Monster Integration Program (wiki234 and PastelCreme)

"Thank you." she said, stepping into the car when he opened the door. Next to her father, Kairu was the most charming gentleman she had ever encountered. The human male had really started to grow on her, more so than she would have expected. When he asked the style she wanted to try she shyly smiled "I actually know nothing about the styles of human girls. I wanted to try a few out first if that was alright?" He asked what she wanted to do after shopping and she shrugged "I had nothing else in mind. Let's see what we are up for when this is done. I'd definitely be up for more ice cream!"

It wasn't long at all when they made it to the mall again. When Kairu opened the door she stepped out, taking his arm in her's and holding him close as they stepped into the first store. The store was called Madeline's and was quite girly. The walls were all white with a pearly shimmer. The store was packed tight with racks and shelves with a variety of cute clothing, shoes and jewelry. In the back was a door that lead to a bubblegum pink changing room with a couch for guests. "It's all so cute!" she said looking around excitedly. Chione bit her lip and squeezed his arm a bit. Where should she look first?

Chi released his arm and went to the first rack. It was then that she noticed the clothing had tags with different numbers or letters on them. "How do you know what size you are?" she questioned pulling out a pair of floral shorts and holding it against her body.
He simply nodded and turned to follow her, walking beside her as she took him into one of the arrows as his hands were in his pockets while she stayed close to him. " yeah looks cool..." Slowly he stopped and turned to watch her as she went through the clothes, " well since your from a village and far from here it's kinda hard to tell...the best rule is to simply try it on, the best way is to get a medium and small size of whatever...just try those and one of them should fit though if neither then your size would be a bit bigger..." He shrugged and looked around as he waited for her to pick something to try. " lets look around a bit more before you try anything so you can try them all at once and then once we know your size pick your style..." He crossed his eyes and smirked feeling pretty smart as hell right now.
Chione listened and nodded "Ah! That makes sense." she said, her nose scrunched in her smile just a bit in amusement. Usually she missed out on body language but caught his smirk in the corner of her eye as she was looking at a shirt. He looked pretty pleased with his ability to help her out, that made her feel good as well. Chi sorted through numerous pieces of clothing, shorts, skirts, tank tops, dresses, everything the store offered her. Eventually she had a mountain of clothes in her arms and couldn't pick up any more at the moment. "I think I have enough to try stuff on now." she said with a smile "Your going to come and tell me if you like it or if I put them all on right, right?"
" yeah you can get really fast just with simple tips..." He sighed and stood there still looking around and waiting, " you can't wear all of those, another tip is pick your style, you have to have a reason why you like it other than it would look cute. I bet most of those are nice but start a bit small first, good thing would have 3-4 complete outfits first and if you don't like any one of those swap with another complete is all about planning. Take a few before a lot..." He sighed but couldn't help but turn a bit red with blush, " well yeah...but I can't actually help you put that on in the actual changing room..." Kairu replied trying to save himself that embarrassing part of going inside the
Small room and seeing her change out of her robe. " I'll just wait outside the changing room and I'll tell you what I think. Wear the whole outfit and walk out then do the same with the others and after that we can change and try something new or we can go with whatever you have..."the boy had to remember to show her things but keeping himself out of something enmbarrassing like this
Chione nodded feeling a little silly. She grabbed just about everything she liked without thinking about what went together. "Shopping is difficult." she stated with a bit of a pout as she looked over her items. Clothing at home was a lot less complicated. Her mother would always sew together the same shapes, changing the size depending on if she grew or not and Chione would just add the embroidery she thought looked pretty. When it came to getting dressed she would pick out a robe and a sash and that was it. She looked over her items for a moment "I guess I'll go put a couple back and think about how they go together in outfits."

She saw him blush when she spoke of the changing room, instantly her cheeks glowed a deep red. "Ah! Right I'm sorry, I mean..." She rocked on her heels, nodding when he said he would wait outside for her. Being naked in front of others was never a bother for her. The bathhouse her mother ran was co-ed and so she had bathed with men a couple of times. She forgot that humans were more sensitive to such things.

