Monster Hunter; Hunt-a-thon (Crimson x StarMech)

"Not really, I just noticed you like this." Aiko said, "Well, we could deal with it now or save it for later, your choice"

She stood up, leaving the bedsheets so he could seee her entirely naked frame, her hips swaying softly.

Crimson just looked at her naked body in awe, like he did every time. He grabbed her wrists and sound her around, and pulled her back to him.

"Well, " he asked, keeping her close, "which would you prefer, my lovely lady?"
Aiko thought for a moment. On one hand she enjoyed their intimacy where nobody could interrupt them, but also she had gained a kink of doing it it in the outdoors as well. As such, every option was a good one for her.

"I really can't chose, Crimson. Is really up to you" She said.

Crimson chuckled. "Fine fine. Well do it later." He said as he let go. He went to his armor rack and picked his usual Battle Set and Kenzie helm.

When they got to the hall, Crimson led Solo to the counter. "Your pick whichever you want. " He said, already having a back up quest in mind if she didn't know.
Aiko huffed, "You always make me pick. Just chose yourself"

She was now wearing her new Rathalos Z armor made form the Azure Rathalos they have hunted these past few days. She looked very good in it. "It shouldn't be too hard. Just pick something good"

Crimson only smiled. "Already ahead of you. " He turned to the guildswoman and pointed at a quest. "There, Taostra please. " He said, accepting the quest. He looked back to Aiko.

"May wanna bring Deodorant and Cold Drinks, it's gonna be in the dunes. Who knows, maybe we can find a place afterwards. " He said with a wink.
"Woah, not an easy one. Should have expected it from you." Aiko commented as she crossed her arms. She nodded at the instructions and quickly equipped herself with the necessary items.

"Well, shall we go? I'm gonna hold you on that last bit, by the way." She continued with a wink.

Crimson nodded and boarded the transport. He turned back to Aiko, smiling. "Trust me, I will "

When they got to the dunes, Crimson led the way again, drink a Psychosyrem. When they found the Taostra, he went into a crouch and tried to stay out of sight. "You have hunted a Taostra, right? "
Aiko, once again, followed his lead. Drinking the cool brew before venturing into the heated sands ahead. Despite the protection, it was still incredibly hot, making the blue-haired woman sweat.

Eventually they reached the Teostra and she quickly ducked besides him. "Only once," She admits, "And didn't go too smoothly."

Crimson nodded. "Right then, then you know what it can do. Be careful of the explosive dust. Use the deodorant to get them off, or roll to get it off. " He got up and threw down a smoke bomb fogging the area up so the Teostra wouldn't see them coming up.

He looked at Aiko before running in. "This is one monster I'd definitely be careful around, I nearly died against one. I wouldn't like to almost die again. " He then moved to charge it, sending Bugsy out to collect the extracts
As the Kinsect impacted the monster, the Teostra roared with a great might. Its claw slashed at the ground, lifting a cloud of mixture between dust and explosive powder into the air in front of him.

Aiko rushed alongside Crimson, dodging the dangerous dustcloud and moving to the creature's back, where she attacked with a series of slashes followed by a shield thrust.

Crimson vaulted over it, attacking it's back as he did. Once he did enough, the Frosted fell over, allowing Crimson to mount it and try to stab at its nape. That, however, was easier said than done. Almost immediately after Crimson got on, it rose to the air and began thrashing to get him off.

Crimson held on however, nearly losing his grip before he did enough damage to send the Teostra flying down o the ground. At the same time, he was too, and he landed on the sand with a huge 'thud'. He slowly got up, groaning as he did, and charged the Teostra again. He narrowly dodged the annoying Cephalos that decided to remain while they fought the monster as well.
"Seems good so far" Aiko thought as she switched to her Axe Mode, now that the Teostra was down. With her charged vials she delivered a flurry of explosive slashes to it's rear. Not only going for damage, but also attempting at slicing its tail.

Soon enough, she could feel the beast moving and getting up, prompting her to take a step back.

Crimson did a few slashes to the monster while it was down, missing a chance to go for it's tail. When it got up, it let out a massive roar, and fire started to leak from its mouth, meaning it was gonna be difficult to attack it's head without taking damage.

