Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

The ceremony started once the welcoming to the ship was over. Admiral Chekov thanked everyone for doing such great job. He spoke of the Protector being the backbone of Starfleet. The entire crew of the Protector received commendations for each mission the ship took part in. Kyle was handed a plaque with their current battle victory on it. Each battle the ship took part in. A plaque with the name of the battle and the stardate of that battle was printed on it. This plaque would go above the bar in the main lounge. It would join all the other plaques given to the ship since she joined the fleet. The Protector had several plaques from the war with the Klingons. It also had one for taking part in the Battle against the Borg at Sector 001 in 2373. This was before Lenara joined the crew. The first part of the ceremony came to an end. Now was the time to recognize individuals among the crew.

Kyle received the Star Cross, his fourth time getting this medal. He also received the Starfleet Award of Valor, his third time, the Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry, his first, Starfleet Silver Palms with Clusters, his fourth time, Starfleet Medal Honor, his second and the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, his second. Lenara received the Star Cross, her second time, Starfleet Award for Valor, her second, Starfleet Decoration of Gallantry, her first, Starfleet medal of Valor, her first, Starfleet Silver Palm with Clusters, her first, and the James T. Kirk Medal of Honor, her first. Doctor Boyd and his medical Staff were all given the Starfleet Surgeons Decoration. This was Edwin's fifth time, but the first time for everyone other doctor on his staff. It was a staff he was proud of. Ensign Tok Brex was given the Cochrane Medal of Excellence for his part in the Gateway mission. Lieutenants Wong, Simms, Tala, Grant, March, M'Ress, Coleman and Alexander, along with Ensign Tanal Rema were also given medals for Valor.

Once the ceremony was over, the party started. The party was taking place on the ship's shuttlebay. This would allow crew members just coming off duty to stop and enjoy some food and drinks with the brass. Lenara spent an hour talked with her friends and showing off her new medals and awards. She kept her eyes on Admirals Price & Akaar. Lenara wanted to thank them for everything they've done for her. The thanks she decided on giving them was more personal then she could do at the party. At the right moment, Lenara approached the two admirals who did do much for her. Each man hugged Lenara once she joined them. " I'd say our girl has kept her word and made a great career for herself. " Ben spoke. Leonard nodded his head while saying she did just that. " She's proved all the nay sayers wrong. " Leonard added.
As Admiral Chekov spoke of the Protector being the backbone of Starfleet, Lenara felt her pride in the ship she served on grow while she watched as Kyle accepted a plaque with their current battle victory on it. She knew that it would go into the main lounge next to the other two already there. She had seen them before, but the battle written on this new one was for a battle she had personally taken part in. After this plaque was awarded to the ship, the next part of the ceremony started where individuals would be recognized amongst the crew. First was the Captain. Lenara watched as he was awarded several medals. She smiled gently, the pride she had for the man showing on her face and for a moment, the affection she had could be seen.

Next was Lenara herself. Some of the medals she was being awarded, she had received already in the past, but some were new and she was honored to wear all of them. They were proof that she had truly made something of herself and she would always look at them with pride. Once her medals were awarded, next was Doctor Boyd and his medical Staff, followed by the rest of those being awarded medals. As she watched her crew mates, Lenara smiled to herself. In her opinion, there was no better crew that she would want to serve with.

With the ceremony finally over, the party started. It was taking place on the ship's shuttlebay, allowing other crew members just coming off duty to stop by and enjoy some refreshments with the brass. For about an hour, Lenara spent time socializing with her friends and letting them admire her new medals and awards. But all through this, she kept an eye on Admiral Price and Akaar. The young woman finally approached them when the right moment showed itself and she walked up to them. When she approached, each man hugged her and she smiled with a chuckle as Ben spoke of her having kept her word while Leonard agreed, commenting about her proving all nay sayers wrong. "I had to prove to them that your confidence and belief in me wasn't misplaced." she told them. "I actually wanted to thank you both for all you've done for me and for believing in me when others refused to. I wanted to thank you properly, but I can't exactly do that here." The way she spoke and the look in her eye as she gazed between the two men, said that what she had in mind was certainly not suitable for the Party in the shuttlebay.

Lenara smiled at them and with the two men accompanying her, she led the way out of the shuttlebay and took them to were several unoccupied civilian quarters were. The woman led them into the first unoccupied one she came across and led the way inside. While she could of taken them all the way up to her own private quarters, these ones were closer to the party. So should anyone miss the trio, it wouldn't take them long to return. With the two men inside and the moment the door was shut, Lenara moved up to them and she softly kissed the one and then the other. "I know many said that I slept my way through the academy and through Starfleet Command and we all know it's not true." she softly said while looking between the two men who had done so much for her over the years without asking for anything in return except for her to be the best officer she could be. "But I want to share myself with the two of you as my way of thanking you for everything."
The look Lenara gave to Ben & Leonard, was different from how she normally looked at them. Their was lust in her eyes and a sexy smile formed by her lips. There was no doubts in the two admiral's minds of what Lenara was talking about. What she was offering as a way to thank them. Ben & Leonard followed Lenara without question. They didn't even speak with anyone on their way out of the party. With some many people hanging around on the shuttlebay. It would be a while before any of them was missed. Lenara had the perfect idea. She would use the empty civilian quarters on the same deck. During war times, there were no civilians on any Starship. Lenara knew the quarters would be empty and no one would bother them. After a short walk, the trio ended up inside one of the unused quarters. It didn't take Lenara long to make the first move. Just in case there were any doubts in the two men's minds. She made it clear, what the her thank you would be.

Both Ben & Leonard had heard those stories of Lenara. How she gave her body to them. How she let them fuck her, so she would become a Starfleet Officer. None of this was true. Neither men asked anything from Lenara. The only things they wanted, was for her to make something of her chance. She'd done that, in spades. Now the new, sexually free Lenara would live out what people said of her, but for her own reasons. Lenara shared a passionate kiss with both men. Their cocks were already rock hard for her. The two admirals knew long ago how beautiful and sexy Lenara was. They also knew how shy and withdrawn she could be. The Lenara standing before them, was a totally different woman in the way she acted towards sex. Ben & Leonard started groping at Lenara's body, through her uniform. Ben's hand was working over one cheek of her ass. Leonard's hand was on the cheek. Both men also had their hands on her breasts. Bed said Lenara was so fucking hot. He then moved his head and started kissing at her neck. " You want to be our little cock whore?......Strip off your uniform and show us how you want to thank us. " Leonard's voice was rough and commanding as he spoke. He was a warrior and leader of his people. His words made Ben stop kissing Lenara's neck. " You can now play at being that nasty whore people said you were. " Ben spoke as he stepped back. Both men started undressing while they waited for Lenara to put on a show for them.
Lenara used the number of people at the party to her advantage. The trio were able to slip away without anyone really noticing them. People were coming and going from the party as it was, so no questions would be raised for a while. In the empty civilian quarters, Lenara quickly made it clear to the two men what she planned on doing for them as her way of thanking them. They had worked hard and argued with many people to get her a spot in Starfleet academy. On top of that, many people had spread rumors about how the two men had fucked Lenara so that they would sponsor her to become an Officer for Starfleet. She had hated that these good men's names were being tainted with such accusations and at first she was tempted to give up on her dream, but both Leonard and Ben had insisted on her continuing to fight for what she wanted. They told her that such rumors always got dredged up by those who wanted others to fail and she shouldn't give those nay-sayers the pleasure of her giving in. So she fought. Not just for herself, but for Ben and Leonard as well.

