Last Movie You Saw...

Ivy Walker said:
District 9. It was okay, but it seemed really sloppy and rushed to me.
Really? That's odd. It seemed very intentionally documentary-style for most of it, then slipped back and forth between documentary and cinematic. It actually was well-planned and came off as scheduled. Of course, they were shooting in some authentically dangerous areas of Soweto, so maybe that was part of it.


Watched Comic Book: The Movie, which was funny and a good example of DIY filmmaking with your buddies (they wrote, shot, and acted in it themselves, and it starred friends from voice-work who never get in front of the camera, and there's a whole bit with these three Star Wars guys who were always in costumes (but weren't the droids). Anyway. Funny, but moreso if you dig comics.

Also saw Iron Man again, first time on DVD. Love the deleted scenes on that one, but again, it's RDJ who makes the movie.

Tonight, I'll likely be watching Gentleman Broncos, from Netflix. I hear it's funny; wish me luck!
Mr Master said:
Ivy Walker said:
District 9. It was okay, but it seemed really sloppy and rushed to me.
Really? That's odd. It seemed very intentionally documentary-style for most of it, then slipped back and forth between documentary and cinematic. It actually was well-planned and came off as scheduled. Of course, they were shooting in some authentically dangerous areas of Soweto, so maybe that was part of it.
Yes it did seem that way, to me at least.


Like at one point they go into the facility and the alien Chris or whatever goes all emo and they suddenly have a plan to make a bomb and get out of there...and they just happen to blast through the wall right at the parking garage for the MNU vehicles. Different things like that just made it seem like a solution slapped on and overly convenient to a seemingly complex problem. Like, "Oh noes, we're in this high-tech military base that was so impenetrable before that we all cried about it for a while when we first came up with the plan; but we got in practically no problem, and now the soldier dudes got us surrounded but...hey wait a second...I know how to make a bomb out of stuffs, because the lab for testing aliens is right next to the lab for testing alien weaponry and oh, lookit that, MNU vehicles right on the other side of this wall and able to drive them no problem. Yaaayy!" And how many frigging times did they need to use the alien gun on somebody and explode their human body parts at the camera? Alright, we GET it. Alien technology is frickin' badass.


Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I know it's a cartoon but it was very obnoxious. Characters doing things like the scientist dude listing his actions as he's doing them all super cool-like. It ceased being funny before the first time it happened. And the whole movie was like that, just one big elongated groan after another.
Dude, I'm surprised they didn't use that gun every damn time. It was awesome. I mean, that's the point of showing the alien tech. I'm surprised you got sick of it, but everybody has their own tolerance, I suppose.

As for the escape, there were some deleted scenes of them blasting through a wall and climbing some stairs, going through a few walls to find the garage, but they got cut for time. Don't remember the bomb so well, but then Christopher was a technician. He'd probably be like "well, that's a power supply, I can cross-wire that." Or, you know, one of the many guns they were testing might be able to blow a hole in concrete.

Well, listen to me. Trying to argue against your personal reaction. That's silly of me. All I need to say is I had a different opinion. :p It's all good; not every film is for everyone.
I liked District 9 a lot, too. When I was told it was good and went to the movie theater, my first reaction to the documentary-style introduction was like.. wtf? I was not sure, but I watched it until it slowly became more of a typical movie, switching between the two points of view (media VS the protagonist). I think I liked everything of that movie, it was fresh, genius, new in a lot of ways. Also, I noticed in the credits a lot of names that seemed African and Middle-Eastern, which was also interesting. The cast was also a bunch of new faces I had never seen before, the effects, the ideas, I don't know, it was really something out of Hollywood's pattern.

