Monster Hunter; Hunt-a-thon (Crimson x StarMech)

Crimson shook his head. "No, it's alright. I do like idea. Maybe we could. Let's look around tomorrow. " He said, smiling at her.
Aiko smiled, "I'm glad. I just think you need to get used to being with others. And I want to help you through it."

That warm smile of kindness temporality suddenly shifted to a more devious one, as her finger drew circles around his chest. "And don't worry, we will always have some time for ourselves to have some fun~"

She knew he enjoyed their post-hunts bonks, so she assumed he'd miss them with others around. "I'll make sure to make up for the lack of post-hunt fun, okay? Trust me~

Crimson smiled and nodded. "I understand. And I'm glad you're trying to help. Just, don't be surprised if I act a bit, cold, like I was to you the first time. "

When she started to trace circles on his chest he chuckled and grabbed one of her breasts, slowly playing with it. "Oh, I'm sure you'll make it up to me for the lack of our after-hunt fun. "
Aiko groaned as she felt her breast being toyed with. "A-ah, damn can you still have energy..." She gasped at the way he played with her. HE knew where to touch and grope to get her going.

"Don't tell me you want another round..." She said in between gasps.

Crimson stopped and removed his hand, pulling it back. "That's up to you. If you have enough stamina, j wouldn't mind. But if you don't. That's fine too. "
Aiko laughed, "Maybe next time..."

She leans on to Crimson and kisses him on the cheek before laying her head on a pillow before drifting to sleep.
(My bad)

The next time day was a busy one. New hunters from all over came to Val Harbor to start training as a hunter. As such, the guild hall was full. Crimson and Aiko were sitting at one of the tables, drinking and eating, all the while, interviewing new hunters to join their party.
Aiko sighed in annoyance, tapping her fingers on the table. So far the candidates that have appeared to join them have been very lackluster.

Either egocentric jerks trying to show off, or sultry women trying to hit on Crimson, as well as muscle heads trying to hit on her.

" far, everyone has been awful." She groaned before taking a drip at her mead. "There's gotta be someone decent that wants to join us!"

((You can introduce your new member. Can be either the voyeur huntress from last time or someone else. Dunno what you have in mind.))
The day wasn't going so well. All of them seemed to only want to hit on one of them. After the last person, Crimson pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You're telling me. This seems impossible. We should've gone to Dundorma. "

After he finished his sentence, another huntress came to the table. She seemed shy and petite. She couldn't look at them in the eyes at first until she sighed and looked up.

"Hello... I heard you two were looking for new members for your team. I hope I could hel...' she finally got a good look at their faces and armor, remembering the two from the cave the other day. She let out an audible squeak before she looked down, her cheeks red.
((You could describe her given we don't even know how she looks like))

"Oh hello." Aiko said, looking at the huntress. She seemed pretty equipped; Quite pretty honestly. No like she'd say out loud.

Either way she wasn't trying to flex or try to hit on any of them so it was a decent start, "Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?"
The huntress studdered a bit, trying to talk.

"Well, my name is Himiko. I'm a new hunter, as you can tell, from my chain mail armor. " She said, messing with her long, red hair. "I've always wanted to be apart of a hunter team, and, hopefully, this is it. " Himiko said, looking up, a shine in her blue eyes.

"I see. " Crimson said, taking a quick chug of his drink. "Have you taken a hunt yet? "

"N-no. Not yet. " She shuddered, looking down again.
"Hm, well...everyone has to start somewhere, right?" Aiko said to her partner before turning back to Himiko, "What is your weapon of choice?"

She was getting good vibes from the girl. Sure she was really inexperience, but so was she back in the day. Nothing some good help couldn't fix. Of course, Crimson also has a hand on the choice so she wondered what he was thinking.
"I can use any weapon, from what I know. But I usually use my sword and shield." Himiko said, patting her shield. "I find it easier than anything else "

Crimson nodded. "I understand, quick combos, a quick guard, it's hard to not understand why it's a good choice. " He said. He sneaked his hand under Aiko's ass and gave it a squeeze. He chuckled at her.
Aiko couldn't help but give a short and cute yelp when her rear was groped. Her cheeks lightened up as she gave a glare at the man next to her, followed by a quick hit of the elbow.

