Monster Integration Program (wiki234 and PastelCreme)

"Okay" she said as she left his side and grabbed the loaf of bread. As she started making the toast she blushed deeply hearing his comment on how good they looked. "I love the new clothes! They are really comfortable to move in. Thank you for getting them for me!" She was glad he liked what she wore, whether it was this or her usual robes. "I'm happy you like the robes. I put a lot of hard work into the embroidery on all of them. Though my skills aren't nearly as good as my mother's yet." She explained as she grabbed a knife to start cutting the holes in the bread. Chione was great at making embroidery though she wasn't skilled nor patient enough to make the detailed designs her mother created. When she finished cutting the holes she took the plate of toast over to Kairu "Does this look right?" she asked him, holding the plate out.
" well your good though..." He said encouraging her to be better at what she could do with that. He continued for a bit longer before finishing and finally moving on to the last egg as he turned to look over at the plate, " yeah that's fine, though I would also like to get another pan please, low cupboard behind me, the right one. Find the same pan as the one I'm using please..." He told her as he continued cooking. " I'll be done soon" so you can watch tv or wait and watch me still if you want..." Kairu gave a yawn and a small stretch, " I hope I can try my best to cook some good stuff like this more often, and try to show you things as often as well...." He really would want to put a little work in seeing that they would be happy while they were here with him.
"I should keep practicing my skills. I brought a few supplies with me so I don't get rusty. Perhaps I should try making some more masculine robes for you." she suggested. Chi thought about what colors would look best on him before deciding he would look just as charming in nearly everything. "I hear human stores have a much larger variety of fabrics and threads. Do you think some time we can check out one of those stores?" When she was asked to get another pan, Chione nodded, setting the plate of cut toast down and going to the cupboard to retrieve a matching pan. Moving a few things around she found what she was looking for. She sat it on a free burner. At his side she smiled at him. "I'll just hang out here if you don't mind, I like your company." She said leaning against the counter top.

Sanura woke up again, this time the smell of food too tempting not to wake up and investigate. She wore just a pair or pink panties and a light grey tank top. Her hair was a bit messy as it fell into odd curls over her shoulders and down her back. Rolling out of bed she made her way out of her room, yawning and stretching as she did so. Once in the kitchen she asked "Morning... Whats for breakfast?" She then went to the other side of Kairu and took a seat on the counter, looking over at the eggs and toast. She raised an eyebrow at the toast. "Why are there holes in the bread?" she asked rubbing her eyes.
He took the pan and put the bread in it as it started to sizzle a bit waiting for a moment, turning to look over at chi. "Hmmm I wouldn't mind dressing like that once in a while, it could be like a gift or souvenir from you...." He smiled and shrugged offering his thought about it slowly he continued as he scooped the eggs over and placed them in the other pan again continuing for a moment before he stretched a bit, " that's fine then....yeah maybe we could I'll try to see if I could fit that in somewhere then..." Nodding that he would think about bringing her there sometime like she wanted.

He turned to see Sanura finally " good mor-ning?" He asked with what she was wearing his face red from seeing her like that. " uhh g-good morning Sanura...." He moved away from her just a tiny bit as she sat on the counter as he scooped the eggs and transferred them though setting the eggs down in the holes of the bread. " ok now we use wait for the outer part to cook and stick to the bread..." He wiped his forehead with a smile as he scooped the bread into the plates with the egg yolks sizzling in the bread. " hmm I guess I could call this the egg core breakfast sandwich...because you try to take a big bite and get the egg and the bread together. Slowly he balanced the plates turning to walk out to the table and setting the plates down. " go ahead and try it...." He said wanting to see what they would think.
Chione liked the idea of getting to make him some traditional robes. Already she was planning it out in her head when Sanura came down. "Good... morning?" she asked confused. She noticed the neko was wearing just panties on her lower half. She wondered if that was a big deal to humans? Seeing at how he had reacted to seeing her in a bra the other day she figured that would be the case, but he just blushed and kept cooking. Maybe things were different around the house? That had to be the case. Still, she felt a little angry that Sanura wasn't fully dressed and in front of Kairu. "What happened to your bottoms?" she asked her sightly irritated.

San stretched out her mile long dark legs in front of her. "I probably kicked them off in the night." She laughed a little adding "I guess I should warn you guys, I have a habit of getting naked in my sleep." She watched as Kairu finished cooking. "Looks good." she said, hopping down from the counter as he plated the dish and set it on the table. She walked over and took a seat, pulling her legs up and crossing them in the chair. When she made herself comfortable she picked up the bread and took a big bite. "Mmm..."

