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Last Movie You Saw...

City of God - It was a win. Intense win.
"Wait, why didn't that fucker kill me?"
"Wait, why didn't I kill that fucker?"
In theaters: Predators.
Eh I give it a 4 out of 5. It's ups are the random facts gathered up and thrown together like the characters themselves. Then the mild lore from all other nooks and craneys of predator spin-offs. ( comics, cross-overs,movies, etc.)

At home: The Crazies.
It's like a government engineered virus to make zombies... but not really. Just really angry and insane people... that die the first time you shoot important organs. 5 out of 5 WIN.
Despicable Me - Agnes is quite possibly the most adorable fictional child EVAR. Also, I want a minion. BADLY. I also like references that clearly weren't meant for children. Like the Bank of Evil formerly known as Lehman Bros.
2AM_Club said:
Despicable Me - Agnes is quite possibly the most adorable fictional child EVAR. Also, I want a minion. BADLY. I also like references that clearly weren't meant for children. Like the Bank of Evil formerly known as Lehman Bros.
"It's so fluffy I'm gunna die!"
The Final

a movie about a group of out casted and constantly harassed high school students that kidnap their tormentors and inflict lots of pain and suffering upon them.

It was an okay movie. The plot line was cool and I was surprised I haven't seen one like it before. Some nice horror moments that don't focus so much on gore but more of the psychological aspect. Some parts didn't make much sense as in you see people get killed but they re-appear in the next scene at a totally different location and die AGAIN. The ending was very lacking, not much closure and your left wondering what the hell happened to everyone. The outfits are really awesome though and the main chick is very sexy in a dark "I won't hesitate to torture you" kinda way o,o

all in all it was an alright movie, should be seen at least once but don't count on wanting to watch it again.
I had a movie marathon. It was pretty awesome.

Predators; I enjoyed watching it. Until the ending. They left a lot open, which I didn't really like, but I honestly didn't expect anything more from another Predators movie.

Despicable Me; Judge me all you want. I loved it. LOVED it.

Inception; Ellen Page is love. It made me think, and I got a lot of inspiration from it. A movie that I didn't just sit there and watch, I actually functioned while seeing it.

SALT; Not one of Angelina's best performances, and the plot was a little predictable, but I liked it nonetheless. Another movie that had an open ending, and I'll be royally pissed if they don't follow up and leave the ending as it is.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice; It had it's funny moments, which was good. I'm a fan of Nicolas Cage and Jay Baruchel, so seeing them together was extremely entertaining.
I just got done watching Justice League Crisis that shit was awesome. The only Justice League character that really got fucked up was Batman and it was funny seeing him get his ass beat from Owlman... Owlman!

Who the hell came up with that nutass name!? They could have come up with a better name for a parallel universe of Batman... well that is all I have to say about it.

If you like Justice League and never seen this movie you have to see this movie.
When I was visiting Harriet, we saw more movies in the span of that week then I usually do in two months.

Movies, in order.

Predators, Despicable Me, Inception, Salt and Sorcerer's Apprentice.

My reviews, in order.

Predators: 9/10 for me, probably 8/10 for other people.

I've been a huge fan of the Predators and Aliens universes since I was able to watch the movies on basic cable without getting caught by my parents when I was 5. The original Predator came out the same year I was born, so I, obviously, never got that theatre experience from the original, but I imagine it was just as good as what I got from this latest movie.

The characters, even the ones that died early on, all oozed personality. They contrasted and complimented each other at the same time for the entire movie, switching back and forth between a well oiled combat unit to a bunch of kidnapped gun toters that have no idea what the fuck is going on almost seamlessly. There are a few plot twists and a cameo that I'm ashamed I didn't pick up on sooner, but nothing that distracts you too much from the feeling of uncertain survival. The ending left me going a little 'Fffffff-' but really, there was no other way to end it without making the Predators feel less awesome.

I'll drop down reviews for the others later, if I'm bored.
The theatre experience for the first Predator movie was great btw.