"Well, everyone has to start somewhere, so I think we can help you out to become a great hunter and, in the long road, help eachother out with what is ahead." She said now looking at Himiko with a warm smile, "I think you should join. What about you, Crimson?"
Crimson couldn't help but chuckle when she elbowed him. "What? What did I do? " He said through giggles. He turned back to Himiko and nodded.

"I believe we'll give you a chance. After we get our fourth person, well go on a hunt, nothing to hard or too easy. Of we succeed, you're in. Actually, whether or not we succeed, you'll still be in. "

Himiko's face brightened. "Really?! Oh, I'm so glad, thank you very much!" She said through the brightest of smiles.

Crimson smiled back and snaked his hand to Aiko's ass again and squeezed it again, looking at her and almost laughing.

Himiko noticed and slightly blushed, "You two seem pretty close huh? "
((Sorry, my mac charge cable died and i wasn't able to use it lately))

"Y-yeah" Aiko said a bit embarrassed, but this time decided not to glare at her boyfriend. As cheeky as he was being, she couldn't deny his hands felt good.

"Anyways, we already pulled some strings to get us a full caravan wagon for us to travel in. As soon as we find a last member we will hit the road and head to another town to see if they need help. IT will be like a big family, backing up eachother against the odds!"
Crimson nodded and smiled. "A family huh? I suppose it could be like that."

Himiko nodded as well. "I've never ridden on a caravan before, only airships. I wonder how it'd be... "

Crimson chuckled and looked at Aiko. "I know how it'll be for me." He said, giving her a small wink.
Aiko just laughed at she gave him a punch to the shoulders, "shush you..." She joked. It was then when another figure approached them...

"Um, excuse there still a spot free...?"

A tall young man arrived, wearing a Rathalos Armor and carrying a big Hammer with him. He was tall; Taller than Crimson and appeared to be quite muscular, but not extremely so, but rather fitting for his height.

He removed his helmet to reveal his face. He had tanned skin, green eyes and short, but slightly spiky dark brown hair. "My name is Kei..."

"Woah, a Rathalos Armor. Very impressive." Aiko spoke.

"T-thanks. But it was my grandfathers, I have only fought one of them once to be perfectly honest, but I have been fighting Monsters for some time now so I'm improving a lot..."
Crimson and Himiko looked at the newcomer. Himiko was somewhat surprised at the size of him. He made her look so small. Crimson, however, was more surprised that someone like him only took down one Rathalos, and with a Hammer.

Crimson smiled. "There is still one spot free." He said. "Name's Crimson. " He gestured to Aiko. "And this is Aiko. We're the leaders of this group. "

Himiko smiled and did a little wave. "I'm Himiko, I just joined. Looks like you and me are the newbies. " She said with a bright smile.
"I'm Aiko." Said the blue haired girl.

The newcomer looked at all of them surprised, "S-so you mean i can join. I have always been a bit of a clutz but I promise I'll try my best."

The huntress smiled and spoke again, "Well, I can feel you do have the spirit, so I'm ok with it. "If Crimsons ays yes then welcome to the team. Hm, we should have a name or something..."
Crimson chuckled. "Sure, of course he can join. We just need to go on a hunt to test his skills as a hunter. " He placed a hand on his chin, thinking. "A name huh? I completely forgot about that."

Himiko hmmed a bit. "How about the Lightning Hunters?" She asked.

"Hmm, not sure..." said Crimson, he then looked at Aiko. "Got any ideas hmm? I believe I'm fresh out. "
"Lightning Hunters..." Aiko thought for a moment, "You know...I kinda like it."

"Y-yeah. Sounds fierce." Kei replied scratching the back of his head, "I guess everything is set, huh?"

The blue haired girl smiled, "Yup. We are from now on a team! So, Caravan Leader? What's our first act?"
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