Monster Integration Program (wiki234 and PastelCreme)

"Ok then we're the same again..." He gave a light chuckle remembering yesterday about her getting the same thing with the burgers from the restaurant. Kairu finished his part as he took played and set them out on the counter taking a plastic straining bowl and taking the noodles out as the water seeped through the holes leaving the warm well cooked noodle sitting there. Slowly he turned and divided up the noodles then turned to the pan with the shrimp and worked on it a bit more before he finally added them on top of the noodles for himself and chione. " that's fine, it will be as fun as the zoo after you learn about the animals that don't really live in the mountains..." He took the pan and melted the butter, " ok now add the meat in here, and then I can handle the rest, you guys can go sit in the table while I finish this, you did good helping out..." He went over patting chi's head again feeling a bit proud of her.

As he started to finish cooking the meat and playing everything he of course turned to Sanura, " going out to the mall at night, playing games..being busy...regular stuff, nothing too overly special..." He shrugged. Kairu was just a normal human who didn't have really an exciting life compared to someone who lived in another part of the world and who was even a monster. " there's really nothing fun to do usually at all around here..."
Chione finished chopping up the meat and placed it in the pan. She beamed up at Kairu when he patted her head. "I love helping out in the kitchen, so I do this whenever you need!" She would have loved to help him out in the kitchen more often. "Maybe I can cook for you one of these nights. Do you think at the store tomorrow I can pick out some ingredients?" she asked this, though she was sure the other would say yes. He was a fairly relaxed person who was alright with just about everything, well, except for helping a girl with her bra. Chi would need to master that without bothering him.

San couldn't help but roll her eyes as Chi was patted on the head, instantly looking for more favor. "Good dog." she murmured under her breath to herself as she thought of how much the other female reminded her of a pet dog. She had a few golden retriever qualities. Sanura listened as he list off everything he enjoyed most. Most of what he said seemed boring like he said. Well, she always had the option of curling up in the sun and taking a nap while he went off and did his own thing. But, if Chi was also with him, she would have to go too. If anything, picking cat fights were fun. "Games huh? You'll have to show me a few sometime, especially if their competitive."

A moment later, both girls went to the table as he finished preparing the meal. The two girls sat on opposite sides, Chi didn't really feel like talking to Sanura and looked away. "Why the cold shoulder Popsicle?" San asked before giggling at her own childish humor. Chione raised an eyebrow "Funny, I didn't peg you to like the cold so much, here." she said, holding out her hand and sending a chill out towards Sanura. The cat shivered and hissed when the cold blast hit her.
" well then you can be the cook assistant then, well sure if you have something in mind. For me that's good to try it would be interesting." He walked out setting the plates down with a fork in front of them as he took the seat that was between. Kairu now started to eat himself as he looked over to San, " yeah most of them are, I'm guessing you found everything I said besides games boring and you would rather stay home and laze around right?" Kairu would have very much assume that she was someone who always wanted excitement but in a human society that wasn't really possible very often to always be out even then there was nothing fun to do either most of the time.

" Are you guys ok?" He asked hearing the tone of chi toward the other girl, as he decided to let it go continuing to eat himself as he turned on the tv. " there anything after the zoo and after stocking up you wanna do? I was thinking of going to the mall again, it's really beautiful with the stars out and the lights from the shop, I think it's actually a good place that people go on dates on too you know." Kairu was really now starting to try a bit hard to at least see Sanura smile or say she was having fun.

He turned to chi, " your lucky if we go there to try a new flavor for ice cream you know, how's that? And we didn't check out the whole mall anyway..." Of course he would Ana's but he hoped that what he said to chi even with the ice cream would help her to tell him if she was interested. " you seem to get bored easily too? What were you curious about? Maybe I could take you to a place that you've wanted to see in the human world?" He asked wanting to know how he could change her mood to at least be excited than being bored with everything there was around here.
Sanura smiled and replied "Well, a cat nap is always welcome." She did find most things boring, "Home was always such a bore but I'm sure I'll find some kind of entertainment here." Already today there was more excitement then what she experienced on a day by day basis back home. To an outsider, her life may have seemed cool or exotic. However having lived it for many years, it's the same rhythm and events repeated again and again. When he asked if things were okay between her and Chi, the two quickly nodded their heads "Of course we are!" San said quickly. Her smile then became more of a playful smirk as he mentioned dates. "Kairu? Are you suggesting the idea of a date with me?" As Sanura asked this, she cutely tilted her head before adding "Not that I mind, but didn't the agent lady say that was not allowed? It's okay though, I can keep a secret."

