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Requiem of Destruction (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“Of course.” Jin kissed him gently, then slowly got out of bed. “I should return to my own room, there’s no telling when that woman will be back.” She said, standing and moving over to where she had discarded her clothes.
After dressing and saying her goodbye, Jin headed off to tend to her own duties, which wasn’t much. Akihime had never assigned her to anything other than Mitsunari, and he rarely spoke to her anyway.
She passed by Ishida on her way back to his room and he was on his way to the training area. "Be careful the next time you wish to be with Katakura. A more appropriate time is when she is with Megohime at the arena." He advised softly.
Jin stopped in the hallway, a bit embarrassed that a man other than her husband knew about last night, but was appreciative of the advice. “Thank you..” She said softly, watching him round the corner and disappear from view.
He only figured she was with Kojurou when he didn't see her on the couch in his room. Which actually made him rather happy, despite his usual scowl, because it meant he could peacefully share his bed with Tachi for once. He knew Jin didn't care what he did, and he didn't care what Jin thought, but he still felt rather embarrassed to be seen so openly affectionate with his lover.
((Hope you don’t mind me skipping a little bit~))

Days turned to weeks, and Akihime seemed to have forgotten about Masamune for the time being, perhaps she had grown bored of him? After about six days, Megohime’s collar reverted her back to a human, though rather weak from hunger. She still cared for Masamune though, making sure he got water when it rained and keeping him out of the sun. “You need to eat, if you don’t, you’ll only die again.” Megohime said, sitting down beside Masamune, the hot sun beating down on them, leaving them with little shade.
"I would love to, but I can barely do much of anything besides breathe..." He told her. He still looked tired and weak, maybe it was because Akihime had just left him there.
Megohime scowled, knowing if Masamune didn’t eat something soon, he would perish again. When Akihime didn’t feed her, and Kojurou was too busy to bring her something, Megohime usually swallowed small rocks to at least put weight in her stomach. No, she wouldn’t make Masamune do such a thing. She moved closer to him, pulling her sleeve away from her arm and holding it before him. “Can you chew?” She asked.
"I'm not eating your arm." He told her, "I'll wait for something else."
"Megohime-dono...!" Kojurou moved over with a tray of food, looking exhausted, only to stop when he saw Masamune. It had been the first time he had seen his lord since his death.
Megohime looked relieved to see Kojurou, standing and taking the tray from him, he probably wanted to see Masamune anyway. She set the tray on the ground beside Masamune, who looked like he was a soulless doll, staring blankly. “He can hear you, but I think the collar stops him from being able to talk...” She said, looking to Kojurou, grabbing some food to feed to Masamune.
Masamune opened his mouth and closed it to eat when she offered him food. "Kojurou looks well..." He said softly, "How has he been...?"
"It's so good to see you, Masamune-sama..." Kojurou said softly, looking like he was going to cry.
”Not well..” Megohime answered Masamune, wiping his mouth with her sleeve. “He’s glad to see you, he wants to know how you’ve been.”
"I have been much better, though now my heart knows ease seeing you alive again." Kojurou answered.
'Poor Kojurou...I'm surprised he's still around...I would have thought for sure he'd kill himself..." Masamune said softly.
”No, just me..” She glanced to Kojurou. “He’s glad to see you alive, he was worried what that bitch might do.”
"Please forgive me, Masamune-sama..." Kojurou muttered, "This is my fault..."
"How? Because he let you out? Please...I was dead either way..." Masamune said as he continued to eat.
Megohime frowned softly and looked down. “Kojurou, do you have any water? He hasn’t had any of that either since yesterday morning.”
Megohime took the canteen, moving back to Masamune and gently parting his lip, tipping his head back so he could drink some water. She herself was both starving and thirsty beyond reason, but she wouldn’t touch a crumb until Masamune was taken care of.
Megohime ignored Masamune, only grabbing another small piece of meat and pushing it into his mouth. “Yes, it allows that whore to make him do whatever she wants.”
"Mego." Masamune refused to chew, letting the meat sit in his mouth uselessly. Kojurou noticed and became panicked.
"I-Is he ok?" He asked quickly.
Megohime scowled softly at him, taking a piece of bread and quickly stuffing it into her mouth. “He’s fine.” She said through her mouthful. “He’s just being stubborn.”
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