Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

Though she had changed when it came to how she acted socially and off duty, there was one thing about Lenara that would never change. And that was how hard of a worker she was and how fiercely devoted she was to both her job, her ship and her Captain. If there was anything that put any of those at risk, it had better beware risking her ire, because she didn't tolerate anything putting either of those things at risk. As she spoke of what she'd come to know, she watched him set his book down. While he didn't have a phaser on him, she did. It rested at her hip, the woman having grabbed it on her way out of her quarters and her one hand rested on her hip just a couple inches from that phaser.

After she asked who he was, Daniels smiled and as he spoke with his usual charm, this made the woman frown slightly while her gaze narrowed at him a little. Even though she was more open and a bit less Vulcan like in her demeanor with others, that cold and detached version of her could still be seen when she was working and she had to be serious. Such as right that moment. She didn't like the comment of observing her or Captain West. When she was offered a seat, Lenara told him that she would remain standing. She was about to tell him that there was a snowflakes chance in hell that he was getting close to Captain West without telling her everything when he told her that he was from the 31st century and that he was a temporal agent working for the Federation assigned to stop a Romulan from the 28th century who was trying to alter the timeline in favor of re-shaping the Romulan Empire.

This bit of news caused her to stop and she stared at him, one of her eyebrows raising while she stared at the man. Of all the things he could of said or claimed, this certainly wasn't one of them. Sure, she'd heard and read reports of time travel. She even knew that there was a Department of Temporal Investigations who looked into each incident. But she never believed she'd have someone claim to be from the future, standing in front of her. "Say I believe you. Why would you wait and observe Captain West and myself instead of just approaching us?" she asked him. "Besides, what proof do you have that you're from the future? Anyone could claim the same thing."
Daniels expected Lenara to have some doubts. It wasn't everyday when someone met another person claiming to be from the future. Daniels had been through this many times. He'd worked in several timelines. Including the 22nd century on board the first warp five starship, the USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. Daniels needed Captain Archer's help to keep the future safe. Now, he needed someone to help kept the past safe from change. This was the reason why he came aboard the Protector. The ship and it's crew had a long history of facing down long odds and fighting threats which others couldn't defeat. " To answer your first question.......I wanted to see if history was right about the Protector and it's crew.........Sometimes stories can be stretched to make things seem more exciting.......From what I've seen so far........You......Captain West....The ship and it's crew are everything history as said you were. " Daniels spoke, sounding very much like someone from the future.

To answer Lenara's second question. Daniels said he needed to get a device from his bedroom. He promised it wasn't a weapon. It was a device which would show Lenara, he was really someone from the future. Daniels waited until Lenara said he could go. He then left her, entered his bedroom, then came out with an oval shaped device. It was dark blue in color and had a Federation symbol on the bottom. Daniels allowed Lenara to look over the device. He then took it back while telling her they would visit the future. But, he said she should be careful about what she sees. The room suddenly changed. There was now timelines and points in time moving all around where Lenara stood. Like strings of light with picture balls attached to the strings. The balls with pictures in the center, were the points in time. Lenara could see billions of pictures moving around her. Each from some point in time. Daniels said they were in a time flux. A place in time where one could go forwards or backwards in time. They reappeared on the Protector, in the observation lounge, on the other side of the bridge. Daniels said they couldn't stay long. The red alert signal suddenly came on. Outside the window, Lenara would see a Borg Cube under attack by several Federation Starships. Daniels pointed out one of the ships. It was a ship Lenara had never seen before. He said it was a Vesta Class Starship. A ship currently being designed by Starfleet, and would remained unknown until the first ship was in production. " The year is 2381.......The Federation is under attack by the Borg.......Not with just one ship as they've done on the past......But several Borg Ships.......The Borg no longer wish assimilate humanity.......They seek to destroy humankind. " Daniels knew how dangerous it was for someone to know to much about the future. He activated his device again. Lenara found herself in the time flux once again. However, another figure appeared. It was a Romulan who grabbed Daniels from behind. The two men struggled and during the struggle, Lenara was thrown from the flux when a button the device was pressed.

She reappeared in the mess hall of a starship. But, this was no starship she was familiar with. There was only about a dozen tables in this mess hall. It was much smaller then the mess hall on the Protector and there were no replicators. There were serving cases with siding doors along the far wall. Lenara knew this ship was about the same size as the Defiant. There was little else she could tell, expect for this ship was a much older design. One which hadn't been used in several hundred years. She looked out of the windows, and could see stars moving quickly by. This told her the ship was at warp. However, she had no idea where she was, or what ship she was on. The mess hall doors open and a man wearing a uniform entered. Lenara had seen the uniform before. Many times at the fleet museum at Starfleet Headquarters. The man came to a sudden stop when he spotted Lenara. He hit a switch on a wall panel, near the door, asking for security to report to the mess hall. He spoke of having an intruder. " Who are you and how did you get on this ship? " The man asked while he kept his eyes on this strangely dressed woman.
Daniels answer to her first question was a little strange to hear. To hear someone talk about her, her captain and their crew as something from the past was uncomfortable in a way but she did her best not to show it as he told her that he had wanted to see if history had been correct about the Protector and its crew. "I suppose that makes sense. After all, history is always written by the victor." she softly said before he said that she, the Captain and the ship with its crew were everything that history said they were.

He then said that he had to get a device from his room in order to answer her second question, promising that it wasn't a weapon. For a long moment she studied him before she finally nodded. "Very well." she told him before watching as he left the room, entering the bedroom and coming back out with an oval shaped device which he handed to her. With the device in hand, Lenara looked it over, turning the device over in her hand while studying it. She saw the federation symbol which was on the device. After looking at it for a little bit, she finally handed the device back to Daniels who told her that they would visit the future, but she should be careful about what she saw.

A moment later, the room changed and she looked around quickly. She looked at the different pictures that were moving around where she stood before looking at Daniels who said they were currently in a time flux where one could go forward or backwards in time. Finally they reappeared on the Protector, in the observation lounge. She knew this because she was very familiar with her ship. As Daniels told her that they couldn't stay long, she nodded slightly before the red alert signal came on. She moved closer to the window and gazed out to see a Borg Cube under attack by several Federation Starships. While she gazed out at them, he pointed out a ship that she'd never seen before and he told her that it was a Vesta Class Starship. He then told her what year it was and she looked at him as she was told that the Federation was under attack by the Borg. And not just one ship, but several, because the Borg no longer wished to assimilate humanity, but to destroy them.

Moments later they were once again in flux. However, another figure suddenly appeared and grabbed Daniels from behind. From what she could see it was a Romulan and the two men started struggling. During this struggle, a button on the device was pressed and Lenara found herself standing in the middle of a starship by herself. Turning quickly, Lenara looked around the mess hall for any signs of Daniels, but from what she could see, he was no where to be seen. Continuing to look around, she realized that she wasn't familiar in any way with the starship she was currently on. The mess hall was much smaller then what she was familiar with and there were no replicators. Instead, there were serving cases along the far wall. Things on this ship were much older in design, telling her that she was in the past.

