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Requiem of Destruction (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“And that man is exceptionally handsome~” She said, kissing his cheek with a soft smile, taking his hand in hers.
He chuckled more and kissed her knuckles gently. The door opened and Kojurou jumped out of his skin, moving swiftly to stand and hide Jin behind him. Akihime stepped in and stopped, looking rather surprised before exceedingly disappointed.
"Is that Ishida's wife you have there?" She asked. Kojurou scowled lightly and held his tongue.
"She came on Ishida's behalf to request more soldiers." He said. Akihime narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
Jin had been just as startled, but not beyond fabricating the rest of the lie Kojurou had started. “We have many capable hands here, some of which are going to waste simply doing double patrols. Oshuu is in great need of more bodies to assist with the rebuilding of the local villages. I figured we could put the men to better use in someplace they are needed more.”
She made a noise, not truly buying it but not having the energy to really fight them about it.
"I'll be sure to send more soldiers to Oshuu to help with the clean up." She said, "I came in to check to see if you had sent in those reports yet, Katakura-sama."
"Hai, Akihime-sama, earlier this morning."
"Arigatou." Akihime said and left.
Jin nodded, bowing her head as Akihime left, then looking to Kojurou, silent until she could no longer hear Akihime’s footsteps. “I’m sorry, that was rather close.”
“Yes, I only worry what she will do to you. Last time she took it too far.” She said, moving to stand before Kojurou. “I don’t want to be the reason why you’re beaten within an inch of your life.”
She shook her head. “I’ll be fine, we’ll just have to be more careful.” She per his hair, kissing his cheek once more.
He nodded and smiled softly, "If memory serves, Akihime will be busy schooling Okane in the morning, you could sleep in here tonight." He offered, "She won't come in to bother us."
Jin smiled softly, it had been some time since she had slept through a night with her husband. “Then I will have no choice but to stay tonight.”
"That couch can't be very kind to you." He said with a soft smile, "I have spare night clothes you can wear. That way you won't have to leave and sneak anything back here."
Jin felt butterflies in her stomach, she hadn’t fallen asleep in her husbands arms in weeks, it excited her. “Wonderful.” She smiled.
“Well, would you rather I change in the bathroom, or here, my husband~?” She asked, a faint purr in her tone, gently tracing his shoulders with her fingers; it was like they were young lovers again.
Jin’s cheeks were flushed a bit, nodding, slowly undoing her belt and laying it on the small table beside them, working on her pants, then shirt buttons. She pulled her shirt over her head, shimming out of her pants, tossing them onto the table as well, moving to press herself against Kojurou.
Jin rested her hands on his arms, closing her eyes and kissing him back, gentle and slow. She wanted to savor every moment, enjoy every touch he had for her.
With a night all to themselves, Kojurou had no idea what to do first. So it started small, simple, not wanting to rush anything. He didn't know if they would get a chance like this again.
Jin went with his pace, let him take the lead, and she enjoyed every moment of it. Gentle touches, loving kisses, stolen breaths; all of it was slow and loving, Jin taking her time as well.
By the time the sun starting to rise on the horizon, Jin was left exhausted, beyond content with the pleasure Kojurou had given her. She lay entangled in bed with him, leaving soft kisses along his jawline lazily.
He played with her hair as he relaxed with his wife, trying to catch his breath. When he noticed the sun start to peek through the curtains, he gave a soft noise of amusement, "How long has it been since we last went all night...?"
Jin let out a soft chuckle. “Quite some time, not since Shige was a boy.” She said softly, reaching up to pet his hair.
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