Star Trek: Protector ( Darkkitten9389 & CrimsonMaster )

After she ordered Dayos to be arrested, he began yelling at her and she looked at him. She was completely in-phased by what he said about her being a coward and that her compassion is the reason why the Dominion will defeat the Federation. He claimed that the Federation was timid by nature and would fall. That they would all lay dead at the feet of the Founder. After he said this, his words stained with his anger and hatred for the Federation, he placed a hand on the back of his neck and a moment later he was limp on the ground. He had taken his life, preferring this over being arrested. After he did this, Lenara gazed down at his body before shaking her head and she turned slightly to look at Quinn as he approached her, thanking her for doing what was needed.

He said that she had saved a lot of lives. He then spoke of the ship having stopped shaking and she nodded. "Yes, I noticed a moment ago." she softly said before Lieutenant M'Ress was heard over the intercom, telling everyone to stand down from battle stations and to report damage to the bridge. Lenara was pleased that they had won, however, that emotion was about to change. She heard Jeff calling for her and she turned to look at him before she approached. As she approached, she saw Kendra Nunez laying on the ground. Upon seeing this, Lenara's steps quickened with Quinn following her. Kendra's outstretched hand was quickly grabbed by the First Officer and Lenara knelt down next to her. "Kendra." she softly said while looking over the wound that the young woman had. It was the same that Lenara had gotten on Quintar IV. Seeing this, Lenara knew what it meant for Kendra.
Kendra looked up at Lenara through heavy eyes. If not for the nasty wound in her stomach. One might think the young cadet was about to fall asleep. " Commander.....It's......Been and honor.......Serving under you. " Kendra spoke with a shaky voice. She was in great pain, but fought a smile through. " I did my best.........Commander. " Kendra added before she died. Quinn stood just above where Lenara was kneeling. He spoke of how Kendra stood her ground, remaining at her post while fighting against the Jem'Hadar. Quinn said she took down two Jem'Hadar soldiers before one struck her with a blade. He spoke of Kendra as being one of the bravest young women he'd ever seen. The Battle of the Violet Nebula was over. A hard fought battle won by the 4th Fleet. The remaining Dominion forces were in retreat. There would be no reinforcements to help the Dominion forces holding Betazed.

Two medics checked Kendra over. The medical tricorder told them what everyone else already knew. The young woman had died. They eased her body onto a stretcher before carrying her out of engineering. Lenara would need reports from everyone involved with the fighting in engineering and sickbay. She would also get her own report ready. They won a great victory. But, like with all victories, it was a costly one. Quinn started dispatching more repair teams throughout the ship. Everyone had a lot of work to do. Lenara dismissed her M.A.C.O's. They'd done what was expected of them. Lenara's security team had done a good job as well. She could be proud of both groups.
Lenara held Kendra's hand firmly in her own while she knelt next to the young woman. Kendra spoke of it having been an honor serving under her and Lenara offered her a gentle smile. "It's been an honor serving with you." she softly said as Kendra fought a smile through her pain. She remained at Kendra's side as she passed and she bowed her head slightly, never letting go of the young womans hand. For a moment she remained like this before she slowly laid Kendra's hand down so it laid on Kendra's abdomen. Looking at her, Kendra did look as if she were resting.

Lenara heard Quin speak from next to her of how Kendra had stood her ground, remaining at her post even while fighting against the Jem'Hadar. She had taken down two soldiers before she had been struck with a blade. "She was very brave." she softly said while slowly rising to her feet as two medics moved in to check Kendra over. Their tricorder told them what they already knew. Kendra had passed away. Lenara stood there silently as her body was eased onto a stretcher, looking on as she was carried out of engineering. Once they were gone, Lenara blinked a couple times before speaking. She told everyone that she needed reports from everyone involved in the fighting and in sickbay.

She dismissed her M.A.C.O.'s, telling them that they did great work that day. It wasn't long before Quinn began dispatching repair teams throughout the ship and with everyone off to do their other work, Lenara head out of engineering. As she walked, she touched her communicator and told Captain West that both Sickbay and Engineering were cleared of Jem'Hadar. She then told him that unless he needed anything else, she was going to return to her office to work on her report.
Captain West was pleased to hear that the Jem'Hadar, were taken care of. Lenara, her security officers and her M.A.C.O.'s all did a great job. Kyle would make sure they stood out in his own report to Starfleet Command. Another person who would also stand out for her actions, was Ezri. Kyle was impressed with how cool the young ensign remained under fire. Though, Ezri would admit later on to being scared shitless. She never let her fear get in the away of what she was doing. Ezri kept control of her fear and did the job she was capable of doing. Kyle even praised Ezri for her actions. The young Trill had been expecting Captain West to chew her out for being on the bridge while the ship was in combat. That was something Kyle couldn't do. He would have done the same thing in her place. Kyle told Lenara, it was fine if she went to her office. He even told her to take the rest of the day off and relax. Saying she earned it. Ezri stayed on the bridge, at the science station until someone from the Protector crew relieved her. She then returned to Lenara's quarters. Taking a seat back on the couch. She was still unsure if Lenara would be upset with her. Just because Captain West praised her, didn't mean Lenara would.