Now, after everything, she was going to thank them in what was becoming her favorite way to thank someone and that was with her body. As she kissed them, she could feel that they were already hard for her and the two men began groping her body. She could feel each one had a hand upon her ass while at the same time, their hands groped her breasts. When Ben began kissing her neck, she softly moaned while tilting her head and exposing more of her neck to him. "Yes." she murmured after Leonard asked if she wanted to be their little cock whore. Afterwards, he told her to strip and show them how much she wanted to thank them. This made Ben halt in kissing her neck to tell her that she could play at being the nasty whore people said she was before he stepped back. This left her standing there alone while the two men began undressing.

Seeing this, Lenara began undressing as well. First she removed her dress uniform top, carefully setting it aside since it held all her medals before her shoes and pants followed. As each layer of her clothing was shed, Lenara ran her hands over her body sensually, her fingers caressing those sexy curves of hers as she removed her undershirt. This left her in her black underclothes. They contrasted with her fair skin just right and showed off all of the swells and curves of her body. But they didn't remain on for very long. Lenara unclipped her bra easily and slipped it off, playfully letting it dangle from a finger for a moment before it fell on top of the small pile of her clothing. This left her in just her high waist panties which she hooked her fingers into and slowly drug down over her hips and along her shapely thighs before letting them drop to the floor, finally leaving her completely naked.

With her clothing finally completely off, Lenara ran her hands over her breasts, her fingers briefly thumbing over her already hardened nipples before one of her hands dipped down between her legs and she gasped softly as she caressed her fingertips over the outside of her pussy. "I'm already getting wet." she told them, her fingers beginning to spread her forming wetness over her pussy before she removed her hand from between her legs. They would be able to see how her fingers glistened already, as did her pussy from touching herself. She once again approached the two men once they were undressed and her hands reached down and became wrapped around their cocks, beginning to stroke them before she lowered herself so she was kneeling between the two men.

In this position, she continued to stroke one of them while she leaned in and took the other into her mouth, beginning to suck on them. Her tongue caressing and swirling around them. However, she didn't remain like this for long. After a bit, she would switch which cock she had in her mouth and stroke the other, continuing to do this several times. But she was careful not to make them cum just yet.
Ben & Leonard watched as Lenara began undressing for them. There was nothing shy or reserved about the way Lenara acted these days. A lot had changed in the young woman since the day she came aboard the Protector. Lenara was far more open, more daring and certainly more fun. The two admirals would be lying if they said, they never thought of Lenara in a sexual way. Both men had thought of how good being with her would be. Lenara was a very sexy woman. Both men would have loved making those stories true, but that's not who Lenara had been. She wasn't the type who offered her body so freely. She was closed off and had few friends. That's how Ben & Leonard remembered her. Obviously, this new Lenara understood how to have a good time. The men watched as Lenara started touching herself. Placing her hand between her legs. She then showed them how wet her pussy had become. The sight brought smiled to both men. These men were like fathers to her. Men who'd been there and helped her when no one else gave a damn about her. She was now going to thank them, in her new way of showing thanks.

Lenara was soon naked, as were Ben & Leonard. Their hard cocks standing straight out. This was a sight she loved seeing. Big hard, thick cocks ready to use her. She took the two cocks into her hands. Drawing deep moans from both men. Lenara's hands were soft, yet she had a firm grip. It felt amazing. She lowered herself down and started sucking on one cock, while stroking the other. Lenara was careful not to build so much pleasure, that the men came. Although they could each dump and load and continue. They were older men, but they weren't feeble. Both admirals were very fit for their ages. Seeing Lenara, on her knees, working one cock with her mouth, then switching to the other, was something from the stories told of her. Lenara was allowing herself, Ben & Leonard to really live out those stories. Those stories told of how Lenara spread her legs to further her career. That wasn't true. But, these days Lenara did spread her legs for the pleasure of doing so. She'd become a slut for different reasons then told in those rumors.

Ben & Leonard loved what a fine cocksucker Lenara turned out to be. " You've learned a lot since those early days my dear. " Ben spoke while he enjoyed Lenara working on his cock. " Yes.......And we'll reward you with loads of cum and the fucking a dirty slut like you deserves. " Leonard added. Both men were moaning from the pleasure Lenara was giving them. " You've always been like a daughter to us Lenara......A sexy daughter we will use. " Ben added. He knew Lenara thoughts of these two men, like fathers. She once said so, years ago before getting her first posting. Lenara felt lucky to have two father figures, now she would be fucking both men. Lenara showed off her oral skills. Moving from cock to cock. Sucking, licking, using her lips and hands to make them feel good. Lenara had both men moaning out their lust for her. They wanted her, and she wanted them. Lenara was going to have these men on her terms. To hell with what people said about her. She would never make everyone like her, and she didn't want that. She had true friends, she had real lovers. Some people in her life were both.
With all three of them undressed, they could all admire each other. The two men checked out the incredibly sexy young woman standing before them while she in turn checked them out. They may have been older men, old enough to be her father in fact, but they were still in very good shape. Both Ben and Leonard were fit and their sex drives were in good shape as she sank to her knees and began using her mouth and hands on them. She softly moaned around which ever cock was in her mouth while her hand gripped the other firmly and stroked it. She had both men moaning in pleasure as they looked down at the dark haired woman between them. Her full, perky breasts swayed a bit with her movements, her nipples already stiff with her arousal.

While she worked on their cocks, she took them deeper into her mouth each time she switched which one she was pleasuring orally. Eventually she was taking their cocks into her mouth completely. All the while she was able to watch their expressions through her long eyelashes whenever she opened her eyes. The two men began to speak while she sucked on their cocks and she listened as they spoke of how she'd learned a lot since those early days and that they were going to reward her with loads of cum and a fucking a dirty slut deserved. She knew that neither man meant such things in a bad way because they had proved many times in the past that they cared about her. It was just like when Kyle and Edwin called her such things while they were fucking. It was all in fun.