I'm watching "The Crazies" right now. Not a bad flick for the current new wave of "zombie" flicks.
Despicable Me - 8/10

Despite being a children's movie, this was entertaining for me on various levels. The main character amused me as a villain, hero and victim. He's got a sense of humor that switches between goofy and sadistic, plus his accent and facial expressions worked wonderfully for his role. His delusional fantasies are always amusing and the way his personality changes from his original appearance towards the end was believable.

And the support characters, fantastic. The minions were awesome, best humor in the movie, not because they had the best jokes, but because they were consistently amusing. The 'villains' and Gru's other allies were all pretty great as well, but the little girls. Jesus christ, they were too god damn adorable. This is false advertising for children. No kids are that god damn cute. If I could have kids that were like that, I'd probably have them right now. Luckily, I know babies and toddlers and such aren't that awesome in real life.
Law Abiding Citizen

I must say it was a pretty awesome movie. The ways he kills people are not only interesting but some are pretty funny and unexpected. I loved everything about the movie, though the ending was a bit predictable -.- but you can only expect so much. It is a great action movie as well as a psychological thriller. Clyde reminds me of a vengeful Jigsaw with a sense of sarcasm the make him an awesome character. Definatley a must see 4/5
The plot for Law Abiding Citizen took a nose dive very early on, and just kept on descending at an increasing rate.

The action though was good enough to distract from it while watching the film; but the moral was pointless and stupid.
Inception: 9/10.

If not for Harriet, I never would have bothered to see this movie. Leonardo has never been an actor that caught my interest, be it because of his types of movies, his types of roles, or the fact that all the girls I used to go to school with wanted to hump his face. But I have to say thanks to Harri for making me see it, because it was probably the best movie out of the quintet that I saw this passed week.

The premise seems simple enough, but once you get into it, and you get into the science, psychology and danger of it all, things that even the characters don't seem to fully grasp until they're neck deep, it keeps your attention. It's a bang at the start, with only a very minor lull in the middle when you get involved in some of the character's personal dark pasts, but even then, it's a necessary evil. The big action sequences are pretty awesome, switching back and forth between what seems like a real life scene, to what could only be done in a dream.

The ending was pretty awesome and it left you wondering, although I was pretty sure of what the actual out come was going to be, Harri poked me until I admitted there was a chance that what I thought wasn't 100% guaranteed. And she was right.
You should check out Catch Me If You Can if you liked DiCaprio's performance in Inception. The movie was excellent, it concerned one of the most prolific counterfeiters in US history, he did an excellent job portraying his character. Tom Hanks also did an excellent job.

EDIT: I'd give the movie a 9/10. It was truly excellent. I think I'm gonna watch it again tonight.
DiCaprio has really grown as an actor. I hated him when he was younger; but as an adult he's very good at what he does.
To his credit, he doesn't seem to be caught up in the Hollywood fame machine. Other people did that for him, he didn't feed it personally. He's just kept doing the movies he wanted to do, once he was at a level where he could choose. He's rather like Matt Damon in that respect, though Matt plays the game a bit more, but just a bit.
Death and the Maiden - Ewh. Hearing Sigourney Weaver talk "dirty" and showing her itty bitty titty was icky. Shit was just too bizarre for me. Super creep statues fo' sho'

Elephant - Based in part on the Columbine High School Massacre. Had long and needless shots following students as they walked the halls. Also had redundant scenes offered from different perspectives. The different views might have been worth something if we got to see some character development and not them just roaming the halls. But because it was about a school shooting, it was still disturbing as hell.

La Haine - French film that explores the tension between gangs and police in the projects with quite a powerful ending. Being in black and white was a nice touch. Painfully slow opening credits, but I enjoyed it otherwise, especially the American pop culture references. Definitely the one to watch out of these three, even if it was a little hard to read the white English subtitles at times.
"Talk nice. We're in France."
"What a speech. Half Moses. Half Mickey Mouse."
"God loves your bowels."
went all kiddy and watched Lilo and stich, it was cute, i ended up trying to talk like Stitch, and you know what? i can fucking talk like him >8U
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