Chione had been eating the pasta and listening till she blushed a deep scarlet. "S-sanura!" she squeaked out, surprised by her words. She felt the need to burst the other girl's bubble, and fast. "S-silly! It wouldn't be a date! I'm going too!" The female then felt she needed to take it even further. "I-if just going to the mall is considered a date to you then Kairu and I have already been on two!" She instantly regretted what she said. An icy chill filled the room as she felt a flood of emotions, mostly embarrassed at that point. She looked over at Kairu through the corner of her eye "B-but that wasn't a date or anything, right?" she asked, her voice just a little shaky. She felt the need to quickly change the topic. As Chi stabbed a piece of shrimp she said "This meal is delicious by the way, thank you for cooking." before stuffing it in her mouth.
He simply let the topic drop after hearing their answer as he continued to eat himself, "well I mean it is, chi really enjoyed it when I took her out on the town to show her around, mostly food and fashion I guess..." He shrugged as he took another bite before looking at her awkwardly managing to not spit out his food. Before suddenly shivering from the intense cold, covering his mouth for a moment before he turned to drink his water though almost spilling from chi's comment itself. " hold on guys!" He told them hoping to stop them from thinking more about the wrong idea of a date.

He sighed and drank his water starting his explanation, " of course that wasn't a date, showing someone around and having a real date are actually two different things..." Kairu sighed " a date is for a couple...and a date is different with showing someone around because if you were on a date you would be able to feel a special feeling of closeness to that someone. When I was with chi in the mall I didn't feel that special warm feeling, but I was happy to show her around and I was glad she had fun..." He finally finished his food, " we're all going together so no I wasn't going out for a date, more of just something we can do for fun together of course..." He could see that they both were really attractive to him but there was no way even if he wanted to that they would ever want to go on a real date with him.
Chi's blush remained on her cheeks but managed to gain control of the cold she released as he explained what a date was. She loved his explanation of the feelings of those on a date together. She wanted to know what a real date felt like. Chi felt close to Kairu, but was it 'special'? She knew she couldn't let her feelings develop that way. There was a bit of disappointment when he said he didn't have those special warm feelings. Could he ever feel those feelings for her? Was she even capable of feeling warmth for another? Chi said nothing, just nodding understandably as she ate more of the dinner.

Sanura snickered at his reactions. Kairu was certainly an entertaining and adorable human in her eyes. She picked at her meal as the other explained. Honestly she was happy when he explained that what Chione and him did was not a date. Not that she expected he would think of what happened as a date. San told herself that Chi was just a boring girl after all. No one would want to be with a Popsicle. Even as she told herself that, she did feel a little competitive with the other female. Her ears perked up a bit as a question crossed her mind as she finished her meal. "Kairu, you sound so experience in romance! Have you ever loved someone? Did you ever take her out on a date?" the curious kitten asked. She was all ear, at full attention as she awaited some kind of fascinating story.
"What?!...loved someone, I was the unlucky one who never really got noticed by anyone or had a chance at anyone. I mean I saw guys who were total crap running a mile in PE but it turns out they have someone that likes them like that. I was smarter than most of the guys in my science and English classes and they had a girl they were dating and me Jews still alone after all that...I wasn't a guy to chase any girls, and even if I was for a time I was never that outgoing cocky type of guy...there's no story about me dating or making much friends, I was mostly left to myself and socially it didn't work out but I guess school wise and the times after that it worked out for me mostly...."

Kairu sighed and leaned back, " I'm lucky that I have nothing to really hide other than that I seem boring mostly...I mean I can do things most guys that I have a girl can't, like cook something that actually tastes better than average or keep things clean more often than other guys can...." Kairu really had all the ideas of preparation and rules of a date though sad no ever use of it. " but there's a first time for everything and I'm not giving up on finding a normal or monster girl even, one day and going out on a real date with her...I'm never a stupid person to give up on even something simple like that..."
His love story, or lack of one came as a surprise to the girls. Not that either of them had much luck in that department in the past. Sanura never found anyone that sparked her interest back home, and Chi didn't have all that many options up on the mountain. When Kairu finished talking, Chione stood up and walked over to him, giving him a hug. She couldn't really explain why she felt the need to embrace him, but she did. Smiling softly the girl then said "Kairu, you're not boring at all, at least not to me. I have lots of fun being around you! Even when we aren't out doing anything I like just hanging out."