Moving from the spot she had appeared in, she looked out of the windows and when she saw the stars moving quickly by, she knew they were currently at warp, but she wasn't sure where she was or what ship she was on. Suddenly she heard the mess hall doors opening and she turned sharply to see a man entering. He was wearing a uniform which she was very familiar with. It was one that she'd seen many times at the fleet museum at Starfleet Headquarters. Both the man and Lenara froze when they saw each other before the man hit a switch on a wall panel and asked for security to the mess hall because of an intruder. This was something she'd never been called before. Then the man asked who she was and how she got on the ship. "I'm First Officer Lenara Singh." she told him, being careful not to make a move towards her phaser. "And how I got on the ship.... I don't know if you'd believe me if I told you. I scarcely believe it myself." She looked around the mess hall again. Her eyes were wide and a bit of fear and worry could be seen on her face as she stood there, but it was obvious she was being honest. Her gaze returned to the man. "Can I ask what year it is?" she asked, knowing that the question would be very strange for him to hear since it was strange for her to even ask it.
Hearing the unknown woman say she was a first officer, did surprise the man. He'd never seen a uniform like the one she wore. He took notice of the device on her hip and assumed it was a weapon. However, she never made any moves to pull it. Lenara spoke of how she came aboard as being hard to believe. Admitting that she could hardly believe it herself. The men kept his distance from the unknown woman. There was no way of telling if she was human or another race. The man didn't wish to take any chances. Lenara's question of the year, took the man off guard. It was a very odd question to ask. Before the man could answer. Two security guards entered the mess hall from behind the man. They had old style Pulse Rifles from the 22nd century in their hands. The man raised a hand to stop his two men. They didn't move any closer, but kept their weapons on Lenara. " The year is 2155. " The man spoke while he continued to study Lenara. The year told Lenara that she was in the mid 22nd century. Either during or just before the war between Earth and the Romulans started.

The mess hall doors at the far end opened. A male human and female Vulcan entered the room. Lenara would easily know who the man was. She'd read about him while at the academy. She would also know what ship she appeared on. The man was Captain Jonathan Archer, and the ship could only be The Enterprise. The Vulcan woman at his side was Commander T'Pol, first officer of the Enterprise. The man Lenara had been speaking with was Lieutenant Malcolm Reed. Archer asked what was going on here? Reed explained that he was coming into the mess hall for a late night snack and found Lenara standing here. He added that she called herself a first officer. Archer took notice of the three pips Lenara wore on her red department shirt, which was under her duty uniform top. T'Pol also wore three pip like pieces on her uniform. " Let me guess......You are a commander?......The question is......What are you a first officer and commander of? " Archer asked. There were no rules governing time travel in the 22nd century. In the 24the century. Every Starfleet Officer knew the rules about polluting the timeline. Lenara had to be very careful of what she said, or she could change how history plays out. General information would be okay to speak about.
Before her question could be answered, two security guards entered the mess hall and they aimed their weapons at her. Looking at them, she saw that they were old style Pulse Rifles and she was grateful when the man raised a hand to stop the two officers. They didn't move any closer to her, but they did keep their weapons on her. As head of security on the Protector, she understood and she nodded slightly. The man then told her that the year was 2155 and her eyebrows rose. "2155?" she echoed. "The 22nd century then." The woman's shoulders fell slightly and she ran a hand through her long hair before rubbing her eyes with a sigh. If that was the year, she was 220 years in the past. "Thank you." she told the man after she lowered her hand.

They were interrupted however, when the mess hall doors at the far end opened and a male human and a female Vulcan entered the room. Looking at the man, Lenara's eyes widened a little. The sight of the man told her exactly where she was and on which ship she was on. This man was Captain Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise, while the woman had to be his first officer, Commander T'Pol. Lenara had learned of them while in the academy. She was silent as the Captain asked what was going on and the man she had been talking to spoke to him.

When Archer finally spoke to her, Lenara stood straight with her shoulders back. "Yes sir." she said firmly, looking at Archer with respect. For her, it was an honor to even see Captain Johnathan Archer in person. "I am First Officer and Commander of The Protector.... from the 24th century, sir." She had to be careful of exactly what she said to these people because it could change everything in the future.
Archer was quiet as Lenara spoke of where she was from. Hearing that she was from 200 years in the future would surprise anyone else. Archer on the other hand, had met his share of time travelers. Though, seeing the way Lenara dressed spoke a lot of what the future held. Archer had seen the symbol she wore on her uniform. He knew it had something to do with an organization called the Federation. Archer just didn't know what this Federation was. He was told of his being a major part in it's founding. Captain Archer was one of the people who signed the Federation Charter. That was like being one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Lenara had every right to be honored. Captain Archer was every bit the legend that Captain James T. Kirk was. Lieutenant Reed was busy eying up the weapon Lenara wore on her hip. Being the head of security for the Enterprise. He'd love to see what her weapon could do. He assumed it was more powerful then their phase pistols. And, Reed would be right.

" I assume this Protector is a Starship?........You must be part of this Federation I've heard about.......I met a time traveler named Daniels.......He never said people from the 24th century could time travel. " Archer spoke as another man entered the mess hall. He didn't know time travel wasn't a regular thing which happened in the 24th century. It was often done by accident, or with the help of some outside source. The new man was Doctor Phlox, the ship's chief medical officer. Lenara would know his species as Denobulan, a long time member race of the Federation. Phlox greeted the newcomer and asked if he could scan her. Just to make sure she was human. Once given permission, Phlox took his scans. " She is human......But she is also an augment. " The report Phlox gave, put everyone on guard. The Enterprise had dealings with augments in the past. The augments had tried to kill everyone on a Klingon Colony and start a war between Klingons and Earth. Archer was about to question Lenara on her background. However, he didn't get the chance. She disappeared before his eyes. Lenara was pulled back into the time flux by Daniels. " I'm sorry for that Commander........One of Jamran's men tried to stop me.......I needed to make sure you were in a safe place before I dealt with him. " Daniels apologized while he returned himself and Lenara back on the Protector at the same moment they left. " You're safely back home.......Have I given you enough proof of who I am? " Daniels asked. He hoped Lenara would take him to see the captain, or have Kyle come to Daniels' quarters.
This was a rare opportunity for a person from Lenara's time. This man was one of the people who signed the Federation Charter. He was one of the founders of the Federation itself. Part of her would of loved to just sit and talk about all sorts of things with Captain Archer, but she knew the rules about time traveling. Archer asked about the Protector being a Starship and she nodded. "Yes sir, it is." she said. "And I am an officer of the Federation." When he mentioned meeting a time travler named Daniels who had never said people from the 24th century being able to time travel, she shook her head. "It seems we've met the same man then. And normally, those of us from the 24th century can't time travel. He was proving that he was a time traveler when something happened that separated us."

Another man entered the mess hall and she glanced at him. He was a Denobulan and she tilted her head when he greeted her and asked if he could scan her. Just to make sure she was human. She tensed just a little at this before taking a breath and she nodded. She knew what his scans would tell them, so she steeled herself for any reactions they might have. Sure enough, Phlox reported that she was human, but also an augment and she could feel the change. Lenara had been watching Phlox as he scanned her and for a long moment she kept her gaze on him, her pale eyes looking at the medical officer before she slowly raised her gaze to look over at the Captain.