Lenara did think of these two as the father figures she'd never had while growing up. Sure, her mother had the occasional male friend who visited and had some affection for the girl, but none really cared about her and did anything for her quite like Ben and Leonard. These two had been there for her when she really needed someone in a parental role. Such as when her mother had died while she was in the Academy. They stood by her and gave her the support that a father should of. So she saw them as the fathers that she never had growing up and she had wanted to make them proud, like a daughter would make a father proud. This was something that she had succeeded at ten fold over the years. She had even told them that she saw them as fathers. The only thing she never dared to mention was the word love since love was something she rarely spoke of.

When Ben spoke of her being like a daughter to them, Lenara opened her eyes again and looked up at him as he said that she was a sexy daughter that the two men would use. After he said this, she released the cock that was in her mouth and stroked both of them at the same time. "Will you make me moan and squeal in pleasure?" she breathed. "Do this while filling me with your cum?" As she spoke, she began stroking their cocks faster. She was now working to make them both cum. She wanted their release in more then one of her holes and she planned to do so. After speaking, she once again began sucking on them but this time she worked harder to give them pleasure.
For a while, Lenara was just letting the pleasure build slowly in the two admirals. Working them up for what would come later. However, Lenara changed her mind. She now wanted both men to cum inside of her several times. It became clear, she was looking to milk the two men first. Swallow their loads, then move onto some hard fucking. It was a good idea to give the blow jobs first. The two admirals could then use her pussy and ass later. Lenara loved having a cock in her ass and one inside her pussy. The words exchanged between the men and Lenara, brought the action to a new level. " We will make you scream with pleasure.....While pumping your body full of cum. " Leonard spoke as he looked down at Lenara. She looked so sexy on her knees with a cock in her mouth. Both men had thoughts of what being with her would be like. Lenara was a sexy and beautiful woman, even when she was shy and withdrawn. Neither of the men would have asked her to do this. Lenara had to be the one who came to them, which she did. Leonard had no daughters of his own. He had two sons, and saw Lenara as the type of woman he would want his daughter to be. Ben on the other hand, had a daughter who died some years back. She was the same age Lenara was, and the women had similar looks. This was Ben's secret reason for helping Lenara. She reminded him of the daughter he lost.

The moans coming from Ben & Leonard grew louder. Lenara was building their pleasure even faster now. She was hell bent to make them cum in her mouth. Lenara focused on one cock at a time. She was still working the other cock with her hand, but she was using hand and mouth on the other cock. The cock in her mouth belonged to Ben. She did everything to turn his building pleasure into a raging inferno. Licking his balls, running her tongue along his shaft, kissing his cock, taking him deep into her throat. All while she used a firm hand to stroke his throbbing rod. Ben's moans grew deeper. His breathing was faster then normal. He was urging Lenara to keep sucking his cock. Saying she would get her reward. Moments later, Ben moaned out that he was cumming. Thick ropes of his cream began filling Lenara's hungry mouth. She jerked his cock to get every last drop of his cum into her stomach. It was now time for Lenara to turn her attention on Leonard and taste his seed.
When she first started, Lenara had planned to just let things progress slowly, but it seemed that patience wasn't always her best attribute and she changed her mind, wanting both men to cum in her mouth first before they both came in her other holes. First however, she was going to milk them for their first load of cum. So she doubled her efforts, her hands stroking their cocks while her mouth remained busy. Leonards reply of them making her scream with pleasure while pumping her full of cum made her softly moan while suckling on his cock. While giving head wasn't her all time favorite sexual thing to do, she did get some pleasure from listening to the sounds of enjoyment her partners made while she sucked on their cock.

She changed up her tactics and began to focus on one cock at a time. She picked Ben's cock to focus on first. Her one hand continued to jerk off Leonard, but she continued pleasuring Ben with her mouth and her other hand. She was pulling out all the tricks she knew to make him cum, from licking his balls and the shaft of his cock, to kissing the tip and then deep throating him. She even at one point took his balls into her mouth and gently sucked on them before she once again sucked on his cock again. While her mouth was doing this, her hand continued stroking his cock whenever she didn't have it buried in her throat.

Ben was moaning deeper and his breathing was quickening while he urged her to keep going. Finally he moaned out about cumming and moments later, his thick seen began filling her mouth and Lenara moaned around him as she began swallowing. She pulled back till just the tip was in her mouth and she suckled on the tip of his cock while her hand jerked his cock, coaxing out every last drop he was ready to give her at the moment until he was done. Once he was, she licked the tip of his cock before she turned her attention onto Leonard. Turning to him, she quickly set to work to pleasuring him like she had just done to Ben, lavishing attention on every inch of his cock and making him feel good in order to get her next reward.
Lenara drew longer and deeper moans from Ben while she made him cum. He had thoughts of what this moment would be like. The real thing was certainly better then anything his mind came up with. Lenara was a great cocksucker. She used every part of her mouth, along with a firm grip to get her lovers off. And there was no mistake about what was happening. Lenara was adding two more lovers to her circle. She'd been in Starfleet for over 11 years. She'd proven herself with every chance she got. It no longer mattered whether some thought she was a whore and fucked her way to her position & rank. Lenara fully embraced being a "whore" or "slut" for her lovers. They cared for Lenara on so many levels and their use of those words was all done with love & affection. Ben looked down on Lenara as she drank down his cum. Not since the last time he was on Risa, had Ben seen such a cum hungry whore. Lenara looked so hot with his cock in her mouth. Once she had made sure his cock was milked. Lenara gave Ben's cock a lick & kiss before turning her attention on Leonard.

Lenara continued to show off her oral skills. She'd learned a lot since her academy days. Lenara had quickly picked up on oral sex. It was one of the ways she kept her virginity for so long. That and giving out a mean hand job. She became more passionate at sucking cocks in the last few years. She understood men came faster and harder if a woman showed some passion with the action. Lenara also took that huge step to become sexually active by giving Kyle West her virginity. This was when she began embracing a truly open lifestyle when it came to sex. Lenara now had quite a group of lovers. Men & women. Most were on board the Protector. She had already started to expand off the ship. She had Quark on DS9, now she was adding her two favorite admirals. Lenara wasted no time. She began working over Leonard's cock, just as she did with Ben. Lenara took him deep, into her throat. Allowing his cock to slip down, before she made vibrations which drove him wild. Lenara kept stroking his big cock when it wasn't all the way in her mouth. She licked and sucked on his balls. She kissed and licked his shaft. Letting her tongue playful flick at the slit at the end of his cock head. Leonard was quickly approaching his climax. Lenara would tell by the sounds he made and from how his body reacted. Her lips wrapped tightly around his cock. Lenara started jerking away. Leonard soon groaned out that he was cumming. Lenara got the reward she wanted so badly. The first hot stream of his seed shot into her mouth. Landing on her tongue. The next few were shot into the back of her throat. Leonard moaned in pleasure as Lenara milked him.
Lenara had become a highly sexual woman since her days in the academy. With the help of her current captain and her shipmates, she had discovered the pleasures of sex with more people and she had become more welcoming to others to her bed. Of course, she was still selective of who she was with, but she was certainly more open. After all, it wasn't many women of her standing in Starfleet who would eagerly fuck a Feregi the way she did. She even looked forward to doing it again the next time she visited DS9. Most of her time in Starfleet was having other women as lovers, but that had changed after meeting Kyle and becoming closer to him. Now, not only did she have a growing circle of lovers, but she was currently adding two more.