Sanura leaned in towards him just a little bit, "That's such a surprise though. You're such a cute. I thought for sure someone would have tried to snatch you up by now. Whatever girl is your first would be super lucky!" She thought to herself for a moment before asking curiously "Do you have a type?" San wondered what type of girl he was into, her personality and what they look like. He did say he was open to a monster girl, did that mean just any type of monster girl? Or would he not like the ones who didn't blend in as well as others?
"I don't see myself as special or anything, and to other people it looks like I don't really care or I just look so plain..." He shrugged as he felt a pair of arms around his neck, sitting up and blushing a bit in surprise before turning his head to look at who it was behind him, " u-um thanks I'm really glad you think so...that means a lot..." He said giving chi a smile and a small nod to show he really felt happy about that. Slowly he turned back to Sanura as he wondered what she wanted to tell him now, " I guess...but I don't know how that would help me..." Responding to the first part of her comment.

He scratched his head with a small nervous chuckle, " type? Well it's gonna seem like another plain boring answer but it's simple, a girl who really isn't afraid to tell how she feels, someone gentle and smart and of course has most things in common so it wouldn't be awkward with so many differences...of course maybe a good cook too and maybe who's somewhat athletic or a little energetic making things fun..." He looked up slightly trying to think and picture what the girl would be and look like at least in his mind.
Both girls listened to what Kairu explained was his type. Each fit in some way but neither exactly. Chione was terrible at expressing her feelings and wasn't all that athletic. Sanura wasn't all that gentle at times and couldn't cook for the life of her. Then there was the matter of common interests. All three of them had led vastly different lives and naturally had different interests. What were all his interests? This conversation left both girls with many questions and thoughts. "Interesting." the cat purred as she sat back in the chair.

Chione released the other from the embrace. "I'll start collecting the dirty dishes." she said with a smile before stacking the plates, cups and silverware. Taking them to the kitchen and adding "If you don't mind telling me where the soap is I can wash them for you Kairu!" She had often done the dishes at home so it was one chore she had no problem helping with, especially when Kairu was always working so hard for her sake. In the kitchen she placed the dirty dishes in the sink.

Sanura smiled at him. "While she does the dishes do you want to show me some of your games?" she asked with her ears perked up.
It's the cabinet under the sink.." Giving a simple reply as he saw her leave now having himself with the other girl. " I guess if you really want...ill be back chi.." He called to her standing up with a stretch. "It's the tv I use upstairs, don't really have another controller cause I don't have anyone really come so I'm just always here." Kairu slowly turned and went for the stairs as he had her follow behind him before going up and turning to sit down on another couch and go ahead and set up his game.

Kairu of course wasn't really the social person whether he was alone with one person, answering questions but with chi first then her at least he was able to show her something new and become someone that was totally different than his regular self being alone mostly all the time not having met anyone even if they were monster or not. Slowly the screen turned on as he got the controller wondering what game to show her.
As Chi washed the dishes, she hummed a little tune to herself. She didn't think much of Sanura and Kairu being alone at first. After just a few dishes though she wondered what they were up to. Sanura probably was all over him. Would he find her annoying or... She shook her head, quickly continuing with the dishes. She would quickly finish with these before investigating, stopping the neko if need be.