The remaining Dominion ships were in retreat. They were fleeing back to Cardassian space. There was no longer any reinforcements to come to the aid of the Dominion ships holding Betazed. Captain Picard and the 7th Fleet hit the enemy hard. The fighting was just as brutal there as it was near the Violet Nebula. Picard was able to turn the Dominion flank and the tide of battle turned in his favor. With the Kalandra sector now firmly in Federation hands. The Dominion forces holding Betazed, had nowhere to go. Picard's 7th Fleet wiped out every last Jem'Hadar in that star system. Over 50 Cardassian ships were captured with their crews. Unlike the Jem'Hadar, the Cardassians weren't keen on fighting to the death. Kyle finally let himself relax after getting a message from Captain Picard. The message said Betazed was free. Captain West then made a ship wide announcement. Sharing with his crew the news that Betazed was under Federation control once again. Captain West had Captain DeSoto and his battle group remain near the Violet Nebula. They would patrol the area until Starfleet Command sent other Starships to relieve them. Captain West had Mr. Simms set a course for Betazed. Battle Group B was told to return to Starbase 133. Captain West put Captain Morgan Bateson in command of Battle Group B. Captain Saavik had been injured during the battle. She would survive her injury, but she wouldn't be able to command her ship for a while. The remaining ships of Battle Group C, pulled out with the Protector, setting a course for Betazed.
Lenara was already on her way to her office as she spoke to Captain West. When she informed him that she was heading for her office, she was already on the lift heading up to where her quarters were located. Kyle in turn told her that it was fine if she went to her office and that she was even to take the rest of the day off and relax. She was certainly going to need to relax after today. She responded to Kyle and thanked him. Lenara entered her quarters and saw that Ezri wasn't there yet, so she figured the Trill was still on the bridge or somewhere else on the ship. So with a sigh, Lenara stripped off her uniform top and tossed it in on her bed before heading into her office.

By the time Ezri returned to Lenara's quarters, that was where she still was. Lenara was sitting at her desk just gazing at her computer screen. Her mind was on Kendra and how she had passed. The young woman had a promising future ahead of her and now it was no more. When Ezri entered, Lenara finally looked away from her computer and she softly sighed while pushing herself up out of her chair. The woman head into the living area where Ezri was now sitting and she moved over to the couch, moving to sit down upon it with her legs curled beneath her. "What you did today was risky." she softly said after sitting down. "And dangerous." She was gazing away from Ezri, her long hair hanging down around her face. "But I'm proud of you." She finally turned her head to look at Ezri. "And thank you for being so kind to Getal. The woman you took over for earlier." Lenara would have to check in on how the injured were doing, something she had made a habit of hers after she became more social with her crew. It showed them that she cared.
Ezri was very worried that Lenara would be anger at her. She was to stay in Lenara's quarters, until after the battle was over. However, Ezri needed to be near Lenara during the battle. She felt very strong feelings about being with Lenara during the fight. It came from some regret that Jadzia had of never taking part in a battle with one of her most cherished lovers. Jadzia had always wanted to fight alongside of Lenara. Though, she missed her chance, Ezri was able to live that out and lose the regret Jadzia had. Ezri had watched Lenara come into the quarters, through the doors which led to her office next door. Ezri felt fear building up inside of her. The last thing she wanted, was to have Lenara angry with her. That would have broken her heart.

Ezri took a deep breath when Lenara sat down on the couch. Lenara started to speak, and it didn't begin well. Ezri thought for sure, Lenara was going to unload on her. Lenara spoke of what Ezri did as being dangerous and risky. This brought a tear to Ezri's eye. Lenara then spoke of being proud of Ezri and even thanked her for being kind to Getal. Ezri laughed for a moment while brushing away a tear. Obviously, the young Trill was expecting Lenara to chew her out. Ezri moved closer to where Lenara was sitting. She wrapped her arms around Lenara's neck. " It's my job to comfort people and make them feel better. " Ezri spoke. " No matter what race they're from......She was wearing the uniform and deserved to be treated like an injured officer. " Ezri added, she then gave Lenara a very passion kiss. The kiss was deep and lasted several moments. " I love you Lenara. " Ezri spoke after the kiss broke.
As she sat down, Lenara had heard Ezri take a deep breath before the other woman began speaking. Lenara's voice was soft and even as she spoke to Ezri and when she looked at the young woman, she saw the tear in Ezri's eye and she became concerned. Ezri laughed for a moment, wiping away the tear in her eye. Seeing this, Lenara sat up a little more and she reached out, placing a light hand on Ezri's cheek while Ezri moved closer. Ezri then wrapped her arms around Lenara's neck. Slowly Lenara nodded as Ezri spoke of it being her job to comfort people and make them feel better.

This made Lenara smile gently at her and she stroked her cheek softly. "I still appreciate it." she told her. "Getal is still new here and I have a feeling that she's having some troubles fitting in because of being Cardassian." When Ezri gave her a very passionate kiss, Lenara kissed her back, the woman holding her close while they kissed each other. When it was broken after a bit, Ezri told Lenara that she loved her and Lenara pulled back to look at Ezri a little better. "Are you sure?" she softly asked. She worried that Ezri's emotions were being manipulated by the symbiont. She knew that the memories from the symbiont could change someone and their feelings.
Ezri knew when she confessed her love for Lenara. The commander would ask if she was sure. Yes, it was possible for a new host to be overcome with wants and desires from their symbiont. Ezri could feel the love Jadzia had for Lenara, but she also knew her feelings were real. Her feeling of love was just as strong, if not stronger then the one Jadzia had for Lenara. Ezri knew what she felt was right. She really loved Lenara and she wanted to become her wife. Where Jadzia & Lenara put their careers before their happiness. Ezri was willing to put her happiness before her career. She had something to do and she would do them. Ezri was already planning on returning to the Protector at some point. When she did, she wanted to join the crew and join Lenara in the bonds of matrimony. Ezri decided to lay everything out. She would tell Lenara of her dream.