Only a few seconds after it was enraged, the duo doing a good amount of damage, the Teostra rose a few feet in the air. Crimson couldn't feel the heat leave the surrounding area, and go into the Teostra. He gasped and sheathed his weapon, going to knocked Aiko out of the way.

He shoved Aiko, and as soon as he did, the Teostra went supernova, a move that has downed many hunters. Crimson was sent flying, nearly unconscious, and on fire.
It all happened so fast. At a few moments ago she was unsparingly slashing at the Teostra, the next moment she was frozen unable to think of a plan as the creature elevated ready to blow.

It was then when Crimson just shoved her out of the danger zone, only for him to get caught in it.

Her eyes widening as she saw him blast into the other end of the area. Hurt and still burning. Everything else around her just shut off, and without any other worry more than his safety, she rushed to his side.

"Crimson!!" She yelled as she arrived to him, she kneeled to check on his health, putting out the few fire that still clinger to him. "C-come on wake up. Please, please wake up..."

Crimson groaned, and slowly moved. He sat up, and looked behind Aiko, seeing the Teostra charging. Despite his injuries, he quickly grabbed a flash bomb and blinded the monster. Once he did, he staggered to his feet, once he was in his feet, the damage was more noticeable. Parts of his armor were destroyed, and his hood had holes burned into it.

Crimson smirked and looked at Aiko. "Second time I almost died to a Teostra, that's exactly what I didn't want to do. "
"I won't let it get you again..." Aiko promised before focusing on the monster at hand. Taking advantage of a nearby ledge she jumped into the air and bring her axe mode charge blade upon the beast, hitting it hard on the back.

It made it tumble and allowed her to ride it, stabbing wildly while also gripping whenever the beast shook. Eventually the many stabs caused it to drop once again. She was decided on protecting her now-boyfriend.

((I'm not the best at fights so if you want something else to happen do tell))

While Crimson took a few Mega Potions, the Teostra moved frantically to get Aiko off it's back. It couldn't, however, as it was forced into the ground. While Aiko dealt damage, Crimson finished healing, and unsheathed his glaive. He charged forward, sending out Bugsy, and unleashing a combo on the Teostra. After a few combos, it fell.

Crimson sighed as it fell, walking over to it and carving it. He moved back and stretched, his body ached from the supernova. Hetunred back towards the dead monster and scoffed at it.
Aiko, dropped to her knees, sighing in relief. It was over. She moved to Crimson and craved the Teostra for pieces. This would be nice to create a new weapon.

"A-are you sure you're okay?" In the past she'd have acted way tougher, but something about Crimson made that caring side of her pop out sometimes.

She started to check him out looking for any grave wounds.

"I'm alright. " He said as she checked for any wounds. "Gonna have to scrounge up a new armor set. This thing is ruined." He chuckled as he stretched again. "That's the same move that nearly killed me before. Didn't think it'll try to kill me again. "
Aiko looked at it and said. "Oh, it doesn't look that broken. I bet the Smithy can fix it without you for a small fee even. Don't worry."

The blue haired girl then leaning on him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before backing away. "I forgot, thanks for the save, mr. gallant hero."

She looked up to the sky as it seemed to be setting. "Should we go back to camp now?"

Crimson scoffed when Aiko called him a hero., "I'm no hero. Only a chosen few are heroes. I do know some who were. " he put on a fake smile and looked at the sun as well. " we could, if you want to. "
Aiko did pick up on his smile. Pondering to herself, she never really pried into her guy's history. However after what just faced she didn't want to bring his spirits down even more.

"Well, unless you have something in mind, let's head back." Said as she started walking.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked beside her. He wouldn't tell his past unless she asked. Before they got beat the camp, he led her to a small cave. Once they got far enough, he pulled her into a kiss while his hands roamed her sides.
Aiko followed him, thinking they'd head back to the camp to be picked up, but as she was distracted she soon found herself inside a secluded cave. "Wait Crimson this isn't the ba-mmh!"

It twas then when her lips clashed with his. That warm and delicious of his kisses returning once more. Her body shivered with gusto as his hands started to caress her sides, roaming her body. She couldn't help herself, and kissed back almost instantaneously. she kept it for a while before pulling back for a sec.

" sure you want to...?" She asked, her face flushed.
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