Last Movie You Saw...

Iron Man 2 finally
none of my friends wanted to see it with me so I had to watch alone p.q
still epic movie~
Black hawk down - made me effin' cry....
The professional- good hitman movie.
Wes Craven's Dracula 2000- eh coulda been better.
Ghost of girlfriend's past- made me laugh hard...
Last movie in theater - Iron man 2 - d_(^_^)_b
Last movie on DVD - I am Legend - d_(^_^)_b
Last movie on computer - Last Samurai - d_(^_^)_b
Shawshank Redemption.

Definite thumps up, it's a great movie. Wither you have a taste for prison movies or not it's most definitely worth watching.


And, saw it at home.
Doomsday was bitchin, to be crude about it.

;~; Foreign movies are the best.
Despite the sick twisted-ness of it, there were still enoughparts to make it laugh-able.
Mr Master said:
Just got done watching Stay Tuned. So funny, but so very placed in its time. Still like it lots.

Oh God! I'd forgotten all about that movie! You're right, all the references are outdated and probably wouldn't make any sense to people under 30. Gotta go find that now...

Just finished "Red Dawn." Love that cold war cheesiness...
It kind of still works, but if you don't know the TV and pop culture of the time, you don't get it all the way. It's like those old Looney Tunes cartoons that reference the Marx Brothers and whatnot. You know it's something, but you don't know what, but it's still funny on the face of it, you just don't understand that it's even funnier if you know the reference.
Disc I of the Godfather II. Oh the naughty naughty things I would have done to Robert DeNiro thirty years ago. My roommate and I both gushed several times.
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