After she turned her attention to Leonard, Lenara moaned around his cock while taking him deep into her throat, her tongue and lips moving over his hard flesh as she sucked on him. She did the same to him, that she did to Ben. But at the same time, she changed things up a bit. She ran her tongue along the vein along the underside of Leonards cock before flicking playfully at the slit at the tip of his cock head, gazing up at the man with sparkling eyes before she swallowed him again. As she did these things, she listened carefully to the sounds of pleasure he was making. It was by doing this that she could tell that he was getting closer to his climax. When he was on the verge of cumming, she wrapped her lips tightly around his cock and began jerking him off, continuing to lick at the head of his cock before he groaned out that he was cumming. Moments later, she felt the first hot stream of cum land across her tongue before the following ones hit the back of her throat.

Soft moans escaped her as she swallowed and continued sucking on him until he was done cumming. Once he was done, she slowly released his cock from her mouth and looked up at Leonard while licking her lips. Her gaze then moved to Ben as she slowly stood up. While sucking them off, she had continued to get more aroused and already she was even more wet then she was when she'd first undressed.
One of the things Ben & Leonard really loved, about Lenara sucking their cocks. How she looked up at them with their cocks in her mouth. The eye contact between Lenara and her lovers, added to the pleasure they got from her. Lenara looked so hot with her lips wrapped around a hard cock and her eyes look up at the man. Some would say this was a submissive position for Lenara. She was on her knees, sucking on a man's cock and looking up at him. However, she was the one who was in the position of power. She was bringing her lover pleasure and she controlled that pleasure. When she first started giving them blow jobs. Lenara had planned on just making them feel good and getting them ready to fuck her. As the oral pleasuring continued. Lenara changed her mind. She wanted to make her lovers cum more then once. Lenara wanted to taste and enjoy their cum in her mouth first. She would then move onto getting fucked by her lovers. Because she changed how things would work out. Lenara showed she had the power, even from her knees.

Both men complemented Lenara on being such a great cocksucker. Not only was Lenara a hard working and dedicated officer. She was also a great lover. Ben & Leonard loved seeing this new side to the woman they came to see as a daughter. Even in the dimly lit light of the quarters they were using for this encounter. Leonard & Ben could see how much wetter Lenara had become. The evidence could be seen on the inner parts of her thighs. Lenara's arousal had grown to the point where she was dripping wet. " You've proven yourself to be a true cock sucking whore.......Now it's time we give you that hard fucking your body needs. " Ben spoke as he and Leonard started leading Lenara towards the couch. Each man had Lenara by her arms. Guiding her to where the next part of their encounter would happen. Leonard gave Ben the chance to have Lenara's pussy. He wanted to use her sweet looking ass. Ben moved, sitting down, then laying out on the couch. He was working his cock to keep it hard for Lenara. Ben had been doing this since after he came. Lenara knew what was expected of her. She'd done this position before. The last time was with Kyle & Edwin in her quarters.
As Lenara gave her lovers pleasure in any way, she enjoyed making eye contact with her lovers because it added a layer of intimacy to what she was doing. She didn't often get on her knees for others. it was a submissive position that she didn't enjoy, but for moments like this when she was pleasuring those close to her, such as Ben and Leonard, she was more then willing to do this. After standing, the two men could see that she was wetter along her inner thighs as she gazed up at them while she stood before them, ready and willing for them to fuck her. When Ben spoke of her having proven herself to be a true cock sucking whore, she nodded before he said that they were going to give her the hard fucking that her body needed and she nodded again.

The two men took her by the arms and she walked with them over to the couch where Ben sat and then laid down upon the couch. He was stroking his own cock to keep it hard for her and she bit her bottom lip before she moved to join him on the couch. She'd done this before in the past with other partners, the most recent two being Kyle and Edwin just the other night. So she knelt on the couch and swung her leg over so she was straddling Ben's lap. "I'm very much looking forward to this." she told both of them before she reached down and wrapped her hand around Ben's cock. With a gentle hand, she guided him to her wet opening and was soon lowering herself down onto Ben's cock. As he filled her, she moaned while he filled her and the moment she was settled in his lap, she took a moment to enjoy the feeling of him being inside of her before she lowered her upper body, exposing her other tight hole for Leonard to enter and use.
Ben & Leonard watched Lenara as she moved onto the couch. She was a great looking woman from any angle. Lenara then spoke of how she was looking forward to this. Both men felt the same. Ben let out a long moan as his cock entered Lenara's tight, wet pussy. It felt so amazing being inside her body. " We've both been looking forward to this Lenara.......Leonard and I have had thoughts about you in past......Both of us thinking of what it would be like to be with you. " Ben spoke, his hands reached up, cupping Lenara's breasts. " I'm glad we could have this moment......And become closer then ever before. " Ben added as Leonard ready himself to join in. Lenara was by now seated fully on Ben's cock. His length was deep inside her pussy and her ass was ready to be filled next. Ben started squeezing Lenara's breasts. His hands roughly groping at her prefect tits.

Leonard then moved onto the couch. His cock was very hard again. Just what Lenara wanted in her ass. Leonard leaned forward, pressing the head against her tight opening. He then started pushing forward. The head slipped inside, followed by several inches of his cock. Though Lenara was still tight in the rear. Her ass accepted large cocks with ease. The tightness of her ass came from her amazing muscles. Leonard groaned out how tight she was. His cock moving deeper inside her body. Another long groan, and Leonard had his cock buried in Lenara's tightest hole. " I've wanted to fuck your sweet ass for many years.......It's even tighter then I imagined. " Leonard groaned out. He slowly drew back his cock, then pushed forwards. Ben told Lenara to show them what a cock hungry whore she really was.
Both Ben and Lenara moaned as his cock entered her pussy and she bit her lip while enjoying the feeling of him being deep inside of her. After she spoke of looking forward to this, Ben said that both of the men had been looking forward to this as well. That they had both had thoughts of her in the past of what it would be like to be with her. As his hands came up to cup her breasts, she moaned again and arched her back slightly so that he could hold them better. This also caused her hips to tilt just right and his cock went slightly deeper. Her pussy was wet and tight around him while he groped her breasts, squeezing them and roughly groping them.