" I do love you Lenara Singh........I know how much Jadzia loved you.......And I know my feelings for you are real......So real.....I want to share something with you. " Ezri spoke before giving Lenara another kiss on the lips. The young Trill then slipped from the couch. She moved over to the replicator and got Lenara a drink. Ezri began speaking of a very vivid dream she had. She returned to the couch and handed the drink to Lenara. As Ezri sat down, she spoke of her dream like a vision of the future. That's how it seemed to her. Ezri said in this dream, she was serving aboard the Protector as one of the science officers. She then spoke of her and Lenara being married. Ezri said Kyle had married them in the main shuttlebay. She spoke of the entire crew turning out for the wedding. Ezri said they continued to live in an open relationship and shared Lenara's lovers. The young Trill even confessed that in her dream, they both ended up pregnant. Ezri said Lenara had a baby with Doctor Boyd and Ezri had one with Kyle. She then sat back and waited for Lenara to speak.
Lenara was a little nervous about the symbiont effecting Ezri's feelings for her. In the short time that she has known Ezri, Lenara has come to care for her and if the feelings that Ezri were feeling weren't truly hers, it could cause some problems should they begin a relationship between the two. After asking Ezri, the trill told her that she did love her. The young woman told her that she knew her feelings were real and she wanted to share something with her. This made Lenara look at her curiously after she kissed her and then left the couch. Lenara adjusted her position on the couch as Ezri moved to the replicator and got a drink for Lenara. While she was doing this, Ezri began speaking of a very vivid dream she had.

Hearing that this was about, Lenara resisted the urge to scoff. She was very skeptical when it came to dreams, but she kept silent as the young woman spoke. She took the drink from Ezri with a soft murmured thanks and she sipped from it. She was, however, surprised at exactly what Ezri had dreamt of. Of all things, Lenara certainly wasn't expecting Ezri to be dreaming of them marrying and even having children with Kyle and Edwin. After speaking of this, Ezri fell into silence and the silence hung in the air for a bit while Lenara thought about what she had just told her, occasionally sipping at her drink. Finally after a bit, Lenara spoke. "I've never allowed myself to really entertain the thoughts of having a future like that." she finally said. "Even when I was with Jadzia, despite my love for her, I never believed I could have something like that."

Lenara took another sip from her drink and then set the glass aside and she looked at Ezri again. "I do care very deeply for you Ezri." she finally told her. "I don't think, however, that either of us are quite ready for something so serious." She reached out and cupped Ezri's cheek in her hand. "Both of us have unfinished business that must be taken care of before we can commit to something as serious as marriage. You're still figuring out exactly who you are, now that you are a host to the Dax symbiont. I want you to go to Earth and find Sisko. Finish adapting to this new change in yourself without having to worry about being in a relationship with me." She leaned in and softly kissed Ezri. It was filled with a gentle passion and love. "When you have found exactly who you are, now that you're Ezri Dax, and you still wish for what you dreamt of, return and we can further discuss it."

She didn't want to hurt Ezri, but Lenara wanted Ezri to be truly ready for what she was dreaming of. So she wasn't accepting Ezri's dream, but she wasn't denying it straight out. Lenara had been the first familiar face that Ezri had run into and she wanted Ezri to go out and experience more out there. To find who she was. For all they knew, Ezri could find someone she would prefer to be with. Someone she loved more then Lenara. Lenara just didn't want to tie Ezri down to herself while she could be out there in space enjoying herself.
Ezri understood the need to finish what she started. To find out who she was now. She hadn't given up on finding Captain Sisko. She would leave for Earth in a few days. From there, Ezri didn't know where she would go. However, she knew deep down inside, she wanted to end up with Lenara. It may take a year, maybe two, but Ezri would come back because she felt her future was with Lenara. The two could then decide on whether or not they should marry and start a family. " Jadzia's greatest regret was not marrying you when she had the chance........I carry her regret with me........She was happy when she married Worf......But Jadzia had wanted more.......She wanted to marry you and Worf at the same time......Jadzia knew General Martok's wife would never approve......So she just married Worf.......The love I have for you is real......Just as real as the love Jadzia had for you.......Just as real as the regret she carried. " Ezri spoke. The fact that Jadzia had wanted to marry Worf & Lenara at the same time, was known to everyone except for Jadzia. Ezri then spoke of how her plans hadn't changed. She would seek out Ben Sisko and continue on from there. Ezri spoke of not knowing where she would go, but she promised to return.

The two women kissed each other. Embracing and sharing their love and passion for each other. They made sweet love to each other on the couch. Making each other cum several times. Afterwards, the two women sat down for dinner. Over dinner, they talked of Getal and the trouble she was having fitting in. Ezri knew it must be very hard for the young woman. Despite being bright, and a damn fine officer. Getal wore the face of the enemy. When people looked at her. They didn't see a dedicated Starfleet Officer. They saw a Cardassian looking back at them. Ezri knew that Getal would always have a difficult time fitting in. There were still people who would hate someone for just being different. Ezri suggested that Lenara become better friends with Getal. Lenara was respected aboard the Protector. If she made friends with the young Cardassian woman and was public about their friendship. Others would see this and hopefully see past Getal's race. Ezri said she would go see Getal later on. The Lieutenant was still in sickbay recovering from her injuries.
Lenara was told about Jadzia's greatest regret being not marrying her when she had the chance and Lenara smiled slightly. She had known of how much Jadzia had desired to marry her and she had wished to marry her in return. But their careers had ended up coming first instead of their relationship. Sure, they had kept in contact and they had loved each other deeply all the way until the end, but marriage just hadn't been in the cards for Lenara. Perhaps she had personally been too scared back then. She had believed back then that her relationship with Jadzia had been too good to be true. That Jadzia had gone on to marry Worf never upset Lenara for she loved Worf like a brother.