Sanura happily followed the other up the stairs "That's okay, I probably wont ever be good enough to play with. I just want to see how it's done. No one I know plays games on the TV." When they reached the top of the stairs she added "Most games are played outdoors or with cards or boards." she explained. She figured humans had all the same games, but because her town had been secluded from the outside world, only some of the more modern ones made there way in. That was slowly changing now that monsters are known to humans and the two can interact. San sat closely beside him on the couch as he set up the game. She looked to the screen and asked "So what are you going to play?"
" well of course, I'd figure that, not everyone in the world monster or human has one of these so it would mostly being something physical like with cards or outside..." He leaned back a bit as the home screen of the game finally showed up after another moment, " well now that you guys are here I could try to buy more controllers so we could play together, just two or all three of us..." He paused to think about what game, " hmm maybe this...." He selected a game as it started to change to a different screen, " I like strategy games, this is one is about a war where you build your army and destroy other nations, and it has units that you can build that are based on real stuff in the military accept war ships, but I can build tanks and artillery and soldiers and planes and defenses..." He started to explain more about the game. " I'm mostly someone who uses tanks with infantry in the forests for ambushes and planes, if it's a hard enemy I use artillery..." He sat up a bit wondering if chi would be curious enough to find them upstairs so she could watch as well.
Sanura snuggled into his side as she listened as she watched the screen. She did like strategy games a lot and found herself to be pretty good with them. War however was a topic she never really got into. It never really pertained to her actual life, having lived in a very quiet and peaceful area. She was interested in learning about it though. Mental warfare was up her alley however. She often played mind games with her other siblings when she was bored. "Interesting!"

Chione was rushing to finish up the last cup when the soapy sides made it slip from her hand. The glass fell hitting the side of the sink and crashing on the tile floor below. She winced a bit at the sound before looking down at the mess. It mostly broke into a couple of large pieces though there were a few little scattered here and there. "Uh oh..." she breathed, examining the accident. She felt awful and pushed back the urge to become teary. She hated the fact that she had broke something of Kairu's. She began picking up the broken pieces one by one and gathering them in her hands to toss in the trash. As she tried to sweep some pieces into her hand however she cut herself and blood rose to the surface. "Ow!" she hissed, dropping most of the glass into the trash before looking at the cut.
He suddenly froze for a moment again not used to anyone being so close to him like that after telling them he never dated but of course he wasn't bothered by it much. " and what's cool about this is they use units that actually existed so this is like a historically accurate in terms of the units and the general idea but the gameplay isn't true where all the different sides fought each other at the same time. I have it here where it's a free for all for four different armies so it's gonna be a bit harder...well if you don't have a good tactical plan.." He said with a smirk showing of a bit of course.

Finally another menu appeared as he started to pick his army and get the game going, showing off how the game is played. Suddenly he heard a crash downstairs, knowing it wasn't a normal one either. " I'm...gonna go check on chi real quick...." He said standing up and leaving he controller as he went downstairs to the kitchen to see a broken plate on the floor and seeing some blood on her finger. Walking past her in the kitchen he went to a drawer as he took a bandage and peeled off the underside slowly taking her hand and wrapping it around.

" of course I heard it..." He simply told her, " don't worry about it, I'm not mad you broke it, though I'm more worried that you could have gotten hurt worse...." He shrugged. Kairu took her hand slowly leading her out with him upstairs and sitting back down next to Sanura. " Sanura wanted to see me play an actual game like this so I'm showing her, you can stay and watch too if you want. I'll clean the stuff in the kitchen with the glass maybe after this...."
When Kairu came downstairs her heart jumped a bit as she nervously stood in the kitchen. There was no hiding her mistake and she felt awful. When he stepped into the kitchen she quickly looked down at the ground. Her face was a scarlet red as she held her hand. "I-i'm sorry, it slipped and-" her voice was shaky and she didn't know what to say. She was glad that he wasn't mad, even more so seeing that he was concerned over her well being above all else. As he placed the bandage on her hand she continued to look down "Thank you Kairu..."

He held her hand as he lead her through the house, up the stairs to where him and Sanura were playing. She loved holding his hand. Normally she didn't like warmth, but his hand was comforting. She nodded her head as he sat down before taking a seat on his other side. Chione curled up into his side. "I'll hang out with you guys." she said with a small smile as she looked at the screen. Part of her was glad she could keep an eye on the cat.

Sanura was enjoying her time with him when she head the crash. She knew exactly what it was and groaned just a little bit in protest when he went to go check on Chione. When they came back up together she asked "The Popsicle lives!" she commented with a hint of sarcasm. When Kairu went back to his seat and Chi was all settled in, San curled up on the couch resting her head in his lap as she watched the screen. "How did you come up with such a good stratagy?" she asked, seeing as his army was skillfully defeating the others.
He blushed as he felt both of the girls so close to him like that, chi against his arm and even Sanura on his lap, he gave a deep sigh to calm down a bit as he leaned back a bit more and stretched a bit, " well it's just common sense turned into strategy, what I do every game is build anti tank, infantry and anti air guns in the woods..."