Chione was concerned by what the other said. She was not letting Kairu ever go in and wake her up in the morning. She followed them and sat at the table before digging into breakfast. Nodding her head as she chewed. When she swallowed she smiled "That is really delicious, thank you for cooking breakfast for us." Chi smiled before going in for another bite.
" I really wish you had a little decency...." He sat down with a sigh as he started to eat himself turning on the tv and leaning back a bit. Kairu really had to be very careful with Sanura's awkward habits compared to chi who seemed very opposite to her with what he's noticed so far. Soon he would finish standing up to get some water and wash his hand as he sat on the couch leaving his plate at the table not bothering at the moment.

" well you know I told you about the zoo, I guess I'll pack for the trip then and you guys can change and look nice....we should be leaving then in half an hour..." He explained leaving them as he went upstairs to his room to take a shower and change before heading back down with black shorts and an orange and black shirt with some designs on it as well as a grey jacket as he stretched going into the kitchen and starting to cook some easy things for the trip.
Sanura was actually starting to feel bad about her behavior when he told her he wished she had a little decency. "I'm sorry..." she said looking down and adding "I'll try harder." She continued eating breakfast. Perhaps should should try being a little more like Chi. San didn't think the other was all that special, but even she had to admit that Chi was closer to the human standard of decency then her. She was irritated by this, but kind of understood. She finished her meal quickly before heading upstairs to change into something nice.

When Chione finished eating and went up stairs to the bathroom just to freshen her breath and make sure everything was in place. Before heading downstairs she grabbed a little purse with a long strap she could put over her body. After that she went downstairs to the table and collected the dirty dishes, bringing them to the sink. "Need any help?" she asked as she did so.

Sanura Took her time getting dress, she had a lot of clothes, but no real idea on what she wanted to wear. In the end she settled for a knee length white dress, sandals, and a belt. As usual she wore several bracelets, rings and a pair of long gold earrings. She finished off by pulling her hair into a neat pony tail. A while later she walked downstairs to the kitchen where the other two were.
" sure that would would be good, thank you..." He said accepting the help as he had just finished making some simple sandwiches, putting them in a bag then going in the fridge for some drinks until he had the food already done and ready for the trip. Setting the bag on the counter he turned take one of the dishes and starting to wash them letting her take the others as well.

Soon kairu leaned against the counter looking over at the tv going over to turn it off as he noticed Sanura and in a new outfit. " wow looks good Sanura..." Pausing for a moment as he looked over at chi just noticing her different outfit as well, " you look really good too chi...." He smiled going back into the kitchen to get the bag then the keys soon he lead all of them out into the garage as he waited for them to get in placing the bag of food in the back and backing up then finally driving to the zoo they would be spending most of the day at for now. " sooo...anywhere you guys wanna see first? The fish, or the lizards or the lions? Things like that...we have to plan the exhibits too, which I forgot to ask before but we'll see most of everything you guys want to see, we got lots of time there..." He explained leaning back as he turned on a bit of music and continued driving.
San looked down at herself when he complimented her outfit. She didn't think it was anything special. Especially when compared to the more festive and traditional clothing she liked to wear, much like yesterday. Still it made her happy that he thought she looked good. She hopped in the backseat of the car and leaned in between the two front seats as the other two got in and they made their way to the zoo. "I have to see all the big cats!" she said excitedly. This was probably obvious coming from a neko. Plus she did come from Egypt. Ancient Egypt worshiped cats and nekos, her hometown was a little slow on the times and still put felines on a pedestal.

Chione sat in the front passenger seat. "I'd like to see the lions," she started while nodding her head "But I'd love to see fish or reptiles too. We don't have either of those back home." She looked out the window watching all the buildings that went by. "I don't have a whole lot of preferences though since I really just want to see everything. If we don't get to everything we could always come back at another point in time. It's not like we will be leaving any time soon." As she said this she turned to Kairu with a smile. Chi figured if they missed something here, then that was just another thing to look forward to at a later date.