Ezri told her that she still planned to seek out Ben Sisko and continue from there, but she did promise to return and Lenara nodded before they kissed each other again. Following that, the two women embraced and made love to each other there on the couch, making each other cum multiple times before they sat down to dinner. While enjoying their food, Lenara told Ezri about Getal and her troubles in fitting in. She told Ezri that Getal was a sweet young woman and an excellent officer, but many looked at her and saw their enemy. Ezri suggested to her about becoming better friends with Getal. She told Lenara that if she made friends with the young Cardassian woman and was public about their friendship, that others would see this and see past Getal's race. Lenara nodded in agreement to this. "If you don't mind me coming with you, I'll come to visit her in the sickbay as well." she told Ezri. "I normally visit the injured officers after a battle."
The affection Ezri had for Lenara was clearly written on the young Trill's face. She reached out and held Lenara's hand after Lenara spoke of coming with her. Ezri was told that Lenara visited all the injured in sickbay. Lenara had great compassion for those whom she served with. Ezri thought it was a great idea to visit sickbay together. She said they could do so after dinner. The two women finished their meal, cleaned up and got ready for their visit. Both put on fresh uniforms after taking a sonic shower. The two women then walked, hand in hand from Lenara's quarters, to the turbo lift, down to deck 6 and all the way to sickbay. It no longer mattered to Lenara if someone saw her showing affection openly. In fact, seeing Lenara in this manner, made her seem more approachable and less cold & unfeeling. Besides, sex was nothing to be a shamed of, nor was having a relationship with someone.

Lenara & Ezri entered sickbay. They were greeted by Lieutenant Doctor Shelby Jensen. She was caring for those who already had surgery, and were recovering. Both sickbays were full of injured crew members. Doctor Boyd was so overloaded, he activated the ship's EMH to help with the injuried. The Protector's EMH was using a medical scanner to check over Getal's injury. Shelby directed Lenara & Ezri over to where Getal was laying on a bio-bed. Lenara was able to speak with many injured crew members while she made her way acrossed the room.
In her opinion, Lenara felt that visiting the sick and injured, showed those who worked for her and West, that their commanding officers cared about them and thought about their well being. She had taken her job seriously and she spoke with the crew regularly about anything that might be bothering them and anytime they were injured or ill, she checked in on them to see if they were okay. Ezri told her that they could visit sickbay together after dinner and she nodded. They finished their meal before cleaning up and getting ready for the visit. They took a sonic shower and dressed in fresh uniforms before they head out.. As they walked side by side, Lenara held Ezri's hand, glancing down at their clasped hands with a small smile before looking forward again as they head to the turbo lift which took them to deck 6 and they still held hands all the way down to sickbay.

When they got there, there were greeted by Lieutenant Doctor Shelby Jensen who was caring for those who had already had surgery and were recovering. Lenara could see that the sickbays were full of injured crew members. As she looked around, she saw how many had been injured in the battle before she thanked the doctor when she directed Lenara and Ezri over to where Getal was laying on a bio-bed. With that, the two started across the room, though Lenara went slowly, taking the time to talk to injured crew members who were awake. She was asking how they were feeling and talking with them briefly on their injuries before she moved on. It took her some time but finally Lenara made her way over to Getals bed and she stopped next to it.
Shelby came aboard the Protector, around the same time Lenara had. The two women had met several times during lunch and took time to speak with each other. Shelby had such a crush on the pretty first officer. She thought Lenara was the most attractive and sexiest woman she'd ever laid eyes on. However, Lenara's cold and emotionless demeanor, she had when she first came aboard. Kept Shelby from approaching the first officer with anymore then small talk. Since Lenara returned from her last leave. Shelby had heard that Lenara was more relax and warmer then ever before. More approachable it was said. This pleased the young doctor. She thought maybe Lenara would join her on a date some evening. They could get together and spend sometime getting to know each other. Shelby continued her work, which was taking her to where Lenara had gone.

Ezri had already reached Getal's bed. She was speaking softly to the young Cardassian woman while the EMH ran scans on her. Getal thanked Ezri for helping her. Though, she confessed to not knowing who Ezri was. This made the young ensign laugh. She then introduced herself as a close friend of Lenara's. Getal smiled while saying she was pleased to meet Ezri. Lenara soon joined them. Shelby was hovering nearby. Waiting for a chance to speak with Lenara. Most doctor were uneasy with the EMH doing their work. No one enjoyed watching a computer program doing what took them years to learn. Shelby was fresh out of Starfleet Medical School when she joined the ship. In the year she'd been aboard. Shelby got a crash course in medicine, thanks to the war. She seen and treated injuries, she'd only read about before.
Since Lenara had come on board, she has gradually gotten to know the different members of the Protectors crew in each department. Most of the time back then, she wasn't overly approachable. Instead, she was a little off putting with her demeanor. But now that things have changed for her and in her, she was much more open with her emotions. It had quickly gotten around the ship that the first officer was much different then before. She was more relaxed and warmer. And others could approach her easier then before. This would help improve her relationships with the other officers.

