What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean chuckled, having too much fun to get embarrassed and nodded, taking position and breaking the triangle with skill, managing to knock a solid in. "Looks like I'm solids." He said, going to a side of the table and leaning over to angle just right for another one.

Lucifer nodded softly without hesitation. "Yes. I missed them... it's like you being without Dean. I just couldn't get past our disagreement..."
Dean managed to make another shot before missing the third. "You're turn." He said, tossing Michael the stick.

Lucifer blinked in surprise and looked up at Sam. "Why...?"
Micheal made a shot, and surprisingly it went right in the hole. "That never happens.." he mutters, making another shot then missing on the 3rd also, handing over the stick.

Sam smiled. "Well I just thought you might want to talk to him."
Dean chuckled. "Copycat." He teased then made another hole but missing the second one.

Lucifer looked down a little. "Honestly? I'm fine with things where they are in regards to him..."
Dean blushed a little at seeing Michael bending over like that and looked away quickly when he straightened up.

Lucifer nodded and kinda nuzzled into Sam's chest.
Dean knocked another in before missing. By the end of it he ended up losing by sinking the 8 ball before he got rid of all the solids.

Lucifer sighed happily and zapped them into bed.
Dean chuckled and nodded. "Yup, I slipped up."

Lucifer smiled and popped into some pjs as well. "I won't be here when you wake my love. I'll be making the best possible vessel I can for you." He kissed Sam softly.
Michael looked amused. "Cool. that never happens. I lose even when I play by myself." He replied, chuckling.

Sam snuggled him. "Alright. I'll miss waking up with you.. but I understand." He replies, giving him a kiss before yawning.
Dean laughed softly and nodded before smiling at Michael. "Thanks Micah. This has been a really good date..."

Lucifer smiled at the man and kissed him softly before running his hand through his hair until he fell asleep, then set about making his vessel.
Michael smiled softly. "Anytime, mon couer. I like spoiling you." He replied, blushing.

Sam practically purred as Lucifer ran his fingers through his hair. When he was asleep, he had dreams of his mate.. and a little fledging girl.
Dean blushed a little too and nodded shyly. "We should probably head back... It's getting late..."

Lucifer worked diligently on the vessel, building it from the base up.
Michael smiled softly and gave him a light kiss. "If you want"

Sam kept dreaming of that same girl. His floppy brown hair and icy blue eyes like luce, she was like looking at the two of them combined. Confused emotions ran through the bond, but also deep want. he had always wanted a daughter.. And she was named in the dream. Jessica. Jessica Mary.
Castiel looked up from his book when his older brother and mate appeared. "Hello Dean." Michael just smiled. Gabriel was off planning still. "Your date with me will be tomorrow. Your father insists on hunting. He said something about a yello eyed demon?"

Sam had waited 2 whole days for his mate, pining just a little. He didn't feel right when Lucifer was gone.
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