Monster Integration Program (wiki234 and PastelCreme)

Slowly they started to walk as he lead her down to one of the ice cream parlor a that he knew. He had of course knew most of the good places to check for shopping and to eat, so it could have been very possible if he wanted to be a good tour guide himself. " well it's mostly things like posters and books...maybe a flower pot or picture frame on your bed table, and if it doesn't have one already a small desk... And maybe we could paint the wall with pictures like the walls for example we could paint like an ocean full of fish and stuff or the ceiling could be the night sky with stars..." Giving her examples.

Finally thy headed in as he opened the door and walked in after, looking over at the line then at the flavors. " hmmi usually go for a rainbow sherbet or a good rocky road....." He decided on a flavor and just waited now as the line slowly moved down. " well maybe a lot of them though eventually...we're almost there, did you pick one yet?" Kairu asked Putting his other hand in his pocket and watching the line move in front of them.
"A starry sky..." She said to herself, trying to imagine it on a bedroom ceiling. It sounded beautiful. "If I was any skilled at painting I would want an aurora borealis... but maybe something like a few stars and some constellations would be really cool." From her her bedroom window at home, some nights she was able to see the northern lights. They always seemed to make her feel better whenever she was sad or lonely.

Chione looked across the board at the different names. Most of them sounded silly and she couldn't even guess what they were made of. For example, rocky road as he mentioned couldn't have been made with rocks or pieces of the road. As the line moved down he asked what she wanted "Moose tracks, please." the name sounded particularly silly to her and thus her desire to try it first.
" we could do anything with it so maybe if you want we could add that..." He shrugged and gave a small yawn as they finally made it themselves to the front, letting her order then doing it himself as well. Slowly he let go of her hand going over to take his wallet and pay for both of them as he took his ice cream and walked back out again with her. " ok then, now we can just go over here..." He told her sitting dowt at a table and leaning back relaxing and eating his ice cream. " so how do you like things so far compared to the mountains? Of course less boring and lots of new things to learn about. Maybe we could go out more to this mall and hang out and talk about stuff if you want eventually once I show you everything..."

He smiled over at her, " your gonna have new clothes and when we go home you can always see a cool room and you'll eat lots of different foods and many things in the human know I'm a bit jealous that I already know all this stuff. It must be cool to learn about a lot of new things here isn't it?" Finally he finished his as he leaned back waiting for her. " next up like you wanted we could go look at the shops..." Kairu slowly stood up and put his jacket on with his hands in his pockets.
Chione happily took her ice cream and sat down across the table from him. "So far I really like it down here. Of course the views are prettier back home, and the weather is more to my liking... but your right, there is a lot of new things to see and do! I can't wait to see everything." She munched on her ice cream. Moose tracks had nothing to do with the creatures. There was chocolate, peanut butter, and maybe a little caramel in the ice cream. In addition to that, little chocolate candies were mixed in adding to the variety of flavors and textures. "Delicious~" she hummed.

"It's really cool seeing new things for sure. Perhaps one day if you come to the mountains you'll find something new to experience there." She said with a smile. Her mountain village may not have had much that the humans couldn't get themselves, but she was sure there had to be something there he couldn't experience elsewhere. She continued to dive into the cold ice cream, it both soothed and excited her. When she took her last bite he asked if she wanted to see some of the shops. Nodding her head she swallowed "Of course." and with that she hoped out of the chair feeling energized. When he stood, she looped her arm around his, enjoying just being able to be close to him.
He simply looked over, turning slowly to walk with her down the mall to where the main area of the shops were. There was a good amount of people and with that the easy conclusion that people would think they were on a date. But of course like a normal person he wasn't stupid like that and simply walked around till she stopped him when she saw something. " I'm sure I will, I'll be happy to have that happen eventually...." Kairu check his phone seeing that it was getting a bit late but still making good time, " we won't stay too long here or it will get late, but don't worry about it either, this time we don't have to rush so go ahead and look around and I'll just follow..." He told her giving a small smile hoping to inspire her to go off and explored what the shops had to offer on thes trip.
Chione was glad to know they had a bit of time before they would have to leave. A particularly small yet cute shop had caught her eye so she pulled him inside with a smile. "Let's go in here." she said, entering the shop. A small bell rang as the door opened and she looked around upon entering. The place they had entered was called the Paper Store. It was a gift shop with several unique items, jewelry, figures, toys, some clothing and several cards. She wanted to look at everything, starting with the cute figures. "Oh! Look at all the little people and animals!" she said as she walked over to them.