At the same time, Leonard was getting ready to join them. He leaned forward and she soon felt him pressing the head of his cock against her opening and then she soon felt him pushing into her, softly groaning as he stretched her open. Once he was inside, he pushed several more inches into her. She softly moaned as he began filling her and Leonard groaned out about how tight she was. She felt him moving deeper and after another groan, he had his cock buried deep inside of her and she sighed while tipping her head back, a pleasurable look upon her face as she relished the feeling of both her tight holes being filled by their cocks. After Leonard was buried deep inside of her, he spoke of how he'd wanted to fuck her ass for many years and of how it was even tighter then he'd imagined. After this, he pulled back and then pushed forward, making her moan.

However, her attention was drawn away from focusing on the feeling of them inside of her to Ben as he told her to show them what a cock hungry whore she really was. This made her smile at him and she pushed herself up a little so she was on her hands and knees before she began rocking her body between the two men. This caused their cocks to move in and out of her while she moaned a little louder. She had grown to love the feeling of having two male lovers inside of her. She loved how full she always felt when they both filled her with their cocks. Her body moved slowly at first, but she began moving faster, her body responding eagerly to both of theirs filling her and surrounding her.
Leonard was impressed with this new Lenara. In her early days. Lenara would never have the nerve to offer herself up for sex. Not even to men like Leonard & Ben, who'd always been there for her. She was so shy and closed in during those years. Since then, Lenara had become more open, more sexually free. She'd even had sex with a Ferengi. Taking Quark as one of her lovers. Most human females found Ferengi males to be repulsive toads. Lenara didn't let looks sway her. She was bold enough to give herself to Quark and she didn't regret it. She found him to be a great lover, and looked forward to seeing him again. Leonard watched as Lenara moved her body. She was fucking both cocks. Moving her body in such a way. Her ass & pussy slid along both cocks. " That's it.......My pretty little cock slut.....Fuck our cocks.......Make yourself cum all over us. " Leonard spoke as he watched Lenara moving.

Both men loved seeing Lenara so happy. Her current posting seemed to be working out well. Ben had hoped Lenara would hit it off with Kyle West. He knew that Khan caused the death's of Kyle's real family. His blood family was killed during Khan's terror strike on Earth many years ago. Ben knew that Lenara had nothing to do with her father's actions. She wasn't even born until later, while Khan was on the run and before he was recaptured. Though, the population was told Khan was dead. Killed while trying to capture him. Even Lenara thought her father was dead. Ben knew Kyle West was a fair man. He may have strong feelings about something or someone. But, Ben knew Kyle would gave Lenara a chance, and he did. Ben was very happy with how Lenara turned out. She looked so much like the daughter he lost. Ben had to help her achieve the life his daughter would never have. Lenara had made him proud, in so many ways. Now she was giving him pleasure beyond anything he could imagine. Leonard was urging her to fuck their cocks faster. To make herself cum on their cocks. She already had Ben moaning. Her tight pussy felt so good sliding along his shaft. Leonard was also moaning out loud. Her ass was amazing. He'd never felt a tighter ass in his life and Leonard loved fucking women in the ass.
The Protectors First Officer loved being fucked hard and fast, as well as by multiple people at once, and right now she was certainly enjoying being with two men who she cared deeply about but had never been intimate with despite knowing them for so long. She saw men like Ben and Leonard as examples of how a man should treat a woman. They had always been kind, caring and respectful towards her, and at the same time, they took pride in their jobs. These were good men and were good examples of a good officers and good men. Leonard urged her on, telling her to fuck their cocks and make herself cum all over them.

This made her moan louder and moved faster, her hips moving back against them a little harder. She was moaning and breathing heavier. Her fair skin along her neck and her cheeks was flushed with her arousal while her eyes had become dilated from her arousal. She was sexier in the throws of her passion and lust. She was being urged on by her new lovers and she was showing them just how much she wanted their cocks and was loving them inside of her. She pushed herself up a bit and her hands came to rest over Ben's which were on her breasts. "Oh god." she moaned, letting her head fall back while she panted and moaned. "I-I've thought of this before in the past... but... it's so much better then I imagined it was." she gasped between moans, both her holes squeezing their cocks tightly.

She guided Ben's hands a little, showing him exactly how she liked her nipples played with. She rocked her hips, rolling them just right to give all three of them the most pleasure she could. Lenara could feel her first orgasm building, causing her pussy and ass to grip them tighter while she moaned. The growing pleasure she was feeling was making her move faster. She was getting closer and closer to cumming with each rock of her hips. When it finally washed over her, she gave a loud cry of pleasure as she finally came around their cocks, her body shuddering while her holes gripped their cocks tightly. But even as she came, she never stopped moving.
Ben & Leonard were taken by surprise when Lenara spoke. Her admission of having thoughts in the past of what they were doing. Left the two men speechless. Neither had any idea, that Lenara had such thoughts about them. She seemed beyond such things in her younger days as a cadet. This didn't mean Lenara couldn't have had such thoughts about the two men who were like fathers to her. They just didn't know when she started thinking of being with them. Lenara was very dedicated as a cadet. She had a fiance, early during her first year at Starfleet Academy. That relationship was broken off and Lenara fell in love with her roommate, Jadzia. The men knew it was possible, that Lenara's thoughts of them, were recent. She'd changed a lot since joining the Protector. Ben had hoped Lenara would become friendlier with those around her. Even on ships were Lenara wasn't harassed for who her father was. The captains wrote in her file how cold and withdrawn she was. This seemed to be a trait Lenara couldn't or wouldn't get rid of. That changed after Ben placed her on board the Protector as first officer.