It was a long and grueling process but she managed to sort her items into four outfits she thought were cute. When she did that she returned to the other's side with a smile of accomplishment. "Alright, did I do good?" She asked and added "I'm going to go try them on now okay?" With that she skipped into the changing room, sliding into one of the stalls and began to changer her clothing.
He looked over seeing she had far less clothes, " see that looks easy and that's fine..." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck as he finally started to calm down. It was good she was an easy girl that followed his suggestion and saw how it made life easier. Slowly he followed her to the changing room of course waiting outside as he sat down and looked through his phone for a bit waiting. It was inside hard for himself to keep a happy face with all the stress and time to plan things like that but he would at least try. The day slowly dragged by as he waited for her to come out for the first time in her outfit wondering himself what she would look like completely with wearing human clothes and the style itself.
(Clothing set for reference)

Chione had hung all the clothing on the hooks provided before removing her robes. She started by slipping on a long baby blue tulle skirt. It was comfortable and as she looked in the mirror she noticed how it flowed much more then her robes. She spin just a bit, watching the fabric float around her. This resulted in a small giggle before stopping. She grabbed what she thought would be a nice shirt to go with the skirt. Rather than a shirt, it was a white bra. She looked at the undergarment for a second deciphering how it best went on when she noticed the hooks. She unhooked the bra and slipped her arms through before she hit a road block. She couldn't seem to be able to hook herself together. Chi rationed that Kairu would be nice enough to hook her up, and he shouldn't be too bothered since she was covered up. Holding the white lacy bra against her chest she stepped out. "Kairu? Can you do the hooks on my shirt?"
Time continued to move by as mostly he spent he day waiting for her seeing that it was already starting to become late afternoon though they still had plenty of time before going out to eat, not worrying about it for now. Kairu yawned and gave a stretch as he looked over, looking over to see the girl in the outfit, looking down slowly at the skirt then up to her chest seeing a bra as again his face turned red with blush, now was the worst thing that happened to him seeing her with a bra and worse in public wearing it. " what are you doing!" He whispered " tha-that's not a shirt that's a bra! People are gonna see the awkwardness if you don't put on a shirt!" He was a bit panicked if anyone would see him close to a girl half naked with a skirt and a bra on as he quickly moved his arm around to clip the bra and push her back inside closing the curtain, " please don't do that again, put on a shirt this time, it either a long or short sleeve without clips" he explained stepping back and waiting again.
Chione was a bit taken back by his reaction. She had never worn, nor seen a bra before, but has heard of it once. He clipped the bra before shoving her back into the changing room. Her face was a bit red seeing as she had done something wrong again. Back in the changing room she asked "I'm sorry, I've never seen a bra before..." she said awkwardly. She still didn't understand why it couldn't be worn as a shirt but figured she would take his word for it.

"So girls wear these under their clothes right? Like panties? Do I have to wear one?" she asked curiously. She had stopped to take a look at herself with a bra on in the mirror. She kind of liked the way it looked. Chi had medium sized perky breasts, but the bra seemed to enhance their shape further. The female smiled, holding her chest and looking at it from different angles. She might not have needed a bra but kind of wanted to try it out.

Chi tried on the other clothes she had chosen. First she put on the shorts, a dark blue with colorful flowers all over them. She liked the bottoms as they featured her long legs and made her butt look cute. The best part though was that they had pockets. None of her robes ever had pockets and always wanted something with them, though she never had anything to put inside them. Chione then put on the shirt, a white crop top with thin blue vertical stripes. She then pulled the curtain back with a smile "Is this alright? I thought it would be nice and cool."
He facepalmed, now it seems he had to teach her girl things, like not going out without a shirt with what just happened. Kairu sighed and sat back down, " what kind of question is that!" He said still whispering with his ail shocked and embarrassed tone, " I thought she would of figured it out..." He said to himself as she finally came out dressed this time. " looks really good, as a casual set for a night out mostly than during the day..." He looked up at her, " and please tell me you put some panties on before you came out..." Standing up he leaned over whispering the last part to her before crossing his arms, " ok then let's see the other ones then..." He gave a small smile relaxing himself and sitting down waiting for her to change.
Chione nodded when the other asked if she wore panties under her clothes. "Well... yeah, I always wear a pair of those." she whispered softly with a blush. She didn't understand the need for whispering, but she figured humans were more sensitive then previously thought. Was it bad she asked questions about undergarments to a guy? "Back home everyone basically wore the same things so it never was a big deal..." She explained rubbing her arm nervously. She then slid back into the changing room and switched into a a white cotton halter romper with blue floral embroidery and little brown buttons up the front. The romper showed most of her back and had a cute ruffles edges which she adored. Chi stepped out of the changing room as she tied the little cotton rope belt around her waist.
" what sense does that even make?!" He facepalmed and turned as she dissappeared back behind he curtain going back to sit down with a sigh, he hoped that in an embarrassing way that if he did visit her mom would be the same. He shivered seeiing an image as he looked over to see her Im another outfit. " that would be something you could wear during the day when we would be going somewhere...maybe you could wear that when we go to the zoo..." He suggested though having another thought, " or that would be good for something casual if you were in a job that didn't have a uniform..." He stretched and scratched his head, " is that all the outfits or are we waiting for you to try on one more?" Of course kairu had not done anything but wait and so he didn't pay much attention to time and only to the fact if she were to be done already...
"It made perfect sense to me." she said with a bit of a pout. Chi listened as he explained where she could wear the outfit. She had started feeling pretty down due to his reaction but the mention of the zoo lifted her spirits. Then the other mentioned a job and she pondered the thought as she stepped back into the changing room. "A job sounds like fun, what kind of jobs do you think I could get?" she asked from the other side of the curtain as she slipped out of the romper. Then an exciting thought had come to mind "Do you think I could ever get a job at a ice cream shop?" Chione loved that idea, being surrounded by cold ice cream and getting to eat the treat every day.