When they arrived at the zoo, Sanura was the first to unbuckle and jump out of the car. She was actually very excited to see the animals and couldn't hide the grin she had from ear to ear.
He simply smiled at chi glancing over behind and seeing Sanura happy too. For now he just ignored everything continuing to drive as they finally headed through the gates and into the parking where he got out and stretched a bit closing he door behind him and locking the doors once they were all outside. " well actually this zoo is divided by areas of the world that most of the animals are from..." He states putting his behind him as they made it to the line where the finally got tickets and we're ready to start exploring for the rest of the day now. " the areas are divided with animals that only live in that certain part, like Africa we could see the big lions, or Australia we could see from there they have deserts so you could see mostly snakes and other things..."

" well I don't really care, so I'll just follow...but please don't run off..." Looking over at Sanura, " most of the big cats we'll though not all of them at once..." He smiled as he waited for them to go, " well since you wanna see lions and that's one of the big cats San wants to see we can go there first..." Slowly he followed behind them waiting to answer any questions they had about most of the animals if they did have.
"Africa it is." Chi said as they walked through the entrance. The first thing she noticed was a large map with all the different sections of the zoo. It had a big red dot indicating where they were and all the different exhibits in each section. "Looks like it's just over there!" she said pointing to the left excitedly. Chi took Kairu's arm, wraping her own around it before walking off to see the exhibit.

Sanura wondered how many creatures she could recognize in the African section. She figured most of them could be found in her homeland. She had come face to face with several different animals native to Egypt do to the animal rescue and rehab center not far from her home. San couldn't help but walk quickly and it took quite a bit of self control not to run off to see the big cats of Africa. "Hurry up slow pokes~" she teased from a few feet ahead. Finally they got the the African section. They had a number of animals, hippos, mongoose, jackals, aardwolf, elephants, and crocodiles. They even had some camels you could feed and ride.

Best of all they had a couple big cats. A lion and lioness had a large cage to themselves. Both cats sat basking in the sun. San immediately spotted them, her ears perked up as she made a quick trot towards them. She wrapped her hands around the metal bars as she watched them. The end of her tail could be seen flicking happily as it peeked out from under her dress. "Ah! Aren't they so stunning!" she said as the lion stood and stretched. "They are kind of fat, but their coat looks healthy." she commented to herself. The felines were lazy, but they seemed content. She would be too if her only job was to sit around and look pretty. Sanura would love to sleep all day and have food brought to her. Though she might want better accommodations.
" ok then let's start..." He said looking around before he was suddenly pulled by chi not really expecting her to be so close like that, he would think she wouldn't be like that him after the first day but he didn't say he would hate it either. He simply smiled a bit as he followed next to her seeing Sanura leaving them behind. " well I can't exactly blame her..." He said seeing Sanura pretty happy with herself being good that he didn't worry much as long as she was close enough and having a bit of fun.

Slowly they reached the other girl as he put his hands on his pockets with chi close to him, " African lions, they are the top predator, and it's mostly rare to see a lioness with a tiger since their mating happens only once or twice a year and it doesn't last for maybe only 1-2 weeks..." He started to explain. " they don't really do anything but sit around, hunt, defend their pride, or find a mate. But other than that, that's it. The bigger the mane you see on the male tigers means he's the top dog..." Kairu glanced over at chi then to Sanura then back to the lions in front, enjoying the sight himself.
Sanura looked back at him with a bit of surprise. "I'm impressed by how informed you are." she said, giggling and adding "Or are you reading that somewhere?" San knew a lot about the big cats from her homeland, though didn't think that was common knowledge for just anyone. She figured he must have stumbled upon the information one day and remembered it. By that logic he must be full of interesting information. San turned her attention to the lion which found another place to plop down and take a nap. "I completely understand buddy..." she murmured to herself.

Chione stepped up to the edge of the exhibit with a smile. "Wow, they look just like the pictures in my books..." she said to herself. After a while though she wanted to look at something else since the lions really weren't doing anything at the moment. "Let's go check out those dogs next." she said pointing to the jackal in the next exhibit. Chi took Kairu by the hand as she lead him over there. "Do you know what these are?" she asked him curiously.

Sanura was satisfied with her time with these cats and walked closely by Kairu as they went with Chione to the next exhibit.
" I do like animals. Most of this is easy to understand and it's mostly logic. When you see a lion you know its the top predator of somewhere, it's huge and strong..." He replied with a shrug as he felt chi's pull turning to walk with her to see what's next. "Hmmm jackals well basically wild dogs seeing that they are related to dogs and wolves. Just apply wolf logic to these guys, they hunt in packs and they ambush anything smaller than them so like rabbits or mice..."