By the time Lenara reached Getal's bed, Ezri was already there talking softly to the young Cardassian woman. Lenara smiled gently at Getal as she approached and she gently greeted her, telling Getal that she was happy that she had survived the battle. She asked how the young Cardassian was doing. Lenara stood at Ezri's side, her gaze moving over tot the EMH which was working at Getals side. Lenara didn't have too many encounters with EMH's, but she was aware that most doctors weren't exactly comfortable with the EMH doing their work. She had spoken to a couple doctors over the years about them.
Getal was pleased to see Lenara had come. She thanked the commander for her kind words. Getal said she was still feeling some pain, but would be alright. The EMH confirmed this, though he said Getal had a concussion and would need a few days rest before she could return to duty. Lenara had met an EMH face to face before. She encountered the EMH from USS Voyager last year. The Voyager EMH was different then any other EMH. The Doctor had expended his program to enjoy music, singing and even writing fiction. The Voyager EMH was closer to Vic Fontaine then he was to the Protector's EMH. The EMH excused himself before moving on, continuing his work. Doctor Boyd & Doctor Marks appeared from surgery. Both looked beat.

Doctor Marks continued on as Doctor Boyd joined Lenara & Ezri. He spoke of knowing Lenara would be here sooner or later and he spoke of being happy to see Ezri again. Edwin looked over the report on Getal. He spoke of wanting to keep her in sickbay for the next 2 days. Each time someone spoke of how long Getal would be in sickbay. She just wanted to hide. She would rather spend that time alone in her quarters. Being in sickbay, was like being exposed so everyone could see her. Shelby finally made it over to Getal's bed. She asked Lenara if they could have a moment alone? Shelby then moved away, to the other side of the room. She stood waiting for Lenara to join her. Once the commander did, Shelby began stumbling on her words. " I ahhhhh......I was wondering......If maybe.......Someday if you're not busy.......Maybe we could go out on a date? " Shelby asked. " We could go to the lounge for drinks.......Or maybe go to movie night in the mess hall......Or maybe even do something together on one of the holodecks.......We could even take a walk through the arboretum.......I'm open for anything. " Shelby added. She didn't know how Lenara would react, but she hoped what people had said about Lenara being easier to approach was true.
Lenara nodded slightly when Getal said that she was still feeling some pain but would be alright. After she spoke, this was confirmed by the EMH and Lenara chuckled faintly before thanking the EMH. She told Getal that she was happy to hear that she'd be fine. She told Getal that she had done well today and she should be proud of what she'd done. Once the EMH was done with his work, he excused himself and moved on with his other work. Once he was gone, Doctor Boyd and Doctor Marks appeared from surgery and Lenara could see that both of them looked exhausted. She watched Marks continue on before turning her attention onto Doctor Boyd as he approached them and he spoke of knowing Lenara would appear in the sickbay sooner or later.

This made her smile at him. "You know that I normally check up on my officers." she told him. Edwin then spoke of being happy to see Ezri again and she looked at him as he then spoke about keeping Getal in sickbay for the next 2 days. Lenara knew how Getal felt. She personally hated when she had been kept in the Sickbay after her own surgery when she'd almost died. However, Shelby then approached Lenara and asked if she could have a moment alone and Lenara nodded. "Of course doctor." she told her. As Shelby moved away, Lenara excused herself from Getals side and she followed Shelby away to where she was standing. "What can I do for you Doctor?" she asked her.

What followed was a little surprising. Lenara wasn't expecting Shelby to ask her about going on a date. Lenara stood there, patiently waiting for Shelby to finish speaking. In the past, Lenara might of shut down Shelby before she got too far into what she was asking and turned her down. But she was different now and once Shelby was finished speaking, Lenara gently smiled at the other woman. "I've not been to movie night in the mess hall yet." she told Shelby. "How about dinner and a movie?"
Shelby wasn't sure what to expect from Lenara. The old Lenara seemed cold and distant. People were saying Lenara was now very different. More approachable and warmer then before. Shelby knew Lenara never went to movie night. She never saw her there. Since the war started. Kyle ordered that movies be shown in the mess hall once a week. It was usually a double feature. The movies were to help the crew relax and hopefully forget about the war. At least for a little while. Almost every movie every made was in the ship's database. A large viewing screen was set up in the mess hall. Popcorn, hot dogs, french fries, hamburgers, ice cream and milk shakes were available for those who enjoyed eating while watching a movie.

Shelby breathed a sigh of relief when Lenara spoke of making it dinner and a movie. " Maybe we could go dancing later?.......There's this great program in holodeck 1......It's New York of the 1940's......We could go to the Ritz Carlton or the Cotton Club. " Shelby spoke as her excitement was clearly written on her face. She was happy to have a date with Lenara. Shelby said she would contact Lenara later in the week. She then leaned in and kissed Lenara on the cheek. Shelby then returned to her work. Leaving Lenara to return to Getal's bed. Doctor Boyd had moved on. He still had plenty of paperwork to do before going off duty. Lenara & Ezri stayed in sickbay. Visiting each of the wounded crew members. They then went to the auxiliary sickbay on deck 16. Visiting the injured there. Everyone was pleased to see Lenara stop by. It was well known by now. Lenara & Kyle would visit the injured when they got the chance. It made the injured feel better to be visited by their commanding officers. Kyle would make his rounds once he was off duty. By the time Lenara & Ezri returned to Lenara's quarters. The Protector had reached Betazed. Kyle called Lenara and asked if she and Ezri would like to join a landing party. He said they were beaming down to check out the destruction left behind. Lenara was told to meeting the team in transporter room one in 10 minutes. Ezri was ready to go. She wanted to see what happen to Betazed under Dominion rule. Normally. Getal would have been picked for the mission. However, since she was layed up in sickbay. Kyle thought Ezri would like to join the team as science officer.
Lenara heard Shelby's sigh of relief after she said about them making their date a dinner and a movie before the other women suggested they go dancing later. As Shelby spoke, Lenara could see the excitement on Shelby's face and she couldn't help but to smile a little more. It was really quite cute. "Perhaps." she said before Shelby said that she would contact Lenara later that week and she nodded before Shelby leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, causing a brief look of surprise to cross Lenara's face before she watched the doctor walk away. With a slight shake of her head, Lenara turned and returned to Getal's bedside. When she got there, she saw that Doctor Boyd had moved on already.

