Last Movie You Saw...

American Psycho is an amazing film. And on more than one level. Honestly, one of the best horror/thriller movies out there. Great plot, great acting.

The Princess And The Frog

Yes, I'm on a Disney kick. And these two films got me teary. Especially The Princess And The Frog. I just loved the message of it and the interpretation and, well, just everything. Great princess movie.
just caught Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive yesterday.
it was mind-blowingly great. dude's an amazing director - Bronson and Valhalla Rising are wonderful, especially the latter - and it's seriously another long ball right out of the park with this. agonizingly tense, moody, ponderous; i had a knot in my stomach for the entire movie, waiting for that simmering tension to boil over or explode, and when it does it's fucking brutal. Ryan Gosling pulls off an incredible role, in some scenes smoldering with barely concealed rage not unlike Timothy Olyphant in Deadwood or Justified.

the soundtrack is beautiful, so much so that i actually just snagged it from Amazon and i very nearly never pick up movie soundtracks. my favorite flick of 2011, easy, and i'm not afraid to call it the best of the year, period.
I very rarely go to the theatre because I don't like going alone. I think the last movie that I saw in theatres was when I took my younger cousin to see Jurassic Park 3. XD That was a few years ago.
Les Boys

No subtitles and the English dub was irritating, especially since I know a few of the actors from other films and they don't sound anything like that. Otherwise, pretty good.
Gentlemen prefer blondes for my filming lit class. Loved it. Loved it so hard.
I believe the last movie I saw in theaters was The Lion King (the 3D special that came out on Sept 16th this year, not the original). I love going to the theater to see movies. I do it a lot.
Love&Other drugs, Jake was hot but Anne Hathaway was on fire. That show was so sad but oddly I felt bad for thinking it was hot too.

I actually really liked this movie. I found it very entertaining and visually pretty. I've not read any of the comics nor am I up on any of my Norse mythology so I've no idea as to how close anything in the film is to either of those. However, regardless of all that, it was a fun watch and I'm looking forward to the sequel. :)

Also, my son has been BUGGING THE HELL out of me to watch it with him. The kid just LOVED it. He was like.... THOR, MOMMY!!! I WANT HAMMER!!! Little does he know that he's getting a Thor helmet, hammer, action figure and plushie for Christmas. The kid is going to be SOOO happy. And seeing how much he liked it (and I liked it), I think the movie shall be gracing our DVD shelves in the very near future as well.
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