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Last Movie You Saw...

Watched all the Chucky movies last day, the movies where my cousin got his BIIIIIIIG breakout and got famouse, lucky bastard
I like the first one. I only watched the others because it's a mindfuck if they do the scenes properly. Plus, I take a lot of enjoyment in seeing how horrible they've made horror movies. I mean, I hate that horror's getting destroyed, but I wanna see how they're doing it all the same.
lol. I can get that. It's like the whole train wreck mentality. You don't want to look, but you can't help but do so nonetheless. Yep yep.
i have watched the two first onces, i really didn't "saw" (lame joke... kill me now..) anything special in it
Duck likes Saw. Not because of the gore though; at least not only. Not mainly. Duck likes the plot. Duck likes Jigsaw. And his philosophy. And plot twists at the end of every movie. First 3 were the best though. Then it became a little too much gore, a little too less plot.
That's only Duck's opinion though; it's a common knowledge that ducks are not the smartest creatures in the world.
The Narrows.

Kevin Zegers, Sophia Bush, Monica Keena, Eddie Cahill annnnnd Vincent D'Onofrio.

Grim as fuck. =[
How to train your Dragon. Well.. what to say.. I like cartoon movies even though they dosn't beat the good old 2D, but it happens that there isn't really any better out there except for animes and such, but out of subject! This movie was okay, was a terrible cute dragon and such
Strangers on a Train by Alfred Hitchcock
absolutely adored the film. Nothing like good ol' black and white
My boyfriend dragged me to it.

I say this guy, I mean Rodriguez is a genius. It is extremely hard to make such an unbelievable idiocy and still sell it.
This movie is classic case when it "so bad that it's good"

      • That movie was genius. I loved when they were discussing how they just
        let Mexicans who claim that they're gardeners into the mansion without
        any question. xD! And they go into this philosophical talk.

Assassination of the High School President

I know it seems like a youth movie, but I bought it and watched it because of Bruce Willis playing the principal and war veteran xD
Last movie I saw in theatres: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 1.

Last movie I saw at home: Dude Where's My Car. Found it on Netflix and couldn't resist, though it wasn't as funny as I remember.
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