Monster Integration Program (wiki234 and PastelCreme)

Eventually they made it to a new area as he replied to Sanura " well it's easy most of these zoos are helpful because most of your thinking of extinction. They take the animals that are almost extinct and breed them here so they increase the population enough to send them back in the wild....most of these guys could have been injured before so they would sometimes shipped off in helicopters too..." The restaurant could be soon, the doors already open to the inside as there were people in the line and some sitting outside where most of the tables were.

" most of these are packed" as he stopped to look around going over to take the table with four chairs as he sat down on one side taking out the sandwiches and water. " these are simple ham, cheese, and a bit of egg sandwich..." He told them setting each in front of either girls with the water. kairu leaned back a bit as he took his own things taking the plastic off the sandwich and slowly starting to eat it. " so...I think..." Pausing a moment he checks his phone, " we have two hours until dusk, so we can maybe get a half hour here then we could go for the market so I could get somethings for cooking at home...." He felt a bit happy seeing that they could enjoy something new and simple like this, and it would also be for him one of the many good memories he had about chi and Sanura.
Sanura nodded her head as she listened "So it's a lot like the rehab and rescue center we have back home. We don't have the nice little exhibits though." When they found a table, she sat directly across from Kairu. The sandwiches were simple but still interesting. They were new to her, having never had that combination of food before. Cheese and bread went well with everything while ham and egg were just delicious. When handed her food she removed it from the plastic and took a big bite. She smiled, enjoying the meal. She nodded her head as he explained the plan.

"Thank you for the meal, and for today!" she said as she unwrapped her sandwich and took a bite. She too hadn't had one of these before and was pleased with the result. "Sounds good! Can we get ingredients so I can cook you some rice and stew sometime?" she asked him between bites. "Do they have any caribou meat? If not I'm sure cow meat will be a good substitute."
he simply just gave a little smile for a moment as he lawns back and stretched a bit looking around for a moment as he waited. " yeah we could, still have time. It's mostly cow or pork for most of the meat, those are the cheapest and common...maybe tomorrow we could go to the mall again or something. I'm trying to plan a bit of stuff to go out and do...and I guess weirdly you could learn about a date like you asked, and of course seeing that I would never have a chance at a girl at least as I know...." He shrugged not really thinking about the possibility of him falling in love with either girls. He had to say though he had grown to care for them a lot even more for Chi as he spent the most time with her but also how much fun he had with her, going for ice cream and eating out and the clothes...

" the mall is a good place to learn about most of the human culture here like music and food and shopping..."
The girls had both finished their sandwhich and were sipping their waters when he talked about trying to plan out things to do. Both girls blushed deeply at the talk of a date. It may have just been a trip to the mall to learn about dates, but each imagined what it would be like going on a date with Kairu.

A light pink blush was on Sanura's cheeks as she laughed a little. "You can't take us both on a date at the same time though! isn't there a rule about being with one person at a time... or are you just a greedy boy~" She teased lightly. Sanura knew that Kairu was too nice of a guy to even consider the idea of dating two girls at once. Among other things she liked that about him. There was another fit of giggles as her tail and eats flicked. "Why don't you take one of us at a time? I call dibs on the first date since Chi already had time with you first!"

"S-san!" Chi stuttered blushing a deep scarlet "It's just a pretend d-date. Kind of like a demo... S-so there are no rules..." She looked down at her hands as she awkwardly played with the water bottle. "But... It might be a good idea to go one at a time. You know... so it is closer to the real thing..." Chi wasn't about to admit that she liked the idea of going on a date with just Kairu. Not a pretend one either. She peeked up at Kairu wondering what his thoughts on it all were.
"W-what are you talking about!" He was caught off guard though knew he did this to himself as he was the one who mentioned it of course. " but..." He simply sighed, " b-but what would the other do while we're gone? It would be boring for the other wouldn't it? I mean..." He scratched his neck, " of course I wanna experience a date, a real one too, " I-I guess that could work? But it's easier said than done even for me getting into trouble if people found out..."

Kairu was also one to look away a bit with a blush knowing that most of the time when he was bored the only think he could think about would be what it would be like tone out hanging out with a cute girl and asking her to even date him like a real girlfriend. A fantasy that every boy had and that fantasy that could never die accept with the experience of actually being on the date than imagining and just thinking about it all the time.
Sanura was excited and it took a bit of effort not to get too excited. She honestly didn't care what Chione did at home while she was off with Kairu. "Well Chi can practice her embroidery, cook that stew, or something like that. And when I'm alone I'll just catch some z's!" He then mentioned how they could get in trouble. She paused for a second. San didn't want Kairu to get in trouble, and she didn't want to be sent home so soon. The neko just smiled and wink "That's no problem! I can keep a secret~!"