He explained" now on here I have three different forests that protect the same three chokepoints leading to my base so I usually pack them with 8-10 of infantry, anti tank, and anti air AND they are the heavily armed and upgraded ones...with that damn solid defense I usually go to standard heavy tanks, and infantry, and I push my defenses up supporting the assault...late game I upgrade to heavier tanks and mobile defenses..." He sighed as he continued to play and explain the units and different things. " I love ground assault..." Soon after a bit longer of playing he would eventually finish the game, giving a yawn as e felt tired but still able to relax, " man there's a lot of things to pay attention to...."
Both girls listened as he explained the game and watched quietly until they were done. Chione was completely and utterly confused by the game. It didn't help that the game's subject matter wasn't all that interesting, and her mind was elsewhere. She thought mostly about Kairu, how sweet he was, and how much fun they will have at the zoo tomorrow. She also thought about the annoying cat on his lap. Sanura was really crossing the line with her cuddling and it make her mostly jealous and a bit irritated. Was there anyway they could leave the neko at the soo? Probably not.

Sanura sat up when the game was over and nodded at Kairu, "Yeah there is, but I think I got most of it." she said with a smile. She then knelt beside him, "Are you tired?" she asked, adding teasingly "If you want I can snuggle you tonight~!" Her tail flicked behind her as she added "Kitty cats make wonderful body warmers." San was mostly playing with him, but would jump at the chance to crawl into bed with him.

This of course resulted in a heated Chione. She sat straight up with a glare at the other female. "Sanura! You can't ask something like that of Kairu! Plus you'll just give him fleas!" she hissed, holding onto his arm.

Sanura glared back for a second, but sat back snickered "Chill out Popsicle, nothing bad would happen."
He shrugged and stretched his arms as he wondered what to do, already seeing that it was already fully dark outside when try finally finished, "even with a game like this, a lot...So yeah." He rubbed his eyes with a small yawn as he looked over at either of them then back to the rob for a moment as he jumped in a bit in his seat when Sanura gave him an awkward offer, but before he could answer he turned to see chione again but this time clearly pissed off and even to the other girl. " n-no I'm fine! I already have a very good blanket..." He said awkwardly trying to make an excuse.

Kairu decided to make a straight run for his room and an excuse to change his clothes but as he was about to stand up he felt arms around him, seeing chi was not gonna let him go, " w-what's this all about guys?!" He was confused as to why Sanura was offering to do something awkward and crazy like cuddling with him in the same bed and why chi was like a protective girlfriend to him.
Sanura had to admit that she was a bit disappointed in the fact that he didn't take her up on her offer. She understood though and wouldn't ask again, at least not for tonight. Seeing Kairu's reaction to her question was amusing. He just kept having the cutest reactions to everything. "Oh well~! I love to fall asleep curling up against a warm body." She looked at Chi before adding "Too bad your so cold. It would be miserable for anyone to snuggle you."

That last comment from San actually hit a nerve for Chione. Back home, most didn't mind her chilliness. Those on the snowy mountain were Yuki-Onna's like her or similar monsters that thrived in cold weather. Here, humans and even the monsters around them were the opposite and often made others uncomfortable. Kairu always acted like he didn't mind and a small part of her actually thought it didn't effect him. But he was human. Obviously he wouldn't want to be around her for extended periods of time, nor anyone else.

She didn't reply to San, instead he let go of Kairu's arm saying "S-sorry for butting in like that!" Chione played with her long blue hair, twirling it around itself. She looked outside noticing how dark it was. "Is it already this late? I-I'm going to go ahead and take a bath tonight and get ready for bed. I want to be plenty rested for the zoo tomorrow!" she said quickly, jumping up from the couch and heading for the door.

Sanura stretched as she said "I'll probably do a little exploring before bed tonight~! Familiarize myself with the house and what not."
"W-well I mean we have another room they had for you that's for just you..." He said pointing out the main reason she was even here, to be taken care of him though having her own room so it would be crowded in his. He looked over at her, Sanura was really the odd one jumping on to him like that and not afraid to admitting at least what he thought that she had a a love that was mostly off limits with wanting to be close to him and even asking to sleep with him?