Lenara understood that in this time period, augments had done terrible things, so there was something akin to almost a sad acceptance in her gaze as she looked at Archer and the others. She held no anger nor animosity towards them as she understood why they went on guard and she made no move towards her weapon after it was announced that she was an augment. Instead, the woman folded her hands in front of her. Moments later she was pulled back into the time flux and she softly sighed while Daniels apologized to her and he returned them to the Protector at the same moment they had left.

When he asked if he had given her enough proof of who he was, she nodded. "Yes, you have." she softly told him before clearing her throat. "Come with me. I believe you should speak with Captain West." she told him before turning and heading out of his quarters. She pressed her communicator and contacted Kyle, telling him that she needed to speak with him privately.
Daniels was pleased he'd provided Lenara with enough evidence. Jumping through time could be picked up by Jamran. It was obvious by now. Jamran had figured out Daniels was seeking help. More trouble could have happened if Daniels and Lenara continued jumping around the timeline. Daniels hoped his enemy didn't know where they were now. Daniels did his best to cover their tracks. He smiled when Lenara said she believed him. They then left his quarters, to see the captain. Captain West was in his ready room, doing some paperwork. He told Lenara, she could find him there. Lenara & Daniels headed for the bridge. Once there, they wasted no time, they went straight into the captain's officer. Kyle was a little surprised to see Lenara bringing Crewman Daniels in with her. His first thought, was that Daniels must had done something wrong. That would have been shocking for a man who never got in trouble. What they both had to say was even more shocking.

Daniels told Kyle of how he was from the future., He spoke of Jamran and how the man wanted to change history. Daniels said Jamran planned on changing the outcome of the Battle of Cheron. This was the pivotal battle during the Earth/Romulan War. The Earth Alliance dealt the Romulans a crushing defeat. After the war ended, the United Federation of Planets was founded. The Romulans wouldn't dare threaten Earth or the newly founded Federation for over one hundred years. Daniels said if Jamran did what he was planning. Earth would be on the losing end and the Federation, wouldn't be founded. At least not as it's known today. Kyle had heard many stories in his time. If it wasn't for Lenara, telling Kyle how she visited the future and also the past. He would never have believed Daniels. Kyle would have relieved Daniels of duty and put him on rest leave. However, Kyle trusted Lenara and since she's spoken of meeting Captain Archer, face to face. Kyle decided to believe Daniels' incredible story.

Kyle asked what Daniels wanted from the Protector and it's crew? Daniels said Jamran would be setting up a base in 2160. This was the year the Battle of Cheron was fought. Daniels said, from this base, Jamran would help the Romulans of the 22nd century by giving them advanced weapons. He spoke of needing help to stop from Kyle and his ship. Kyle asked why Daniels just didn't wipe Jamran from the timeline? Daniels said he'd often thought about that. But, he spoke of having rules to follow. Just like Kyle & Lenara had rules they needed to follow despite how they might feel. Kyle understood. Being a ship's captain, often meant you had do something against what you may think or even feel. All starfleet officers faced such decisions and had feeling one way or another. The Prime Directive was one such law which caused sleepless nights for those who could have done something and didn't. The Prime Directive, was a Federation law which dictated that no Starfleet personnel could knowingly interfere with the natural progression of pre-warp civilizations. Even if a race was on the verge of dying off. It was against the law to help them. The Prime Directive, was Starfleet's General Order One. Each Starfleet Officer took an oath to to die before breaking the Prime Directive.

As a rule, the Prime Directive didn't apply to the Romulans of the 22nd century. They already had warp drive. It became clear that Daniels wanted Kyle and the Protector to stop Jamran from changing the timeline. Kyle was sure this wouldn't be easy or end without a fight. Daniels was asked why he picked the Protector instead of another ship? His answer was simple. Daniels said while their were other crews who could match Kyle's crew with daring deeds. Few of those crews were on ships which could get the job done. And even fewer crews and ships had a captain like Kyle West. Daniels said Kyle was cut from the same cloth as man like Archer & Kirk. Captains who faced long odds and always found ways of coming out on top. Kyle thought for a long moment. He then sat forward in his chair and agreed to help Daniels. Kyle then asked how Daniels planned on taking a ship the size of the Protector back into the past? Daniels said he had a device in his quarters which would do that. There was also another device Daniels brought along to help. This was a surprise for Kyle & Lenara. Daniels then said that once the mission was over. The crew would have their minds wiped of everything that happened on the mission. Daniels spoke of only Kyle & Lenara would be allowed to keep their memories of what will happen. Kyle & Lenara were then asked by Daniels to return to his quarters. He would show them the time device they would use.
With Daniels following her, Lenara left his quarters, telling him that they were going to be heading to the Bridge where they would speak with Captain West in his ready room. Upon reaching the bridge, she led Daniels over to the ready room and entered with him. She was sure that what Kyle was about to hear was going to surprise him just as much as it had surprised her when she was first told. During this meeting, she let Daniels tell Kyle about Jamran and how he was planning on changing history in the Romulans favor. He was planning on tilting things in the Romulans favor during the Earth/Romulan war by changing the outcome of the Battle of Cheron.

When Daniels finished his story, Lenara spoke up and told Kyle that she had been to the future as well as to the past where she had met Captain Archer. "I never believed it would of been possible, but I met him Captain." she told Kyle. "I spoke to him just as I am speaking with you right now." With her assurance that Daniels story was true, Kyle asked him what he wanted from the Protector and its crew, to which he told them that Jamran would be setting up a base in 2160, the year the Battle of Cheron had been fought and he said that Jamran would be helping the Romulans of the 22nd century by giving them advanced weapons.

If this happened, the Romulans of that time would win the Battle of Cheron, no doubt. Daniels was asked why he didn't just wipe Jamran from the timeline and she looked at the Captain while Daniels said that he had rules to follow. "Besides Captain, who knows what kind of effect that would have on the future." she gently told him. Both Kyle and herself had their own rules to follow despite how they might feel about a situation. Prime Directive wasn't exactly a rule that she agreed with, but as a Starfleet officer, she followed it because she'd taken an oath to follow it. It was Starfleet's General Order One.

It quickly became cear that Daniels wanted them to stop Jamran from altering the timeline and Kyle then asked why them? Why the Protector instead of another ship. Daniels answer made her smile slightly. Kyle was indeed like Archer and Kirk, both amazing men who had faced long odds and always found a way to come out on top. Lenara stood at the side of Kyles desk while he thought for a long moment before he leaned forward and agreed to help Daniels before asking a rather important question. How was Daniels planning on taking a ship the size of the Protector back into the past. It turned out that Daniels had a device in his quarters which would do this. This news surprised Lenara and she stared at the man. "Is there anything else that you're keeping from us?" she asked him.

Daniels told them that after the mission was over, the minds of the crew would be wiped of everything that had happened on the mission. Everyone but Kyle and Lenara, that is. They were then asked back to his quarters so he could show them the time device that they would be using. Lenara nodded slightly, showing that she was ready for them to head back to Daniels quarters to see this device.
Daniels gave Lenara a smile when she asked if he was keeping anything else from them. " Yes.......But you'll have to come to my quarters and see it.......It's much to large for one person to lug around. " Daniels joked with Lenara as the trio left the ready room. They entered the turbo lift and went down to where Daniels lived. It was a short walk from the turbo lift to Daniels quarters. Kyle & Lenara were then invited into his bedroom. As they entered, they could see two large cargo boxes against the far wall. The boxes were stacked against the wall. Daniels unlocked the lid on the top box, then opened it. He showed them a large device which would transport the ship and it's crew backwards in time. Daniels said the time device would have to be connected into the ship's warp drive. He said the warp core was the only thing powerful enough to run the device.