The little figures were made of everything, glass, wood, felt and mainly clay. She touched the face of a small clay bear in a dress and hat. She smiled "Peculiar." she commented, having never thought of a bear wearing clothing before. "Humans think of the silliest of things." Chi almost wanted to meat the people who crafted such lovely or wacky figures. "I'm surprised the artist is able to make them all look exactly the same." she added, holding two glass ladies up in the air. She would have been shocked to know that they were made by a machine in China and not an artist. The young girl had only ever known of original, hand crafted pieces of art.
Kairu history followed behind her as they entered the store and he started to look around now for a while. " well if it's boring no one would buy it..." He replied looking over at the shelf of figures she was looking at. " well it's practice, and memory after you do it for a long time you can even make them exactly the same. " and those..." He leaned in a bit, " depending on the country and people they hand make those still, but with the market comes other people making them and that means that some are handmade and some aren't...." He explained a bit.

He stood behind her looking at other things as her arms was still around his and there wasn't need of much of a rush just getting here, picking up and looking at things himself as he let her do her own thing mostly until it would be time or if he had to explain more of course to her.
Chione didn't understand how something could be made by anything other than a person. But she didn't question it right off. The young girl figured as time when on she would understand how that was possible. She continued looking at things for a while, moving around the store. Her favorite thing was the greeting cards. Some of them were boring, but others had humorous images or sayings on them. On a clearance shelf were several wintry themed items. She picked up a globe and looked inside. On a hill was a cute log cabin with children building snow men outside with a few pine trees.