She and Ezri stayed in sickbay a while longer, visiting the different wounded crew members and wishing them well before they then moved onto the auxiliary sickbay on deck 16. The injured were happy to see the first officer there to see them and check up on them. Lenara knew that once Kyle had time and he was off duty, he would be down to visit with the injured. By the time Lenara and Ezri finished visiting and had returned to Lenara's quarters, the Protector had reached Betazed. Lenara was then contacted by Kyle and asked if she and Ezri would like to join a landing party. They were going to be beaming down to check out the destruction left behind and Lenara told him that they would meet him in Transporter room 1. Like Ezri, Lenara wanted to see how Betazed was left by the Dominion.
The landing party consisted of Captain West, Lenara, Ezri, Doctor Boyd, Lieutenant Tala and Alexander. Lenara had issued Ezri a phaser & tricorder from the weapons locker on deck 2. Normally, one didn't beam down to a Federation member world, armed. Not unless there was something unusual happening. Betazed had been occupied by the Jem'Hadar & Cardassians for several months. It was possible that some Jem'Hadar remained behind, hidden and waiting for relief & rescue crews to arrive. Such things had happened in the past. Armies leaving soldiers behind to cause trouble for newly arrived forces. The gathered in transporter room 1. The captain gave a brief talk. Telling everyone to keep their eyes and ears open. They would be beaming down for a short period of time. The team then stepped into the transporter. Each taking up one of the pads. " Energize. " Kyle spoke as the transporter technician activated the beaming cycle. The landing party was turned into six beams of energy. This energy was then directed at the planet. To a position Kyle had picked for the beam down.

Six beams of energy appeared on Betazed and began taking form. The transfer from the Protector to the planet only takes a few seconds. Soon the landing party was standing on Betazed, surrounded by destruction. The once beautiful planet had been ravaged by the Dominion forces. Buildings destroyed and the smell of death hung heavy in the air. It was a smell, no one would ever forget. The smell of dead bodies, burnt skin and burnt hair all mixed into a gut wrenching odor. There were relief and rescue teams already working on the planet. Helping the survivors with their needs. Kyle led his team away from the beam down point. They walked along through the rubble until reaching a command post. Commander Riker of the Enterprise was leading the rescue operations. Kyle approached the station and greeted Riker. He asked Riker if they needed anything? Riker said they needed everything. He spoke of the entire planet being in this condition. Riker said once the tide of battle turned against the Dominion. The Jem'Hadar turned their weapons on the planet. " Commander Singh.......Contact the ship.....Have them beam down all the emergency supplies we have.........Also have Lieutenant M'Ress contact all the ship in our battle group......Have them beam down whatever emergency supplies they have. " Kyle gave his orders. Commander Riker then approached Lenara with a pad in his hand. He gave Lenara the pad, saying it held the locations of all the relief posts setup by the Enterprise and other starships from the 7th Fleet. Lenara would up link the pad to the ship through her communicator. She would then pass the list to M'Ress, who would then pass the locations on to the ships of their battle group. " Was it rough at the Violet Nebula? " Riker asked Lenara once she contacted the ship and passed along the orders.
Before heading down to meet with the rest of the landing party, Lenara took Ezri down to Deck 2 and she issued her a phaser and tricorder. She knew that they could meet with some hostiles down on Betazed, so it was a safety precaution that Ezri was given a weapon. Once that was done, they moved on to join the rest of the landing party in transporter room 1 where the captain gave them a brief talk about keeping their eyes and ears open as they would be beaming down for a short period of time. With his talk finished, they stepped into the transporter and they were soon on their way down, the party turning to six beams of energy and then being sent down to a position on the planet down below that Kyle had picked out for them.

When they appeared on Betazed, they were surrounded by destruction. Looking around slowly, Lenara saw that the once beautiful planet was in ruins. The buildings were destroyed and a particular scent hung heavy in the air around them. It was one which could never be mistaken for anything else. As the smell assaulted Lenara's senses, she felt her stomach clench tightly and she made a soft noise in the back on her throat before clearing it and carefully schooling her features as she continued looking around while their group moved away from their beam down point. They began making their way through the rubble until they reached a command post where Commander Riker of the Enterprise was leading the rescue operations.

With Kyle leading them, they approached the station and he greeted the Commander and asked if they needed anything, to which Riker said they needed everything. He told them that the entire planet was in this condition. The news that once the tide of battle turned against the Dominion, the Jem'Hadar in turn, turned their weapons on the planet. This made Lenara scoff softly and she shook her head. With this news, Kyle told her to contact the ship and have them beam down all emergency supplies that they had and to have Lieutenant M'Ress contact all ships in their battle group and have them do the same. "Yes sir. Consider it done, captain." she told him and she stepped aside. She was about to begin contacting the Protector when Commander Riker approached her with a pad in his hand. He told her that it held locations of all the relief posts set up on the planet and she nodded while taking the pad.