He gave a small cough for a moment seeing as he strained his voice just a bit to explain a few things about the animals to them. Kairu leaned against the rail a bit watching them doing various things, some walking around, playing with each other, or just sleeping or sitting there.
Chione was fascinated by the creatures and stood close, looking though the bars at the jackal. Sanura had no interest in the dogs. This was mostly due to the fact that she had seen them many times before. She turned to Kairu when he coughed "Are you okay?" she asked, though figured he was going to be fine since he showed no other signs of discomfort or illness. She took him by the arm and smiled up at him "This is turning out to be funner that I thought, thanks for bringing me."

Chione turned to see San holding onto his arm. She felt a little upset that she had to share the others attention. Even so she painted on the biggest smile she could muster as she clung to Kairu's other arm. "Well it wouldn't be nice to leave you home all alone." She tried to quietly hint to Sanura that she was really the third wheel.
" yeah I'm fine..." He said slapping his chest lightly to get his couches out before dropping his arm and looking back over at the jackals a bit more so he could observe more closely for a moment this being the first time he's seen them. He turned to look around wondering where to go next as he felt a pull from beside him seeing that it was Sanura holding his other arm, giving a light blush as he just ignored it letting her hold onto him though now being locked with his arms by both of them.

" of course the zoo is good, it's a place to see and learn stuff and I like learning..." He gave a light chuckle then glanced over at chi, " yeah...but I know that eventually you would be bored form being alone and sleeping so of course you would want to come anyway...but whatever your having fun so it's good..." He nodded looking around at the signs, " so we can leave Africa..." He paused for a moment thinking maybe a desert place like Australia? You can see spiders, centipedes,snakes, kangaroos, and koalas. Those are what's common there..." Kairu took a deep sigh feeling a bit tired from talking a lot for now.
With a girl on each arm, they walked out of the African section to the Australian part of the zoo. Both girls looked around at the animals they passed on the way there. The first creature they came upon was the snakes. They had a large variety of them including dangerous ones like the east and west brown snakes. Most of the snakes were hard to recognize from the pictures mounted on signs, all looking pretty much the same from that distance. The red bellied black snake was easy to spot though. "These snakes are all really cool, but I'm glad we don't have any back home. It would be kind of scary to come across one while walking along." Chione commented.

Sanura didn't care much for snakes. She had plenty back home that were far more interesting to look at. Her eyes wandered around to the other animals the section had to offer. Her eyes stopped when they came across the koalas. "Hey look! Someone is in the koala pen!" She then tugged the other two along behind her. One of the keepers was in holding a koala like a baby in her arms as she talked to people on the other side of the fence. The koala was young and being bottle fed by the female keeper. Chione beamed as she watched the koala drink. "That's so cute!" she said excitedly adding "I wish I could hold it." Sanura then nodded her head in agreement.
He continued to look around at the other things besides the snakes being quiet for a bit to rest his voice and because they were mostly to themselves for now. He had already seen a few of them being the most common of course but it was a bit cooler to see them up close. Suddenly he felt a tug beside him then a pull as he looked over to a crowd of people seeing the same person in the pen being a koala exhibit.

He stood there quietly just watching everything in front of him commenting himself, " there's sometimes special backstage programs where a few of the animals are used for hands on, so it's possible you could hold a koala if you were to sign up for a program sort of thing..." For now he would let them go wherever but hopefully not with the chance of being dragged all over the place and either of them running off. Turning his head way and leaning back a bit he would be able to seethe other small exhibits along the walls, showing off some scorpions and spiders and smaller lizards.
It seemed like for the first time since their meeting, the two girls were too preoccupied to bicker with one another. Both girls awed over the young koala for a while. When it finished it's bottle the keeper then left, bringing the young animal back with her. Chione looked up at Kairu who was looking at some of the other exhibits long the wall. "Would you like to go check those out next?" she asked with a smile.

Sanura looked up at him, following his gaze towards the wall then back to him. "Sorry, I don't mean to drag you all over the place. If there is something you want or don't want to see just speak up. I won't bite you." A playful grin spread across her lips. "Well, unless you want me too~" she added with a giggle.

