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Last Movie You Saw...

Dawn of the Dead, the old one
aie, i mean come on! how can this be any better than the new one?! >8U

I liked it. A half movie, half documentary. I'm not sure exactly how you'd classify it, I just remember the events left and right being pretty damn factual. Excellent acting all around, excellent portrayals. Lots of tense moments. There's a lot that wasn't touched upon as far as Bush's campaign and first term, with the movie instead focusing on his life leading up to the election and his handling of the war.

Quantum of Solace

Couldn't get into it. =/ I wanted to. I know it's Mr.Smooth in a fancy suit with a fast car and faster, yet classy women, sleek guns, sleeker music, all that. I dunno. The story wasn't bad, had potential, but was ultimately weak. With exception to Daniel Craig and Judi Dench everyone was forgetable. I don't recall there being any nifty gadgets, something I thought was one of the series' staples. I enjoyed the action scenes but not as much as the previous installment - that feeling goes for the whole movie, actually. Enjoyable, but I expected a little better.

The Rolling Stones: Shine A Light

Meh. I guess if you're a big Stones fan it'll probably do something for you, but I'm not. I keep trying to give them another shot but aside from a few semi-catchy songs I just can't get into 'em. That much is simply a matter of personal taste. Can't fault it for that. One thing that really did unimpress me though was the directing, something which wasn't bad, but Martin Scorcese had his name and face all over this thing. Honestly, I've seen better directed band dvds from no-names. But maybe that goes back to my not being too into the source material to begin with.
Grown-ups. Not bad, but friends that crack on each other that much are messed up. <3 Kevin James and the preview for The Green Hornet gave me serious girl woody for Seth Rogen. And I'm not even attracted to him like that.

Sleeper. Methinks that 1970s humor is over my head. Or under :/ The music was funny and there were some choice quotes:
I would never force myself sexually on a blind person.
I got a PhD in oral sex.
Me and my uncles just got done watching the A-Team and The Karate Kid. Both movies are ok. There wasn't really much for me to say for these movies.
Full Metal Jacket - Win. Crazy quotable. I'm glad to have seen where the "Me So Horny" and all that originated from. Sadly, I am somehow that much more utterly creeped the fuck out by Vincent D'Onofiro.
Wait, I thought this was movies we saw in theaters.

Well, the last movie I sat down and watched from beginning to end was probably Watchmen. I think.

I thumbed through the comic, didn't bother to see it in the theaters and I had an...interesting experience. Characters I liked in the comic, I disliked in the movie (Owl face.) and characters I disliked in the comic I liked in the movie (The Comedian, Rorschach.)

The last movie I watched in and out, flipping back and forth, was Aliens. I watched it twice, two days in a row.
Cape Fear - Robert DeNiro is one superpsychotic fucker. End of. But the lightning bolt tats on his abs were smex.
David Spade is teh shit.

Onto my last movie:

A beautiful Mind...or just beautiful mind... doesn't matter.. It's a great movie.
Scream 3: Made me laugh quite a bit.
Inception - I feel utterly mindfucked and I'm concerned about my dreams tonight. However, I did learn that zero gravity turns me on. Zero gravity with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Humph. :/
I just got done watching Four Dragons.

I'm so fucking pissed at it. The fight scenes were ass and short. The so called master fighters got their assed kicked on regular bases. Then one of the main characters betrayed his brothers over dumb shit and killed one of my fav people, then got his ass kicked by one of his brothers (which was funny.) And above all the story was so incomplete. I can deal with bad fighting, shitty voice over and bunch more... but I can't stand an unfinished story.
The Sorcerer's Apprentice

It was fun. xD Not really a romance or anything like that, but most certainly comedic with a few touches of hearts and gushiness. The sheer stupidity and predictability of some of the quotes and the sappiness made it cheesy. Definitely a kids' movie, and definitely fun to watch. xD It might be one of those movies you watch once and just remember fondly though. xD
Talk to Her - This fuckridic Spanish movie. I'll go ahead and spoil one part for you: This guy is talking about a silent film where the scientist girlfriend creates this substance that shrinks her boyfriend. He runs away and once they're reunited he's the size of Thumbelina pretty much. Long story short, they show the mini-guy climbing inside his girl's snatch. Nofuckinglie.
Played a Princess Bride drinking game last night followed by half watching Mulan. Now: Reversal of Fortune

Well acted, but they go for dry and just end up with bland interspersed with uncreative swearing. It's essentially about this forty year-old misanthrope who tries to hook up with a 26 year old.
The last movie(s) I saw were the A-Team ((LOVED That movie! <3)) And Twilight Saga: New Moon ((Cool movie as well)) ^_^
Resident Evil: Degeneration

I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Leon & Claire are my two favorite characters from the series and it was nice to see a movie based on the game canon rather than the live action movies - they're not awful, but they really butchered any ties to the source material. If Resident Evil 4 wasn't enough badass Leon for you this movie does a nice job of highlighting him, and what was done with Claire's character was an interesting, and good shift. Overall it wasn't a solid masterpiece of a standalone movie, but it was really good and should please anyone who enjoyed the games.

The A-Team

I liked this one. A lot. Hannibal and Murdock were awesome. Some of the scenes, like when it 'all comes together' at the end of the intro, and the tank scene later on, reminded me of some of the crazy action scenes I've written before. Those were just some awesome moments. The only complaint I have is how too much of the time they rely on not being shot. I've used a gun before. Moving targets really aren't that difficult to hit, especially not if you're forty feet away with an automatic in your hands. But I realize it was a popcorn flick, so I shrugged that off and enjoyed a really entertaining movie.


I've yet to see Mark Wahlberg do wrong. He's an ex-marine sniper that gets brought in to do one more job, off the books, several years after he's retired. The major plot twist was seen coming well in advance but that didn't stop it from being very exciting from start to finish. The action was excellent, and constant. I'd definitely recommend.
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