With the pad in hand, Lenara contacted the Protector and she began giving orders. She passed on the list that Riker had given her, to M'Ress by linking the pad to the ship via her communicator. Once she ended contact with the Protector, Riker ask if it was rough at the Violet Nebula and she nodded. "It was." she softly said. "I haven't heard about how things were with the other ships yet, but on the protector, we had several Jem'Hadar board." She held out the pad to him while telling him that engineering and sickbay had been attacked, but the Jem'Hadar had been neutralized with the help of her M.A.C.O. team. "Not without losses of our own of course."
The smell of death, was getting to most everyone. Ezri was almost ready to lose her dinner. Tala wasn't much better. Alexandria felt sick himself. Though he was a Klingon, and no Klingon would let himself react to even such smells. Alexandria had grown up around humans and not Klingons. His reaction was pure human. Even the captain had to fight back to urge to expel something. The only one who was unaffected by the smell, was Doctor Boyd. He'd seen front line action during the Federation/ Cardassian war. He was used to such things. Riker listened as Lenara talked of how the Protector had been invaded, but the Jem'Hadar were all killed. Having been through his own rough spots. Riker understood Lenara when she talked of losing some of their own. Her speaking of having M.A.C.O.'s was a surprise. Riker didn't know Lenara had a non Starfleet military team under her command. He spoke of being a little jealous. Riker said the Protector must have had some rough missions to need army troops on board the ship. The Protector had been on several missions which went better because of having the M.AC.O.'s on board. Lenara loved having the extra muscle on the ship.

Riker told Lenara that she was lucky. He then returned to the command post. After the supplies were beaned down. The landing party returned to the ship. Doctor Boyd had to give Ezri, Alexander and Tala all something for their upset stomachs. Kyle & Lenara toughed it out, though neither would be eating anything for the next few hours. Jamal was doing his tour of duty in the captain's chair. Both Lenara & Kyle were off duty. Jamal had the Protector break orbit once all the ships of Battle Group C beamed down their supplies. The battle group then headed for Starbase 133. The following morning. Starfleet Command planned a special ceremony for the Protector crew. Some long overdue recognition was schedule. This meant the passing out of commendations, and the awarding of medals. It was a formal ceremony. This meant the command staff needed to wear their dress uniforms. Ezri spoke of how sexy Lenara looked in hers. The young ensign would be attending the ceremony, which was happening on the main shuttlebay. Kyle stepped out of his quarters, wearing his dress uniform. Ezri & Lenara came out into the hall at the same moment. The young Trill said Kyle looked hot in his uniform. Kyle laughed while saying someday they would see how hot Ezri looked in hers. The three then walked to the turbo lift. Once inside, the lift started down, but stopped on deck 3 to pick up Doctor Boyd and Lieutenant Commander Quinn. Edwin complained about the fit of his uniform. Ezri smiled as she looked at Lenara.
Lenara had to force herself not to be sick. She could feel her stomach clench occasionally and the urge to be sick would come over her occasionally. But she would swallow hard and force it back while continuing on with her work. As she explained about the troubles that the Protector had faced, Lenara had turned to face Riker completely. The surprise that he felt when she spoke of her M.A.C.O. team could be seen and she smiled slightly when he said that he was a little jealous. "We have been through a number of missions that their aid was much needed." she said with a nod. "The captain and I are extremely grateful for the aid that the M.A.C.O.'s have given us. And I've been very honored to of been the one to personally work and train with them."

After this, Riker returned to the command post and Lenara returned to her Captain. Once the supplies were beamed down, the landing party returned to the ship where Doctor Boyd gave something to several of their party for upset stomachs. Lenara was offered something but she told Doctor Boyd that she would be okay. She wouldn't be eating anything for a while, but she would be okay. Lenara herself headed back to her rooms where she had another Sonic shower and changed into fresh clothes before having a drink before she decided to finish the rest of her reports.

The next morning, Lenara was informed of a special ceremony being held for the Protector crew and she sighed before nodding to herself. This meant that she had to get out her dress uniform. While she looked really good in hers, it wasn't exactly her favorite thing in the world to wear, but she did wear it with pride. After dressing in the uniform, Ezri told her that she looked sexy and she smiled gently at Ezri while she finished brushing through her long dark hair. When both the women were ready, they both stepped out of Lenara's quarters into the hall at the same moment that Kyle stepped out of his and Lenara heard Ezri say that Kyle looked hot in his uniform and he laughed. This made Lenara chuckle and she approached her captain while softly agreeing with Ezri. "You do look very good in your uniform Captain." she softly told him, her voice gentle and playful.