"This looks like a scene from our village." she said, showing him. She turned the globe in her hands and noticed dust moving around on the inside. She shook it and with amazement more dust moved around and slowly fell. "Oh look! It's snowing inside!" she added cheerfully. This was her first time ever seeing such a thing and for her it was amazing. "Kairu...?" she started, questioning if it was alright for her to get.
Time continued to move as they both enjoyed themselves looking through things in the store together a bit idly but he knew that at least both of them were having a good time. He sighed and gave a small smile turning to see the globe in her hand. " figured..." He said wondering if she would shake it before seeing the snow fall, " of course you can....besides I did promise a souvenir and I guess you found one for now you like...if you wanna go home then let's go to the front and buy this already, its really gonna get late so we should head out now..." Slowly he started to walk to the register, " ill take that then..." He said holding his hand out and waiting for her to give it him so he could pay.
Nodding her head she agreed they they should be heading home after this. Chione handed the globe to him before following him to the register. "Thank you!" she said happily. She felt a little spoiled, the globe, getting a new room to herself, trying new food, and having someone so kind and patient guide her around. When they reached the register, an older woman scanned the globe, wrapping it in newpaper before putting it in a bag. As she did this she smiled kindly "Hello sweetheart, did you find everything you were looking for?"
He took it and slowly went over setting it on the table with his hands back in his jacket. " I didn't plan on buying anything myself but she did, everything you have here is great..." He gave a smile and a small nod taking his wallet and paying for the globe before he waited for chione to take the bag and walk out with him to the street. Kairu gave a stretch then slowly turned leading her back to the bike as he got on and wired for her. " ok then let's go home..I'm already tired myself..."
She took the small bag from him, holding it close and protectively. The young girl planned on placing it somewhere near her bed so she could look at it as she fell asleep every night. Chione held her dress in one hand with the globe in a bag hung around her wrist. She got on the back of his bike again and wrapped her around tightly around the male. This time she closed her eyes and rested her head on his back. "I don't think I'll have any trouble falling asleep tonight." she said softly feeling tired. She could feel herself relax and grow more tired as they biked back home, the cool breeze touching her skin comfortably.
He slowly made his way home until they finally reached the front of the house, " if your that sleepy then I can carry you to your room, but it's probably freezing in there...but I don't want you to fall and get hurt walking..." He offered slowly waiting for her to get off, " if you don't me then that's fine...." He waited for an answer before he would tell her to wait to put his bike back or he would put his bike back and be able to go back to his own room. It seemed at least he gave a very good and hopefully memorable first day with her. Maybe he wouldn't mind taking care of her for a while though that didn't mean it wouldn't come with some problems he wouldn't expect to happen yet.
Chione blushed a little as she got off the bike. Did she seem so helpless she couldn't get up the stairs in her own? That was no good, she would need to work harder to she she had some capabilities of taking care of herself. Chi didn't want for him to get tired of caring for her by going above beyond what was needed. Though she appreciated the sweet offer, he spoiled her and it made her feel special. A giggle escaped her as she said "I think my legs still work just fine... B-but you can walk me up after you put your bike away. I never got the chance to figure out where my room was." She held the globe close to her chest as she waited for him to bring the bike out back.
" that's fine then too...if you don't want it just tell me.." He gave a nod that he at least understood if she didn't want things to be done for her that it was easy for her to tell him. " if I help too much then just tell me, sometimes I know I can be a bit of a bother like that..." He shrugged and left to put his bike back as he walked back out to her then turned to open the door, locking it once they were in and turning to go up the stairs. " well your room is the other hall and mine is over there..." He pointed first to the right for her room then pointed to the left to a single door being it was his room.. " the left is mine, the first two doors here..." He said turning to the right hall is the bathroom then the second is laundry, and yours is the third here..." Kairu walked to the end leaning against the wall beside the door and waiting for her.
Chione had felt bad when he left to take care of the bike, She didn't think he was a bother at all. So when he came back she said "I don't think your a bother, I like what you do for me..." Her blush deepened when she added "It kind of makes me feel like a princess." As they walked inside, she made sure to take note where everything was, which rooms were which. When he stood outside her door she stopped and smiled "Thank you for today, it really was the best!" She stood there nervously for a second before giving him a quick hug. "Goodnight Kairu!" she said before entering the chilly room.
He just stood there taking the hug with a sigh and a smile as he felt tired himself. " I'm glad you enjoyed it.." Standing for a moment before he would be back in his own room. Kairu slowly turned off the lights and headed back, closing the door and going down to sleep already. He hoped at least for a bit that things would be better and maybe more fun than when she's here but he wouldn't really mind much to wait and see for now.
When Kairu was gone, she placed the globe on a nightstand by her bed before looking around the room. It appeared as they did bring a small box of her things in prior to her arrival. She had packed away a single box with a couple of dresses similar to the ones she was currently wearing. In addition to that she managed to squeeze in a couple of her favorite books to keep her occupied when they were not doing anything. Chione was too exhausted to look for night clothes so she crawled into her comfortable bed as she was. It didn't take long at all for the young woman to fall asleep.