As for the item Lenara asked about. Daniels pointed at the box under the one holding the time device. He said the device in that box would help the Protector on this mission. Daniels said the machine inside the box was a Suliban clocking device. He said this would also have to be hooked into the ship's system. Kyle never expected to hear the name Suliban. There weren't many Sulibans left in the Alpha Quadrant. They had become a nomadic race. Most of their population had moved out, into deep space. There were a few peaceful settlers living on Tiburon in the 24th century. Using his communicator. Kyle contacted Lieutenant Commander Quinn. He asked the commander to come to Crewman Daniels quarters, and was told to bring several people with him. It took about five minutes for Quinn and six others to enter the quarters. Over the next ten minutes, Kyle & Lenara did their best to explain everything to Commander Quinn. He was told the devices in both boxes needed hooked into the ship's main power. Daniels then handed Quinn a pad with directions on how everything should be connected. After looking over the pad, Quinn said he could have everything ready in 12 hours. Daniels smiled, he spoke of seeing them later. He then disappeared. Even though they knew Daniels was a time traveler. It was still shocking to witness someone just vanish into thin air. Lenara would now know how Archer and his crew felt when she disappeared. Quinn and his team got to work. Kyle & Lenara left Daniels' quarters. The captain called the bridge and asked for Doctor Boyd, along with Lieutenants Simms, Tala, Getal, Wong and M'Ress to meet him and Lenara in the main briefing room on deck 3. Kyle wanted to bring the rest of the senior staff up to speed on what would be happening.
Daniels reply made Lenara look at Kyle for a moment before shaking her head, a slight smile touching the corners of her mouth as they left the ready room. The trio entered the turbo lift and they went down to where Daniels quarters were located, the three of them walking down to his quarters where they were invited into Daniels bedroom. Upon entering the room, they saw two large cargo boxes against the far wall and for a moment Lenara wondered how he got those boxes on board the Protector but decided not to ask at the moment. They watched as the top box was unlocked and then opened, showing a large device which would transport the ship, along with its crew, backwards in time. However, the device would have to be connected into the ship's warp drive as the warp core was the only thing powerful enough to run this device.

He then pointed to the second box and told them that the device in that box, would help them on the mission and she asked what it was. He answered her, telling them that the box held a Suliban cloaking device which would have to be hooked into the ship's system. This was rather surprising as the Sulibans were rarely seen in the Alpha Quadrant anymore as they had moved into deep space. Kyle soon was contacting Lieutenant Commander Quinn, requesting him and a couple people to come to Daniels quarters, and about five minutes later Quinn arrived with six others. With them there, Lenara and Kyle did their best to tell them what was going on. It was a little more difficult to explain to a bigger group but in time, they explained everything before Quinn was told that the devices needed to be hooked into the ship's main power before Daniels handed Quinn a pad with directions.

After looking at the pad, Quinn told them that everything would be ready in 12 hours. This seemed to make Daniels happy, as he smiled and told them that he would see them later before he disappeared right before their eyes. "Hm, now I know how they felt when I disappeared." she commented to Kyle, referring to her brief visit to the past on accident. With that, Quinn and his crew got to work while Kyle and Lenara left the quarters, the Captain calling a meeting with the senior staff to bring them up to speed on what would be happening soon. "How do you think the others will take this?" she asked Kyle as they head for the main briefing room. "I'm still trying to come to terms that I'd been in the past."
" Well no one ever said a career in Starfleet would be boring.....I'm sure everyone will take it as we did.....We're Starfleet Officers and as such......We are expected to be ready for the unknown......Even time travel. " Kyle spoke as he and Lenara walked along. He had good people under his command. Kyle knew it would be shocking, but each was a professional and each would do their jobs. They reached the turbo lift and stopped. Kyle looked at Lenara for a moment. " Did you pass temporal mechanics at the academy? " Kyle asked while flashing Lenara a sly smile. They entered the turbo lift as she answered. Kyle then spoke of how he just passed by the skin of his teeth. He spoke of owing his passing grade to a female Bolian by the name of Jamel. Kyle said she had the hottest for him and helped him get by. He then spoke of Doctor Vassbinder as being a real taskmaster. Vassbinder taught temporal mechanics at the academy.

Kyle & Lenara left the turbo lift once it reached deck 3. They walked a short ways and entered the briefing room. The senior staff, expect for Commander Quinn was already waiting. Quinn already knew what was going on and was already hard at work. Kyle had Lenara start the briefing off, by telling everyone about Daniels and her trips into the future & past. She explained that Crewman Daniels was really a temporal agent working for the Federation in the far future. Doctor Boyd, being in his usual sarcastic, but good mood. Jokingly questioned Lenara on who the Federation President was in the future? Lenara hadn't seen that much, and what she did see, she couldn't talk about. She knew the future could be altered if she spoke openly about what she'd seen. It was best for her to only speak of being on the Protector, several years into the future. Besides, it was the past where they would be going. Over 200 years into the past to stop a future Romulan from changing history.

Once Lenara was done, Kyle began speaking. He told the others of what their mission would be. He spoke of taking the Protector into the past, and stopping a Romulan called Jamran from altering the timeline. Kyle said Jamran wanted to keep the Earth Alliance from winning the Battle of Cheron. A loss would mean the Federation wouldn't be formed, or wouldn't form as they knew it today. " However we feel about time travel......We all took a pledge to defend the Federation with our lives against all enemies........The way I see it......That pledge means past.....Present or future. " Kyle spoke as he looked at each member of the senior staff. There were those who had some doubts about this mission. However, no one doubted how important this mission was. Once again, the fate of the Federation was in the hands of the Protector crew.

After the briefing ended, everyone returned to what they were doing. Kyle & Lenara went to the bridge and entered Kyle's ready room. On the desk, a pad was placed there. Kyle had left no pad on his desk when they left. Moving towards the desk, Kyle picked up the pad. On the pad was the design schematics for Jamron's private Warbird. The schematics would tell Kyle & Lenara everything they needed to know about their foe's ship. " It seems Daniels left us a gift. " Kyle spoke as he linked the pad, to the larger viewing screen on his office wall. They began studying this Warbird from the future. Looking at it's strength and looking for where it was weakest. They would be facing this ship soon and both wanted to be ready.
Lenara dipped her head slightly in agreement when Kyle said that no one ever said a career in Starfleet would be boring. "I believe that should my job with Starfleet ever become boring, it would be my time to retire." she said with a soft chuckle. "Lets hope that doesn't happen for a very long time." At the turbo lift, they stopped and she glanced at him when he asked if she passed temporal mechanics at the academy and she grinned back at him. "But of course." She admitted to having some difficulties with the course material at first. "Luckily I had a wonderful tutor who lived with me at the time. Jadzia had some very interesting ways of helping a person to study." she told him. She did pass the class though. Lenara was actually one of the top students in her graduating class, something that she was proud to claim. It had actually been a close one between her and two others in her class for the spots of Valedictorian and Salutatorian. She hadn't been able to claim either spots in the end, however. But she wasn't upset over it.