Chione didn't care for the idea of San getting alone time with him, but as long as she got her time she could deal. "I-I don't mind keeping myself busy..." she said and added "Plus you did say the mall was a good place to learn about human culture... s-so I mean, if anyone asks..."

Sanura was beaming. "Then it will all work out! As long as no one tells miss agent lady then it will be fine!" she said excitedly.
" I-I guess..." He said with a nervous chuckle still scratching his neck for a moment as he leaned back. He didn't mind though because he was able to experience a date but even that made him nervous being a first still of course. " maybe we should go now then..." He said standing to throw away his stuff then sitting down. " it's the only good place I know to learn the common stuff other than going to a school or going to just any place and trying to figure things.." Kairu stretched as he decided now to wait then turn to follow when they were done.
"Okay!" Sanura said, standing to throw away her trash before returning to stand next to the table. "I'm ready to go." she added, still cheerful. Sanura didn't show the mix of emotions she had. She would never admit that she too was a little nervous for the date. Would Kairu like spending time with her? Or was she just a bother? San tried to be optimistic though. There was no point in worrying about all the ifs.

Chi took the last sip of water which cooled her off. Her cheeks faded from the scarlet red to a soft pink. "Well, that's what we are here for!" Chione said after calming down a bit. She too went and threw her trash away. Her heart was still beating fast, she was nervous at the idea of going on a date. She had never considered that with someone before. Her village only had a few guys her age in it. A couple she didn't like and the others she saw more like brothers. She wondered if all the nervousness was a normal reaction. She shouldn't be this nervous. It was just a pretend date and Kairu could never actually be with either of them.

As they left, the girls returned to their positions on each side of him. Sanura clung tight to his upper arm and walked closely to him. Chione took his hand, lacing their fingers together.
As he stood there waiting he had expected them to instead of walk but run a bit excitedly knowing how curious they've been telling him about seeing everything but again both did the same thing as they each took half of him. " kairu just smiled and turned to walk in one of the directions though they were already in a new place so it would be fine for them. This image of him would certainly attract some peoples attention that he was dating both of him which made him feel weird but of course he didn't mind them at all holding onto home like this anyway.
They were walking along when Sanura suddenly came to a stop. "Oh wow look, a giraffe!" she said looking over at one of the pens. "They are a lot bigger then I thought they would be." she said in a bit of awe. "Can we stop and watch them for a bit? Then we can go hit the grocery store!" Without another word she began heading towards the pen. There were just two in the pen. One of them was just staring at a little girl taking pictures while the other was drinking water.

Chione followed as they checked out the giraffes. "Amazing." she breathed. They stayed for a little bit before Chione suggested "We should be heading to the grocery store soon. The sun is about to go down and I doubt they will keep this place open much longer." In reply Sanura nodded with a sigh "I guess your right..." and with that they continued in the direction they had been in, leaving the zoo and heading to the car.
He quietly just followed as he watched them go for the giraffes, they weren't really his favorite thing but they were pretty cool to just see for a moment...kairu stood with them looking over at both of them as he glanced over at chi, " ok then..." Slowly he followed behind them as they made it to the car, getting in and starting it as they headed out once everyone was one. For now he didn't really have anything to really talk to them about though he was still hoping that both of he girls could at least become friends which made things a lot easier for him than anything beside trying to plan things to do of course.

Soon they found the parking lot as he parked and got out of the car. The large building in front of them was the biggest compared to the others around them, locking the doors once everyone was out and walking toward it.
Sanura ran ahead when she saw the car "I call shot gun!" She cried as she got to the passenger side door. Chione pouted as a result but didn't argue. She figured Kairu would argee they would have to take turns riding in front. Truthfully where they sat didn't matter all that much to either of them, it was really just who got to sit closest to him that they cared about. The ride to the market was quiet and it remained this way until they got to the store. "Wow, this place is pretty big." San said as she stepped out of the car. Back home their market place was outside with several little vendors selling fresh food on their own carts or tables.