Lenara didn't go into any more detail, though Ben & Leonard wanted to hear more from her. They wished she would have said a bit more. Talked just a little about when she had these thoughts. That was all she was able to get out. Lenara's orgasm was quickly building. She worked even harder to bring herself to a release. She was also bringing her lovers more and more pleasure. Ben & Leonard hoped, Lenara would explain more after they were done. At the moment, Lenara was like a sex crazed animal. She worked her hips, humping herself between to the two cocks. Making them slid in and out of her body. Just as Lenara started cumming. Leonard began fucking her. He matched her movements. As she was sliding back on his cock. He was now pushing forwards. Slamming his cock deep into her ass. Ben, who was playing with Lenara's nipples, started moving his hips. He was now thrusting his cock up into her pussy. Both men could feel how much tighter Lenara became while she came. Her pussy became so much warmer with the rush of her cum. Ben thought she might even squirt if his cock hadn't been in the way. Releasing her cum in a thick stream. Ben could feel Lenara's cum leaking out around his thrusting cock. Both men were fucking Lenara just as they promised. She was getting slammed by two cocks in two of her favorite holes. Ben made sure he was treating Lenara's nipples as she wanted. His fingers pinched each one and then twisted them. The men were driving Lenara to another, even larger release.
Lenara didn't take note of the two mens surprise as she road their cocks, her eyes closed while her face with filled with a look of complete pleasure, her breathing heavy and her moans thick and lusty. After she spoke of having thought of them like this before, she didn't say anything else on the subject. If they wished to know more, she would tell them. Because of how much respect she held for Ben and Leonard, she couldn't hide anything from the two men. Since the break up with her fiancé and the parting from Jadzia after they both finished the Academy, Lenara closed off everyone, creating an icy barrier around her heart to keep everyone out. She had been on a number of ships before she had been transferred to Kyles. One some ships she was harassed for who she was while on others she wasn't. But no matter what, she never felt like she was welcome. So she kept to herself and didn't let others in. But then she joined Kyles ship and it was the first time that others had made the effort to get to know the young woman and she'd been made to feel like she belonged finally. She had Ben to thank for her placement on the Protector as first officer.

Though both men wished to hear more from her, all of Lenara's focus was on fucking the two cocks inside of her, her body moving quickly and wantonly, the woman seeking her pleasure and giving them pleasure in return. When her orgasm first hit, she shuddered between them but never stopped. Instead, Leonard began fucking her as well. He began thrusting his cock into her ass while she rocked back against him. He was now slamming his cock deep inside of her, making her cry out even louder. This was before Ben began moving his hips while playing with her nipples.

Both men were by now fucking her holes, their cocks pounding into her like she was some cheap Risian whore and she was moaning like one. They had told her that they were going to make her scream while they fucked her and they were well on their way to doing that. Her moans were loud and the air was filled with the sounds of their bodies colliding and the wet sound of Ben's cock thrusting into her soaked pussy. Even though she'd recently cum, they were fucking her towards another, more powerful release and she was begging them for more. They trio were truly enjoying themselves. "I-I'm going to cum again!" she cried out, her hips moving almost franticly as she panted heavily. "Cum in me, please. Fill both my holes with your cum." she begged of them as she got closer and closer to cumming. Lenara kept up her quick pace until her next release hit.

When it did, her body went ridged this time before shuddering while she screamed in pleasure. The pleasure of them fucking her and the strength of her release, felt so good that it almost hurt. Her hips bucked against theirs, her release drenching Ben's cock in another coat of her cum while her body clamped down around their cocks. Her muscles were like fists, gripping them tightly in her hot, tight holes.
The action was hot & heavy between the three lovers. Lenara was fucking her men, and they were fucking her. Each giving their all to the encounter. Making it an evening they would always remember. The sweet sounds of raw sex filled the air of the unused quarters. Skin on skin, moans, groans, grunts, cries, screams and that wonder sound of wetness coming from Lenara's pussy. Mixing into a prefect chorus of pleasure, passion, lust and love. Lenara already came once, and she was fast approaching another orgasm. The threesome continued to become more wild. Each member of the encounter was closing on a climax. Lenara cried out first, her orgasm was seconds from exploding within her body. She didn't want to cum alone, this time. She wanted to feel her new lovers cumming inside her at the same time. Lenara's body was then rocked by a huge orgasm. Ben felt that sudden rush of warm engulfing his cock. It seemed hotter then the first wave of cum he felt from her. This caused Ben to reach the peak of his climax. He let out a deep, long moan as his cum began pumping into Lenara's hot pussy. Filling her with his seed. Leonard was only seconds behind Ben. The sheer tightness of Lenara's ass made it impossible for him to continue without cumming. It felt like she had an inner fist jerking his cock off with each thrust. Thick, hot streams of Leonard's cream flowed deep into Lenara's ass.

The three lovers remained where they were. Just enjoying the feeling of being together. In time. Leonard did pull his cock out of Lenara's ass. He took a seat on the couch. Ben's cock also slipped free from Lenara's creamy pussy. With everything in a more relaxed state. It was time Lenara let her new lovers know when and where she first thought of them. They wanted to know, how long did she have these thoughts. " Lenara.......A while ago.....When we were all fucking......You spoke of having thought about this in the past.......And how it was so much better then you imagined. " Ben spoke as he gentle stroked his hand lovingly over Lenara's head. " How long have you thought about being with us?........How often did you think about it?....Did you ever pleasure yourself while thinking of us? " Ben asked his questions. He and Leonard then waited for her to answer.
The action between Lenara and the two men was wild. She was performing for them as good as any Risian whore, if not better then them as she gave Ben and Leonard her all. She was working hard to pleasure all three of them. This moment was something that she had been secretly looking forward to, so she was going to make it as good as she possibly could. When her orgasm hit and she screamed in pleasure, Ben was next to cum. She heard him moan before his cum began filling her pussy, her body shuddering before she moaned again as Leonard began cumming. She felt his thick release filling her ass as well. As her release began to subside, she slowly slumped down against Ben's chest, a little breathless and her body trembled occasionally.

Eventually, Leonard pulled out of her ass and she groaned softly before Ben's left her pussy. With them in a more relaxed state, she moved her body slightly so she could rest comfortably. Eventually, Ben spoke up and began to ask her about what she had said while they were fucking and she looked up at him, tipping her head slightly to gaze at the man as he questioned her, his hand gently stroking her head. For a long moment she was quiet before she folded her arms over his chest and rested her chin on her arm. "For a long time, I had seen you both as father figures, you both know this. I have looked up to you both and admired you." she slowly said. "During my last year at the Academy.... when my mother fell ill and died, you were both there for me and it felt like you two were the only ones that I had to support me in the role of a parental figure. I suppose it was after that, that I started to look at you in a different light."

