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Requiem of Destruction (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime frowned softly, but muttered a thank you and took the food regardless. Though the meat was fresh, it tasted rotten, like it had been sitting out in the sun for days, and the consistency nearly made her gag, but she forced down the meat regardless, tears welling up in her eyes. “Have you seen Masamune?” She asked quietly.
Megohime felt like she was going to be sick, Kojurou didn’t even know? She put one hand over her mouth, shaking slightly- it was probably the meat disagreeing with her. “He’s not dead.” She whispered. “She brought him back.”
She nodded slowly. “Akihime has him acting as her puppet- has one of those collars on him.” She yanked on her own collar. “He’s already suffering, she’s going to work him to death. Kojurou, please help him” She pleaded. “In anyway you can.”
“Just watch after him, please? I can’t do much from here..” Megohime bower before Kojurou, letting her forehead touch the ground. “Please, keep him safe while I cannot.”
His chest hurt slightly, this now being the second time he had to see her beg. He bowed his head to her, brows furrowed slightly, "You have my word, Megohime-dono..."
Megohime sat up, nodding. “Thank you.. He doesn’t deserve this.” She said softly. “Not any of this, if you get the chance, please, take him and leave.”
“Ieyasu, Satsuma, anywhere but here.” She said. “If you get that chance, you take it and leave me here.” She said.

It would be days before Megohime was allowed out of her cell to the arena again. Masamune was waiting, and his body looked exhausted beyond saving. Akihime was sitting in her seat, ready to watch. She didn't say anything, didn't greet Megohime, just sat and watched.
Megohime started to shake once she saw Masamune, looking to Akihime and trying to speak through the leather muzzle, pointing at Masamune. Her words were lost to Akihime though, but her intentions were clear; she was not happy about the condition Masamune was in.
"Ah, I know, Masamune-kun is a little worse for wear.." Akihime noted, eyes cold and uncaring, "He'll be fine, however. He's built to last~" She smirked cruelly, as if her statement had other implications to it.
Megohime’s eyes seemed to glow with fire at Akihime’s words, but she refused to move. Like last time, she was refusing to fight Masamune, not taking up her weapon, and in return forfeiting her life to him; it was all so boring to Akihime.
"It doesn't upset you that your brand new young stallion of a husband was with another woman~? You're so cold, Mego-chan~! I would be heartbroken if Yukimura-sama betrayed me like that!" Her jovial expression dropped back to an unreadable state, "Thankfully my husband is loyal to me...and he would rather die than to hurt me like that..." Her voice was strange, almost like she regretted what she did to Yukimura. That wasn't relevant, however, and her smile soon returned, "Come now, take your revenge on Masamune-kun for going behind your back~!"
Megohime clenched her fists before stalking over to where the weapons rack was, grabbing a dagger off the shelf and tossing away the sheath. Instead of turning her blade on Masamune, she cut the leather straps keeping her muzzle on, cutting her cheek deeply in the process. Throwing the leather mask at Akihime, she was seething angry. “I know full well Masamune didn’t sleep with any of the whores you have here on his own free will!” She snapped. “Keeping that collar on him, forcing him to your every whim, and you say he chose to sleep with another woman when he hasn’t stopped standing since the day you brought him back!” She spat in the dirt to show her disgust. “I see now why your husband would willingly chose death.”
Her expression was blank again, "How do you know so much about Masamune-kun?" She asked, "Have you been talking to him?" Her eyes snapped to Masamune and he suddenly dropped to his knees, wheezes and huffs sounding from him. He couldn't breath. "Shame on you, Masamune-kun. Talking to Mego-chan without my permission." Masamune was starting to turn purple, hands twitching as he struggled to breathe.
Megohime was at Masamune’s side in seconds, trying to figure out what was making it so he couldn’t breathe, but it was more than likely Akihime’s magic. “Stop it! Punish me! He’s got nothing to do with this! You’ve punished him enough!”
"Punished him? I have been nothing but nice to Masamune-kun." She replied before looking away. Masamune gasped loudly and nearly fell over were Megohime not holding him. "You're the one punishing him."
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