Monster Hunter; Hunt-a-thon (Crimson x StarMech)

Crimson nodded. "Alright then," He said, downing his ale and standing up. "Since we are now, 'The Lighting Hunters,' I believe that we should hunt something that will SHOCK the rest of the competition." He said, smiling and chuckling at his own pun.

Himiko giggled at Crimson's pun. "Well, I guess it'll be a SHOCKING discovery, yeah?" She said, letting out a laugh now at her own pun as well.

Crimson couldn't help but laugh as well. "Ok, I like her already. Anywho, puns aside, we'll hunt the Zinogre, the Usurper. Shouldn't be that hard, unless we run into something else on the way there." He walked up to the counter and fished out a Zinogre hunt. He returned to the group holding it up. "Ancestral Steppes. Travel light, healing and some traps, however, no shock traps. It'll charge the Zinogre up and make it harder to deal with. And, be prepared for a LOT of climbing." He stuffed it in his pack and picked up his Glaive and Bugsy. "Meet at the gate whenever you're ready."

Himiko nodded and ran towards her Item Stash, fishing out any healing and traps she could find and/or afford, before contemplating on what weapon she should bring.
"Heh, I'm a Zinogre expect at this point. Haven't you seen my armor?" Aiko boasted as she flaunted her Zinogre armor. "We all f us together, it doesn't stand a chance!"

"Y-yeah. We can do this." Kei agreed although a bit more shy.

The group soon started to prepare for their upcoming Quest.

((You can time skip to it unless you have something else happening))
The four went out, boarding the airship and leave for the Ancestral Steppes. Once they land and take their supplies, they make their way to Area 8.

Climbing the cliffs, Crimson makes it to the top first. He peeks up and notices Thunderbugs moving towards a creature. He saw the Zinogre, gathering the Thunderbugs.

The Zinogre howls as he gathers the charge, electricity crackling in the air.

He looked down at the other three and quickly hurried them up. "Let's go, " he said, "It's charging. We've gotta interrupt it. "

Himiko climbed as quick as she could, also trying to make sure the two underneath her couldn't see up her skirt, easier said than done.
((I think you meant Himiko, right? Also glad to see you back.))

Aiko and Kei were not too far behind her, climbing up as well. Kei in particular was having a harder time. Dispite his bulky exterior, climbing was not one of his fortes. It didn't help that he was right underneath Himiko, who's short skirt was giving him an accidental and direct view of her cute soft blue panties.

"U-um..." Kei gulped, with a bright blush. He tried his best to look away but somehow always ended up staring. He then felt a soft jab on his side coming from Aiko.

"Eyes on the hunt there, Kei." She said followed by a smile. Kei's blush simply increased out of embarrassment. The three finally reached the top, reuniting with Crimson. The blue-haired gal nodding at her boyfriend as he explained the monster was charging up.

"Alright. Crimson, you have the better evasive moves, so you have to get the Zinogre to stay focused on you. Mount it if you can but try to lead it to Kei who has to charge and hit it right on the head." She whispered to her partners.

The ratahlos armor-wearing man nodded.

"Himiko, you're with me. We're gonna focus on that tail and get it sliced off." Aiko said after.
((Yeah, I did, phone changed it and I wasn't paying attention to it.))

Crimson nodded at Aiko and pulled himself up. He ran towsrds the Zinogre, who continued to howl, charging up still. He sent out Bugsy, smacking it in the face, and instantly grabbing the Zinogre's attention, breaking it's charge.

The Zinogre let out its roar, and charged towards Crimson. Crimson, ready for the charge, vaulted into the air, hopping over it, and letting it run straight to Kei, who was ready.

Himiko ran with Aine, keeping up with her, watching the two boys duel it out with the Zinogre. Crimson's acrobatic jumping, and Kei's hammer skills left her in awe. She nodded, encouraging herself and stood ready for the knock out.
Kei stood his ground. Nervous? Very. After all, there was a Zinogre rampaging furiously as it chased after Crimson right into his general direction. If he missed, he'd be tackled hard by the creature.

Still, he held his hammer tightly, charging energy as he was ready to strike. the beast was dodged by Crimson, who vaulted himself into the air, and was now going straight for him. Frowning in determination and swung his hammer upwards, smacking the Zinogre hard on its jaw and making the huge beast drops hard to the ground.

"Woah." Said Aiko impressed, "That's one hell of an swinging arm. Right, Himiko? Anyways, now it's our turn."

With that the huntress moved to the back of the beast, being unconscious gave them time to get some free strikes to the tail. Changing her Charge Blade into her axe form she swung slowly but repeatedly at the tail, ranking up the damage.
Himiko charged the Zinogre with Aiko, letting loose a combo on its tail. All the while, she couldn't take her eyes off of any of them. "So amazing, " she thought, taking it as inspiration. She continued her combo, finishing it off with a deadly vertical swipe, slicing the Zinogres tail.

