just caught Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive yesterday.
it was mind-blowingly great. dude's an amazing director - Bronson and Valhalla Rising are wonderful, especially the latter - and it's seriously another long ball right out of the park with this. agonizingly tense, moody, ponderous; i had a knot in my stomach for the entire movie, waiting for that simmering tension to boil over or explode, and when it does it's fucking brutal. Ryan Gosling pulls off an incredible role, in some scenes smoldering with barely concealed rage not unlike Timothy Olyphant in Deadwood or Justified.
the soundtrack is beautiful, so much so that i actually just snagged it from Amazon and i very nearly never pick up movie soundtracks. my favorite flick of 2011, easy, and i'm not afraid to call it the best of the year, period.