Together, the trio stepped onto the turbo lift and they head down, only stopping on deck 3 to pick up Doctor Boyd and Lieutenant Commander Quinn. When Edwin complained about the fit of his uniform, Lenara chuckled at her friend and lover. "I do believe that's the same complaint that you had the last time you were in your dress uniform, doctor." she said to him, smiling at the man before glancing at Ezri and smiling at her as well, her eyes bright with amusement.
Lenara knew Doctor Boyd, all to well. He despised wearing his dress uniform. But, he never did like dressing up. Edwin was more of a old style hometown doctor, who just happened to have a kinky side. " Lenara's right Edwin.......Those are the first words we always hear you say. " Kyle spoke while watching as Lenara & Ezri shared smiles. Doctor Boyd grumbled that it was true. The turbo lift doors open, revealing Tala standing there. She was also in her dress uniform. All the senior staff was required to wear them. " The shuttle with admirals has landed Sir. " Tala spoke. Kyle thanked her before the group headed for the shuttlebay. " Admirals?.......As in more then one? " Edwin asked ad the group continued down the corridor. " Several from what I was told......Starfleet Command wants to put on a show.......We've won our first really big victory against the Dominion in months.....Starfleet wants to show us as one of their top ships.......I understand some Federation Ambassadors will be there as well. " Kyle replied as the group reached the main shuttlebay. Doctor Boyd rolled his eyes while saying wonderful.

The shuttlebay doors open. About half the crew was here to witness the ceremony. They stood watching as the captain and the others entered. Also there, was Lenara's M.A.C.O. team. Tala moved ahead of the smaller group. She called everyone to attention. The crew & the M.A.C.O.'s stood tall. The shuttle carrying the admirals and other guests taxied to a stop. The senior staff formed a line behind Kyle & Lenara, who stood beside each other. Ezri had broken off from the group and joined the crew standing off to the left side. The first few who left the shuttle were Federation Ambassadors, from Vulcan, Androia, Teller Prime, Alpha Centauri, Regulus and Betazed. Kyle greeted each ambassador before introducing Lenara, then the senior staff. The ambassadors were here to show their gratitude for the hard fought Battle of the Violet Nebula. Without the Protector and the 4th Fleet. There would have been no victory at Betazed. The other ships in the 4th Fleet would get their chance to shine, as would the ship in the 7th Fleet who fought a tough battle against the Jem'Hadar at Betazed. This was the Protector's day to shine. Kyle & Lenara planned out the Battle of the Violet Nebula, down to the last detail.

The admirals then started exiting the shuttle. First off was Rear Admiral Sela from Vulcan. Next off was Rear Admiral Ben Price. Following him was Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev. Behind her was Vice Admiral Tolin Anar from Trill. The next two would surprise both Lenara & Kyle. Both had come from Starfleet Command on Earth for the ceremony. Stepping off first was Vice Admiral Leonard James Akaar form Capella IV. Admiral Akaar was one of Lenara biggest supports. He and Admiral Ben Price were the reasons why Lenara was allowed in Starfleet, though she carried genetically altered genes in her body. There was a rule banning anyone with genetically altered genes from serving in Starfleet. That rule was lift for Lenara, then lifted again for Doctor Julian Bashir of Deep Space Nine. Admiral Akaar was the hereditary leader of his people. He still held the title of Teer, of the Ten Tribes of Capella. Growing up as a warrior. Akaar believed that people should be judge by their actions, not the actions of their family. This was a different belief then the Klingons had. This is why Akaar pushed for Lenara's entrance into Starfleet Academy. His influence as a Starfleet Admiral and a leader of a Federation World, gave Lenara her first chance to prove herself. The last Admiral of the shuttle made jaws drop. Fleet Admiral Pavel Chekov had come to officiate the ceremony himself. Kyle greeted each admiral then introduced Lenara before he introduced the senior staff. Though, he didn't need to introduce Lenara to either Admiral Price or Admiral Akaar. She knew them both very well.
Lenara had come to know Doctor Boyd quite well, just as she had come to know Kyle very well. Kyles comment followed by Edwins grumbled response made Lenara laugh softly before she cleared her throat when the lift doors opened again to let Tala on. She, just like most of the rest of the lifts occupants, was dressed in her dress uniform. She told Kyle that the shuttle with the admirals had landed and Lenara looked at Kyle curiously as Edwin questioned there being more then one Admiral. She was quiet as the two men spoke and she eventually nudged Doctor Boyd after he rolled his eyes, a smile on her lips. "Behave." she softly told him playfully.

Finally the they reached the main shuttlebay and the doors opened. A good number of the crew was there for the ceremony, including Lenara's M.A.C.O. team. Tala moved ahead of them and called everyone to attention to which the attending crew members and the M.A.C.O. stood tall. Soon enough the shuttle carrying the admirals and the other guests taxied to a stop. Lenara stood proudly next to her Captain with the Senior crew standing in a line behind them. As the first of the Federation Ambassadors left the shuttle, Kyle would greet them and then introduce Lenara to them, followed by the senior staff. Lenara greeted each one politely.

Next were the admirals. Some of them Lenara knew of but didn't know personally. However, two people that she was more then pleased to see step off the shuttle was Rear Admiral Ben Price and later Vice Admiral Leonard James Akaar. Both of the men had been the voices of support for the woman when she had applied to join Starfleet. If it hadn't been for them, she probably never would of become an officer at all. She felt she owed a great deal to both of them. While it was a bit of a surprise to see Ben Price, it was more surprising to see Vice Admiral Akaar because he had come from Starfleet Command on Earth. But it was pleasing to see both non-the-less. The last person to step off the shuttle though, shocked everyone. Fleet Admiral Pavel Chekov was certainly unexpected to be the one to officiate this. During all of the introductions, Lenara stood proudly next to Captain West, her shoulders back and her head high as she greeted each Admiral. She looked the picture of perfection when it came to an officer. When it came to something important like this, she always strived, just as she did with most everything else, to make others proud of her. Just like with wanting to make Kyle proud to have her as his first officer, Lenara wanted to make sure that she made Admiral Price and Admiral Akaar proud to of sponsored her to join Starfleet.
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