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Requiem of Destruction (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime snorted, snarling softly. If she could speak, she would’ve told Akihime to go fuck herself. So she showed her one happy village, so what? She saw those leveled villages in Oshuu, there was no forgiving that.
"Hai, hai..." Akihime muttered and Masamune changed back before suddenly collapsing. She looked, clearly confused, before making a noise, "Oh, I guess he finally burned out."
Megohime chittered nervously, moving quickly to Masamune’s side and nuzzling the side of his face with her snout, trying to rouse him.
She could hear the air escape his lungs softly before nothing. Her chest felt numb before nothing. "I guess transforming took more out of him than I thought. Oh well, he'll be alright. He just needs rest." Akihime said before heading off.
Megohime wanted to go after Akihime, to tear her throat out and drink every last drop of her blood, but knew it could never happen while she had the collar on. She couldn’t even fly with it on. Curling around Masamune, she whined softly.
He would be like that for days, sleeping without sleeping, regaining his strength motionlessly before he finally stirred one afternoon nearly a week later.
”Masamune!” Megohime lifter her head, unfurling herself from Masamune a bit. ”Can you hear me?”
Megohime curled around him, supporting him so he wouldn’t fall back down. ”You died.” She said softly, resting her muzzle against his shoulder.
Megohime’s whiskers touched Masamune’s face gently, like she was caressing his face. ”It doesn’t ever get better... But you can learn to get used to it..”
Megohime let out a soft rumble, almost like a purr. ”Don’t get too frisky, old man. Just sit and rest, you might need some more time to adjust before being able to get up just yet.”
Megohime made a soft noise. ”She hasn’t been here for quite a while... Probably busy playing savior for the villages she destroyed.”
Jin had been separated from her husband for a few weeks now, and moved into Mitsunari’s own private room; she refused to acknowledge him as her husband, she would never betray Kojurou. She slept on the couch in his living room. She did her best to see Kojurou when she could, but Akihime worked him like a horse.
When Kojurou did have time to spend with Jin it was usually either small quiet dinners or brief moments of intimacy in his bedroom. They always cut it extremely close with these interactions, but they made it work rather well all things considered.
The only time Jin got to be with Kojurou, was when Akihime was out tormenting Megohime or busy with her job. She enjoyed Kojurou holding her the most, stroking her hair, like he used to; she almost preferred it to more intimate things- almost.
There was one such day where he sat with her, playing with her hair as he left soft kisses along her neck and collar. Akihime was busy tending to Yukimura, which gave them plenty of time to be together.
Jin sat back against Kojurou’s chest, enjoying the attention she was receiving from her husband. She let out a soft sigh, turning her head to capture Kojurou’s lips in a gentle kiss.
He kissed back gently, holding her tight, "You're still so beautiful, do you know that?" He muttered gently, "I feel more than blessed to have you as my wife."
She smiled softly, caressing his cheek. “And you’re still as handsome as the day I met you.” She whispered softly, tracing the scar on his cheek.
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