returned, bring the dishes with him on a cart. The conversations continued as people were talking. Doctor Boyd leaned over and whispered to Lenara. He asked her, if she thought T'Pol was sexy? Edwin spoke of how hot her body looked in that tight outfit she wore. He said T'Pol maybe Vulcan, but she didn't mind showing off what a great looking body she had. He pointed out how nice her breasts looked and what a fine looking tight ass she had. Doctor Boyd said T'Pol had a body built for sin. He then suggested Lenara seduce the pretty Vulcan. Saying she may never get the chance to fuck a famous person from the past again. Whether Lenara would do as Doctor Boyd said, was her choice to make. Nothing would be hurt if she did have a sexual encounter with the sexy T'Pol. The steward served the plates, then left the Captain's Mess. Doctor Boyd cut into his steak, then took a bite and savored the flavor. " Real grass fed beef........We don't have this on the Protector. " Doctor Boyd's comment made Captain Archer stop eating. He questioned Captain West about not having real beef on their ship. Kyle said on his ship they had replicators which provided everyone with what they needed. He said his crew was far to large and diverse to carry enough fresh supplies for everyone's needs. Kyle said the replicators were based on transporter technology.
After they all gave their orders, they fell into light conversation starting with Captain Archer commenting about having never seen anyone such as Lieutenant Getal before. It was explained to him that humans and her race, the Cardassians, wouldn't meet for a while yet. Not until the late 23rd century that is. Archer then apologized to Lenara for his reaction to her the last time they had seen each other. He spoke of how they had a run in with a group of augments the year before he had met her and the mission had almost ended in a war. Lenara held up a hand after a bit and shook her head. "It's quite alright, Captain Archer." she gently told him. "I'm aware of the history of augments and of what they've done. I've become used to the many different reactions that come with being part augment."

As she spoke, she picked up her cup of tea and stirred it before sipping the hot liquid. She was honest with the man about being used to those reactions to what she was. "But thank you for your apologies none the less." she told him. When the steward returned, he did so with a cart that had their food on it. While the conversation continued on around them, Doctor Boyd leaned over towards Lenara and began whispering to her. When he asked her if she thought T'Pol was sexy, she smiled while taking another sip of her tea, a faint chuckle escaping her. "Indeed." she softly said with a smile, glancing at Doctor Boyd from the corner of her eye for a moment and then looking at T'Pol while Edwin spoke of how hot she looked in that tight outfit. When he suggested she seduce the pretty Vulcan, Lenara turned her head to look at her friend and lover completely with a smile. "Really?" she asked with a soft laugh. "Why don't you do it?" she asked him playfully. "Though... since you mentioned it...." She trailed off with a grin, her eyes bright with amusement.

When the plates were served, Lenara looked down at her dish. The food looked great. She began to eat and when she took a bite of the moist, juicy chicken that she was served, she could definitely taste the difference between replicated food and fresh food. It tasted great. She heard Edwin's comment about the food and she nodded slightly before glancing up at Archer when he asked about not having real beef on their ship. After Kyle replied, Lenara spoke up. "Your ship has, what, just under 100 crew members?" she asked Archer. "The protector, on the other had, has a several times that number. It's hard to keep fresh supplies for that number of crew members."
To be honest, Doctor Boyd didn't think T'Pol would be as interested in him. They were dealing with a Vulcan from the past. T'Pol wasn't their pretty new science officer. T'Pren was a Vulcan with human emotions. Doctor Boyd felt Lenara would stand a better chance at seducing her. Besides, he already had T'Pren, thanks to Lenara. She recommended that T'Pren get the physical out of the way. T'Pren also arrived for her physical wearing nothing under her uniform. She was quite ready to be fondled, groped and fucked by the good doctor. It was only fair for Lenara to try and get T'Pol's clothing off. During their dinner, Boyd kept leaning over and whispering into Lenara's ear. He spoke of how tight T'Pol's ass looked. How firm her breasts looked. How incredibly toned her body was and how full her lips were. Doctor Boyd suggested Lenara ask T'Pol for a tour of the Enterprise. He said she could ask to see T'Pol's quarters. Once there, Lenara could use her newly found boldness to seduce the sexy first officer. Doctor Boyd said he'd bet a month's pay. Lenara could fuck T'Pol before it was time for them to leave.

