Last Movie You Saw...

Bobby. It follows the lives of numerous people that were in the room when Robert Kennedy was shot, specifically the day of, some characters fictional and some real.

I loved it. I originally picked it up because though I have a couple I bounce between, Laurence Fishburne is probably my favorite actor, and seeing his name alone will have me watching something before I've even a clue what it's about. The cast consists of about two dozen people, most of them big name actors and actresses, each getting only a few scenes rather than it centraling around any one. This leads to a lot of very well thought out characters who are all delivered excellently. Check it out if you dig a good drama, or a good character study.

Fishburne is my favorite due to scenes like this excerpt from Bobby; intelligent, powerful, and often uplifting:
A-Team. Hell yes. Before that, Toy Story 3. I didn't get why it was in 3D; A-Team had explosions and shit flying towards the screen. That would have been a lot better. ;__;

Except, then, it would have given me a headache. And Liam Neeson's nose in 3D would make me laugh.
Don't think it counts as Star Trek, but VERY good move nonetheless, lmao!

Let's see... Toy Story 3. The best movie out of all three; I thought it was more emotional and a bit more grown up for the people who grew up with the movies.
DarknessEmbraced666 said:
Alice in Wonderland again. ^.^
Great movie.

I loved Alice in Wonderland, they decided not to just stick to the original story line.

Last movie I watched was A-Team, it was quite funny and of course lots of action.
Kite Runner. Disappointing compared to the book. WAY disappointing.
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

The main actress was very attractive. The acting was alright I guess, nothing impressive, which can be attributed to the poor writing. Very poor. Like b-movie poor.

Thankfully I got it as a free rental from the local library. I never got why the series has the fans it does. I guess it's the only gig in town of at least an acceptable quality?

Man of the Year

Really meh. I was hoping for more from Robin Williams and Lewis Black. This was a movie that could have made a point but instead settled for being a feel good family comedy. The setup of a scene sometimes didn't make sense. Overall it wasn't bad, but it played it safe with the main plot twist.

Vantage Point

This one I liked. Dennis Quaid is solid and Forest Whitaker was great in his role. The President gets shot and it's a whodunit that follows the paths of several people leading up to, and in the few quick minutes that follow the gunfire. It wasn't too hard to figure out, but even when I did it was enjoyable to watch the rest and see how everything interconnected.
As_Day_Fades said:
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

The main actress was very attractive. The acting was alright I guess, nothing impressive, which can be attributed to the poor writing. Very poor. Like b-movie poor.

Thankfully I got it as a free rental from the local library. I never got why the series has the fans it does. I guess it's the only gig in town of at least an acceptable quality?
For a while there, I kept running into people who were talking like the Underworld interpretation of vamps/weres was the "right" one, and I'm like "... hundreds of years of folktales? Different interpretations with every author who has an idea?" I mean, there's a modicum of creativity, I suppose, but it's not even as detailed or consistent as a White Wolf game, and that's saying something.

I guess it's just slick and attractive and ... I don't know. No idea why it's as popular as it is.
It's the money put into it. People want to like vampires/werewolves/etc and though the Underworld series is unimpressive writing-wise it has money put into it in the form of feature length films with recognizeable names, special effects, and polish. At least that's my take. Like you said, slick and attractive. I'm not into the whole theme enough to really split hairs on the finer points of how everyone and everything should be, but the writing is just poor and borish in my eyes. I think people tell themselves they're supposed to like it because it has the appearance of being well done, or perhaps their standards are just that low - or mine that high.
Oh heck no, I couldn't friggin' stand Van Helsing. That's below Underworld and above Twilight in my opinion.

I'd go with something from the Castlevania games, the Hellsing (no relation) manga/anime, or the Interview with the Vampire movie.
I'd do the girl xD~


~ I saw How to Train Your Dragon (again xD)
IFUCKINGLOVETHATMOVIE. I should make my mom get it for me for my birthday xD SRSLY.


>> Me and the Man saw Eclipse.

Why you may ask? Because I didn't want him to see it with some strange woman when i'm RIGHT THERE. >>; He bought my lunch in exchange for making me sit through it xDDDD
Oh I'm a fan of the guy, I think he's good at what he does, and yes, he certainly does have that appeal. But as far as the movie is concerned... no. Just no. Sorry, but no. It was like diarrhea on film, and scat just ain't my thing.
Fair enough. I don't even remember how they differed actually, it's been so long since I've seen it and I couldn't get into the movie from the start. But overall, to each their own and all that jazz.
                                        • The first Karate Kid. Good flick.....very good~ well in my opinion anyhow....
                                          Universal remote.....funny movie....just funny.... XD

                                          Van Hellsing wasn't that bad.... >:0 And of course it was above Twilight...every supernatural movie is...and I've seen some really shitty ones. And underworld vamps sucked in my opinion...mainly attitude wise and their clothing sense.... Their lycans and werewolves were some of the best I've seen really doesn't make up for their vamps shittyness though.
Oh, man, I just got a flashback to one erstwhile partner going "it's 'lycan,' actually." like that was the formal, real term for a werewolf. Um, no, that was some screenwriting dude in 2002 trying to find a new way to say "werewolf" and abbreviating "lycanthropy". You wanna go formal, how about loup-garou? Bah. People shouldn't take their only view of an ancient and vibrant mythology from one crappy action movie.

OMG awesome ass movie! references to the very first predator and aliens vs predators
plus lots of violence and classic Predator action plus a few new moves that I didn't know they could do. Highly recommend for lovers of Predators and/or action packed violent movies
Angels and Demons....I loved it. Movies who make the good guys look bad, and then reveal clues to why the good guys are pure love.

Anywhoo, the other was Madeline. Cute movie.
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