She stepped out of the changing room again. "This is the last one." She said smiling with a little twirl. She wore a blue ruffled crop top with a high waist jean skirt. "What do you think?" she questioned as she posed with her hand on her hip. After a minute she went back into the changing room and changed back into her usual robes. "I really liked all of these." she said as she came back out with all the items, the bra, two skirts, two crop tops, the shorts and the romper. She held up the tulle skirt she came out with first. "But I don't have anything to wear with the skirt." she said walking towards the main store area.
He shrugged, " well I don't really know, and they wouldn't let you wear your regular clothes, it would have to be a uniform..and I know why your so happy with that, I don't think you can. If you like something like ice cream a lot it would be better to be a customer there than an employee. You don't get free stuff and that counts for any job, well actually you can but their really hard to get jobs." He explained standing up with another stretch as he noticed the outfit. " it would be a good outfit when it's cold out, but not like winter cold...well then let's find something for it...." As she would start walking he would follow behind waiting for her to start looking for something now.

(Would you wanna time skip to the new girl meetup or play the whole thing out?)
(Lets skip to the meetup.)

Once in the car, Chione thanked him for the new clothes. Though the government would refund him for any of his expenses involving her needs, it was still nice that he bought them and even told her when each would be most appropriate to wear. She has refused to let the bag go from her side all through lunch and on the way home. It was afternoon when they pulled into the driveway and a black car was parked and running out front. "Had that agent lady come to see us?" she asked as she got out of the car.

Sanura stepped out of the car wearing a fitted red top, a long red skirt and slippers. She wore several pieces of gold jewelry and wore her dark brown hair down that day. She had beautiful dark skin and her eyes a vibrant yellow. In addition to her exotic appearance was her ears and tail which flickered in excitement as she almost skipped across the front yard to Kairu. "Hello, are you the master of this household?" she questioned, her voice in a thick Egyptian accent.

Chione ran around the car to Kairu. She had taken notice of the other females outfit and found it inappropriate as she wore what the other thought was a bra. "Kairu! Close your eyes! This girl is wearing just a bra!" she said, her hand going up and shielding his eyes. "Silly girl," San said with a chuckle "This is not a bra, but a traditional Egyptian top during special occasions." she added, educating the other female. "Kairu is it? My name is Sanura." she said reaching her hand out to take his. As she did so the agent carried over a medium sized chest, one of her many pieces of luggage.
The rest of the day was spent mostly the same as yesterday accept he had gotten used to her for the most part at least. He took her to a place to eat and then right back home as they finally had reached the house right on time as it started to approach dusk. He stopped the car and got out as he looked over to see a girl in front of him freezing for a moment from shock and surprise. " y-yeah...why?" He asnwered confused as his eyes looked her up and down to get a better feel of where she could have come from if he saw her appearance fully at least for a moment before he was blinded by the hands of chione.

" hey! I can't see!" He stopped struggling for a moment against her as he stopped hearing Egyptian. " don't tell me...." He said as he took chione a hand off his eyes with a slight blush as the other girl took his hand though fading as soon as he turned to see the agent to his right. He immediately questioned, before his eyes were wide with realization, " she's here from Egypt from that program..." He gave a long sigh " I really shouldn't have expected this much..." He walked over opening the door and walked inside, " let's go then...and it's nice to meet you Sanura..." He had another time of thinking and stress especially with trying to arrange things to do while they were here. Kairu let go of her hand and sat on the couch and turned on the to leaning back, " go ahead and explore if you want then or just relax here..." He told her thinking for a bit quietly of how things would change now. He didn't hate it but it meant he had to make sure they both wouldn't get hurt or lost or do anything stupid..
Chione took an instant dislike to the neko. When they all entered the house she said "Another one? Kairu is that even fair having them plop a stray cat on you like this?" She was concerned at the fact that the agent woman placed her hear yesterday and already another girl has come. Her biggest concern was competing for his attention. With another girl for him to care for, would he have the time or interest to do all the things they said they would do together? What if he decides to spoil this other chick instead? The agent answered the question "It is fair, our other host families are not as young, energetic or have as much time on their hands as him. The government will refund all his expenses and more to make it all worth wild." she said, taking the chest up to the spare bedroom.