Even while the Doctor was talking Lenara into going after T'Pol. The conversation continued around the table. Archer spoke with pride of how he became the captain of the first warp 5 starship. His tale went back to when Earth was still working on the warp 3 capable engine. At that time, the ships Earth had could only do warp 2. The Enterprise was Archer's first command as captain. Kyle spoke of his first command as captain. It was a much smaller starship. Kyle said not much bigger then the Enterprise. He said she was a fine ship. After the fantastic dinner was over. Kyle asked Getal to help the Protector repair crew get the Enterprise's longer range scanners working properly. Doctor Boyd excused himself. He spoke of wanting to meet Doctor Phlox. Boyd was stationed on Denobula. He'd heard a lot about Phlox and couldn't go back to the ship without meeting him. This left Kyle, Archer, Lenara & T'Pol. Archer asked Kyle if he wanted to see the bridge? Kyle spoke of how much he'd love to see the bridge. This left Lenara with T'Pol. The pretty Vulcan asked if she could show Commander Singh anything? This was the type of loaded question Doctor Boyd would love to get. T'Pol stood, her hands behind her back, her firm breasts just begging to be grabbed by Lenara's hands. Those full lips looking so kissable. T'Pol didn't mean anything sexual with her question. But, it did give Lenara her chance if she wanted to seduce her fellow first officer.
While they ate and enjoyed their dinner, Boyd kept leaning over towards her, whispering in her ear while she calmly ate her chicken. He kept talking about how T'Pol looked. This caused the woman to smile through out dinner, occasionally chuckling while she listened to him. At one point she looked at him, her eyes bright as she smiled at her lover. To some who don't know her very well, it might of looked like the two were in some sort of deeper relationship then what they had. At one point, Boyd said that he'd bet a month's pay that she could fuck T'Pol before they had to leave and she laughed while telling him playfully that it was a bet she wasn't willing to make.

Even while the Doctor and Lenara spoke with each other, other conversations went on around them. When they finished eating dinner, Doctor Boyd excused himself, wanting to meet Doctor Phlox. After that, Archer asked Kyle if he wanted to see the bridge, something that Kyle said that he'd love to see the bridge. This left Lenara alone with T'Pol who asked Lenara if she could show her anything. The question immediately made Lenara think of Doctor Boyd and she smiled slightly at the Vulcan woman before said that she'd love to have a tour of the Enterprise. "Perhaps even a tour of your quarters." she suggested to T'Pol, "I'd love to see first hand how different the quarters on the Enterprise are from the ones on the Protector."
T'Pol was happy to show Lenara around. Both women were the first officers on their ships. That gave them an important common link. While they walked along. The two women talked of their careers in Starfleet. At this time, Starfleet was apart of Untied Earth. After the Federation was formed, Starfleet became that organization's space navy, patrolling police force and it's first line of diplomacy. T'Pol spoke of how she first joined Starfleet. She'd been living on Earth, in San Fransisco, at the Vulcan Consulate. T'Pol worked there as an aide to Ambassador Soval. At the beginning of Captain Archer's mission of exploration. T'Pol was assigned to the Enterprise, at first she was just an observer, but Archer found her knowledge and skills invaluable. T'Pol posting on the Enterprise was allowed. The Vulcan High Command felt they should have eyes on board that ship. Watching what the humans did. After a few years, T'Pol was forced to make a choice. She'd been ordered to leave the Enterprise and return to Vulcan. T'Pol resigned her position with the Vulcan government. She remained on the Enterprise, joining Starfleet, unofficially. She ultimately made her position within Starfleet, official.

