What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Castiel smiled, kissing Dean's head. "Get some rest sweetheart. Who knows what Gabriel has planned. for tomorrow." He muttered, leaving the room.

The next day, Dean would awaken on a huge, soft, bed in the penthouse suite of the disneyland resort. Gabriel smiled. "Morning, little prince."
Dean looked after Cas confused a little worried at his behavior before swallowing nervously and crawling into bed, feeling a bit lonely.

Dean yawned and stretched, blinking in surprise when he wasn't in the bed he'd fallen asleep in and looked up at Gabriel confused, not knowing where he was since he'd never been to disneyland. "What...?"
Dean blinked in surprise and blushed a little at seeing Gabriel so excited before nodding and getting up, zapping some new clothes on. "Alright... so what's on the agenda?"
Gabriel skipped hyperly over to the table, where every breakfast food known to man was set. "I didn't know for sure what you would want, so I ordered the whole menu.. and pie! eat, lover, eat!" He exclainmed, taking some icecream topped waffles.
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