The Zinogre, obviously feeling the loss of its tail, rose back up and howled in anger. It began charging again, finishing whatever charge it had left before the four attacked.

Crimson noticed this, and rummaged through his bag, looking for a flashbomb to stun it. Unfortunately, it seems he forgot to stock up on them after their last hunt.

As Crimson continued to rummage through his bag, Himiko, feeling determined after cutting it's tail, rushed the Zinogre, hoping to interrupt its charge and make the fight easier. Crimson again, noticed and called out to her. "No! Wait! It's too late! " He called. And indeed, it was, for when Himiko reached the Zinogre, it finished it's charge, and howled. It's fur and plates standing up and filled with an electric charge, it also let out a shock wave, which Himiko was unfortunately caught it. She was blasted back, and, with the Zinogre close to the edge of the cliff, she fell all the way down.

Crimson cursed to himself and jumped down after her, running over and checking on her. The Zinogre then began to charge towards the other two, hoping to knock them down, and get to the bottom if the cliff to get the other two.
"Himiko!!" Aiko exclaimed in worry. Kei was ready to lunge after her when Crimson rushed first, taking care of the situation.

"He can help her. We need to keep this Zinogre down!" The huntress ordered, stopping the bulky hunter from leaving his spot. he nodded and prepared his hammer one more time.

Aiko rushed to the beast, switching to her sword and shield mode and attack with a continuing barrage. She tried her best to fill her vials quickly, before cashing them in for a full charge. The zinogre swiped at her, knocking her on to her back. It rose it's paw to bring down but was stopped by a sudden dung bomb that disoriented it, courtesy of Kei.

Aiko took the moment and switched to her axe mode before quickly unleashing her full elemental charge. The sheer strength of the attack knocked the best down the cliff and right on the rugged and rocky floor beneath, killing it...

The blue haired woman and the tall hunter quickly climbed down to meet with the other two and see if they were okay.
Crimson was still trying to wake up Himiko while the other two held off the Zinogre. After applying some Lifepowder, Himiko stirred awake, she groaned and sat up, looking at Crimson for a second before looking down at the ground.

"I'm sorry... " She said. "I was reckless and wasn't thinking... " She looked up at Crimson, "Thank yo-" She was cut off by the dead Zinogre landing next to them. Himiko nearly jumped ten feet by the surprise.

"Looks like the Kid and Aiko killed it. That's it for our hunt. " Crimson stood up and offered a hand to Himiko, who took it and stood up. They both looked up and saw the other two climbing down to meet them. Himiko, still feeling bad about her recklessness, took this opportunity, while no one was looking, or so she would hope, she grabbed Crimson and kissed him for a second.

Crimson stood there, surprised at the sudden kiss by Himiko. When she pulled away, she put a finger to her lip, and turned back to the Zinogre, carving it. Crimson just stood there, still a little surprised, before shaking his head and turning to greet the other two.
Aiko did not seem to have noticed the sneaky action that Himiko just pulled off simply heading towards the two hunters and then to their hunt. "Seem this Zinogre was already hurt by something else before our arrival. Usually they don't go down this quick. Maybe we should leave a note with the Wycademy to survey the area in case there are bigger threats lurking around."

"A-are you two alright?" Asked Kei, still stuttering slightly in worry. The blue haired girl chuckled, "They are fine, man. Don't worry." The Rathalos armor-wearing lad sighed in relief, still a bit unsure.

"So, we better head back after we carve this thing. I could do with another Zinogre Jasper..."

The group got their loot out of the beast before heading back to camp. Quickly taken back to the city so they could return to their brand new caravan wagons....

((You can set them after the short timeskip as they are now in their off-time.))
Crimson and the others would get back To Val Harbor, where their new Caravan would be parked. When they got there, Crimson and the others took a tour, the Caravan had one cart for driving, another cart for cooking, several house carts, accompanied with doors for privacy, and one more cart for storage.

Crimson climbed I'm front, and got the Popos that tug the caravan ready, before signaling to the other to hop on. Once they were on, they headed off.

While on the way, Crimson took this time to brief history new group. "So, our first stop will be in the mountains, Pokke. Dress warm when we get to the snow, and, of course, well take breaks at any nearby villages or whatnot as well. Go ahead, get yourself situated of the cabins. " He said, sending them off but Aiko, whom he grabbed and pulled towards. "This is a good idea to know. " He said, pulling her into a kiss. "But, this means that we need to be quiet, ya know. " He said, smiling.

