Requiem of Destruction (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“I’ve been working my ass off to help him!” She ground her teeth, holding Masamune close to her chest. “I’ve been taking punishment after punishment and you claim I’m the one in the wrong!”
Megohime scowled deeply, gently petting Masamune’s hair- he still wasn’t responsive. “At least I care about him enough to not take away his free will and leave him comatose.”
She scowled hatefully, "What happened to Yukimura-sama is an unfortunate side effect of easing the pain of losing his closest friend. I am working on repairing him but it is taking a lot of time."
“Unfortunate side effect..?” Megohime let out a bitter laugh. “You keep saying that like you aren’t the direct cause of all of these unfortunate side effects” She snarled. “Face facts, you’re everything that’s wrong in this land!”
"You don't know what you're talking about. I'm the best thing that's happened to Japan! If Hideyoshi had taken over, you would be no more than a toothpick after his evening meal! At least I let you earn everything!"
“Earn?” Her anger was clear in her voice. “You let men fuck me, and stick things in me for pleasure, you force me to fight day after day without meals, and you call that earning?” She snarled. “You’re a destroyer! You destroy things and that’s all you know what to do!”
"You don't know what you're talking about." She stated before she stood and made her way down. Masamune moved to his feet and stepped away from Megohime as Akihime approached. The mage waved her hand and Megohime was forced into her dragon form, a muzzle and reigns appearing over her snout. Akihime mounted onto her back and grabbed the reigns, "If you want Masamune to stay alive for the next couple days, you won't try to buck me off." She threatened.
Megohime was snarling and hissing by the time Akihime was even close to her, letting out a deep rumble of a growl when she climbed on top of her, teeth dripping with saliva.
Akihime held her ankles up so they wouldn't drag and grew annoyed, "This won't do." She muttered and climbed off Megohime's back, the muzzle and reigns not being removed. "Masamune-kun." Masamune nodded briefly before he transformed, which scared the hell out of Megohime. She was really the only Living Weapon that could take on the form of the animal who's soul they merged with. How was Akihime still alive? Masamune stood tall, taller than a warhorse; he was a brilliant shade of blue with luxurious feathers and shining scales. He knelt down so Akihime could climb onto his back and stood tall again. He moved forward and Akihime grabbed Megohime's reigns so she could pull her along, "Let's go see all the destruction I've caused Osaka, hm?"
Megohime was shaking, even in her dragon form, rage and fear causing her to thrash and try to feee herself, like a lizard caught by a bird. She screeched and clawed at her reigns, trying to pull them free of her head.
Masamune's back leg shot out and kicked her hard in the snout, Akihime scowling disapprovingly at Megohime, "That is quite enough." She said, "Behave or there will be consequences."
Megohime was breathing heavily, a deep gouge across Megohime’s nose, pulling back against the reigns as far as she could. Her pupils were fine slits, whiskers wriggling angrily in the air, but she ceased her screaming and thrashing.
Akihime nodded and pulled her along like she was guiding a dog as she rode Masamune out of the castle grounds and into the nearest town. Everyone seemed beyond thrilled to see Akihime, bowing and greeting her happily. It appeared genuine the more Megohime looked around. It was peaceful, thriving, hell even jovial. Children were playing as their mothers walked around, vendors selling their wares happily. Where was the fear? She thought for sure it would weigh her down but she couldn't even smell any.
Megohime didn’t like this, she was a tyrant, she had destroyed villages, slaughtered young and old; did these people know nothing of that? It had to be the case, they hadn’t seen the devastation Akihime had caused. She snarled softly, grunting when children climbed onto her back, but she only went rigid, watching the children with fear.
Akihime looked back when Megohime refused to move and watched the children climb on her and pet her. "Where did you get these dragons, Akihime-sama?!" They asked excitedly. Akihime smiled sweetly and gently gestured them to get off Megohime, which they did.
"They were in Oshuu, their home was threatened so I brought them here to care for them." She answered. The children looked amazed and moved to pet Masamune as well but Akihime gently told them not to.
Megohime’s nostrils flared, but she didn’t snarl, instead moving away from the children and closer to Masamune. Was she scared of children? Regardless, she didn’t show any signs of aggression around them, silent as a mouse.
Megohime hissed, clear she had more to argue, but human speech was not something Megohime possessed in her dragon form.
Megohime only snarled again. She could see a thousand smiling people, and that wouldn’t change the fact that she had leveled villages. It would excuse the murder she committed, no, Megohime would never forgive Akihime.
Megohime found it rather hard to keep up, Masamune having much longer legs than her own. When they returned to the arena, Megohime was breathing hard, exhausted.
Megohime snapped at Akihime, though her muzzled stopped her from actually trying to bite her. The muzzle did make it hard to breath as well as bite, but that was probably the point.
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