She told them that she had many different thoughts about them beginning half way through the year shortly after her mother fell ill. Ben and Leonard had often checked on her to make sure she was okay and they constantly encouraged her not to give up. Especially after her mother passed away. She had been confused and she had conflicting emotions. Her mother has always been her biggest supporter and the loss of her was like the loss of everything. But these men made her realize that her mother wouldn't want her to just give up. She told them that after her thoughts started that year, she actually had them quite often until she went away on her first assignment. After that, she pushed such thoughts aside and buried herself in her work. "I did." she softly told them in reply to whether or not she ever pleasured herself while thinking of them. "If it hadn't been for those rumors, I actually might of approached you back then. One of you might of been the one that I chose to give my virginity to." She blushed a little at this admission while looking away. "Though, I don't regret who I did give it to in the end."
It was pleasing for Ben & Leonard to know, Lenara's thoughts of them went years back. Back to her days as a cadet. Like her, they wished she'd decided back then to become closer with them. While it may have made the rumors more legitimate. It wouldn't have made them true. Lenara wouldn't have had sex because it was something she owned the two men. It would have been because she wanted them. She wanted them now and felt it was time she thanked them. Lenara would only get two new lovers to her growing circle. She would get nothing she didn't earn through hard work. Despite the haters, despite those who wanted to keep her down. Lenara's hard work rose her up through the ranks. In the eleven years since she graduated from the academy. Lenara had risen to the rank of commander and was now first officer on one of Starfleet's most important and best ships. Those who still hated her, stewed in their anger. Lenara had proven herself to be dedicated and loyal to everything the Untied Federation of Planets & Starfleet Command stood for.

Lenara spoke of how either Ben or Leonard could have been her first. If those rumors hadn't gotten in the way. One of the men she'd just been with, would had enjoyed taking her virginity. That was a bitter pill to swallow. Knowing one of them could have been Lenara's first. Still, it wasn't all bad. They did finally know her in a sexual way now. It took over 11 years, but the wait was worth it. It did make Ben wonder who the lucky man had been. He asked Lenara and she spoke of Kyle West being her first male lover. Ben & Leonard had known about Lenara & Jadzia. They didn't know how many female lovers Lenara had, but they knew she was sexual open in that area. Ben joked that since he arranged Lenara's position on the protector. Giving Kyle the chance to enjoy Lenara's virginity. He felt Kyle owned him at least a bottle of Saurian brandy. Saying it only seemed fair. Leonard then joked that for Lenara's virginity. It should be a case of Saurian brandy. It was then joked that they should have auctioned off Lenara's virginity. The evening continued as Lenara shared more laughs with her father figures. It had been a while since all three of them were together in the same place at the same time. It soon came time that they rejoined the party. After dressing, the trio went back to the shuttlebay. No one even noticed they'd been gone.

The celebration went on for a few more hours. Things returned to normal the following day. Lenara & Ezri spent the next few days together. Enjoying each other. It soon came time for Ezri to leave. Her transport was ready to take her to Earth. Lenara & Ezri walked to transporter room one. Holding each other close. Just like they did when Ezri first came aboard the ship. There was no need to hide their affect for each other. Lenara & Ezri said their goodbyes, but Ezri said she would return. It may take a year or so, but she would be back. They shared one last kiss before Ezri stepped onto the transporter pad. She gave Lenara a smile before the transporter was engaged and Ezri was gone. Her transport was taking her to Earth, were she planned on catching up with Captain Sisko. Two days later, Lenara was sitting in her office, doing paperwork. She'd just come off a duty shift on the bridge. Lenara was catching up on some reports and paperwork. The buzzer for her office door went off. After being asked to come in, Crewman Daniels entered carrying a pad in his hand. " Good afternoon Commander Singh. " Daniels spoke in his usual happy voice. " I brought that list of the emergency supplies we beamed down to Betazed.......Including medical supplies and 12 emergency replicators.....The pad also has the request to replace those items from Starbase 133. " Daniels added. He'd proven himself to be a hard working member of the crew, since he came aboard. Always willingly to please, and never seemed down, no matter how bad the war news got. After a few minutes of pleasant chit chat. Daniels excused himself. He spoke of going off duty and returning to his quarters. Daniels left Lenara's office, leaving her to her thoughts.
As she told Ben and Leonard about her thoughts about them way back when she was still a cadet, Lenara left nothing out. She had never had to hide anything from these two men. They knew her better then most others who hadn't been her lovers until now. The woman had spent a good bit of her down time with them when they had the time. They were like fathers and they had become mentors for her. And now, years later, they were lovers. When Ben asked about who her first had been, she looked up at him and told him that it had been Kyle West, her current Captain, who had been her first male lover. Of course, Leonard and Ben knew about her relationship with Jadzia back during her time in the Academy.

After she'd told them about Kyle being her first, Ben joked about Kyle owing him a bottle of Saurian Brandy since he had been the one to arrange her position on the Protector. After this, Ben and Leonard joked about how they should of auctioned off her virginity and she snorted while shaking her head, a smile on her lips. She enjoyed her evening with the two men. They didn't get the chance to spend a lot of time together, so she spent their brief time together to catch up. Finally they had to return to the party and after dressing, that's what they did, returning to the shuttlebay.

The day after the celebration, things on the ship returned to normal. Over the next couple of days, Lenara spent time with Ezri, the two women enjoying time together and enjoying each other. Eventually came the day for Ezri to leave and Lenara went to the transporter room together, Lenara holding her lover close while they softly spoke to each other. It was reminiscent of when Lenara first brought her on board. In transporter room one, Lenara held Ezri close to her, smiling at the young woman. "Enjoy your time with Sisko and tell him and Jake that I send my greetings." she told the Trill before they kissed each other. Once their last kiss was broken, Lenara released her the rest of the way before releasing Ezri and watching her step onto the transporter. Lenara smiled gently at her and in moments she was gone, heading off on her trip to visit with Sisko.

A couple days later, Lenara was sitting in her office working on paperwork and reports which had gotten a little backlogged with everything that had happened recently. She was doing this when the buzzer for her office door when off and she bid the person at the door to enter. Lenara heard the door open and she glanced up to see Crewman Daniels entering with a pad in his hand and she greeted him with a slight smile as he approached her desk. He told her that he brought the list of the emergency supplied that had been beamed down to Betazed, including the medical supplies and 12 emergency replicators. She was also told that the pad also had the request for those items to be replaced from Starbase 133. "Thank you Daniels." she told him while taking the pad. Daniels was always so helpful and he always seemed to be in a good mood, no matter what was happening at the time.

The two spent a couple minutes exchanging pleasantries before he excused himself and told her that he was going to return to his quarters and she dismissed him with another thanks. After he left, Lenara began to get back to her work. At first, she began working, but as she did so, she began thinking about Daniels and the thoughts that were beginning to fill her head caused her to frown to herself. Daniels was a good crewman and she could remember seeing and speaking to him in the corridors of the Protector. However, there was one thing she didn't recall and that was her first meeting with him. As first officer, she had a first sit down meeting with all new officers to introduce herself to them and vise-versa. But she couldn't seem to recall ever having that meeting with him. Which was impossible because she recalled every meeting she's had since she joined.

