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Requiem of Destruction (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“It’s stronger than ever.” Megohime said, taking another piece of food, her hunger getting the best of her.
"Eat as much as you want, Mego, I'm feeling a lot better now with what you gave me..." Masamune said. Kojurou chuckled softly.
"Yes, I would imagine whatever she bound him with would make him twice as stubborn."
Megohime was so hungry, when Masamune offered he the rest of the food, she spoke out loud. “Really?” She was already grabbing a cooked potato, taking a bite out of it. The only thing she had eaten in weeks was her last opponent and small rocks.
Megohime ate in silence for a moment before looking up at Kojurou. She blinked when she saw the quizzical look on his face. “Oh.” She swallowed the food in her mouth. “The collar seems to stop him from talking, but I guess it doesn’t stop him from being able to communicate with me, which is weird.”
“She’s already noticed once, and as much as I hate to say it, she isn’t stupid, she’s doing it on purpose.” She offered Masamune a bite of potato, taking a drink of water herself.
“How so? We haven’t seen her in weeks, she just dropped us here and left.” Megohime finished off the potato, taking one more drink of water.
"She has been visiting Sanada a lot more often, each time she comes back more and more frantic. I think he's dying."
"Dying?" Masamune didn't seem to like that very much.
Megohime scowled, she had never cared much for Yukimura either way, but her master did. “Old age?” She asked.
Megohime made a noise. “Do you know where she is now? If she’s planning to come back here?”
Megohime nodded, sitting back against the wall with Masamune. “When is that bitch gonna kick it?” She muttered, more to herself than anything.
Megohime scowled. “Thank you Kojurou.” She said, motioning to the food. “And thanks for the information.”

((Wanna have Jin and Ko get caught~?))
For a while, Jin and Kojurou would sneak around, meeting in secret to be together. Akihime was fickle though, and her schedule was never the same, which made this much more difficult for them to meet- and that much more exciting. Meeting in the housing Jin shared with Mitsunari, the two of them were like young lovers once again.
Kojurou was on top of Jin on the couch she usually slept on, his hand slipped under her dress as he kissed her heatedly. He knew if they were caught, Akihime would probably have them both beaten, but the thought of being this close to his wife with such a risk was more exciting than he thought it would have been. He couldn't stop himself.
Jin moaned softly against Kojurou’s lips, letting out a soft sigh of extasy as his fingers pleasured her, legs trembling. If she was honest, sneaking around like this turned her on, even if it was with her own husband. She ran her fingers through his messy hair, kissing him deeply.
She let out a soft moan, her hands caressing his neck and jawline as he moved his bites down her neck and to her shoulders. Once he reached skin that was covered by fabric, she removed her hands from him, untying the front of her dress so she could expose more flesh to him.
Before he could do more, the door opened and not only did Mitsunari step in but Akihime did as well. Kojurou hadn't moved so fast in so long that he felt like he pulled something. Akihime didn't look happy.
"What are you two doing in here?" She demanded.
There was no excuse to be made this time, they had been caught in the act. Quickly covering herself, Jin sat up, pushing her skirt down and glancing to Kojurou, who was disheveled himself.
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