" hey! What's up with you making fun of chi?" He stood up clearly a bit pissed off, " and don't tell me your just joking or something cause that doesn't really sound like one..." Sanura was definetly gonna be the hard one to be around and keep an eye on. He turned to the other girl, " g-good night..." He told her turning to walk into his room but stopping in front of the door, " seriously...please don't make a stupid joke like that...and I feel a bit guilty for kinda yelling so...sorry...." Kairu apologized to sanura before opening the door, " good night Sanura, hope you sleep well..." With that kairu left into the room closing the door leaving her alone with chi for the moment in the room
Sanura was a bit taken off guard when she was yelled at. That was something new for her, usually when she bullied her siblings in the same manner no one usually made a fuss. She was about to say she was only joking, but truth be told she wasn't joking at all. They all seemed a little to sensitive, but whatever, they will all get over it soon enough. It was really going to be hard for her to restrain herself around here. She couldn't held but be a little nasty with Chi, why did she feel the need to jump in when she was playing anyway? San justified her own actions and felt that there was no need to apologize. Even if she knew she did something wrong she would never give an apology. Instead she would distract, use her cuteness to her advantage. "Okay" she started and as he left adding "Night Kai~! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!"

Chione stopped when she heard Kairu stand and yell at the other. She was a kind of happy that the other defended her. Sure he must have just been being nice but still it made her happy that he cared. "Night." she said with a soft blush spread across her cheeks as he left for bed. Chi went to her bedroom, grabbing a night gown before heading to the bathroom. She started a nice cold shower for herself. Washing up quickly she did continue to think about what the other girl said. It stuck in her mind. There are only a few situations in life that would allow for a Yuki-Onna to give off warmth. Like many in her village, none of them were likely to ever occur for her. Soon she finished her bath, dried off, dressed and returned to her room for bed.

Like she said she would, San roamed the house, learning where everything was. Sanura was usually up late at night. If she could she would be awake and running around most of the night and sleep the entirety of the day. Since this isn't the case for most other creatures she had to learn to adjust her sleeping habits. Luckily she could fall asleep at the drop of a dime so it was too unnatural. Eventually she put herself to bed, satisfied with her explorations.
He dropped the whole thing, seeing that she was really a careless person about others than what he assumed. Kairu sighed though knowing he didn't hate it for it, maybe he would try to see if he could do a little something though at the same time just dropping it and not really doing anything, just decidin to drop it completely. Finally himself would be asleep as the night went on and morning came he would be the first one up knowing that chi was one to look nice, and knowing that San would be lazy and a person to wake up late.

Slowly he got up, changing into a black shirt and blue shorts, his hair always messy, giving a yawn as he turned to look over at where their rooms where before going down and starting his cooking.
Chione woke up not long after him. She was excited for the day ahead and wanted to wear her new clothes. She wore her high waist jean skirt and the blue ruffled crop top. After brushing her hair she decided to do something with it. With her she brought a few hair ornaments, all made of carved wood with various stone or painted accents. She pulled her hair back before placing one in her hair. The wood had a dark stain and a polished white stone with blue veins. Completing her outfit was light blue slippers and a carved wooden bangle.

Once she was ready she skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen where Kairu was. Coming up behind him she said with a wide smile "Good morning! Did you sleep well?" The female placed a hand on his back and then peeked over his shoulder to see what he was doing. "What's for breakfast this morning?" she asked.

Sanura slept in later then the others, she wasn't a morning person at all. The smell of food did briefly arouse her, however her love of sleep overpowered her love of food. The cat just rolled over in bed and went back to sleep.
"Yeah I did...Something a little special just before the trip today, it's healthy and it's really's a surprise so I'll let you see it for yourself when I'm finished than tell you.." He said by the time he heard her coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. As she saw him, he was busy over a pan as there was a single egg he was cooking though afterward he would be cooking one for each of the girls.

" if you want you can help me, if you don't mind would you make three pieces of toast and use a knife to cute a hole in the middle? Don't make them too crunchy though..." He warned as he went back to the egg. " I ordered these at a restaurant once and they were so damn good, and easy as hell to make..." He glanced back at chione, " wow new outfit and how's the clothes then? I like your style a lot, though I can also say you look good in your regular robes too..." Kairu smiled as he laid the finished egg on another plate then started a new one.
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