Chione also stepped out of the car. "So is this where everyone gets all their food?" She had never seen a food market before. For meat they had whatever their father caught and everything else was delivered once a month to her doorstep. She was pretty excited to see what kind of selection they had readily available. For any cooking basics or even special items they would have to make a request to the couple who travels down the mountain, so they always had to plan far in advance what they would need. Stepping inside she looked around "They must have everything here."
"It's much bigger inside..." He simply said as they made it through the sliding doors inside where there were of course plenty of people all over the place finding, buying, and leaving with groceries throughout the store. " you wouldn't believe chi, actually this is a world market...." He began to explain again, " they have fruited, vegetables, meat, canned stuff from ALL over the world....some things might be familiar to you guys too of course with what you have around there..." He stretched wondering where to start as he took a cart and turned to find an aisle where they had ingredients and spices. He didn't have a plan to what he wanted to try and cook but he knew very well what they had to have a lot of in general
"Really?" Chi asked. Though she wasn't surprised. Humans lived pretty much everywhere and could ship goods from all over the wold to each other. Since barely anything grew where she lived, most of the things she ate grew elsewhere. Still the quantity was astonishing. "I didn't even know such a variety existed." she said as he grabbed a cart and began looking around. She looked over all the ingredients they walked past. "Shells?" she questioned as she saw a container of escargot snail shells. Her face scrunched up a bit at the thought. Though she had never seen real snails, she had seen them in books and thought they were less than appetizing. "We should get some beef, potatoes, beans, bacon and some veggies for stew!" she reminded again.

Sanura walked beside Kairu and listened. "Minus the veggies that sounds perfect! With a little cheese sprinkled on top of course!" San liked hardy foods and could live off just meat and carbs and be perfectly happy.
" we can't just buy all that, you kinda have to think hard on the flavors you want with it. Not everything can go good when you just throw different stuff like can be kinda complicated...but of course we need most of that stuff anyway.." He shrugged hoping to get her to be more conscious about her choices as well as her excitement. Slowly he looked around starting to put things in the cart, already holding a lot of things. Kairu left chi to think about her own thing for now as he thought himself of what else they would already need.
"That was kind of how my father preferred to cook. He liked to make things he thought would grow hair on your chest... not literally of course." However Kairu did have a point. Her mother who always followed a recipe was a far better cook then her father who didn't. She had memorized several of her mother's best recipes. Chione thought for a minute before saying "Well, there is this one recipe that my mother used all the time. My father always loved it. It called for beef, carrots, celery, potatoes, mushrooms, garlic cloves, and and onion cooked in broth all day with a bunch of herbs."

Sanura was walking along when a thought came to mind. "We should get some candy! Or some kind of sweet to bring back to the house!"
"Hmm sure that could work, we could go for all of that then, we can head around first to get some beef, spices, and the produce then...those are all the stops exactly for what you need for that. As he replied he had already begun moving to another aisle, being the frozen food and dairy as he picked out some milk and other things adding them to the already big pile in the cart. Turning to San, " you guys can get only one candy then..." He said sounding like what a dad would say to a little kid. Is there anything you want San? Maybe...actually I was thinking that since we all lived somewhere else in the world and have different cultures and food I think it would be fun to share recipes. Of course chi will cook hers, me..." He paused for a moment thinking, " well think about it still, and I'm sure there was something Sanura always loved to eat...of course I'll either stay out of the way while your cooking or help if you want..." He shrugged as he turned for a moment to add more things before walking again to another aisle.
Sanura beamed "Alright, I can go for just one today!" The neko's tail flicked happily behind her as she thought about what she might want for a treat. Then she heard what he said something about sharing recipes. "That could be fun..." she started, but there was only one problem with that. San had never cooked a dish in her life. Her mother was the one who cooked everything usually and sometimes her older siblings would take a turn, but she never did. "Uhh... I might need some help in the kitchen then. But I can do it!" She was a little nervous at the thought of cooking for the first time, but didn't want them to think she was totally incapable. She thought about all the different things she ate back home and if there was anything she knew how to cook. "I could make Kebabs with kusherie." she said, both being fairly easy.
" sounds cool..." He looked over giving her a small but encouraging smile. He had heard a lot that those were really common in many other places. The only thing he had on a stick was mostly cooked barbecue meat, it would seem new and different to him so that was she could do. Finally he turned to one of the frozen aisles this one with different kinds of meats and ribs. " now what could I use to cook..." As he picked up some packages and started to compare and think, his face glowing a bit from the light reflected above him.

After a little while he picked some out he would use, stretching for a moment before looking around to see where to go next thinking he could hit the spices then to the produce which would of course have them be done to pay and go home.
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