Sanura sent and icy glare over to Chione. This quickly changed however into a warm smile as she plopped down on the couch beside Kairu. "You don't mind me being here right? I'm not as much work as other liminals you see, I have spent much time with agents who educated me on the way here." she asked leaning into his side. After Chi's comment, she felt the need to show that she was going to be no more trouble for him than any other girl. On the thought of other girls in the house, she wondered just how well Kairu and her got along, and what they did everyday. The curious kitten then asked "So what were you and popsicle doing today?"
" well I guess...I can kinda agree with you on this one...I mean sure I do have time to show you around but that doesn't mean i can't be busy sometimes..."he shrugged and scratched his neck feeling the awkwardness that Chione had for the sudden arrival. " I'm the fun one all of a sudden...back when I was in school I didn't have much friends..." He shrugged talking about that loosely as he slowly looked over at the other girl but froze when she felt her so close to him. " well as being a host family to you now and chi i don't mind..."

Kairu relaxed deciding not to mind her anymore as he let her lean on him though still feeling awkward himself. " Popsicle? Wait you mean chi? hold on what's that supposed to mean..." He was seriously confused now though not afraid to defend the other girl he spent more of his time with even if it was just two days whether she was another monster girl or not. Kairu didn't get the hint that between them, a war was about to come over him. " me and her have just been exploring for a bit. Yesterday she just came and I took her out to eat and we got ice cream, and earlier today we went to buy some regular clothes and then we ate again..." He explained crossing his arms now.
Sanura let out a giggle. She could tell the other was getting defensive, so she waved her hand in the air as if to swat away the wrong ideas, or right ideas depending on how you look at it. "It's a little pet name I came up for her. Don't you think it's cute?" She asked cheerfully, though no answer was needed. San listened as he explained all they had done in the last two days. She found it all quite mediocre. She was a girl of extremes, she had to either be doing something exciting or new, or be taking a cat nap. Either way she nodded her head "Interesting..." she said before turning to Chi with a smile "You'll have to show me all your new clothes!"

Chione wasn't offended by the new nickname though she understood that was it's original purpose. "It's a good thing I love popsicles." she said with a smile as she sat down on Kairu's other side. She turned to him adding "Alright, I suppose we can keep the kitten. Not that we can really refuse when she's been dropped off at the front door." As she said that the agent came down the stairs. "That's good to hear because her rooms all ready and I can't ship her back to Egypt for a while. I'll check up on all of you soon." the woman said before waving goodbye and heading out the door.
" man I'll never have a slight annoyance to that agent..." He sighed and relaxed a bit trying to be calm with everything for a bit. " and something tells me that from where your from compared to here things will be boring to you.." He started to get a vibe of a rich girl who would be bored with regular old human things, but he didn't really care, mostly thinking of himself going out or busy with some things around the house when they didn't red him. " well what do you think of the zoo Sanura? I told chi I would bring her there tomorrow though of course the plans changed to I'll be bringing both off you there if you wanna go..." He offered already thinking she would either think it would be boring and not wanna go or go because she didn't wanna be alone...

"After the zoo we didn't have really much plans so if either of you guys wanna go somewhere then just tell me so I can plan a bit at least..." Kairu didn't mind having both girls living with him now for the most part but still with girl problems he would be somehow worried they would get into a fight eventually. He sat up a bit as he turned on the tv deciding to relax here and watch before he would start making dinner, " I was thinking of cooking tonight for dinner if you guys want, unless you both want to go out to eat?" He asked planning ahead for the night as he glanced over to the window seeing it was already late afternoon.
Sanura smiled at the mention of the zoo "That sounds like it would be fun, It's not everyday I can see a number of interesting animals in one place." Back home the people of her city did have a small zoo like place. However the animals were often sick or injured and were released back into the wild once they were better. The idea of going to the zoo here didn't bore her. She was sure that they would have at least one animal she's never seen before. "I hope they have some kind of cat we can visit." she added hopefully, her own tail happily swaying at the thought.

Chione couldn't help but pout a little. The addition of Sanura was not something she was looking forward to. She felt… a little jealous at the thought of Sanura and Kairu spending time together. Yes she would also be there, and yes she had him to herself for the last twenty-four hours, but still she hated the thought of him giving or receiving attention to another girl. Chi felt a little guilty for her selfish thoughts. Plus she had no right to control other people's actions. Even so her feelings didn't change.

