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Last Movie You Saw...

The Other Guys. 8/10

Great stuff. And I'm not usually a fan of Ferrell, but in this, his personality really suited the character. Wahlberg was a perfect counter point, which is something I never would have thought of.

The way they handled Dwayne Johnson and Samuel L. Jackson's characters were probably done in the ONLY way they were able to without over shadowing Ferrell and Wahlberg. Annoying, but necessary.
I brought my kids to see Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs the other day at one of our local movie theaters (they air kiddie flicks at ridiculously cheap prices during the summer months here). It was cute, my son loved it. Hell, even my daughter loved it! lol!!! For a kiddie flick, I found it decently entertaining. I'd give it a 7/10.
Stranger than Fiction <3

Note this is probably top five favorite movies of all time. >>; Actually now that I think about it a lot of my favorite movies have something to do with books. Except for (#3)The Crow. And (#5)V for Vendetta. But that technically has twisted politics in it~ (The other two are at #1 - Dead Poet's Society and #2 The Princess Bride)
Planet Terror..... i give it 2 out of 10, only cause i thought it was the funny that the cars and old barrels suddenly explode, without any reason at all. This movie really sucks though, it's random, ridicilouse, no story at all... and come on? a stripper which goes from having a leg, to a wooden leg, to a machine gun and then finally a freaking minigun?
I kind of thought this movie would be fun to watch, but it's sadly mostly dissapointing
reduction said:
Planet Terror..... i give it 2 out of 10, only cause i thought it was the funny that the cars and old barrels suddenly explode, without any reason at all. This movie really sucks though, it's random, ridicilouse, no story at all... and come on? a stripper which goes from having a leg, to a wooden leg, to a machine gun and then finally a freaking minigun?
I kind of thought this movie would be fun to watch, but it's sadly mostly dissapointing

Really???????? Only a 2????????? *lower lip quivers, sobs, runs away*

I honestly liked the movie. It's meant to be similar to a B-rated horror flick. So, it's supposed to be outlandish like that and not meant to be taken seriously. It's why everything in it is done to the extreme. Did you just see it by itself? Or did you get to see it as it was meant to be seen.... as 'Grindhouse'?
Harriet and I are on our way to see Scott Pilgrim vs The World, then after dinner The Expendables. Updates as they become available!
darkangel76 said:
reduction said:
Planet Terror..... i give it 2 out of 10, only cause i thought it was the funny that the cars and old barrels suddenly explode, without any reason at all. This movie really sucks though, it's random, ridicilouse, no story at all... and come on? a stripper which goes from having a leg, to a wooden leg, to a machine gun and then finally a freaking minigun?
I kind of thought this movie would be fun to watch, but it's sadly mostly dissapointing

Really???????? Only a 2????????? *lower lip quivers, sobs, runs away*

I honestly liked the movie. It's meant to be similar to a B-rated horror flick. So, it's supposed to be outlandish like that and not meant to be taken seriously. It's why everything in it is done to the extreme. Did you just see it by itself? Or did you get to see it as it was meant to be seen.... as 'Grindhouse'?

aie i'm sorry DA >: -huggles her tight to make it all better-
and i saw it by my self, i guess it make a big diffrence?
reduction said:
darkangel76 said:
reduction said:
Planet Terror..... i give it 2 out of 10, only cause i thought it was the funny that the cars and old barrels suddenly explode, without any reason at all. This movie really sucks though, it's random, ridicilouse, no story at all... and come on? a stripper which goes from having a leg, to a wooden leg, to a machine gun and then finally a freaking minigun?
I kind of thought this movie would be fun to watch, but it's sadly mostly dissapointing

Really???????? Only a 2????????? *lower lip quivers, sobs, runs away*

I honestly liked the movie. It's meant to be similar to a B-rated horror flick. So, it's supposed to be outlandish like that and not meant to be taken seriously. It's why everything in it is done to the extreme. Did you just see it by itself? Or did you get to see it as it was meant to be seen.... as 'Grindhouse'?

aie i'm sorry DA >: -huggles her tight to make it all better-
and i saw it by my self, i guess it make a big diffrence?

*hugs Red, smiles*
Oh... you're entitled to your opinion. Not everyone likes that sort of movie. :)
But, it very well could. I honestly think it's best if you see it as 'Grindhouse'. Meaning, you see it with the previews, commercials and 'Death Proof'. That was how it aired in the movie theaters and it was quite the experience. But.... I also do like outlandish horror like that. But only when it's clear, like in this case, that it's meant to be like that, not taken seriously. Trust me, some over-the-top horror isn't meant to be taken lightly where the writers truly meant for it to be taken seriously. Such flick like that irk me.
Goodbye Lenin: so good. It's a German film that's gotten thirteen or fourteen awards. Absolutely hilarious. It's about a guy who's mother goes into a coma shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall and when she comes out of the coma he goes to some fairly extreme lengths to preserve the illusion of East Germany.

EDIT: 10/10
I just watched Law Abiding Citizen. Holy crap. The movie was powerful. That;s the best word for it. It brings to life a new meaning of the idea "What is a man capable of when he's lost everything?". More of a suspense movie than an action flick, this one had me on the edge of my seat for the entirety.

Granted some scenes skeeved me right the hell out, but I got over it :3

Scott Pilgrim vs The World; Around a... 7/10? It was a little hard to get into the movie, because they weren't going with anything basic. It was either people exploding into Canadian money, or people having weird stalker dreams.

The Expendables; Holy motherfuc- There was soooo many body parts! I'm in awe. I don't even have a rating.
H a r r i e t said:
The Expendables; Holy motherfuc- There was soooo many body parts! I'm in awe. I don't even have a rating.

I had to tell her to close her mouth one time during a fight scene because she was sort of slack jawed.

My only complaint about The Expendables was there were so many awesome actors that it was hard to give them each the amount of screen time they deserved.
I saw James Cameron's Avatar

Eh, it was alright I guess. The ending was pretty awesome but everything else was sorta meh.
Pulp Fiction.

My boyfriend made me watch it,
but I was enjoying the movie by the end of it.
He's in freaking LOVE with that movie though,
always quoting it.
I can sorta see why though. P:
Broomhandle45 said:
I saw James Cameron's Avatar

Eh, it was alright I guess. The ending was pretty awesome but everything else was sorta meh.

That's because you didn't see it in 333333333333333-DDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Men who stare at goats.

It was a very dry, black comedy and I only laughed a few times, but it kept me amused through the entire story. I recommend it for anyone that likes comedies that don't beat you over the head.
Pulp Fiction is awesomeness, Bird!!! Great taste!!! Did you see it when it was on TV the other day????
I did, lolol... and.... it inspired me to watch (or really re-watch)....

Reservoir Dogs <---- fucking kick ass movie!!!!!!!!
Scott Pilgrim vs the World - I give it a solid 9/10. I loved it. The only problem was the massive pain I had in my eyes afterwards. >_<

The Expendables - Epic action, but it was what I expected it to be. Silvester Stallone wrote it after all~ I give it a shrug. I've seen better, but I've definately seen worse.

- It did however make my favorite quote ever(From a movie anywho). "What's his problem?" " He wants to be President. "

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