Himiko didn't leave to her cabin, instead, she stayed behind the door, silently watching Crimson and Aiko, like she did in the cave a few days ago. She couldn't help but watch, wanting to kiss Crimson again, and maybe, get Aiko involved, if she was up to it.
Aiko smirked as she was grabbed by the hip, pulling her close to her boyfriend "Oh my. Someone is very eager today. What's the reason?"

He then kissed her again, Aiko simply replying then speaking again, "That doesn't answer much, but I could use some relief too~"

She reached for the straps and bindings that keep her armor pieces together, undoing them and letting them fall to the floor. "Well, not that quiet." She said to answer his statement. "The salesman said each cabin has thick walls. I made sure of it..."

She selected the particular carriage knowing this very well, and unless someone had his or her head by the door there was no way they could be heard. Of course, she said this not knowing Himiko was doing just that and more by peeking into their cabin.

Half-dressed, Aiko leaned on the man and kissed his neck while her hands traveled south. He reached for his bottom clothing and sneaked her hands inside, quickly fishing out his hardened rod. "So, how do you want to do this?"
Crimson immensely groaned when she fished out his rod. "Well, I did enjoy the blow job you gave me. " He said, moving her arm to stroke his cock. "I would enjoy it again if you don't mind."

Himiko immediately grew wet when she saw his cock, crossing her legs together and silently whining in pleasure. She snaked a hand between her legs and began to stroke her slit, leaning into the door to get a better view.
Aiko gave a nod and quickly got on her knees. As Crimson had his back against the wall, she quickly pulled her bottoms down to get full access to his rod. Leaning forward she started to lick up the shaft, giving a long but slow lick each time to really rile him up.

Himiko had her eyes locked on this sight, rubbing herself to it. But a sudden voice made her freeze in place...


Looking behind her, Kai was standing right there, blushing brightly as he realized what she was doing. He was out of the Rathalos armor, meaning her was simply wearing a sleeveless green shirt with some grey short pants. Said shirt was somewhat tight against his body, showing off the tall man's amazing physique.

"W-what are you doing!?" He exclaimed, his face flushed. Luckily, Crimson and Aiko were too distracted to hear this time around.
Crimson moaned as Aiko licked his rod, how cock growing harder with each lick. Once he was as hard as he can be, he took her head and forced his rod in her mouth, making her head Bob up and down.

Himiko quickly took her hand out of her pants, spinning around and keeping her hands behind her, slowly closing the door, but not completely shutting it. "N-nothing, I'm not doing anything! " She said, keeping her eyes away from him. She couldn't help but admit that he did look good with the shirt being tight on his body.
Aiko gave a soft moan as she took the cock into her mouth, she slowly started to go up and down, tasting it full while her hand headed to his sack, softly caressing it with her fingers. "Mmmm..."

Kei's cheek remained red, as a small trail of juices slid down Himiko's leg due to her wetness and previous caress of her private parts, which caused the man to feel his rod stiffen inside his shorts.

"I um...I just want t-to apologize. I may have peeked..w-well..when you were climbing above us." As he tried to explain himself a loud moan caught both of their attentions. Kei kicked himself on the back of the ehad but he also had to now what the comotion was about.

Aiko was now speeding up her blowing, moving fast and causing Crimson to groan and moan her name. Her free hand, the one not fondling his sack, was busy caressing herself softly, not quite rubbing anywhere but making her body shiver in anticipation.

"Y-y-you were spying on them...d-doing that?" Kei whispered to the voyeur huntress. Face red.
"Ooooh, Aiko" Crimson moaned as she blew him and fondled his sack. He had his hands in her head still, slightly making her take more of his cock as she went faster. "Oooh yeah, Aiko... " He moaned again.

Himiko was red faced as Kei watched as well. "This isn't the first time." She admitted as she watched with Kei, her hand sneaking back to her slit, slowly rubbing it again. "I just couldn't help but do it again. " She said again

Crimson moaned more, nearly reaching his climax, "Aiko.... I'm close... " He said. After a few more seconds, he couldn't help it. He held her head and drove his cock deeper, making her deep throat him, and he released his load into her mouth, moaning her name.
Kei's eyes froze upon seeing their two leaders in a blowjob. Aiko looked so hot as she devoured Crimson's cock. It made the gentle giant to light up like a christmas tree, and his bulge to become more noticeable.

Aiko eagerly kept going, as Crimson calling her name turned her on something fierce. Eventually, she felt his hands push her deeper as he exploded inside of her mouth. Some seed dripping out her lips and into the floor by sheer force. She managed to swallow but couldn't help cough a bit. "Damn, you really were eager. That was a huge load..."

