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Last Movie You Saw...

Nell. I've been waiting to see this one on Netflix Instant Watch and it finally came on it. A very good movie.
Yup! Last night with Goosie. I LOL'D my ass off. We downloaded H1 too, but she hasn't seen it yet. Are there any movies you'd like to reserve for the three of us?
Fargo. It was pretty good. Now I have a visual for when people reference "the wood chipper scene", lol. :lol:
Nightmare on Elm Street but could not finish it because of a earthquake hitting during the movie... what a luck.... I could not finish the damn movie I hate earthquakes...
Zarazel said:
Nightmare on Elm Street but could not finish it because of a earthquake hitting during the movie... what a luck.... I could not finish the damn movie I hate earthquakes...

What a shame. That was ONE AWESOME movie. The ending was the best part.
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