The Enterprise was only seven decks. It didn't take long to tour the entire ship. The most surprising part for Lenara was the tour of the bridge. There she met a beautiful, young communications officer by the name of Ensign Hoshi Sato. The resemblance between Ensign Sato and Lenara's lover, Lieutenant Lesley Wong, was remarkable. If not for the time distance, the two women could be twins. Clearly, Lenara had met a relative of Lesley's. A great, great, great grandmother, or great, great, great Aunt? Either was possible. The tour ended when T'Pol entered her quarters. Lenara had requested to see them. T'Pol's quarters were about one fourth the size of the quarters Lenara had. There was a bunk, a desk, a chair, drawers built into the wall for clothing, a closet and a bathroom. Lenara had a living room, a table where she could eat at. She also had a replicator, a separate bedroom and bathroom. Lenara's bed was big enough for at least four people. T'Pol's bunk was just big enough for two. Seeing such small quarters wasn't a surprise. The Enterprise was a much smaller ship when compared to the Protector. " This ship has become my home. " T'Pol spoke while she looked at Lenara. " Many of the crew have become like family. " T'Pol added. There was a hint of pride in her voice. It was unheard of for a Vulcan from this time admitted such a thing about humans. Even during the 24th century. Most Vulcans would rarely admit to being close with humans. T'Pol always had trouble controlling her emotions. This control was further hampered after T'Pol and the enterprise spent almost a year inside the Delphic Expanse. Lenara would find it easy to manipulate T'Pol's emotions, through seduction.
Together, Lenara and T'Pol toured the ship. Lenara was shown around the ship, the two women talking about being first officers on their ships and they talked of their careers in Starfleet. In this time, Starfleet was a part of United Earth, before the Federation was formed. T'Pol told Lenara about how she'd first joined Starfleet and Lenara listened closely, slowly nodding while listening. In return, Lenara told her about her own time in the Academy and she gave her some brief details about her career with Starfleet. She was careful to keep certain details out of what she told T'Pol, such as dates and locations, as well as specific names of those involved.

The tour of the ship didn't take the women very long as it only had seven decks, unlike the Protector which had a good number more. When T'Pol took her to the bridge for a tour, Lenara was surprised when she met a beautiful, young communications officer named Ensign Hoshi Sato. Seeing her told Lenara that she was related to Lieutenant Lesley Wong, one of her dearest lovers and friends on the Protector. Though, her exact relation, she wasn't entirely sure. She would have to speak with Lesley about it later. Eventually the tour ended with them in T'Pol's quarters and Lenara entered the quarters with the pretty Vulcan.

Upon entering, Lenara slowly looked around the quarters, though there wasn't too much to see. It was quite different from her own quarters. Her own had quite a bit more in them then T'Pols. T'Pol then began speaking to her, telling her that the Enterprise had become her home and many of the crew like family. As she said this, Lenara glanced at her from the corner of her eye with a small smile on her lips. She had heard the hint of pride in the Vulcan's voice. This was certainly interesting. "Yes. Ones crewmembers does sometimes end up very close." she said in agreement before turning to face T'Pol and she tilted her head slightly before slowly moving closer to the Vulcan. "You seem like an incredible woman, T'Pol." she softly told the woman while raising a hand and she slowly ran her fingers along T'Pol's pointed ear, her fingertips slowly tracing the tip softly before moving back down and running along the line of the Vulcan's jaw.
T'Pol stood, her hands behind her back, acting like a normal Vulcan. No hints, no signs of what was hidden away inside. It was a good front, but it was a false front. Unlike most Vulcans, T'Pol always had trouble with her emotions. She couldn't bury them as deep as others did. Her emotions were always closer to being revealed then other Vulcans. During the Enterprise mission into the Delphic Expanse. T'Pol was exposed to a substance known as trellium-D. This substance acted like a powerful neurotoxin that affected only the Vulcan nervous system. T'Pol had felt the fell affect of unleashed emotions. She was treated by Doctor Phlox, but secretly, T'Pol had started injecting small doses of trellium-D into her bloodstream. Over time, T'Pol had become addicted to the substance, finally admitting her condition to Dr. Phlox, who aided her in withdrawal. However, prolonged exposure to the substance permanently damaged T'Pol's ability to fully control her emotions. It wouldn't take much from Lenara to draw out a response from the sexy Vulcan.

T'Pol watched as Lenara approached her. She could see the way Lenara looked at her. It was unclear of what the other commander planned on doing. That changed very quickly. T'Pol's body shuttered when Lenara touched her ear. It wasn't generally known, but Vulcan ears were sensitive to touch. Not quite the same as Ferengi males, but pretty close. T'Pol closed her eyes, tightly. Biting her bottom lip while a faint muffled moan was heard. T'Pol never broke the way she stood. Despite what Lenara was doing. The way she stood, wasn't telling Lenara of her success. It was the expression the Vulcan wore on her face. It was that muffled moan that told Lenara she was breaking through. " Commander......Singh......Are you......Trying to......Seduce me? " T'Pol had to fight back the urge to moan, just to get the words out. Lenara's touch was so sexual. Moving her finger from T'Pol's ear, down to her jaw. T'Pol's nipples became hard. So hard, they showed through her uniform.
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