The next morning Chione awoke early to the sound of birds. She looked out her window to see the sun was high. She picked up the small box laying on the floor and opened it, pulling out clothing and cleaning products, and laying them on the bed. Collecting her things she headed to the room which she remembered was the bathroom, opening the door and stepping inside.
In his own room the sunlight had started to shine through as well, as he slowly opened his eyes and turned still deciding to just lay and sleep a bit more before he could really get up. He was very much not a morning person and usually woke up sometimes late in the morning. Eventually he got up and went to the bathroom, then going out and seeing the hall was still empty. Kairu just gave a sigh seeing at least if she woke up that she wasn't outside yet before he would be down starting to cook breakfast for both of them. Kairu turned on the tv and went on with his things downstairs still enjoying the relaxed atmosphere the room had even if he was the only one there.
Chione took a refreshing and freezing cold shower before getting dressed in a light blue robe, a navy sash and navy flowers around the trim. She brushed her long hair and put it into a loose braid which had a subtle vanilla scent to it. Upon returning the items to her room she went downstairs to the others side. The smell of breakfast filled her nose and with a smile she asked "What's cooking?" She was excited for the day ahead and almost wanted to skip breakfast to get it started.
He continued to work as he had the to on in the background to stop the room from being awkwardly quiet. Finally he turned to set the table coming back to the food as he began to put everything together for them. " good looking...." He teased her, right when she said that with a small playful wink but also of course liking what she was dressed in. " don't know if you've had these but the easy and really good bacon and some eggs....always good..." He gave a smile and headed to the table putting the plates down and sitting. " so here you go, hope everything is fine..." Slowly he took some of the food and started to eat with her, turning to watch the tv and relax.
When he complemented and winked at her she blushed incredibly deep, a chill escaping her body. "Y-you think so?" Then she paused, of course he had just been being playful. She looked down at her feet trying to hide the scarlet glow of her cheek "D-don't tease me like that!" Chione cried, but she didn't mind. He explained what was for breakfast before sitting at the table. She nodded, following and taking a seat across from him. "I've had both of those before, but mine are probably a little different." She smiled adding "Thank you for cooking this morning, perhaps one day I'll have to cook for you." Chi wasn't especially good at cooking, but she did know a few things and wasn't bad at all.

The female then took a bite of her bacon, "This is much better than our bacon!" she commented. This was likely due to the fact that the vast majority of their meat came from hunting wild animals on the mountain and sometimes in the valley below. A wild boar's bacon was delicious but not as much as a domesticated pig's. She continued on eating, the eggs tasting more or less the same as the ones she would have eaten at home.
He gave a light chuckle, " I can be serious too about that comment if you really want me to.." He replied back to her moment of her pouty face when she caught that it was only light teasing. " maybe when I visit your place then you could. It would be interesting to taste your version of bacon, I wouldn't mind..." He shrugged and leaned back continuing to eat as he finally finished and got up and put his plate in the sink deciding to wash it later maybe after they got home. " so if your ready then after being full, we could get you out of those robes and more into stylish human clothes to blend in better don't you think? But I still like what your wore yesterday and what your wearing right now, it really looks good on you..." Kairu stretched and sat on the couch waiting for her to be done so they could start the day and his job as a tour guide for her.
Chione smiled when he talked about visiting, she was sure her mother would be thrilled to have him there. "Maybe after today I'll just wear these robes just around the house." Her blush remained hot on her cheeks as she said that. Part of her thoughts were that she would wear the robes just for him, but that was silly. Rather than adding that little detail she stuffed her face with the rest of her food. She finished her meal not long after him and placed the dirty plate in the sink on top of his. When she was done she approached him while he sat comfortable on the couch. "I believe I'm all ready if you are." she said, holding one hand in the other in front of her.
"That's fine if you want, I really like them a lot..." He leaned back a bit and looked over to see her as he stood up with a stretch. " since we're gonna go shopping then I guess it's gonna be a car..." Kairu went over to take his keys looking over again, "ok let's go then..." He smiled leading her to the garage as he opened it and walked over opening the door for her to get in before he would. " so were you wanting to wear any specific style? Or just planning to see what's there, just wondering..." As she got in he closed the door and opened the door to get in on his side as he pulled from the garage and closed it driving off to the mall where he knew a good place to buy clothes. " so what's next after this? I don't know if you told me what you wanted to do after shopping for today before we go out to eat again later...." Finally after a while they arrived as he parked at a spot getting out and opening the door for her. " ok then let's go and see what's here..."
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