When he wanted to start planning dinner Chione smile and said "I can help you cook dinner tonight." She said this, partially because they didn't need to go out every night, partially because she wanted to show she had some skills, but mostly to spend time with Kairu. She had hoped that Sanura would take the time to explore the house, but instead the other female placed a hand on his arm and added "I've hadn't had the chance to prepare very many meals before. Kairu, do you mind if I watch you? Maybe I can learn something!"
" they have a ton of animals and yeah the have so many big cats there so you'll like it a lot, Tigers, lions, cheetahs..." He replied naming a few as an example to her of course to answer her curiosity. He sat up a bit and stretched as he glance out the window checking the outside and seeing it was already dusk, time seeming to fly around him so suddenly. He was about to get up and leave the girls before hearing chione tell him about cooking, " that will make dinner be done faster, sure I'll let you help me chione as an assistant chef then how about that?" He asked as he raised his arm to pay chione's head curios if she was a good cook herself not remembering though if she had told him or not.

He put his arm back down slowly starting to get up before he froze for a moment as he felt the other girls hand on him. " sure why not, I don't see really a problem with it..." He shrugged as he finally got up and turned to walk to the kitchen taking an apron and toeing around himself as he leaned over a cabinet to hand chione one before getting everything ready such as the pots and pans. " hmm well before we even start we have to know what we're even gonna have...anything either of you want in particular? Hmm...I was thinking my favorite pasta recipe that I make sometimes..."
Chione grinned as he patted her head softly "Great!" she said, jumping off the couch excitedly. She had always helped her mother cook, learning quite a bit from the woman. She did however inherit some of her father's clumsiness, so she she often accidentally cut herself when chopping things. But the food always came out good, and there was minimal harm to herself. Recently she has improved on avoiding her little accidents.

Sanura stood and the two followed him to the kitchen. Chi slipped on the apron she was handed and rolled up the sleaves to her robe so they didn't drag all through the food the prepared. He then asked what they should have for dinner. "Pasta is perfectly fine with me." Chi said before adding "What kind of pasta dish is it?" Sanura leaned in the doorway with her arms crossed "I'll eat anything as long as there is some form of meat in it."
" well for me it's the thin noodles with some seasoned white Alfredo sauce and I usually cook some frozen shrimp with mine but I can change it to meat for you in particular if you want..." He turned to Sanura with a small smile and a nod as he turned back and turned the stove on, filling a large pot with water and setting it on the stove. "Hey chi did you want the same as mine or do you want meat like hers?" He asked wondering about her preference this time. Slowly he took the noodles and dropped them into the boiling water as he took a pan and set it on another stove putting butter in the pan and letting it melt for a bit.

Again he started to turn to the fridge seeing as he had some sliced beef in yellow plastic packing, taking it out and putting putting it on the counter to let it become warmer. " hey chi could you cut one of the pieces of beef into smaller pieces when it's less cold from the fridge and add it to the pan I got here?" He asked as he took a second pan and added the butter then waiting for a bit and adding the shrimp before he would check on the noodles again. " actually Ill let you handle the the beef, so just throw it in the pan too...." Kairu sighed as he seemed really focused on cooking though could still of course talk with them normally, " I need to stock up tomorrow if we decide to cook at home more often, I think we could go for the zoo tomorrow then after that we can head to the market together if you guys aren't tired from all the walking..." He suggested looking over at both of them now for their answers.
Sanura smiled "That would be perfect thank you." She liked seafood now and again but preferred the hardier beef. That was especially on a day like today where she hadn't had much meat on her travels here. Both girl's were used to diets with large portions of hardy red meats. San ate such a diet out of need as a mostly carnivorous creature, where Chi did so out of availability of resources.

Chione then said "I've never had shrimp before, or any seafood for that matter. I'd love to try it." she wanted to try as many new things as she possibly could in her time here. Chi let the meat warm up a bit before she began to dice it up into bite size pieces. As she did so she nodded her head "I'd love to help shop with you after the zoo. It would be nice to see all the different food items you have here." She knew that the diets of people off of the mountain were far different then her own. This was most likely the case due to the access of goods.

Sanura could fall asleep at the idea of running around a food market. Her little city had a well stocked market and she always found it a bore to go and get food from it. Thankfully she rarely had to do so since she came from a large family that took turns. She would be willing to go in though after the zoo. San wanted to spend more time with Kairu and get to know him better. Plus by doing so it seemed to piss off Chione which was more or less amusing. "Kairu, what are some of your favorite things to do?" she asked curiously.
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