She moved towards the bed, swaying her hips that mesmerised both him and the peeking hunters before laying on her back against it and opening her legs. "Mind returning the favor?" She asked as she groped her now bare breasts.

Kei was really having trouble focusing. On one hand his eyes moved to Aiko, fondling herself awaiting her hunter to either lick her or fuck her. Shifting his gaze, he locked on Himiko; So beautiful and innocent looking, but now rubbing her slit right next to her, expelling some soft whimpers and moans. He could feel his dick urging to be released from his pants, almost hurting. "D-damn..."
Crimson was panting after his climax. "Yes, I was very eager. " He said, watching her walk towards the bed, feeling his cock get harder again. When she pressed her legs, he walked towards her. "I thought you'd never ask. " He said, getting in between her legs and beginning to lock her nether lips.

Himiko couldn't help but continue to rub herself, not caring that Kei was right next to her. Yes, she did notice the tent in his shorts and did fantasize about it. But, she did nothing, secretly hoping that he did something to her. Not just ramming his cock in, she wasn't ready for that yet, she wanted Crimson first.

Crimson's tongue moved around her lips, ylteasing her before moving his tongue into her hips, going in and out and flicking her clit while doing so.
"Ooooooh!!" Aiko arched back as Crimson's lip touched her slit, the mere kiss causing her whole body to quiver. She started to gasp louder when she felt his tongue enter her pussy, rubbing itself against her walls and causing loads of pleasure to cross all over her. "Ooh..such skills...ahn..." Aiko moaned. One hand moved to his head, caressing his hair as he continued his ministrations, while the other continued to squeeze her breast eagerly.

Kei couldn't resist anymore, as the sight of two gorgeous women doing this so close to him was driving him wild. He tugged his shorts down, enough to fish out his hard cock then started to stroke it. Himiko now had a good look at it; It was huge! Impressive even with his body type and shy attitude, and throbbing softly as the air became intoxicated in sensual desires. "A-ah..." Kei tried his best to keep his voice down, gasping and groaned as h stroked himself, glancing at Himiko back from time to time and seeing her hands working her slit.
Crimson smirked as he continued to lick in and out of her slit. He moved a hand over to her clit, rubbing it as he licked, adding the please. His other hand, went to his cock, slowly stroking it to keep himself hard.

Himiko starting to finger herself now, seeing Kei's cock fished out. Her legs became wobbly, standing too long while rubbing herself. She knelt on the ground, continuing to finger herself as she watched Kei stroke his cock and Crimson and Aiko go at it.
Aiko continued to moan. "R-right there...oh Crimson I w-want it...oooh..." There was not much else but relax and elt his man take her to high places. Gripping her sheets hard as he continued to eat her out.

Kei continued to stroke himself, blinded by the sexyness. He just couldn't stop, gasping and grunting. His breath heavy.

He continued to rub his hard cock rapidly, unable to get ride of these pent up tension...

"H-Himiko..." He whispered as he stared at her, "W-what do we do?" HE knew stroking himself alone wouldn't cut it to such hot image happening. And the sight of such beautiful girl going at herself like that made him wish he could do something.
Crimson continued, probing his tongue in and out, hoping to drive her to an orgasm quickly. While he ate her out, he groaned in pleasure. Wanting to just take her there and now. He held off for now, moving his hand in his cock to her slit, inserting a finger for maximum pleasure while he locks her clit.

Himiko stifled her moans, watching Kei stroke his cock and look cute while doing it. When he asked, she looked up at him. "What do you want to do? " She asked, still furiously fingering herself, looking him in the eyes.
Aiko's breathing became more erratic, moaning loader as her orgasm approached. Her body then tensed and quivered as a loud gasp escaped her lips. "A-aaah!..."

The climax had been reached. "Mmm..." She moaned. "You're so good at that~"

Of course she knew her love wanted more, and so she quickly rolled on to her side , giving her rear end toward him,wiggling it slightly. "Time for the main course, hm?"

Kei continued to stroke himself, unable to spot, his eyes fixated on Himiko as she inserted her fingers in. "I...I don't know. But please." He begged to the female newcomer, "I need something. Anything you want...this is so hot..."
Crimson backed up as Aiko turned around, showing her rear to him. He chuckled and rubbing his cock on her lips, before slowly pushing it inside, slowly pumping in and out of her.

Himiko though for a second, before she got closer to Kei's cock, and began to lick it slowly, using Aiko's tactics. After licking for a awhile, she moved her head to the tip, and placed her mouth on it, swirling her tongue around the head as she continued to finger herself.

Crimson moaned as he fucked Aiko, moaning her name and going faster with every other thrust. "Oh Aiko, you're so tight... " He moaned, reaching over and grabbing on of her breasts, fondling it while he fucks her.
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