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Last Movie You Saw...

Just saw Dead Silence for the umpteenth time.

If you ever saw it, you'd understand my question that I am going to present.

With that many tongues, I'd wonder if Mary Shaw would make one hell of a lesbian.
Misha would; but she's not around much.

Last movie I watched was the Pink Panther, it was on tv and I was bored enough.
Zombies Galore said:
Mary is in fact both mature and expired, if I recall correctly.
Oh shoot... disregard that then.

No then...

I have knocked that clear off the wall and don't ever plan on trying that.

I actually liked this film. I am a big fan of the original and I did enjoy the film. The predators are a little weird, but it didn't bother me hugely.

I would give it a 7/10 =]
Am watching, Scary True Stores: Ten haunting tales from the japanese underground.
Honestly Pretty, as a toy collector I was ready to CRY in that movie. XD I feel Toy Story is done though, it had such a solid ending that tied everything up, that I almost don't want them to do any more. ^^;

Kamen Rider Decade: All Riders Director's cut. More rubber suited guys. Whee! \ o /
Hehehe. Yesss. So awesome.

I also watched Despicable Me the other day. Another great movie.

Can you all tell I love kid movies? :I
I still want to watch that! I was surprised to hear so many people liked it.

Also the Wal-Mart by my school has a crane machine with the Unicorn from that movie in it. And... I kind of want it. >>;
Taxi Driver - Unrelated to the merits of the movie, but ohfuckness, the things I would do to 1970s Robert DeNiro...
Zalvek said:
I still want to watch that! I was surprised to hear so many people liked it.

Also the Wal-Mart by my school has a crane machine with the Unicorn from that movie in it. And... I kind of want it. >>;
its so fluffy I'm gunna die!
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