Stepping onto the turbo lift, they took it to deck 3 where they went to the briefing room. Already, Commander Quinn was waiting and Lenara nodded to him before she and Kyle took their places and Kyle began the briefing on what was going to be happening. He told everyone about Daniels and her trips to both the future and the past. She told them about how Crewman Daniels was actually a temporal agent from the far future who worked for the Federation. When Doctor Boyd spoke up and asked who the Federation President was in the future, she chuckled before telling him that she wasn't in the future long enough to see that. "I was on the Protector, though. Several years in the future, and I personally hope that I'm still here at that time." she softly said, looking around at her fellow crewmembers and then over at Kyle. "Besides, we're not gathered to talk of the future. But of the past, in order to protect the future."

She let Kyle take over and he began telling the others about what their mission would be. As he spoke of the pledge that they had all taken to defend the Federation with their lives against all enemies and how he believed that it meant past, present or future, she nodded in agreement. Lenara was sure some of the others had some doubts. Even she had some. But she didn't doubt the importance of this mission and she would do her best to make sure she did her part to ensure they succeeded.

With the briefing over, they returned to their work. Lenara joined Kyle up in his ready room where they discovered a pad there, waiting for them. He picked it up and told her that Daniels had left them a gift. "Oh?" she asked and she turned to look at the larger viewing screen on his office wall. When she saw what it was, she smiled. "It seems he did." she told him while beginning to study the Warbird from the future. If she knew this warbirds strengths and weaknesses, she would be able to target the right spots. It would help her to take the ship down easier.
Kyle expected, Lenara would have a long career in Starfleet. He had no doubts that one day she would captain her own ship. In the early part of her career. Most had thought Lenara would fail and wash out of Starfleet. They assumed those who hated her, would cause her to give up and leave. These people didn't know how determent she was to succeeded. Lenara didn't join Starfleet because she wanted too. She joined it to honor her mother, who had been a former officer in Starfleet. In the past 11 years. Lenara had proved so many wrong about her. She never let the haters push her off any ship, or any post. During that time, she also turned doubters and some haters into believers. There would always be those who hated Lenara because of her background. She knew not everyone would change their ways of thinking, and that was okay. All Lenara needed to do, was to keep doing the best job that she could. She had her rank as commander, her position as first officer, on a ship she called home. Lenara's hard work had paid off, and her future was bright.

Kyle wasn't surprised when Lenara spoke of Jadzia helping her. Jadzia was a science officer after all. It was the position she choose as her career. Like Lenara had picked operations as her starting point. All the top captains in Starfleet started in operations before moving into the command department. Even if one started out in command. They would still have to work in all areas of operations. Just because someone wore a red department shirt. Didn't mean they would get to command their own starship one day. It took a lot to command a ship. Lenara possessed many of the skills needed to become captain. It was just a matter of time till she was given her own ship. Kyle was left thinking of how Lenara & Jadzia studied. Lenara had said, her former lover had interesting ways of helping a person to study. This left a lot for Kyle's mind to think about. Lenara & Jadzia were both beautiful and sexy women. Their study session must have been like a porno movie.

Kyle & Lenara spent almost six hours going over the design schematics for Jamran's Warbird. That ship was almost twice as large as the Protector. It had 52 disruptor banks, 16 photon torpedo launchers, 6 plasma torpedo launchers, hull armor, primary and secondary shields. It was a beast, and they would be facing this beast alone. The Protector would have no fleet backing them up. What worried Kyle most, was the plasma torpedoes. Since the Romulans first began using them. Plasma torpedoes have been their most dangerous weapon. Torpedoes made of pure plasma energy. The only draw back, these torpedoes had limited range. The further they had to travel to hit a target, the less effective they were. Kyle had faced down long odds before. His encounter with three Romulan, D'deridex Class Warbirds, made him famous. He was thought of as either being the bravest or the craziest man in Starfleet. Some believed he was both. His actions made Kyle a legend in both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire.

While Kyle & Lenara went over how best to battle Jamran's ship. The subject of Jamran being from the future and knowing Kyle came up. This man was from the 28th century. Surely, he would know who Kyle West was. Kyle West was a thorn all Romulan Officers had to deal with. Using a badly out gunned destroyer, the USS Ranger. Kyle was able to beat the three Warbirds he faced. He used the advantage of numbers the Romulans had, against them. Both Kyle & Lenara knew, to win this fight, they needed to change how they fought. Kyle couldn't rely on the tricks he'd used to win battles before. Jamran had history on his side. He would know everything Kyle had done and would do. Kyle & Lenara would need to rewrite their book on battle tactics. In fact, Kyle relied heavily on Lenara's own skills in combat. Together, they came up with new tactics, each given a specific code, including one to scramble the ship's communications, just in case Jamran was able to tap into them. Each crew member who manned the helm needed to learned the new attack plan codes. Lesley & M'Ress did the same for communications. Neither know who would be on duty when the attack started.

Kyle & Lenara had worked long and hard on how to deal with Jamran. They needed to destroy his ship and his base. They couldn't let the Romulans of the 22nd century have advanced weapons. They couldn't let history be changed. Even if this mission cost the lives of everyone on the Protector. They had to make sure history and the Federation were safe. Each Starship had a dedication plaque, on the bridge, near the turbo lift doors. These plaques featured the dates each starship was launched, along with the people who took part in the project and where the ship was launched from. The plaques also had a motto for each starship. A saying unique for each ship. The USS Excelsior had "No matter where you go, there you are". The USS Enterprise had "To boldly go where no one has gone before". The USS Defiant had " All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by". The USS Voyager had " For I dipt in to the future, far as human eye could see. Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be." The Protector's motto was short, but to the point. It read " To protect and to serve". Truly prophetic words.

Kyle & Lenara lost track of time while they worked. It took a bit, but they soon realized six hours had passed. After getting an update from Commander Quinn, Kyle & Lenara went down to the mess hall for some dinner. They could have gone to his or her quarters for dinner. But, with an unknown future ahead of them. Kyle & Lenara decided to eat with their crew. Both knew this could be their last chance to enjoy a meal surrounded by those who worked so hard for the ship. Lesley joined Kyle & Lenara at their table. She just got off duty and had a message from the starbase. Lesley said they would be getting another new officer for the science department. She said the officer was Lieutenant T'Pren, a Vulcan woman. Lesley said the new officer would be reporting aboard within the next hour. This meant Lenara would be greeting a new crew member before their secret mission started. Kyle asked Lenara to bring the new crew member up to speed. A new science officer needed to know the ship would soon be traveling through time.
While she knew that one day, she would probably be a captain of her own ship, Lenara was perfectly content as the first officer of the Protector and serving under Kyle. For her, it was an honor to serve with a captain such as him. She felt that she had honored her mother and she would of made the woman very proud. Many people had told her so over the years as she's risen in rank. Over the past 11 years, she has time and again proven those who doubted and hated her wrong. Any time someone raised a doubt and said that she wouldn't succeed at something, she rose to the challenge and more then succeeded. Few others could do what she did on the protector the way she could and few ever would.

