What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean's eyes were wide and excited and he shifted the car into drive and pressed down on the gas pedal gently at first, sending the car rolling forward onto the track and he was practically bouncing in his seat in exctiement. "Oh my god.. Oh my god!" He said excitedly and began to speed up as he went down the track. "This is so freakin' cool!"
Castiel smiled ad he saw his mate so happy. It warmed his heart to know he had actually put that smile on his face. He closed his eyes contentedly. "I am glad you are enjoying yourself Dean. we can explore the rest of the museum after, if you'd like." he explained as he smiled fondly.
Dean nodded, smiling hugely. "That would be awesome. You rock Cas." He replied as he drove around a turn and smiled amazed at how smoothly it turned. He drove around that track for about an hour, smiling and once in a while murmuring to himself. "I'm batman."
Dean stepped out of the car reluctantly as he ran a hand over the top almost affectionately before following Cas inside and nodded, hugging him again tightly, and Dean was NOT a hugger. "Yes. Thank you so much Cas. This was the best."
Castiel chuckled, leading him into the place, where they were greeted with a smile. "So, who's ready fornpie?" The man asked, showing them to a room where there are 30 different pieces of different pies. "help yourself."
Dean's eyes widened and he hurried over to the first slice, taking a few bites as he moaned in joy at the taste, continuing around the room tasting all the different pies, looking to be in heaven.
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