Chione rolled her eyes at the other's comment. "Lets go check those out." she said, gently leading him to the exhibits, the first being the scorpion. The second she saw it she said with a small smile "I'll add that to the number of reasons I love my home."
Kairu couldn't really see much but it wasn't really too bad of an angle to see what was inside for the moment as he glanced back over at the koalas then back to the other exhibit again. Though seeming to space out a bit for a moment as he looked over at her " sure..." He said to chi before hearing what Sanura said wanting to face palm but not able to because they took both his arms and he didn't really care much accept the fact they were with other people and of course could be taken awkwardly like that.

Slowly he followed chi as she took him along behind her, getting a better and closer look of it now. " hmm...yeah you don't have a lot of animals that can live in the cold like these guys, though Egypt is a desert so there should be a lot of these guys...but their a slightly different species than these Australian ones..." He pointed out thoguh wondering a bit of people looking at him weird for having two girls holding him so close on either sides. He didn't think much of the shallow thought as he leaned over seeing a darker brown colored scorpion in another glass enclosure beside the one he was looking at. " hmm and these guys are bigger predatory species..." He observed leaning to get a better look at the other one.
Neither of the girls really cared what anyone else thought of them both holding onto Kairu. Both girls didn't want the other to be the only one clinging to him. Sanura could feel the looks from others now and again but brushed them off. Chione was oblivious to how people looked at them and didn't see anything wrong with the picture.

Sanura looked through the glass and nodded, seeing the difference. "Yeah, these look quite a bit different then the ones I've come across." She then looked over at the scorpion Kairu turned to. "It looks scary, but I heard that no one has died from a scorpion sting in Australia before. Still I'd hate to be on the other side of the glass with any of them.

As the other two looked at the scorpions, Chione peeked at the creature in the next window. It was a small lizard. It scales were unlike anything she had seen before. Most creatures in the mountains were covered in thick furs or feathers to keep them warm. She watched as the lizard remained completely still as it sun bathed on a rock. She smiled as she read the little plaque "I love how all the animals have there own names."
" well they are the same animals but in different conditions..." He shrugged turning to look at something else now. " well cause scorpions are in deserts and they come at night so there's no risk..." He replied leaning a bit closer to get a better look at this time a spider a spider that was pretty big and had a dark brown color just sitting in the corner. " names could be based on color, behavior or patterns, or other things that are only for that species..." He gave a small stretch as he stood up straighter, " so I was thinking you guys wanna eat yet or see more then?" He asked glancing over at the people then to the lizard that chi was looking at.
Sanura smiled standing up straight "Mmm... I could go for lunch now!" she said cheerfully. She was only a little peckish, but San loved food and wouldn't turn down the opportunity to eat. In her mind, every meal was the most important meal of the day and shouldn't be skipped. Snacks or desserts should never be turned down. Her brothers and sisters often teased her, that her metabolism wasn't going to always be able to keep up with her. She figured she should enjoy her metabolism while it lasted. Plus with what experience she had with Kairu's cooking, she thought he was pretty good. Lunch was something to look forward to. Chione nodded in agreement, "We can go ahead and eat now."
"Mm..ok then..." He simply gave a nod as he turned to walk out from one of the long halls opening the door as they finally walked out back to the decently hot outside air, not being too bad out now where they were at the moment. Slowly he looked over around him to see if there was a restaurant around seeing that it would be a bit of a walk with none nearby without having to head for a new steadily of animals and a restaurant of cafe close.

He leaned over a bit on chi's side as she was still holding his arm, taking from the pocket a map to see where they were standing back up straight as he looked over it. " well ok then we can go here to a new area that has a place where we could sit then..." Gazing up behind and in front of him to see which direction it would be and starting to walk. " this place has animals in it that live in the Savannah. Maybe meer cats or giraffes maybe..." He shrugged trying to thinking for a moment as he continued to walk.
When Kairu leaned in close to Chi she blushed a little bit. They had been standing close all day on account of her holding onto his arm since they arrived but for a brief moment their heads were closer than before. She noticed how great his hair smelled from his shampoo. The silly thought just made her blush a deeper shade of red. She looked in another direction as he looked over the map. "T-that sounds nice. Maybe we will get to see some of them." she said as they began to walk together.

Sanura looked over the map as he did, checking out all the other sections of the zoo they didn't see. She was a little surprised how much more there was to see. Obviously it would take many trips to actually see them all. It was impressive to see that they actually collected all these animals from all over the world and brought them here. "I wonder how they go about getting all of these animals? Especially when some of them might be on the verge of extinction." she commented as they walked.
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