As she spoke of how Jadzia had helped her, Lenara grinned at her Captain, her eyes bright and mischievous as she looked at him. She could tell that he was thinking about what she'd just told him and she chuckled softly to herself. With a slight shake of her head in amusement, she looked forward again. Kyle was one of a kind and she cared deeply for the man who had gone from just captain, to also being her friend, confidant and lover. He was one of the few she trusted without reserve.

Once the schematics were up on the viewing screen, they spent the next couple hours going over them, studying the warbird that they were going to be going up against. This Warbird was a beast of a ship and it was going to be a hell of a challenge to go up against. It was bigger then the Protector and it had a good number of powerful weapons. They talked about the weapons that this Warbird had. Kyle was worried about the plasma torpedoes. They were the Romulans most dangerous weapons. Lenara spoke of the limited range that the plasma torpedoes had and that they could use that to their advantage.

Lenara was aware of what some thought about Kyle and she believed that he was both the craziest and bravest man in Starfleet. But to do some of the things that he's done, she believed that he had to be. He was also one of the best men in Starfleet.

While they spoke about how best to fight Jamran's ship, they also spoke about Jamran being from the future and how he would know of Kyle. Kyle West was a known thorn in the Romulan's side and they were both sure that Jamran would know about Kyle and how he fought battles as Jamran had history on his side. "So we need to change up how we do things then." she said while sitting back in her seat. They had to change everything about how they fought and even communicated during a battle. So working together, they came up with new tactics with a specific code, including one to scramble their communications. Because of the changed, every crew member who manned the helm would need to learn the new attack plan codes. And Lesley and M'Ress would have to do the same for communications.

Lenara at one point spoke of it being too bad that they couldn't take them out from the inside. After some time, they both realized it had been over six hours since they had begun talking about the Warbird. They got an update from Commander Quinn before heading down to the mess hall for some dinner. They could of gone to one of their quarters for dinner, but they both decided to eat with the crew. They had an unknown future ahead of them and this could possibly be their last chance to eat with the crew. They were eating their dinner in the mess hall when Lesley joined them, the woman having just got off duty and she had a message from Starbase. She told them that they would be getting a new officer for the science department. It was an officer named T'Pren, a Vulcan woman, and she would be reporting aboard within the next hour. Lenara thanked Lesley for this and Kyle asked her to bring the new member up to speed. "Of course Captain." she told him.

She finished her dinner with them before excusing herself. With that, she left the mess hall and she head to her office. Entering, she saw that she had left her work half finished when she had gone after Daniels and she sighed while moving over to her desk. While she waited for T'Pren to show up, she would finish what was left of her work.
Lenara's comment about taking them out from the inside, wasn't a bad idea. They needed a back up plan in case they couldn't defeat Jamran's Warbird. They also had to take out his base. Kyle believed that could be done from the ship. He did want Lenara to make a plan for an inside attack. She never went into detail of what she wanted to attack from the inside. But, that hardly mattered. They needed a plan "B" if their first plan failed. As they ate, Kyle went over some more details with Lenara. He wanted her to place heavily armed security teams in the key parts of the ship. Kyle also wanted Lenara to break up her M.A.C.O team into mobile groups. He wanted them to patrol the lower decks of the ship. Kyle also wanted a security officer posted on the bridge. All this was in case Jamran decided to board them as the Jem'Hadar had tried.

After dinner, Kyle went to his quarters. Lesley also went to hers. Lenara returned to her office, to wait on the new officer. Just as Lesley said, the following hour saw the arrival of the newest science officer. Mr. Vow would remain where he was until the ship could pick him up. The captain wanted to do that as soon as possible. However, they had something to do before that could happen. They needed to stop a future Romulan from wiping the Federation from history. Kyle had Lieutenant M'Ress contact the starbase, and had the open channel sent down to his quarters. They needed a reason to leave the starbase. So no one would see them using the time device Daniels gave them. Kyle volunteered the Protector for patrol duty until they were given new orders. His request was approved. They now had a reason to leave the starbase without anyone knowing the real reason. Just outside Kyle's door. The turbo lift opened. A very pretty Vulcan woman stepped out, onto the deck. A bag over her shoulder. She began walking slowly down the corridor. Seeing the Captain's quarters, then she could Lenara's office. T'Pren stopped at the office door. There was a playful smile on her face, as her eyes looked at Lenara's name on the small sign. This was odd for a Vulcan to be smiling. However, T'Pren was unlike most Vulcans. This was something Lenara would find out quickly. T'Pren removed the smile, then straightened herself up. Looking more like a Vulcan should. She pressed the door buzzer then waited. Once given permission to enter, she stepped in front of the door sensor, causing the door to open. T'Pren then entered the room. Coming to attention in front of Lenara's desk. " Lieutenant T'Pren reporting for duty Sir! " T'Pren spoke before reaching into her beg for the pad which contained her orders and transfer papers. She handed the pad to Lenara, then stood there, eying Lenara up as the commander looked over the pad. Lenara would see that T'Pren came over from the USS Aurora, an Ambassador Class Starship.
Lenara wanted them to have several back up plans. One way or another, they had to protect the timeline and they had to keep Jamran from changing things. Lenara went over other details with Kyle for the attack. He told her that he wanted her to make a plan for an inside attack and she raised her eyebrows for a moment before nodding. She would figure out what kind of inside attack that they should do if they're able to get onto Jamran's ship or into his base. When Kyle told her to place heavily armed security teams in key parts of the ship and to break her M.A.C.O. team into mobile groups to patrol the lower decks of the ship, she told him she would get it done.

Lenara was putting the finishing touches on her final report when her door buzzer when off. "Enter." she called, listening as the door slid open while she finished her report. After finishing it, she set it aside and lifted her head to look at the pretty Vulcan who had just entered her office. She watched the young woman come to attention in front of her desk and announce herself. After T'Pren retrieved the pad with her orders and transfer papers, Lenara reached out and took the pad from her. She gazed at T'Pren for a long moment before her gaze moved down to the pad in her hands and she read it, looking at all of the information on the pad before she stood up. "Welcome to the Protector Lieutenant." she said while holding out her hand to shake T'Pren's hand. "Please, take a seat. There's a lot that I have to get you caught up on."

Normally she would of given T'Pren time to settle into her quarters and she would be given her orders of where to report. But she needed to be brought up to speed about what the ship was going to be doing soon. So she sat and began to explain to T'Pren about how the ship was going to be traveling through time soon. "It all sounds unbelievable, I'm sure." she said when she finished explaining it to the young woman.
While Lenara was busy looking over the pad. T'Pren was busy looking over the very sexy commander. Even seated, Lenara looked damn hot in her tight fitting uniform. Someone in Starfleet had designed the newer uniforms to fit the bodies of female officers and enlisted personnel, snugly. Showing off every curve. The black uniform, with grey shoulders and a colored department shirt underneath. Replaced the jump suit black uniform with the department color on the shoulders. T'Pren could see why Vox wanted to mate with Lenara so badly. The human female was very sexy. Vox was going through his Pon Farr at the time. He tried to fight off the effects, but the blood fever was stronger then he thought. Vox attacked and tried to rape Lenara outside her quarters. Lenara was very understanding of Vox's condition. She could have filed charges against him, it was her right. However, she knew the attack wasn't his fault. Lenara would have gladly taken Vox to her bed. And she planned on bringing him into her circle of lover. His Pon Farr kept that from happening early on.