Then again, like MrMr said, everyone has their own opinion and tastes.
Stepford Wives. I didn't like it. It was weird and I'm not sure exactly what it was trying to say about the equality of the sexes. That ending was confusing. Christopher Walken is <3.
Hannibal Rising

Its like the 7th time Ive watched it. I love that movie >.> Hannibal is an awesome character in this one. Then again, I am fond of mentally deranged murderers with a flare for style and finesse when it comes to murder. It makes me so gleefully happy and a lil bloodthirsty >///>
Kravin5150 said:
Hannibal Rising

Its like the 7th time Ive watched it. I love that movie >.> Hannibal is an awesome character in this one. Then again, I am fond of mentally deranged murderers with a flare for style and finesse when it comes to murder. It makes me so gleefully happy and a lil bloodthirsty >///>

Orgasmic movie. ORGASMIC.
H a r r i e t said:
Kravin5150 said:
Hannibal Rising

Its like the 7th time Ive watched it. I love that movie >.> Hannibal is an awesome character in this one. Then again, I am fond of mentally deranged murderers with a flare for style and finesse when it comes to murder. It makes me so gleefully happy and a lil bloodthirsty >///>

Orgasmic movie. ORGASMIC.
God I love Hannibal Rising. I dunno how many times I've watched it...

My last was paranormal activity. I thought it was besti liked it...and it was a laugher for me. It's good only if you like a lot of suspense, and are a very curious person like myself.
November[S n o w] said:
God I love Hannibal Rising. I dunno how many times I've watched it...

My last was paranormal activity. I thought it was besti liked it...and it was a laugher for me. It's good only if you like a lot of suspense, and are a very curious person like myself.

Aaahhh! That movie was so lame. I could not watch no more then five minutes.
The Buddha

It's a documentary on the life of the original Buddha. Very informative and interesting. I recommend it to anyone interested in become a Buddhist or just wanting to know about Buddhist origins and culture.
Kravin5150 said:
The Buddha

It's a documentary on the life of the original Buddha. Very informative and interesting. I recommend it to anyone interested in become a Buddhist or just wanting to know about Buddhist origins and culture.

I've seen Little Buddha. It's pretty insightful, too.

I wish they could've chosen a better cast list, though. Keanu Reeves as Siddhartha? Ick.
H a r r i e t said:
Kravin5150 said:
The Buddha

It's a documentary on the life of the original Buddha. Very informative and interesting. I recommend it to anyone interested in become a Buddhist or just wanting to know about Buddhist origins and culture.

I've seen Little Buddha. It's pretty insightful, too.

I wish they could've chosen a better cast list, though. Keanu Reeves as Siddhartha? Ick.
this one gives you like a full history of the Buddha and even has the Dalai Lama in it~
made to be more informative than entertaining. I never did like Keanu Reeve movies though >.>
Kravin5150 said:
this one gives you like a full history of the Buddha and even has the Dalai Lama in it~
made to be more informative than entertaining. I never did like Keanu Reeve movies though >.>

The Dalai Lama is in Little Buddha. Well, slightly. I never saw the ending.
And Little Budda was made for information, too. Just... expressed in a weird way.

Keanu Reeves can suck a cawk, kthxbai.
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. It was excellent! Although the love scene where they're like "Brother and Sister no more" and I'm like, "Gah! why'd you have to bring THAT up now? I'd nearly forgotten but now it's just damn weird."
I Am Sam. I love this movie so much and it's one of my favorites, but gosh darn it, it makes me cry every time.
Last movie i saw.... i guess that was Schindler's List, possible one of the greatest and most emotional movies ever made and i only cried twice this time
The last Movie I saw was Alice in Wonderland. It was pretty cool. Wish I saw in 3D though. My hair would have stood. Eheheh
I am 15 minutes into Dragon War: D-War, and I know it's going to suck plotwise, and acting, most likely, but already I've seen a furrow of destruction through LA which could probably be glimpsed from orbit, Robert Forster telling a story, a medieval Chinese (or something) village being attacked by orcs, some orcs riding allosauruses while big unarmored anklyosauruses carrying rocket launchers on their backs softened up the city walls and dragons swooped the defenders, and now kung fu Gandalf is cutting down orcs like a lawnmower cuts grass.

I'm sure it'll suck later, but right now, the twelve-year-old in me is nerdgasming.
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