With this thought, she began thinking more about Daniels and the times she'd spoken with him. While thinking about this, she accessed his file and began to look into him. At first, everything seemed fine, but with her thoughts and as she read his record, she knew something wasn't right. Lenara was a perfectionist when it came to her job and there was no way that she would of missed a meeting with him. According to his file, Daniels seemed too good to be true. The man had never been in trouble and he was a hard worker. Yet he never had been promoted? This wasn't right. With how he'd joined as an enlisted man and how hard of a worker he was, Daniels should of been made Petty Officer at least, by now. Lenara sat at her desk a little longer mulling over what she'd learned before she stood and she left her office.

Daniels had told her that he was heading to his quarters, so that was where she was heading. Something wasn't right where he was considered. She didn't like that she couldn't remember their first sit down meeting. Why was she remembering a man that she'd never met before? The discrepencies in what she knew and what was in the report, made her uneasy. Lenara head straight down to where Daniels quarters were and she pressed the button to sound his door buzzer. Daniels had some questions to answer.
Daniels was well liked among his fellow enlisted personnel. Even the officer's who worked with him, thought he was a great person. Daniels was always cheerful. wore a smile no matter how bad things were. He was always telling people things would get better. Most thought this was just hopeful wishing on his part. But, Daniels wasn't who the crew members of the Protector thought he was. No one could tell you when Daniels came aboard. They just knew he was a member of the crew. It almost seemed as if he'd been on the ship since it launched. However, his Starfleet files showed he came aboard after Lenara joined the crew. She as already first officer by the time his record said he was assigned to the Protector. As first officer, it was Lenara's job to meet everyone, officers & enlisted personnel. She made up the duty shifts for the bridge personnel. She also gathered, read and added her own thoughts to all evaluation reports, for all members of the crew before turning them over to Captain West. Lenara did her job well. She made no notes in Daniels' file. This told her no meeting took place. This was impossible since she had her meetings scheduled herself.

Daniels was sitting in his quarters. He'd just gotten inside, got himself a mug of tea, picked up a book and sat down. Daniels was reading his book when his door buzzer went off. " Come in. " Daniels called out. Not expecting to see Lenara again so soon. He thought it was someone from engineering who might want him to spend time in one of the holodecks. Daniels was looking at the door when it slide open. He lowered his book when the open door revealed Lenara was standing there. " Commander Singh?........This is an unexpected surprise......Was there something wrong with the report or the request I gave you? " Daniels spoke as he rose from his chair. The last person he was expecting to see was Lenara. And from what she just learned, the man standing before her could be a spy or worse. It wasn't uncommon for races to surgically alter someone and plant them as agents. Daniels could be Cardassian, Romulan or who knows what? As first officer and head of security for the Protector. It was Lenara's job to find out who and what Daniels was. Also why he was here.
What had been discovered so far was worrying Lenara. She didn't like someone being on the ship that she couldn't recall meeting. It bothered her deeply. Not only did trust in her memory to recall if she had ever met Daniels, but when she looked at his file, there were no notes in it. Anytime she had a sit down meeting with a new member of the crew, she always made notes on that person, no matter who they were. But there were no such notes in his file from her. With this brought to her attention, she was now determined to figure out just who Daniels really was and why he was on the Protector. For all she knew, he could be a spy.

After pressing the buzzer, Lenara waited until she was bid entrance into Daniels quarters. With that, she entered, the door opening and she stepped inside to see Daniels standing. When she entered, Lenara's gaze quickly swept the room. She was on alert and her instincts were telling her to be cautious with this unknown male. Her gaze then went to him when he spoke and she stood there silently until after the door closed behind her. "The report and request was fine." she told him. "No, I'm here about something else." Lenara kept her voice carefully level and she was watching him like a hawk watched its prey. She was blocking the only way out and it was well known that she was one of the best fighters on the ship, but at the same time, she didn't know who or what Daniels might be.

"Did you know, Daniels, that with all new members on the ship, I have a sit down meeting with them?" she asked slowly. "However, I realized something interesting. I never had such a meeting with you. I know this because I remember every single meeting with new members of the crew and during the meetings, I take notes. Very careful notes." As she spoke, Lenara studied Daniels every expression. "So what I want to know, is who, exactly, are you?"
Daniels was calm when Lenara entered his quarters. He didn't expect she'd find out about his deception so soon. Daniels had been ready to reveal himself yet. He was wanted to wait and gather more information about Lenara & Captain West. Daniels quickly discovered that Lenara was better at her job then he thought. He knew of her genetically altered DNA. He knew she could lift him with one arm and show no signs of strain. Lenara was five times stronger then a normal human. She could easily match Klingons and Vulcans in strength. It was well known on the ship, how good Lenara was as a fighter. She'd mastered several forms of fighting. Even some which weren't widely known outside other races. Anyone who dared to face Lenara, better have plenty of hope and prayer on their side. Those would be the only possible advantage they could have over her. Daniels placed his book down as Lenara spoke. He could tell his little game was up. Daniels should have thought about the meeting and the fact that it would have been discovered. He figured on being done with his research before Lenara would find out. This was a huge mistake on his part. Lenara was a dedicated officer, who did her job beyond what was expected. The new Lenara, enjoyed her down time these days. She would gladly throw down and party hardcore with her friends and lovers. Lenara had a date with Doctor Shelby Jensen, a few days from now. The change in Lenara's private life didn't change how she did her job. She was still one of the hardest working officers in the fleet.

Daniels was no real threat to Lenara. He didn't even have his phaser on his hip. Daniels removed the weapon after entering his quarters. All personnel on Starships carried a hand phaser while on duty during war time. There were no acceptations to this rule. Even doctors were required to be armed while on duty. It was only while not on duty that officers and enlisted personnel went without a weapon. Lenara asked Daniels who he was. This brought a smile to his face. " You are more dedicated then history said Commander.......I thought I had more time to observe you and Captain West. " Daniels spoke with his usual charm. A smile appearing on his face. " I thought my Starfleet file would keep you from discovering who I really was......Obviously I was wrong and it wasn't good enough. " Daniels added while he offered Lenara a seat. However, Lenara wasn't here to socialize with Daniels. She was here to find out who he was and why he was here. " I won't tell you the entire reason why I'm here.......Not until I can meet with you and Captain West.......But......I'm from the 31st century.........I'm a temporal agent working for the Federation assigned to stop a man called Jamran Harnoth.......He's a Romulan from the 28th century who's been trying to alter the timeline in favor of re-shaping the Romulan Empire. " Daniels spoke, he then waited for Lenara to react. Time travel wasn't unheard of during the 24th century. There were many incidents of time travel. The Federation even had a Department of Temporal Investigations who looked into each incident. The question was. Would Lenara buy the story Daniels was selling her, or would she toss his ass into the brig and alert the captain? No matter what Lenara did, she would need to tell Kyle of what happened.
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