T'Pren showed on outward signs, that she was checking Lenara out. She remained at attention, with a cold, unfeeling look on her face. T'Pren was very good at hiding her real feelings. Not in the same way or for the same reasons other Vulcans did. She didn't want to reveal herself to Lenara, not until they were talking about personal matters. Lenara would normally have a short meeting with the new crew members. She would then schedule a longer, sit down meeting for later in the week. Since the ship would be traveling through time soon. Lenara decided to change her normal routine. She would have that second meeting with T'Pren now. She needed to explain about the upcoming mission anyway. T'Pren remained where she stood, until Lenara asked her to sit. Giving Lenara a nod of her head. T'Pren relaxed, then sat down. The pretty Vulcan remained stone faced as Lenara spoke of how the ship would soon be traveling in time. T'Pren assumed this mission wasn't approved by Starfleet. It was how Lenara spoke which made T'Pren think this. " I am Vulcan Commander.......Whether it's unbelievable is irrelevant......I will do my job to the best of my abilities. " T'Pren spoke while keeping her stone face. Lenara was about to find out, that T'Pren was unlike any Vulcan she'd ever met before. She was just waiting for Lenara to bring up another subject. One about her previous posting would do.
No matter what, Lenara cut an impressive, and very sexy figure. But her uniform just enhanced that. The way it clung to her form just showed off her every curve even more. Lenara once commented that she was pretty sure that a man had designed the newer uniforms. She sat at her desk, resting back in her chair while reading over the pad in her hand. There was a fairly blank look on her face as she read the pad. If Lenara had the pointed ears and the eyebrows common among the Vulcan race, she would look just like one. Her demeanor and her looks were what had attracted Vox to her and why he had targeted her at the beginning of his Pon Farr. He had attacked her during his blood fever and attempted to rape her outside of her quarters. However, she had been able to fend him off. Some might not of been as understanding as Lenara had been and filed charges against him. But she had been understanding and she refused to file charges despite it having been her right to do so. He hadn't been in the right state of mind when he'd attacked her .

After reading through the pad and setting it aside, Lenara began speaking to the pretty Vulcan about how they would be traveling through time in an upcoming mission. When T'Pren spoke of being Vulcan and that whether it's unbelievable was irrelevant. That she would do her job to the best of her abilities. This made Lenara nod and she leaned forward, folding her hands and resting them on the desk. "I'm sure you will." she agreed. "That's all Captain West and myself ask of our crew, is their best." She finished speaking about this upcoming mission before asking about her previous posting. She asked about her time onboard the USS Aurora. There were things that she could of learned from T'Pren's file, but she wanted to hear from her about her time serving onboard the Aurora.
T'Pren was ready when Lenara asked about her last post. This would give her the chance to enlighten Lenara on certain details of her life. T'Pren spoke of having served aboard the Aurora since the war started. She worked there as one of the ship's science officers. T'Pren spoke of enjoying her time on that starship. She spoke of having served on board the USS Pulsar, a Nova Class Science Vessel before the war began. The captains of both ships wrote glowing reports of T'Pren in her file. They spoke of her being dedicated and hard working. T'Pren then spoke of how she learned the Protector had openings for science officers. This was one area hard to fill because of the war. Everyone wanted to be in operations or command. It was felt a bigger splash could be made in these departments. T'Pren then brought up how she missed out on her brother's mating ceremony on Vulcan. This didn't seem odd at first. There was a war on and the Vulcan system had been under attack until the Dominion was pushed out of the Betazed system.

T'Pren never let the cold mask she wore slip. She remained stone faced. " I'm sure you know my brother.......He serves on board the Protector.......His name is Vox and he tried to mate with you. " T'Pren spoke. She was sugar coating the fact that Vox tried to force Lenara into sex. Lenara would have gladly given Vox what he wanted. She just didn't like being forced into anything. " You see Commander.......I wasn't allowed to attend my brother's mating ceremony. " T'Pren spoke, a playful smile appearing on her face. The fact that Lenara was seeing a Vulcan smile, would be very strange. It would be even stranger because the smile was playful. Most Vulcans spend their entire lives hiding their emotions. T'Pren wasn't like most other Vulcans. " My parents forbade me from attend......I'm the black sheep of the family.......I'm a Vulcan who embraces emotion....My parents feel I'm something to be ashamed of. " T'Pren added while the smile remained on her pretty face.
After asking about her time at her last post, Lenara listened as T'Pren told her about her time aboard the Aurora. She told the commander that she'd been serving since the war had started and that she worked there as one of the ship's science officers. Before the Aurora, she had served on board the USS Pulsar which was a Nova Class Science Vessel before the war. When Lenara later looked at T'Pren's file, she would see the great reports from her captains who spoke of the Vulcan being dedicated to her job and hard working. These were things that Lenara and West looked for in their crew. Lenara didn't like lazy people because they could put others at jeopardy if they didn't do as they were told.

When T'Pren mentioned how she'd missed out on her brother's mating ceremony on Vulcan and she nodded slightly. With the war and the Vulcan system having been under attack until the Dominion had been pushed out of the Betazed system recently, it was unfortunately something that happened during these times. However, Lenara was a little surprised to hear that T'Pren's brother was Vox and when the Vulcan said that he had tried to mate with her, Lenara made a soft sound in the back of her throat with a slight smile on her face. Though there was no anger or dislike in her features at the mention of Vox. If anything, there was vague amusement and fondness for the male Vulcan. "I am very familiar with Vox." she said with a nod before the other woman said that she hadn't been allowed to attend her brothers mating ceremony.

"Oh? And why is this?" she asked before seeing T'Pren smile. Seeing this made her eyebrows raise curiously. It was a strange thing to see a Vulcan smile like this. Especially since it was a playful one. T'Pren soon explained that her parents had forbade her from attending because she embraced emotion and that her parents felt she was something to be ashamed of. "Well, you wont be treated as such around here." she told T'Pren. "It's going to be interesting working with a Vulcan who embraces their emotions." She finally smiled at the other woman.
T'Pren admired races like humans, Trills, Bajorans and others who accepted their emotions. They didn't bury their feelings behind walls which made them cold, closed off and robot like. When T'Pren was younger, she started reading books written by humans. She found authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare, Jules Verne, Robert Melville, Anne Rice and Stephen King, could draw so many different types of emotions with their words. Growing up on Vulcans, all writings were bland and lifeless. The few Vulcans who dared to write like humans. Were ostracized, then if they didn't stop, they were banished from Vulcan forever. Vulcans believed that only suppressing emotions and embracing total logic was their true path. They had saved themselves as a race by doing these things. However, there were always Vulcans who wanted to enjoy emotions like humans do. They saw humans as a model to follow. Most Vulcans respected humans, but saw them as flawed, illogical beings.

