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Last Movie You Saw...

H a r r i e t said:
A Knight's Tale

Aha, oh gawd. Heath Ledger makes my life.

Thats one of my favorite movies of all time.

I just watched Prince of Persia. My first thought after it was over was.....If they took out all the stuff that didn't really happen it would have been a very short movie.
Dragonheart!!! Classic! I've been trying to see this movie for years again, but could never get my hands on it. I've gotta buy it.
Me too... that movie was a total mind fuck! How could you not love it? Seriously.... it was genius in that regard! Ellen Page was simply amazing and sooo very convincing in that flick!
H a r r i e t said:
I loved the plot to that movie.

Plus, Ellen Page faking a ruthless neuter? c;

      • Me too! It was unique, taboo and extremely fascinating.

        Oh, I know. <3 The best part is, she's from Halifax like me!
        I used to see her quite a bit at a cafe called Perks, I remember
        I bought her a coffee and she was just so happy. xD

I watched Kick-Ass.

There are several moments in that movie where you're just like... what the fuck, like the first time Hit Girl appears and almost immediatley drops the C-bomb.
Juno (Never saw it before and it was on Encore. Figured I'd give it a go since I like Ellen Page and all. And I must say, I rather liked it. A lot. heee).
The original Omen. I would always catch bits and pieces of it whenever it ran on television, but I've never seen the entire thing until now. I enjoyed it a lot, especially since you're staring at the inescapably handsome Gregory Peck for much of the film. :D

I also saw the 1927 classic It starring Clara Bow. I've been enamored with Bow for years, but never saw her movies until I received the DVD from Netflix last week. Not gonna lie, I teared up when she came on screen.
Not gonna lie. The last movie I technically saw was Kamen Rider Kabuto Godspeed Love.

Before that, it was Dead Snow.
Halloween Halloween 2 Queen of the drunk last night, I think there was some Texas Vibrator Massacre....craaaazzy night. on a side note. Most of Rob Zombie movies rather peak my interest...
Halloween 2.
Queen of the Damned.
Eh kinda drunk last night...Still a little blurry...I think there was some Texas Vibrator Massacre....>.>
On a side note...Rob Zombie movies peak my interest...Not many movies can do that.

Halloween 2
Queen of the Damned
Everything was really blurry last night. Guess you get that with too much fire water. As I recall there was some Texas Vibrator Massacre.
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