T'Pren's smile became a grin when Lenara spoke of working with her. " Most humans react that way.........Vulcans like me are often locked away and forced to live on one of Vulcan's moons........Those of us who embrace emotions are an embarrassment to the rest......Few of us get the chance to leave the Vulcan system......I had the chance and joined Starfleet.....In Starfleet I knew I could fit in. " T'Pren spoke. " Can I be frank with you Commander? " T'Pren asked while she slowly rose to her feet. She had a trim and athletic body. Small, but perky breasts and a nice round ass. Lenara could see all of this because T'Pren showed her body off. Doing so while giving Lenara a sly smile. " I enjoy being with men and women........I found sex could be more then just an action to have children......It can be fun and bring people closer together. " T'Pren spoke, she moved around Lenara's desk, joining her on the other side. The pretty Vulcan then leaned against the desk, looking at Lenara with lust in her eyes. " I had the chance to see Vox after his ceremony.......He was working on Starbase 6.......The Aurora stopped there for supplies.....He was cold towards me as I expected......Vox follows the wishes of our parents......But I did get him to speak......One of the subjects he spoke about was you......My brother still longs for you Commander.......Despite his mating ceremony.......He wants you......I know he'll never act on his hidden desire for you. T'Pren continued while she lustfully looked at Lenara.

" I can see why my brother wants you so badly..........You have a pretty face and a sexy body........But he painted you as emotionless and cold.......Even off duty.......He said you were more Vulcan then I was.......I had to see you for myself......See if a human woman could be as cold and uncaring as a Vulcan. " T'Pren confessed as her smile grew wider. Lenara wasn't the same woman Vox tried to force into mating with him. She'd embraced a more open lifestyle. Lenara was no longer all business and no play. She knew how to have fun these days and took great pleasure from having a circle of lovers. A sexually open group who enjoyed being with Lenara. " My brother is a fool because he wanted you as a mate........He thought our parents would call off his bonding with T'Pera.......Just because he wanted you.......In the end Vox didn't tell our parents of you......He went ahead with the ceremony and mated with T'Pera.......Yet his blood still burns for you. " T'Pren wanted Lenara to know, Vox still carried a torch for her. And even is she'd mated with Vox. The parents wouldn't have allowed Lenara to join the family. She may have been Vulcan like, but she wasn't Vulcan. T'Pren said her parents were very traditional Vulcans. They believed in the old ways.
Lenara listened calmly as T'Pren spoke of most Vulcan's who embraced emotions being locked away and forced to live on one of Vulcan's moons because they were seen as an embarrassment to the rest. She then asked if she could be frank with her and Lenara tilted her head slightly while sitting back. "Of course, T'Pren." she told her, watching the pretty Vulcan get to her feet. The young woman was trim and fit, very sexy. Lenara could tell that T'Pren knew that she was attractive in the way she moved. The Vulcan moved around the side of Lenara's desk wile talking about how she enjoyed being with men and woman. That it could be fun and bring people closer together. While she spoke, Lenara watched her as she leaned against the desk while looking at Lenara.

Gazing up at T'Pren, Lenara could see the lust in her gaze. T'Pren then told the commander about how she'd had a chance to see Vox after his ceremony, letting her know that he was currently working on Starbase 6. She told Lenara that Vox had been cold towards her. It turned out that he followed the wishes of their parents, but she did get him to speak and it turned out that Lenara had been one of the things that the siblings had spoken about. It turned out that Vox still longed for the woman despite his mating ceremony. This information was certainly interesting to Lenara as she sat there calmly, to betraying anything as she sat in her seat.

As T'Pren told her that Vox had painted her as an emotionless and cold woman, even off duty, she softly sighed while turning her head. "It's been quite some time since Vox had left us." she softly told T'Pren. "I won't deny that I had been cold and pretty much emotionless outwardly. I had found it was a good defensive mechanism against people who wished to verbally and emotionally do me harm. However, much has changed since he had returned to Vulcan for his ceremony. I have changed a lot since then." She finally smiled at the young woman and she told her that she also couldn't deny that if it hadn't been his Pon Farr that had control over him that day that he'd attacked her, she would of gladly taken Vox to her bed.
T'Pren was pleased that Lenara had changed. Though, she wanted to meet this cold and emotionless human woman. Lenara was damn sexy and way to pretty for being like a Vulcan. T'Pren felt as if she and the commander had a special connection. Lenara still wanted Vox, and T'Pren believed spending time with the sexy commander, would do her brother some good. Vox was bonded to another woman, her name was T'Pera. The arrangement for Vox & T'Pera to become mated, was made many years ago. Vox never even met T'Pera before they were bonded. T'Pren disliked the fact that her parents would find a husband for her. This is one of the reasons why she turned her back on the Vulcan way of life. T'Pren wanted to pick her own mate, if she wanted one at all. She certainly enjoyed having many lovers. T'Pren thought being with one person, whether man or woman, for the rest of her life, would be boring. She wanted to enjoy everything life could offer her. T'Pren had several lovers on the Aurora. She expected to do very well with the crew on the Protector. T'Pren knew how handsome Kyle West was. She already had her eye on him. T'Pren also would love to spend time with Lenara. Getting between her pretty commander's legs, was high on her list of things to do.

" Once this time travel mission is over.......I'm sure Vox will be able to return......He was looking forward to rejoining the Protector.......I think he just wanted to be close to you again. " T'Pren spoke as a devilish grin slipped over her face. She was a lot different then most Vulcans. There was nothing cold, or emotionless about her. " Once Vox returns........You'll get your chance to have him in your bed........I know he won't turn you down......Tell my commander..........Do you have many lovers on the Protector?.......I know how handsome Captain West is and I've seen many good looking men and women around.......After I beamed over.......I bumped into this very pretty Andorian woman by the name of Tala......I would love to stroke her antennae. " T'Pren spoke with a chuckle in her voice.
T'Pren would get her chance to get glimpses of the cold, emotionless side of Lenara. That side usually only came out when she was working these days or if she was in a tense situation. Of course, if T'Pren really wanted, Lenara could show her this side of her in private. In her studies of different races and their cultures, Lenara had learned much about the old ways of Vulcans. Of course, some things were kept more private and were harder to learn, but with how Vulcan like she herself could be had helped her gain this knowledge. So she understood that the Vulcans who leaned more towards the old ways would arrange the mating of their offspring. She personally didn't agree with such practices, but she also didn't look poorly on those who did such practices as it was their way of life and she had no right to tell others how to live.

T'Pren told her that once the time travel mission was over, Vox would be able to return and that he was looking forward to rejoining the Protector. Her comment of him just wanting to be close to her again made Lenara chuckle and smile up at the Vulcan woman. "Well the Protector, and myself, are looking forward to him rejoining us. He is a superb officer." she told T'Pren. She was told that she would get the chance to have Vox in her bed after he returned and that she knew he wouldn't turn Lenara down. However, T'Pren then asked her if she had many lovers on the Protector and she chuckled when T'Pren spoke of Captain West being handsome and how she'd seen a very pretty Andorian named Tala. "I do have a number of partners on the Protector." she slowly said. Lenara found that she really liked T'Pren. The woman was likable and Lenara felt she could really get along with her. "Two of which is the Captain and that pretty Andorian."
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